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[x] Touch fluffy tail
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I've just found this today and made 1, seems pretty good.
pretty good solution, yes
>PAD chesterip cc is dead
There goes another resource...
Why does this keep happening? It's insane.
Someone had a theory that it was because full art was being used and not just icons like some of the JP only databases.

Lissandra is here!
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Every single game I have played today has been against Elder Dragon Shyvana. Nice fucking game Riottards, no wonder this dogshit died.
What no games against Vex Norra with a single copy of Eddie for overpowered buffs.
I know it's not happening because of the team getting gutted but the entire fucking dragon archetype needs to be gutted for constructed to be decent. Who the fuck thought cards like 2/3 draw a dragon were a good idea. The entire archetype is just slightly overtuned with a ton of cards that punch above their weight for their cost that get pushed to absurd levels by bullshit like Form Up, Single Combat, and Elder Dragon.
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This game is trash
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>7 months working on an expansion
>only 3 new champs
>1 of them is fucking lux again
>their entire gimmick is "give +1/+1" and "give -1/-1"
Holy fucking shit
What a fucking joke

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Still alive edition.

New update, new waifus, more anime tiddies.

Discuss Brave Nine and the spin-off games, BraveNine Story & Magic Stone Knights here.
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7th Anniversary Wallpaper

Developer Notes – May 2024

I think this is the shortest developer notes.
I dont know how I'm suppose to feel about a new Exalted unit.

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Some new coomer gacha just dropped. Any of you lads try it out?
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new here, do they rerun these events?
They do, yeah. Collabs as well.
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who is this and how can I get her
I'm too retarded to figure out how to interpret this doc. Even translated it makes no sense, the thing I thought was the tier list can't actually be it
It's the sheet with the PvP and PvE columns and the letter gradings

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SF6 has just ended, what are your hopes and fears for the next year?
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You can and should the PC client for that. Although I haven't even bothered getting the shop cards for the past few banners, they just don't seem useful.
Something fishy is definitely going on, NM didn't bother to make either a trailer or a site banner for Kyo XI unlike every other unit released in the past years.
I wish they would just come out and say what's happening so I would whether I should even bother to continue playing
Yo where is the bitch ass anon that tells everyone to quit?
I was just wondering what happened to him. I'm surprised he hasn't been mass replying to everyone and talking about how good the game still is and how it's going to stay alive without them.

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Thoughts on Supercell?

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Thread for the best gaycha out there. Now in English!
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I was saying these games make very little money compared to other gacha games, the revenue you posted is basically EoS tier outside of Fanza. The best selling gay gacha, Housamo, has lasted for what, 7 years now? Any non-gay gacha game that would have gotten the same amount of revenue would have been extremely lucky to even make it to their second year of being alive. That's why I'm saying it's the devs that make these games last longer more so than said "furfags"
Is it me or are Fanza games, outside of some bad cases, long-lived in general?
That aside, we are dealing with games that are (production-wise) relatively low-stakes. Doing 3D graphics makes costs balloon, and action gameplay can easily turn into chaos for the server, which tends to be the single biggest cost for online games. Seen from that point, its easy to micromanage the gaycha budget.
I've been seeing lots of japanese posts shitting on the game lately
What happened?
Where do you even find random posts like that?
The only thing I can imagine is because they're pushing for more and more limiteds, but that's what happens in every gaycha, so I dunno how big of an issue it is.
>I was s
touken ranbu designs are garbage now every sword now looks like a fucking tranny they stopped making designs like doudanouki and yamabushi crap game

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So, how does your favorite game stack up? https://www.darkpattern.games/

Is there any reason to get invested in mobile games vs normal games or emulation when the vast majority use any tactic to suck money out of players for a dopamine hit?
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My fav game is not on the list
Post games that score good, then
Interesting resource, but quite unreliable, because it relies on a very slim number of reviews.
For instance: Rolling Luck: Win Real Money Slots Game & Get Paid got a 4,36/5 (healthy) rating. I wanted to check the game out but it's not available anymore, just like many other on the list, which is another issue. Clearly the site isn't well curated.
The fact that Caravan Stories isn't on this list only rapidly increases my fears that it will End of Service before the end of the year. If it was considered relevant, it would be in the top ten.

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Goodbye forever.
After a bit over 5 years of service, the servers for Kirara Fantasia have been shut down.
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Did you like the episode?
Finally some fucking camping, I loved it
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Anyone playing this game? I started this game recently and been having fun with it but have no one to talk about it with
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Thanks for the real answer. Sometimes I can't help but hate chan culture for this reason alone.
it's just one, and she's a literal prostitute
but yeah, none of the girls in this game are for (You), it's a shame because the game has some semblance of decent gameplay and story
Really nice game
Wish it was more popular
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can someone explain what the rice is for? I thought it was like stamina, but when I put them on auto combat in the dungeon, they kept fighting despite having no rice.
Rice is basically your stamina yes
Used for Slime/Goblin and Hunting grounds

They can still fight with no rice but you're not getting rewards

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What are you favorites point and click for android guys.
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I love the Chzo Mythos series but you probably have to run it through ScummVM.
Just tried this and played Beneath a Steel Sky and it was fantastic. You made me discover a gem.
oh I didn't know I could get scummVM on android. Are the controls good ?
Haven't used it on Android for a few years ever since getting my Steam Deck but I don't recall having any problems with it.
It works perfectly fine with what I'm playing right now. >>1464487

