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Penacony is ______ than the Xianzhou Luofu
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So phys break? Meta for both teams are already set so we know who's out.
>attacks with all 3
So is that one harmony print from Penacony useful for her?
she's abundance...her attacks are probably there just for toughness reducing purposes.
It might be absurd but Lingsha could even be a sub DPS with the fact that she can only attack. One of Gallagher's main limitations is that to do damage and toughness reduction he must often use the ultimate, if Lingsha's kit is like the leaked one then she is a must have for both Firefly and Xueyi. Considering the little information we have on Feixiao, Lingsha is currently the more useful unit to have of the two, first because she is abundance and second because it seems that Fei might need Topaz or other units.
Easy skip for us boothill mains or could she be worth it?

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Still alive edition.

New update, new waifus, more anime tiddies.

Discuss Brave Nine and the spin-off games, BraveNine Story & Magic Stone Knights here.
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Developer Notes – July 2024

>Magic Stone Knights
Where tf is the ancient coin shop? And holy fuck this game has virtually zero documentation online
[7.11.24] Brave Nine Update


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shill your portrait mode gacha
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only portrait gachas i know is nikke if you're into coomer, and iron saga if you like mechs, but it's very p2w
gakumas and uma
not into coomer but thanks
i couldnt find either of those...

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We are back again and about time too! We got way too many Cookie Run games! Here's just a few things that we can cover for them in this new OP!

>Meet Mint Wafer Cookie - Let the shipping begin!
>Treasure Hunt in the Haunted House - Kinda out of place!
>Sweet School Band - Oh my god we don’t know any songs
>New costumes for Rockstar, Strawberry Stick and Mint Wafer!
>Treasure Mastery - Forbidden Manuscript
>Crop Snatchers - They’re on your land! You can legally do what you want to them!
>One of the worst guild meal names ever!
>No more dragon content! Hooray!
>Make sure to suffer through ToA for your totally not stolen Gingerbrave hat!
Puzzle World
>Updating so fast you can’t even see them!

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Done! Thanks friend
i swear some of these daily matchup scores are fake/inflated, there's no way this level 100 player is casually earning top 5% hard mode high scores
You would be surprised, I got my ass handed to me in guildrun by a random lvl 200 korean.
It mostly just means they don't have many cookies leveled up, but they're probably doing tryhard strats with what they have
>2 2 3 2 4(-3 square) 1
Holy shit this is the worst dice roll I've ever gotten.

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First anniversary is here. Are you still playing this game, anon?
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Surprised that the Fox Hunt memento isn't posted on either the JP or EN Youtube channel.
The FB page says it can only be listened to in-game on the title screen. There's probably someone who already uploaded it to YT though.
Has anyone gotten it yet?
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Sure is a summer alt, she only removed her pauldrons .
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why dont they make more witches with big butts

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Who is the best demiurge? and why is it Stella? Did you collect your event Stella skin bros?
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Just started playing this, it has pretty nice tiddies.
Same. Story is decent as well, like a Korean PriConne.

And a friendly reminder that Stella did nothing wrong.
Unfortunately I dropped the game because the equipment system was a pain in the ass and in all honestly a bit too complicated for me to really care about. The inventory management fucking sucked.
It doesn't feel any different from any other modern game?
Just hit the auto button, bro. As far as I know, it'll equip the recommended sets for the hero.
uh wut?
>sweep stage, get gear
>go to blacksmith, craft gear
that's hard? also you can change substats with item

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new freya sexo skin is out
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Actually, no. She's hard countered by Early Game heroes like Harith, Clint and others who can dish heavy amounts of damage to get you go back in base so you couldn't kill the gold minion cannon. And also, her mobility was solely relies on flicker spell or her 1st skill, which is kinda meh to get hard countered by Esmeralda.

Another thing to add that is, she's an item-reliant hero and she needs two items to get active in teamfights.

