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Any other RPGs with branching paths like Langrisser and Tactics Ogre?
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Vanguard Bandits
Growlanser 2 and 4.
Witcher 2
Front mission 3
Phantasy Star 3 has branching paths but its fucking horrible so dont play it.
Ragnarok Tactics
Route split is after tutorial, 3 routes (1 per faction) + evil route (unlocked when you accumulate enough bad boy points across multiple playthroughs)
Looks ugly, but has decent ratings, worth a play?
Are the paths worth replaying? Finishing chaos soon.

I only played to and the fft series, are there similar games? Fe and langrisser aren't what I'm looking for. TO seems the best game in the genre by far.
Speaking of growlanser, I don't know if its the same series (same artist anyway) but Langrisser 2 (I think it's 2) had fairly extensive branching paths, and it's one of the few jrpg/tactics games that I played where you can go full evil.
Tho of course the non-evil routes are more developed.
There's also some form of romance but I don't remember if you can choose your wife or not.
>Vanguard Bandits
>Vanguard Bandits is a support-centric strategy RPG featuring tactical combat
What is a "support-centric" strategy rpg?
Why this game is called tactics ogre? Its has no ogres and very little tactics.
Tactics is a common name for 'strategy' games, a subgenres for rpg for some.
Ogre is a term for cannibal, someone 'eating' his own people for power.
Any sort of small scale conflict has tactics. Even two guys standing on the same spot hitting each other has tactics.
Unlike "strategy" which requires actual scale, even something as simple as "hit him in the balls" is a tactic.
Tactic balls
how did you guess the name of my CBT themed tactics rpg that I will make as soon as I learn RPG maker
Law path is fairly different than Chaos and is definitely worth a play. Neutral is funny because everyone hates you, but it's really only worth going through once.
Law has the most difficult battles, hasn't it? This time I'll try to kill the target last, should be easy with an op team, despite level scaling.
Honestly TO is so easily broken if you aren't playing a modded version that I can't remember anything being particularly difficult. But that could very well just be the meta knowledge at work.
Xaebos is strong af. Like (almost) any rpg you can ofc make it easy af, but I like playing themed groups and during the fight with xaebos we were a enchantress and cleric group. Iirc I charmed 8 people or so.
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The term Ogre in this context refers to the Japanese concept of a mighty demon rather than a brutish giant common to European fantasy. A war between heaven and hell is an important part of the lore, and is the titular Ogre Battle.
Saar do not redeem
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E.V.O.: The Theory of Evolution kinda sorta.
Well, not a wrong answer, is it?
E.V.O. The search for Eden more like it
This game is very shallow, i don't get the praise it gets by some boomers.
>What is a "support-centric" strategy rpg?
Iunno. You can chat up your party between missions and it has some big pay off depending on the route. But I don't think it's anything that complex.
This game is so goofy
the same reason the remake is called let us cling together. the creators like naming their games after queen songs for some reason. tactics ogre is named after the song ogre battle, which is also the name of the first game in the series. i am not joking.
>t. only watched Reborn demake
LUCT with anti-grinding and individual XP gain cheats is the TRVE tactics experience
If anything, reborn is anti grind, as you reach max level with one to two battles. Forcing training to beat story battles is idiotic though.
Reached chapter 4 and still wear lame defenders ring + 1, is this a joke?
I missed like every recruitable character on my playthrough. How to use world tarot? I beat the game and teleport to a certain point, say chapter 2 to pick the right convo option for raveness. Can I then teleport to chapter 3 to make the correct decision for getting raveness or do I have to play all the way from the anchor point in ch2 until there's another conversation to have to be able to recruit her?
In short: does teleporting save the decisions made or not?
there are ogres in it, but shown sparingly to symbolize humanity as being the real monsters
They are orcs, aren't they? Pretty op, if you ask me.
One of the biggest mistakes this game/remaster has made is to lock classes behind business cards that usually can't be bought.
E.V.O. The 4.6 Billion Year journey more like it.
Is it possible to clear the first 24 levels of potd with union level 36? How do shortcuts work in potd?
>In short: does teleporting save the decisions made or not?
No. Make sure to play until you hit the next anchor point to save any changes you made. It may be a quite annoying but you need to check your Warren Report religiously if you want to see the changes you made.
This gets especially important later in CODA when one of the CODA requirements is to reach the deepest floor of Palace of the Dead and killing Nybeth there.
I remember that I already opted out 100% the WORLD timelines since 1 node requirement there is to kill Catiua on a specific time frame and that will dirty my records, also collecting the Cursed Weapons with sacrificed units on it seems to be another entry on the weapons category and the autism it involves is too much for me anyway so no 100% weapons as well.

