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Are you playing One Piece Treasure Cruise or One Piece Bounty Rush on your phone?
"playing" is a bit of a strong word for optc
I'm collecting dailies and if I can pull the units in the next big super sugo then I'll play for a bit.until they drop out of boost and repeat the process
Game is unplayable otherwise.
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Carrot blesses this thread
I play OPBR, it's fun and I have fun with my two favorite characters (Lucci and Snake) so I don't feel the need to go for other characters.
I'm excited about the new giant characters although outside of Dorry and Broggy I don't see any other "big" characters to add to the game.
>skulls in box 4 to 6
>lower chances of getting that shit unless you whale and alliance
>Vivi's panel with co op, pka, tm and kizuna missions

I bet soon, some missions will demand pka over lv100 and tm in new world

I tried br but stopped. For some reason my net goes very slow and get penalized by that and i gave up.
It was fun enough tho
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>tfw I didnt pull whoremato
10 multis wasted on her part back when it was up...
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Ulti blesses this thread
but the game is pretty much dead. How the servers are still up is beyond me
What a shit thing to complain. With super kizuna, normal fights are on the easy side and ranking should give enough tickets to clear the whole box 6. If you are not on an alliance or don’t play the game, it’s a (You) problem.
Better luck next time, Shira/Man can do the job for debuff removal.
It’s always the same routine. Thank god there is some downtime, it’s a kusoge not a job
never underestimate the autism of whales.
Well, OPBR is down until tomorrow I hope for a good compensation
50 rds and 30 fragments comp. Take it or leave it
>get to -s rank by sheer luck
>go back down, by choice, because im not a payfag
>you are now restricted until you get back to s ranks
I hate this game why can't I stop playing. and why is this a thing.

happy fucking steam release...
I don't know if I got lucky with it maint'ing after 8 the other day but it didn't skip any login rewards at least, plus loads of gems out of nowhere. still not rolling yet though (no yamato no roll)
sorry to post three times in a row but this board is slow as a snail
any good guides for how to make good medal sets? any guides in general really, i've been going at it blind for like 2 months now. (free player, won't be buying anything, couldn't afford that anyway, inb4 poor don't care.)

I have, some ok medals, but I suck at planning so I have no 9s yet, and my best combo is just shove 5th gear and wano law together (hp on knockback, hp on ko, 3 tags activate + the upgrade stats) or the same with sentomaru and a navy chatacter (they have knockback heal aswell, and the navy skill works good with coby, to spam skill 2 which heals and activates Iframes. cobys (not mop boy, new one) medal gives you even more if your team if getting oneshot so you can just spam skill 2)
I also have two usopp variants + 2 years later um franky? on basic usopp (level 100. i'm trying to unlock sniper king, lol.)
I'm relatively new to the game and from what I understand, it's necessary to transfer attributes, you'll never get a perfect medal at the start.
However, transferring attributes that aren't guaranteed sometimes means you need to spend gems to secure the 9.
In any case, I recommend that you farm several medals of the same type and have 10-20 gems to make several transfers if you don't get the highest value one on the first try.
Above all, prioritize the pink medals that are limited (unless you pay, but it's a rip-off).
As for sets, I suppose that as long as they keep most of the tags, it's enough. I play with Snake and Lucci, so on Snake I have Boa from the event, Snake, and Hawk.
On Lucci I have Hattori, and Stussy from the event, and Lucci's own.
>>you are now restricted until you get back to s ranks
>why is this a thing.
People drop ranks on purpose to get higher scores by KOing low level/low skill players, so the devs made it so you don't get points after having a 5 loss penalty and drop a rank.
Isn't vivi's panel permanent?
Hope you get some luck here but I don’t think there are a lot of people playing bounty rush here
what difference does it make when shanks and roger exist?
i've been getting oneshot since rank c+, it just gets more consistent as you go up

