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Legends fest is about to begin.
black and Vegetto.
I'm not going to lie, it's disappointing not to have Zamasu/Black tag fuseable to Zamasu.
And the LF are a bit boring, I think they didn't want to make the clones of black to avoid similarities with the ultra
>LF Trunks Zenkai
>Green Hybrids
>futureshit again
fuck off
we had it so nice without that shit tag ruining everything
Call it cope, but I think we're getting at least one tag fuseable with part 2 of the fest, maybe even the Ultra for part 3. But I agree, the units aren't really that hype. I think I like the Cell/Frieza SP more than any of the rest.
This is a copy of the two Dokkan celebrations where there was a blue Vegeto and Black Rose in two banners.
I don't know what character could come that is fuseable if it's not Black, maybe Kefla

They deserved to get a bone, I think it's fantastic. However, the character choices don't seem right to me.
I'd prefer a Fusionable Zamasu and if you want a Trunk/Goku Blue I remember that they teamed up at one point while Vegeta was recovering.
I was considering coming back for fest and... lol. Nope. The development team is so retarded and out of touch. I don't know what happened this year. Maybe there's a gas leak in their office building? Maybe they all got horribly sick with something that prevented oxygen from going to their brains? I'm not sure, but something gave them all brain damage. Their recent decisions aren't just plain terrible, they're confusingly terrible. They make poor decisions that are more difficult to come up with and put into motion than the dozens of better decisions that are more obvious and much safer. It's intentional. They intentionally wish to create a worse product for consumers- right now they're just testing how far they can push it before everyone loses their minds, and the few people that still play regularly start to slow down (or quit altogether).
What's wrong with the Future Saga? I liked it up until the end. Don't really know what other Saga they could've done desu.
we already have every single character and 50 different version from said characters of that dogshit arc
they could have done any other underrepresented arc like the saiyan arc which we don't even the finale
where spirit bomb krillin or great ape kid gohan
You're an idiot.
Nobody, and I repeat nobody would be excited about Sayan Saga as festival characters.
If they didn't get Future they would go for ToP.
Just say that you hate Rose and everything that happened in her arc which is clearly valid but you're not giving a better idea.
>Spirit Bomb Krillin
Yeah, I'm definitely sure THAT would sell better than a Goku Black and Vegito. Especially FOR LEGENDS FEST, the hypest celebration of the year.
>its okay because its le hype
only subhuman consoomers and retarded niggers value things based on their fleeting and arbitrary "hype"

>They deserved to get a bone
At least half of all tags in the game are in more desperate need of attention than this overabundant tag
So you think fucking Spirit Bomb Krillin would sell more than Vegito Blue and Goku Black? Ok, retard.
Fast player.
Yes there are many future characters but how many are currently useful?
This is not about quantity but quality anon.
Future was a dead label, its only relevant character currently is corrupted Zamasu.
Stop acting like a little kid and just admit that you hate the black arc and I repeat that is completely valid but there was no other arc to promote the second biggest celebration of the game.
And I hope from your words you got Nappa to 14 stars, because the developers clearly saw the Sayan arc as a waste of time
They're jumping you, but you're right
I'm sick of how many Future units this dogshit game has
>Yes there are many future characters but how many are currently useful?
Who gives a fuck? It had 5 fucking years where it was either decent or good, it can go a few years with fuck all like other tags have. The game will be fine without another Vegito Blue or Goku Black
>The game will be fine without the most popular fusion and the most popular villain in Super
The game already has 50 of the fuckers, yeah it'll be fine without them getting something new for a while, dipshit
Anti-Future whiners aside, which is your favorite?
I'll just go for Black, his green card is basically the same as S17's but with Strike and tap.
I'm thinking of taking him along with Turles and maybe Goku Tree.
Stop crying anon,
VB only has three characters
Black on the other hand has 6 versions (3 in base and 3 in Rose) and a transformable version.
Not counting the fact that the last future character we received was last year on the anniversary with VB Ultra
Just tell me if the story is done. That's the only reason I haven't deleted the app already.
>bottom denominator with no real opinions on the topic
good to know
regardless of my opinion on the Black arc itself, it proved time and time again that it never intended to be more than a glorified toy commercial aimed at mouth breathing consoomers like you
its something new instead of another rehashed unit we already have
if they want it to sell they could make it a tag unit with kaioken goku
It's still garbage.
Nobody gets excited about Sayan Saga and just because something is new doesn't mean it's good.
I don't know, I'm not sure about that.
However, it was fun at the time and made "Evil" Goku more iconic than "Evil" Vegeta, whether Majin or Baby.
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this guy just delayed synchro gauge fusion zamasu by at least a year
>just because something is new doesn't mean it's good
thats a very good point, anon
now try applying that logic to the brand NEW LFs in this recent announcement
>Nobody gets excited about Sayan Saga
Retards don't, yeah. Instead they get excited to receive the same units over and over again
>Anti-Future whiners aside, which is your favorite?
And then no one replied because this line-up fucking sucks and no one gives a shit about this dogshit game anymore
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>VB only has three characters
the day is finally here, so for the final time before fest begins CRYSTAL CHECK!
25k hoping to hit close to 26k by the time the banners go live. haven't looked up a single thing about the new units so will decide who I'm pulling for at the time, if vegito is just another combo rising rush shitter it'll be a skip. black should go nicely on my PO team.
And how many of them are useful anon?
12K, I'll go for black who is basically a tank with damage, almost similar to Turles
On the bright side we might get kefla fusion as part 2
>people on discord and reddit throwing a shitty fit over WAAA MY RECYCLED UNITS WAAAAAAA
anyways does LF Goku Black or LF Vegito look meta or are they skippable?
For LF Goku Black I have this team but I'm not sure if I should really replace kid buu for him
>Garlic Jr
>LF Goku Black
>Zenkai LF Broly (Blue)
>Zenkai Broly (Yellow)
I was using kid buu before and zenkai Janemba (Purple).
Vegito is my favorite of the fusions so I'll probably go for his banner. I'm not one to turn down a good Girls unit and Mai seems nice. I'm curious how her anti-endurance will work but I was hoping she would use a big rifle with the ki bullet from when she tried to kill Black.
I need to see Black's damage because your team seems to be a diamond in terms of defense but I don't know if Turles and Black have enough damage for the meta. Turles is more than 1 red star away?
There is no information yet, however she can easily be a Majin counter. When entering he has anti endurance so he can cast his RR with mai and kill him without problems
yeah i'm having troubles closing off games because I keep losing to fucking time since I keep going against units that just infinite combo then lose the coin flip then i get infinite combo'd and the moment im like 3 seconds away from victory nope.