Well yeah but you probably need to feed Denam with stats and give him summon magic.
I hate that when you do PotD for the first time, you got a Lv.50 max union level limit while if you do it on subsequent play, it got reduced to Lv.40 max union level. Not that it matters if you have a 500+ stat Denam that can solo the whole thing since I don't want to bother with Reputation stats of other units later.
>How do shortcuts work in potd?
Is this about skipping floors? You need a specific item for that. If you have a Palace Guidebook I, II or III, the game will ask you if you want to use it to skip 25 floors.
Level 50, how? Scaling the party down is extremely ugly, and I can't think of anything more stupid than this, really. All edge, no point.

I m rerunning the shrines rn, just started with the first one.
Is wizard obsolete? He can't equip the Apocrypha. Only shamans? Shame, love my generics.
>skip floors
Specific item, got it. Guess it's a random drop.

When I rerun the shrines, and beat the heim, and eventually the game, I have to teleport back to ch2 and do the things necessary to get ravenous. When I teleport back to chapter 4, are the shrines still done? Are the shrines even of importance after having the class marks for shaman?

If I go to chapter 2 after beating the game, do a few anchor points, can I go back to chapter 4 and do coda 1-4? No idea what I need for coda anyway, the way I see it, catiua and vyce are sufficient, and maybe the law ending.
>Level 50, how? Scaling the party down is extremely ugly, and I can't think of anything more stupid than this, really. All edge, no point.
Once you beat the game, battles will be automatically scale your level based on the chapter and the battle you will fight.
>Is wizard obsolete? He can't equip the Apocrypha. Only shamans? Shame, love my generics.
Wizards gets obsolete with summon magic. Its a multi-hit magic after all. I don't use Apocrypha but I think Liches can equip the dark one.

>When I rerun the shrines, and beat the heim, and eventually the game, I have to teleport back to ch2 and do the things necessary to get ravenous. When I teleport back to chapter 4, are the shrines still done? Are the shrines even of importance after having the class marks for shaman?
The state of chapter 4 in this case is based on your previous route then. Until you hit the anchor point of that part, it will be in the state where you left it. You need to keep playing Law if you want to save the changes you made.
>If I go to chapter 2 after beating the game, do a few anchor points, can I go back to chapter 4 and do coda 1-4? No idea what I need for coda anyway, the way I see it, catiua and vyce are sufficient, and maybe the law ending.
Based on the requirement for each CODA episode.
Its important to finish CODA 1 with PotD completed and Nybeth dead so you can do CODA 2. Complete CODA 2 so you can have another anchor point for CODA 3 easily. This should allow you to do CODA 4 if you have Catiua and Vyce in your party later in case you finish the game in Chaos. Just make sure not to overwrite the anchor point for CODA 2 since it has your finished PotD run with killed Nybeth. If you did then you might need to finish Chapter 4 again with a completed PotD run and finish CODA 1 again.
Its been a while though so I don't know if everthing on this is correct. I dropped it after completing San Brosa, PotD with killed Blackmoor but before Law route.
That's why it gets down to 40
No way to turn it off? Idiotic.
Shame, have 2 enchantress es in my team, no idea what to do with them. Aren't there spells they can use after heim?
I just have to get the story event and then I a have to farm the ring, right?
>anchor point
Understood, not the worst design decision.
>coda 2
So I have to beat potd after heim to find nybeth? Idiotic.
>dropped in the middle
Why? After potd San brosa can't be that bad.

If we ever get a game like to, I hope it has less grind. 100 green floors is just ridiculous.
Other than that I do feel that end game pigeonhole you into shaman or mage knight.

>dark priest
Is it any good?
>So I have to beat potd after heim to find nybeth? Idiotic.
Before Heim. Best you do it before you finish the game.
>Shame, have 2 enchantress es in my team, no idea what to do with them. Aren't there spells they can use after heim?
Change them into Rune Fencers? They can equip summon magic but not holy or dark summon magic. The INT growth they got will certainly help.
>I just have to get the story event and then I a have to farm the ring, right?
Or you can just Recruit them. Take care not to die though.
>Why? After potd San brosa can't be that bad.
Burnt out. Also CODA 4 apparently has stat scaling boss battle so a 500+ stat Denam might get rekt against the whole Lancelot gang battle.