still not back to S-, although I spent most of last night in the event that actually has some fucking balance (everyone is level 80 every skill is level 4, they forgot to disable hyperboosts though but whatever)
still being restricted and it NOT being what you described, to oneshot lower players (happens anyway sometimes due to again the lack of balance) is truly pissing me off now, a complete waste of my time
I actually got everything I wanted (Atlas and Lucci) so I just play a multi or single whenever I have gems. Part of me would like to save up but there's something that's stopping me from doing so.
I need to learn how to save up. Can any gacha players give me some advice on how to avoid wasting gems on useless singles?
>Can any gacha players give me some advice on how to avoid wasting gems on useless singles?
realize that its lower value to do singles and its only worth pulling on super sugos/seasonals/whatever the big pulling event is called in your game because then you might actually pull something
oh great 4chan is black holeing my posts again thanks

im just going to summarize as im not typing all that again. dont roll unless you see a character you actually want, save gems.
and learn to judge your personal luck, this one I cannot teach, you just know it after years and years and years of jrpgs with drop rates / playing terraria / board game dice rolls
Once you play enough of the game, you will know if something is worth or not. It also depends on people’s mind. For me, I already have a very diverse box on optc so there is no real need to be always pulling. Optc is very formulaic now so it’s easier to save. Like >>1578800 you pull for characters you like/are interested in. If not only super sugos and pvp/tm/support sugos are worth. I don’t put kizuna tm here because there is no must have tm legend like Nami/Carina can be
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>any guides
no, we don't have guides. Nobody discusses or has ever discussed Bounty Rush in here. And that's because it's a shit game, it doesn't encourage creativity or teamwork nor can you actually study up on strategies or compositions. This is a, and I can't stress this enough, "Reddit game", and it can't be anything more than that.
What's the strategy? You pull the newest meta character. More strategy? You pull until they're completely maxed. You can't? Enjoy getting oneshot by literally everybody online. Medals don't matter since you will never be able to seriously compete regardless unless you actually dump money into your pulls. Even if you did max your characters, people cheat, all the time, and they don't even get banned, so winning or losing is still completely up to chance and nothing else. Optc is garbage, but only because we once knew it had a soul, it had potential and the strategy is still there. Bounty Rush is trash, it's always been trash and it can never be anything more than trash
>devs waste all three sword members on one legend
honestly would rather have had a fucking helmeppo legend to fill the dual legend quota if it meant all three of the swordies would get RR
seems like a waste of unique characters
its like the devs couldn't decide which one was important enough for the legend slot
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He's nuts in Rumble.
if you have Int Luffy and dex Sanji heres a pretty straight forward team for PKA 150
if you don't have Sabo support you can shuffle around some of the subs, I'm using the dex Jozu support on Ace and shifting him to second row for boss and running a different paralysis remover on stage 3
>kid Sabo support
this shit is the bane of my existence
when can I pull him again
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Right. None of my friends have it and only saw 2 randoms appearing on the list a few days ago.
I only pulled 3 times because i wasted gems trying to get S-Hawk and S-Bear for nothing. Fuck, i really want these. Bear is so stupid with this 20ct force out
you're not wrong, i've started to hate shanks the amount of metafags ive seen.
but, I never metafag in any game so i guess ill just have to keep trolling people with my now finally maxed out usopp, chopper, and others. (no im not joking, I've caught some gold rogers out with lead star a few times too)

im just going to keep playing it until the devs rip their hair out or fix the game balance. or I get restricted again for bullshit reasons
or until I figure out how to install windows then ps3 emulator then one piece pirate warriors on a phone.
>ps3 on a phone
good luck you can barely do ps2 for now on higher end phones
Ps3? Why? Shouldn't be easier to pirate PW3's switch version on phone?
>login events used to give out gems
>now they just give out tickets
>character birthdays used to give out gems
>now they give out cakes (exp fodder)
cool epic

I only get trash 4 and 5 star units. The last 4 months of the sugo tickets from modes are shit from years ago like str WB or that qck Cavendish. The only thing good i got all these months was from a limit one was Moria/Perona