I have turles at 8 stars.

I'm also debating on LF Vegito since I do have full fusion team with Gotenks/FGB/FSV and FGB can get the boot for LF Vegito but idk if he's worth it.
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OMEGAKEK Anon you played Po right? This is the best fucking banner for you
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And Vegeto's banner couldn't be any worse, I repeat, Omega KEK
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That banner might just be the worst banner of the year, holy fuck it's worse than even ultra banners.
great coding faggots
It took all of my 25k but I got black and vegito came home on the fraud tickets surpisingly enough.
dunno what I'm going to do with z power, gotta wait till pvp is back and see whether I want to invest in black or if vegito is busted or if I should give omega his seventh star.
not going to pretend like I'm thrilled with my pulls. black's banner is filled with amazing pulls so of course besides the single black copy it was straight garbage the whole time, meanwhile vegito's banner rained lfs on me besides the main prize.
time to hit the crystal mines and wait for part 2.
>first match in pvp
>haphazard future team thrown together with some general equips
>opponent runs mono future red with zenkai bench for merged zamasu and uvb
>3* black eats type disadvantage combo from uvb like it's nothing
that's actually kind of scary to see for a first impression.
oh my word six star mai just murdered a maxed feetku with her ult. these units are good fucking hell.
I got jackshit
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Took me two rotations and all of my cc but I got myself a copy of the new veggie and 2 of Mai. Both are really damn fun and vb at 3 stars heals like crazy. All I need now is a good unique equip for SoH and I'll be set.
Pulled the new Cell/Frieza 3 times and character sealing is so fucking fun. Sending an enemy ultra to hell for most of the fight has been a blast and I don't even care if I win afterwards.
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>how many units of the same character are useful?
as opposed to how many tags have a single useful unit in the game?
i hate how you have to optimally pull LF's 4x. like god damn i have better chances pulling ultra twice compared to the LF's....

yeah that's fucking hilarious. got new cell+frieza, LF purple rose (is he any good?) and new rose. and big fat shenron.

idk how I feel about LF rose so far. I'm still running into the same issue where i'm dying by the clock (even though i'm in a significantly better situation than my opponent)/ also hate how you have to make him transform to actually make him worth it. had to skew into blast team with 3 defensive with lf jiren and lf kid buu and it's also a little awkward since garlic jr and rose want melee.
Goku Black seems impressive but I'm not sure I want to get him. A lf defense unit needs more copies than any other to shine and I'd rather build up Garlic Jr as my tank since it's easier.
consider this.
why not both?
i'm using both and im unkillable ahahahaha
i'm still losing games due to time....
>i'm still losing games due to time....
That's also why I'm kind of hesitant. My po team (which is actually regen in disguise) consists of Garlic, CMZ and Ultra Janemba. I need an updated damage dealer but Janemba is too versatile for dealing with UMV for me to remove.
They are giving away a lot of Zpower from Lf. Today they gave almost 200 100 gold tablets that they gave for ccs spent and another 100 for medals with the question mark 100 from each raid (there are 5) And 600 for playing each raid 9 times And another 100 with gold medals The zpower is not a problem if you play.
that's not LF
Anon, if it is, don't be a fast reader.
Yeah, black's garbage. Meh damage, his health regen being locked behind his gauge means he can't regen it efficiently like turles does, and he does to reds.
His endurance is such that he doesn't check rising rushes from the primary rr merchants and he doesn't really feel dangerous because he's a defence type.
Vegito's good but again he's just a typical damage dealer without utility so he's not some major prize.
Oh well, I can finally dump my 700 lf z power into treeku and save for part 3's ultra mui.
I don't understand. Why does Vegito suck so fucking much. His counter null is more situational than Assualt chain, his damage is ok, his gauge is nothing special, he doesn't have endurance

Like what the fuck is this unit supposed to do?
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My guy out here really putting shitters that depended on counter gauges to win in their fucking place. Left a ug4 user flabbergasted when his gauge couldn't save him and the one time it did proc he had no vanish.
Mai is fantastic as well. She decimated a buu saga team almost by herself.
>reddit is now downplaying ug4
i will never understand how people can keep downplaying this fucking unit to save their lives lmao. it's not even just one person, the whole collective dicksucks ug4 like it's the paragon of justice
If you run multiple ultras and still lose you should have a star taken off one of them or be knocked down 5 ranks
Anyone else experiencing lag during matches more than usual? It's happening frequently and it's making it difficult to charge step properly.
That shithole is a hivemind of Fusion cocksuckers
There are zero discussions about unit balance in that place that aren't blatantly biased towards specific characters
Every thread devolves into autistic LARPing with shitty Vegito memes or circlejerking about how """peak""" the latest Fusion unit is after throwing a kmhmh for the billionth time
>vegito is getting his dick sucked on there
jfc i get it's a bunch of 12yo kids but damn
how will underutilized tags ever be "worthy" or "hype" enough for celebrations if you niggers never give them a chance in the first place?
why tf does it feel harder to kill vegito than goku black? lmfao
>he doesn't have endurance
Good; why the fuck would he?
Because black has next to no buff removal in his kit and unless he lands a super or lands a green he doesn't passively heal either.
It's amazing how badly they designed black, turles and garlic jr are sitting right over there as perfect textbooks for a healing tank and they gave black nothing. and what black does have is the sort of stuff a melee unit should have not a defense unit.
I want my 18k crystals back.
It's disappointing, I got it twice but it's really not that big of a deal.
Even Goresh made a video explaining why it's bad for such a big celebration.
Basically his Gauche is like Super Baby 2's except Baby gives you a blue card every time he fills up so you can empty his gauche. Black doesn't, instead you have to wait to get a blue or green card to be able to reset his gauche.
Now I understand why his banner is so much better than Vegeto's banner
I really don't like how this community doesn't have their own opinion except what goresh says. I swear to god, if he jumped off a bridge dbl fanbase would immediately jump off too

