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Gachabros......our response?
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My response is reposting OPs got no shit and no sauce and need to go get fucked with a concrete and steel dildo covered in tabasco sauce and lemon juice.
Like with drug dealers ensuring the first hit is free, these "freebies" are there to bait people into playing so they can be turned into payers. It's quite predatory.

>gacha is necessary for games like genshin
No it's not. They can sell expansions/mini expansion packs to fund further development, but they make more money with this egregious monetization model so why would they not do it? A significant amount of the billions mihomo made off that garbage gacha didn't even go back into the game, it went into funding other projects.
name at least 5 games that have the same effort put into world design, character modeling, animations, vfx, gameplay content, do not have gacha mechanics, and are updated regularly
go on, do not back out of this
I don't play Arknights
They are talking about BTD6, a non-gacha

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are there any good ARPG type of mobile games? like maybe something like Diablo 2 or something...
Torchlight: Infinite


Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance has been ported to mobile.

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Are we ever getting another Usagi?
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I assume we can talk about SG-arts other games here as well. I just started recently playing Orisries and everyone is hyped about having this man hating dyke in the game to degrade; is there more story sections once I get out of the season 1 server ghetto and get into real whale vs whale combat?

Also is Tenkafuma any fun?
How do you guys feel about the recent events? I feel like they been lack luster, although character interactions and the "plot" are fun. Feels like Caesar is being pushed out a bit and the focus is more on the girls.

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What iToddler game has women with the biggest breasts?
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samefag kys
anime ones are better for jerking off
This is what happens to someone born from artificial insemination on artificial womb.
Last Origin has some big titties.

Mobile games where like the center of screen is just visual and you don't have to press anything. My phone has a deadspot.
DS emulator
Oh shit dude your iq is literally over a million. I bow my head to thee
Wow, this is actually a huge flaw, most games I normally recommend probably won't work for you at all, and those that technically would be playable will still fuck you up with menus you can't access. Maybe try Ice Cream Disaster, that's literally the only one I can come up with that might work.
Also, you could try running some games in splitscreen, so that the play area won't be in the center.
There is no workaround for this. At least 90% of mobile games are unplayable on your device. Either get a new phone or just give up.
Is it just a blank spot in the display, or is the digitizer also dead in that area? ie, game may have buttons there that you can still tap.

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[x] Touch fluffy tail
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Is GA Bunko the gob slayer machine?
danmachi, gob slayer, and some slime isekai thing
I'm really liking the Ais team
I'll join you once we get all the free rolls out of the way.
I went ahead and traded already since if I get another Ais, cool an equip, if not it will be fodder for Bell since the stat badge is way too good.
I like the team better than my current Crowley team. The damage void cycles on Ais is smoother than Crowley. But Crowley teams will probably be better overall with light and dark being better than everything else.
Also with the sword maiden acquired, I can finally replace my cleric with one that does damage, but I wouldn't change it just yet since the stat badge is still better.

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Cute girls, cute outfits and cute floorhands
What else do you even need for a game?
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Moogi boobs >>>> Moogi feet
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Bocchi the Rock season 2 announced

New Yurucam... I mean, mono PV
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EoS has been announced! The game shuts down on Dec 18, a week before Christmas, but there's still time to take on challenges, read some stories or save pics of your favorite gals. There are also four final events out now with the last farewell side stories.
Anons are working on backing up story cutscenes and art, it'll be posted here when (if) it's done.
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Dead franchise?
Yeah it's over most likely. Do they even still release new figurines?
Not quite, they released another figure for this franchise https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-157615&srsltid=AfmBOopcnIwGiS390oM2eTm6Q_RwBaS502LHF5sL2N5V5TyIejV9iazs
Adding to this the 7 sin products tends to pops out randomly
Glad to be proven wrong

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2025 is here with new Cookies and running! Here's the latest:

>New magic candy rework! More buffs, better tracking! More grind!
>Event -Survive in the Government Office- Very topical!
>Get your fortune told and sue Devsis when it doesn't come true!
>We return to Yagwa Village! Yaay...
>Meet Yugwa Cookie in Yagwa Village, the Temu copy! Clear Vagabond's name!
>New treasure - Chapssal Bundle - Coin focused!
>New costumes and jelly shapes!
>Meet Yeot Cookie later and Nintendo Switch It Up later!
>Meet Shadow Milk Cookie (Mr. Beast Rarity) and Candy Apple Cookie (Epic) it would be deceiving to say they're bad, in their own words!
>Beast Raid - Damage The Boss and get Deceitful Coins to obtain true rewards! You can even make your MyCookie look like Shadow Milk Cookie to traumatize Pure Vanilla Cookie!
>Boss Rush - Battle Bosses you've already beaten in various modes to get the glory! And Cookie Cutters!