>dark priest
Is it any good?
Not really, Princess is the best one for Catiua.
Before heim? That's like 36. There's a anchor point before heim, isn't there?
Rune fencer are op, lol.
Want lich denam and 6 shaman ladies harem
>stat scaling
I knew it's a thing, some units are just to strong suddenly, while others are a push over. You are constantly underleveled in that game and it sucks.
>dark priest
That's what I'm saying, you are pidgeonholed into lord and princess and it doesn't even matter how strong you get, as stat scaling ruins the game.
>Want lich denam and 6 shaman ladies harem
You can only have 4 shamans though.
>Before heim? That's like 36. There's a anchor point before heim, isn't there?
There is but its highly recommended you finish it before Heim so you can make a few anchor points with finished PotD with Nybeth dead. This so you can skip 75 floors on PotD once you do CODA 2, if you have the Palace Guidebooks.
What? Why? He has 6 daughters, doesn't he? Isn't deneb wicce and shaman?
>before heim
I get the double anchor points, but I doubt potd at 36 without summon and dragon magic is even possible.

The way you describe it, even with relics and uniques and plenty of charms the game is still difficult until the very end.
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>What? Why? He has 6 daughters, doesn't he? Isn't deneb wicce and shaman?
Oh yeah, I forgot Deneb. I always put her as a Wicce anyway and Iuria as Songstress. The sisters are enough as a Shaman anyway.

>I get the double anchor points, but I doubt potd at 36 without summon and dragon magic is even possible.
Not like you can do it right away. First thing you should do is to aim for the shop to buy Summon I anyway. For me, I finish the game first, finish CODA 1 and try my hand at San Brosa. Whatever stat charm I had on Denam, I use it on him since I decided to solo the whole damn thing since I don't want to deal with Loyalty stats of others anymore.
Langrisser had weird graphics for the remake. Unit graphics looked like fire emblem heroes. The character art ranged from mid to ass and if you used the old graphics some characters didnt have old graphics so they'd use new art and it didn't mesh well or if it was a new scene it would just be empty. Also if you used old graphics the map would change to the old graphics but the units still had the chibi mobile game look.
Holy, and still not enough for coda 4. I need to beat heim to get access to level 40 and therefore to get the shops list the new spells. Then I'll do it as you suggested. When I teleport to heim from coda 1 I can finish potd to kill nybeth. So after beating heim a 2nd time, I'll have the shrines and potd finished, right? Very idiotic, games shouldn't have such convoluted paths.
Isn't max weapon level 50? I tried the bearings that increase weapon level. At least for bombs they are op, I do feel they raise damage, despite not showing in the stat screen.

Further testing of defense and affinity showed me, that element defense is always subpar to mdef value. Which I find baffling, as knights ought to have magic as weakness, but they have effectively the highest mdef.
i cant play it because of those unit sprites, they're genuinely disgusting
Front Mission 3 begins with a mission that ends with a question for which the answer seemed obvious, I guess, to 99% of players.

"Should we pursue the enemy?"

I always like to test boundaries in these situations as a way of seeing how the game deals with a player who refuses to follow the script.

I chose "no."

The game continued, as I expected. I assumed my choice was meaningless and that I got lucky choosing the "right" answer. In other words, I assumed that in this game, choosing "pursue" would have your team say something like, "Now's not the time - let's turn back to base."

What I didn't know is that the above question was a complete path split. Your choice gives you an entirely different story, missions, and cast of characters.

I didn't know this until I - halfway through the game - looked something up only to find people were talking about what seemed to be an entirely different game.
That is indeed rare. Shame such splits get neglected. I'd like more games going that route.
Would the game be better, if units could actually die during combat, not after that counter expires?
Alright, here's my plan. I'll reran the shrines, got literally nothing. Will beat heim, get the spells in potd, and then beat the game, warp back before heim and do all of potd, beat heim again and have two anchor points with potd and shrines beaten. Good?
Is there a possibility to stop the ai from spamming dragon scale when there's only one unit left?
Should i play the steam release or the original? I never played the original but i heard people fuming about what they have changed.
They have a right to fume, no question, but reborn is also full of qol.
If you can live with forced level limits, go for reborn.
What is forced level limits? I mean is problematic?
Certain story segments limit your level progress and the story boss(es) will always be much stronger than you. You can buy items for healing and debuffing, enfeeble and weaken are IMHO important. It's a hassle to apply albeit.
It's a rpg, so don't worry too much about difficulty, you can always find tactics that let you be strong enough to overcome any enemy. Personally I'm seeing myself investing 500h into the game, a thing I never did before.
So is basically an anti farming way to avoid bruteforcing bosses? Seems fun to me honestly, there is no such as "tactics" if you can just outlevel everything and stomp. Or am i wrong?
No, you are forced to think, it's true. Just make your protag the first 10 or so levels, maybe 15 a warrior and don't use more than two casters simultaneously. Personally I skipped clerics, but that's a matter of taste, really.
Ok thanks for the explaination at this point if this is the only issue ill take the steam release i really don't like mindless grinding.
Yeah they're pretty bad
If you want to get the whole experience, it gets grindy af. Story only is barely any grind. The occasional training battle to get to max level fast, won't take longer than 20 minutes.

