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It's Monday once again. Time to talk about monster collecting and raising games. What mon games have you been playing? What upcoming mon games are you looking forward to?
How did this turn out?
i only played the demo, but i enjoyed it. the volleyball is pretty much just aesthetic and it is just a 2 vs 2 monster battling rpg. i'll pick it up when it goes on sale.
>volleyball is pretty much just aesthetic and it is just a 2 vs 2 monster battling rpg
Lolwut. Tragic. So its gonna be badly received by people who wanted a monster sports game and by people who thought it was a sports game.
it might get more sports like later on, again i only played the demo. what i played though was just you an your opponent taking turns using attacks until one of the teams monsters dies while a ball goes back and fourth over the net.
Besides beastieball whats else is releasing soon?
Any good monster catchers on switch that aren't Pokemon? I'm limited to that console right now.
How's the performance on portable?
Dunno only played on emu lmao, I haven't heard anybody complain though.
It's what you'd expect from the switch.
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Monster Hunter Stories 2.
That I can't say. I only ever use my Switch docked.
>Monster Hunter Stories 2
Based. Its been so long I forgot about it. I Hope there is some news after wilds releases.
I figured. Might give it a try anyway
Considering the releases of Stories since it started, some time between Wilds/it's expansion and the Portable 6th gen game would be when a Stories 3 would be released.
And between stuff like the re-release of Stories 1, and Capcom doing more spin-off stuff in general like that mobile game they just announced, along with the cut content from Stories 2, all signs point to Stories 3 being an inevitability. And hopefully with an even bigger budget and none of the development issues 2 would've had with covid and all.
Wasn't there some new spinoff they announced? Outriders or something?
>Monster Hunter Stories 2
Meh. I dunno why but it didn't grab me at all, unlike the first one. I remember hating the lengthy battle animations.
The first one is also on Switch anyway, so maybe anon should start with this one.
Outlanders but its basically just another plain monster hunter with some movement improvements.
>lengthy battle animations.
But it has a speed up feature though?
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I wanted the animations gone. Speed up functions are always weird.
Looks more like Genshin Impact + Ark Survival + Monster Hunter setting and combat.
Never played those games so I'll have to trust your word.
I never played Genshin or Ark myself either, but just judging by gameplay footage from what I've seen of those and what's been shown of Outlanders, they look like the most fitting comparison.
Heck the only reason to say Genshin instead of Breath of the Wild for Outlanders is that Outlanders is gonna be a Free-to-play mobile game with some kind of monetization, and it's already been confirmed you can play as 'other characters.'
Monster Sanctuary.
Tried it but didn't like it, the mom designs did very little for me
>the mom designs
/mon/ game about collecting and battling milfs when?
Just edit shotta monsters with milfs
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Anybody try Dokimon?
No, I'm abstaining from all future monster collecting games because of this generals shit taste and refusal to play anything that isn't on a nintendie console.
Lurk more
Based anon on /vrpg/ who says he’s not playing games
It has 1v1 battles which means it's garbage.
Not usually into monster collectors, but I picked up Cassette Beasts and it's pretty fun. I'm sure this board hates it for being woke or whatever, but I can't do anything but genuinely commend the fact they bothered to name and design every single potential monster fusion.
>they bothered to name and design every single potential monster fusion
i'm pretty sure all the fusions are ai generated, so it wasn't too hard on them.
What makes you think that?
unless i'm mixing it up with another game i think they devs said they ai generated the fusions
The fusions looked like simple mishmashes instead of clever combinations so I doubt they were really designing them.
>It's woke
Yes but it's a matter of technical skill, the characters look like shit regardless of their race and gender. Take for example the Egyptian woman, she looks like shit even if being brown is totally on character for her.
I had a lot of fun with it but I understand why it will never be popular, at least here.
Looked it up and yeah they're mashes. Devs split all the sprites for regular monsters into parts, and when they fuse one gets chosen to be the base while the features like arms/legs/head of the other get added to that base. Still pretty cool IMO, but far from both hand made and AI
>characters look like shit
If you mean the portrait art, the character designs themselves are fairly tumblr, but the art is so inoffensive I can't feel strongly about it in either direction.
Everyone played digimon wolrd nigga. It's not coming back
>Implying these generals aren't anything but devs shilling shit looking indies
Lol. Kek-lmao even
>devs shilling on a glacial slow dead board
bit pointless innit.
On any /v/ adjacent board talking even remotely positively about a game that isn't triple A or from an established property gets you branded a shill
I'm saying they are bad at drawing humans, bad at character design, incompetent artists.
