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>Some autismo literally makes a superior rpg maker using a game engine (godot) than enterbrain
I didn't know it was based in godot. Interesting, still I'd rather use base godot and make my own systems.
As someone who's never made an RPG and can only code Hello World.
Explain to me like a brainlet why this is better than RPGMaker, what makes Godot the goat?
because enterbrain remakes the same basic tool to make money, and enterbrain goal is just to make a toy, not a real serious engine.

as such, rpg maker can't never evolve beyond their core systems.

rpg in a box is an engine that a developer keeps improving and adding new features.

rpg in a box have by default systems that rpg maker can't do, like real time combat and Tactics inspired combat.
Plus stuff like rigidbodies he added some months ago.
And non tile movement.

Godot is simply the core base he uses to develop his engine.
And Godot is simply becoming the superior framework to develop games besides unity and unreal.
Can It make a first person Dungeon crawler?


dev even made a DOOM level 1 demo with it.
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It's not superior because it doesn't have a way to add animated 2d images yet.
It's a very important feature if you want to make a rape game!!!!
It can make 2D sprite jrpgs.
This is Crazy, Ill give It a try
yeah, but I need to add animations!
for the rape part!
not for the gameplay. For the part where the enemy gets defeated and you rape her corpse/body
You can do that in anything, are you retarded
no, you can't
even in rpgmaker mv you needed to use a script to add animation loops
and in srpg maker, you can't loop animations because their player has a glitch that doesn't allow a seamless loop
Animation loops is a privilege!
Oh I see its another spam raid, its been a while since the last one.
Capcha: SADKYS
Chill, dude. Just sharing the love for a legit tool. Not everything's an ad. Some of us actually care about making better games. If you wanna stick with your outdated RPG Maker, go ahead. Meanwhile, the rest of us will be creating next-level stuff with RPG in a Box. Keep seething.
Build your own engine
Fuck you corpodoubleshill
TORRENT IT. If you're going to do it 4 3, get it 4 3.
Sure, if you have infinite time and a coding degree for the rest of us who want to actually finish a game this decade, RPG in a Box gets the job done. It's called working smarter, not harder.
Spend less time reinventing the wheel and more time making games.
Keep your gatekeeping, I'll keep my productivity.
>working smart, not harder
That sounds like something a pajeet would say as he drinks sewage, knowing it'll come out the same either way.
Cry more, dude.
Just because someone likes something doesn't make them a shill some of us actually enjoy sharing useful tools.
If you can't handle different opinions, maybe the internet isn't for you.
Stay mad, I'll keep making awesome games with RPG in a Box.
I am a college dropout who works at Quizno's that managed to build his own engine.
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That's it, I'm making Daggerwindrim-like RPG with this
Godot is free, no thanks.
>Explain to me like a brainlet why this is better than RPGMaker
It's not.
It doesn't do any of the things that draw people to RPG Maker. It's just a framework for making a voxel game where you can talk to NPCs and interact with objects in the world like treasure chests. The framework doesn't include any actual RPG systems, you have to add them yourself. Which is fine, for many people this is much better than what RPG Maker provides, but it's a retard comparison.
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This is now a OHRRPGCE thread.
>makes a superior rpg maker
Ah yes, who could ever forget iconic games made in RPG in a Box such as uhhh uhhhhh uhhh
buy an ad, faggot
She stwong
Woah, what the hell is this?
This looks pretty sick
What % does he demand when you release a game made in it?

What are the licensing terms?

