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I’m not kidding, this feels like the loss of a family member.
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*extremely Homer Simpson voice*
I've played since highschool and for some strange reason when I bought donuts id them and they'd never charge on my card hundreds of dollars gifted

Who had the forethought to make custom sound notifications for this and have them play through the app instead of the system? I hope they were fired.
Good. More western mobile games need to EoS.

Like I said, games are an investment. You put down a couple thousand you gonna get that much back in return, in terms of longterm value. You just don't have enough patience. These games could last for decades, and you've got an investment portfolio right there with all the time, money and effort you've invested into that product. That's not even getting into selling your account when all is said and done. Video games are a store of value. You think people care more about a chunk of gold like this is some kind of Minecraft re-enactment, no. This is demonstratable value, think about it. Cars, computers, all that shit depreciates. Meanwhile, you got a collection of exclusives tied to your account. You had to work for that shit, that shit's not just going away. And that's because developers respect your time and your effort, that's why they're not going to abandon you. Capcom, Konami, Sega, Square-Enix. They love you. More than any girl can love you. That's what I'm saying.

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Beta has begun. I will keep updating this thread with all the information I can gather from Bilibili.

Here's what I've compiled so far:
- open-world monster-collection game
- visuals similar to genshin impact
- features similar to pokemon: legends arceus
- player character has health, in the form of hearts (similar to botw); players can be attacked by wild elves, which will reduce hearts; hearts can also be reduced if an elf faints, meaning players cannot take consecutive losses or they are teleported back to a resting point
- player character can jump, climb, and swim similar to botw and genshin impact
- elves use moves using points from a pool; when the points from this pool deplete, they have to rest to recover points, or wait for the points to gradually recover; moves do not have individual power points
- elf progression is similar to genshin; there seem to be stages of ascension, no "dupes" or "weapons", only collecting materials needed for ascension from the overworld and ascending them; no gacha for elves (so far)
- elves can be leveled up when they are fed fruit
- no "artifact" system; stat-grinding will be similar to pokemon instead; stats are also similar to pokemon (hp, attack, special attack, defense, special defense, speed); each elf can have one favorable and unfavorable stat
- overworld has chests that give both premium currency and fruits
- boss fights similar to legends arceus; players have to avoid taking damage from boss' attacks and manage hearts; when the boss' shield is damaged, the boss elf is stunned, and this gives the player character an opportunity to use their elves' moves in quick succession to take them down
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yeah, they should definitely think about releasing it for the consoles as well, at least playstation
Is this the Palworld killer?
Is this the Azure Promilia killer?
it's its own thing, and that's okay
eeeek ook eek ook

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I used to grind the shit out of that game. Like 6 years ago I got a dragon Morty that was so OP I didn't lose a battle for over 6 months. Got so bored I quit and killed my account.

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Have you ever played a mobile sports game before?
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btw, we have a friendly match tomorrow against /cm/, still featuring the last roster however https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/2024_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup_Friendlies_420_BLAZE_IT_Victory_Lap_Edition
>No Heavenly Blast
Miku Anon was being reasonable(?) with the song choice, though you'll have to play at least 30 seconds of the song, as the finale alone is insufficient, and it should be a random one.
Here is the link because he didn't upload one:
Hope I managed to contribute to the Goalhorn melting pot.
Still alive?
Yes, btw would you want one or two players to be our GK in autumn? I'm not sure who too choose. Especially since /g/ revived themselves
that music seems to be from an arcade game?

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What rhythm games are there that actually feel unique? I see too many "hit the note at the bottom of the screen" games that are all feeling like slight variations of each other.
I started playing Rotaeno a couple days ago and the gyro implementation is exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for. It reminds me of playing Chrono Circle in an arcade.
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you can play necrodancer in bed
gimmicky rhythm games are honestly pretty meh, there's only so much you can with it before it starts to play like shit on higher difficulties. the appeal of these games rely on simple systems with difficulties that come from being hard to master, so a rhythm game with gimmicks just defeats the point.
Please play Tokyo 7th Sisters
>tfw too much of a brainlet to enjoy games that deviate from "hit the note at the bottom of the screen"

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Hey /vmg/

I don't see a thread about what's good in the Play Store.

