[x] Touch fluffy tail
Thanks for remaking!
what's the next global collab?
To think the last thread was almost a year old. I still remember when threads on /v/ were fairly common.>>1335425I think Sanrio is up next after Key/Sin Dragons on NA.Any thoughts on my Miku team? Recommendations?
>can't choose a dungeon>can't really choose your team>can't change avatar without paying magic stones>can't mindlessly grind your way to the top because medium and higher levels actually cost points to play>have to place first in 100 matches to get from the second highest rank to the highestWow, 4p fucking sucks.
>>1337187It really helps to keep a txt file that lists what you should take for each team since it's hard to remember which dungeon needs what.
>Chainsaw Man collabRev up your hopium, N/A players.
>>1340177I'm sure we'll get it. The problem is that they're GFEing it so most likely no exchange.
I'm only here to say that Lak is still the cutest
>>1337187 (me)I finished the 4p grind and it wasn't actually that bad, partly because I fucked up the math and it's "only" 20 first-place wins required for the last tier. The minimum possible number of matches to get to 6,000 is 135, which is a lot more than 8p ever needed unless you were total garbage at it, although theoretically it could be less than that because you get some bonus points on rank up. The info page also says you only lose one rank when the next season starts, so you might not have to do the whole thing over from scratch.Tips:>stamina/points are only deducted when you actually enter the dungeon, so if the roulette selects GSonia you can just quit the app and you won't lose out on anything>3-color and 4-color rainbow awakenings are free points and damage as long as you have all five colors covered (which you should)>TPAs are slightly more effort for the points/damage than rainbow but they're also generally worth it>follow-up attack awakenings give 1,500 points per column>7c is worth nothing and only adds damage>crosses and Ls are still a pain in the ass>on the BFagan dungeon, just make columns the whole way through (Fagan's active gives a perfect 6-column board for the final floor), you'll finish with like 60 seconds left and pretty much always place first against anyone trying to play it normally
>>1348505Happy to see the collab transferring. Gives me hope for CSM and fear for my stone collection. Only 250 left.
Will those exclusive characters you swap for like Leilan Pheasant ever make a comeback? I've burnt out for a while and didn't bother farming for the ones last month
>>1349742They cycle back.
>>13512781% chance, bro.
>>1351278I didn't get a Misaka either, I'm coping by making a Shana team instead.
>>1351512Same. Leading with Yuji Sakai, a Gilgamesh Kuur, 2x Leonhart Saijo, and then 2x Shana. It hits hard and has a lot of survivability. I was easily able to blast through 2% supergravity endless. Crazy that it can be done by just by rolling on this event and having a Gilgamesh.
>>1351278What's that system?I have hundreds of rolls saved for whenever Monogatari comes back just so I can complete my collection but I can spare to use a few.
>>1352052Cool system, but there's no way I can get two of them.
>>1352052>throw nearly 250 stones on it>not a single MisakaBullshit, I'm cutting my losses
>>1352744That's only a 36% for rolling :^)
Technically, you don't even need the 2nd Misaka if you can at least roll a Little Misaka as well.
>>1334851i logged in to the game for the first time in years, for context last time i was consistently playing was around the time they introduced assist skills, what the FUCK are these multiplierslast i remember teambuilding was just "stack TPA, row, or enhance awakens & bring appropriate active skills to dungeon"now my box has so much absolutely wild shit from free/milestone/whatever rolls that have accumulated since i stopped that i don't even know where to start with putting shit together
>>1353160rip overwhelmed anon
>>1353280basically yeahi remember 49x was more around the higher end multipliers, you had that one JP collab jester that gave 7x for matching two healsdoes gameplay still have "kneecap yourself because if you do too much damage you will either get no value or be punished" shit to it (it's why i dropped the game in the first place)
>>1353301Damage void and absorbs and attribute absorbs? No, there's active skills that get around that now.
>>1353160Here's some gameplay of one of the hardest dungeons currently available with a meta team.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkhjR8SBL1k
>>1352744250 4 misaka, 4 touma, 8 onii sama, 2 shana
>>1353313thank godwhat about the "survives with 1hp and deals fuckyou damage in return", are there counters to that now, i was really tired of>NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! YOU CAN'T HAVE A TEAM BUILT WITH ENOUGH DAMAGE TO ONE SHOT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAIIEEEEEEEE GUNGHO-SAMA HELP MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!because they honestly could have just had a "damage caps at this value" and not "damage goes away at this value"
>>1353597The good news is yes, most of the meta leaders have bonus damage built into their LS so you don't need to make heart columns for resolve anymore.The bad news is that a lot of enemies have super resolve which means that when their health is above a certain percentage (usually 50%) it's impossible to damage them past that percentage by any means, and there's currently no way to bypass that except board refresh skyfall damage for some fucking reason. Also everything has tens of billions of HP now so you have to hit damage cap with every card on all three attributes (oh by the way some cards have a second sub-attribute now) or use a damage cap bypass active to even have a chance at one-shotting anything. Good luck.
>>1353319>>1353319this looks like. something alright fuckalso i was never really on the bleeding edge of meta when i did play, what's giving him active skills nearly every turnalso jesus christ did the supergravity/superaltitude/whatever the fuck it's called that apparently dropped atk to 1% even do anything he's still one-shotting shit and healing to full every turnalso looking at the team it looks like skill bind resist latents (i think that's what that is) are just the objective best, how do you know when to allocate a few slots to a different latent and on which card>>1353604>>1353608good i was fucking tired of resolve>50% HP blocki really don't mind this honestly unless they still do resolve fuck you attacks if you go directly from 100% -> 50% in one turn>three-attribute cardsthis is like if i stopped playing pokemon for a few years and someone told me "yeah some pokemon have three types now">damage capwhat do you mean by this, like is there a soft "attack damage can't go above this value" mechanic that i just never knew about or something
>>1353616turns out those are skill delay res not skill bind res i forgot the icons whoopsanyways looks like 4x skill delay res/2x hp boost is standard, is that just a universally good latent loadout or is that tailored to that dungeonalso, people were making a big deal out of this collab so i did a five pull (because i have 450 fucking stones saved up from logging in and doing nothing else every six months or so and really dont know what to blow them on), results were uh>margery daw, was also the free pull i got so i have two now>leonheart saijo>masaki ichijou>little misaka>itsuwa>also have kanzaki kaori from the twitter milestone free pulli have no idea which ones are good and which ones are shit
>>1353651is it worth dropping the rest of the stones to chase or is there other more broken shit
>>1353658You can make a really strong team using only pulls from this collab and even exchange for them if you're unlucky. See >>1351639.
>>1353860fucking cjrist
Is there any way to export my box to something so I can better plan my teams and also share what I have for asking for team recs later?
>>1353658I would only chase if you actually liked Masaki as a character, in reality Shana is better.
>>1354234understandable, copied >>1351639's build and have found pretty good success so far, though i've no clue what difficulty levels this team can take on since now there's stuff named super buttsex five million difficulty or whatever. how does one even teambuild these days anyways, like is there a baseline "things every team needs"? it seems like it's different now with a lot more varied types of teams (L-shape, 3x3, shit like that). also how do you know when to use something other than skill delay res for a latent
>>1354289Every dungeon is different and requires different shit so I just go in blind and if I die to some bullshit that my team wasn't prepared for then I just add it in and try again. Alternatively you can watch YouTube videos of the dungeons so you can figure out exactly what you need.
>>1354299yeah, that makes sensethat being said what do you even look out for to make sure you've got skills charged so you have whatever your leader skill condition is each turn, the shana team seems to work as well as it does because you can reliably proc 2x fire matches and some heal every turn since the skill cooldowns are so short, but looking through my monster box and the evos barely anything reaches a cooldown of even 3 turns (and if it does it probably doesn't even create orbs)
>>1354398Generally speaking you don't need a active every turn and Shana is what you would call a lazy team since you don't really have to work for it. Alot of times rng will give you the orbs you need and it's only when you don't have what you need that you would use an active. This is why it's important to clear the board when you play, for example if there's 3 water orbs on board but you only need fire, if you don't clear the water orbs then next turn they'll still be there and still be water but if you match them then they'll be a chance that one of the orbs that drops to replace it is fire helping you activate your leader skill. Its this clearing the board of orbs you don't need that can allow you to play with out relying on a active skill each turn, obviously if you have something that you can rotate like Shana it's nice but it's not mandatory, its basically a situation of git gud and don't rely on a crutch like 2cd orb changer's.
