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The best mobile games
I kind of got tired of 2 when I finally beat the final zone. the whole "one time item" thing as faction rewards also upsets me
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Hell yeah niggers.
I just got the amorphous in the second game. What is a good class to use with him? He keeps on dying quickly. The first three floors quickly.

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>no Clash thread
I am confuse. Is this really only a gachashit board?
How are you lot doing? I made it into TH10 and now infernos are bodying me.
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lmao no. like I said it's a worse clock tower.

>works for 32 mins
>advances collectors, lab, and builders in the builder base by about 4.5 hours, free to use once per day
>costs gold to upgrade

>works for 1 hr
>affects only ONE builder upgrade, works for 1 hr, can advance the build progress by up to 8 hrs
>costs gems to upgrade, 6500 total to reach max level. even to unlock it you need to spend 500, something im regretting already.

To put it in perspective, to unlock every builder in the main base, you need to spend 3500 gems to get the maximum number of builders, excluding the first two free ones and the sixth one from the builder base. For a little over half the price you get infinitely more utility. I'm sure cutting 8 hours off of an upgrade every day would add up in the long run but it's just not fucking worth $50 in gems, especially when there are a million things in the game that are a better use of your gems.
And it's starting!
>lone hero of color gets left out again
color me surprised
games like these are like crack to me

sword of convallaria coming out on july 31st


i never finished tactics ogre as a kid but im interested anyways
available on steam so no need to play on your phone
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Releasing a typical mobile gacha on steam is going to alienate a lot of players and will probable hurt this games reputation in the long run. I don't see the review score ever go beyond mixed at best.
There's a windows icon on their website so i really hope it will have a standalone client on release.
that happens when you market a niche game too much like Astra knights of veda, you just ruin everyone's expectations

Limbus company is positive reviewed on steam
It had a demo and then radio silence for a long while before the devs suddenly announced the final beta and Global release date.

So just like FFT.
holy SEX

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>Be me
>Hag respector
>Xwitter doesn’t like my love for Outis
I’m tried bros, when will I stop being shunned for who I am
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>when will I stop being shunned for who I am
When you stop giving a fuck about what other people think
I respect u anon, and I respect beautiful hags
stop talking like a redditor first
what game is this and how do i obtain this tanned goddess
limbussy aka limbus company

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Our Thread revives.

As of today:
Final Episode of Nanasuta
More Daily 1x Rolls
New Karakuri singles out song
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This account is counting down to the Mighty 10th.
>Though according to Hololive fans, the collab did do the trick and attracted them into T7S.
Pfft. I know most of them left after the collab.

I was wondering more of whether they'd accept the idea of T7Sverse being invaded by Miku. As in, does she get a free pass or not? I'm mainly asking because most of them are actually averse to the idea of an in-game collab with D4DJ.
It's over. They will not be there to face the future with us.

AI won.
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Happy Birthday Nico-sama!

Today Nico-sama is 9 Years Old.

She is so smug because she has Mai in her life and you don't.

And the new song from her gf.
Online tickets are on sale now.

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2.5 anniversary imminent
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ehh, better than recent banners but still kinda whatever. Nice titties though
hoping and praying it's a (you) pov scene
PayPal did something?
habbit didn't say anything officially besides "we are no longer accepting paypal for payments", but credit card companies are known for having a stick up their ass about porn and adult art (see patreon making weird ass rules about stuff and gumroad straight up banning adult content), so it's not hard to put two and two together

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Only real homies know the OG that started all. Clash of Cuck? What kind of homoerotic n1ggers would play something so cartoonishly tasteless?

Also juicing your champion in the mayan temple is definitely more efficient as it allows you to attack rapidly rather than letting it rest its NEET ass.
Forgot links:


Nice, I used to play this game all the time back in the day and I thought I'd never get a chance to play it again.
Kinda sucks that you can't attack anyone in the current version. I understand not having other players yet, but there should be a couple cpu outposts to fight. The game was designed with resources from attacks in mind so without those getting resources early on is way more tedious than it should be.
Leveling seems bugged and clicking the "next outpost" button crashes the game, but besides that I'm having a blast. Gorgo best champion btw

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32 hours until banners
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I coined sword of hope because trunks is my favorite character and I like units that do lots of attacks
Yeah but for what missions? It's godku all over again, I got 2 copies on saiyan day and by the time I needed him he was coinable.
Farm the f2p bardock or ginyu team under growth. That clears any dokkan event.
>always get dfes in 500 stones or less
>1200 for birdku
>1800 for futurehan
>1400 for gogeta
I never learn. I'm done with carnivals for good.
thanks, ill do it tomorrow. also what ever happened to jp and global merging? they were talking about it last year when I redownloaded this game.

