It's basically been a year now. I think it's safe to talk about it now.
These look like shit and I’d rather just emulate the PSX original. What the fuck is wrong with Squaresoft?
>>3693428Is The Sleeping Forest now The Woke Forest?
We can talk about how mindless the plot of the original was, and how remake/rebirth make a spectacle of trying to make it make sense while also making less sense.
For people who already know the story of FF7,Rebirth reiterates the story starting from the city of Kalm up to the Forgotten Capital. More or less. It is occasionally broken up with scenes featuring Zack in what is apparently a parallel dimension. Maybe it's the lifestream? Maybe it's a dream? There's weirdness afoot. But then we also sometimes get scenes with the Shinra folk, and it's uncertain what world it takes place in. They rest at Kalm. Cloud and Tifa talk about the Nibelheim Incident. Of course, Cloud is remembering things from Zack's perspective which weirds Tifa out. And she tells Aerith that "Cloud wasn't there!" But even though it's Zack's memories. This was not reimagined to include the Crisis Core version of events and characters. Genesis is a no show. However. Yuffie's DLC episode confirmed Deepground and some of the Dirge of Cerberus characters to be canon.
>>3693425what do you want me to talk aboutits better written than the og but we are not ready to talk about that yet
>>3693541> This was not reimagined to include the Crisis Core version of events and characters. Genesis is a no show.However. Yuffie's DLC episode confirmed Deepground and some of the Dirge of Cerberus characters to be canon.This shit is so gay. The only “canon” is the original game.
>>3693541Kalm also introduces Queen's Blood. It's a card game like FF8's Triple Triad. There is...a lot of FF8 parallels. It's a little unfortunate. Leaving Kalm, they pass through the swamp and fight the giant snake. I think they meant to confirm that the Midgardsormr is a WEAPON. But the Shinra Executives don't start talking about WEAPONs until 10 hours later. You pass a lot of black cloaks along the way. The party always expresses concern about it, but they also instantly forget about them as soon as they're out of sight. They pass through the mines. They meet Yuffie in Junon. There's a parade to celebrate Rufus becoming the new Shinra President. It's a little jarring. Shinra isn't just a Power Company in Midgar; it's a mess of things outside of Midgar. And everyone hates Shinra basically. Rufus is weirdly obsessed with Wutai. He fires the Junon canon just for ceremony, but it's also basically a declaration of war breaking some peace agreement. Yuffie tries to assassinate Rufus. Did I mention the FF8 parallels? I think Yuffie is a lot more competent than Rinoa is when dealing with presidents. And a better shot than Irvine. Although she miss too.
>>3693522>We can talk about how mindless the plot of the original wasbut the plot in FF7 is fantastic and is still one of the best in gaming.
>>3693548>This shit is so gay. The only “canon” is the original game.Agreed. It´s not as if it´s a surprise though. The main constant of the expanded universe has always been to fuck up with the established lore. At this point just give up on it.
>>3693564In the OG they leave Junon on a cargo ship. But in Rebirth it's a cruise ship, with a Queen's Blood Tournament. Fun. Instead of Sephiroth just appearing for no reason. There were a bunch of black cloaks on board as well who combine into jenova. Best music track in the game, btw. Then you get to Costa del Sol and find Johnny running his own Inn. He's fun. Hojo tries to capture Aerith and RedXIII. But Yuffie and Johnny save the day Naruto style. And Johnny walks away with a bunch of Shadow Clones of himself to help with the inn. This isn't really a parallel to FF8. But if you turn your head in squint, Johnny looks like Zell. Who's also got a stalker girlfriend. Yuffie is Fujin, her old partner Sonon was basically Raijin. Costa Del Sol is Balamb. And the bad guys are looking for a girl with special powers. In the OG, Rufus fucks off in a helicopter doing who knows what. In Rebirth, I assume they were checking out the Coral reactor. Because there's a WEAPON swimming around it it. By the time the party gets there, he's already back in Midgar with the other executives talking using the WEAPONs materia against Wutai. With the reality shifts, you just don't know where these scenes are taking place. I mean, the game opens with Midgar in ruins. But here the Shinra building is still standing? They show a map of disturbances at Reactor Sites and explain it's from WEAPONs. Midgar was one of the locations. So was the "Tornado" that hit Midgar really a WEAPON, or was that all in another reality? Barret's backstory arc begins just before they enter Gold Saucer. You got your desert prison and man with a machine gun who was Marlene's real dad. Apparently the doc that gave Barret his gun arm also gave Tifa a boob job. J/k, but he stitched her up after the Nibelhiem incident. Cloud realizes the holes in his own memory.