Okay i havent played in years and lost my account so im starting again.Redpill me on what i should be pulling on and what dungeons to clear early. I already did the sonia one that gives 100 stones
>>1355886I don't know how far into it you are but if you're still early I would reroll until I got the team in the pic, specifically the two 8*(the units on the left) tho you do want the two 7* also but the two 8* is the most important part.
>>1355886>>1355904There's also this but it's alot harder to roll because you can't trade for the 8* Misaka's and her pull rate is shit where with the fire team you can trade for both of the fire 8* and they have better pull rates as well.
Finally. This dungeon has been a pain in my ass for a while.
>>1356300nice, onto aun2
>>1355723definitely, and i try to clear the board as often as i can i just get sick of the rare instances where skyfall rng fucks you over, ESPECIALLY when not being able to proc your leader skill means you'll miss out on damage reduction to make tanking hits easier. basically i just prefer the consistency and reliability of "for the most part i should be able to proc every turn" lol
>tfw pulled the 2 Misaka but can't pull the indexHelp send stones
>>1359860Yeah but she's off color, it's basically a cope sub which sadly I'm probably going have to trade for.
>>1359876Ok I'm a retard, I completely forgot you can do that with equips now.
Oh index was used for the auto heal? I've been rolling with chibi ama with this staff >>1359876.Nice bind clear does damage too, so I like it.
>>1356300Any good replacements for Gilgamesh Kuur? I've been using Polowne but there must be something better.
Is this game worth starting? Looks like its 10 years old? How the fuck do you exist 10 years as a mobile game?How does the recently released "Puzzle and Dragon Stories" for Apple Arcade that just came out fit into the PND cinematic universe?
>>1360510Okay fag listen up. the game is always worth starting. Infact if you start now and reroll for a good comp within the 13 hours you can have a capable team.There's a reason why this shit survived the test of time. I'm honestly still shocked it's around.
>>1360389My issue with the 2 maybe 3 flex spots if you ditch little misaka is that it's rare to find utility and damage in a nice package.
>finally got around to replacing my Dorna on my Nautilus & Royal Oak teamMargery Daw is a nice fit, even though her active is 1 turn slower.
>>1360288Okay just got her with the 10 trade, thank God I'm a hoarder and never sell anything like I literally just had 4 Genie and 5 Haku sitting in my box. Also the little misaka equip is perfect with that triple hazard resist.>>1360369>>1360729Chibi Ama looks spicy, I had to check but turns out I got one so I'll try her also.
Login stamps start today, get your free PCGF roll. The rates seem decent.
haven't touched the game in 2 years how fucked am ii came back briefly just to grab all the jojo shit and fucked offhow many essential collabs have i missed
I forgot to log in during Christmas. Did they give anything special?
>Could you perhaps be trash that doesn't own a Juggler?
>>1369315Fuck juggalos. For me, it's Flintlock.
>I didn't get my SquallIts over. Why even live.
Who is the fattest woman in this game? I'm talking about a belly here, not just some wide hips and fat tits.
>>1371749maybe big mom from one piece collab
>>1371750Thanks for the reply. Shame about that face. Anyone else with a better face?
Is this special event still going on? Worth starting the game still?
>>1372190The best time to start playing is 11 years ago. The second best time is right now (whenever now is).
>puzzledragonx down>ilmina downFuckWhere do I get Shangri-las for Amaterasu Dragon?
>caved and straight up bought a CliveFucker wasn't rolling.
>>1372977...you didn't trade for 2 Shanas?
>>1372855Thank you.>normal dungeons resetHoly shit, even if I have a team that can just match 3 and blast everything in the path this is still tedious as all fuck.
>>1373131He pairs well with my Shanas but I don't like relying on friends to keep shit exactly the way I need it.
Man I can't believe this game is still ongoing, I dropped playing this like 5 (6-7?) years ago back when multiplayer was a new thing and the idea that I couldn't beat a new dungeon simply because one player flubbed annoyed me too muchIs the game still a mess where you kill everything in one hit or die,and you need damage reduction to prevent dying from a pre-empitive strike you wouldn't have known without reading a guide? And they keep making new retardly OP collab unit? >>1369315Lmao I remember when juggler released and some of us believed his LS to be a mistake because the multipler just sounded too high for such a simple condition
>>1373863>Is the game still a mess where you kill everything in one hit or die,and you need damage reduction to prevent dying from a pre-empitive strike you wouldn't have known without reading a guide?Yes.>And they keep making new retardly OP collab unit? Yes.
>>1374387What's the point of continuing to play when they had no new ideas? Sunken costs? to be honest part of me wishes I didn't quit cause I can't find another game that scratches the same match 3 RPG itch
>>1334851what is this game like nowadays? i last played it in about 2015 or so and kind of lost interest because gameplay was starting to boil down to "use active skills to turn all orbs a certain color and then just swap two orbs and do a billion damage" back then instead of actually puzzling stuff out.
>>1374414oop my bad, should've read the thread before asking.
I've never played this game before; should I start now?
I just redownloaded the app and did the final fantasy freebie dungeons. Also pulled once on the final fantasy random...got No. 2778 Lightening 6 star. Is this good?
also no.5553 reincarnated diaochan 6 star? Is this good?
>>1375010She's useful, but building a team around her as a leader can be challenging if you're a new player. But overall she hits really hard if you can make the combos and her active skill is good.>>1375017She's not a great leader, but her low cooldown active can help you make early and mid-game progress if you're struggling with move time debuffs. Her blind immunity is also important. In general though there's too many cards to keep track of and asking for thoughts on individual ones is not going to help very much. Endeavor to why and how they're useful rather than remembering which ones are useful. Watching videos on upcoming/recent collabs and recent changes will help and give you a better idea of what you should be looking out for and why.
>>1378178Wasn't Brahma Dragon a guaranteed spawn in Wednesday Arena two days ago?
>>1378399Yes. I didn't need it at the time.
>>1378504That's how it is with me every time.
>>1371749>>1371756Check out this fat chick.
I haven't touched this game since 2014 and even then I didn't play for more than a couple of weeks. I want to get into this but I'm a little overwhelmed by all the free shit. I got a premade team but have zero intention of using it and am just using the starting dragon and whatever I find in the normal dungeon (so far 2x carbuncle 2x goblin). What does +297 like in this image >>1336650 mean?
>>1380416Each card can have up to +99 in each of HP/ATK/RCV, and each point gives +10/+5/+3 respectively to that stat. +297 means it has 99 points in all three.Plus points used to be kind of rare and a pain in the ass to micromanage, but you skipped over that period and now every plus point you get goes into a bank under "Extra Enhancements" and you can choose how many of which type you want to assign. If you don't have many then I'd recommend saving them up to use on either something that's good enough to keep long-term or common enough that you can easily replace it (selling the monster gives you the points back, so you could +297 a carbuncle and then sell it for a points refund when you need to enhance a card that's actually good).Also, awoken skills (if those existed when you played before) and skill-ups are much easier to get now, you don't have to feed duplicate monsters anymore. Feeding a tamadra to a card that has awoken skills will unlock one of them, and you can skill up by running specific dungeons or feeding pys (semi-rare in the early game) to it.
Just traded for 2 Sephiroth. Why did I do it? Because I'm bored and the friend system is trash.>Tfw afterwards I noticed none of his leaderskills do follow up damage meaning I have to run FUA'sYay, fun, my favorite.
>>1380667I've been getting a lot of awoken skill monsters (I think) from the "watch an ad, pull a monster" thingie. I have no idea what these even do and they're starting to clog up my box. Are those safe to sell/discard? They look like image related.
>>1380667>>1381100Also I got one of these things for free from the welcome mail. It's at +297 like you said. Does this mean I'll get +297 stats as "stock" which I can apply to another monster whenever I want?
>>1381100Anything that stacks doesn't take up box space, there's no reason to sell those. That one is for latent awakenings, which are different and more situational; the regular awakening ones are Tamadra and Baby/King Tamadra.>>1381101If you sold it the plus points would go into the bank. I'd recommend keeping that as a leader, the card is new enough that it's still pretty strong and the leader skill condition is easy (and it's relatively common as a friend lead, which means you don't have to match two conditions from two different leads). Also, friend leaders don't count towards the rarity limit for that type of skill, so the *28 condition will work as long as your lead and team members are under the limit.