Getting so tired of this. Since the anniversary things got worse for me. Even the multis have been shit since i got Saul
The devs 100% need to ban S-Hawk or give him some kind of requirement to use his defense ignoring effect like how most characters rumble effects ask for type/class combos to reach their full power now
because I'm tired of losing simply for not having the paypig cheat unit
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>int team with Ruffy 5, whoremato, new BB, Bonney and this little fool
>Bear with force out
>everything about Garp
>Kaido vs Ruffy

I have have barely seen any Garps tho, thank god. But the new dex rumble units i saw them 5 minutes after GP started, some max out, fucking whales man
Another thing i noticed, some of the new characters HP is busted. Seeing lv99 characters with 10k is insane.
They are making many characters people still use obsolete.
I need to start saving for next year and go nuts next anniversary because soon i will be left behind in pvp.

And about the little fool, increase his ct to 40 at least. He uses his special way fast and is easy for him to give the finishing blow to any team.
Fucking force outs, shields(mostly pointless against some monsters), using specials after defeat, this shit is going dumb. I cannot wait when the "you know whos" will join the game next year and what dumb mechanic they will invent for them
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>Get to S-rank
>Every league fight is me with other S-rankfags vs some newfag C-ranks
balancing is awful
ideally it should be 2 high levels with 2 rookies, not a bunch of highleveled faggots mogging small fries

But my memorable fight was when I was in a match with other B-ranks vs S-ranks. We won because while they were too busy killing everyone in spawn, some guy snuck up and secured enough treasure until the timer ran out.
the ultimate noob trap
their both mid as hell in rumble
easy targets for a proper team to demolish
I only faced a few back in the release against fuckers in GP at max at like, fight 14 or 15. Anyone that can ignore def while attacking multi enemies and attack twice at the very least with over attack 1x can be annoying. Usually guys like this have good teams and Dex teams are annoying unless you have Red movie Luffy
Also, guys like this always have Hawk on the fucking bench, doesnt matter the team, which is a killer. Your choice is to either use your burst(my case, either Int Gear 5 or maybe Oden/Roger) to clear that little out of the map or have some fast ct units like Enel, Noland/Calgara, Toy Soldier, Eneru or Str Cracker or someone to special bind since this little shit is immune to action bind for some retard reason

Man, i need to waste some llb posters on Red Luffy, this guy saved my str team. Cracker is another one, the fucker is good.
new legend koby sucks ass lmfao
>1 week until LvsK banner leaves
>8 gems
>19th multi
I feel scammed
>opponents are a bunch of shanks/luccis/rogers/loli hancocks who one hit kill me
>get a notification that my rewards are going to be limited for "not participating correctly"
game literally punished me for not having super ultra gigantic cock characters and some of the features are behind a paywall anyway.
what a great game 10/10 from bandAIDs as usual
And they give you less gems lol but still throw banners nonstop.fucking game

Connection issues bs notification? I stopped playing BR because of that. There was a point i would just log in for gems and some free pulls, but eventually stopped giving a fuck because of some 4 gb update.
man the art of that young Garp looks awful
Aniem is going to be on a hiatus for half a year. OPTC releases a new legend with every single banner so I wonder what they are going to do now lol.
>I wonder what they are going to do now
Increase summon cost to 70 and delete daily gems
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>anime finally on hiatus after all this time
>they finally learned after 2 decades of being close to manga
>actually anime will be airing some "fixed" shorter version of the worst arc in OP that is FI
>they will flood this game in the near future with new SH legends of that arc(a memories v2 already), that piece of shit of Hody and some shitty units of his "literally who" goons(prolly rumble), that dude that auto target stuff, the crybaby princess and her hopeless mom

