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who dun it? someone plz help so i can get 5 rare for $0.99 thx in advance
It must be Evil cat! I mean, he even has 'evil' in his name!
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is there actually any fucking shit worth rolling the fuck i've been massing all this fucking shit for literally no reason other than hoarding FUCKK
how do people feel after spending 1500 only to not get the uber they want but no uber at all
>not tracking rolls
never will make it, never have.
kek tranny moment, might as well spawn in rolls
>Waiting to pull that last Coin Cat dupe
The worst part of event gachas.
I love the QoL changes Ponos has been implementing recently.
Pic related actually motivated me to grab the catseyes with "clear xyz with 9 normal cats" or some shit.
ok schizo. if they give me an advantage i am gonna use it deal with it :^)
Why, You enjoy more hoarding shit than research what its good to pull, do you even trackseed?
At this point just get what you don't have, then sell stuff for np if you need to
is part 3 supposed to show up after part 2? i don't see it
Does the main menu Cat not talk to you in a different way than usual?
Although who knows, it started last week, maybe it's gone by now.
where stage are you stuck? with that catfood and tix you probably finished 4 crown SOL and UL so... enjoy hoarding until PONOS acidentally flagged your account
lmao what i made it to the end with the cat im not sure? i thought there was 20 days left
If you got the 777 Catfood, you made it to the end. That's it, the quiz was the whole of Part 3.
holy cope kek
What should I do with a White Knight Cyclops in early game? Im using Orbital Platform Armageddon as my alien backliner nuker. Hes still in storage so should I just turn him into 3mill xp which I need now or wait till I unlock talents for np?
whoops 1 million not 3 hes not a legend unit
why is tracking bad again? i already give money to ponos i expect this
no the thing has 5 parts, i think us version is still waiting for pt 5 to release.
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Ruins the "gacha magic"
Keep him around, his second form is immune to wave which is a good niche to have when the early game options are scarce.
And eventually he'll cover the function of anti aku which well, he's not the best at but it is an option and its an important niche
I'll wait but if I end up getting someone better at those niche I probably will end up recycling him. I do like his design and animations though.
I'm honestly thinking it's Mohawk myself. And I also had an idea that I want to bounce off this board- What if we waited until the last few hours to vote, only after getting the results from the JPN servers? Or is this contest an EN exclusive?
For the longest time Beast Bones was just a resource that just piled up, showing up from random drops whenever I wanted anything else, but the closer I've been getting to level 20 on all the Cannons, the quicker it all started disappearing, to the point it's my most sought after building mat.
But now, finally, once Ototo finishes work on my Curseblast, all the cannons will be at lvl.20 and the cost drops significantly.
Haven't played since the first Behemoth stages got introduced and I only came back for the free Legend ticket. Is farming the stones really supposed to be this miserable? I still haven't beat SoL either (I'm on Chap 42 though) so I'm just tempted to leave that on the backburner
Always use new units ya dingus
Go finish up SoL and UL up to Dogumaru so you can access Hunter Map III.
Farming stones through the regular maps is just terrible.
If you can get Hunter Map lll enigma stages, behemoth stones wont be a problem anymore
That said, that requires you to finish UL lol
>Is farming the stones really supposed to be this miserable?
sure let me just grab my source of infinite xp
Ultra Stress is right now, anons
Frankly, I think it is the best stage for farming XP
Low cost, fast clear time with low unit demand and XP drops pretty much guarantee endless grinding
One flaw is that you are going to vomit by 50th time playing this stage
Now I see where you're coming from, but xp is very low value compared to NP or the possibility of a uber coming in handy at a later stage/getting buffs later down the line.
Yes, the free 10k every 8 hours, what about it?
You're on borrowed time Toni
I'll get that last rainbow assistant soon enough
low xp is only a early-midgame problem, once you can clear merciless xp stages, you can get 6 million xp per day, esp now with double xp ads. even without ads its near 4.7 M.
Dark valkyrie gotcha, she's bigger than I thought
I hope Ponos returns to Valkyrie in ZL. They still think she's one of the mascots of the game but her unit has been powercrept so badly
You say powercrept, but has she ever been actually useful...?
new event data out, ht and gigahani but no guaranteeds
Three more hours until I put my hands on her. Too bad she shares the spot with the new Trixi, and the next time she appears is in another 200 rolls. Should I pull her instead, and wait until the next time the banner drops to gt Val?
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2 Mondays ago, I ripped Idi:Re apart with a Naga/Royal Guard Chip strat. I have the tape, but the vid is in Lord Markiquad's server. With that said, I have amended the UL rules one last time for 3*:
>Normal, EX, Rare, and the 6 Mikus can be used only. I almost have 20 80 Superfeline.
And on the 50K CS. It was an UBER PARTY.
>Spam a bit of Ramen
>Send Balrog
>Send support for Balrog if needed
>Send Divine Kai, or more support
>BAlroG HYpeRCarrY for first 4 levels
The last stage had Relic Bun at least. And I also found out that TF Uril can counter Puff the Magic Leviathan while working on UL 2* as I've cleared SoL. Runs have become pseudo no-uber barring the 6 Mikus. And I beat Urs as well.
I didn't get any Raiden cons, but I pulled the latest Birthday Haruka in 1 10 pull. And I'm building Kachina as well.
Does JP have the exact same clues as EN? If not, 'use the annual survey' will be the best thing coming from this community.