>>1381100>>1381101>not showing usernamecoward
I need some angry masks to evolve my shitty carbuncles, goblins and fighter/knight but I'm already getting shit on by the expert version of the mask dungeon. How the fuck are you supposed to get stronger and progress into this naturally if you can't evolve shit? I also pulled a 10 Smithing God, Hephaestus Dragon from the ad pull but he seems to suck dick? I don't understand rarity in this game. Some of the 6-7 seem to have way better leader skills.
>Demon Slayer and HunterxHunter>two really good collabs with very powerful cards back to backWell shit we probably don't have enough time/stones to save for both so which one are you guys going for padg bros. Personally I think I'll skip Demon Slayer because I'm confident it'll come back where HunterxHunter might never come back after this.
>>1382895Chainsawman obviously :)
>>1382895I rolled hard on Demon Slayer last time so I've got a bunch of everything except the new shit, but there's a lot of new shit I want. I didn't roll much at all last time HxH so I'm going heavy on that this time around.
>>1387302I hope we get this buff faster in EN, I have 4 aggregate in my box, not having to deal with VDP assist will be a pretty big deal to focus in TeamHP assist instead and the time extend in the ability free the slot of Fenrir viz for a looping shield or something better
These screenshots are fucking unreal.When I played, the powercreep was tri prong attacks and a conditionless 6x leader
Rorbs, Borbs, Gorbs, Dorbs, or Lorbs?
>>1389980Don't forget horbs, jorbs, and both kinds of porbs.
>>1392227And boorbs
>sweet my free chainsaw man roll>HermesYeah fuck that I'm skipping this shit.
>>1393407based retard anon
Eternal newshit here what are the empty slots at the bottom and how do I fill them up/unlock the rest?
>>1393996>what are the empty slots at the bottomLatent awakenings. If you do the Video Egg Machine (VEM) you should be able to easily get some freebies. They do various things from resisting damage from certain attributes to dramatically increasing stats to resisting hazard skyfall.>how do I fill them upWith these using the "enhancements: option: https://pad.chesterip.cc/?search_for=latent>how do I unlockWith this: https://pad.chesterip.cc/5739/
>>1393996>330 stonesRoll until you get at least 2 Akis.
>>1393407The rates are okay. The hybrid godfest model is still bullshit though, and the reward rolls not even guaranteeing a collab card is even more bullshit.
>>1394033>bullshit>rolls Grannerv and Amayomi
>>1394039I also got two collab chase cards so I can't really bitch about it too much, I'm just saying in that in general it sucks that it's possible to do a 5-roll on a collab machine and not get anything from the actual collab.
Makima and Denji or Denji and Aki?Good Makima teams? I also got Power, Aki and Kishibe out of a few rolls.
>>1394373As leader both kinda suck but at least makinadenji is a looping shield, these ones will always be useful
>fuck it, I'll roll five times>I hope I get at least one collab card
>>1394005Why would you give such shit advice?>>1393996Don't listen to that anon, you got the best card from it, quit while you're ahead and save for demon slayer.
>>1394439Not that anon, but an Aki system is nearly equivalent to a Shiva Dragon system. While it lacks the flexibility of skill charge, it's even easier to use with built-in VDP, combo orbs and orb unlocking. An Aki system could easily carry a new player into supergravity monthlies to repay the investment of stones after a month or two, while covering other mechanics from cards in the collab, if not from the godfest.That said, yes, Demon Slayer rerun will be nutty.
>>1394768The biggest appeal to the shiva dragon system is the ability to buy shiva dragons with MP. This makes the team more accessible to everyone.
Pazudora is still making near 20 million dollars monthly. Why hasn't /padg/ come back?
>>1395539This isn't jp
>>1395699And? Limbus Company makes about as much as NA and can support a general.
>>1395741Limbus Company is new and more accessible.
>>1395133While I agree, the aforementioned player is Rank 50 and probably months, if not years, from spending the neccessary 750k MP and collecting evo materials, hence the Aki system recommendation.
>>1395539Because unlike those other games, this one don't have lore, characters or any kind of constant interaction that would lead to talk in other kind of ways. This don't even have a main character, that why the talk about the game is purely gameplay or shitpost and you can't keep this kind of game alive solely with shitpost and much less gameplay
>VDay Noah>Active Skill: [1] Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to water orbs; Change bottom 2 rows to fire orbs; For 2 turns, bypass dmg void shield; Evolve skill to stage [2] (7 max CD)>[2] Unlock all orbs; Change all orbs to water orbs; Change bottom 2 rows to fire orbs; Charge allies' active by 1 turn; Return skill to stage [1] (1 max CD)Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like you only need 3 Noahs to make a system that Bypasses Damage void every other turn with innate Absorb bypass.
>>1396053Oh Void bypass is 2 turns, so ideally all we need is a damage absorb, but realistically it should have an attribute absorb attached too since the Noahs don't have 8 latents.
Hey, my buddy likes puzzle games such as tetris or matching games. How's this gacha? Does global miss out on collabs? Does it allow emulation? If it isn't region locked I don't mind if the two of us start jp accounts through qooapp or something and translate with the live tl funciton. I've played tons of gacha in jp so I should be fine. How nice is the game if you're f2p? Do collabs not rerun or is it the sorta gacha where events stay forever?
>>1398508>How's this gacha?Terrific. It's one of the longest running gacha games for a reason.>Does global miss out on collabs?Unfortunately yes.>Does it allow emulation?Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't but it's much harder to play using an emu over a phone/tablet. It's better to use an emu to just reroll an account until you get what you want and then move it over.>If it isn't region locked I don't mind if the two of us start jp accounts through qooapp or something and translate with the live tl funciton.It's not region locked; you can have a JP, KR, and NA account on one device if you wish.>How nice is the game if you're f2p?I'm strictly NIAP. I can confidentially say it was much worse a decade ago than it is now. They give out the premium currency (magic stones) like candy these days.>Do collabs not rerunMost rerun and some (for NA and KR) run for the first time as a JP rerun.>is it the sorta gacha where events stay forever?Not sure what that means.
can you still get characters from previous collabs or did I miss out
>>1398688You will be a hoxy foreverBut on the other hand collab cards are the worst ROI since they will always forever be powercrept. They might have a month or two to shine but sooner or later there's generic cards>>1398706What I thought, only issue is that she doesn't have 8 latents so no sdr coverage. Still I think it's an alright system for the low low investment of 225 stones
Did you get your momiage mans yet puzzlebros?
>>13995433 skilled up and one equip, yeah
This one was pretty annoying, but I got it after a few tries. Not sure about 14 or 15 though.>>1399728Who does he pair with usually? I have Hades Dragon but the 4 match only is kind of irritating. Duo Lucifer maybe?
>two of my free rolls in Chainsaw Man were MakimaHell yeah.
I exchanged some csm units for this. How do I unlock the slots at the bottom of the character image like other characters?
>>1402078Consider me jealous. I did 40 rolls and got everyone but Makima and Aki. Even got 3 Power. I don't even know what I'm going to use one Power for, much less 3. This card seems kind of useless. Oh well.>>1403491I think if you can't see the slots it just means the unit only has 6 latent slots available, they'll show up whenever you give it a latent tamadra.
>get my 50 free rolls stamp>It's the most disappointing rolls I've ever hadOnly thing I'm slightly excited for is the GZL because it was my favorite lead back in the day and now I finally have 2 so I can play meme GZL teams.
Speaking of GZL also I want to point out how fucking stupid it is that his equip gives a cross instead of a prong, like he was the original prong lead and the amount of disrespect they give my man is unbelievable, fuck YamaP and fuck gungho.
>>1407097I think you might be the only person in the world that cares enough to get worked up over this.