What's the business model here?
i think its like rpg maker. buy it once and you are free to publish your game without any jewish strings attached
i wish all the features in rpg maker were readily available and neatly organized in this like the database in rpg maker but as of right now you could only make very simple "rpgs" with this so ill wait until it gets updated
Take the hint, faggot, nobody cares about your gay engine and nobody will discuss its games.
He's not the one failing to shill his product
I got this for free in the Epic Games Store. It's a really nice program.
this sounded cool until I learned it cost money. No thanks, I wont even go through the effort of finding a torrent, not worth it.
Because you dont even have a product to shill.
You have never and will never make anything in your life, loser.
you're mad
Just use whichever tools work better for your skill level and what you're trying to achieve. No one fucking cares about anything else. Having strong opinions about an apples and oranges comparison accomplishes nothing more than a childish temper tantrum.
>and I'm here to shill it, once again
That sounds so cool wow.
Im going to go check it out.
>replying to himself to bump his gay little thread
lol pathetic
I love Rpg In A Box.
It was a little intimidating going from 2D to 3D but once i got a hang of it the quality of my games skyrocketed thanks to the tools provided in Rpg In A Box i cant imagine going back to rpgmaker now that i tried Rpg In A Box.
These are both transparent shill comments from people who haven't even used the software.
Try saying something less retarded next time you bump this failing thread.
This is an imageboard, so perhaps include a screenshot of something you're working on. Bonus if it illustrates some unique and useful feature.
So true.
Once you try out Rpg In A Box your third eye opens and you can never go back.
Booting it up for the first time made me feel like Eve in the garden of Eden when she tasted the sweet forbidden fruit.
RPG In A Box™ is the best software I have ever used. Get your hands on RPG In A Box™, created by Justin Arnold today!
>rpg maker cannot evolve beyond it's systems
Fear and Hunger 2 runs on RPGmaker and it has locational damage, and things like firearms outside of combat.
I mean sure if you are trying to break the engine and somehow make like, a fighter out of it, yeah, it's not going to work, but claiming the engine can't be modified is insane.
desu the way firearms work in f&h2 is absolute dogshit but it's hard to say how much of it is engine limitations
either way if you're going into scripting and adding materials and a custom combat system in a rpg maker engine you should probably just move on to godot imo, it's bound to be easier.
Have any notable games been made in it?
How is it compared to RPG Paper Maker?
Are there any fees if you try to release a game with it?
that was me shitposting because this is an obvious shill thread full of shill posts, so I thought i'd make my own
>and it has locational damage
Enemies are literally like JRPG bosses with multiple segments, and your "locational damage" is actually status effects that make permanent changes to your character. While clever, it is still obvious how it works.
don't bump this ad
Seethe lol.
All of this stuff can be done in rpg maker with plugins. Which is much easier than doing it in godot. Coming from someone who has used both.
baited the entire thread into beliving youre OP award
Man, anons on here really have nothing better to do than necrobump threads on the regular considering the case with this retard >>3545582
There really should be a 60 day autosage timer implemented if artificially circulating the same old and low quality shit threads is all that's going on here.
I think it speaks for the board's, let alone 4chan's, level of quality as a whole, in that if you're not already an unlikeable, maladjusted cretan who lives their life online (the Mods), then you'll get nothing from the site.
When is another 100% sale coming?
I missed the first one.
Probably never.
Because that was wroth the bump.
RPG Maker plugins are buggy and janky as shit though. Especially that strategy rpg set of plugins, it crashes for no reason all the time.
Stop bumping your shit fucking thread that doesn't even has 2D FAGGOT SHILL
I am going to check this out unironically.
>that doesn't even has
Well that depends on who's plug-ins you are using doesn't it? Tweaking a plug-in or messaging its creator is still far easier than using Godot.
Why does this make everyone seethe so much?
i use srpg engine mv plugin and it works on my machine
It doesn't, nobody gives a shit about it at all that's why you have to keep bumping the thread.
>75 posts over the course of a month
Apprently you give enought of a shit to keep refreshing this thread looking for replies to seethe to lmao.
Really says something about the level of boredom people who come here have, necrobumping threads for benign trolling or petty slap fights like you're sassy fags texting eachother.
This board needs an autosage timer like /vr/ because it's evident by the level of discourse here that most of you treat this board like a playground that even the faggot Mod was shown to participate in.
TL;DR Get a life.
Holy shit Rpg In A Box makes people seethe so hard.
Why tho?
Did the creator have any controversies or something?
Fear & Hunger is the definition of "illusion of depth" bro.
hope you're ready to say ACK!
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meant for >>3514377
Because theres a lot of rpgmaker babies on this board.
>rpg in a box
Is it possible to make a dynamic world with this? I really love the whole randomized but persistent characters thing that games like Mountain Blade, Scroll of Taiwu and Tale of Immortal have going but that seems next to impossible to do with RPGmaker.

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