So Black is as good as Vegeto?
Go ahead and say it, if you admit it and tell me that Black is a much better character than Vegeto or at least they are equally good and I will give you the reason why with good arguments.
don't put your words in my mouth SHEEP. I just hate how you people just use his name like his opinion means anything. this guy is like DBL Jesus to you fucks. he's actually ass to watch
long live lord rai
your cringe its always fucking goresh this goresh that have you goresh outside before
I'm not even the guy you were arguing with, weirdo. Also your lord and savior Raiyuden JUST made a video with Goresh :)
notice how im not replying to you but YOU GORESH made yourself think i was because you're a goresh stan
no seriously can we admit that dbl has a huge fucking eceleb problem? you fucks are even worse than asmongold and ffxiv
Wanna try typing that again, but in English?
the opinion was already that Goku Black was pretty mid before he addressed it, and all he did was clarify why, personally I think he made good points about him and I'd trust his opinion on it because he's playing at a much higher level than I ever could
hi goresh. i'm mr goresh. dude why is he named like an indian guy
Goddamn do I love playing with Mai. Endurance null on everything is great.
It's not just that. Baby doesn;t even want you to dump his gauge constantly. He wants a full gauge so he can lock in an enemy on ultimate and snipe them out. Baby's gauge is there as a defensive measure but baby himself is not a defensive unit, it's just there for utility.

Goku black if he's not activating his gauge is missing more than half his entire kit including basic staple abilities like card draw speed and cover null. It would've made so much more sense if his gauge being full gave him permanent card draw and cover null and extra damage inflicted until you depleted it with a blue or green switching him back to defense mode, but no.
Goku black might just be the single worst LF release of 2024. For a headliner of the second biggest campaign of the year he's utter trash.
honestly i'd put that on LF Broly if we're excusing LF Super Vegeta. I swear Broly need more card draw to fucking KILL. With no defensive shit except his 3 healing, shit's so frustrating when you let go a kill because he runs out of cards. His main gimmick for switch should've locked too like wtf....
>black is so shit and everyone wants an emergency buff
So many trash LFs this year than usual while all of the Ultras are super broken and their banners stay shit
The release of LL Transforming Vegeta Blue and its consequences on DragonBall Legends

I have seen the light. Now I understand Toshi absolutely knee what he was doing with counter guages. I am top 10k and I can say without a doubt I would prefer annoying as fuck counter guages over where we are at with LL Transforming Vegito. The issue isn't inherently that he has counter guage null, it's the fact that his count guage null stacks on top of him talking so much damage and not nearly dealing enough. Every match takes fucking forever because everyone runs him and the combos never end, but when you do get the upper hand it doesn't matter because he tanks so much damage that you are constantly fucking sitting there going back and forth until someone runs out of ki and you trade combos.

The counter guage was designed to prevent this exact thing but people bitched and moaned about it so hard that we are exactly fucking back to where we were before. Matches lasting for an eternity and people just going back and forth chipping damage.

I hope all you niggers who cried about counter guages are fucking happy because now we can go back to falling asleep every match. Your pissing and moaning will lead to a new ultra that is the only unit that can nullify counter guage nullification and it will be impossible to play without said unit as it's literally the only unit that will stop new vegitos bullshit

Fuck all you niggas
Retarded nigger alert

The problem is the kits aren't good enough, not the tags. DBL is in a never ending cycle of you have to give the good kits to hype characters otherwise people are disappointed, and all the hype characters aren't characters with under utilized tags. Face it ribrianna sisters, we lost.
>reddit just filled with black sucks meme
can they stop beating a fucking dead horse to death.
they should be talking about how ass this festival is in general
>going back and forth until someone runs out of ki and you trade combos
This is infinitely better than get out of jail free mechanics, fuck counter guages
they should just rework the entire combat. make it less based on grids, make ki blast and tap attacks do more damage and less delay and have some actual footsies instead of PV farming
holy fucking shit i might actually dump some cash onto vegito had the most bullshit match i've ever fucking seen in my fucking life.
Vegito's anti counter gauge debuff being able to be activated by any party member is a godsend.
Legends Offline when? Love the character models and gameplay, not a fan of the endless gacha farming these games have. Played for 3 years but eventually got fed up and left.
>opponent wins because despite playing a full melee team, i keep drawing blast cards
clap clap clap clap clap
even the pity bots are so fucking annoying to face
Reminder, they are giving away LF Zpower with every possible raid and event.
There is also a zpower banner between part 2 and 3 before the ultra
oh i don't have vegito i pulled for goku black but I might just throw cash at him until I get him 2x times because holy fuck i cannot take UMV cucking my broly out of his kills
>you have to give the good kits to hype characters otherwise people are disappointed
let those retards be disappointed
game would benefit from more character variety one way or another
>broken kit on le hype unit
>tags are most likely already powerful and overabundant
>everyone rushing to get it
>games quickly become overrun with the same meta teams thanks to said unit
>broken kit on units with more obscure tags
>potentially saves underrepresented tags from becoming obsolete
>less tiresome to fight since not everyone would be rushing to pull it
>already powerful tags wouldn't be in danger of being power crept right away
Ginyu Force convinced me that the game is the most fun it can be when new competent units are not considered "hype" by the majority of this autistic playerbase
I know stubborn fusion/saiyan fans cringe at the premise of new and fun ideas but im tired of this tug o war between the same few tags over who gets to be the dominant meta again
>a random new character isn't top 15 on release and nobody bats an eye
>a new goku unit isn't top 3 on release and everyone loses their minds!
Well, Rayuden just released his video of Black's shortcomings.
Can we already say that he is a bad character?
Turles Majin Vegeta and Gotenks are much better
Nobody's saying he isn't anon... like god damn you really REALLY love beating a dead horse
I spent 15K ccs on black, got two copies and while I'm thankful it's garbage.
I really, really, REALLY hope he gets a buff, they just need to get his gauche to 0 automatically or get him a green or blue card when he fills up
>Ginyu Force convinced me that the game is the most fun it can be when new competent units are not considered "hype" by the majority of this autistic playerbase
>I know stubborn fusion/saiyan fans cringe at the premise of new and fun ideas but im tired of this tug o war between the same few tags over who gets to be the dominant meta again
I remember early on in the game Girls was one of my favorite tags and team and they haven't been relevant since...
I remember when everyone thought Valentine's Day would be regular thing where they released decent Girls units
>trunks zenkai details out
>fuck all damage mods added
>damage cut upped to 70%
>five counts of cover null kek
Yeah I'm never going to get excited for a zenkai ever again. it's clear they've decided to never make them good ever again.
I guess there isn't really enough potential Girls units available to make it a yearly thing? I kinda wish it was though, lot's of unexpected and weird things they could push, but I guess those things aren't a Gohan or PO related so they clearly don't want to
There's totally room for more girls unit.
We still don't have an lf or ultra Kefla, gt 18, the other girls from the USS saga, an lf or ultra android 21, Princess Snake, a sparking Zangya and Oceanus Shenron to name a few. There'd be even more if they ever start dipping into Heroes content.
exchanged the CC or wait another week to get gogeta ultra
I chose the CC
Same. It's not like Gogeta will be getting a Zenkai anytime soon.
Anon, I understand you but tell me honestly, would you spend your cc for a Ribrianne LF? Obviously it will be her fat version and they probably won't use her human model.
Because outside of Ribrianne, Kefla and Kale Caulifla I don't see any other possible LF.
Maybe Panzy will get her SP next week
nta but I feel like it's bigger than people give it credit for, all those plus
>LF 21
>LF solo 18
>some kind of DB Era Chi-Chi (maybe a Goku assist in the final arc if they would remember DB was a tag)
I got ug4 with the 1k cc from the daima event now what?
I don't remember any important moment where 18 is completely alone to justify a LF
Maybe during her fight with Vegeta.
that's what I was thinking yeah, if Dokkan can squeeze multiple units out of that fight then we probably can too
An lf Ribrianne would mean new versions of Rozie and Kakunsa so hell yeah I would.
They could employ both of their forms by having them be transforming units.
Ultimate Gohan or Majin Buu (Evil)? I'm trying to make FSV and Buubros work but holy fucking this vegito faggot is cucking my team