>another discount reset
>haven't used the previous one
>no upcoming guaranteed banners
pornos plz
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Actually, since this is where the next Trixi and regular Li'l Val are on the tracker, I think I'll go for Trixi after all and wait for Lunar New Year to grab Val. The next LVD is at 252A (and she will most likely remain there unless Ponos introduces a Dark Trixi by January), so all I need is to make sure I have enough pulling power to get there.
Wow, IrfanView really hates the color red, huh.
Makes me track seed.
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Do i get Izanami or do i save the Legend Slot in case they dump Bikkuriman on us after the Anniversary
>Cost Down Talent
Both the wiki(s) and the talent priority list suggest leveling rhis one up only partway through for both Pizza and Roe to not disqualify them from taking part in certain restriction stages, I'm guessing the "over 1200 only" one. Does anybody know which stages specifically it refers to? If it's an Advent revenge I've already cleared then there's no point in not maxing out the talent, since I doubt I'll ever come back to it, and if it's some CotC stage I might have to clear for a Monthly Mission I can always figure out some alternative. Or is there something I'm not thinking of?
Not *right* after anni, late October is usually when we're getting Shoumetsu Toshi and Halloween banners. But there's room for a collab between those and Christmas, so that's when I'd be expecting Bikkuriman to drop.
Besides, you can get Izanami every month, meanwhile we haven't had Bikkuriman since 2020, so yeah, I'd wait. Unless you've got another Legend spot you are confident you can get to in rhat time.
I always do that survey, and stress that as many people here do it when it comes up! It is literally the only way PONOS listens to it's player base. And I'll probably just drop Mohawk and let it be. It's getting to where gold tickets don't mean a whole lot to me.
She's okay until you get Ururun and you never stop picking up useful backliners and debuffers at that point. Valk is low damage and bad uptime.
I remember using her for one or two stages for her freeze but that's it
How do you access the survey?
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>lil valk dark at 121A while on the B track
>ok maybe regular lil valk will be better
>cost down pizza
If you dont have op ubers and your using pizza as main black and general attacker then go for it. Otherwise wave is enough. Theres a specific stage though that makes cost down advantageous like Infernal 44. Ive used pizza in that lineup but Im out of np at that time
>cost down roe
In my case, ive never cost down roe, unless your really struggling with a specific stage and roe is your only red defense. But red is powercrept by courier and theres a lot of anti alien above 1200
There was a survey last year in anniversary. Maybe next week?
15k UR after 1 year and 3 months. I guess this is truly post end game.
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Say, haven't played in like 2 years and came back for anni X, with my current roster is there anywhere that i'm lacking? also who's worth true forming? (rare-super rare favorites are TF'd while ubers are only 30 minimum)
Just TF units as you need em as you keep going through Stories of Legend/Cats of the Cosmos
Do more SoL, Zyclone, and advents.
Madoka, ponos please
You need to finish your advents and awakenings bro
For priority you should grab lollycat, C.A.T., li'l mowhawk, li'l eraser, li'l dragon, manic dragon, green shell, curry, glass, and tourist
For TFs focus on shigong, roe, fishman, housewife, liberty, vigler, and gravi
Get fiend, aku researcher, and optionally li'l legs/island when you start doing aku realms
I know it's fucking boring, but go finish up SoL to get the rest of the advents, particularly boulder and slime, then push up to dogumaru so getting all the behemoth units isn't as terrible
u fukkked my son you are wayyy behind
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I am now convinced this is easily the best unit in the game
no that would be courier
Alright, they can share the no1 spot
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I understand people hate to admit it
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yay done with treasures! nope don't ever have to do that again! no im not coping!
Now get to clearing all those zombie outbreaks
chop chop
I don't mind doing them since I only have to do them once and they feel like a new level. I just need a good lineup for later missions.
Also they don't give a massive bonus do they? Just extra energy right?
aside from extra energy, they are supposed to increase the treasure chance, which you've already done which kinda useless now. same thing happened to me, its harder than usual and new players don't bother with outbreaks before treasure and it comes only every few hours. t.b.h. one of the bad game design by ponos
Also there's the 10 catfood for each outbreak cleared, adding up to 480 cf per chapter.
>lil valk on my sneed
>15 draws away on track B
>no track switch or garunteed banner in sight
Lil valk is still coming back this January for the Lunar New Year. Thanks for the info >>1589148
>this January
I guess i can wait three months
>beat Malevolent Lion first try just spamming Cameraman, Barrel, Slime, Boulder and Corn with research combos
Now I've finally gotten and TF'd all the Malevolent Cats
>the spirit gum clue was just to set up the reveal that the infiltrator has been a Doge in disguise all along
Okay then.
Congrats, always a nice threshold to pass.
>October 18th
I think i'm getting too old for this game
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Right, retarded smileys don't work on here thankfully
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I guess as far as chinese bootlegs go, I lucked out quite a bit with this one. I've seen photos of absolutely squished basic Cat and feared for the worst. But they completely gave up on tying the rope on the axe, oh well.
Have some Mitama
i just got this little fucker with 2 small defence buffs, roe, and balrog spam you think i could get his true form or should i wait after i get like Mina to do it?
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forgot pic related
If you can rush the second stage, it should be possible
how important is it even to get him to TF'd? it was a bitch and a half to get him in the first place
TF makes slime even more broken
The added range and speed to jelly cat are huuuuge improvements
Also added wave level increased his piercing range
I dont know if you CAN, but i neglected him and regretted it. Hes like fragile bullet train with waves, if he can land the hit hes godly
when would you know if you could? do i have to wait until i can get super rares/ubers to level 50?
just try the stages every time it comes out, youtube are great for reference and miraheze wiki since they remove the lineups which in the past force players to use lvl 50 units when it can be completed earlier if you have the guts to try.
