Postem lads!Doesn't have to be the hottest, although she can be, as long as you'd wife her.NO MODS you cunts, this is a gentlemen's thread
Renault. Easily.
>>3685606>Why didn't you save her, Anon?
>>3685606Stupid bitch had it coming, Blades are so smug and then they job first chance they get
>>3685599It's been like a million years since I last played Oblivion so I don't remember any of their named NPCs but I'll say Golden Saints and Dark Seducers were great
the npcs in this game are all ugly as fuck i don't see how any of them could be waifushopefully the supposed remake that is coming will make them look prettier but starfield npcs don't give me much hope
>>3685599This bad bitch.
Honestly there are probably loads, she's the first one that comes to mind
>>3685678>pictures you can hear
>>3685599>NO MODS you cunts, this is a gentlemen's threadbut I have never played vanilla oblivion.
>>3685606>Cut content>During early development, the other two blades responded to Renault's commands with "Yes, mommy!" and "Anything for mommy!". The Emperor even had a voiced line "I wish that was me" triggered when she kills an assassin.
>>3685599Dar-Ma is the only Oblivion waifu
>>36855992 ez
>>3685818It's funny because I almost used her for the OP
>>3685678Excellent choice, except she HATES conjuration so maybe not the best bride for a summoner class
>>3685818>Falany Hlaalushe used to be male back in Morrowind. poor choice of bride for any class save for maybe a deranged Sheogorath and/or Sanguine worshipping zealot
>>3685661no. you are just racist against the potatofolk. many potato people make for 10/10 brides acxkltuchy many beautiful potato semen Daedras have already been posted ITT sir calm down and stfu. pic unrelated
>>3686380who taught you this spell? can you teach me this spell? asking for a friend btw
>>3685678Theres way too much light and bloom where she stands in the mages guild, it always looks really fucked up when you talk to her
>>3686474It's the pure elven blood in her
is there any sex mods for this game like Skyrim?
>>3686599go to loverslab>install LAPF framework>install Lovers Adult Play Plus for SSP from the supplemental plugin packand you are all set. you can install more packs if you want other stuff.
>>3685818Maybe it's just me, but I find Falanu Hlaalu really odd. And I've seen her hanging around the graveyard with a strange smile on her face.
>>3685599No Mazoga yet?Cowards.
>>3687588She's got terrible manners. Being her friend may be a lot of work. But my sniffer says she might be worth it.
>>3687588I hated her so much it’s unreal
>>3685620This. And the blackie that survives is a dumbass, too.>Hey, take this extremely important artifact that's an integral part of the founding stories of our entire civilization, the core of a ritual that keeps literal Hell from invading our planet, and the only way to verify the identity of the last remaining member of the royal family to a city a quarter of the width of the entire country away from here.>But before you do, I'm just gonna grab your best weapon off of you real quick.
>>3686380When someone asks evidence of the west's decadent status, show them this image.
>>3686611There's just something wrong with that girl. And she has an odd smell about her.
>>3685599Lady Drad, slut for ogre cocks with the right mods.
Tall Dunmer women do it for me
>>3687588Don't talk such rot.
>>3689362Post the right mods.
>>3689925Bravil Underground.
I like Claudette Perrick and Methredel with mods.
>>3685599>"So, how'd you like to get together later and leaf through my octavo?"What did Sontaire mean by this? Why is she even a Shivering Isles denizen? Being a promiscuous bookworm is a mental illness?
>"Army, eh? Ohhhh... that means it's time to play 'interrogate the innocent female prisoner' again! Great!">"I would bet my life that the Great Torch isn't nearly as hot as I can get any man!">"So... how would you like to get together later and leaf through my octavo?">"Ohhh, the big strong adventurer killed the Gatekeeper? How interesting!">"Lady Syl torturing her own staff? Kinky...">"So, the mighty Lady Syl has fallen... Well then, that's one less woman to worry about... more men for me!!">"Why would Thadon need a stupid Chalice when he could simply have me as his refreshment?!">"The only thing I know that resonates around here are the sounds from my bedchambers..">"Now that this is all over, I feel like celebrating! Care to take a number?">"Yes, I know the Gatekeeper is back, but so what? He's missing the best parts(dicknuts), so what's the point?">"A newcomer may arrive in the Isles? I hope it's a guy and I hope he's cute! It's slim pickings around here.">"I'm Sontaire, spend one night with me and I'll remind you why they say 'love hurts'...">"The Fringe attacked? This may be our last day alive. Let's make the most of it!">"Poor Thadon, he was such a handsome man... I enjoyed our midnight meetings. I hope the new ruler of Mania is ready for me!"Wtf was her problem? Wtf is an "octavo" is it some obscure term for her Mer vagina? Why is she so consumed by lust?
>>3693466>a size of book page that results from folding each printed sheet into eight leaves (sixteen pages)
>>3686325Now that's a mod I could play. Where are all the young imperials though?
>>3687923Nigga couldn’t stop himself from stealing that sword.
>>3693466Are these actual voice lines? Or are you playing?
>>3693688yes Sontaire is a bit of a whore who claims she slept with over 50 men. why?
>>3693616This isn't a mod. Just select Imperial male as your race and hit randomize about 2,000 to 4,000 times and you'll get a CoC with a handsome mug just like such>where are the handsome Imperial kids?those you will have to mod in however
>>3694019she was based on Samantha character from Sex and The City
>>3685678Truly unsurpassed eleven beauty and elegance.
>>3694019Going to mod my game soon
>oblivion>waifusI guess uggos need waifus too
>>3686474funny you say that I've had this picture on my PC for years
>>3695073smart thinking. don't forget to install as many scatplay odds as possible so you can play Oblivion at the maximum immersion settings
>>3695073>scatplay oddsscatplay MODS I mean to say
>>3685599I had a thing for Claudette Perrick, perhaps because I was an alchemy nerd.She's charming, pretty and I like what she does to her hair.
>>3685818>Brooklyn accentHard pass.
>>3685818How does female necrophilia work? What is she going to do exactly? Attempt to insert a flaccid dead dick in her pussy?