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flipper friends...
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I’m going to have a little bit of bias and I know I’ve said this before but Yukata Leon and Nephtim should’ve had some kind of event and it was such a waste that they didn’t. I’ve only read up to chapter 10 and I might be misremembering but neither of them have been in the main story aside from Leon’s small background appearance in chapter 9. And Nephtim, has only been in one event, and she wasn’t a main character as she appeared towards the end of it. And I just find that astonishing especially since she was very popular. I know they could’ve worked elements of both their adventurer stories to form some kind of event, focusing on the memories of those who passed on, regrets or having to come with terms that death is inevitable in life. It could’ve focused on Nephtim, having to realize that the people she cares about may not be around the next day, and that could be another step of her slowly, becoming more mature as seen in her adventurer stories, or it could focus on Leon, struggling with the fact that he’s never been at peace because of his lingering regrets and survivors guilt. By the end he could have started to make peace with the past. Something like that could’ve been done but it wasn’t and it feels like such a waste. If World Flipper 2 or whatever does become a thing I feel like it would fall into the same patterns if it were to be another Gacha. Thank you for listening to my Ted talk and good luck in your future summons.
>When you have so many characters it feels like such a waste of potential as well as being lazy when they’re not apart of something.
I said this earlier >>1361601 World Flipper's cast is TOO big to ever actually make events focused on all but a few of them. It has gotten to the point that I, a returning player don't recognize like, every othee single character that wasn't in the main story because I didn't pull for them and they STILL are making up new characters.

This fucking gacha is the Bleach of "make up new characters whenever you need new content," when we could have had whole events and alts centered around characters people liked but we have everything but the kitchen sink in this gacha.

Truly a less is more, if they ever do World Flipper 2, they need to cut the summonable characters down by half and make the cut half into more alts because what the fuck man.
I caught up with the main story and the events. They definitely tried to incorporate as many characters as possible however some did get more attention than others but it definitely highlights what you said before and what I said in my two college thesis length posts. That there are too many characters and not enough events with preexisting characters. It was neat having the 3 star characters as the last line of defense but if they focused on them in another event/given alts it would have been more impactful.

The Purger event having a story was definitely nice and seeing what everyone else is doing while the main cast is off towards the final battle gives them some attention and it further shows how dire the situation is.

The Distant Succession event was fine but having most of the backstory/context of the Farlands behind character stories is dumb. I knew somethings because of OG Vyron’s story but again if they made small events around the Farlands and related characters it would have been a larger and more interesting event.

So yeah they could have done things differently but I’m still going to play until the end and enjoy any content I can use Leon in. (He deserved better at least his alt art is really pretty.)
I still have a ton of character episodes I haven’t watched yet. Do I need to watch them all before the game dies, or will they still be viewable somewhere afterward?
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Pretty sure Cyge made all the story content and flipperpedia browsable somewhere for the japanese version. I'm sure the global version won't get the same treatment, so unless the community compiles everything like the Dragully one did, you're probably better off reading before EoS.

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New thread. Re-did this one since I missed the subject line. The 3rd anniversary for global just started along with the second Taimanin event.

Also, in case ICYMI from the last thread:

>That thread along pretty much emphasizes the crowdfunding thing again although them having plans to explain more. It also repreats some info regarding why the game got the axe, and it was honestly a lot more than I was expecting even if they came go into extreme detail. Basically, it is a combination of complicated contracts and resources. Even though sales have gone down, they were still making plans going forward.


>This one here follows a bit on how they still want to talk with the fanbase and answer questions in mid September. Aside from that, the plot is 90%. I'm not sure if they mean from what we have seen or from what they have so far, but good on the communication either way.

>Going back to the complications, the team was also talking with various other affiliates since they rely on more than the parent company and DMM. We probably won't ever know all the details of these contracts, but maybe that complication is the reason why there is even a small glimmer. Also, I say they got the axe, buy the team is asking that it was their own decision to end things given the circumstances. So maybe it really was a case of funding getting cut rather than an official end.

>No news on global. The admin from the official Discord has said that there are no plans for cancelation right now. It may or may not end early still, but I honestly wonder how much overhead they worry about
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Yeah and there's a used car dealership selling Toyota in my town, doesn't mean that Miyamoto who installs the engines in the Japanese factory knows of it's existance
Where I will get more of marianne now, at least there is the offline version to look forward too.
You could always commission more art
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So how is the mega mooth event going for you jp players, do you think you will be able to beat it before it ends ?

game is battle cats btw
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you'll probably want at least himeyuri for the combo, she's also a pretty good cc unit too. out of ruri and deale, I'd go with ruri but that's just me
Is Breakerblast the best cat base for general use?
>I'd go with ruri but that's just me
She seems like an Uber Roe Cat, but I'm drawn to guaranteed CC units over those with just "a chance" to proc.
So it'll look like this:
>Guaranteed multipull on 1A, get Ruri
>Get Himeyuri from 11B
>Swap to ToS banner
>Get Daji from 16B
>Trackswap on 18B to 20A
>Wait until Ebinfest
>Get Dhono on 28A
>Too bad the fest-only Uber at 27 is a dupe Tengu
>Swap to ToS banner again
>Grab RR Mollyanna on 33A
I'll need to farm XP something fierce, I'm down to a few million after I hit max before Miku.
For me it's thunderbolt
thunderbolt or slow are usually much more impactful
Breakerblast is most useful when you need to regain space against bosses

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Today marks its 3000th day
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It's a pain that the upper limit for movement speed and attack speed increase for new characters is +20%.
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Send feedback
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My hobby is playing kusoges, so I'll stick with Shironeko until the end
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>Do 30 co-op stages with bloated HP mobs
Kusopl despite new Airis is enough.
>got 750 gems from doing dailies
>wasted them and still no new character
Hoping this guaranteed 5* is worth the grind

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