>>3693425biggest disappointment in gaming history. Though at least after demake I was expecting this one to be shit, so theres that. but man it just keeps getting worse. talk about a game no body fucking asked least we got the best rule 34 of all time out of it.
>>3693804After Gold Saucer and picking up Cait Sith, they visit Gongaga Rector to see another WEAPON. They made Cissnei from Crisis Core the new mayor of Gongaga. At this point, I think they reimagine a lot of things different from the OG. Like Gongaga is basically the new Mideel, Tifa falls into the lifestream. They were fastwarding to parts that should come later. It feels like a plot hole for Shinra to be trying to capture a WEAPON here, when there's one in Coral, and presumable one in Midgar (Unless that was the Giant Snake that's now dead)Of course these look nothing like the WEAPONs from the OG. Also, in the desert around Gold Saucer there's another anomaly involving Gilgamesh. This is, I think, side quest content where Gilgamesh keeps popping up in strange ways. Here he's a giant Sand monster. Is he a WEAPON too? No? Shinra is just going to ignore the Giant Sand Golem with Eastern Aesthetics that scream Wutai? Yes? Maybe. No? Idk!The biggest change in the game comes with Cid. He is just a plane Taxi now. He doesn't appear to be part of a Rocket Town space program. However the rocket that fell on the church in Midgar was still there. Cid flies the group to Cosmo Canyon. They meet RedXIII's grandpa who says WEAPONS aren't real, they can't hurt you. Tifa is like "But we saw them!" and he's like "You're a woman!" Based. He's also floating around on a giant ball. Is that materia? Is Bugenhagen a WEAPON too?!Then we get a much appreciated lore dump involving the Gi Tribe. The Gi Tribe are now the creators of the black materia. But everything involving the Temple of the Ancients and the Keystone Materia has changed.
>>3693807They took a detour to Nibelheim so Cait Sith can use a terminal. There's a lot more under the Manor now. They meet Vincent here. He and Cid pretty much fade into the background for the rest of the game. There was some kind of Shuffle between Wutai and Shinra at the reactor for some reason. Was there a WEAPON there too? Yuffie has no idea what's going on. I've completely forgotten how Shira redirects it's attention to the Temple of the Ancients. There's a new story arc where Don Corneo wants to take over Gold Saucer from Dio. The politics here are really confusing. Back in Midgar Corneo was living it up in a Wutai-esque estate. Dio was apparently an Ex Shinra employee. Cait Sith isn't confirmed to be controlled by anyone in particular yet. Could be Dio. Could be Reeve. Could be both! Why not Sephiroth? Why not the Gi Tribe? It's just a puppet. Anyways, the Temple of the Ancients is now up north. Where the Bone Village/ Excavation Site was in the OG. We get a little history lesson about the Gi Tribe, The Cetra, and Jenova. I'm apparently the only person seeing a parallel with Wutai, Shinra, and Sephiroth. I mean, The Cetra's emblem is basically the Shinra Logo.
>>3693817The deeper parts of the Temple give everyone a nightmare flashback character development. (Except Cid and Vincent who just hang out outside.) Cloud gets the Black Materia...but it's not the real Materia? It's just a key? To the real one hidden between dimensions? Idk. Just repeating what they said. In the OG, Aerith then runs off to the Forgotten Capital by herself. No idea how. But with the Temple up north, now it's just just a hop, skip, and a jump away for her. Much more believable. For a while, the "Reunion" got recontextualized as Time Compression. All this reality shifting was like a DC CRISIS event. It's pretty bizarre. In fact you basically fight Bizarro Sephiroth here instead of inside the Northern Crater as a final boss like in the OG. Which means Part 3 has the potential to go anywhere.
