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Cute girls, cute outfits and cute floorhands
What else do you even need for a game?
Needs to be alive for one
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This is the year Jun will finally get added!
I just know it!!!
Needs Kaos
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Cute yuyus
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here we go again
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Will she save /きらら/ again?
Isn't her game EOSing soon?
>What else do you even need for a game?
(You) pandering
There's a new one coming out
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why are we still here
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so when is the next kirara anime?
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Cutest autist
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Based cocoa
>all bandshit gets a gacha except for bocchi, the most famous one
how is this even allowed
Might have been cancelled mid development like the 2018-2020 K-on! one did
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Her floorhands will get dirty without them
I took them away
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I wish I was at Kirara-ten
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These are the Kirara manga you need to be reading right now.
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Nonokaze Nonoba
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