Lucky ticket farming speedrun
Credits to: Anonymous Crouton from BC Wiki Forum


Levels are all 50, and if you dont have lvl 50 awakened bahamut you might want to bring another unit to kill the base faster (like manic lion or bullet train cat).

The timings are as follow:
- million dollar cat as soon as you can, doesnt have to be precise
- Green shell cat at 1350, if you are spawning it too late try 1300 or earlier
- cat cannon as soon as you see it come off cooldown
- Awakened bahamut as soon as you can as well.

pic related is mine, replaced 2 canon start up M. added nanaho and saito for mistiming, also use thunderbolt when green shell reach green circle if you can't time with crouton's timing
I prefer to snipe the base with long rangers but thanks for the suggestion to use million dollar cat, it helps a lot with the startoff
>lil valk 30 pulls away
>135 normal tickets in three days
Its doable right? Right???
SmH will give you 60 normal tickets at max. And theres only 1 on three days. Theres lunar new year at january if you cant make it
Trixi came home today. Ill just wait until Jan for Lil Valk
I also snipe the base when i mistime my thunderbolt. I still prefer timing it since baha can make destroy it within seconds, making it 24 secs every clear.
>it's exclusive to this banner
Looks like I might just have to use up a Plat ticket on fucking Coppermine to bypass the track switch on my sneedtrack if i wanna pull Trixi
Great anon, she cripples relic/alien/traitless units with her 87% freeze chance per 3 hits and she attacks way too fast
On my part
>showing up 3 pulls behind my track position
>nothing in miles
>not showing on legend and platinum banners
Guess its time to die
I was hoping for lil valk but it turns out she's better than lil valk. I thought the .33s freeze was really shitty but turns out good. Im excited to use her in crown UL as my relic CC/tanker. And the traitless typing is just the cherry on top. Late UL is littered with relic and traitless. Immune to slow and curse too!
>30 clears so far of Lucky Ticket stage
>No 3-ticket drops outside of the guaranteed first clear one
>Get a no-drop clear seven times so far instead
I am strongly considering not farming anymore. On the other hand, 30 more tickets and I'll reach the next Dark Catseye.
Theres 9 rares in the heavenly tower so if i can scrape together 90 regular tickets i might be okay...
If you have the Catamins, you can do three Super Metal Hippoes and two Facing Dangers each day on the Catamin Stages. Between seven and nine tickets a day depending on your luck.
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i haven't touched tracking yet but she might make me
Once you track, there's no going back.
RNG can be a bitch, who knows you might get +3 seven times in a row
>next trixi in 213B
welp, see you next year I guess
Got her, hopefully she'll help with next week's Gigahani, it's the last Baron I haven't beaten yet.
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>lost my vote
>get extra tickets
Two days remain
I have 48 spins
Lil valk is 63 steps away
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>41 pulls total
>not a single uber
Guess it's finally time to grind UL 3 star
It sucks but it doesn't bum me out too much, I have most of the ubers I really want/like and no stage is hard enough for me to really wish I had a specific uber. Obviously it's different for early-midgame players and people who are trying to build their collection.
Finally getting this done, 42/48 on CotC2. Feels so nice.
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Got Trixi, and my next legend rare is in 100 rolls
Posts like these actually make the 4chan BC community look good, on top of the fact that the place is friendlier to newer players.
Once you finish investing into every other good cat with UTs/UF (Kuu, Shingen, Windy, Cradle, Sakura Sonic, Ganesha), feel free to put Dark Eyes into her.
Also, I want to learn a bit of history of the community. Why do we call the longposter who drops by every 5-14 days Miku Anon? I know it's due to the Miku Collab, but I'm certain there's more.
>Why do we call the longposter who drops by every 5-14 days Miku Anon?
He just really likes Miku. I believe it's to the point that he's clearing starred UL with Miku units and no meta ones.
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Because one fuck started calling him that in an effort to turn this into some weird circlejerk
Fuck community. Fuck tripniggers. My name is Anon.
he calls himself that in effort to create some kind of thread eceleb, he’d make a spergy post and then after everyone ignores him he poses as someone else praising or defending “miku anon” without fail
he’s very mentally ill in case you haven’t realized just ignore him
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Silly anon
Contrary to your opinion, not everyone hates him, I, for one enjoys him, and he gives solid advise from time to time. Making posts praising yourself is just stupid
Im kind of new here, but i just assumed it was because he kept banking tickets and making predictions about when/if the miku collab would come back. I took his advice and now i habe like five mikus including the wave blocker
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Phew, beat Flappy Cat for my first crazed cat. Used Yukimaru as my awakened bahamet since I don't have him. Brought along Ice cat to deal with the Bores and lots and lot of Masai and Dragon cats were sacrificed to the Rein Ds. User rank is 1410 and all cats level 25.
You got crazed fish yet? I think its the best crazed unit
Nah bird cat stage was available today and was my first. Probably could attempt crazed fish this weekend but honestly I don't know how well it'll go since I don't have any traitless targeting cats at all.
It makes him better but if you get him early you don't need to upgrade him for a while. I also don't get why him hopping makes him faster than floating/rolling to the front lines either
Oh thank God Level 30 Million Dollar Cat can kill Metal Hippoe. I thought I'd have to farm them
I'm aware about the molasses speed, but is Muu/Doom engine pandora a free win for zombie outbreak stages? (i've just cleared all itf2 z stages)
Dépends of the stage, tough i'm sure he is highly useful in all of them
>a Cyclone
>there's more than one
wtf, pornos?!