Fuck. I hate that arc so much that i refuse the memorize the names of certain characters, it is like my brain auto-blocks them.
That shitty arc may turn a little less bad whenever Oda shows off a flashback with Joy Boy.
God, just remembered the damn Sanji bleeding gag going for far too long
>Worst arc is back
>That also means new Shirahoshi units
Yep, that’s based for me. Could also mean more Wano units kek
>v15 Shirahoshi
>v2 and v3 Hody
>Decken legend
>v7 Jinbe
>Neptune legend
>Fukaboshi & Manboshi & Ryuboshi triple legend
>another Marineford batch
looking good
actually they might finally add an Otohime unit so that's ok
>phone batery is fucked
>take it to store for replacement
>they have to order a new battery
>wait 2 weeks, they never call me
>go there in person
>negro goes check and the battery already had arrived
>go to leave phone at the store in the morning so they can make the replacement
>before handing him the phone, remember to ask negro about what would happen if they fucked up the proceedure
>he answers they have a 3 month policy
>I ask again
>he repeats the answer
>I remember his kind can't understand conditional hipotheticals
>decide to roll the dice anyway and leave phone
>return in the afternoon
>negro gives back phone but screen doesn't work
>gives the money back and runs off the store
Thankfully his boss is still White and he agreed that the phone couldn't leave the store more broken than it arrived so they said they'll repair it but I'm spending another day (and maybe more) without my phone and can't login.
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Shit sucks. Don't think you are losing a lot though.
Hadn't time to post, here are my partial teams for this tm. Sad that this tool bugs so much now.
Either way, the missing units are just the highest boosters I have. I only use Usohachi on San Juan if I don't have vs Kid friends. This is one of the first time I use non boosted captains for boss and inva, but these debuffs are way too much. Fights are really easy this way, I'll just have to put in more runs if I want the 10M
I am only doing east blue, because yes. But, since when you can get rare llb posters from treasures?

Well, they can have a Sentomaru and the notShs since it starts at the reunion. Maybe pacifistas, Perona and Boa.


Lol. I never pull in these banners and i need to for them. And Atlas. I dont have any of the Vegapunks
Has the time finally come?
also I legit forgot Caesar didn't have a legend
for what its worth all the vegepunks so far have been hot garbage
>do 2 expeditions
>keep grand line rank
game's dead
Red guard here, it's been a while bros. I'm still playing, although I'm doing East Blue league on TM and there's some kizunas where I simply can't try hard. 6-day work week is killing me and the game just isn't that interesting anymore, but I keep playing. Anyway, just wanted to say that there's an empty spot on SIMPER POL 9 if any anon is interested! >>1575694 Thank you
bro you guys have 5 accs that dont even login anymore for 100+ days
If you want a somewhat active team, the Firechads are currently down a man
This rumble super special, is this so far just for that free psy Luffy?
Sooo, are they not giving anymore kizuna potions?

I am asking this because the store have a couple of potions for trade
You really shouldn't be using potions on a regular kizuna anyway
Didn't the devs have to give out an extra potion last kizuna because of an error?
Their probably withholding them this round for the sake of the games "economy"
Seems like it.

Also, guess it's because of the .5 anni but we are 2/3 on free multies. Don't forget to do them.
Damn, we have the info ig for the anni stuff and it looks meh. Roger looks interesting for that captain switch mechanic. Other than that, it just looks like a regular end of month legend.
>Prime Garp & Sengoku
>not a legend
Fuck off.

I didnt. My multis, free or not, have been shit for the past 3 months, except this 3rd multi that somehow happened.
Finally got another one down to max llb which was General Franky.

It feels like they are running out of ideas. Or have no balls to give legends of certain characters. But fuck, have another Roger and a Oden unit, because everyone fucking loves Oden and Wano stuff

Why couldnt they give some Halloween stuff ffs. Wait, better not. It would prolly be more wano...wanoween with Oden, Oden Jr, notwhoredenmato.
I started playing OPBR because of my friend, but since we stopped talking the game bores me, should I stop?
I used to play OPTC too, but that one just got boring without any external factors.
And I have my two favorite characters as a group (Lucci and Snake)
Did we not have a co-op this month or did I just completely forget to play it?
The devs forgot about it.