Lot of new stuff in the anniversary stream.>monster search now has three keyword fields>assist menu prompts to use tamas if you select something that's not fully awakened>everyone gets 300 free box space>can now watch ads for dungeon continues and for a 2x XP boost>PAD Pass lets paypigs use all badges without needing to unlock them>new badge - 4 SB and 1.5x all team stats, requires no assists (and not "assist invalid")>"aging" awakening (1.5x stats on floor 5+, 2x stats on 10+)>T-awakening bonus got doubled from 4x to 8x>3 new big-ass dragon GFEs, two of them have skills that increase damage cap for multiple cards>buffs - Four Nobles, LBastet, mega Grem/Ilm/Kami/Ameno, Raffine, BAlexander, ordeal Artemis (already?)>new recolors - Scheat, Baldin>Zeus, Hera, Ceres, and DMeta got an ordeal evo>coming soon - Horus, Isis, Bastet, Medjed, Nep, Aten>new bar/alcohol-themed REM event>Miku is back, clear colosseum to get a F R E E copy of all 5 vocaloids>Dragon's Dogma collab returns after 12 fucking years ( https://pad.chesterip.cc/?series=74 )>BNHA rerun>isekai slime collab
>>1408530the new ripening awakening gave me a chuckle when I saw it
TONS of random buffs out. Check your GFE dragonbounds.
>>1408530>Dragon's Dogma collab returns after 12 fucking yearWake me when there's a SAO rerun. I want my sinons to be useful and meta
Is it just me or is Guan Yu looking kind of sexy lately?
>>1411581Weird, I don't remember making this post.
>>1411949>cuteYeah cause I did
>>1408530>>new badge - 4 SB and 1.5x all team stats, requires no assists (and not "assist invalid")JP players must have bitched about this one on Twitter, because now it's going to work in assist-invalid dungeons and it gives +3 seconds of move time and 10 skill boosts. There's also a second no-assist badge that gives immunity to bind/skill bind/jammers/poison, and it looks like some of the old badges may have been upgraded too.
>>1420868Man, GH has no balls.
>>1420868To be fair it's a mechanic they introduced and basically forgot about for years and years. Badges needed, and still need, some more variety. People just run +15% HP on everything with only a few exceptions.
>>1421262For anything to be worth more than 15% HP Gungho would have to stop building harder dungeons around increasingly harsh HP checks.
Monster exchange for demon slayer is pretty sparse.
>>1423532Same as last time, at least Rengoku is slightly better now. Really wish they had a 15 KnY units > 1 Muichiro exchange or something like that.
>2 Rengoku>3 Muzan>3 Akaza>2 Tokito>2 Daki>0 KotetsuWhat even is this RNG
holy shit
Is this game worth sticking with? I love the puzzles & dragons, but there doesn't seem to be much else to do in the game.
>>1427865as long as it's not your main gamein all honesty, you could just keep it on your phone and open it whenever
>>1427865Have you beaten all the dungeons?
The bartender REM has exchange units right? What all can you trade for and how many units does it take?
I kind of regret rolling Akaza, this character seems like a pile of crap if you don't have the 3 other collab pulls you need to make him semi functional. His equip is pretty mediocre too compared to most of the other 7 and 8*s. Got baited by the hype I guess.
>>1431557He seems to work fine for me. But I'm not attempting to make an end-game optimized team for him.
>>1431617He works fine for sleepwalking thru easy content, but trying to build him for anything tough is an exercise in frustration.You're pretty much required to have some kind of spinner loop or 7x6 board to play since otherwise you can't reliably get the orbs necessary to TPA hearts or do L's to clear assist void, but finding a way to get one of these and still come up with 25+ skill boosts in 4 team slots while covering all the other required bases is a nightmare.I could just be missing something I guess, I'm not going to claim to be good at this game but I've been trying out a bunch of different setups in SG endless and Aggregate's watering hole and I can't find anything that feels decent.
boobaAlso the Academy event is getting a second REM with the 5* trash removed that costs 6 stones a roll. I guess you could still roll the lower one if you wanted to for some reason.
>>1436036Lemme guess, trade 15 academy units for one of these?
>>1436049Looks like it, yeah.>Active Skill: [1] For 2 turns, change self dmg cap value to 5,000,000,000; For 2 turns, 2x orb move time; Unlock all orbs; Create 4 light, dark and heart orbs; Evolve skill to stage [2] (3 max CD)>[2] For 1 turn, 2x RCV; For 1 turn, 2x ATK for Light and Dark att.; Unlock all orbs; Create 4 light, dark and heart orbs; Return skill to stage [1] (1 max CD)>Leader Skill: 13x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 50% and +2 combo when light and dark attack; 2.4x all stats for Light and Dark att.I never got the hang of looping actives, seems like the right one is never up when you need it.
Wow we actually got the pick a free GFE event, I'm kind of shocked honestly.
>>1438435Japan also got it but to be honest all these leaders really fall off pretty heavily, I guess the best way to see it will be by the equips
>>1439884That's what I used to pick mine. Too often I've been trying to build teams but the perfect answer was always one of the damn remdra/pemdra equips.
>>1441972>just read what the monster and equip do>give "advices" that is just reading the leader skillIt feel like this dude already gave up
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_9NaLearNcI never level up so fucking fast, I'm glad I wasn't the kind of player that farmed ASR1 daily for level 1100, this is just so mindless and fast that I will totally reach to 1100 in just a dedicated day or two
I tried to play this game and damn, there's so much stuff to learn with these many years of bloat.
>>1444680That is really fast rank XP per minute.
>>1444764The difficulty is definitely tuned for JP players that have been playing for years. New players not only will have no essential knowledge of how to build effective teams but even if they did acquire the knowledge they won't have the box to get anywhere. They'll be stymied at every corner because they don't have the answer that appeared in a random collab that only came around once 5 years ago.
>>1444680alt for gomora?
>>1444960https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kl4pm6odaugThe whole team change a little bit with this change
>>1444980>I don't have vkush either...is there... another alt perhaps?
>>1445035There's a bunch of teams you could run with saline as a helper but you'd have to actually match shit like a pleb. Gross.
>>1445060https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82C6HivqbHM&t=208sThis dude mentioned a co-op farming team so I might do that.
>>1444680>Reach to lv 1040>need almost four run to level upOof, I will soon reach a wall were I will need five run to level up but the stamina just allow me to to do 4 runs
>>1445073Bro when you're around rank 1080 you'll need to run it ~9 times.
>>1445035The ghetto version is to use a multi-turn dark damage void before killing floor 3 and match heal orbs to get your HP up, then use Leorio again when the void runs out or your HP is high enough. I'm using Santa Fencer (#537) instead of Kush and it works as long as you have more than 195,000 HP for the phase change in floor 3 and more than 286,000 HP for the change on the boss floor. Going to try switching from the team HP badge to the XP badge when my cards hit level 120.
By my calculations I should be able to hit rank 1100 before the end of the event without needing to stone. Just wish there was better shit to get in exchange for all the rainbow HxH medals aside from pys. Maybe I'll just hang onto them in case Gungho changes something and allows players to convert them into normal rainbow medals in like 3 years. Who knows.
>>1444680>>1444980>have three Nordis but haven't leveled, evoed or skilled them upFUCK
>>1447061Why not?
>>1447061Well, if you're not in level 1000 this would be a really good inversion in pys, you will get it back with the exchange after the farming. I already got more than 1000 rainbow coins with this team and every single coin can be exchanged by a py
>looked up PAD on a whim>HxH collab with chimera ants which was my favorite anime arc>miku event shortly afterwards apparentlyguess i'm coming back
>>1447255PAD has and will always be the GOAT.
>>1447144Cause I'm lazy and only logged in to not lose my streak of log ins. >no Vkush or GomoraFuck>>1447188I have a lot of resources, I actually got all the Nordis up to max but I don't have a good piece to fill the team now.
>>1447260>>no Vkush or Gomora>Fucksee >>1445139
Is Pandora still relevant?
>>1447269haha no
>>1447269Not even close. But there's two new upgrade types (ordeal evos and special exchanges) so she'll probably get one or the other within the next year or so.
Wait, how do you find english data for this game?Puzzledragonx, padguide and setsupad are dead?
>>1447265>realized that I evoed the wrong Nordis and don't even have the correct onesAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
>>1447680Yep. It was the New Year's Nordis.
Out of curiosity I tried April mission floor 10 and got my ass kicked, I echidna delayed out the attack down debuff and was still only hitting 1's and the 6 million fixed damage wasn't denting the HP barWhat kind of attack multiplier do you need nowadays lol?
