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is Square Enix solely to blame for how terrible this game is doing? why do indiies even bother with meme publishers at all
No. It's doing terrible because no one is interested in some garbage mid-budget game LARPing as an RPG Maker horror game with an art style that looks lifted straight out of a mediocre 1990s magical girl anime.
They were trying for the schizo Ib/Witch's House audience without even knowing who the fuck that audience is.
What even is this game? I remember seeing the trailer a while Ago but Im not sure at ALL what this is about.
no it's doing terrible because
to be honest I just dont like those games.
mad father
witches house
honestly watched a mad father playthrough solely because of the art style of the game. but the ending and story made me unreasonably upset. and so I dont see what the point of little goody two shoes even would be, although I normally hoover up female protag games.
I thought the game was doing fine for the amount of shilling it received.
The art aspect is very well polished. If anything is one of the few things the game does well. The problem is that people play RPG Maker-like games not because they're polished, but because they have cool stories, premises and are telling narratives you usually don't see in other stuff because they don't play it safe. And this game plays it too safe.
I didn’t buy it because it’s gayshit.
Who's the best girl and why is it lebkuchen?
idk anything about this game but I like it's old school shoujo aesthetic
heard it has l*sbians so i avoided it like the plague
Square can't even make FF7 sell, what make people think they are a good publisher?
In our 'country' researchers suggesting that people don't talk like people, but parrots, as they solely communicate with buzzwords.
> I thought the game was doing fine for the amount of shilling it received.

Rather you should determine the success of a game by comparing how much money was spent on it to how much money it made.
>because they have cool stories, premises and are telling narratives you usually don't see in other stuff because they don't play it safe
translation : because they are misery/gore porn involving little girls for an audience of animefags that can only feel any emotions when they are grotesquely exagerated and involve retarded anime lolis getting gratuitously dismembered
little goody two shoes tries to have some class, and this is why it completely fails to capture that audience
Most popular RPG maker aren't nothing like you mentioned.
>They were trying for the schizo Ib/Witch's House audience without even knowing who the fuck that audience is.
Seriously, anyone who goes into an RPG Maker horror game wants to see people die in amusing, inventive, and brutal ways.
Yuri games sell decently enough but they advertised this game as being "lgbqq" which besides the Lesbian there is no GBT which angered the alphabet loons and obviously chud bros aren't buying it either.
No self-respecting Yuri game panders to trannies all the successful ones stand on their own and provide fan service of cute girls
>female protagonist
>It's lesbian shit
Every single time, I hate indie devs so much
It was worse than that because the devs backstabbed their own yuri audience. I tried it precisely because it was advertised as /u/ but the only canon ending leading to the sequel game is the straight one where the mc has a child with some prince lmao. And the lesbian copt out endings do leave a lot of plot concerns unaddressed compared to the sequel one so they feel unsatisfactory even if you ignore gender stuff.

Also another big, BIG issue was that the game had terrible QoL, and paired with time constraint mechanics you would often find yourself reloading about 200 times to get perfect scores on minigames or either risk getting softlocked by going into maps with 0.5 hp/sanity or lose out on maxxing relationship with a 2nd character and have to do another playthrough for an extra ending.
Also I forgot to mention that you need to play with your eyes glued to a guide unless you want to be checking props in the map over every in-game day to see if a locked door is ajar/an npc moved/a key item appeared or brick yourself with a bad ending by mid game and never realizing it until later, which I did in the hard way.
Roman really should've been a more relevant character considering how much that bitch Elise ruined his and their family's life
its doing bad because its shit actually.
they could have published without a publisher and it would do just as bad maybe even worse.
>square enix
just admit you're a retard those tards could make free water undesirable
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Why the fuck is it so hard to work and buy food in this shithole of a village? Was 19th century Austria in the midst of a such a great famine, bread is now the price of jewels? Did the Prussian army ransack Kieferberg to fight the Bohemians so they rely on wageslaves like Elise to function? I can't date any of the whores the game offers me when I'm too busy grinding for food. And you need to make that useless purple neo-pagan work with you for extra hunger and less pay too.
>10h on hltb
not an rpg
thread hidden
Oh boy wait until you hear how long Wizardry 1 takes.
The food is pricey because it's an allegory to fentanyl and the game doesn't actually happen in 19th century Austria but in 21st century California

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