also buubros NEEDS MORE FUCKING DEFENSE HOLY FUCK I can't believe how much more I want fucking vegeta more than goku but no his fucking switch bar takes forever to fill up
Oh I also have gotenks. Buubros are such useless though it's starting to actually piss me off. By the time vegeta comes in to tank, goku's already half dead. fuck goku sucks so much ass.
Android 21(Good)?
Lf Evil 21 and Ultra Good 21
no i want FSV and Buubros because once I go into vegeta for buubros its smooth sailing but I either kill vegito early or just struggle so fucking hard until the end.
These niggas literally cannot go a single fest or Anni without leaking their own shit
i mean fuck, if I can trigger buubros gauge faster, he would be perfect. the only problem is vegito fucking beats goku's fucking ass before vegeta can come to tank and -5 ki does fucking nothing to stop vegito if it even takes effect because you know
>Half Corrupted
wait...that's Heroes shit, isn't it?
A raid against "Half Corrupted" Zamasu just ended like 12 hours ago
Why is everyone freaking out about this typo?
What do you think about the new PVP?
Unless your account is new you should be able to do all 3 fights easily
i dont care this festival sucks. this game sucks.
I don't think I'm ever gonna try the new PvP mode.
It's certainly better than the default ranked experience
Anything that forces variety in this dogshit game is welcomed
>forces variety
Wait really? That means no typical Gohan or Fusion or Ultra Instinct Goku teams?
Pretty much
You make three teams that all have to share a specific tag/episode, so if it's something like "Girls" you're gonna be running into a lot of 2-3 star nothing teams, but fuck me it's so much better than the default shit
Should just make this the actual mainstay pvp mode and get rid of the old dogshit system
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Lucked out on my 5th rotation and got another Vegito copy which along with the z-power I fed him puts him at 7 stars. Good enough to start saving up for parts 2 and 3.
Man it feels great to use this guy. I can actually play the fucking game again without some fuck getting saved by bullshit.
>lose priority
>have to go make tea for five minutes because it's not your turn yet
Blows my mind people can look at units like this vegito and not understand that they're the entire reason we had counter gauge cancer in the first place, nor do they seem to realize that when the time comes for them to be powercrept the defensive monsters we're going to get are going to make ultra turles and garlic jr look like frail daisies.
know what would be better? less combos and more damage concentrated into a few quick arts. game goes back to actual player vs player interaction then.
But he's still susceptible to debuffs though. Cost increase works best but so does ki reduction and card destruction. I've seen a resurgence of ultra golden frieza because of it.
I'm sure the next LLs or Ultra will just completely ruin the game with card destruction or debuffs even worse than Turtles. Then NO units will be viable! Thans vegito! Your over correction of counter guages has made things significantly worse!
Oh please. This game has been escalating in cancer for ages. The next ultra is what's going to put units like UMV in the dirt. Vegito just offers a fighting chance.
good shit
braindead degenerates who have never touched a single unit who doesn't have blue spiky hair getting btfo
How in the everloving fuck do I fucking play this game?
>Opponent uses tap attack and starts his combo
>Mid screen dodge his blast attack, use strike
>opponent vanishes
>my opponent does the same
>i can't vanish
>always losing dokkabi impact even with high 950+
>tap attack
>opponent strike arts right at that milisecond
>go in
>get green card AoE
>try to PV fish
>get punished
>midscreen strike, opponent PVs
>closescreen strike, opponent PVs
>waiting for opponent strike card to finish and he starts dodging so I can hit him, he PVs or gets the normal vanish off and punishes
>finally get priority
>counter gauge
holy fucking shit how in the fuck do you do anything in this game?
Take a break from pvp? It's what I do when things don't go my way for awhile.
>>Mid screen dodge his blast attack
Don't you have any characters with a super energy attack? That'll punch through the ki blast arts. Or you could block their ki blast arts with your own as well.
You're a dumb nigger because Vegito does the exact opposite by making it so you don't even have a fighting chance because NOTHING STOPS HIM.