>>1448500Try a guard break active or awakening.
Finally rank 1100. If it weren't for this collab dungeon I probably would have taken another year to do it.
>>1448816I'm in rank 1072 right now starting from 1009 with only watching the ads for stam refill, I don't think I will manage to reach to 1100 after the event but I will just try to do one of the ASR team for the final ranks, it would not be so painful after this event
>>1449192The only way to go infinite all the way to 1100 is to do it in co-op. Should've invested in an alt :^)
>>1449192I used to run ASR2 for consistent xp, but that dungeon is really slow. Too many 50% super resolves and non-stop enemy skill activations.
Did anyone trade for a second illumi? His damage spike equip form looks strong.
>>1449861Nah, I prefer the base and not even by that much. If I need to use the equip for whatever reason, I'll just evolve it.
>updating through QooApp>some stupid Miui getapps bullshit comes up and I ignore it>it uninstalls Pad because it's not safe to install through QooApp>after some time I manage to install it and update it>data migration>remember nothing about itGod damn it, can support help me if I wasn't supposed to be playing because it's not available in my country?
>>1452292I managed to ask a friend to get my ID and luckily I had already linked my google account so everything is fine now.Remember to link your accounts and write down your ID bros
We're so back.
>>1453149Nowhere near back until you put a decent equip on it.
Returning oldfag here, is the new bartender machine any good for assists?My knowledge of the game is super whack since the last time I played, zela with kuroyuri looping for 40% max hp heals per turn was the rage.
>>1453572I haven't looked into the details yet. Welcome back. The only thing I can say for certain is you've got a lot of work to do.
>got main and alt to 1100 before collab ended
>beat chimera ant rush with pitou team>jump from rank 160~ to rank 340 in one goWhat in the god damn
>>1453572Bartender has some good assists in it though it obviously sort of depends on what exactly you're looking for. I believe the units themselves are the bigger draw though. There's a bunch of really strong units available, even in the lower rarity pools.
To my untrained eye, these vocaloid cards seems pretty bad.The only things that seem worth chasing dupes for are the kagamines and miku, maybe kaito if you roll 4 somehow
Yeah I'll be damned if I'm going to roll on a 10-stone machine for a 10% chance of getting something from the event. This is disrespectful.
>think I could kuroyuri loop through modern content>try the supergravity quindecillion malice title challenge>super reincarnation lu bu hits me through my LS shields for 600k on his first turnWhat in the god damn
>>1457230Welcome to the new dungeons. Massive HP checks that require a ton of Team HP awakenings and an active skill shield.
>>1458055>and/or an active skill shieldftfy
>release event themed around alcohol and bars>change half of the names try and hide the references to alcohol>leave the other half aloneI'm starting to think Gungho GL might be retarded.>>1457230When the last boss drops to 50% he hits for something like 2.6 million or somewhere around there. Players aren't the only ones swinging for ridiculous numbers these days.
I just pulled this guy, I fucking love him, he’s so cool. I didn’t even know he existed until today when I pulled him.
>>1459255He hits hard for sure, but unlike royal oak & nautilus or daytona & seawolf he doesn't come with his own autoheals. Neither of those leaders reduce your HP to 1 with their skills either. His sub pool is more versatile than theirs, and voiding poison damage is cool, but I don't think I would be able to make an effective team with him as a single leader. Trying to use two as leaders would be suicide. You would need to bring way too many actives just to mitigate his downsides unless you have the absolute perfect subs. But if you have those kinds of subs you could get away with using more versatile and less limiting leaders. The additional HP multiplier wouldn't be worth the trouble; especially since it would be almost impossible to heal to full HP any turn you use his active. For me he would have much more value as a sub.
>>1459591Yeah after playing him I noticed it's literally impossible to get back to full HP every turn, still a cool card regardless.
>>1458055>>1458548I got past Lu Bu by using a 100% void shield but a few floors later the scheat messes me up because the assist void attack removes all my team HP awakenings and puts me to one shot rangeThis title challenge is bullshit desu
Question, only time I played this game was back during the first monster hunter colab, I know there has been a LOT of colabs for this game, are they all time limited? can I farm back content ect?
>>1460427>the assist void attack removes all my team HP awakenings and puts me to one shot rangehttps://pad.chesterip.cc/9454/
>>1460438>are they all time limited?Yes. If the collab ends, it's gone until they rerun it.
>>1460446Sadly no L's on my team to be able to use that latentI found out the old Hisoka from HxH is a looping shield, so I'll give that a shot on tanking Scheat for 3 turns once I get back more staminaMight take off the FUA egg on my sub pitou, even when 2 Pitous + Illumi hitting their increased damage cap I'm still not doing enough damage to oneshot the enemies above 50% anyways
Why is the ranking in the special dungeons section?
>>1460832That was added in the last patch, presumably because "Special" is the only section people usually bother to check. With any luck it's going to result in more shitters clearing the dungeon and boosting my ranking with their low scores.
>>1460850Good shit
>>1460832People have been complaining for years about missing out on ranking dungeons because they forgot to check the separate ranking tab.
>>1460468 (me)Any of the bartender stuff worth chasing for in the context of pitou team?
>>1460468>3 PitouGoddamn must be nice, I could only get 1 copy and now I’m stuck looping with a Meruem
>>14615413 Pitou is nice for less strict requirements for team building, not having to need two 3-turn haste equipment is greatSadly 3 Pitou really eats the dirt against 5x4 debuff attacks and needs VDP equips / have no innate poison blessing. I wish I could get three of Gokrex's equipment somehow to slap on my Pitous
>>1461837Oh, and FUA equipment tooIt's been like 5-6 years and there's still jackshit for good options outside of limited egg machines for some reason, even though we're entering 2SB / 10c + enhanced combo equipment era
>>1461837He's farmable. Technically.
>>1461143I don't have Pitou so I'm talking out my ass, but El Diablo might be a decent cleric for the team. You may also get some use out of Strawberry with the caveat that she needs a dark assist equip. I suppose Kahlua Milk might be useful as a stat stick + absorption solution as well but I feel like Pitou has to have better options for that. All 3 are 6*s so not particularly rare, but there are 23 or so units in the pool and at 10 stones a pop don't be too surprised if you don't get them.Probably still worth rolling a little just because there's several units in here that will mostly likely prove useful for a while into the future, and most of them are in the lower rarity tier. Daiginjou and Strawberry in particular will have decent staying power IMO.
>>1461843I've just found this today and made 1, seems pretty good.
>>1463285pretty good solution, yes
>PAD chesterip cc is deadThere goes another resource...
>>1464737Why does this keep happening? It's insane.
>>1464780Someone had a theory that it was because full art was being used and not just icons like some of the JP only databases.
What did she mean by this?
>>1467432heal hortler
>>1467432Matching this should make you immune to all damage for one turn.
>finally hit rank 1100>4-dra, Madoo, Cotton, Dantalion, and Hera LunaWell that was worth two straight weeks of grinding.
>>1470608At least you have the mid-may reset as well to look forward to.
after 3200+ days, i finally rolled a typhon
>>1473393Congrats, I hope you enjoy exchanging it for a collab unit in the future.
>>1473393Awesome. He'll enjoy being on the bench forever.
Carnage title getOne shotted a lot of floors outside of the awoken skill bind knight floor, shivadra spawn and the last 3-4 bossesThis team one-shots Ilm with pitou and one meruem activated, and knocked dark hexazeon to 30%~ hp on first turnOverall, this title challenge was really fun to go into blindly and took 3-4 attempts to clear
Damn, coming back to the game feels impossible. I have no idea what's going on anymore, or who are these new (non-collab) characters. I remember the days when Durga was considered good. I also played a bunch more during the DMC5 collab, though by then I was already completely lost. What is currently the best resource to get my bearings on the US version of the game in terms of mechanics and meta? I also have a JP account, but I'm even more lost there.
>>1484523>What is currently the best resource to get my bearings on the US version of the gameI honestly have no idea. The last English site I was using (pad.chesterip.cc) got taken down not too long ago so now I'm stranded too.
>gained a third attribute>stat buff>damage cap AS changed from 6 > 6.5 billion>heart pixel awakening>LS attack multiplier increased, and now has 5x HP and RCV instead of just HPShana must be somebody's waifu.