I was waiting for that to get a dupe for Bibi since is the last mission i am missing.
I tried OPBR for a couple days with my friends and somehow managed to reach ss with level 60 characters. Then suddenly every match after that was a one sided shitfest where i get one shotted by someone farting in my general direction and doing chip damage at most even with my most damaging skill. Every match is against lvl 100 Rogers with 50+ trait boost and 9 star medals.

How can someone even manage to think about a matchmaking system so unbalanced?

Why can't i stay with other lvl60 people until i manage to get a character leveld decently?

Also why is the only option for matches league battle? Why can't i just throw a free match (with some rewards) if i don't care about the league and just want to play for a bit?

Someone please talk me out of dropping it because i like the game, but if everymatch is gonna be this onesided one way or the other i genuinely don't see the fun in that.
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Oh wait
I just realized what they actually did was put the potions in the kizuna shop priced separately at 1, 5, 25, 100 insignia each
The devs literally can't help themselves from taking what used to be free and expecting you to pay for it
>lv200 pka
Not in the mood. Dont care for those extra extra rewards in 9 days after lv150. Dont have newer units for boost turtles. Whatever

Just collect characters and call it a day.

Gotta laugh with the 100 insignia one lol
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>can either go straight to boss lv30 or 60
>if you go to lv30 the boss options are lv30-31-60, which means if you want a certain level you have to go one level at a time(31, 32, 33, etc) unless you use Zoro to increase the boss level

They changed this... You could challenge 2 or 3 levels up if you wanted, not one by fucking one,and i assume if you straight to lv60 the options will be 60-61-70 or something. I usually went to lv20 or 40 to farm turtles on both old pka bosses and get rewards in auto mode without giving fucks, but now i have to do pka 10 times or get zoro to increase to that. jesus christ

I dont think i can even get to the usual 500 rainbow turtles missions. In 5 runs i got only 58 turtles. And most of my friend lists have free psy luffy for this shit
You still get the levels up like before once you hit 60. Getting to 70 directly would be so helpful I don’t understand how this can be a complaint. With the guaranteed hime after 150, it’s worth it to go up. And I say this as someone that kept the actual boss on 40 to get the 500 turtle missions done
I guess this is a win, can use red teams in pvp now, but I don't think they are boosted so game is still unplayable...
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Halloween Uta

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Halloween Perona 6+

Hope it's not tied to the blitz battle that is coming. I'm not pulling on this shitty .5 anni banner
Sad how Str team needs this broken Luffy to be useable. Dex has too many units make solid teams, but str...
I dont get how people sleep on Cracker tho. This guy at llb4 is very good, when others are still waiting to use their special he already did 2. He will definitely action bind some dex fuckers in those 2 times, plus his 1x atk while ignoring def is good and does solid damage, increasing the ct lv3 is a fucking plus to the fucking team. People prefer Vivi or Sanji to speed up ct, but Cracker is more effective. Or at least, use Otama to speed things at first, then she dies and have Cracker as first to go in. This guy works well with str slashers like Oden, Law, Kin crew and also that Luffy and Coby.
King is also a killer due to his ignore def.
But str needs some more units to do extra damage against dex units, or buffs to some of the older units.

I wanted to make some fighter/powerhouse teams with Red Luffy or Int Gear 5 but something is lacking. Doubt that San Juan unit will make a difference, which reminds me, still havent pulled on that banner yet.. but San Juan seems nice

Will never get the love to this character and Yamato get

people don't sleep on Cracker its just most dont have him since he's in rumble banner jail
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I don't think i will pull on this banner