You can't cover change, his combo goes on forever, he nullifies counter guages, literally all you can do is sit there and wait for the other person to either drop the combo or kill you. At least faggot counter guages let you play the God damn game and keep things moving. This shit is literally EvoKen on cancer aids steroids.

Fuck you.
Thanks for proving your a shitter that needs counter gauges to win because of how badly you suck. How much cc did you spend trying to get copies of ug4 and umv? How about Turles? Are you upset that you can't play better than your opponent and have the game reward you for your failure?
Get the fuck back into platinum you little bitch. Units that reward you for playing well will always be better than baby training wheels that hold your hand.
can't react in time or it hits me before my arts comes out. i swear to god shit's so frustrating because if i win neutral, it takes like 20x the effort to get it back. what the fuck am i missing with this game?

but I want to understand why the fuck am i getting cucked so hard, what's the strat in this game?
>can't react in time or it hits me before my arts comes out
Make sure to make distance first. That really helps in giving you time to react.
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my god stop with the ug4 downplaying i fucking can't anymore with you guys
purple tier list sucks
move ultra gohan down.
cell and frieza being in top 5 of blue is funny as fuck but tbf blue units are kinda ass.
move black goku down.
move mai one slot up
>every column has a fusion unit
>almost every row has a fusion unit
>filthy saiyans everywhere
>every saga gets good units besides DB
kinda depressing
The only green one that surpasses Gohan Ultra is Green Vegito, fuck you gtfag
yeah nice try fucking gtfag totally downplaying your main stupid fuck
fuck you too fagget
i'll fucking destroy you (not in this game because ug4 is broken as shit) but I'll fucking rip your asshole apart
I just want part 2 already so we can get a counter to TVB. I'm already sick of fucking fighting him every match

And before you talk shit and claim i was shafted, i have him at 7 stars and I don't even like using him because he's boring as fuck
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Sweet. Whatever they give him I hope it includes type neutral defense and offense. I'm not setting my expectations too high though. Lf units that get an equip after their zenkai usually perform worse than vice versa but here's hoping.
Wow, my 5x zenkai team with SoH Trunks Unique Equip would go FUCKING FIRE.

>lose a game because you could not hit a fucking laggy fuck ultra stacked team to save your life and he wins by time
holy fuck i think that's it im about to break another fucking phone.

i search this guy's account and of course he's from india with the shittiest internet possible.
>strike arts
>get PV'd
>blast arts
>get pv'd
>slowly dive up and wait for a sidestep to dash up
>green card AoE
>finally get priority
>gauge cucks you out of killing IT
Yeah, I'd rather have something new instead of the 17th Vegito with some shitty uninspired animations.
>purple future ssb Vegeta zenkai
Oh FUCK. Vegeta clan for part 2?
>sword of cope trunks unique equip tomorrow
>purple ssb vegeta zenkai tomorrow
Both will be trash I'm sure.
sword of cope in particular has next to no chance of getting a relevant buff because his zenkai is already too good so the equip can't give him anything crazy and as far as utility goes the devs have long proven they don't understand whar sort of balancing tweaks units need to be good.
Trunks will need his green to give 40+ ki, he will need some form of survivability on his sustain cut. he will need to sap ki when receiving attacks. he will need something to ensure when his unique procs he can have more than 1 hp. He will need some form of extra damage both normally and when his gauge activates.
Needless to say he'll be lucky to get one of those and he won't get anything more. More likely is he'll get some asinine worthless thing added to his kit and none of the above.

All in all another dead week. this fest has been a trainwreck.
yooo can i get some actual fucking advice or are you all faggots abusing fageto and faggeta?
>PV'd 4x in a fucking row
Kid Buu or Gotenks?
kid buu
Goddamn the equip is looking good on paper. Purple Vegeta doesn't look half bad either.
Must they shut down the entire summoning page for a stupid Zenkai every time?
God I fucking hate Super Vegito AND Vegito Blue. Super Vegito's anti RR guessing gimmick is and always will be annoying.
Gotenks, it depends on what you need it for but Gotenks is currently much better than Buu.
True, they also added an awakening equip for Goku Black, defense type (There are only two Blacks with those characteristics, the new one and the EX Yell Kek)
It still doesn't improve Black much, but it can be more offensive
They also added another banner
holy fucking dumbass. not beating the allegations huh
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Feels bittersweet to finally get this guy. I spent too much cc trying to get him when he first released.
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Also what the hell is going on with the dragon ball acquisition rate? I had 3 matches in a row where my opponent got a rush in less than 30 timer counts.
kill tvb players
It seems like TVB + UMV is the most disliked meta of the year so far. Wow. Ending the year with a bang it seems.

Turns out infinite combos aren't too popular. At least with Super 17 and Ultra Gohan, you'd just get nuked. You can really get put through the ringer when put in TVB's infinite combos.

Wonder what's in store for the next parts, especially with the Ultra because it'll have to be SUPER busted to be legitimately better than TVB.
>part 2 announced
As long as it's not another Beast Gohan or fusion warrior.
The bets are between a blue evolution vegeta and a beast gohan tag picolo orange
others say it will be a what if of trunks and gohan from the future SSJ
>gohan from the future SSJ
Oh dammit. I hope not. I'm low on crystals.
The devs would never do a gohan unit dirty the way they did this goku black. I think they would rather kill themselves
Even F2P Gohan units are good. Remember the last one we got that was the Blue Bojack Movie Gohan? That was almost like a consolation prize for those shafted from Blue Beast at the time, it was that damn good.

Like it's insane how this character will even have great F2P units.