>>1489921christ. all that AND she's super ez to get multiples of.
>>1489921Even before this buff I tried running her with the baseball sonia on a 7x6 team. Very chill to play. Feels like a comfy style team from 8 years ago only stronger.
>>1334851>padg still aliveHow the FUCKHow is this game still online? So many things that changed in the gatcha mobile game scene, but pad didn't update or care about them. Like pity rolls, synchro level up and other qol stuff that are staple for gatcha
>>1490073>How is this game still online?Superior puzzling mechanics, anon.
>>1490073No need for syncho leveling, the ease of leveling up and maxing out a unit has never been better. The grind has not been a part of PAD for years (other than a few very optional grindable units).There are enough free rolls in a month to keep free players active (along with monster exchange) and then for the whales there is often flavor of the month powerhouse unit in the cash shop they can just buy for $20 or $30 if they dont want to roll.
>>1489921The only thing shana teams lack is a good VDP
>>1490107Looks better than the fng dengeki collab shana team chef.This team can also do the no assist clause too, after shuffling some SAs around
>>1490125The only sad part is that sonia there also turns into a god tier equip. I wish i had 2 of her.
Cool. You can watch an ad to revive yourself twice a day. You can also watch an ad to double your gained rank XP twice a day.
>>1491499Ads also let you buy 2 free box slots per day rather than waste stones
1 free shiva dragon if you jump through 5 hoops. Buried in the achievements button I never check. Better than spending MP and farming evo mats.
>12 years later, game still livesWhen is this trash dying? I'm so sick of running into faggots and their "clear" "GET" "kawaii" "9999連" pull posts when searching for artwork in twitter. It's baffling how many people are there repeating the same behaviour over the years, like holy fuck.
>>1494807>behaviourYour useless EU server died, what're you complaining about?
New Ultra Penis cards gave shana a new Att Dmg absorb with a triple DD ping, totaling the team up to 16 pings.
I hate that MD4 is impossible unless you're running a team with major leader shields.
>Ex quest this monthfml
Soaring July Challenge is rough if you don't have the firepower. I could only barely get past #4 with an 80%+75% shield, extra looping shield, and a bunch of team HPs.
gundam reskin most likely confirmed
>Gundam never everFuck, reskin doesn't count, I want Gundam Gundam, not a shitty reskin.
Is there a place where I can see the animations online? Or is everything nuked.
>>1504929I stoned the black knight and the boss floor for #4It feels like gungho really hates looping shields nowadays and wants people to run the bigger damage reduction shields like susanoo skills where it’s 75% reduction over 3 turns
>>1505806I want the kino reskin, cry about it /m/aggot
>>1505806>>1506137Idc either way I'm a meta fag and just want the fucking equips. Exia also seems interesting
>>1506222I NEED that one low rarity button equip
What’s everyone’s thoughts on Danet? The 3 turn cleric, looks like she has some utility and firepower to boot.
The inheritable supergravity mitigation awoken skills on many of the equips from this collab make it worth rolling at least a few times in my opinion.
Not getting Gundam is giving me depression, like it's just reminding me on how they ruined Marvel also and how we never got One Piece. I should of swapped to Japan when I had the chance but now I'm too deep to leave my NA account.
Why didn't they make Justice a cute anime girl when they did it with godam?
>get killed in the supergravity lv 5 dungeon for the 15th time today>use free stamina refresh>game shows me an ad for a therapy website
>>1511427I'm not going hard on it yet but the rewards are too good to ignore. I'll have to take it seriously eventually.
>>1505806>Chrono MagiaDidn't that shit shut down a long time tho?
And.... The new CG collab invalidated AJ
>>1516682Unicorn and god gundam are both still top teams in jp. Both gundam and slime collabs are amazing.
>>1517791CG doesn't look like it's been added to the list yet. Karen is a better God Gundam, and if not a really desirable side grade.>Active Skill: For 1 turn, change board size to 6x5; For 1 turn, 2x ATK for self and Helper; For 1 turn, change self and Helper dmg cap value to 7,000,000,000; Unlock all orbs; Create 4 fire orbs (1 max CD)>Leader Skill: 50x ATK, reduce dmg taken by 80%, +3 combo and deals 10,000,000 fix dmg when fire and heart attack; 1.5x RCV for Fire att.I would say the 6x5 is kind of like a movement time clear, since realistically you only need 6.5 seconds to solve a board unless there's spinners.
really hoping slime isekai comes out next month so I can get more stones first
If I have 3 Toukas and I want to use the sync awakening, do I have to farm 3 of the cards required?
>>1520452Nope, just need the coins required for the 3 iirc
>manage to get Milim and 2x RimiruI have no stones now but this should get me far.
>>1517791Just checked Game8 Karen is up with GODam.>>1525161I was planning to roll but I feel like we're overdued for dengeki and I really want Lina.
>>1525161Good shit, definitely have to trade for the badge now.
>running double rimiru team to test>one sub got 4 trillion damage multiplierSo this is why people are running him. He can easily cap out on 0.1% supergravity.
>throw a thousand gems trying to get 2x Rimuru and Milim>only a single Rimuru, multiples of everything elseDamn what the fuck
>>1529943Oof. You'll still have good options because all the cards are power crept, but it sucks to not get what you're going for. Situations like this are why I also have an alt account that I save stones on for when my main needs something specific to pair with but rolling too much on the main would bring much less value.
>august c9 mission>the shitty light metatron healer farmable team that people coped with>beelzebub dungeonSOVL
>>1530257I think I'm just paying for the luck I had when rolling for Shana, I think I got everything I needed in less than 200 gems back then.
post your stockpile
>>1530784Doesn't really tell the whole story. There's a lot of coins, exp, and mp in exchangeable form.
>>1531723Don't shame newfags
>3 Milim>1 Rimuru>Shitton of 6*>But no ShionDesire sensor hit me hard.
>>1534466I rolled ~50 times and didn't get a single Gobta. I mean it's not like I "need" him, but I thought for sure I would have gotten like 4 of him.
>>1534575I did 40 or so on Demon Slayer and didn't get a single Kotetsu, low rarity chases are just as impossible as high rarity ones.
Welp Shana got her buff but I don't have the card to unlock her conditional awoken 10c.
>>1536758no one does. accelerator's the only one that can sync at the moment.
>finally able to use Shana and the GODum5x rcv on 5x hp is better than before, but still shit.
>>1536860okay the rcv badge makes it bearable, but dunno how much of it is of my alt choice cards
If we have to choose, is trading for the Slime badge priority over the Milim+Rimuru equip?
>>1537413I personally went for the badge because I rolled a lot and can build teams with a lot of Slime cards. That equip is good, especially if you didn't get a Gyokko from Demon Slayer. I would say get the equip if you can't a create a coherent team with 4 or more Slime cards. The additional recovery and attack from the badge is usually less valuable than flat HP for all. Overall I think you'll end up getting more use out of the equip than from the badge.
Oh, wow, I didn't expect to see a thread on this game here. I hope you're all doing well.
>>1537542Been around for a while. Slow board so not much risk of being pushed off. If you still play feel free to drop by whenever.
>>1525367It can get stupid.
>>1538143Unfortunately it's only just okay. 2 ddc pings are the low end, the end game we want 3 ddc pings as standard, with an active that boosts the cap as great
was thinking about trying thisanyone I should reroll for?
>>1538333If I were starting a new account right now I would be rolling for Milim Nava as a leader, and a Benimaru as a sub. Paired with another Milim Nava as a helper it's an extremely strong team. But your window to get them is closing soon.
dengeki tonight?
>>1538648yes, 8/12, 18:00 (UTC-8) as usual
>>1538649I miss midnight releases
Forgot how cheap dengeki was
Cool. I was able to get who I wanted with 5 pulls, and I exchanged some dupes for 2 more I wanted. Certainly better luck than I had with Tensura collab.
decent newb guide from l*ddit
>>1545098Not at all intimidating for new players.
Is it worth pulling for any of the bridal units?
>>1547487lolno get the free ones and save for code geass
>>1547487>38x>45xThe last few collabs had 50x leads with orb generationNone of these cards are utility, nor are they the right color But Haku is cute so yes
>Izanami and Sopdet usable for tradesCorrect me if I'm wrong but weren't they farmable REM drops?