Something can't be clearly Tumblr ish or woke and be inoffensive, the same logic applies to certain anime games. They didn't go for neutrality but it doesn't really matter because it would have looked like shit anyways.
Tumblr art comes in levels. This is milquetoast anime wannabe art, not fat Thomas Jefferson with leg hair and a giant red nose art. I'm genuinely baffled as to how someone could get angry at or fall in love with it. Same with the "woke" part. I don't actually care that there's non-white people in the game or that Random trainers make nothingburger history/philosophy references, but it's the kind of thing this board shits itself over. It's utterly inoffensive if you're not someone looking for reasons to get offended.
>Monster Hunter Stories 2.
Should I play the first one first, or are they like pokemon where the sequels aren't really sequels?
QRD on Monster Sanctuary. The demo was alright, seems interesting but I'm a little put off by the reviews saying you have to play one of the few optimal comps/strategies to have an absolute slog of the middle and late game
I'd say skip 1. It's pretty much the same story as 2 but with less monsters. 1 has a feature that 2 doesn't have but 2 has a lot of QoL changes and a bit more complex battle system.
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Stories 2 is actually a proper sequel to 1, and has some returning characters from 1. But they're fairly minor and you don't really need to know the story of 1 to enjoy 2.
I think it's still worth playing if you have the time, but if you're only going to play one of them, 2 is the all around better experience.
Artistically, it's still badly drawn, Tumblr and woke leaning even if it tries to get mixed with anime and doesn't go all the way. People will have enough reasons to hate it and even if they don't, the human charactes will cut the game's legs.
I know it could be worse but it's still bad.
>what are you doing step-mon?
Ai generated?no but it still its weakest part of about the fusion mechanic. I wouldn't mind if they updated the designs of the fusions overtime because its not bad game but its sad they took a shortcut.
So what did they use, something like the pokemon infinite fusion editor where they match head A to body B?
Something like that yeah. Its just one of those glaring issue in a otherwise pretty good game.
I guess true crossbreeds/ true fusions are a dream. Nobody can shit out so many good designs in a development cycle. The best take out there is monster rancher and its just a reskin (but a good one). I'd play a game with 10 monsters and 100 true crossbreeds though.
Like in >>3664599 they're mashes. Apparently whichever monster the player uses is the base, though I'm not sure how it works for NPCs in the case. Since literally anything and everything can fuse and there's over 100 monsters that makes over 10000 fusions, which isn't something you'd want to do by hand. Especially not as an indie dev. I suppose a middle ground would be making sure every monster has some unique parts only used in fusions, so there's at least something new involved. Or hire a giga autist whose dream job is to draw 1000s of sprites that may never be seen. Or do what you suggested and have a very small number of base creatures to focus on the fusions as the main ones.
>Or hire a giga autist whose dream job is to draw 1000s of sprites that may never be seen.
That's what monster crown did and they settled for 1000 designs total in the end.

Anyway this guy does a pretty good job at procedural fusions/crossbreeds even if I don't like the artstyle: https://youtu.be/ohYIUxmxI-I?si=iJjv4R0XQlgT3QF-
I hope he releases soon. It's very promising. I guess its easier to procedurally mash stuff together with 3D monsters cause instead of drawing it would be more like setting textures, limb attachment, limb size and shape. It would be like spore but with a better model.
A new Medabots mobile game was announced
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>slow-paced Vampire Survivors with a Medabots skin
Today is the 27th anniversary of Medabots. The first game released in Japan on November 28, 1997.
I get survivor.io vibes which knowing that game is kinda bad sign if you don't like mobile games.
Any good card based mon games (bonus points if its not a roguelite)
>good card based game
tcg pocket is pretty popular atm but it's a gacha
I meant like card based combat which i thought the mention of roguelite would help but that's more of my fault sorry.
TCG battles are technically nuzlockes so far
Its shit, don't download it
Too late, already downloaded and spent 1000 dollars.
Dude.....those are rookie numbers
It's also fucking shit, if that matters.
Yeah, I said it's a gacha already.
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I finally beat the game and around the 8th champion you can no longer brute force your way against champions. You have plan your monster skills to maximize you party effectiveness. Blob for example has attacks that are good early on but get outclass later so it has to specialize into a support monster that heals and buffs your teammates. You usually want 1 monster built for heavy hitting and another that will support it well. Early on they can play well with any other party member but as you get more skill points you can build a party based on maximizing their strengths with each other.
Anything noteworthy on the steam sale? Lesser known recs very welcome, I have played Monster Sanctuary and Siralim
Is the Dragon Quest Monsters 3 PC port good?

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