It's also such a spit in the face how they just throw out some random awakened equip as a bandaid on the gaping wound that Goku Black has. Like goddamn, just do what you did to Goku Black what was done with Anni Goku and Frieza. Not like the meta isn't already fucked up with TVB's infinite combos anyway.
Trunks deserves a new premium unit but I'm not sure how to feel about more future buffs for part 2.
A new evo vegeta or an lf ssj4 vegeta would be cool though.
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Even an equip with his image will be good
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Well, the announcement is here.
The yellow aura reminds me a lot of Vegeta blue Evo and the dark aura reminds me of Toppo GoD
Assuming they repeat the anniversary thing, we would have two banners. What would you like to see announced besides the possible new Vegeta?
If part 2 ends up being Buu saga because of that free Vegeta can we see some buffs to Buu? Preferably Super Buu.
>orange and purple
>same shade orange as orange piccolo
>same shade of purple as beast gohan
It's time. you miserable fusion faggots shall bow down to your master and remember once and for all.
over 15k cc locked and loaded and expect to be at least 16.5k by banner launch.
the fact none of you fucks answered my question makes me believe that this game is fucking trash and you're all fucking carried by fraud fusion and umv stupid fucks
Those colors are also very similar to the Daima logo, it would be funny to have a SSJ Goku Mini and Panzy as secondary SP
fraud general
fraud players
fraud thread
Didn't they say they were going to do more game original stuff soon? A game original featuring Daima would be neat.
What question?
fraud general
fraud players
fraud thread
The guy asked which character was better for his team, Kid Buu or Gotenks. He didn't say if his team was for offense or defense.
I told him Gotenks, but I don't know what else he expected, maybe a justification for why I preferred Gotenks.
I think that guy asking Kid Buu or Gotenks was asking which one he kept getting Perfect Vanished by since they both have similar green cards.
no im >>1624182
You can't read and you're retarded
>part 2 is daima slop
worst legends fest confirmed
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I just want a super buu with final counter
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Comeback mechanic with him blowing up and reviving into Buutenks could be cool too.
you're bad at the game
Bro I swear to God we better not get Daima slop. Absolutely zero people summoned on goku minis banner. God why can't they just continue the super anime nobody fucking wants daima.
fuckign trash faggot die.
All this buff to vegeta clan makes me believe that trunks could be the ultra
they went ham on base vegito's hair
Worst legends monday ever?
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>100% confirmed to be Daima
I know people are saying it's a skip but I'll just wait and see. I kind thought they'd do Daima at New Year's though. Seems kinda weird to do it at Legend's festival but oh well.
you guys can't play you guys suck
>Daimawank fest
Yikes. Can't wait till it's over and the series fades into obscurity due to flopping.
It makes me nervous that people hate daima
Literally the same people who hated super in 2018
it just repeats the cycle
It's hilarious to see all the "hype" fags in shambles because the post isn't about beast Gohan or another ui.
It's a skip for me unless the goku and hammer dude fulfill very specific roles and are both absolutely busted.
I thought black was going to be amazing on my po team and he was so garbage I'm back to maining majin buu saga.
the goku may buff son family and I have spent most of the year building that team but unless he brings hard survivability like indestructible he'll still be a skip since that team is good where it is for offensive units.
too many goons fights
People hated it in ToP when we got episodes about fodder too
Ugh more buu saga
>LF ssj2 goku
they really out here with the most mid units ever
i guess the ultra is either going to be fat buu or super buu
as a new player, my first festival is ruined. the only thing that would excite me is if the ultra is gohan ultimate or gohan beast
can you guys shut the fuck up about waa my mbs and waa my daima
can you just tell me if these units look good meta wise to pull or skip?
calm down jimmy we are not your mommy or your daddy so shut the fuck up
bitch more about waaaaaaaa my unit isn't princess snake waaaaaaa.
stupid faggot little cocksucker
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>reddit and social media seething about MBS buffs
>looks at ss2/ss3 goku
>he's actually god goku tier of bad.
uhhhhhh what buffs??????? shouldn't you guys be complaining that he's garbage? i mean daima goku is leagues better
After reading the stats.
Both are very good, if I had to put them in order of importance
VB>Goku Daima>SSJ2>>>>Black
shit you came out of one of the dragon ball shitpost threads you can't fool me
That's what I thought the only thing that's worth it is vegito and the ultra
like i'm a little confused on when you want ss3 goku

Evil Buu
Majin Buu
Ultimate Gohan

Majin Vegeta
Evil Buu

Can SS3 kick FSV off strike? Maybe but it's not a hard swap either. + Strike can do so much other shenanigan with the leader slot open anyways. TVB or Turles seem like a much better pick then to use SS3/Majin Vegeta/X
Tempted to get the robot. Anything that stops comboshitters sounds good to me. Now, if only there was a way to counter those dash-dodge or charge ki then use arts fags, that'll be great.
you sound almost as dumb as people in fighting games complaining about combos.
Don't even think about crossing me because I'm not afraid of being tryhard! I hope for more good units in infinite combos
the game literally teaches you how to do those
git gud
But getting good is hard...
Hmm this is difficult.
I really hate TVB so I need to pull Daima banner and it has Goku for fucking ultra mah vegeta. But on one hand I really like Videl. I don't really care for SS2/3 Goku but I would pull for Videl but at the same time, she won't resolve the TVB problem hmm...
why do they love buu saga so much
I imagine it's because of Daima that they started to turbo buff the hell out of buu saga since they're both linked.
Am I reading their kits wrong or do these two units seem as shit as they appear? just basic bitch combo shitters with no real utility. ss2 goku doesn't even look as good as evil buu and he's a one percent sp.
I go for Daima Goku
new player