>Florida Simulator
Sometimes when Saber aligns behind Million Dollar Cat she looks like she's the one wearing fishnets
I played this years ago and tried picking it up again last month. It's crazy how it seems like they expect you to have been playing for the last 10 years to even compete with current events.
Blew through all the points I had collected trying to level ubers. Still don't have a super-uber-legendary or whatever they're called.
I remember why I uninstalled it in the first place.
>It's crazy how it seems like they expect you to have been playing for the last 10 years to even compete with current events.
Dude, Towers is literally endgame content.
Which you can easily get to in like 8 months at most.
Everything else you can easily do after maybe 2 months.
ehhh which events are you referring to specifically?
Boys... i think ive done it
Ive actually done it
Like 40 rare tickets in three days
I cant believe it. And now i have 63 lil cat pulls to track too!
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Early-mid players: floor 30
Late - end : floor 40-50

This is gross simplification and with op ubers you can totally ignore this. Most ongoing events are designed so new players can still play it. Just dont expect to complete it first try. I myself completed towers on 3rd try.
Grats, dude. I'm biding my time till next year. Im reserving my tickets for upcoming Dec collab
So what's up with the survey? Did I miss it? Has it not dropped yet?
The wiki and guides on Youtube often demonstrate using 4-crown restrictions for a reason. Pretty much everything is doable using non-gacha units and in many cases you're better off using cheap spammable units because the expensive Ubers get killed off quick then stay on cooldown for the rest of the stage, eating up a unit slot
Thanks, happy hunting!
I kept getting walled on specific floors in the 40s and needing to come back once id dumped catseyes into the mandatory units. The one with clionel and rashomon was especially bad, there was nothing i could do before i got sushi to 50+ and i still needed ubers to carry me
>he one with clionel and rashomon was especially bad
was it Floor 44 by any chance? the Infernal version was especially bad. at least you're done with it.
NTA, but I got filtered by that floor last time. But I've pulled Thunder Jack and Balrog Cat since then, so hopefully that'll get me through.
You'd think, but the Akus come out at just the right time to completely fuck Balrog over.
HT Floor 44 is free with him, but IT44 is still a nightmare.
Maybe if I time Hajime Saito right, he'll take care of the Akus?
It's gonna take a while for me to try though, I just cleared HT41, and even after I finish HT, with all the catamins I've spent farming silver tickets over the last two months, skipping Catamin-dropping stages of IT would be a waste.
Yeah. I mean no since i have to replay it every single time, but yeah

Heavenly tower? Not likely. Balrog might be a good reply to the gories if you dont have yukimura, but hes probably only getting one hit off and a doge can easily body block his single target. I used yukimura and dancer iz as my only ubers, the heavy lifting was really done by turtle, sushi, bullet train and cutter.

Im pretty sure ive beaten the aku one too, but ive let it slip since then so i wont know what i used for a few more days
Speaking of Infernal Tower, I was so sure that this time around I'd be getting the last Golder Seed I'd need to cover every evolution that needs it, but it turns out that White Rabbit's UF that has been introducen since the last time the Towers dropped also needs one, so I'll be back to missing one.
Hajime can take care of Hannya too. I guess IT 44 is finally powercreeped. If you've got Doron too its a sure win now.
I keep forgetting he targets Reds as well.
Infernal Tower is endgame content to be honest, but when it came out you didn't have the UL true forms yet so you don't need them to beat it
finally got a nekoluga family uber but it's furryluga and not even a meme uber like Papa Kakulan. I'm no where close to getting to aku realms atm.
He also helps with CotC. At least on the stages that allow Ubers.
I had to burn all of my tickets just for Lil' Valk and Trixi. I don't think there'll be a collab soon so I should be good...
I bet there will be Kunio in Mid November, and Bikkuriman December.
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Just did IT44 on my first try and feel like a god now.
Saito was pretty good as expected but the real MVP was the Slime TF being able to reliably hit Aku/Black Doge now
This took me 14 tries last time so i'm glad i got it over with
bullshit stage even the cleanup phase feels like loosing
Based and congratulations.
>>1590035 might end up being objectively correct if Jell-o Cat powercrept other end-game stages as well.
yeah but i got bazibon previous day I don't really need much more alien clear than that
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13.7 is out
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>No Bikkuriman but Yes Metal Slug
EN version of 13.8 would come out sometime early December, so probably too late for the next collab spot. Discounting Merc Storia, it would seem for the last two years the next collab would drop on April, so I guess that's when we'd get Bikkuriman?
Speaking of collabs, you think Ponos wil rerun the Ranma 1/2 collab since the remake is airing now?
>They are removing guides from the wiki
And into the trash it goes
I mean yeah, the guides belong in the trash
But in all seriousness, most were unhelpful at best and I dont envy having to quality check guides on the 1k levels this game has
you think so? Most lineups i tried worked perfectly.
If anything the "recommended units" thing they have now is beyond worthless.
You're telling me to use Uril, Doron, Luza on a relic stage? What a shocker!
At least the lineups had some interesting strategies occasionally

But at least you can still watch some eceleb shilling his videos on the wiki pages
Personally, I find descriptions of how a specific stage plays out and what sort of issues you might face during it much more helpful than a step-by-step overwiew of a specific tactic.
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I dont know what compelled me to make this but couldnt get the idea outta my head

Made mostly from the perspective of how unhappy I am to see an enemy on a stage lineup in 3* UL
There's too many peons so I left some out cause I dont care about sir seal
In what world are mole, sunfish and toucan major threats? And Camelle only is on 4* restrictions.