I'm going to recommended that if you want to use any kind of Gold Laner, I would like to say that Harith, Roger, Brody or Zhask (Unpopular opinion, but he's too good and the best alternative Gold Laner since he continuously dish out damage while kiting the enemy away from you with its spawn)
Another thing is Aegis and Rose Gold Meteor for Hanabi is ass. She's known to be very fragile to survive an One combo kills by any assassins in this game.
Based fellow Zhask user. I can even use Zhask as roamer, he's just that good.
He's too good to be the Multirole. Heck, I can even think about Zhask in EXP tho.
Anyways, Tbelt is very good for a Roamer & EXP Laner who can proc it's passive to its maximum potential. Heck, I can make more than 50 stacks in the late game by using YSS in roam lane (Yes, I'm the one who uses YSS in roam, just to give my teammates with visions and universal poke damage via Ultimate Skill with the Reworked Fleeting Time, but still it works like magic!) I can even think about the potential of YSS out of Jungle (In Gold/Roam/Mid Lane ofc.), to be fair if the devs really buffed it's passive and ultimate skill, he's going to shine in this current Meta that we have right now.

[Side note: I'm still testing out that goddamn hero for some games before I can say that YSS roam will be viable for the ranked games (SoloQ) and it will be hard to pull off, especially it's a high risk/high reward thing to make it happen. Picture Included.]

Anyways, back to the topic of Tbelt, that item in early game was the main reason why other squishy EXPs/Roamers (LIKE Chou and Arlott) or Tanky Heroes who want to be Bulky while bullying the Jungle (Tigreal, Khufra, & Gatot) building that after buying the basic shoes. They need the hybrid defense buff and the passive damage scales from how much total hybrid defense it makes. I guess the gold price from that item was very low and can be get before the 2nd turtle spawn (Around 5-6 Minutes as a Roamer).

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Our Thread revives.

As of today:
Final Episode of Nanasuta
More Daily 1x Rolls
New Karakuri singles out song
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>Though according to Hololive fans, the collab did do the trick and attracted them into T7S.
Pfft. I know most of them left after the collab.

I was wondering more of whether they'd accept the idea of T7Sverse being invaded by Miku. As in, does she get a free pass or not? I'm mainly asking because most of them are actually averse to the idea of an in-game collab with D4DJ.
It's over. They will not be there to face the future with us.

AI won.
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Happy Birthday Nico-sama!

Today Nico-sama is 9 Years Old.

She is so smug because she has Mai in her life and you don't.

And the new song from her gf.
Online tickets are on sale now.

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Thread for discussing Omniheroes idle game

And the waifus
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One of the S5 heroes looks promising, I assume its Aphrodite since a previous survey hinted at more characters based off gods from different mythologies.
Definitely suppose to be Aphrodite. Just a shame she's apparently coming with more gayass shirtless males. Most of the big whales have already left the game so now they're trying to cater to a different audience I guess. Feels like there hasn't been any updates to the valkyrie manor in forever.
Very impressed at how easily you can progress in this game as F2P. Ever since starting the game a few months back I have not felt compelled to pay for anything yet. No energy system or similar nonsense. Every few weeks I can unlock the legendary summon card rewards just with the passive scroll gains or getting the -50% ones from merchant. The "999 Event" lets you pick legendaries every few days at the start, and then once a week afterwards. The login rewards literally gift you some of the most powerful heroes in the game. Most of the divine heroes (except newest season exclusive ones) are available from the Oracle Shop, the coins for which you can access with just getting the decrees with gems. No need to pay for anything unless you want it "right now"

Very unusually F2P friendly idle game. Unless you're a megawhale going for Eudora and the Spear or something like that you gain very little except a bit faster hero/gear progress by buying stuff.

One thing I wish they'd fix is the Valkyrie Mansion & Story. It's unacceptable that it's still stuck at Chapter 8 and we only have a few waifu choices in the Valkyerie Mansion. We need Seraphina, Eudora etc there (pl0x give free copies of them also with story progress!)
Just got the newest hero and it's an effing panda with a stupid hat. Always a mistake to cater to the Chinese. Hope they delete it from the game asap
The studio is literally chinese, and it recently released in there after a year on global, so this season is meant to line-up with the china release

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Those are the games I emulate on my potato phone that run fine (some only with some tweaks)
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Which site is good for ROMs? Most I find have slow dl speed or not complete. Looking for undub or prepatched fan TL ones.
The r/roms subreddit library and archive
playing through pokemon yellow right now
does anyone know a free gameboy color emulator that lets you do same device link trades? tryna get a gengar and pizza boy has a paywall
Have you tried Cdromance
Fuck off, glowtendienigger

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Thread made to share and discuss any old mobile game.

