It's the Autumn Tour. New York, Vancouver, and Los Angeles are back.
Also, this week was the highest I’ve placed on my FL yet and it still wasn’t enough for 1st, sigh
>>1680761W2 status: 1st place by 54k. Main opponents are 2 Tier 99s and 1 Tier 98 going for 99.#3 is hiding a Lv8 Wiggler for PPC R/T (Lv8 track unlock). He will be a threat with a better kart and glider.>>1680764Congrats on beating me! I feel guilty winning ranked with a lower score.
>>1680764that top 100 badge with penguin luigi, how old is that if it's not from one of the tours in the loop?
>>1682418Penguin Luigi ACR badge comes from the looped Sundae Tour (September)
Rosalina Lv8 project: I decided to take all of my remaining Lv7 Rosalinas (>>1636236) to Lv8 so they can see their Lv8 unlock tracks before EOS (TBD). Rosalina Aurora (Vanilla Lake 2R) got her turn today. The rest will get Lv8 when their tracks appear.1. Aurora (Vanilla Lake 2R) -> Exploration (Feb.)2. Volendam (Yoshi Valley R) -> Yoshi (Apr.)3. Chef (Berlin Byways T) -> Spring (Apr.)4. Swimsuit (Koopa Troopa Beach 2T) -> Sunshine (July)5. Tanooki (Cheep Cheep Island 1N) -> Sunshine (July)6. Cat (RMX Rainbow Road 1R) -> Space (Jan.)7. Halloween (RMX Rainbow Road 2T) -> Space (Jan.) [already Lv8]8. Fire (RMX Rainbow Road 2T) -> Space (Jan.) [already Lv8]
New leaks>23GB predownload>Game launcher asks if you're 16+ before starting (Weird considering game is currently 12+)>No weapons banner right now>You craft weapons with materials similar to how you enhance ToF gear>Too many collectibles>Stole wallrunning from Wuwa>Stole outfit buffs (given to Kibos) and minigames from Infinity Nikki>You can tame Kibos after beating them to low hp>You can breed Kibos (disabled in test)>Game is already fully translated in English>Combat is like a slightly slower tofThis is from a self-proclaimed former Ubisoft tester leaking stuff in Gateoo's D*scord, an echo chamber for ToF paid shills>There's too much shit to do and he doesn't know what to do.>This dude seems to have a history of talking a lot about testing games over a period of longer than a year since 2023. He has tested other games like Enfield and Mecha Break
>>1629246All of this sounds good
>>1682674I have mixed feelings about this. Manjuu has always been pan-cn. I don't want to be second class citizen
>>1682725Yeah. Even now, they only have social media presence on CN. Let's hope that with >>1682674 they will communicate with other server seriously.
>>1682486>chink schizo in meltdownhaven't you realized that all the recent chink games expand to GL to survive because you idiots are retarded and mentally ill to the point of being comparable to western wookies
PVP on the leftPoC on the right
>>1680718If you don't have twitter
>>1680729>Alright folks so here's what happened: A-Sol & Elder were arguing over who was the bigger dragon (naturally). As tensions rose, someone's tail got a little too close to our Patch Notes API and wiped out the images.Kek they took a long ass time to post them
This titan shit is fun3x better than the arcane shit
>>1682702I wouldn't say it's better but it's nice to be able to use the shit champs/cards who are too expensive for the normal game.
[x] Touch fluffy tail
>>1681500Only the non-light valks are still REM only. The light is easily farmable.
>>1681501That being said, evoing Charizard is probably way more of a hassle than just farming for the gem drop so I'll leave you continue doing that. If you don't have an alt to co-op with to save stam or make farming easier, consider making one.
Damn unlucky, I feel like it's gotta be closer to 5% drop rate if not lower. Interesting that in all the runs I only ever got one of the Thunder Armor Dragons. Gonna keep tryin
>>1681765If you want the gem without the hassle of evoing her why not try alt shura 1? Floor 19 has her gem along with other gems you'll eventually want for other characters.