JJ Jackrabbit is usually just free money, even at 200%
I'd also up Aku Snake and Aku Peng a tier since deathsurges can cripple you. Zuche too since they can kill your base in an instant.

But otherwise yea i'd mostly agree
nta but jacked up mr mole can be a giant pain in the ass and deals a fuck ton of damage
I just fucking hate the mole and stages that spam 5 of em at once, especially when they do significant damage over time
Youcan because its the enemy I drop the ball against the most for some reason
Camelle I admit is mostly just Kuala Lumpur 3* PTSD
St dober forcing me to use half my lineup to handle him
>13.7 drops Tuesday
>Spooky Yuki requires 6 Green CFs along with some others
>Hanzo requires another 6 Green CFs and some Epic ones
>Green CFs are farmable on Mondays
But I could've checked the wiki beforehand, so I guess that's on me.
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>5 Ebin Stones
its gonna take me months because i can care enough to do those dumbass stages again
To this day I still genuinely have no idea what the striped alien pigge does. And if I'm not mistaken, it's not even on your list. Just goes further to prove that it's worthless.
I personally find Zuche and Bores worse than Owlbrow and Chickful A.
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>bunbun and all his variants reduced to annoying minions even the supposed boss of SOL
how the dreaded has fallen
Bun Bun hasn't gotten a new variant since Relic I believe. I Imagine Aku or Behemoth/Baron Bun Bun would be nasty to fight.
Just find Chikful and Owlbrow's ability to kill midliners way worse than pushers like bores
>literally the only behemoth that doesn't immediately wreck your shit
>still complains about it
>Baron Bun Bun
Nah, you wouldn't see a Baron, they're based on super-basic early enemies. Maybe, MAYBE if they introduced a Final Boss Baron (like Ensanglion for Behemoths), as a call back to the Final Boss of EoC, but otherwise I couldn't see it.
Sage is still an option though.
you can farm it (and all the other normal fruits) every weekend too
IF26 is entirely too much of a pain in the dick just for some build mats. Maybe if it dropped one of the ones I'm constantly short on I'd be more understanding.
>Quick Resend Gamatoto button
Would be better without the confirmation popup, giving you a way to start a new expedition in two taps instead of three doesn't really change all that much.
Anon, I...
i skip all the mat stages in the tower
>have to choose between farming lucky tickets, legend passes, or relic orbs
suffering from success
Maybe I should as well, but I still need those.
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Okay, I've managed to clear lvl.16 Gigahani (although my first try on lvl.17 didn't go so well), but I needed items to get through starting from like lvl.13. I guess I've got 16 weeks to finish UL and get the units TF'd before it comes back next time so I might(?) have an easier time.
It could be done without UL legends, here's my lineup, equally ubercarried as you.
this was my first pull wtf
I finally did it. I maxed out all my Anni cats. But as for the Legend Tickets, there is still NO UNIT I WANT TO PULL. And they will run Halloween into and after All Saint's Day (Nov 1). Does Ponos realise that that is quite rude?! And I also managed to obtain True Superfeline, a dupe Phono, Ganesha, Kalisa, BW Axe, Fish and Bird. I still need 37 pulls just to get to Black Zeus for Bikkuriman, but I am thinking we will be guttered with Castle and Dragon like Princess Punt did with Miku last year. I also have only 15 subchapters on UL 2*, and finished Humanity Catified 3*... but I used Kunio on BoTM. (Sidestep count: 1)
Also, I am starting to play EXP/MAS 28s, and am touching a few 29s and 30s after that lucky Haruka pull. And I wonder if I should get Hu Tao, or chase Nahida cons.
>Calling Slime Cat a 'little fucker'
Congratulations. You just made me laugh. It's uncommon to see original funny posts like this here- some of the funny stuff posted here came elsewhere.
LET'S FUCKING GOOOO. I even read Barbara Star Dush because 11 FUCKING MONTHS.
Not interested in more.
Honestly, I agree. Mining Epic is a slog.
>No skIPpiNG batTleS fUr thiS stAGE! MEows thE tiMe TO fIGHt wiTH YouR OWn StrenGTH!
Fuck you Pornos. Hope your staff enjoy what Mahapapaya made R. Ost do to Myrcia.
>Barbara Star Dush
Genshin Impact hentai porn, lol
Revised team got me through lvl.17 and 18, but after that, the other third Otter keeps wrecking my shit every time. And between all the different piercing attacks, I sometimes manage to KB Sunfish twice while Giga is still up, so I feel like I'm so close. I think Trixi doesn't really bring as much to the tram as I hoped, maybe it's time to replace her with a Colo Slayer. And by Colo Slayer I mean Sirius.
Yep, Sirius helped, now I have finally all the Baron medals.
What really is needed here is an Ultra Souls that targets Relics as well as Angels, and I find it surprising that there still isn't one around (at least one that does so by default, I don't know about Talents). And with the newly released one being a second Anti-Zombie unit on the banner, I guess we'll have to wait another year and a half at least for a chance it'll happen.
New event data is out, back to just one week into the future.
>Halloween starts, regular gacha and the rare ticket/plat shard gacha
>New Colosseum, this time the Cooldown Limit one
Count Yuki true form finally...
Never thought to used Saito, but I used thunder jack instead. It took me a lot of tries last time too.
So far, the big issue needing multiple tries I've had was IF39. Royal Guard Cat juggles Puff with no problem, but even at level 50 it doesn't have enough power to kill it before the rest of the enemies start spawning (although it does have enough HP to survive a hit from EnerG). And since money is tight, I can't just spam shit and hope enough units get a hit off in-between the Surges (which is also why Gridiron was so helpful). Finally got the timing, or at least the frequency, right though.