There's no news for FF17. So "Part 3" is all we know they're developing. Might be a 2026-27 release. Which is sad. It's not a good look if they can't release a trilogy within the PS5 console lifetime. Just a reminder that Part 1 was released in 2020 for the PS4. It was announced way back in 2015. So they've been working on it under/over a decade!
>>3693835>There's no news for FF17they never announce ff17 until it is actually "almost" donethey could be working on it right now and we wouldnt know until like 2 years from now on
>>3693922They usually announce games 3-5 years before release.
>>3693425Are you joking or what? At least expect another month, that some of the PC games has played it...
>>3693950>They usually announce games 3-5 years before release.Bro, they used to be able to release a game every 2 years
I wouldn't complain if part 3 was just pure story.Rebirth's minigames were fun. But I don't buy RPGs for the minigames.
>>3693425Nomura's fanfic was bad a year ago and it's bad now
>>3694092You mean Kitase? The FF8 parallels weren't a joke. They aren't all established in Rebirth either. You know how FF8 make Laguna Squall's father and leader of the "enemy" nation. Well. That's basically what they were doing with Glenn in Ever Crisis.
>>3694400Wutai (Provisional Government) is making this World Wide Broadcast. Basically saying Shinra broke their peace treaty. In FF8, Deling was announcing their "ambassador", the Sorceress... -- But the broadcast is interrupted by Seifer. So they don't actually see or name Edea. In FF7, Glenn is introducing a "Viceroy Shauff", but they never walk in on camera either and the broadcast ends. Edea was originally designed (by Nomura) for FF7. So I would have flipped out if a Edea look-a-like walked in.
>>3694423Sorry, it's spelled "Sarruf" which is a botched anagram of Rufus. In Japanese it's just Rufus spelled backwards. "Sufur" actually kinda sounds like "Seifer" now that I think about it. Fujin and Raijin were also developed for FF7 as Turk prototypes. You have to read the Before Crisis events to understand Rufus' relationship with the Turks. As well as Avalanche. He was always planning to overthrow his father.
holy autism lmfao
fuck the bonds of friendship
>>3694612It's called "synergy"
>>3694006Let's not forget DLC. Yuffie's "Intermission" was released a year after Remake. I expect Rebirth to have DLC as well.
>>3694637Towards the end of the Temple of the Ancients, the party members slit up into rooms for mandatory character development flashbacks. Yuffie sorta just recaps the Intermission DLC. We see Barret had a wife. Aerith remembers when she and her mother escaped Shinra. Tifa remember NibelheimWith RedXIII, he relives getting captured by Shinra. This might be a retcon. Because, in Before Crisis, he was captured by the Turks. RedXIII (Naniki) was captured during a ritual he was performing with another of his "tribe", Deneh. None of that is shown in the flashback.
>>3694643RedXIII species is presumably called "Guardians" or "Guardians of the Planet". Although in Rebirth I think they call him a "Guardian of the Veil". Given the new lore surrounding the Gi Tribe, it might be recontextualizing the ritual from "appeasing the planet" to "pacifying the spirits of the Gi Tribe" I think it's questionable if Deneh is the same species or not. She can talk at least, so probably. Rufus' pet Darkstar hasn't been shown to talk. But there's a scene where Hojo is spurging out over WEAPONs and how he'd love to dissect one, Darkstar reacts to him like it understands what he's saying.
>>3694646Then again...this is a world where animals can play Queen Blood.
>>3694648There's more to Queen's Blood than what meets the eye.
>>3694646There's also Test0 you fight in Corel Prison.There's a lot of theories about the code name "Red XIII"In the OG, the developers intended Hojo to have made "clones" Cobalt XIV and Indigo XV, as well as a proper clone of Red XIII that you had to fight. Then in Dirge of Cerberus we learn about Deepground and the Tsviets. They all have color code names and were spliced with genes from Genesis. Genesis hasn't appeared yet. But Nero has. So it's possible RedXIII was also given Genesis genes. Of course Red could always speak. He hasn't displayed any enhanced abilities except for maybe a strange intuition when he's around Aerith.
