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Not sure what happened to the other thread, but at least we can update the OP with the most recent decor they've added to the game.

Speaking of new things, the missions they've recently added were an interesting change of pace, especially as someone that has exhausted his local area of all seedlings. Also, they are apparently adding new mushrooms, according to a recent datamine (presumably during Halloween, since they're orange and purple).

Regardless, how do you guys feel about the game now that we're approaching the 1-year anniversary?
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Wait I completely forgot that this game even existed. Is it like pokemon go but with pikmin? Sign me in.
real shit
This postcard change has been awful and it bugs out too often where I reject the card but my pikmin stands there with nothing in it's hands but still says it holding something
I figured out the issue with that; you have to wait for the postcard image to load become claiming.
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Brand new open world game by Hotta studio the creator of Tower of Fantasy
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We are going to be lucky to get spats, granny panties it is.
I personally don't mind spats, but when every fucking character has them it's boring. Final Fantasy Zero made a point to give every character different panties to display their personalities.
you silly boy, of course they are going to make the same mistakes
outrage and backlash from the chinese community didnt stop them from shitting out the global version of tof without fixing a single bug
That's good to know. How kind of the chinese to let us know from the beginning that their shit is broken, so I don't have to take time out of my day to pay attention. Same with GLF2, or ZZZ.
>mod for San Andreas.
I wish these people actually made something other than overdesigned waifu collector gachas with action combat. Bet this won't even have any guns or killing npcs. That other game, mugen, looks the same. Just another cheap reskin of their other gacha games.
>Bet this won't even have any guns or killing npcs
well obviously lmfao

RIP to one of the best.

As you may or may not know the World wide version of the game shut down back at the beginning of March. Today June 25 (Japan), 2024 marks the end of the Japanese and last version of the game that was still going. Marking 7 years of life, Memoria Freeze was one of the most successful anime tie-in gotcha games ever, outliving many games that followed. Press F to pay respects.
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Damn. F.
Been a full month now since the shut down. I miss it so much already.
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Battle Chronicle is repeating its swimsuit banner from last year, so it looks like we might have another Danmachi game reaching EOS in a short timeframe
That's what you get for making a game that only high end devices can play.
if its one of the most successful why FGO, HI3, and other gacha games which is clearly a much older game still alive and this one is dead?

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This thread is dedicated to Kisaki.
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sword of convallaria coming out on july 31st


i never finished tactics ogre as a kid but im interested anyways
available on steam so no need to play on your phone
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If I don't get Beryl then I'm uninstalling the game.
Same. Beryl is the only reason I'm bothering to install.
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For me, it's Auguste.
>*unsheathes Broken Gramm, Sword of God's Wrath*
any last words anime girls?
I can already picture the bricked shitposting about choosing the "wrong" skill on any unit
It's not even an SRPG, it's a lazy afk game with the Phantom of the Kill IP slapped onto it. The "gameplay" is just portraits bonking into each other like Memento Mori.

Mobile gaming truly went to mostly gachas eh, what about the anons here that grabs their phones to open games just to burn time instead of a second job? What do you open?
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mobile really is the potemkin village of game systems. a true no games machine despite the illusion of choice.
Literally just emulators
I play the port of endless sky. The touch controls are good enough and it lets me be an intergalactic trade (((merchant))) and passenger hauler
Don't forget:
>RTS games with timers that slowly become excruciatingly long at a pace where timers become days long by the start of the 2nd month playing.
...or does that fall under the "management" category?
Smartphones are pretty much the only platform where these ultra slow-paced games make sense. I once played Solaris with some anons, and being able to just whip out a phone to give new orders to my armies every few hours was kino.

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It runs quickly and lightly, and grows by repeating extreme labor and shooting control, farming, and honor reincarnation with killing time
If you go to the 100th stage, you'll be able to enjoy the colorful visuals
You can feel another shooting game if you speed up the game from Stage 10 and above

the game is now a decade old, are you playing it? for how long now?
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So, we have until next week to clear Garp challenges and other cmm. The new rookie missions look like on Dokkan. Seeing the super dex Luffy on the picture makes me think that this is how we will get his 6+.