Keep us posted, I'm almost at the end.
Honestly, your best bet here is to consult a guide. The drops of stuffs you're looking for are within a specific enemy on a specific battle when it comes to PotD and Shrines. You have to plan ahead for how much time sink PotD is, and it will drain your desire to play.
Thanks, that a thorough source. Yeah, just beat heim and spent almost 200k on the latest piece of armor. Guess I'll need to get money again to buy healing items to survive 25 battles until the shop spawns.
Vanguard Bandits
beat me to it
similar thing hit me when I was playing TO and get faced with a choice to do a duke order or not
expected it to be one choice only but decided to reload and check it and my mind was blown when the choice actually matter
and later playing FM3 I had similar moment like you described
game would be be better with no grind or levels and with roguelite system
you play game but gain meta knowledge and maybe some bonus resources - then you lose and start a new with knowledge that unlock more dialog options and choices, extra battles, grant extra recruits and resources
the guys that are fuming are either zoomers who complain that game is too hard and they can outgrind challenge or psp one vision mod cultists who complain that its not one vision mod on psp version
Reborn have its problems but most people don't even know about them and complain about some BS
OG is completely different, if Reborn have any faults is that they still kept most of PSP bloat and didn't cut it more to OG version and lack of quality control
but it has dubbing which is nice
clerics are useful undead fight
>If you want to get the whole experience, it gets grindy af.
its still less grindy than PSP version
No levels? How to progress? Gear alone?
Isn't rogue like arpg like diablo 2?
How to unlock dialogue choices and extras like the one you mention? By beating certain enemies?
Skill issue, kill all within the short time frame.
Ture that, but to is extremely grindy at the end, one dungeon having 100 levels or more ought to suffice as proof.
Though the choice that splits the storyline is so small you probably won't realize it was a major decision lol.
I'd say so. Law is my favorite route, and it's definitely a different vibe than Chaos where you are jus the underdog hero the whole time.
Neutral seems to be the worst out of the three. I forgot the story of fft, but rn I'd wager to has a better story incl storytelling.

While I love Jo systems, they seem limited, as there's little to no customising a unit/job. How to tackle this? Branching job paths are basically different jobs.
The path split is actually when Ryogo asks you if you wanna come do a drop off with him.

If you say no, Kazuki has time to check his email, where he sees an email that his sister is in town working on the military base. So when the explosion happens later on when he and Ryogo are dropping off the new wanzers, he doesn't leave and manages to find his sister on base.

If you choose to go with Ryogo for his drop off, Kazuki doesn't have time to check his emails, so he doesn't find out that his sister is on site until after he's already been escorted out. So he teams up with Emma to get back into the base to find Alicia.
If you are playing Reborn, it isn't as customization heavy as, say, FFT. Classes are more like roles that you switch between. You aren't generally making walking murder machines out of everyone. Knights support allies while tanking and blocking enemy movement. Archers kill squishier enemies at a distance. Dragoons kill beasts and dragons. Etc Etc.
Aside from some of the special classes particularly Denam's Lord class, you aren't making killers that steamroll everything instantly. At least during standard play.
Indeed, only the unique classes are killers. Missed chance, really. I don't get why the let generics be so underpowered. Really feels rigged.
Fucking bearings are bugged. While playing with max level on gear, you get the bonus, when not at max union level, they don't work at all.