>that new yomi altI still don't know if yomi is a boy or girl
ITS SECOND ANNIVERSARYCurrent November event>Cinderella and Grave banner (2nd anniversary banners)Upcoming November event>Flora bannerUpcoming December event>Christmas Limited banners>New Years Eve banners
>>1676837The only times pilgrim / overspec nikkes are released are during x.5, anniversary and new years
>>1675274Nvm its easy
>>1608255PC and collab Soon
Leave Alteisen to me
>>1681834> Nikke DLC in June> PC version also in JuneHell yeah!
Ash Echoes came out a day or two ago on google/apple store
>>1684485continuing the post above>Long rate-up tracevery universal trace, provides 45% ATK; if your team has Long, then this should be slotted>Lynn rate-up tracecore for strikers team, convert every excess DEF into ATK, so you can now slot 2 DEF trace in your run>Lionel rate-up tracegigacore for Lionel, makes his already broken passive even more broken and also gives him a 90% increased damage AND 25% ATK boost because why not?>Cog rate-up traceyour shield can now explode to damage enemies lol. give a very much-needed separate damage multiplier for Cog and Kylin team comps. also come with a must-have brand-new triangle nexus skill that gives 30% ATK unconditionally.>Mamoru rate-up traceprovides separate 3600% wind damage multipliers every time someone uses a seed skill with very simple condition (fielding a wind character). 20s cooldown per character (not shared so you could do 4x3600% dmg burst). gigacore for wind team.If you're saving, then just pull a copy of the more universal one (Kylin, Elpis, Solbyrd, Long, Lynn) and borrow max-dupe of the more team-specific one.
>>1684485>kylinDo you mean the current one that grants bonuses to electro/lightning characters?
>>1684565yes, but you can just ignore the 20% lightning DMG bonus damage if you're not running Jean. the main reason using it is for the 45% engraving ATK bonus.
>>1684591I am actually trying to get 20 stacks of Inspire on every character. Is it wrong?
>>1684601You're doing it right, 20 stacks of inspire is always the play. But inspire stacks (DMG bonus that affect everyone) are different from ATK & DMG bonuses from memory trace skill (usually has some class limitation), as they don't override each other and can be stacked.
What do you think? Will the petition help to change the current state of affairs?
link on reddit
Autists should be euthanized.
I hope this is bait because you've got to be a whole new level of dumbass if you believe anyone's gonna take this seriously.Also fym Gale is the first lgbt character in brawl stars?!?
Wtf is this shit
>>1658888>What do you think?Kind of admire your passion and dedication>Will the petition help to change the current state of affairs?No
Don't forget to level your FPoolers for LB7. Especially those with defensive skills like evade/invinc, guts.
>>1680486Geronimo, get down!
>>1681434I'm fighting on using mine because I don't want both versions of my favorite to be offset on their bond gain.
>>1680977I'm using event CEs, so no black grails.
This is a comfy node. I'm pretty sure there's more optimal ways of doing it, but just beating this elephant to death with NP5 Astraea and 2 Castoria slaves is weirdly relaxing.
10th Anniversary Part 2
The seed
>>1682987Dude I got 6 fucking zamasus. Like you ALWAYS roll copies of rainbowed. Unreal
>>1683249Genuinely looks betterRed hair and eyes blend in too much. Some variety is key, like SSJ having teal/green eyes with gold hair
>>1684037This. I rainbowed both of them, made out like a bandit.
So now that Pubraseer finally gotten the rarity he always deserved and i know some anons were saving for since his Welfare was added, what is the next "big" anticipated alt? Super Ryekie?
>>1682040I unironically frequent more this thread than the game itself, so I appreciate it myself, it doesn't bloat up too much anyways.
9 tickets and nothing50 stones and only got the sidekick goatAh well I'm happy with that
>>1682055Any bloat is unnecessary bloat, you called it bloat yourself.You can ask if anything new is coming out with the event and anyone here would be happy to tell you. You DON'T need to spam 2 whole posts of paragraphs with 0 images.Own your mistake and be quiet from now on. Don't do it again.
