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flipper friends...
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Any day now...
I hope we get some news
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Shirano really deserved a lot more art than she got considering that summer outfit.

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Gunpla going mainstream was a mistake

What do you think of this year's CYL winners? Who did you vote for?
Which units do you want to see in A Hero Rises? Which units do you expect (if it isn't just oops all Emblems)?
All of this and more was revealed in the last FEH Channel: https://youtu.be/kkeTg52kLh0
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I am 200% sure she is going to get skipped like Hector/Surtr/Ophelia, despite what people say
No shot, she's an Edelgard
That's great, surely I'll finally have my first proper legendary that can actually pull their weight in arena
I will absolutely go ballistic she gets a refine
When's the earliest we can see Hegemon Edelgard?

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One more month and a special event before EoS. I stopped playing a long time ago but this got me interested to play again. Anyone else thinking of pre-ordering?
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>Has anyone managed to get a king catfish?
I have one in my inventory, so I did catch one at some point. But my memory is shit, so who knows when that was.
It would be nice if there were more ways to track your overall progress, for little things like that.
Didn't realize this game had EoS'd. Buying the game because that's almost nothing just to have my save file backed up to my phone out of nostalgia's sakes.
Just caught another
The mega man turboautists managed to inject two collabs back into X DiVE so as long as someone uploads the version of the game pre-EoS then there's a possibility.
Thanks for letting me know, I'll keep at it. Still haven't had any luck. Out of curiosity, were you using a net or actually fishing?

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i’m playing trials of mana+ for over 45 hours on file now since it came out on apple arcade. it’s a fun game available on ios/ipados/android but 1:1 console ports like resident evil, death stranding, and assassin’s creed aren’t on android despite the hardware being powerful enough to run it at 1440p60fps. for example, i want the s25 ultra has caught my interest but a lot of games(games paid upfront with no in app purchases) aren’t ported to android. my current device is the iphone 12 pro max 512gb and i need an upgrade
Android ports don't sell so well because Android users are very averse to buying anything. Devs would have to make them free-to-play, and have them play ads, which probably wouldn't be worth it either.
That's not really true, yes, android users spend less, but it's not massively less, just around 15~20% less revenue globally.
The problem is that apple is probably paying or at least helping them port the games, and have in mind that you develop for mac and you've got the game for ios already, just need to add touch controls.
The problem android has is that it doesn't have metal and more specifically the metalfx thing to upscale the games so they don't look like garbage, that's most probably what's stopping them from porting the games.
Oh, they're spending, all right, but on mtx and gacha mostly. However, the concept of 'buying a game' is entirely alien and gross to most users who have a strong preference for f2p.
>Most of the android market is 200€ phones at best
>Somehow it's alien to people the fact that those users don't have 40€ to purchase a game they can't even play to begin with
Why are you like this?

I wanna buy the Switch Lite but I heard the Switch 2 is coming out in a few months. Is the savings worth it for the Switch Lite
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You need to buy a v1 unpatched switch and install atmosphere on it to get some free switch ROMs.
Would also buy a switch 2 the day it is released and keep it in the back of your closet.
Only a pirate is truly free.
Switch Lite if you're wanting a purely handheld console, Switch 2 if you want better hardware. If you're still undecided, wait for more info about Switch 2 since you've waited this long already.
The switch 2 will be compatible with the switch 1, there's literally no reason whatsoever to not get that a couple months after release over the lite or whatever other switch model.

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I'll just leave this here.
Mech Arena https://link.plrm.zone/sdlgo/ja9pj

I don't know what else to do with it.
Basically, if someone uses my referral code I get ice weapons.
I've been saying the same shit about her the whole time yet everyone always lusts for the retarded shadowheart.
ew idle mobile slop
no thanks
You're not alone, bro, I've been saying the same shit too.
She's literally the only character I liked in the whole game as far as I got during my longest playthrough.

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>Epic is now giving out free mobile games every week
Will you please install Tim's store?
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are any of them any good so far?
It took them 3 years to add a shopping cart onto their PC client, I assume making a functioning mobile client is causing aneurisms.
Only reason I don't get the free Epic games on desktop is because I run Linux on my computers.
Already installed Bloons TD 6 and some dungeon game for free
Do they have payment methods that work by now?
I know I know, living in a place where credit cards aren't common, but I simply don't need that here. I haven't used my paypal since I imported shit from Canada ages ago either and it's dead for a long while, because again.. it's just not needed.

Outside of really weird special exceptions like fucking EPIC, but then I can also just be honest: Steam exists, as does gog. Only Epic's payment methods are limited as fuck for how big it is.
>It took them 3 years to add a shopping cart onto their PC client
It's fucking mindboggling they were banning people for fraud because they bought too much games at once because the store didn't have a shopping cart.

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>Netflix Logo
>"Mike Tyler was a normal american teacher... Until he got transfered to a new wackier school."
>Adam Sandler walks through a large corridor.
>"Ugh... What is this place?"
>(Overweight black woman with a cyan wig) "Hello. I am Arona."
>The college of "Kivotos"! A place with age-appropriate 25-40 year olds!
>Adam Sandler: "This place is crazy!!"
>Will Mike Tyler be able to handle this new area?!
>(Arisu, played by a trans-woman for inclusivity): "Wow, you got a keen sense, teacher!"
>Adam Sandler: "I got a great sense... ay?"
>Or will he collaps over this crazy new place!
>*Black Suit twerking* Adam Sandler: "Awwwwkwaaaaaard..."
>This summer...
>Adam Sandler: "Don't worry! I got this job in the bag! WOAAAAH!" (falls down stairs)

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That looks like a pinker gayer sukuna
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i hope your next thousand recruitments are chise.