Another thing that grinds my gears is that affinity is in all testings of mine worse than (m)def. Which is honestly a common thing in rpg.
I still don't understand how to do team comp for LuCT. Every guide I read basically says 99% of generics are trap options and only Uniques & Ninjas are viable which makes the game sound fucking stupid.
Haven't played luct, so I reckon ninjas back then we're strong ior otherwise broken. Generics have like 30% less speed and 20% lower stats and bad class options, as uniques have their own class(es).

I have a generic team and a unique team. The latter is for late game content, that gets extremely difficult, it pigeonhole you into certain builds, unfortunately.
Has anyone opened the reborn code? Feels like enemies cure every ailment after two turns latest, but the other way around can last forever.
Me again, a poisoned dragon with dragon scale gets double damage, as he inflicted damage on himself, kek.
Because the game isn't balanced around "killer" characters. It's based around using your entire team to clear the map.
I was very excited about this game until I randomly read about the level cap. Now it just sits on my shelf. To bad because the art looks great. But I absolutely hate level caps half the fun of a grid based tactics game is powering up your units.
This isn't really a game about powering up your units, it's designed to be more like a puzzle where you select the right loadout of classes and skills for each map. It's not until endgame where you can start to think about really powering up your team beyond just "standard" level. Personally, I liked the level cap, meant you couldn't just overlevel any given fight. You had to beat it "legitimately".
Der Langrisser was the one with the branching paths. Its basically all of Langrisser 2 but with a path to follow the Imperials Evil guys or go full rogue fuck everyone and kill all sides route. Its fucking great even if the other paths are shorter than the main light path yet its still like over double the game 2 was originally

Fuck I love that game people dont talk about it enough anywhere
It's only for a couple of fights, chill. On the pro side, you level up fast. Sometimes you get three levels in 2 fights. It's true though that the algo cheats af. Like offering you a power up in the battlefield to skip your turn aso.

All true, but the power difference is ridiculous. Sometimes the target has 50% better stats. Some images have higher def than your tanks.
Is the original better? The ramester looks like mobile slop.
Are you talking about some mobile trash version that came out? Because I dunno about that one I meant Der Langrisser on the Super Famicom/SNES. I played the holy fuck out of that thing back in the day

Langrisser 2 is just the Heroic Light aligned path in Der Langrisser and it has 3 other routes to follow that progressively split off as you go through the game.Not gonna lie and say its 4 times as big since the other paths are shorter and less developed as they go but its still a lot more content. The last path actually gets a good bit of extra stuff taking you off the comically evil path as you turn into Raoh and rule the world for its own good
Don't spoil ffs. I tried the ps4 version and it was atrocious. I'll check out the snes version. Pretty much played 80% of all super famicon games, if not more, so I might try that one out, too.
Different series, but same developers. So, that's why there's a lot of crossover.
This is the actual reason, everyone else is just performing sophistry. They named the OG after a Queen song, and then modified it for the sequel.
Some dude died in potd. When I warp back to the beginning of chapter 4, will he spawn again in potd? he's on level 2.
If you killed him during Act 4 then reloaded to the start of Act 4, he should respawn.
Right. Confusing as fuck. If yline gets the system, it might be better than the usual ng+.
>proud phone faggit
If one gets*
I'm on level 5 in potd. The lore explanation for violent behaviour of undead is excellent. Best one I've heard so far.
Balancing is a bit goofy. Of martials, berserkers are funny wrecking balls two and a half chapters. If it's in range of a Berserker, it's outclassed by the Berserker. Archers squish mages but enough mages alpha strike every archer once you're out of chapter 1 and the tier 2 aoe's break most maps. And every group benefits from a terror knight. 2+ of which completely crunch tankier targets (and bosses) virtually just by existing.

Speaking of breaking, takes a bit to get them but the vast majority of every map from the point that you get them has no ability whatsoever to deal with the undead. And you can still make a juiced super unique ones you reach 4/CODA by body snatching abilities from generation to generation with the ogre blade. Bit tedious. But the only way you're getting a Divine Knight that isn't a brick.

Reborn isn't like PSP or KoL. In those games, party raising is the goal. In Reborn, the goal is "survival".
What you enjoy to do really informs which one you'd enjoy more. For my part, grindy as shit though it may be. I like PSP more. Less effort to make super generics.
Where's Knight of Lodis Remastered.
>Knight of Lodis Remastered
They are to afraid to even dare, despite this being the strategically sound move. Make kol remaster and then make a new entry that is bigger than reborn and kol together. However, square is retarded. They rather burn money.
The AI jobs hard to buff/debuff items and ailments. Gear all your mages with dark access with Concentrate and then troll stuff like dragons to death with poison. Also, once you clear Heim, PoTD starts selling T1 Summons, so shift all your offensive mages to Rune Fencers/Liches/Shamans at that point.
TO PSP/Reborn uses a dumb damage threshold system. Whenever you see your damage falling off a cliff then it means that you arent doing enough base damage, so everything else turns itself off. A properly raised generic can compete with a unique to an extent especially since Cards/Charms exist but RT is such a big deal that they'll always feel a worse outside of the bad uniques.