Been playing this for 2 years and i have barely seen him at all.
But thats a fair point, i dont have Pell either.
So if there are any anons without an alliance and would like a casual one with active players, SIMPER POL 9 is about to have like 4-5 free spots. We try during super boss kizunas, at least most of the time, and we are helping with assists etc.
Amazing multi. I got that new Zoro legend and Oden & Whitebeard
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oh, cool! Super nice! I actually wanted Uta a little more but I'm very happy I managed to pull the queen of All Hallows'Eve so early!
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I was going to wait until the weekend but since blitz is starting tomorrow best to strike while the irons hot.
FIRECHAD TANKS is looking for up to two active players, you don't need to tryhard I just prefer my own grinding to benefit someone whos actually playing.
I'm not poaching or anything like that but simper pol 9 members looking to jump ship are welcome
>I just prefer my own grinding to benefit someone whos actually playing.
Understandable and no hard feelings. You're free to kick me if you find someone else.
I did intend to play more after 10th anni but got shafted badly and they started nerfing rewards for PKA and stuff so I couldn't find the strength for it.
its insane that the devs think its acceptable to release Roger/Rayleigh banner and then less then a week later put up a separate halloween banner that is the high boosters for a 2 day event on a fucking thursday-friday
like are they retarded?
I genuinely think they are trying to end the game but the simps are too stubborn to stop putting money into it
any teams without Uta FC? I just want one single clear of the event, I have 0 FCs
only one I could find had all the rest of the Roger&co batch, which I also dont have
fucking Bamco
Go for the lowest difficulty? Cleared it once with double Perona and my highest boosters. But honestly the rewards aren't this good at all
I did, I just want to clear both, not farm them
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>they debuffed burst for psy by one use, int by 2(which means no gear 5s)
>all these LuffyvsKaido cuz of 3 uses
>that one fight where Kaido still had 2 bursts in the last fight and somehow survived and won

Jesus christ man. It is already painful having to deal with S-Hawk and Nami/Carina, because everyone has it but me, now this shit is annoying.
Since i dont have LvsK i cannot counter it immediately. Either i have to just waste time and beat like 1 or 2 enemies per match like i do with one of the cerebral teams, or also be lucky and smart when using rumble against certain teams
>PKA level 179
>1 (one) single hime turtle
was really hoping they had toned down the RNG but it seems like its just worse now
oh well
is there some mechanic I'm misunderstanding?
I had one clear of Vegapunk where I knocked him under 20% and he said something and passed turn
And then the very next run I knocked him under 20% and he one shot me
>is there some mechanic I'm misunderstanding?
Yeah, you went past lvl30 where you can just auto through everything
oh I figured out my problem ages ago, at level 189 now
surely you must be the same
>Next 6+ is tm Croc
Hmmm, wonder if they will give some copies for free
I dont have this one. Give me
>Kaido/King and BigMeme/Katakuri
>another ... Kaido and Big eh... Legends
For the love of god

Still the same
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after seeing a double legend banner TM I expected pure cancer but the bosses read pretty average?
maybe I'm being optimistic
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The blowout mechanic is really a pain, you either have the Big Mom/Kata as captain or friend or you're fucked. Here are my teams that depend on them. If not available, guess I'll build a team around vs Wb
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Gonna try this hot plate of garbage, I'm not pulling for these meme legends
Both the main boss and invasion boss are held together with toothpicks and spit and garp is just a support mule on both
Vegapunk has the -2 bind ship on it, supports doing the heavy lifting for the most part
Luffy and Zoro has the -2 despair ship and I couldn't be arsed to build around megallen so I'm just running Str Luffy for the paralysis, I'm going to try with Kaido/King first to see if the 2 captains can clear instead of worrying about orbs
I'll probably have to stall on the turtles for both of them
Queen and Carrot/Wanda can handle the gimmicks if I don't have Perona and Uta friends
the new legends locking you out of their super class/type without the captain shift is just fucking the kind of design this game needs
retard devs
>4 multis (they don't give out enough gems)
>barely one (1) red per multi
>none of which were KaidoKing or NamiCarina
game hates me + its rigged + its shit
>Rank 820 in NW
I know it’s early but come on.
actually stage 2 of the invasion just puts up 7 turns of damage reduction after one turn, so you can just knock him to 1 HP and then cherry tap him with any damage dealing special (Magellan) instead of prepping for resilience
I just use Mag super type and let the poison kill him since I can’t one shot him anymore. But yeah if you have that blowout immunity from Big Mom/Kata, both inva and the boss are easy
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>this kizuna banner
>no legends

Kinda mad to see based Morgans and not getting a legend.

