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6 Years strong and going! Anniversary still going right now.

musume shooting action game in which you take on the role of commander and assemble a team of up to three "actresses" to take out artificial-looking alien enemies called Vice.

Available on mobile and on PC through DMMGamePlayer.

>PC Download

>Official Website

>Official Twitter

>Japanese Wiki

>AliceGearP's Channel

>AGA Helper & EN Fan Patch

Previous: >>1227392
Someone on my friend's list has a +9 Angelica and no Kei yet. Pray for him.
Just did another 10 rolls and I don't even have *2 Kei yet haha
Praying for his +10... I'm sure a +10 would be pretty legendary!
Am I missing something or did they forget to add kei's gear to the medal shop
They are going to add it on the 8th, which is when her 絆 episodes get unlocked. Angelica's was scheduled for the 2/1 so hers is already out.
are there any explaination of what the mod do?
Not too sure but it's probably some minor translations + features. Heard it's not updated in a while. Not really necessary so if you don't wanna risk downloading, then don't.
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it was a very tough decision which eventually boiled down to choosing between Miyuki and Misaki
I took the latter because AN Misaki had the most recent focus banner and Miyuki and Hikari are still waiting for their first rerun with both of them being released about 1 and 2 years ago, respectively

fingers crossed they will return soon
AGA helper contains multiple mods that actually matter (wide-screen, tl patch etc). You can easily enable/disable mod from the launcher and there's explanation on what the mods do. PC only if it's not obvious already.
>another good melee character
>yellow - the only element where i need more fun characters
>fun to play
Fucking hell every time.
thanks. wont really use them but it is nice to have option
>Doll Nests soon™
Hopefully it will give AGA good competition so Pyramid will finally move their ass.
The plastic otakus are all Pyramid care about. The game's profits are bottom-of-the-barrel already so, if they cared about the game's popularity, they'd have worry much sooner.
global when
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Damn Yui need to be corrected by Taichou (me).
She likes me btw. Pretty much my highest dupe.
>spent about 90 or 100 tickets
>not a single Kei or Angelica
>not even any other 4 star
fuck this piece of shit game
rigged as fuck
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Cat Day
Didn't expect a new character so soon, my tickets...
>noelle but nerfed
I dont want that
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Her battle suit is downgrade when compared to Noelle
Still waiting for AN Ryuuko. Year of the dragon and all.
New DMM campaign — join by logging in and clicking the big red button to get a free outfit bag in a month or so once it's over.
>AN Eden
What? It's her turn already? Feels like she just released few months ago.
Welp, somehow I got her anyway.
>strap goes between boobs
Imagine the smell
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there is approx. a 37.7% chance of not getting a single 4 star in the 32 free rolls
what did anon get?
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The 37%.
But I did get an AN Mutsumi off some near-expiration tickets shortly beforehand.
I got her too right after >>1423864
Zero 4*
But I missed a number of days at the start because I forgot about the news announcement and thought the gacha update was just the new character.
>triple pick up banner
>the one they chose to leave out is Fumika
I am mad.
Isn't it Fumika, Kaede and Mirie?
They only like putting 2 girls on picture when you look at the gacha page and Fumika was the one who got 33%'d. Or she might simply be the least popular.
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>Get Eden with the free rolls
>Get her AN with singles
I guess she likes me
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE no Another gear updates.
Holy shit, I didn't realize that was Rei at first when they showed the video.
Yeah, I expected they would introduce new alt category because Another ver of the main cast are mostly a bit boring (Ace suits) but I didn't think it would be this fast. Especially when Factor ver itself still have a huge backlog and the available ones are mostly dev's favourites. I bet Stellar releases would follow the same pattern of main cast+dev favourite.

They only care about Fumika when they want to sell glasses lol. It's pretty obvious that Kaede and Mirie are dev favourite, especially Kaede. Though Fumika at least still get better treatment compared to others because she's part of the main cast.
Nyooooo 2 Rei's 1 Kaoruko and no Chieri.
Also it's a bummer that you can't change the element of gift shop gear or AN gear.
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Stellar characters also have weapon passives that go up to 35% now.
You can do a mission in their character episodes to unlock their hairstyles, so you can swap them as you like on any of their character versions also. Dunno if this was the case for Factor Mari as well.
>hit the ticket cap yesterday so I did a 10 pull
>new characters came out today
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>Can't delete the post
Apologies, have this choco to makeup my mistake
I usually just do 1 roll unless it's multiple tickets at once going to expire.
I hope they do a single PU Stellar for Rin.
Code Geass collab soon, bros
CC and Kallen confirmed
I seriously did not expect that to be the big news. AGA always surprises me.
I'm surprised AGA is such a sellout
You will be getting a persona 5 and nier shittymata collab and you will like it.
Go back in time and say that when they announced a miku collab.
I don't mind collabs if they're small-scaled like Steins;Gate or Youjo Senki as opposed to BGHS or Strike Witches

oldschool Code Geass feels pretty outdated imo even if it's still popular in Japan, Mercury Witch Gundam or the Gridman universe might be more up-to-date choices