Also is it just me, or is Chocoladite great for dealing with the Tacky/EnerG? Not only does she target their traits, but she's between Tacky's trigger-range and his target-range, so as long as she doesn't get hit getting there, and has someone to protect her from EnerG advancing, she's safe to snipe them.
With all of that said, I hope I'll manage to finish Infernal this time around, just so I can skip this stage next time.
It took a few good tries, but I've finally cleared IT44, except now I'm stuck on Floor 46. After Gigahani I thought I was done with the fucking Gokurakkus.
I hate to turn this thread into my personal blog, but after WAY to many tries I finally figured out what I needed to quickly deal with the Otter Cunt (it's the ridiculously powerful Anti-Traited Legend Rare with no blindspot, whoda thunk it).
Between the Towers and Gigahani I'll definitely gonna need to farm Rich Cats every Monday for the foreseeable future though, and I still have four more floors to go through.
>turn this thread into my personal blog
Like miku anon huh? I dont mind though, sometimes selfishness indirectly help other people like when you like to brag how you won the stage and people can learn from your lineup etc.
>Like miku anon huh?
No, more in "several posts in a row are just me bitching" kind of way.
But I did it, FUCK Uril and FUCK Mina as well. Turns out Cyberstacking is still king, and now I have all Sunday to farm Lucky Tickets, especially since with the time change I won't be getting XP stages tomorrow.
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fucking wish i bought a cat cpu to this i thought togeluga would have made quick work of this but holy shit no this was like 20 minutes of tapping 4 meatshields. Anyway the so called best unit acquired.
>just cleared all malevolents
>haven't bothered to get cone cat
>hand is too tired even if the event is up right now
Also, (Insane) difficulty my ass. These stages are not the same level as crazed cats.
Gotfat updated the update, now you can finally check the Halloween banner.
>Mummy Super Rare at 43B, completely ignoring about 20 Super Rare spots before it
Oh well. At least I can easily get all the Spoopy Ubers I'm still missing on the way to it.
Oh, and since we most likely won't be getting Bikkuriman until sometime next year, I have to wonder what I should do with the upcoming Legend Rare spot I've been saving for Black Zeus. It's in my way for if I want to grab the two L'il Valkyries during the Lunar New Year banners, so waiting is out of the question.
Last year, Dynastyfest popped up right after the November Punt Collab, so if the situation repeats again this time, I could pull as many Metal Slug units as I can (although since after pulling Mummy there'd be only about 80 spots left until the Legend, I doubt I'd get all five Ubers, two Supers and five Rares), get Emperor, and then pull the Christmas Ubers in January to get closer to the Valks right after. The good thing about the Valk spots is that afterwards I get a bit of a Legend Rare hotspot, with three in the next 75 pulls, so I could park there and wait for the Bikkuriman Collab.
Or maybe I could ignore the Dynastyfest (if it even shows up) and the Legend spot I've been working to get to for the last half a year (or at best use it to grab whatever Legend drops from whichever regular banner will be up at the time), get all the Metal Slug and Christmas units, get the two Valks, and wait by the hotspot hoping that another Dynastyfest pops up between LNY and whenever Bikkuriman drops (there was one in February as well, so there's a good chance) so I could use two of the three Legend spots there for limited ones.
At least either way I'll be able to get the new Merc Storia Uber between the second Valk and the first Legend spot. Although only +2 on Nono, a bit weak considering she's about to shoot up in popularity as far as anti-Black tanks are concerned.
i wish we could atleast play as the unbalanced as fuck testing heros
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>done with cotc 3, halfway with SoL and have started to collect manic cat forms
I realize that this cat game is a marathon, but how long will it take to collect the cats from cyclone and ascendant stages? (I just got my first one, supercat from pufferfish stage)
>how long will it take to collect the cats from cyclone and ascendant stages?
there's a lot of cyclones, advents so it depends. I've completed my last advent (Z-Onel) last May and I started playing July 2023 so for me around 10 months. They've added White Bakoo and Papuu revenge stages only recently so even us end game players are not yet finished with the optional bosses.
>starting with Puffer
holy shit.
But if you can beat that (and are working on Crazies), I assume you can clear the Cyclone Stages already, so it's just a question of checking the wiki to see when they drop. Revenge stages for the TFs as well, probably, and the first round of Advents too.
next week
t. siluman
how kind of you to post here, jones
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wew, 4* UL certainly was something else
With the introduction of jellycat&royal guard cat, it wasnt as bad as I was expecting, those two carried pretty hard(as well as the TF legend units of course)
3*UL was the stuff of nightmares, genuinely one of the worst grinds I ever done in a game. Cant wait for the pain 3*ZL will bring
200 % soractes ?
Been trying to hack battle cats jp, couldn't make it past the xp part. I wonder if there's anyone here who understands in gameguard or could try help me with it as value numbers in jp version seem to be different then international one
whos gonna get the first nekoluga family ultra form
and 200% advent bosses, dont forget
It'll be like HT floor 44 but worse
Got my last featured item just after pity. Nice
I think I only needed to go 60 souls in until I got all five. Or maybe 90, but I don't think so.
The second-to-last 10 pull was bullshit though.
>four 5k in a row
>another fucking 5k
>Halloween already
Time sure flies. Last year, v13.0 dropped on November 13th on JPN, so I assume the next update is likewise two weeks away at most. And since 13.7 was a pretty big one, I assume we're getting a pretty normal one. Or maybe we're getting 14.0 with Uncanny Legend Quest?
