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Post about DRPGs right now

>New DRPGs


>My Recommendation
Dungeon of Erotic Master Plus, an H dungeon crawler that is on the short side. Not amazing but was enjoyable enough for 10 or so hours of playtime.
Go back to your gacha thread.
>starting your general with a incredibly barebones hrpg
sad state
>dt2 and 2-2 .exes both have 27 and 37 hits on virustotal
What? What is going on?
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>I wish for a new Wizardry game with Japanese Grimdark Aesthetic!
>It's Gachashit

Is there any way to mod Proving Grounds to make it similar to the PS2 Wizardry games yet?
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>no other series will ever top DT's perfect mix of frustrating autism and comfy retardation
how do i cope with this
There's that new Tokyo Clanpool game coming out soonish, once again not on Steam for some occult reasons, but it looks a bit too barebones for my tastes

I think it's Johren's insanely dumb DRM
I had actually bought 2-2 off it some time ago but eventually had to pirate it since my AV kept deleting the .exe
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>Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk
worth it?
>I had actually bought 2-2 off it some time ago but eventually had to pirate it since my AV kept deleting the .exe
I read the exact same thing on nyaa. How weird.
Playing DT2, learned yesterday that you cannot stack Delibitating Salsa.

Does anyone have advice for dealing with Echidna, outside of crowning?
bro this is pathetic
Welcome to buying games that aren't on Steam/GOG
The game's old enough anyway so the only sensible option is to pirate it

I always assumed that applying the same type of buff/debuff simply refreshed the duration, no way this kinda game lets you stack stats like that (Magical Princess my beloved)
Looks like all dances can't be stacked, but my idea was to stack Salsa since its guaranteed damage. 3800 DEF is a bitch to cut through, even with a Witch + MP
Are we playing Tokyo Clanpool?
It's alright
>Does anyone have advice for dealing with Echidna, outside of crowning?
Been a year since I've done DT2 so it might not work as much as I remember.

Enchantress -> Magical Princess should have Fire Enchant for your Joker for maximum damage. Alternatively, Enchantress -> Sage is also a good option for Dispel in exchange for a chance based dispel and less DPS.

Joker should go for Danger Shoot instead of Mad Zapper. Enchant her with Fire Enchant for increased damage then use Berserk from Therian Seal + Trump Card. Go get Slaughtering Daeva for her if you still don't have it.

Etoile should go Samba + Hopak when you can hit the boss, Waltz if the boss goes RES100. Use Salsa only if you want to go defensive like when the boss is in RES100.
unironically sufferslop done right
play galleria too
Should have stopped typing after sufferslop.
>on GOG
>but not on steam
fucking amerimutts
I'll buy it to support it
you really should have sworn off steam after chaos head, i warned all of you it would only get worse from there on, nobody believed me
expect a rocky year too because goylems are going to be extra pissy against japan due to orange voldemort
Wizardry Daphne is giving out compensation for the fucked up start in about 8 hours, if you had any interest in the game, might be a good opportunity to download it and grab the free shit.
Does it have jap audio that works with english interface yet?
who the fuck cares
>after chaos;head
It did end up coming out on steam too tho?
yes but who the fuck is going to trust steam after that?
Everyone. People who give a fuck are maybe 1%.
I feel like there's too much overlap between the people that "care" and the people that pirate all their VNs anyway.
I got it on GOG because it was cheaper in my region tho.
Lmao even.
What are you even trying to imply? I guarantee you that it sold 100x or more on Steam that on GOG.
Just look at the number of reviews, it has like 1k on steam vs 3 (three) on GOG.
I can't figure out how to make Kaguya work in MS2. Maybe I should just replace her. I thought going Speed Gunner into Sniper and focusing on normal attacks (for random encounters at least) with turnaround might be good, but evidently it's not.
Does Pokemon Mystery dungeon count as a real dungeon crawler and if not what's missing that could improve it?
Different genre, it's a traditional roguelike, not a DRPG/blobber. No fault on you getting confused, these are both the worse genre names around.
It's not that it isn't a "real dungeon crawler" (obviously casualized for the Pokemon audience but still follows the footsteps of Rogue, Nethack, and the other Mystery Dungeon titles), it just that it plays nothing like stuff like Wizardry, Etrian Odyssey, Labyrinth of Refrain, etc.
I played galleria and I didn't like the endgame much where it felt like grinding was necessary and big number > strategy
I'm looking for a blobber with a lot of classes and abilities that feel like you're rewarded for commiting to exotic combinations, and if possible none of that prestige bullshit N1 loves to shoehorn in their games
is dungeon travelers 2 better in that regard or what game would you recommend me ?
I can't speak for the other games mentioned, but Dungeon Travelers 2 is quite good
>check when I downloaded the ROM
>December 21st 2023
Jesus christ I've been playing it consistently for a year now.
>Dungeon of Erotic Master Plus
it kinda takes away some fun when every attack ends in sex
A lot of eroge with gameplay struggle to get the cadence of text scenes , h-scenes, and gameplay right.
Do I just split my Valk character into investing into cover/defender/mag party guard/mag phys guard for DT2?
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You'll max them out eventually but yeah all of those skills are great. Daedalus Attack too.
Fellas, how do I subclass in EO4? All my active party members are level 43ish but I can't figure out how to subclass them. What's the best combination of classes for
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Subclasses for my last EOIV playthrough were as follows:
Landsknecht > Bushi
Fortress > Dancer
Dancer > Nightseeker
Sniper > Arcanist
Runemaster > Medic