>>3694658Which leads us to Palmer and everyone's favorite, Stamp!Stamp was supposed to be a mascot for Palmer's Space Program. "Reach for the Stars!". But there's been no mention of this in Rebirth. Instead, there's the mystery of multiple Stamps of different breeds and star counts across different realities. Evidently in Crisis Core, Angeal(Dog) was suppose to carry Aerith's letters to Zack. A lot like how Lunafreya and Noctis exchanged letters with their messenger dogs. "Stamp", get it?If there's no Space Program, then it stands to reason that Palmer would have been involved in another failed Shinra R&D project involving messenger dogs.
>>3694664I mean, of course it failed. It's not like they live in a world with radio interference that would have grounded airships and disabled wireless transmissions. But it's not like that couldn't happen either.
Speaking of grounded airships. In the OG, the highwind is out of commission at the start of the game. So Shinra goes to Cid asking for the Tiny Bronco. (tangent: it was called the "Sister Ray" in concept art; something else to read into)This is the part of the game where you fight Palmer in his robot. In Rebirth, you still fight Palmer. But instead of being in "Rocket Town" this is in the Corel desert. He's actually a pretty challenging boss, if you can believe it. Palmer is supposed to be the director of Shinra's Space and Aeronautics Division. In Remake, inside the Shinra Building, there's audio recordings of the Directors giving mission statements. Palmer reads a script saying they're developing rockets for non-military use, to search for new resources in space. But it's all on hold because they have "plenty of Mako for the time being".None of this is referenced in Rebirth. Although the "Meteor" threat hasn't really come up yet. In the OG, they launch a rocket at the meteor with Big Materia at the Meteor to break it up. But it fails. For some reason they never try firing the Sister Ray at it.It looks like the Big Materia will be coming from these whale-type weapons instead. Scarlet also claims they're close to creating big materia themselves. But we saw in Rebirth her fusion attempts just cause an explosion. I can see how these plot points come together. But at the end of Rebirth there's something else in the sky. So I'm still not sure if they're going to space or not. On the "Aeronautics" side of things there were the giant carrier ships, Gelnika or Relnikha. In the OG one sinks into the ocean and acts as a bonus dungeon because it was full of Shinra weapons and monsters meant to fight Sephiroth.
What if it's not a crater?
What if they use it as a rocket and just dodge the meteor.
And they don't have to use the planet's lifestream. They can use the Gi Tribe. They want to be erased anyways. Everyone wins!
>>3694702In dodge ball, catching the ball also works.
>>3694658Test0 is a reference to the old og japanese release bug
>>3693522What exactly didn't you understand about the OG plot?
>>3694764Was there something about remake/rebirth you wanted to add?
>>3694813The big mysteries coming out of remake was the whole "seven seconds till the end" thing, and Rufus seeing the Whispers. Rebirth didn't address either of these.
>>3694664Pretty obvious that Stamp is a visual clue distinguishing different realities. But it's Zack who is moving between them somehow for some reason. >Infographic based on a "fan theory"I think this is as good a guess as any. Adding merit to this idea is how "fragments" and timelines worked FFXIII-2. For starters. "Meteor" is a summoning spell. It's not a rock floating around in outer space. It is crystalized space-time floating around in the timeless void aka the unseen realm. Instead of crystals it might be easier to think about them as sticky post-it notes in a writer's room. They all contain their own scenero. By summoning Meteor, the scenario it contains is assimilated and literally changes the world. Summoning itself is a kind of void magic, leveraging "emptiness" inside the summoner. This is also established in FFX. Summoning Aeons requires the Summoner to empty themselves and take on the Dream of the Fayth. Because dreams are technically their own small crystal fragment.
Long time fan of the original.Loved advent children, loved the little anime shinra episodes. Loved crisis core, even had a soft spot for dirge of cerberus even though its a bad game basically. Never played rebirth, didnt much look at it save for my sister playing it. Gotta say, "what a shit show" fans just wanted the og game with modern graphics and gameplay am i wrong? Maybe some dlc and fleshing in of things. Some extra lore. But the minute i started hearing about "whispers and timelines" i felt affirmed in my choice to not care. Maybe someday when its 10$ on sale ill try it.