>What is java games?
Early 2000 mobile games made with the java programming language or mostly known as J2ME

>How do i play them?
For PC
For Android

>Where can i find games?

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seems to be still be up
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Started playing Alien Quarantine, the game itself seems fine but the in-game purchases gives me the grim reminder of the future
anyone know more game like elven chronicle?
>always wanted to play Ratchet & Clank: Ging Mobile
>figure maybe /vmg/ might have some information
>it's all right there, two simple downloads
Thanks for the thread
>maxxed out City Bloxx
i kneel

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Thread for discussion of Blue Archive's Japanese Server

Did you roll for your cat grill friend?
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Wait, what the hell, I thought that Professor Niyaniya was just a thinly veiled pseudonym for Niya especially since Niya already had a hand in manipulating that event. The fact that it turned out to be a completely different person 2 years after the fact is one hell of a twist.
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"Niyaniya" is our latest addition to the never ever list of characters which is confusing given that we already have a character called "Niya" but I guess we can attribute that confusion to the Japanese language rather than the devs.
Her real name is Momoka.
I want to be called Sensei-chama
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it's carol

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Anniversary (July 27) and collab (Live A Live) anticipation thread.
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The last set of weaknesses is absolutely brutal. Nuke it from the second last set instead to avoid getting slaughtered.
Gotcha, thanks! Still gotta 3 team the flower first, it looks like there's no limited time mission for the bird like there was for previous new floors (maybe 'cause it's the final floor).
doing the lvl 100 npcs now, damn they're 200 rubies each i thought it was 100
I just noticed, is Odio-O taking off a mask off his face?
His eyes weren't clear daring the fight
they are nasty and some of them may give you a hard time
the one I hate the most was
>Hey fucker, my weakness?
>SIKE, I will reflect them the entire fight
>you better hope you pulled for cannary or multiple shield crackers
Any tips for the Shrine Guardian?

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>Share your thoughts on upcoming games that are still in development or games that would release soon.

>Share what inside scoop you may have learn or game studio you may have heard or gossip about.

>Gacha games I do heard of that is still in development/Quiet [No announcement from their twitter/X]

Project Mugen
Arknights: Endfield
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Mugen has been on my radar since it was announced, but an entire year without even a single peep from any official source is worrying. I hope it isn't another Dokev where it looked like we had a solid game on our hands, but three years later it's still vaporware.
imo, nte feels like an urban reskin of genshin
the 4-character system, the menus, the glider
it does feel very similar to mugen too, both having some "supernatural" background to compliment the urban theme of the games
but it will be an even bigger downgrade to tof if it doesnt include a character creator and customization feature, especially for a game that is set in a sprawling urban overworld
dokev is held back by retarded investors who think people care about crimson desert
once crimson desert is released, we will start seeing news about dokev
as for mugen, it feels like it was announced too early
it looks very early in development
wish some developer made a monster collector with overworld design like this
would instantly be goty for me
dokev is close, but it isn't stylized like anime
GFL2 but global is on soon™
Mugen looked interesting but that delivers and that it even exists in the first place are two big questions I need answered first
when is tokyo game show? we can expect a ton of updates and reveals there
mugen will have tough competition with nte
both look promising and refreshing too
i am honestly so done with open world botw-reskins with fantasy themes
urban kino is where i am at now

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>Share thought on /v/ told to tell thought here
>Started playing the game pretty good gameplay and nice animation

But since it's a gacha game there will be hentai of it.
Do you think once they get their hands on the models will they actually put the effort to add the smear frames or not?
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what the hell are smear frames?
i'm sure whatever you're looking for will get added, recently found out genshit had mods, you can get far better skins, and remove the stupid censor cam.
Im going to make some hentai of her in stable diffusion
She will be raped by ugly bastards or tentacles or maybe dogs n pigs
What do you say anons?
Which one should be?

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