What should i summon for
VB until you get it and then go for Daima Although Black has better characters It depends on what you want to play
Why did they mess up so badly with Videl when they did pretty well with Mai? Videl can't even get her full buffs with the lf unit she's releasing with.
>Tamagami Number Three
>Gamma 1
>Gamma 2
These recent names have gotten so damn lazy.
>only lfs were two worthless dupes of broly boys a barku dupe and ss23 goku
>the goku sucks ass
>already replaced back by evil buu
yep back to doing dailies until the new year I think.
well I guess I'll summon vegito and mai
As if Android 16, 17, and 18 were the most creative names imaginable
>Gevo, Lapis and Lazuli
SEE? Meanwhile all of these nu robots are NEVER getting named.
Well I get it, im happy
What's the /DBL/ gen approved guild?
They want me to join one
It doesn't exist, the first DBL guild disappeared because everyone got bored
I suggested creating a new one but I really doubt there are enough players and they never mentioned interest in doing so.
I guess most people here just come in and play a bit and spend CC until the next big celebration
>Be DBL devs
>See constant complaining about the counter mechanics
>decide to put a great anti-counter mechanic on Transforming Vegito BLue that's even better than Fusing Gogeta Blue.
>This leads to the meta now being TVB dishing out combos that literally can't be stopped and only weakness is Ultra Turles due to his comeback mechanic
>add in Ultra Majin Vegeta and SSJ2-SSJ3 Goku and now you've got by far the most toxic meta of the year
What's weird is that I think they found a great way to put in a counter with UG4. It's not a counter that immensely punishes you like UMV, it's basically just a get out of jail free card. Why not put in more counters like that instead of just outright cucking them?
wow this is actually my first shaft.
I mean I wanted purple robot guy for my PO team (even though he's not PO, like really???). but I'm going to be honest. Evil Buu does so fucking much that even though I have way more stars on my PO team. Evil Buu seems to tank the meta the best out of all my defensive units. I still don't see why you'd ever run SS2/SS3 Goku in a MBS team when you NEED Evil Buu to stop combofags.
a well deserved shaft pofag
when does majin vegeta and gohan ultra return?
i mean not having daima goku is whatever. i don't get the new cope on people saying ss2/ss3 goku is good though.
Is it me or is goku daima better than vegito? looks like gohan ultimate on steroids
man it's so hard to use ultra gohan now. he melts like butter and does like no damage.
show your ultra gohan or are you just making false claims
later still at work. i can give you my build i guess though:
Ultra Gohan
Ult Gohan
Purple Zenkai Goten
Green Zenkai Gohan Kid
Teen Red Zenkai Trunks or Red Pan (Tried both)

Ultra Gohan:
Awakened !!!
Heh-Heh You're not so tough, Mister Buu!
nice try faggot gohan still cook
not really? but okay
what is the top of the best units to summon in order?
Best bench for this team?
>Evil Buu
>Ultimate Gohan
>Broly Movie Goten (Z7)
>Red Pan
>Debating between Pui Pui, Red FSK Gohan (Z7).
I was using Movies GS1&2 but I just realized they don't zenkai boost Gotenks.... the extra defense really helped though. Another health buffer in Pui Pui still leaves my team a little squishy and same with Red FSK Gohan but I don't know who else to slot in there.
VB >Daima >Ssj3 >>>>Black
I just realized I can triple HP buffer too. idk if that's the best idea though.
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Proud mode is so polarizing. One day I'll have the shittiest match ever because I get matched up with a lag switcher that fucks with both rounds.
And on others I'll get matched up with someone of my skill and have the best match ever.
Wish they would enforce smooth connections somehow.
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Any tips on when to use Chronos crystals.
My friend told me to just save them up and only use tickets , then didn't elaborate. Hasn't spoken to me since lol
I've got 4000 now and I really want to get an ULTRA.
What's recommended
this is a yaoi comic btw
>have 1 600 and 3 100 LL Z Power
Who should I use it on? (1/2)
The last two are Gotenks and Goku Black at 4* (2/2)
I just run a full mbs setup with umv in the leaderslot and puipui as the sixth slot.
haven't really felt the need for zenkai bench buffers. my ultihan and evil buu are +4 stars.
Gotenks, or should you wait to get VB or Goku Daima
>not a single meta unit
>he pulled on FGB and Z Broly
it's over.....
I actually got FGB on Vegito Blue's banner. That banner treated me really poorly.
They really need to start putting out more zenkais. Both for legends fest since we've only had green Flunks for an lf zenkai and just more regular ones in general.
>return after a 2 year hiatus
>play pvp against an Ultra SSJ4 Gogeta, Ultra UI Goku and Ultra Majin Vegeta
>my team
>LL Beasthan, 9 star kid pan and 9 star Ultra Broly
>barely survived the ordeal
Fuck those bullshit units! I swear i killed Majin Vegeta like twice or thrice! Those muthafuckas literally play themselves! Eat a dick, Toshi.
>Eat a dick, Toshi.
Many are saying this
that team you fought against isn't even in the top five teams in the current meta. which really goes to show how beyond fucked this game is now. all those units with their various bullshit get out of jail cards and free damage mechanics and a team using all three isn't even top five teams.
Reminder to everyone that this years xmas raid will be beginning in three days and will die in less than 24 hours once live, so get your current raid farming done now so you can focus that on monday.
well im happy
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>3 infinite combo shitters with zero gimmicks
>1 hp regen tank that can't regen
>3 trash 1% sparkings
>1 1% sparking with only 1 team
>0 interesting events
what a trash campaign this has been. I'm the closest to uninstalling I've been since playing almost every day since day 1. vegito umv and whatever third wheel is such a horrid combo and the devs are utter retards for giving vegito access to massive combos alongside cover null up the ass and combo breaking null.
balance would've been sprinkling those in here and there and making the bulk of the kit around the nullifying of combo breaking, but no. had to make him have infinite nonstop combos with absolute no answer, not even type advantage purple types because of the constant type neutral shit.

every single meta featuring vegito has been utter trash. every single one. fucking despise the character because of the gachas.
People wanting MUI or Beasthan for the part 3 ultra are the same people who are going to be bitching about the meta when they inevitably give them a toxic kit. I hope it's a character from out of left field but considering how safe they've been with this festival it's probably going to be one of them.
It's SS4 Vegeta. You heard it here.
every single LF this fest has been at least partially Goku, it's got to be a Goku to keep this up and if they pull Beast out of their ass for a third year in a row they're hacks
majin kuu f2p
I wonder if this is what Buu felt fighting Vegito.
vegito and umv are just evil buu food like lol what
when they have ss2/ss3 goku or even the red daima goku though......
They've been hacks for awhile now but they're ESPECIALLY huge hacks now.
>ultra bitchhan
For the third time in a row! Get hype!
>ULTRA Beast Gohan
Oh... Well, at least he looks cool ig.
What a shitty r&s. An ultra everyone saw coming a mile away, a lot of the same events as last year and no announcements of the free character or zenkai except for a future social media post. Fuck off.
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Good morning and Christmas Eve everyone.