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i don't even have her lol
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Witch castle cookies deserve more love
I hope you are aware of first sprinkle, probably dropping next week after the season is over
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I am very well aware, Love the design! Just got kinda busy with some other works
It’s just the gameplay that puts people off, everything else is pretty good and it’s unfortunate that the game has to suffer for the match 3 style, even when Puzzle World before it has shown that it doesn’t work.
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On top of that i'm sure Female Gim Cookie would be the one wearing talismans as pasties to ensure the exorcism was a success https://files.catbox.moe/fw6m2h.png
Same deal as the other art anon, but man the other cookies coming alongside First Sprinkle look just as good too

New thread just in time for the 1st anniversary! Let's pray this game survives another year filled with great units and improvements!

Old thread >>1347722
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>game doesn't keep track of which units you have pulled so that it can give you the unit you haven't pulled yet when you go for the 200th guaranteed pull

I hate this game so much. Talking about the "Choose your own character" banners that FORCE you to pick 2 characters and then doesn't give you one of the 2 after 200 pulls
Did they have to put cum in her mouth?
It's supposed to be froth, like how wild animals froth at the mouth when angry or something
Licht on the way.
It was Kaiser for Global version

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Testing recruitment begins on 20th.
Coming to PC, iOS, Android. No details about consoles yet.
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One of the variants is a glowing rainbow gradient with stars. The other variant is more like traditional Pokémon shinies with a different color palette.
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Some info from the store page:
>400+ monsters at launch
>NO GACHA, confirmed again
>pvp is balanced
>looks like you can pair up with 3 other players for co-op
>monetization seems to be locked for cosmetics, like the set in the last picture which matches with the electric lion monster
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Co-op raids
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No idea about breeding, but eggs exist. Three eggs can be hatched at a time.
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Anyone ever played the JP or CN version?
Or maybe if you have an experience with the devs?
It's still by zlongame right?
I had awful experience with them and after that horrible shitshow Archeland I don't ever want to touch anything by them again.
wasn't this from black jack studio?

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Does anyone else plays this game?
the game's been dead since the updates stopped, you have to let go. EA and nu-PopCap are too busy extracting money out of fresh customers with PvZ3 to give a shit about making good games.
Zombies are insanely broken after the new update, every zombie hero has access to overpowered combos and almost all good plant shit got nerfed to hell. Playing plants is basically rape simulator while playing zombies is just beating up a retarded kid with his hands tied behind their back. Fuck this dead game

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LETS TRY THIS AGAIN Disgaea RPG, A new Event is out, Etna Summer Resort Defense Battle Season 10, Part 3 Global maybe dead, but JP LIVES ON
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here you go buddy. Also I called her ny etna but it's actually anni etna, a bit of a slip on my part. She looks very pretty in this anyways, these latest anni units were super cool, especially Laharl my beloved
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Thank you, I love the extra things on the concept pages. A personal favorite of mine is Desco fusing with her sister.
So this new liezelotte unit gives +25% character exp?
Does anyone remember how the EXP distribution is for having multiple characters in the party when receiving exp? Is a 25% bonus worth the exp lost when splitting the exp between 2 ( or more ) characters instead of just the one you want to level up?
if so, she would be ideal as a bonus character but not to actually put in your party.
nta but this is all great, did anyone ever get an asset rip of the labyrinth games?
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Well, I just so happened to stumble upon it while looking for a newer DRPG rip, because I wanted art for the new Seraphina here >>1663551 Which I didn't find.

Labyrinth of Refrain sprites and asset rip:

The Laybrinth of Galleria spriterip I found was in parts:

CGs and portraits:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-olFhG337puukp_qX-rCXsfMzziozb2u?usp=share_link
generic effects and mini chibis:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/133oV9pFl5K6bap_lEr4AOpN1qc2bHNV7?usp=share_link
bgs and puppets:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18iCgvhKP56b3auiqb-W5tEs9FZTEGvSp?usp=share_link

I didn't really go through them, so I don't know what if anything is missing from them. the Refrain one for instance claims to only be a partial one.
I know there's a newer one for DRPG than what's been posted here, since I got the second WatHK collab characters, but even if I find it there's no telling if it's still being updated.

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Got any last words for it?
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Is it just Japan's going EoS or is China:s server finally shutting down too.
No refunds
Is this the new /dalg/ thread or we should let it die?
No idea honestly, might just stick with this thread since the game pretty much will EOS in a little bit over a week from now.

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