Bonney's support is good tho
? we have way too many mode exclusive legends this is good morgans doesnt deserve nor need one
Doing a Hail Mary for my boy Morgans. That 6+ Croc looks mean, but sadly llb5 is a must
>morgans doesnt deserve nor need one
>back at 0 gems
>got nothing I wanted
>next banners already announced
fuck off
I have been saving gems since last month or so maybe for the end of year banners or even the next anniversary. Tired of just pulling once to 3 times occasionally to get jack shit
Firechads still down a man if anyone wants to join for the super kizuna
At this point I'm just pulling to play catch up, there's no way you can keep up with everything unless you're a whale or you're one of those insanely disciplined hoarders.
hoarding doesnt get you anywhere with this massive influx of legends
you can go all in on super sugos and probably get all legends released there, but you're still missing Kizuna, TM, PvP...
t. hoarder
>Do the discount multi
>Get my boy Morgans
Yep, it's all good
>kizuna legends
Almost universally bad
>TM legends
High highs and low lows but having a lot can trivialize TM
>Rumble legends
P2W for the least important mode, bad gem investment in the long term
Your gems should go to super sugos, TM sugos when the good legends are boosted and sparingly on kizuna sugos ONLY for supports
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man what the actual fuck are these super bosses
super restictive with the 99 turn special bind on certain types, INCLUDING THE TYPES THE BOSSES ARE WEAK TOO
I get their trying to shill the double characters but for fuck sake
also I'm going to hazard that the "when damage from specials to 1" is not in effect, whole team 99 silence is the devs kicking revive characters in the nuts after the clown show from the last super kizuna
I honestly have no idea what the fuck you're supposed to do against the 99 turns 75% damage cut for being above chain 0.1
Are we just now expected to burst with only 25% damage?
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>lurk optc subreddit to see how things are going
>newfags asking for game advice are straight up being told to uninstall the game or not even start it because it's so P2W these days
Is it really that fucked now?
t. 2016fag
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yeah I came back during 10th anni after not playing for 2 years and it's amazing how there's basically no new permanent PvE content since then.
Plus no discounts since the versions were synchronized and banners come out at an insane rate. Like the current Kizuna banner got announced like a day after part 3 of the main banners was released.
Plus it was already bad having the Sugo/TM/Kizuna/PvP legend split across several banners but now all the good units are super sugos so they get split and time gated too.
All this as they demand unreasonable levels of grinding for pitiful rewards that will never make up for the aforementioned demand.
You genuinely get more gems on random logins than from these events and you don't have to put hours of your life into the game for those so there's no real motivation to play.
Even if you get the new units, all of them now have pages worth of abilities to the point it's basically imperceptible and thus you'll only used them in their designated events on release and then ignore them.
I honestly think they either take serious step back on this garbage (they won't) or the game will actually die because the devs have become so unreasonable.
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it's over
It’s just kind of a boring routine right now. There’s not really new interesting things added but desu it’s a good thing because they added lot of shit just for the sake of it and it makes the game more annoying. Game has more than 10 years, what can you expect. Then you have the resident doomer that brings nothing to the discussion.
I agree a bit with >>1617871, there is way too much sugos happening at the same time. I find it good for me because only super sugos and the discount multis are worth to do so it is still easy to hoard gems, even though Bamco are stingier and they make the grindable gems a bit harder to get for a random player. Still, there is some good things. I started using recently non boosted units for tm because of all their bullshit mechanics. And with their change on all tm units being 2x boosters, I get to 10M in 20-23 runs.

Shit is deader than dead since the «strike». Why care about the opinion of fucking thirdies that are obsessed with f2p kusoge game to get their dopamine shot and fuel their gambling addiction.
>fucking thirdies that are obsessed with f2p kusoge game to get their dopamine shot and fuel their gambling addiction
Please don't attack me like this

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