Reborn has elemental affinity reintroduced from pre PSP variants, however you're always better off using moves/gear that matches your own personal element when dealing damage. Also, using moves of the element that you're weak to has reduced damage iirc.
The exceptions are Instills (use Fire when you're Ice, etc), Starfall (or any move with exorcism on kill) and Finishers (for obvious reasons).
This is why Brand of Sacrifice/Dynast King Mead/Frighten are so damn powerful. Also, casters are glitched in Reborn and should always use 1H Weapon + Off Hand (Dagger/Shield/whatever) or else the casting bonus won't trigger.

The reason why Ninjas/Archers and Rune Fencers (especially post 25) are objectively the best generics in PSP is a result of the game's systems heavily rewarding raising everyone in the same class and damage thresholds being lighter in general. They're still good in RB but the first arent as dominant. Interestingly enough, Archers/Ninjas were still among the best classes in SNES/PSX anyway due to dex/agi being really important stats to the point where you wanted everyone to spend at least 5 to 10 levels in those classes.
Yeah, poison does double damage to dragon scale buffs, very funny.
I arrived at the potd shop, wanted to tackle hanging gardens, but omg, it's gigantic. I think I will get to level 41 and become a lich.
Finishers are much stronger if they have your unit's element. You can do around 1000 damage in your 30s of the enemy is week to the respective element. No cards or debuff included.

Archer is borderline unplayable, glad I didn't raise one. Personally I think ninjas are great in reborn, albeit nerfed to previous versions. Rune fevers are laughingly op post 25.

>casying bonus
Say what? I agve them baldurs shield eavh, for def and int. Might use two books for the witch. I raised a ninja as rune fencer 40 and I feel it's better than the warrior 10/ninja x. Has better int and suddenly ninjutsu is useful.

Are they getting higher stats, too? According to the guides, only affinity and elemental resistance gets buffed.

How often do you have to clear potd to get decent gear for everyone?
theres two mods that remove both the level limits and level syncs respectively on nexus if you want to go that route
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So, what's his next game ?
Yup, this is the true split.

I still never did both paths in the game, and I replayed it and made the same choice, never realizing there was a whole separate path and story.
The thing with archers is that bows and other ranged weapons are more affected by armor def than others due to the nature of their inherited damage formula from PSP. As a result, they have a wildler sense of damage variance than some of the others especially when you start using breach etc. They're still quite competent at dealing with squishies and Tremendous Shot/Eagle Eye + guaranteed silence or whatever offers a lot of utility during Ch3 - Early Chapter 4 which is arguably the hardest section of the game for many people.

They made a big error by not updating stats or revising damage formula for those weapons.
>They made a big error by not updating stats or revising damage formula for those weapons.
Not their only mistake.
Tested the mechanics further. Those earrings aren't only pushing the bomb damage (which is unblockable BTW and hence totally op), but also increasing damage around 15%. 5% damage reduction, too.

Now that I have access to some of the end game gear, I must say that itemization is pretty bad, really. You have no way to individualize units and they are pigeonholed by class selection with very few exceptions. On top of that is the damage formula not working as intended, rendering some choice sheer unusable, like two handed cudgels or cursed books.
Currently at the hanging gardens. Tactics ogre might be the most backloaded game I ever played. The game pretty much starts in the middle of chapter 4. All the gear before potd is basically training gear. The gear starts to feel powerful after heim or potd relics.
Itemization has always been bad.
You're losing damage for no reason if you don't use a preferred weapon unless the power gap is huge. Some weapons also have really bad progression and pacing.
Agility/WT are so important that heavy items are bad and Orbs which have negative wt values are pretty much best in slot for everyone.