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Still alive edition.

New update, new waifus, more anime tiddies.

Discuss Brave Nine and the spin-off games, BraveNine Story & Magic Stone Knights here.
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>Took back the novice arena update because of backlash
Serves them right
Good to see they cancelled the Novice update, 5 stars are much more powerful and better than 4 stars, it would ruin Novice arena.
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Developer Notes – July 2024


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Another year with spider mech daughters!
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At least Laurel's good too. Unless you already have her?
i didn't so that was nice, but honestly i don't practically use more new AGs anyways, i just collect em and keep using the same AGs i have been for years
>event is farming hamburgers to trade in at the shop
most patriotic event ever, happy 4th of july lads
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so we're completely caught up with CN now right? or at least a miniscule gap?
Yeah, we're like a couple weeks behind them now, which is crazy

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In the sweltering summer of 2024, GL's fourth anniversary closes with a healthy dose of waifus that makes sure to cover all bases, while JP slowly moves forward to its sixth anniversary and a new story chapter.
EnJoyers beware, as the Stage banners aren't far away in GL and Jo (Modo Termita) will probably drop somewhere this month or in August.
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Gwayne is a real pain in the butt, but doable. The RS3 fight's going much smoother since I have a pierce counter tank (Julian).
Nevermind, jinxed it. RS3 is harder, and I'm once again being punished for not getting Forneus. He's becoming my new big regret now that I no longer regret getting Liz last December.
Fucking finally, hours later and so many team combinations and retries. I needed to use Ellen's S2 to not trigger his counters, and I needed Labelle to clear my stat debuffs. The thing that saved my ass in the end was Princess Rei's passive where she gives a huge party heal when she dies, then pops back up with a self-revive at end of turn.
And with this hardest of fights for me (RS3/SF1/SF2 Merlot-Syrah), I've finally cleared every single one of these damn dragon fights.
I guess tomorrow I'll try and figure out what the gimmicks are for floor 290.
>Gwayne is a real pain

Preparing for 1.1

Expectations for the first major update?
Who are you saving/pulling for?
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This art stuff is starting to piss me off. It's bad enough I don't have any privacy and am constantly spied upon, but all the freaking faggots spying on me are constantly reminding me they are doing their art while I can't do shit.
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ANY chance she’s a gun user? I know a 5* gunner would break the game, but hope for one is the only thing that keeps me going
There's a reason the 5* gun is a support weapon
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Even the worst 4* gunners solo all content easily, and they’re all supports
Chixia is clearly labeled as DPS

the game is now a decade old, are you playing it? for how long now?
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I've been using this team to cope with no having a Nami fc. Shanks shoe-horned in for points.
Damage gets very tight at the end but it works here still at level 99 no extra buffs
dead thread.... dead game.... eos.... imminent...
just jumped back on after a 6 year break from 2017.
been fun, almost got all sugos already without paying a dime.
with a 300 friend cap you really don't have any Nami friends?
In my case i have only 1 Nami, no Robins. Doesnt surprise me after the anniversary.

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Thread for discussing Omniheroes idle game

And the waifus
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He constantly whines about the censorship in S0 and S1, like get over it. The company learnt its lesson and is now giving us slutty, revealing heroes in S2 and S3.
He can't stop bitching like its gonna happen again or something I doubt they'll ever censor again after the backlash.
Nawi and especially Nyx are so hot. But I'm sad Seraphina didn't get a summer skin, I thought everyone voted her in the survey months ago?
I have a hard time even telling that's Nawi. Nyx one might be good, but it better not be a paid-only ridiculous $50 one like the Aiushtha and Eudora ones were (it probably is).
Dahlia is a cutie
I assume next season is Elluler focused, but what happens after? Will they finally add Arkdina to the manor give her own season? Or add new valkyries like Diane or Nawi are listed as valkyries in some trials. I've seen ads of Diane inside the manor wearing different outfits too.

I'm not against new valkyries outside of the original 7. Would love to see Eudora or Seraphina

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Also known as PriconneR or simply Priconne.

Did you get Commander Makoto or Eriko, or both? Will you pull for Lind and Wurm when they come out? What's your opinion on Arc 3 so far? Are you ready for EX7?
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Apparently there's no welfare, so one of them is going to be put into NPC hell like what happened to S.Misaki and W.Chieru
most likely Riri. she looks the most plain. not in a bad way but her design looks like it would make the least amount of money.
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Final HP node let's goooooooooo
until the next update

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