>>1547515It's been so long I don't remember. They were silver eggs though. But if they were ever farmable I somehow didn't get 5 of each which is how many of every farmable card from events I gather, so I'm fairly confident that if they were farmable they weren't easily farmed.
>Switches all allies dmg cap at soft enrageWhat a pain in the dick
>>1549133Never wanna run this godforsaken fight again
why the hell is this game still around? I remember playing it like 10 years ago
>>1550632High skill ceiling is why I'm still around.
I've taken a break for a couple of months. Should I trade for Bride Haku or Brides Natsuru & Miria?I don't have any good leads, and I didn't care enough to pull for the Slime event.
>>1551770dengeki is better
>v21.7>thought UI was finally revamped>just the dungeon tabgod damn, update the UI
>>1551770Haku is cute, but she's kind of clunky to use. Natsuru is good but you need two and she has to pair with one of the Slime shitters.IMO wait it out and see if we get Code Goose.Also this C15 was absolute cancer, holy shit. I hope next months isn't this terrible or I'm just going to be down 15 stones every month.
>>1555287Lina that good?I got a system cause I like mahouka but haven't thought about team stuff yet
>>1555318She's pretty good. She does a lot more damage than Tokito and doesn't have to worry about high def green mobs since she's light, but her leaderskill is a bit less flexible in terms of the orb economy and not having a NY Wadatsumi equivalent to deal with both spinners and absorbs is a bummer. I basically just had to stall out all the annoying spinner spawns in C15, thankfully she's quite tanky so you can do that, especially if you have Kohaku as a fallback.You can sorta throw whatever in for her team building since she doesn't really care about color (Shizuo does if you pair with him though I guess) just make sure that your assist void clear is red if you can help it. It's hard to get a 6 match of light for your LS and 5 more to L with unless there's a spinner up somewhere.
>>1555581for a non challenge dungeon I went with shizu and lina instead, I find that the added combo on shizu is so much more useful in cases with spinnersand with all 3 linas in the back line you can use an attribute abs on them to remove one more aspect leaving on dmg abs to worry about
>>1555287I don't even bother with the C15s most of the time. If it's going to take me 10 hours of effort to bash my head against the wall then it's not worth the trouble. I could just work my real job for an extra hour and buy stones.
>>1556048absolutely embarrassing to read
>>1556100There's nothing embarrassing about what I said. If you're struggling to earn 15 stones for an entire month because you're sweating how stones are so difficult to acquire, your time is meaningless to you.
>>1556048I only find C15 annoying due to the random spawn of the super dragon exp thing.Maybe my first attempt I breeze all the way to the last boss, only to fail.NBD, try again.Turns out the floor the exp dragon spawned has a random mechanic I was not prepared for
>>1556048I'll give them a few tries, but I'm not usually willing to sit and slam my head into it over and over if it's that frustrating. Sometimes I'll just quit for the day and give it another try later if I know for sure I'm playing particularly bad that day and can probably beat it otherwise though.Honestly I'm not sure what possessed me to keep going on the August C15 though because that was one of the most unfun dungeons I've ever seen.>>1555755Yeah I like using Shizuo/Angelina just for the extra combos since getting cucked by a super high combo shield sucks, but if you end up having to stall out an awoken skill bind it gets pretty rough trying to heal enough, especially if there's other shit like barbs, -orbs or poison floating around.
already finished c15 this month. use gobta+another cleric.
>400+ stones on manko>0 Ultraman 806% is a bitchI hate mid tier chase cards
how do you even know then a character is good in this game
>>1559436experience and/or looking up guides. here's two channels that can help you but your mileage may vary if you don't understand what they're saying.https://www.youtube.com/@guamuchill/videoshttps://www.youtube.com/@RAmen7c/videos
>>1558290why're you chasing 80 specifically for?(https://sanbon.me/na/monster/11354)
>>1559449It's a short dmg and abs with 3 ddc pings for Godum and Shana.I got one in the end from the free pull
Soapland Sopdet?
Code Geass confirmed
Monhun is still the biggest stat sticks.And with the stupid annihilations the stat checks are real again
>>1564829JIBUN WO
I know this thread is old, but I want to ask if there is a gallery of the art for this game. I remember playing this game back in high school around 8 years ago and falling in love with Verdandi. Asking because I want to know if they made more art of her and if she has any alts. And also commission some art of her in the future
>>1571585I believe the only alt they made of Verdandi is the Halloween version.https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/I6Y4umfkzupLrF7ePYdvWhzhzkdRqNvAZlNYYOGGs0eVIgdWzBBUWe_-qTKfcPI2w3vkeEMD7dH2M3JY9Br5FG37RKkxtAKwdcayI4UKYzmDhttps://lh3.googleusercontent.com/jl7dIjDGQAXfZdJ5-P1OpHZDhJwvHTaX2ZMPYhhEFtsj_0nsxr2JDDxku-0f5fdDMcgMz4FscC-ZEo03XEloHUZI7Vx5f7N0kAZqNieUz-rgMAYBE in the future, they'll make a GFE where all the sisters are together.
Friendly reminder to do the ad machine during the collab to get chances for code geass REM pulls.
75 pulls for Gino..
>>1573745That's rough. I don't like rainbow teams but he hits hard as hell.
>400 stones>no Gino>no Lelouch>no Kallen>no SuzakuI'm not gonna make it.
>>1573745>>1573891How much did you two spend on stones?
>>1573895$0.Saved since fake-Gundam + the 85 stone dungeons.
jjk rerun finally fucking announced
finally a real collab
>>1573895I didn't buy any stones, but had 30 left over from buying the Mikoto bundle after I crashed and burned on getting a third copy of her from that. Just saved up since Dengeki.I don't spend money on gacha currency, if I wanted to spend money on gambling I'd go to a casino.
Any idea what to do with a 2nd copy of Suzaku? I skipped Ultraman, but I've got the Angie Shields system from Dengeki.Is it just as simple as making it into an equip for the SBs and Haste?
meimei is very hage
2 Gino on main, one on altWe eating good, lads
>>1582392>finally roll one>look up teams to see what assist to put on him>the best one by far is his own assist evo
>>1582514I'm beginning to suspect they're doing it on purpose to convince people to spend money on the game.
I don't play anymore but I got my original padfu on my free roll, Isis
>>1582577I know why they're doing it, I'm just sick of getting the short end of the RNG stick.
Thorn orbs can go fuck off
Should I do it? I already have the Chinese guy that can break shields, but this one seems pretty nice.
>>1584229go for it
How does one find freinds? Im coming back after multiple years my friends list is pretty much gone. And my leader ronia isnt popular. iprobably hasnt been in years. Just wanna fuck around a bit. I know there used to be websites where you put your lead and it would link people using em but im lost now.
>>1585364>I know there used to be websites where you put your lead and it would link people using em but im lost now.I don't think anybody does that anymore. Just open up a random dungeon but don't go in. Sort the potential helpers by Added and scroll down, or Added & reversed. You should see like 10 people not on your friend list. If none of them interest you then quit to title and try again. You'll fill up your friend list very quickly no matter what lead you're using. As long as you're active it's unlikely they'll care what you're using.
>>1585434Its not that they care its that their lead is compatible or close enough to my lead to work
>>1585517Leader diversity is higher than it's ever been. I'm sure there are a lot of people using something that would pair well with what you're using. The only thing you might be lacking is a team with enough skill boosts because a ton of leads need to transform early to be useful.
>>1585364Roll in Code Geass until you get Gino and then make a rainbow team using him. You should EASILY get Gino friends even with a half-assed, unsync'd, non-VDP latent'd Gino as your lead. You don't have long to get him so reroll your account if you have to; that SSS tier was MADE for because Gino is so fucking good.
>>1585594>only logged in to get rewards this whole time>got him on my first free roll>look up his best subs and they're all Code Geass unitsWell fuck,hopefully I have some good machines to cope.
Some old ass trash cards that I haven't even thought about in years got buffs. What the hell did Dragon Shogun eat to get 6x 10C awakenings?
i got beach isis from the 1 dollar pack and the login stamp. what do i do with two beach isis?
>>1590667She's a good cleric, but in my opinion there are better options that hit harder or have faster cooldowns. She wouldn't have a place on any of the teams I typically run so I would end up making both equips. Your box and preferred teams will be different.