Inconsistent weapon progression returns but worse due to level gated everything.
Nothing before Chapter 4's second half (Shrines, PoTD, Phorampha, Pirate Graveyard, Lombardia) actually matters equipment wise unless its an accessory (Rings of X and Denam/Catiua's Necklaces). Older versions used to give you some nice stuff earlier like Fafnir.
Reworked damage formulas with a kooky threshold system with wild performance gaps between weapons to the point that a lot of weapon types were ignored unless you really liked them. Daggers used to be so damn powerful it was absurd.
Individualization doesn't really "exist" in a lot of cases even though it seems like you do due to having 10 skill slots, as 7-8 of them were usually taken up by the same skills for everyone in that class.

Attempted to correct PSP's issues but somehow broke pieces of the damage formula.
PSP's AI was bad but Reborn's method of "fixing it" means that status cleansing is basically a waste of time in most cases since no one casts them anymore unless its a side effect of a finisher. The AI is technically smarter but its not perfect.
Many of the skills from PSP got folded into gear or elemental affinities. Some weapon types have new found relevance now while others got hit. Endgame still devolves into long ranged attacks/spell spam like the other versions but Melees feeling good is a huge step up.
Affinity bonus is so bloody strong that there's no reason to use damaging off element spells outside of a few. Yes, this includes hitting into something that resists you.
Also as a bonus
>One Vision
It actually does a pretty good job at improving itemization but can be a massive clusterfuck due to so many things carrying side effect. This can be a pain in the ass during the early game, especially since for whatever reason, he decided to give Archers and similar units a basic melee move that can inflict melee accuracy down.
This ends up causing the early game to literally be, stack as many sources of accuracy up as humanly possible so you don't feel like killing yourself because you spent the last 15 minutes trying to hit one guy.
This is less OV's fault and more of a PSP and on quirk but its relevant here, but hit rates actually have a floor that they can't fall below, so evasion stacking is actually a meme (the accessories are still good since they boost hit rates)
>Affinity bonus is so bloody strong that there's no reason to use damaging off element spells outside of a few. Yes, this includes hitting into something that resists you.
Wdym? It does do much, does it? The only thing matters is the attacking unit having the stronger element than the attacked unit. Anything else is subpar. Ofc its better if units element align with weapons and finisher. The affinity system makes it so, that casters are tied to their element and dark.

I really like to, but it's inrecdibly janky st times. Being the rehashed version of a rehash obviously doesn't help. Shame no one makes a decent tactics game. Triangle is game of thrones for children and mercaneries is the budget version of... A budget version. Anyway, the three phonixes are fucking impossible to beat. It's The 12th try already. Never had such a hard time in this game.
Doesn't *
>Lightning Wizard vs Earth Warrior
Everything from the Wizard deals 90% of their original output against the Warrior. Including Wind elemental moves.
However, using a spell/finisher that has lightning element increases your output by 40%.
As a result, you're still doing like 1.26x damage compared to trying to win the elemental triangle with your magic and only dealing 90% damage for your efforts.
And no, Triangle Strategy is not trying to be Game of Thrones. What a terrible comparison.
basically every crpg or strategy game.
What is crpg? You mean western rpg’s that actually know what a role-playing game is meant to be?
I arrived at the last boss and omg wtf fuckery is this
Seriously, like wtf
Langrisser is such a dogshit game. Pirated the remake and no wonder the series is dead and Fire Emblem lives.
Why are you playing remakes? The original series are good.
Tried it for almost 5h, not possible with my team. Will cheese him now like half the enemies cheesed me, with dragon scales.
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>Archer is borderline unplayable
I remember the cope was just use Ji'ygla and then you have super archer again
So I got Ji'ygla and...
I don't understand, how come you aren't nerfed In potd? In any way compared to snes this unit is certainly nerfed. I've read that a certain enemy in coda has like double level compared to denim. The last boss was a bullshit cheese battle.
Sheeet, didnt saw the lower image. What fuckery is this???
It's the base game features coming together to absolutely dunk on this unit type.
Really only made this back then to poke fun at the cope.
Blackmoor died 3 actions later because mages are stronger now than they ever were.
Yeah, charms can overpower almost any unit (not archers, mind you). There are certainly hidden mechanics in play. My fusiler has less attack but dishes out triple overhead damage with a single attack, compared to the bow fencer. They basically broken off hand, so that shield is essentially a must. I have to do potd and all the coda episodes, so I'm good for quite a while, but I could really use a fft remaster after this.
anyone played brigandine?
its not exactly srpg more like turn based tw lite(very lite)
>I don't understand, how come you aren't nerfed In potd?
Hes nerfed to PotD. Union Level there is set to 40 when you go there after you get the World tarot. His equipments is also reduced in some stats too if you look at the icons.
Then again, I solo'd Blackmoor with this Denam >>3686067 so I wouldn't deal with those bullshit.
Pretty much tactics ogre reborn game8
That choice is so drastic and so early, it's almost a story selection at the start of the game. I like unexpected and unobvious story branching but I'd like it to be like a tree branch with many choises and many twists and turns.
I'm still annoyed by the buff cards. They are artifical difficulty and really gamey, as there's no lore explanation why they make you stronger, but only temporarily.