New thread just in time for the 1st anniversary! Let's pray this game survives another year filled with great units and improvements!

Old thread >>1347722
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him or Kaiser
I don't fucking understand their character choices. Kaiser? He's a real money maker isn't he? Why do we still not have CHADros yet?
>game doesn't keep track of which units you have pulled so that it can give you the unit you haven't pulled yet when you go for the 200th guaranteed pull

I hate this game so much. Talking about the "Choose your own character" banners that FORCE you to pick 2 characters and then doesn't give you one of the 2 after 200 pulls
Did they have to put cum in her mouth?
It's supposed to be froth, like how wild animals froth at the mouth when angry or something

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>Tales Crossovers :O
>Tales Gacha >:(
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What else are you going to do with an aging series full of unique characters?

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I need your help, are there any interesting gacha games that have EOS'd and have been rebuilt as premium games? Besides that Megaman and Final Fantasy game... Recently I've been checking the games on this site: http://offline-application.sblo.jp/ but most are just memory viewers, the few that actually seem promising (like Himegami Kagura) are only available in japanese.
Thank you
The only ones I personally knew of:
>mega man xdive
>metal slug attack (battle cats clone, premium relaunch isnt available on mobile though lol)
>dragonspear EX (wasn't exactly a gacha though it was a f2p mobile mmoish type game)

but looking through the site you linked:
if you click the "有料アプリ" category you can see eos'd games remade into paid apps.
only a few got got mobile rereleases though:
>Animal Crossing Pocket Camp C
>Megaman XDive
>Dragonspear EX
>Dragon Quest X Offline (jp only)
>Final Fantasy Legends 2 (jp only, I guess this is the FF game you referred to)
>EGGLIA Legend of the Redcap (apparently there's an EN translation but it only covers the first chapter, lol. chapters 2 & 3 are jp-only)

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FF Legends 2 was rebranded as FF Dimensions 2 for it's offline Western release. Egglia was rereleased as Egglia Rebirth on the Nintendo Switch and that version gave the other 2 chapters an English translation. The game Dandy Dungeon also got an offline Switch port.
Thanks for the heads up. I've actually managed to find and install the last version of himegami kagura, from what I understood the game is exactly identical to when it was a gacha only that now to do the classic gacha pull you can just use the base currency (and it's also quite cheap). They even introduced a banner rotation I think (it last quite a lot though). I guess the only issues are that the game is japanese only.and that it has been even pulled from the jap store a few days ago, so the only way to play it is by downloading it from an apk site.

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Don Quixote just dropped. Still not half bad, only two pages of text for her skills
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If you're trying to get a bleed team rolling, try to get Hook Hong Lu. He's a 000 ID in disguise, used to be a mainstay in bleed teams and even now he's a solid contender for one of the remaining two slots.
Only available during the Walpurgisnacht event, so if you miss him now he'll be available again in 3-4 months. Knowing the director's autism he'll likely aim for the actual IRL date again, just like last year https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walpurgis_Night
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>Hook Hong Lu
>Only available during the Walpurgisnacht
Well, I blew all my pulls and only manage to get Full Stop Heath (at least, as far as anything worthwhile goes).
That aside, I'm finally into Canto V, so now I get to find out why so many people meme on that trio fight with Ahab.
These Full Stop IDs are on fucking crack.
R Corp Heathcliff fucking FORGOTTEN for real.
Full Stop Heath runs out of bullets quick as hell if you don't get rid of his S1's in MD though.
>update in 3 days
I'm feeling it
Not feeling these IDs though
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Hello everyone, advise me what to do, should I fight or accept it as is?
I play BrawlStars and recently, just before the New Year, my fun in this game was ruined. Game support renamed my nickname without explaining the reason, I was very upset and wrote to them to return my old nickname or change it to another one if the old one cannot be returned. But they ignored me.
I did not give up and wrote a post on Reddit that they renamed my nickname that did not violate the rules. And even 2 random users wrote there, one expressed regret and the second said that it was possible because of the smiley. But after half an hour, the moderators blocked my post.
I did not despair and wrote there again, wrote that this was already the 3rd attempt, asked to support me or explain the reason. In the end, my post was initially hidden and then the hired moderator allowed it and wrote from different accounts that my post was blocked because it was a rude word, that's how they see it. Although I wrote in the post that if you say such a word directly to a person, it will be rude, but if you call such a situation, it will be a friendly joke. He (they) did not answer anything and hid the post after half an hour. It turned out so idiotic, but I'm not an idiot - this is an extreme degree of feeblemindedness, I'm an imbecile - an average degree of mental impairment! I'm a WEIRDO, and I want to be accepted as I am, there is nothing wrong with that! This is not an insult, I am a member of a bad randoms club and I play disgustingly, and no one is offended because of this. I don't understand why lgbtqia+ is supported by society but weirdos are not, it's so unfair =(

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Bring it to the top
Autism should be illegal.
reading this feels like im putting my brain in a blender
>Suddenly starts bringing up homosexuals
Anon... what do they even have to do with your name LMAO?

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Play this trivia game I made please for at least 5 minutes, it took me months.

Cute. But it would've been more fun if the game didn't reject multiple valid Nintendo submissions.

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