>0.2% in ranking because I don't have a fourth GojoI will never get a King title fucking hell.
>big overhaul update>still have to manually re-enable data installation
>manually collecting a bunch of achievement rewardsWould be nice if I could just collect them all.
>>1598469I'm guessing it's because it's dependent on phone's storage space you can't just auto-accept it. At least it's easy to tell and do once you go into a dungeon.>>1598474Yeah, seriously. It took like 5 minutes each to click on all them across my 2 accounts. It's weird they can't just do a "receive all" option when mail and the new event quests have it.
I like the new event quest system. Now I don't need to dig through a facebook post to find out what conditional leaders I need to use for certain rewards.
>>1599216>facebookyou could just use the PAD websitehttps://www.puzzleanddragons.us/news
>>1599221It also lets me just click a button and automatically take me to the dungeon. It's very brainless. All I need to do is make a somewhat functional team which is no sweat.
holy shit more UI updates, it's like the game isn't from the 2000s any more, and looks more like it's from the 2010s
stupid non-100% invades and part breaking.Just because all meta teams are box, rows, TPAs they need to add this gimmick to make other teams shines
retard here who needs to be spoonfed until he can figure out where all the teambuilding resources are now, last time i played was when aggregate dragon dropped. should i be rolling in halloween or MH?
>>1604202Roll Halloween until you can get Paimon since his equip is a staple. Then roll only Monster Hunter unless you want to save up for Sanrio or JJK.
>>1334851Any other anime puzzle games besides this one and Crash Fever?
i'm surprised they let me exchange 5 glavenus/rathalos for amatsu. amatsu has been evading me since the very beginning
Remember to do the ranking dungeon even if you're bad at it, I'm 0.3 percentage points away from losing my crown and I need more low-ranked players to prop me up.
>>1614855You might be overestimating the amount of people that come to this thread.
>>1614855say this on reddit if you want scrubs to prop you up; I'm a higher percentile than you on both my accounts, bud.
>waited too late to do the MH farming>didn't get the new exchange stuff from breaking partsWelp, maybe next time.
>>1614921>>1615025nvm fixed it
still logging in all these years even if I don't do much. I still come on to see Bastet and Haku and collect daily rewards. I got overwhelmed a few years back trying to keep up with meta and decided I just wanna collect monsters.
>>1619157>I got overwhelmed a few years back trying to keep up with metaJust keep it light and follow this guide >>1545098 from leddit to catch up. It's only a few months out of date but it's still solid.
>>1619182I think I got stuck around the mechanic of "this monster is immune to damage if you do too much damage" I'd always end up getting a skyfall that'd push my damage over... and that annoyed me in a game about doing big numbers. iirc there was was a latent tamadra that could ignore this effect but it was a pain to meet the conditions and that's where I kinds stopped perusing content
>>1619195Go to Story Dungeons and do "Master Fagan's Training." You should be able to practice how to get past damage voids there. Also, if you're playing the game like it's Bejeweled, you should stop doing that.
Welp, Gouten Bad Badtz-Maru is my new favorite brainless leader. With the right subs and some dark equips the team does 96 billion dark damage per turn in supergravity. The best part is obviously that I don't need to pay attention.
Is the red bitch a rare spawn? I have not gotten her in 100+ runs
>>1621543just complain and the next run is red
>>1621543>Is the red bitch a rare spawn?yeah>I have not gotten her in 100+ runskeep tryin :)
>>1621537My issue with super gravity isn't the damage, it's the preemptive that fucking sucks I've manage to get by with using the no assist badge to boost stats by 50% for monthlies but it's not good enough for the challenges
>>1623921The total damage is just a convenience for some tanky dungeon bosses that take up too much time. I've been using this team to shred UN1 to replenish my evaporating double damage cap latent supply.
>still no Nier Autamata collab>still no Mushoku Tensei collabWhat the FUCK, Gungho???
What is this board even for? Why is there a pad thread from last year?You'd think theyd move the gacha generals here, but I guess this neo padg would get buried instantlyI was in /padg/ back in the OSOBOS meta like 10 years ago, weird to see people are still playing
>my royal oak & nautilus leaders got another buffFreed up an entire team slot which makes building for it a lot easier.
Holy fug I didn't realize we still had a pad thread somewhere on 4chang.I recently picked the game back up after a 4 or 5 year haitus but missed Omegamon so I guess my account is bricked. The 4 Erza and 4 evil Arthur systems that I did roll seem decent at least. Pretty funny seeing nearly every single team even with non-meta leaders easily hit the standard damage cap nowadays.Any /padg/ JPfags still around?
what card has the biggest tits
>>1633930>Omegamon so I guess my account is brickedNot too late for NA to get it lel
>>1633953Without a shred of doubt.
>digimon before jjkfeels weird man
Anyone know the details of the recent update that says "When a monster is Assisting another monster of the same evolutionary tree, players can now choose to use either Skill 1 or Skill 2"? I don't watch lame videos or use facebook so if they covered in any of those that's why I don't know.
>>1635406It's basically what it sounds like. There's a new option next to the "Skills" setting to turn it on/off.https://www.puzzleanddragons.us/single-post/ver-21-8-update-241217
>alt naturally rolled a complete Omnimon team, no trade required>main got 3 Joes and 0 Omnimons
>>1643373Does this happen when you have the skill confirmation option turned off?
>>1643393Yes how else would you be able to change skills? You need to do >>1635479 to enable the old style
>>1643373To add this also works if the cards are different colors but the same tree (namely holiday alt colors) it does produce a hilarious card border.
rip if you need a fully skilled up zilchrome for a sync awakening
>>1650424Fortunately pys aren't as hard to come across as they used to be.
>heroine free roll was the trans wolf"girl"probably the only thing useful in this kuso 10 stone gacha since her skill is unique and might work as a sub. even the assists seem not worth rolling for. what were they thinking?
>>1652881how is it a tranny?
>>1653308>heavily leaning into a gothic lolita and makeup motif>black lace neck choker to hide adams apple>tranny color palette used for eyes>big feetCute boy.
>>1653344I am NOT convinced.
Not much going on recently I guess.
>>1663632Would've been nice to get JJK but oh well.
The monster strike chads are laughing at us again
>no JJK>likely no Weekly Shonen>very likely no Disney>possibly likely no GA Bunkobut at least we get to look forward to another Gungho collab haha
>Haven't played the game in like 8 yearsDamn there's a lot of new junk. I've just tried upgrading my team I used back then but I need a Gawain/Mowa/Eris gems for Pandora/Athena/Pershephone and I don't see where I can get them.Are they just dungeons I have to wait for them to get cycled back in?
>>1666995You can trade for them. Figure out how to do that, post your ID, and I'll add you to throw you the gems. Just know, you missed the Digimon collab by a few weeks that has the strongest units the game right now.
>>1667091oh fug, yea that'd be great, even just a Gawain would be nice so I could upgrade my Pandora leader skill, danke. 337,666,296I noticed the Digimon powercreep friend-leads when I was playing today, pretty cool to see them but not too worried about it.
>>1667370Did you not have any pad radar dragons or did you not need the Mowa anymore?
>>1667929Snagged em all, thanks again. I guess now I just start saving for the next OPed collab or Godfest if that's still even a thing.
What the fuck? I got a warning in my mailbox for "prohibitive activities" like I did something wrong. Naturally they gave no details. How am I supposed to know what I'm not supposed to do if I've just been playing the game normally?
>>1669235You probably have to e-mail them. Could've been a false positive.
>>1669283My account is still working it's just bizarre. All I do is do the new collabs/quests and run UN1 a few times a day. If I'm "exploiting" I don't know how.
Meanwhile, on PAD Battle (formerly known as PAD Gaydar)...
>>1668215follow this slightly outdated guide btw>>1545098
>>1669411Someone threw up all over Bastet and her dogs.
>>1669478>dogswat? those are clearly egyptian lemurs.
Got another message. Gungho thought I cheated in a ranking dungeon and invalidated my score. The ranking dungeon that I only ran once and did worse than 80% of everyone else. Unreal.
>coin dungeons are backThat's neat I guess. How long until they start handing out sync tamas as rewards?
>>1675234I think it was like 4 weeks after the coin dungeons returned for sync tamas to be rewarded