Anyway, since last time we got a second Wargods Ultra Form, I assume this time we'll get either a new Dragon or a GalGal, since those were released in 13.0 alongside Ultra Oda. Will Ponos go the route of the least resistance and just Ultra Form Thundia to accompany Windy, or will they do something out of left field? Which one would you like to see?
UF Keiji with surge and curse immune, and insane resistant to black
I've almost 16K CF on hand. I can thus complete Toshi and MSD banners easily.
And as for UL 2*, that final restriction was too binding. As a result of playstyle drift during play, I have added more rules, also fuck Glass Slippers. I clutched it with Lasvoss. (Sidestep count: 2). And the ICD colo let me use Miku freely.
>Beat all stages 4* excluding all 6 Mikus wherever possible.
>A maximum of 4 N/SR units can be used if a stage is too hard for a pseudo 4* deck.
>Standard ubers can be used if the stage is hard as balls. But still, no Balrog or Fishe.
And I'm very disgusted with the lack of EN voice acting in both the AQ and Sabzeruz Fest 2024 (FUCKING SILENT FILM). So I viewed some Lesser Lord cunny on Iwara, and pulled her C1 on the next successive pull after losing to Dehya.
>"I'm thinking of not completing Metal Slug banner"
A Soractes PSA was made because Metal Slug is very elusive! Do what I did waiting for the Miku Collab rerun and USE YOUR CF AND TIX FOR METAL SLUG. THIS APPLIES TO EVERYONE ELSE TOO!!!
Is this an impostor or the actual Siluman? If this is Siluman, confirm it in your next YouTube video for all of us to witness.
New banner with ubers whose selling point is to reference anime (Dynamites: RPG classes, AHUS: JP Folktales, Dark Heroes: DC, Pixies: Interstellar Fakemon, Wargods Vajiras: Japanese History, Galgals: Fanservice bar Terun and Pegasa, Lugas: Eldritch Abominations, FAIL: Mecha). I want new expies, especially since Ponos can and will deliver.
Metal Slug/Halloween guaranteed gacha on the 12th
Dynamites guaranteed banner with Dino Cat on the 15th
Yeah, since MSD and Halloween guaranteed banners are running concurrently, I might be able grab everything I'm missing from either within 120 spots. There's a trackswap on the Halloween banner right after I'd grab the RR Eri on the Metal Slug banner, which would allow me to also grab an uber I'd have to bend over backwards to get otherwise, for example, and if I pulled for guaranteed on that trackswap, I'd not only get two of the spoopy Ubers I've been missing, but also end up right in front of Mummy Sumo.
Oh, planning this is gonna be FUN.
Also, I don't think I ever realized Iron Legion's full banner name shortens to FAIL. >sensiblechuckle.gif
Holy fuck stop samefagging and kill yourself already
Okay, Seedtracker Turboautism Mode enabled. In the end I had to give up on the path I've described in the last post, oh well. Here's how it's going down:
>Pull 1st Guaranteed on 1A, get Donald Morten (who only ever appears as a guaranteed Uber all the way until he gets a spot at 112B, ain't that crazy)
>On my way get Fio at 4A
>Immediately go for a second Guaranteed at 11B, get Sol Dae Rokker
>On my way get Mars People at 17B
>Ticket up, get HI-DO at 24A
>Third Guaranteed at 28A, get Huge Hermit
>On my way get Allen O'Neil at 31A and Jupiter King at 37A
>Swap banners, pull Fourth Guaranteed at 41B, get Spooky Thundia
>On my way get Mummy Sumo at 43B
>Fifth Guaranteed at 53A, get Lilith Cat
>On my way get Hallowindy at 54A and Pumpkin Sodom at 62A
>swap banners, use the trackswap at 65-66B to get back on track A
>Wait until Friday, swap banners, get Cat Machine at 69A (nice)
>swap banners, get Marco at 71A
>get Jupiter King dupe at 72A (alternatives were Ice Cat dupe or Sarukani dupe from Plat Tickets, so might as well get a +1 on a collab unit)
>keep ticketing, get SV-001 at 81A, Eri at 83A and Tarma at 86A
Total cost: 6750 CF (hooray for the anni discount) and 33 tickets
I already have Spooky Yuki and Vars, so that's covered. And with no Mars People between like 38A and my Legend spot at 123A, I was right that I wouldn't be able to pull all Metal Slug units without sacrificing a chance for Emperor Cat. Good thing that the banners got synchronized.
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Hey lads, just a reminder that our 4cc team is about to start our autumn cup run this Saturday and as chosen by the board, Macho Leg Cat will be there. All information is in here: >>1600377 and pastebin.com/nr9ujDMN
Hope to see you there.
When did we get a separate board for RPGs?
the newer vidya boards were born pretty much at the same time
Huh, I guess I never paid attention.
>Already fourth time Gamatoto got into the Zone
Sweet, I was afraid it would be a rare thing.
God, I wish autistic enough to ignore this. Looks like miku anon really dont care at all. Good for him
Just finished the Colosseum 2, cooldown equality. My tips? Somewhat High cooldown tanks like green shell, metal tank and cat egg pod. Spam the hell out of your ubers
I had other stuff I needed to take care of first, so I've only gone two stages deep, but it's so much fun going four Phonos deep. I don't think it's even fair to call this one a challenge unless there's low cashflow on later stages.
Anything of worth in the metal slug banner? or just collecting the units themselves? Was there anything of worth that the JP version added months ago?