I'll spare you the details but you'll want to prioritize subclasses with skills/passives that make the main class stronger (see landshark, sniper) or provide extra utility and allows you to fulfill more roles (see Fortress, Runemaster).
just bee urself
the anon above already gave you the most "optimal" combinations
Thanks for the help anon
I've been playing Wizardry The Five Ordeals, which is surprisingly fun, but the last boss of the tutorial scenario is nuts. His single-target attack poisons, petrifies and beheads at the same time, and his breath deals insane damage. What am I supposed to do?
What are the best drpgs I can play on switch right now?
Played them I need something new
Labyrinth of Refrain? It has a sequel as well
you play rpgs for the story not the gameplay. what are some dungeon crawlers I can enjoy without enjoy the tile based dungeon crawling?
The Lost Child
Kowloon High School Chronicles
>you play rpgs for the story not the gameplay

Wrong, you play them for the atmosphere and the grid crawling is part of the atmosphere.
Sega AGES Phantasy Star
>Kowloon highschool Chronicles
Holy shit this looks so cool if I played this as a teenager it would probably be part of my personality
>no dungeon crawler has matched Wizardry Tales of the Forsaken Land since it came out

How can you all stand all of these lesser products?
you haven't even played busin 0 you angokike
Shit was bussin fr fr no cap
Tried out Fire Enchanting my Joker + Fire Enchant + Trump Card + Hopak + Samba. Don't have access to Therian Seal

Somehow Joker Danger Shoot is still only hitting 3 damage, with Slaughtering Daeva. I'm at a loss, does Fire Enchanted attacks still count as Physical Damage?
I'm really enjoying the game but spamming team attacks or whatever feels lame and not wizardry.
What about EO3's subclasses? I've got
and the team worked pretty well up until 3rd stratum, but I don't know where to go from here. I'm thinking about making either Hoplite or Zodiac a Ninja to either line guard or dark zodiac both rows, and making the Arbalest take Gladiator for extra damage seems like an obvious pick, but that's about it.
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>Don't have access to Therian Seal
Go get it now, you need to complete a set of events from Souffle to get them, ending at the Abyssal Darkness. A free Berserk for anyone is one of the broken stuffs in DT2. Its even better than High Risk High Reward.Gamefaqs should have a guide for this.

>Somehow Joker Danger Shoot is still only hitting 3 damage, with Slaughtering Daeva. I'm at a loss, does Fire Enchanted attacks still count as Physical Damage?
It should be still Physical Damage. Are you at max level already? I assume so since you got Slaughtering Daeva already. You need to push as many ATK to your Joker as possible, and your Etoile needs to work hard reducing the god's defense and resistance to maximize the damage.
If you still can't defeat the Ice Cave god boss and want to, going for a defensive slugfest with Salsa is an option too but expect the battle to last long, you might as well bring 2 Etoiles with you just to speed it up for a bit.
As for the pic, subtract 50 points to its whole stat to see how much her stat is uncrowned, and a high grade customized armor is always a good alternative.
I appreciate the advice. I'm pleased to say that swapping my Joker for a Witch worked out, and Echidna is dead.
I forgot that Witch is also an option since she got non-elemental spells that can bypass the boss' RES100. Its just that Witch in post game falls really hard that theres no reason to use them at all. Irina was built to be one but the moment you get her, she falls off hard unless you made her into a Magical Princess or let her stay as a Sage.

Gear Castle god boss will definitely push your shit the hardest, and make sure you got that Therian Seal and Leaf before fighting her there. Go make a Mistress before fighting her since you need one.
Are there no good maps for DT2 and 2-2 other than that jp wiki?
Please help I'm trying to find the name of a turn based (? It looks like it was one I only saw 1 picture like a month ago) JRPG where the aesthetic of the battle UI was brown/wood grain texture. I think there were 3 or 4 anime girl party members, an HP and MP bar. Artstyle was super cutesy anime waifu style, I believe the battle layout were all artwork sprites instead of models. Pls help me figure out the game it's been stuck in my head for a month now. It might be a non DRPG I can't remember
As opposed to spamming regular attacks?
When do you ever just spam regular attacks in wizardry?
For the majority of encounters.
Longshot guess but it's not this indie game is it? Not a DRPG though.

Yes unironically. Feels more wizardry than stopping two thirds of my front row from taking damage by throwing a one damage knife.
Jesus christ, the Therian Seal almost feels like cheating. Guilty Reqium went down pretty smoothly
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Is it worth playing?
the later level enemies can do that too so it gets balanced out. they will magic cancel and block non combo attacks and break your combos with stuns etc.

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