I thought of an alternative. A random qte that can give you a random, but class dependant buff, like rally, a motivational boost so to speak. What do you think?
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Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume
Kinda stereotypical JRPG in that the MC's goal is to kill one of Odin's Valkyrie from the word go.
Can also feel somewhat schizo if switching branch going from Chapter 3 on path A where the main character goes
>Maybe revenge is le bad ????
to Chapter 5 on Path C
>Fuck that faggot-ass bitch Valkyrie, she killed my dad (not really)
The character portraits are also a bit inconsistent with half of them being in one style and the other half in another.
But overall, nice TRPG with a pretty cool story.
>and really gamey
?? It's literally a video game
Arcade =! Story driven
What the fuck are you even trying to say? Game mechanics and story are completely different things
Ludo narrative dissonance is hard to grasp, eh?
How are buff cards ludo narrative dissonance? Many gameplay mechanics aren't directly explained by the plot, neither are they in direct conflict with it either
It feels wonky for me. I'd rather have a dragon steak improving an units vitality than a random tarot card on the battlefield.
I wouldn't really call CoTP a stereotypical JRPG when the entire plot is about the MC deciding whether or not he should sack his friends in search of power to get revenge. Especially over what's essentially a fact of life in their realm.
The A/B/C Routes make more sense when you stick with them all the way anyway.
I personally do
Aullewyn > A Route
Camille > B Route
Hroethe > C Route

Buff Cards are funny because they can be neutered after a single debuff or you just lure the boss into taking a crappy one and it replaces their setup.
Never happened to me in 80h once. Enemies, sure, bosses never. It seems that enemies ignore cards, only gremlins, rogues and archers skip their turns for cards.
The AI will gladly pick up cards, especially if they can be lured into taking that bad spot to hit your guys.
The can be lured alright. They completely ignore red cards or chasms. There are plenty of maps where you can fall to your death in potd. Just leave one square for them to position themselves and shield bash them into oblivion.
Any good idea for motivation or morale as mechanic? Barely +/- % stats seems lame.
Maybe bonus effects on skills? Like a spear user can get +1 range on a skill. But with high motivation it can ignore defense, letting them mulch armored units. At low motivation, it has a higher miss chance on account of thrusting being easier to miss
The whole "kill god's messenger" thing is secondary to the price of revenge and the corruption of Wylfred's character.
I just find it funny that Wylfred is game to kill a demi-god from the beginning of the prologue when JRPGs have this reputation of always going from killing slimes to killing gods.
And yeah this order makes sense.
IIRC Aullewyn>A shows all Roienburg scenes, Camille>B for Kristoff's and Hroethe>C Langrey's which gives a clearer view of their characters and goals.
Yeah, something like that. Maybe motivation (better word, anyone?) should tie to class or race or can be choose or, maybe ideally, is unique to race and class.
You really shouldn't complain about +/- % in any game with HP mechanic to begin with.
Morale is what keeps you going when you'd normally give up if high, or hinders your actions if low. Basically, keep fighting (survive fatal blow with 1 HP) or desert (panic and act with a delay or lose a turn completely).
OP's game has a semi-hidden Loyalty stat which affects enemy's resistance to your recruitment attempts and the desertion rate of your troops.
If you want to be creative you could try using the Chaos Frame from Ogre Battle 64. It takes three separate morale mechanics and makes them decide the alignment of your units and you could use this for morale instead.

off the top of my head
>level disparity causes alignment changes
>clashing alignments of the enemy causes alignment changes
>counter balance mechanism: the units actually raise and lower each others' alignment in the same assigned group until they all even out into an equilibrium of a single alignment
>battle strategies of the Leader and using tarot cards affects alignment because Characters are influenced by this
You can discard that fourth one FYI I just put it there for posterity. While it may sound simple when laid out like that it is actually something that can fly right over a person's head since it doesn't give you exact numbers and only vague symbols and letters to go on. Especially that third one.

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