>persona 5
please, anything but the cursed EOS collab franchise
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Because of picrel, CG actually more up-to-date than those two
hence why I said oldschool Code Geass
I don't recognize anyone in that image and the event will most likely only feature Lelouch/Kallen/C.C.
Well the the new movie probably need the viewers to watch old series to enhance the experiences
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For me, BGHS is nice because in-house EoS collabs let you feel like your girls are outliving their own game.
Other than that sort, I don't usually care about collabs in general. I'm playing your game for your characters, not for someone else's.
>persona 5
>please, anything but the cursed EOS collab franchise
Was never cursed. Just that people like to cope when their game dies. Plenty of games survive P5 collab.
I never played this game but I watched the anime and my first kit arrived today, the Kaede reissue, guess it must have been delayed a bit pretty sure it was meant to come last year, any closer word on when Nodoka comes out? I ordered Kaede because they didn't have Nodoka and then they announced Nodoka a few days later
Also wow I was not ready for how many pieces or at least frames this was, i'm coming from simpler much lower priced kits so this should be interesting
oh wait BGHS actually went EoS? lmao
at least they were getting new stuff thanks to belonging to COLOPL unlike Project Tokyo Dolls which will most likely never have at least a gacha rerun
>BGHS actually went EoS?
It did. Almost five years ago now. (July 31, 2019)
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last minute 10+1 pull before the collab
I had to find out the hard way that Ginny's ponytail is tied to her shitty stellar outfit

I wasted 10 tickets for this
You need to do her character episodes and then you can do whatever suit/hair combination you want.
thanks senpai
I genuinely thought it was over for me
>her shitty stellar outfit
it a shame that if it's not full bodysuit it would be her best suit
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>just want CC
>got 2 Kallen instead
Frikin desire sensor aaaaa
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dead thread (revived by me)
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got her on my fifth roll with all those generous scouting points recently
would have preferred C.C. but oh well
Is it just me or is the pace they are releasing Stellar characters really fast.
Smol indie dev need moni pls understand.
>Need VPN for DMM again
>new buddy and union system
>ded bread
Yeah, the new system are pretty much nothing burgers. Might be good for screenshot or content creators but that's it. As for collab probably everyone already bored with Code Geass being a collab slut series.
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permanent banners for normal and another scouting are finally getting reworked into weekly rotating focus banners

very overdue considering some reruns took multiple years to happen and now you will have to probably wait around 22 weeks on average
CC is a gardevoir ass looking MF and probably got crucified because people were looking for a shiny blue haired version.
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Finally got Yumi. Oh boy she's going to be so great fully specced melee with a purple electric sniper rifle. Basic bazooka just feels too bad to play.
What the fuck is up with Nodoka?
She's a lesbian, which is too close to a man and not enough of a woman. This makes that value needed to be actress much lower because it's suspected that that factor is related to being a woman somehow. She must raise her woman energy to be a good actress. But then she'll still be half lesbian, half actress.
>the new looking girl they teased was actually just non-gal Meika
>they de-gyarufied Meika
I'd yell heresy if I wasn't interested in seeing her with natural hair color my god is she cute
also this is the third character now to get a Stellar version before a Factor one, lol
AIIEE I just got her dupe from free rolls yesterday and she's already back for more.
>nerfed trash mob stats
Uhh, why? I guess the high level one does hit hard but they also die really fast to Gear skill spam.
I ended up using 50 ticks + all of my stash but at least I got her.
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God, I wish her Factor or Stellar costume is just jacketless AF costume
I hope she gets her hair down this time.
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Punished Nodoka wen
Aw yeah, I finally got her. I remember that one time I wasted like 100 tickets and still couldn't get her.
>got Stellar Meika
>her light skin is tied to the Stellar and recent event outfits
>you can only switch from light to tanned with an accessory but not vice versa
fuck this shitass game, I wanna see her in her swimsuit in light skin

also hammer specialist with a terrible hammer weapon, it's so over
These devs are terrible at making the extra options available.
>Mari/Anna FA hairs are not only tied to the FA character, but also don't work with head accessories (no idea if others are like that as well, don't have 'em)
>All those girls with fully modeled alternate hairstyles that you only get when you put a hat on them
yeah they're really reserved when it comes to extra hairstyles
having Meika with black hair and ponytail or Mai with just her hair down and no hat isn't really that much to ask
I'd even kill for Koyui's ponytail without a hat
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There's the possibility of modding, like making one of the hats/helmets invisible to get to the hairstyles.
Still stupid you even have to do that, though.
maybe I'll consider that in the future, but I can't be assed for now
hopefully they're gonna make another questionnaire soon so I can vent my anger on the devs
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What I use is a simple thing from here.
You just overwrite two files, and they'll make the white safety helmet from Rika's Tokyo Undershard event (pic related) invisible for everyone.

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