>>3694857And with Rebirth, the new mystery is what happened to the Cetra. It's confusing because they talk like they're around and simultaneously not.
>>3693425There is just something very WRONG feeling about FF's modern graphics. It's somehow too anime to feel real but it's also too real to feel anime. And I don't like it.
>>3695666Evidently they are time travelers. But I think they actually exist in the future or within a timeloop that's soon to be erased. "Cetra" is a type of stringed instrument, like a Lute. And Lutes go allll the way back to FF1 as the key to the time portal. The Ancients in that game were the Lufinians. Japanese like to come up with names that are supposed to sound like other names. Like all the aliens in DBZ are named after food, but different. E.g. Kakarot = Carrot. Lufen is possibly meant to be a play on Refrain. As in "to repeat". Mixing up Ls and Rs is a thing they do too. Also musical names is a repeating motif across the series as well. Lutes and time appear again in FF3 and FF8. Although in FF8's case it's the Lunatic Pandora. Pandora was likely meant to be panduri, an instrument similar to the lute. Panduri are also a kind of arch "keystone" that's probably more relevant to the Chrono games. But I digress.
>>3693425It's not on PC and it's too boring to watch an LP of it, give me a rundown on anything significant changed in the plot
>>3695786So the Gi say they created the "Materia of Hope" to end their existence. But then the Cetra stole it. Why? Because it was dangerous? Or because they needed it to end the existence of something else. Specifically: Jenova. Rewatching the scenes. Cloud is seeing Sephiroth. But why?They exit the Gi village by a green mist. With Gi Nakkat saying "We've been noticed". I assumed this was the Cetra. But I believe we see the same green mist again in the Temple of the Ancients. With Sephiroth talking about "Errant Worlds" So it might have been Sephiroth moving them before the Gi tribe tells them too much.
>>3693425QUESTION: about the play the first game on Steam. Any recommended mods?
>>3695816In the OG, the Temple WAS the black materia. But that doesn't seem to be the case anymore in Rebirth.
>>3695925It’s a PlayStation game you don’t need any mods bro
>>3696361It may be a contradiction. The Gi Tribe were like ghosts from a dead world* that was assimilated into a new planet but never allowed to be part of the lifestream. So, when Gi Nakkat says the Cetra intruded on "their land" and stole "their materia" he could actually be talking about the Temple. The temple which the Cetra built to commune with the Gi. The Gi Tribe doesn't actually have land of their own; just this space they've been quarantined to by the planet. There might be more Gi Tribe pocket spaces around the planet. Like the hotsprings around icicle inn. There was always a question in my mind if the the black materia had been used before. If the Northern Crater was attributed by Jenova's arrival or something else. My theory is that the Cetra used the black materia to eliminate Jenova but failed and wiped themselves out. Oh. Another difference between the OG and Rebirth is that humans seem to be a separate race and not descended from the Centra.
>>3696373>Dead WorldI'm assuming this is like Spirits Within or Terra in FFXI. But knowing how translation efforts go, "world" could just as easily be a timeline, making the Gi Tribe something like time orphans.
>>3695925Just play the game. Don't need to mod things to enjoy the game fag.
>>3696375>>3696373You guys have good discussion which I think I've seen like twice regarding FF7 Remake. To clarify my own biases, I'm not a fan of the macro changes of the story. I think specific elements were improved but I'm not sold on this many worlds thing they have going on. Regarding the Gi, I don't understand how they fit in given the explanation for how the Planet works. The Planet is supposed to quarantine off unwanted events right. Sephiroth explains that during his speech and Aerith doesn't outright refute it. So you figure something like the Gi or even Jenova would absolutely qualify as an unwanted event. It's hard for me to accept that the Planet would just tolerate the Gi but Zack needs to die because him squad wiping Shinra is too based. Although I have other issues regarding Zack. This isn't me trying to start shit, I'm at least invested enough in Remake to be interested in other people's interpretations rather than just saying "old good, new bad"
>>3696362I meant the remake.
Cute shota, that's all I got to say about this boring game.