Is there anything in that cesspool? Dare I ask, anything free to play that's not garbage?
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It seems to me that a real RPG defeats the purpose of mobile gaming, which is condensed gameplay on the go. One time I tried Crying Suns, which is technically still just a roguelite, but I wasn't amused by the amount of text to read through (the tiny font didn't help) - just get to the point already.
meant for >>1574203
Candy Crush.
zoomzoom brain rot
>do my homework for me
>suck my dick
>and describe the taste
>oh and read my mind while you're at it
theres tons of great stuff anon just b urself

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Her game is shutting down in 30 days.

She is out for FUKUSHUU
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>4 posts in a month
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the dazzling lead

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Fate collab is back. Come get your free Saber.

Preparing for 1.1

Expectations for the first major update?
Who are you saving/pulling for?
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Right now the game seems that it got an amazing boost in mobile + now having controller support. People that play it on mobile say that the experience is great now.
Now about your question, you mean playing it completely as a single player without pulling new units or you mean playing it as F2P?

Is a gacha game, so pulling some units here and there is required to maximize DMG and teams. And the starting units could bore you quickly too.
But if you mean playing it as F2P, Wuwa is pretty generous with pulls, so you can get save plenty to get the units you really want.
I mean as in f2p and only logging in when new content hits. Not a fan of mmolite dailies these games usually have.
>to maximize DMG and teams
How important is this? If it's only for some ranking and reward tiers I don't really mind using weaker characters as long as I'm not getting hardwalled because of it.
>starting units could bore you quickly too.
I'd have to try it for myself first I think, if the base combat is fun enough it should be fine for me. Also I saw a sephiroth looking character can a newbie reliably get him now?
>How important is this?
Not at all. You could only struggle with the endgame tower, and I say struggle since you will also complete, just with less stars. Not that you will miss much rewards by doing so. I still make like 24 stars out of 30.
>Also I saw a sephiroth looking character can a newbie reliably get him now?
Yes, with two options.
The beginner banner let you select the 5 star you want, guaranteed. You will just use the free pulls you get by completing everything.
The other one is a free 5 star ticket, and you will get the standard 5 star you want immediately.
That character is a standard 5 star so you can get him with whichever option you prefer.
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>everything made sense in the very last moments/minutes of the whole quest
What the fuck is wrong with Kuro? Lmao.
They REALLY need to stop using so many fucking terms in each sentence and conversation. Makes everything so fucking strange to follow, seriously.

Also, I don't know how's the translation in english but I play it in spanish and it just feels so iffy. Like everything is perfectly written but sometimes doesn't make sense. It's like someone just used a translator from english without caring about cohesiveness.
I don't know what to say about the translation, English is not my language so I probably lose something in translation, even the possible errors and oversights.

Thinking back after a few days, the quest seems like the final part of a much bigger story. For you, and for me honestly, and who knows how many others, it doesn't make sense sometimes it's due to the fact that we don't have the adequate knowledge to fully understand what Kuro wants to communicate because basically they weren't able to explain it well. Waifu and "scientific explanations" are not two things that go well together if inserted in a maximum of 3 hours of gameplay, removing all the useless dialogues and gameplay sections you will have a maximum of 25 minutes of real story. Knowing the gacha situation in China, I wouldn't be surprised if this quest has been rewritten dozens of times and what we have now is a compromise of ideas.

Is there anything worth sideloading on Apple devices in the current year of our lord, when every popular game is free or garbage?
>Using an Apple device

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we are so back
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we need a new bake
dokkansissies... we cant even make it to 2,000 replies...
kys already
after you beat Raditz faster
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Previous >>1565055
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Namput pls
namput has lost it after the floods
I pray for Namput recovery.
There’s at least 5 more years.
It’s not our problem you’re too stupid to understand a basic mobile game.


I knew Google was sloppy but not this sloppy lol.
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>I'm not a snitch
From your pic, >>1573766 this pic will make this game gone. Without this, they're safe.
Azur lane(anime game) have the same thing in their girl skin, like girl blowjob, I mean eating ice cream. As long as no nipple and vagina, and sexual act like >>1573766 shown, they're safe.
holy fuck, learn english before even trying to make a post again here or elsewhere
Don't care. If you're angry, then I'll do it more.
>age rating
Fuck this shit. And then my game can't even have pantyshots or skimpy swimsuits and bikinis during summer else Google temporarily removes it from stores due to violating policies.
holy shit ranjeet, stop acting like you're conveying new information lmfao

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Anyone else remember Lilys Garden?

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