Thread for discussion of the global server of Blue Archive
Hi I double sparked, should I redeem 2x Shiroko or one of each?
>>1665312You didn't get either on your way to 400? That's a shame.You should go for both if possible. So one of each.
New Year Developer's Letter: gifts.
>>1665352Of note: Devs will be attempting acceleration to a 3 month gap instead of the 6 month gap between Global and JP.Be careful with your pyroxene rolling plans and raising plans in the meantime. We aren't certain how well they'll handle acceleration and how much they'll compensate us for doing so.
Red Winter Comiket Rerun.
so i've discovered recently google made an official pc launcher, currently in beta.well, it's essentially an emulator, it got glitchy at one point with picrel but otherwise looks fine. however the only controls are with the mouse, hope they get to implement some keyboard functions later on. lacking selection on the apps thought, many gachas like blue archive and feh are not there for example.overall looks like a neat example beaten by the fact that, well, it's mobile gaming on pc, so who the fuck cares. also i want to see how accessible will hacks and mods be on pc, despite being all behind a launcher.just wanted to make a thread here since nobody talked about it here (or in 4chan in general) yet
It kinda takes some keyboard commands in some games, mostly shit like enter and escape. All in all I started using it instead of one of the usual emulators. It's pretty good.
update: it randomly crashed and uninstalled all my gamescertified piece of shit launcher
Gingaza Main Story Chapter 2 came out.Full versions of the songs were released, links here: featuring Hatsumi and Xue's seiyuus on November 29th: event is a Towa/Shigure/Yae event.
We are almost at the end of this event, so you know what must be done.Do your roulette spins and buy everything from the shop.
The livestream will be starting in a few minutes.
The event is almost over, so be sure to do the high-score challenge and read the event story.
There's a little over half a day remaining for the event, so read the event story and buy everything from the store.Am I the only one left here?
I'm still here but suffering from Daikoku song withdrawals
10 AnniversaryPart 2 reveal in 2 days:
>>1680027Here's some characters that would be on it.I'm thinking the definition would be "characters that are the source of comedy, or participated in comedic bits, or were defeated by them" So for example, Kyawei would be there because she got a ring-out because of Roshi doing the "pervert old man" bitThis Category wouldn't be given to all units sharing a name, but specifically to units that reference those moments. Except for character whose whole point is comedy (Arale, Hercule, maybe Pilaf Gang)> image limit reachedFUCK!!!>>1680036Yeah, we got cucked out of him last year, only got a Memory
ummmm...we can't post images anymore, where's the new thread?
>spend an hour on baby>not even a stoneNice
>>1680044 new thread
>>1680031We're getting 132 from normal EZAs at minimum.
Has anyone who playing Arknights?So they change the new operator layout and the fandom are not like it on new format.
Lurk more
hory esl
Do not knot the kotsPrevious : >>1641285
>>1682500You can give them to the Vanguards for Affection points
have they had a discount like that bluestacks 40% off one since then?
Ok finally gotten a story section with her being relevant and I am enjoying Erneste 2.0, hopefully she will get an affection story soon. The context is Juha's second affection event this witch is writing checks that the human god cannot cash.>>1682957There has been 2 sales for the last couple months that I have been playing on Bluestacks; I missed out on the first one due to just starting the game and the recent one was 30% off with a 10% rebate into Bluestack credits after a week or two.
It should be Juha's sister next right? Let me hold onto the gold for now.
>>1684501High probability, because devs showed her costume in recent devnotes.
Thoughts on Tsuki's Odyssey?
Still alive edition.New update, new waifus, more anime tiddies.Discuss Brave Nine and the spin-off games, BraveNine Story & Magic Stone Knights here.
>>1645023There are generals on /vg/ before.
Looks like the official English site is dead.Shame, I was thinking to get some character arts there.
>>1662113you can always try the cafe website but finding costumes means that you have to go through patch notes rather than the character profiles
>>1662394I just looked it up, the Korean cafe site is still alive, good to see.
>stops pretending to not be a yuritrannyThere's no point in continuing this. You yuritrannies never liked the franchise and only came for the yuri. You trannies celebrated when it died because it stopped pandering to you, i haven't seen a single yuritroon in any platform related to BR not celebrating Sun's death. At least it's comforting knowing you parasites can no longer infest the franchise.Which was never yours.