>>1682144? I'm not the same anon, I literally said I don't even open the game or the website to early post event details in here lol, I just felt grateful because they bothered copied and pasting for anyone needing it
Don't forget the current Challenge Simulator has about 5 days left don't miss out on easy resources! >>1681954Congrats may Vlaham serve you well!>>1682036They sure are making unique characters every event. Vlaham being a Enmity attacker with secondary effects is nice even if going for Assault Shot will probably be his go to. But for everyone who got spooked by Alend they can have a solid combo since he is Enmity support with his passive alone. Up to 50% ATK boost closer to 1 HP everyone is paired with Vlaham's Critical can be very strong if you can pull it off.Gaius is the second Hero with a Field Effect increasing all allies ATK by 30% and follow up attacks are nice but I will say I'm not too certain how you can increase Sword Dance stacks to the max I haven't tested it out yet.Valoray is like Alend as they both can inflict Inducement but he's meant to an HP sponge as he has the 5th highest HP of defense Heroes only 105 below Sadayoshi. But he has more support than other defense Heroes plus his skills are pretty cheap too pretty nice for a 4star.>>1682036>talking about Rainbow Shards and Bookmarks not that long ago.Yeah funny how that works sadly the tickets are just for the permanent banner and only can get one a weekComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Got any last words for it?
>>1670232the game release in 2018, that quite healthy lifespan
>>1670232Is it just Japan's going EoS or is China:s server finally shutting down too.
>>1670232No refunds
Is this the new /dalg/ thread or we should let it die?
So why aren't you playing this game. You don't need translations. It's autochess with priconne leveling.
also more references in the skins
>>1669550pic related was from the most recent event trailer. i think they know what they're doing.
>>1671216NTA, but holy sex
>>1671205>get the the 10 shitter summons as a loginwinnar
RIP Brave Battles, you were a pain in the ass from beginning to end.
>rin finally gets a unit>it's a seasonal unit>and a 2 character, male only, MM valentines one at thatthe poor lad deserves better than this
>>1681945At least he didn't get the GQ NAD bot treatment like Yumichika
Not exactly what I was hoping we’d get for Valentine’s Day to be completely honest. Rin is a fun choice but Yumichika is not needed and should have been a female character.
not taking advantage of white day to have a female-only valentines banner and a male-only white banner is kinda retarded really, especially when you know it'll probably be some trash MM banner next month anyway
So what terrible all-male TYBW banner will we get for EOM?
Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Mei ending services on February 27th: game already had signs of ending as they released the final chapter of the main story during December and on the latest event you had the entire cast giving the player a Thank You for supporting the game.
>>1656183It was surprising it lasted as long as it did, I was expecting it to go end of service by the end of year one. I guess Higurashi is still somewhat popular in japan despise the reception of Sotsu Gou.
btw the current event rerun lets you get red fragments for both Sonozaki Twins>>1657145Yeah, for a tie-in anime gacha lasting 4 years is not bad, and looking at japanese Higufans that played this game it seems that they liked the story of Mei much more than GouSotsu (the few things I got to understand were entertaining even if a bit convoluted, specially mid-story).I hope we see the Mei trio again at some point.
>>1656183Good fucking riddance, those nu-designs were awful.
Rerun of last year's valentines event, expedition quest and club raids availables again.Also banner of true hinamizawa syndrome teen Satoko and Rika and dark monsters Keiichi and Rena.
Now to wait for the end.
Just a few more days until Persona gacha! Are you gonna play?>Website>Gameplay
>>1677465Well unlike other Persona protags, Wander still has his parents and has his own house
>>1677652I meant the whole getting mauled by all the girls he remoanced
>>1677465>It's not just a visual reference, the trailer shows Wonder on the ground beaten: wonder if the chink/gook playerbase will take it in good stride.
back to desync for kr/tw players
>>1678584Presumably if they're playing this game they also played P5 and know what it's referencing.