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Brand new tab targetting MMO releasing in 2024 for PC and mobile
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Tarisland_Official/videos
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He was fucking bad lmao. Kept taking blue pot because he humped the blue table for no reason
>Weekly raid reset
>5 mins in queue as healslut
Yeah I'm guessing its over. We were pretty dead pre-zzz already
It was interesting for awhile though i can't remember if any of it was really fun at all or i was just trying to hard to have fun. Zzz I'm having fun though, i know that.

Looking at Tarisland now is kind of like looking at an ex and wondering what the hell was i ever doing.
Had fun with friends until I realized I lose over 500 dps because I'm playing with 200 ping.
I'll probably stop playing after dragon raid

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How to find the most recent apps released on the app stores?

Since they don’t have that feature
playstore has a newly launched section, bout the closest thing i could find
For game releases, I use minireview.io, sorting by release date. It's a review site, but unreviewed games are also submitted.
I also rarely check out IGN's Upcoming Games feed but that one mostly has gachashit and such.

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кaк игpaть зa фypинy
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It's finally out.

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For me it's auto and random
I haven't had a complete room this entire event
But the translucent shirt was the best part...
Only if no bra

>selling AXIS flags
Based, fuck Allies.

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What is this? I’ve never heard of it until recently but it looks cool. Anyone looking forward to it?
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The 300 guarantee is for the standard, at 300 rolls on it you choose a standard S rank character and get them for free. It's separate from the ~80 roll pity that the banner also displays now, there's a progress bar on the standard banner that tracks it.
The limited Ellen/weapon banners don't count towards that 300, only the standard, they have their own ~80 pity average instead. If you have any progress towards that pity on Ellen, it'll carry over to the next limited in a few days.
any big booty mods?
I am emotionally preparing myself for when I find out for sure pic rel is married so I won't feel too sad later.
She is married to me. You are welcome to cry now.
she looks like she breastfeeds

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Why didn't the Xperia Play phone take off? It had a built in controller and it could play PS1 games and Sony planned to add support for PSP games too.
it should have been able to play ps2 games like gta
neat concept for a gaming phone, now if only some developer actually made a phone like this with better specs and ability to play more popular/newer games
emulating is a novelty that wears fast on mobile, i remember when i started emulating on the early android phones back in 2.3 days, and was like oh cool i can do this, then never actually played any games. gacha games are better suited for mobile because you can pick up and put down and play for a few minutes, while ps1 titles i'd rather play on pc or ps3, or even my vita, and put time aside to dedicate to immerse myself in the game
old console games were getting android ports and mobile gaming wasnt the mtx shithole it is today so people didnt see the point of buying a worse phone just for ps1/psp games
It was fucking expensive. Have you seen how much was Sony charging for these? You could get yourself a PSP and a regular phone just fine instead.

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Roco Kingdom has received a version number. Beta test coming soon.
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this has been trademarked as 'roco kingdom: world' now instead of 'roco kingdom official mobile game'
if this releases on multiple platforms, especially consoles like nintendo and playstation, that would be huge
It will probably just release on PC and maybe playstation.
yeah, playstation is more likely
nintendo will never let something like this on their console, especially when their ip is already being ridiculed for the state it is in
It's taking too long. I'm already losing interest.
it's most likely going to release by the start of 2025 max since they have already obtained a license

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Anyone else playing?

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need me a gacha that doesnt take ages to load (and isnt on browser)
gakuen idolmaster, play well even on old phones

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Anyone play this?
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Second chapter of the multi-event has begun, with totem poles and other desert artifacts up for grabs. Make sure you unlock the new sand tile to make the most of them.
Is it any good gameplaywise?
Played a lot until there was something wrong with my town that made my game crash every time I logged in.
Even the support could'nt find the issue so they just reset my town layout and compensated me with a trillion donuts because I was locked out of my game for a month.
Ended up quitting shortly after anyway

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So I'm almost at 1500 dragon stones on global, and the bry and gogeta banners are going up later today. My original plan was to try my best to ignore them and hold out until Beast comes around and dump it all into rolling for him, but I'm still really tempted to roll for gogeta and broly. Is it worth to risk losing stones to gogeta and broly or is beast that good that I shouldn't use my stones on anything but him
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Part 1 units are power crept. Beast is coming back in 6 months in the shared 10th year on a much better banner. Gammas are niche and Super Heroes doesn't need them to be broken. Toppo, UI Goku, Cell Max, and whatever Part 2 LR JP is getting next are all better than the part 1 trannyversary units and could come at any time, better to save and summon on them.
I dunno, broly and gogeta seem like they'll age alright. And 6 months is a long time to wait, why not a few rolls and then wait if you really wanted.
>summon and pull beast
>skip the rest
>skip the wwc in a month
>save until the 10th anni in february and go wild, it'll have all the stuff you skipped
you'll have easily 4k stones or more to summon and rainbow stuff
>Dude just roll for the one unit you want and then just don't play the game until next year
Why play a gacha if you are not summoning.
Fucking retards.

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New supercell game just came out. Thoughts?
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Doesn't really matter. Everyone already stopped playing. Dead game.
With the latest update, I look Forward to spamming super bea for the battle-long bee barrier
Dead game, supercell’s biggest blunder yet
Don't worry, they're already hard at work for even a bigger blunder.
I just want Mo.Co to come out. That beta was so much fucking fun.

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32 hours until banners
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Anni is yellow fusions then blue fusions.
WWC part 2 is standalone SS4 Gogeta and dokkan original SS4 Vegito.
new thread
women are evil
I got BROLY!
hell yeah, now on to Gogeta hopefully

This shit is like crack

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>valorant/borderlands baby
currently in Android beta testing in SEA and Brazil, but you can just grab the APK through their official site https://aceforce2.com

do note that it's a tencent game tho so be wary

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