At least I agree that there's not point in continuing this, even putting aside the (correct) statement of ''arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics, even if you win you're still retarded'', we are just never going to agree or see eye to eye in a few things.Speaking as a fan Blue Reflection fan since the first game in 2017, there is a lot to criticize about the franchise in general and regardless if one is a yuri fan or not, I think we can all agree that the way Mel Kishida and the rest of the people involved handled the whole thing was more or less a mess. I really like Blue Refletion in general but the final game (for now at least) really shouldn't have been a free-to-play game with gacha mechanics, only available in Japan, for PC and mobile devices, and a male main character unlike the console games, and in the end, it made money, how much who knows but it wasn't the biggest success and it failed more or less, and it failed because of several reasons. Was the first game the beginning of the end? Maybe the sequel Blue Reflection: Second Light? The anime? The gacha game? Who knows, as I said, the franchise wasn't handled in the best way and Blue Reflection is kind of a mess.Tata and farewell.
To everyone involved, I hope you're happy that the dream of this thread having a longer lifespan than the game itself is dead.
>>1673241EverythingBlue Reflection 1 is just a horrible and boring game
>>1674813More like bait ans switch it sounds like terrible direction and management decisionsThey died due theie own incompetence
Not sure what happened to the other thread, but at least we can update the OP with the most recent decor they've added to the game.Speaking of new things, the missions they've recently added were an interesting change of pace, especially as someone that has exhausted his local area of all seedlings. Also, they are apparently adding new mushrooms, according to a recent datamine (presumably during Halloween, since they're orange and purple).Regardless, how do you guys feel about the game now that we're approaching the 1-year anniversary?
What could they do to add to this game?
>>1674257sex and alcohol and boobs and drugs and guns and tanks and
>>1674257the limits of 3 mushrooms a day isn't great. there really shouldn't be any limits, but they need to bump it up to like 5, and let you call friends 3 times. If they're trying to "limit" how many players can do for some reason, the real limit comes from how many pikmin you have + the time anyways.At this point, they probably just should remove all other mushrooms. I mean, when was the last time anyone fought a normal mushroom? They're just taking up spawns for no reason + considering the diminishing returns on the nectar and shit you get, you might as well just fight the event mushrooms anyways.The 5 person limit on mushrooms is dumb. 10 is fine, and allow up to 20 with tickets.There's no real reason to go crazy hunting the pikmin for each event any more because they're going to come back next year + their use completely nosedives after events. They need to make existing Pikmin worth more for events..I'm tired of pulling PIkmin from previous events clogging up the new ones. Pick one or the other to give away, and have stick the other one in random rewards from mushrooms. The spinning wheel gacha has been nothing but bullshit since they added it. And for what? Is anyone really paying to try to collect them all during the event?
I just pulled out the last 2025 decor pikmin seed I had and it's yet another duplicate. The only one I missed is the white one, I'm pissed. Now the Chinese new year pikmin are here and I already completed those ones so they're taking up space and they're not even good towards the event mushrooms, into the trash they go.
>People keep inviting me to Large Water Mushroom challenges>The only rare blue flowers available are Cattleya and Camellia, two flowers that I've had plenty of time to stock up on last monthAnyway, kinda crazy that this thread will finally die off soon.
sassy little brat edition
looking forward to looney tunes running my way around teyvat
>>1684667this game keeps getting cringier and cringier lol
VERY fast loli running at incredible hihg speed
What did miHoYo mean by this?
>Glimpses of Mysterious InazumaGlimpses of Mysterious Inazuma>Glimpses of Mysterious InazumaGlimpses of Mysterious Inazuma>Glimpses of Mysterious InazumaGlimpses of Mysterious InazumaVol.1 and Vol.2. Get them while they are in stock~
It's out, anyone playing?
>>1667809 is over. The Steam version is region locked anyway so you need to have a JP Steam account.
>>1676407yeah the tensura part of the season began and it confirms there'll be two characters besides the MC you can get from the gacha for each series (rimiru, benimaru, and milim are the characters for the tensura gacha)im not gonna bother trying a new account to see if the characters you can select when starting have changed to remove rimiru and add rudeus though
Oh nice steam is out, thats way easier than emulating.>>1676407
What are these for
>>1676549I think unlock dungeon floors and exchange extras to figurines.
Why is she so smelly?
stop dying
I played the fuck out of this game for like 2 years. Is it still active/supported?
>>1668375yeah, still gets updates occasionally even has a sequel
Holy shit this game looks interesting. Any reason to bother with the first one or can I go directly to the second one?
>>1675555none really 2 is getting an anniversary update this week since it released last year, good time to jump in
I'm 200 levels in, and I've yet to grasp why HE runs...
That model is so good. This is genuinely the future of gaming
>>1676202I love making him big and fat. Haha.
Anyone know any fun balatro flush seed using checkered deck gamemode? The closest i can get was:> NNQTBB52I dont exactly remember what's the joker card name but after u finished the 1st small bind there's a joker card that gives u a 10+ mult when u hit flush, afterwards i completely forget what's in the next shop but i do remember it was the smoothest and easiest run ive ever played because all u do was focus on flush.