It looks like we're being gifted with a broken Beasthan this christmas. Ho Ho Ho!
Year of gt and they dumped it halfway through the year
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Ah yes, Gohan Beast vs Semi Perfect Cell was my favorite part of the Super Hero movie.
ngl I won't sugar coat it as a gohan fan I love shitting on ug4 and its year of gt
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Deleted Legends off my phone fuck you Toshi you stupid fucking gook.
>Ultra Beast Gohan
>Ultra Turles
>X (Planning on Red Beast or Red Broly, maybe Ultra SS2 Gohan but he's kinda ass now. dunno any other good reds. Gotenks maybe?)
>Red Zenkai GS1&2
>SS Broly Zenkai (Blue)
>Red Zenkai Tapion
oh yeah it's gamer time.
this is worst celebration even worse than the third anniversary
gohan saved the festival
gotta love braindead consumers pretending like this is the best celebration now because they released ultra beast and memoryholing everything else that happened
responding to my own post to say I knew they were hacks but I didn't know they were THIS much of hacks, Special Beam Cannon but from a brand new camera angle yay...
>they finally remembered the Synchro Gauge exists
>to use it for Beast to click and launch an unavoidable attack that pierces endurance
this really is the worst fest ever
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Hardly a new camera angle
>bullshit off the radar
>long combos even more
nah I'd win
because I uninstalled
Toshit isn't gonna release another red after beast for at least 2-3 months btw and if he does it will be the most tuned down red character
Nah, Toshi likes to bust the kneecaps of meta breakers at some point. Look what he did to UG4. He went from hero to zero in a few months due to the constant releases of busted yellows. We're probably gonna get a red Ultra Super Perfect Cell within a few months that does like 400% damage to either Son family or Hybrid Saiyans.
gohanball legends
this is so fucking lazy and retards it up because it says ULTRA on the unit
Is there any reason why we didn't get a zenkai for this week? These devs are so fucking retarded.
We got 3 (THREE) Beasthans in a row before

>Ultra Buff Buu
>Transformable LL Zarbon
>LL Metal Rildo
>Game Original King Vegeta and Vegeta tag unit
>King Bejita
>Ultra MUI Goku
>still no Devilman
>Ultra Corrupted Zamasu

Why is Toshi such a HACK? Like fucking seriously, not a single fucking soul asked for an Ultra Beasthan! Nobody
they usually announce it during the reveals and stuff and since they didn't, whatever they zenkai will be zenkai green trunks levels of random and mid af
and if they do happen to zenkai gogeta blue then everyone will be mad that it wasn't hyped up at all
not to mention this is gohan's 2nd ultra within a single year
his l2d art also looks bad in motion
>title screen is just a closeup shot of the ultra art
holy lazy title screen.
I wonder how much lower the pullrate is to pull the same lf in back to back pulls in the same multi compared to just pulling the headliner.
rigged rates bullshit meta reset doing the bare minimum until 7th anni and probably quitting then. I'm not going to say it's been a fun seven years because frankly the game has brief moments where it's fun and then the devs always ruin it with bullshit like vegitos and gohans.
not even going to bother with the tower. I'm that done.
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Two rotations is all I'm going to give him so no beast for me.
Ultra Beasthan's special beam canon functions exactly like Hit's timeskip so there's nothing to him I haven't dealt with before. This whole year I've been shafted on every ultra banner I'm just gonna stick to lf banners from now on.
i agree with that anon now goresh is such bootlicking grifter
>man this leg fes is so bad goku black sucks and vegito is boring
>man i love this fes now because i love daima
>who cares if we got 3 beasts in 3 years ultra beast is soooo hype guys who cares if the card animation sucks
meanwhile everyone else is silent and hates gohan ball legends again
get used to it bitch there is still a future gohan and gohan ultimate in ultra version
I don't like that he exists, now of all times, but after fighting him a bit...he's actually not that bad? Way less than I expected him to be. Sure he hits like a freight train but his defensive tools are a lot less than the norm and even his big shiny instant attack button can be played around. I'm genuinely surprised that I'm not miserable, which is a hell of a sentence but it feels appropriate after dealing with fucking Vegito for weeks now.
It feels like I'm fighting ultra Hit again but more annoying because he's getting the Gohan treatment.
That said I'd take fighting a more annoying Hit over rathan, ug4 or umv any day.
after utterly pulverizing an ultra beast with my mbs team I'm starting to think his reign of terror might have been greatly overestimated.
he's not tanky in the slightest, getting almost one-shot by my type neutral ultimate gohan faking him out with the main only to smack him with a normal super, he can't break combos himself unless you fire an ult or a rr. he's got no answers defensively to losing priority.
I'm leaning towards beast being a modern day ultra hit like the anon above says, only difference being hit came out in a meta where he was pretty much able to cruise while beast comes out in an insane meta where if you're not able to combo break regen half your health three times a match and forcibly gain priority you're mediocre.
I'm sure in the hands of a skilled player beast is the most obnoxious unit in the game. but he doesn't have the same tools units like umv have which reward the player for having zero skill, he might even be completely powercrept by the time he reruns and I'm considering not going back into his banner after my shaft.
People are downplaying him a lot right now cause like you said, they're not fighting opponents smart enough to use him well. His tools ARE extremely powerful, but they're not automatic. This feels like a character that needs some buildup, some time for general players to get into higher ranks, fight him with actually smart opponents before people go "oh wow this is really obnoxious actually" and might turn on him, again. Or maybe they'll just keep fighting shitters and think he's the best release of 2024, who knows really that one's probably either Omega Shenron, Gotenks or Daimaku honestly
Everyone makes fun of Gohan for not being better than Vegeta Ultra but we all know that they will give him 1 or 2 equipment so that he is more broken in the next update
I got it in the first rotation
but after 2 more rotations there has been no luck
I'll sound like a bitch but I would like to get at least one more copy, it's a very fragile character however its damage makes up for it.

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