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Have you ever bought a mobile game?
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prob gonna pay for Slice and Dice cause I want it on my mobile.
I wish you could use the same key to use the game (and Slay the Spire too) on mobile and steam ;_;
Does anyone here know how to purchase region locked apps? I want to buy a japanese game that isn't uploaded anywhere else.
it's possible to pirate android games without a rooted device, right?
where at? I tend to find sites with viruses or broken apks

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How the fuck can they advertise "100 free pulls" when they're just giving the currency as game progression rewards? That's fucking false advertising. They're not giving shit
It literally says play the game right there
Yeah, play 1000 hours and you can get those shitty rewards.
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>play 1000 hours
This isn't granblue fantasy, my guy. Mobile games only take fifteen minutes now, one hour at the utmost.
most of them are obtained through account level up, right?
i havent received much standard rolls outside of pre registration rewards, cunning hares log in event, and hitting level 15

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>new player 15x10 pull
>no single female character seen
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The game is fine. The game is fine. I dropped Genshin and Honkai for this but I'll prob try out ZZZ when it launches.

Big pluses for me:
+No stamina or energy bullshit
+Auto is good but you can play if you feel like

Some days i just really don't feel like playing but genshin forces me to be a gaymer for like half an hour every day and it's bullshit, I'm sick of that. Its like some abusive ex telling you what to do everyday or a boss, fuck it, give me a mobile game for mobile gamers not some wannabe Switch port for sweaty teenagers
I'm bricked already instead of duping cha hae in I saved my pulls, but she's so godam OP, I just witness an ult crit of hers kill the spider boss from +20 bars of hp. The fuck? I was fool to not go all in.
Dead brick game
Dailies take too fucking long and they just keep adding more dailies.
>Do 15 gates
>Do 12 dungeons
>Do 3 Gems runs
>Fight Two dragons
>Fight fat demon guy
is this a korean thing? do they just don't believe in quick dailies?
Keep giving yourself, keep giving yourself the best sh*t!
What you gonna get: Homo!

Hows the mirrors ranking event going fellow meguca enthusiasts? You are in S tier right?
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Time to say goodbye
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>Live in Japan
>Totally forgot about this tonight
>Go to check it out
>Blocked in my country, JAPAN, the country it is for
Great, off to a fantastic start.
Exedra will:
Have a player character named Namae, but she is just trying to regain her memories or something by reliving other Meguca meemories.
Feature the returning protags from the spin-offs
>Will have Kazumi tummy

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Cute girls, cute outfits and cute floorhands
What else do you even need for a game?
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Will she save /きらら/ again?
Isn't her game EOSing soon?
>What else do you even need for a game?
(You) pandering
There's a new one coming out
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Revived Witch shut down 7th May 2023. This thread is made in it's memory. What were your favourite parts? Who were your favourite characters? What do you think of the fan projects aiming to bring the game back
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thanks again

should include cute witch feet and dead witch
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Sinmara wasn't a guardian though, she was Ereshkigal's follower. Still a powerful lady.
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Going through my folders, found these live wallpapers an anon posted. Converted from .mkv to .webm
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Those are the games I emulate on my potato phone that run fine (some only with some tweaks)
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iPhone or other? Can iPhone get emulators?
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drastic on android
pretty sure iphones also have emulators now
true, i started to play SMT Strange Journey yesterday
Which site is good for ROMs? Most I find have slow dl speed or not complete. Looking for undub or prepatched fan TL ones.
The r/roms subreddit library and archive

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Tell me about the D&D autist.
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Nice, they finally added lesbos to genshin
So...when are we getting Liyue chronicle banner? I'm running out of the monthly exchange currency thing.
>I'm running out of the monthly exchange currency thing
I have like 4000 of that glitter, I only get five pink fates per month and it just keeps piling up. At this point it'll take ten months to redeem all of them, but then I'll have built up even more of it
You don't get blue fates?
Not anymore, at some point I didn't have a lot of glitter and figured I'll just keep saving them for pink ones. But I guess I could get some blues again since I'm apparently never going to run out of glitter at this point. I just don't expect to get anything worthwhile from the standard banner, I'm only missing Dehya but she'll probably show up on a coinflip at some point anyway

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>Share your thoughts on upcoming games that are still in development or games that would release soon.

>Share what inside scoop you may have learn or game studio you may have heard or gossip about.

>Gacha games I do heard of that is still in development/Quiet [No announcement from their twitter/X]

Project Mugen
Arknights: Endfield
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aola star 2 isn't released yet anywhere, it only got a beta test in china
roco kingdom might release sooner than aola star 2
Got in that Festibattle cbt
>pvp gacha
heartopia is tap and apple exclusive
i was really looking forward to it
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>tieba sources

It seems the users at tieba has reported there is a game playtesting or any interest takers for the event.

> Game Experience

>“We hope you have deeply played any one of the following games to register:

>Genshin Impact, Honkai: Star Rail, Wuthering Waves”

It seems any games that are interested and are playing any kinds of those are listed can participate in July 4, 5, or 8 and any one of those days around 6 hours near Jiangling Road Metro Station.

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First anniversary is here. Are you still playing this game, anon?
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Anyone got scans of the artbook?
Someone has a pdf of it and they are doing translations of it on the subreddit/discord. I don't know they'll share the raws though, doesn't hurt to ask.
Surprised that the Fox Hunt memento isn't posted on either the JP or EN Youtube channel.
The FB page says it can only be listened to in-game on the title screen. There's probably someone who already uploaded it to YT though.
Has anyone gotten it yet?

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Is there anything recent like SAS: Zombie Assault 4? I loved dropping into an online match and playing some pve but now servers are dead.

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Not sure what happened to the other thread, but at least we can update the OP with the most recent decor they've added to the game.

Speaking of new things, the missions they've recently added were an interesting change of pace, especially as someone that has exhausted his local area of all seedlings. Also, they are apparently adding new mushrooms, according to a recent datamine (presumably during Halloween, since they're orange and purple).

Regardless, how do you guys feel about the game now that we're approaching the 1-year anniversary?
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This seems cool, would like to host one for ourselves but I think we only have 2 or 3 players here max.
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dont have anyone to play it with, though

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hell yeah, actual summer related event
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Do you like Konomi Suzuki and her songs for She is Legend?
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XAI's voice is similar to Aimer and she's amazing, you won't mind the singing difference once you listen to She is Legend songs.
Aw shit nigga, I just found out today. LETS FUCKING GO.
Anyone manage to beat skull feather without stats buffs?
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I honestly can't be bothered trying. I have no buff removal and it has permanently stacking buffs. And you want both teams to have one. No point bothering with a battle so heavily designed around having 2 out of 3 otherwise completely useless styles.
I doubt the stat boost matters much as the boss' border is much lower than SA's even. Damage dealt by the boss is pretty much the same no matter what, with a parameter cap of 1500.

On another note, this SA makes no sense. Why is the DR reduction thing even there? Did it first with it, but as expected removing it increases the score significantly. These "challenge" options should give you more score not less when making the battle harder. And this on a new fire Adel style no less.
Next week with ice weakness should also be easier, because it doesn't have that shit. WFS can be so weird.
I mean it always felt like a Key game to me. There's a reason people compared Ruka to Kyousuke.

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im addicted to badly made chinese targeted gacha games slop like street fighter duel and one punch man, what horrible phone gacha slop are you on?

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Global 9th Anniversary 2 weeks out
JP Tanabata stream 6/26 20:00 jst
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>schizo posting
fuck delete
Up to janni which one stays up
>new thread on page 8
Hate you newfags.
New threads get created at image limit, newfag-kun
shut up

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