Mostly IR dump, yeah (and Labyrinth sacrifice, IF WE GOT ONE). But the new Uber is a Colo Slayer that targets all traits on Baron Seal, qnd Jupiter King has a 100% surge and barrier breaker, so it'd be a good pull if you don't have any Pixies, I guess.
I might be mowhawktwah
Unfortunately barrier breaker wont be useful since I already have Bora for that, but I don't have a surge unit yet so could be fun.
>Metal Slug collab is on
>third Halloween stage
>Delivery Cat TF is on
>Alongside it, more Lucky Ticket farming (didn't reset the stages like the other ones though)
>Aku Barons
Busy week.
yeah, it distracts me from grinding SOL and UL. Speaking of UL grinding, is Dr Nova worth it? Is she essential to ZL just like Idi is essential to UL?
no not until 4 star at least
you can beat the shit out of zl with the usual suspects
>Metal Slug
Then collab that got me into Battle Cats
Is it true EN had to wait for this collab for almost one year? Was it in the game files back then?
I hear rumors of guaranteed pull on the 12th. Where can I confirm this.
Sorry, don't remember. I was mostly playing Metal Slug Defense at the time.
Here's a bunch of cats taking down Rugal.
I was really hoping Bikkuriman would be the next collab for EN. I have a legend rare at 71A and wanted to snag Black Zeus. Unfortunately I can't complete the MS banner without passing that LR slot, and my next one isn't for about another 400 rolls. Even if I exhausted all my rare tickets and cf I'd still be around 120 rolls short.
I don't want to miss anything from MS because who knows when the next time this collab is going to return, if ever, but damn missing out on Black Zeus is painful.
It dropped for Japan in mid January. Most of the time, EN players only have to wait two, maybe three months for a collab to get brought over but, inexplicably, it took almost ten months for this one.
https://rentry.org/tbce for one.
She clobbers sages pretty hard so far, especially the new r.ost variant as well
I wouldnt say essential yet, but for higher * magnification and 4* she probably will be
I've given up 100% completion a long time ago in battle cats, I just roll my fave and call it a day. except LRs. I mean to complete LRs and bikkuriman couldnt come fast enough.
Better start farming tickets then. Both in 2023 and 2024 the start of the year consisted of, limited-banner-wise: Christmas, (Lunar) New Year, Valentines, White Day and Merc Storia, with Busters and Royalfest/Dynastyfest thrown in edgewise, and the first big collab (so other than the aforementioned Merc Storia) of the year dropped in April (Fate in '23 and Miku in '24). So more likely than not you'd be able to get the tickets/cf to get to your next legend in that time, especially considering how many limited stages will drop in that time, dropping 30 cf per crown diff. And maybe another slot machine in that time, and for sure at least scratch cards.
And if you don't have Momoco yet, you can grab her when you're pulling for Metal Slug, since the Dynamites banner is up at the same time as the last few days of MS.
Not a single orb drop on the Aku baron so far (although I only barely finished the first half so far), but a randomly dropping Relic Frontier gave me the last orb I needed for a Relic Strong S. After looking through not just my own collection, but mygamamoto as well, it looks like Slapsticks are the only unit with Strong against Relic that also has Talents, so I guess it's an easy choice? Is that how it works?
there are a couple of units that could use it, slapsticks is probably one of the top options though
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BCJP 12th Anniversary
Samurai enemies?
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>can finally put orbs on catellite/shigong
I don't care about anything else, this is huge
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Finally got Surfer Cat after months of struggling on alien stages.
a second ultra form for iron legion? Gigapult must be popular in japan.
Welp, I was completely wrong about my prediction for this update.
Did it become good?
>More range and attack speed
I guess it did.
I did the new dojo levels up to where the game could let me (up to papou and golem jhon duo) and I had a blast, loved the level design of the last levels, why wasn't this what I have to deal with in UL instead of protein cartel
Whats the reward of all the tutorial stages aside from the 2 platinum tickets.
figured it out and it's something like 30 dark catseyes, 1 legend, 2 platinum, 12 rare, and 85 common tickets from the total of 12 chapters.
Probably gonna get decreased for EN version.
The Metal Slug collab was old gold. There was no original soundtrack as it first ran in 2015, but it pulps Toilet of Shitheads hard.
At the same time, I've put UL 2* on the bench as I am farming Lucky Tickets to nab Dark Eyes; I started NTix tracking last month. And Gamatoto's Zone is fire- it forces drops 3 times and pops up regularly.
Looking at my seed, I can, and I WILL grab all the MSD units... only next week. Now I am hoping that 14.0 will gutter Bikkuriman with Castle and Dragon because I am going to drain my CF on Toshi. I also managed to clear a 30, but I forgot what it was that I cleared; 31s are hard as balls, especially Yaminabe and its Bemani note scrolling.
And I'm still waiting for a banner with Miku cards, and burning every primo acquired to get C2 Nahida.
>Papaluga got blacked by his Talents
First Ganglion, then Jizo, now Papaluga?! They'll never Mola King another unit again. BCoomer anon, could you please compile Mahapapaya's works for us?
>Catellite and Shigong Talents
Killing the meme was enough. These are Bellydancer-tier talents which I'll accept.
>Star levelling on Story Mode
Yucky! Story Mode doesn't deserve star rankings, only SoL, UL, ZL and the events!
*Summoning the miku-anon hater
stop jerking yourself off dude, its not healthy
B-But muh prostate cancer?
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You know for all this waiting the event sure only has like 4 different stages.
Which is really damn pitiful
People waited 7 years for this
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Thanks for the health tip! I’ll make sure to channel my energy into more positive interactions. Any suggestions on how to handle assblasted haters?
I only really give a damn for completion purposes desu

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