>super tm and super sugo on August
Miss me with that shit. If they don’t change plans, there will also be a super sugo for the .5 anni. Guess it will be a skip or only 2-3 multis.
>super tm
on going to kms
>every new mode we get will just be an existing mode with Super tacked on to it
>super coop
They either took afew pages from Nintendo, or this wild ride won’t be stopping for the next few years.
isn't super TM just regular TM but with point rewards up to 20 million
we had that before

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Pendulum debut in JP soon
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Sniff them extra hard for me, I was told to save for anniversary
I remember when this banner dropped in JP. I knew right away it was a huge bait banner considering next event was 1st Anniversary.

Wondering if the order of events remains or if they'll push it back.
Because of a few different reasons combined I'm trying to download Code geass lost stories onto my computer app player blue sticker ( which I got downloaded because of an uptubbing avatar The Last Airbender cartoon app) but it always stops downloading into the game of my account in the game around 38% .
Can you actually play this game on an computer thingy if you have a high enough computer.
i fucking hate that guy so much. "100 day login" stfu
not only are you being an attention seeking faggot you're also clearly fucking lying
doesn't even contribute that much to order raids
I get that, and I think all the true regulars have been major contributors at some point, but I'd rather have someone make minor contributions than just exist for the sole purpose of us getting order contributions counted. (Or is that based on the number of contributors?) Anyway, a more bustling order would be nice to have, but I'll take what I can get. Keep in mind we were all formerly a Chuck at one point or another.

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Cute girls, cute outfits and cute floorhands
What else do you even need for a game?
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My wife futari is so cute
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Some new coomer gacha just dropped. Any of you lads try it out?
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release snoclyn already you whores
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She's here
So I'm almost done SSSing all 3*, which are the ones worth keeping, if any? I've seen people using Lana to boost their 1st turn in pvp.
>tfw don't really care about her but her being limited triggers my autism
Only some of them are only useful as filler for hunts. Like Mikeal and Tracy can be used in the fire hunt if you don't have anything better. Lana and Taya can be used in PvP as openers. Pennecus can be used so your members heal themselves in PvE. If you already almost SSS'd all of them you prob have better stuff to use anyway
Financier can be used in evasion teams
Veritte is servicable as an annoying tank
Taya have the same role with lana but she have lower base speed
Tracy is a pretty good filler for fire hunt
I heard E7 version is Silbal is pretty good for fire hunt but never see anyone actually doing it here

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Anyone playing the new mobile Metal Slug?
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Does anyone under 35 care for this series?
29 here. I absolutely love the Metal Slug series.
I'm currently playing it, it's OK. It's exactly like Megaman X Dive which died pretty quick except this shit is FULL of Mexicans. This having voice chat is pretty cool though
First time playing a game like this, i wish modern controls wasn't so easy to play with that is practically mandatory

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Christmas events, draws, and 2x CP are currently live. Warzone is coming soon™
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only explanation you need is that if you buy skins in games for real money you're a brain dead retard.
Yes, just moved the buttons a bit to my liking
It brings me joy, this game, but now I kinda have doubts, for the same amount of money I could get coomer gacha currency for 2 years and be happier than by spending it on a single draw here, I like the bp50 theme and theres the 2x bonus, so if I were to buy it I would never buy anything else in this game
you should really consider reading books or something. spending money on virtual skins is like worse than doing crack
books arent as entertaining though
felt like I did poorly but it gave me a bunch of ranks in my placements

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Comes out today, you'll have to use QooApp though. It's an anime wrestling RPG.

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it seems that from today's tweet, they've hinted the next choujin to be added will be Max Radial. i've foolishly blown almost all of my gems on the starting banner and the nemesis banner (15 fucking multis without getting nemesis!!) but this'll be an easy skip for me to try and recoup those losses. i really want shogun-sama...
Anyone know how to account bind in this game? I'm mainly playing on my pc but I also I want to play this game on my phone.
i don't think you actually can. the only thing i found was that you can backup your data, but if you do it it erases the app or something, so that's exclusively for transferring to a new phone.

Well shit. Of course this game's developers are that fucking incompetent. I dunno why I even expected anything less.
it's a bit late to ask, but did anyone manage to beat the max difficulty swimsuit battle? i have no idea how it'd even be possible, she heals so much every turn while shitting out aoe supers. my strongest blue unit is ashuraman at level 75 and she could easily outheal his damage and kill him in two turns.

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GLB 9th Anniversary Part 2.
JP Tanabata Part 2.
Ganbare Son Gohan! Omae ga nanbā wan da!
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SSJ4s EZA when??
what are your favorite rpg games?
I like this one RPG called Elden Ring
Legacy of Goku 2
Attack of the Saiyans

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