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Limbus will have its first major update today, as well as its first banner with new units.
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New Railway pv.
...is this the main Limbus thread?
>>1502754 (Me)
Nevermind, I found >>>483967175
Meurtent tomorrow.
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What. The. Fuck. Did I just watch this is amazing

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All women are ugly

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Slither.io Is one of the best .io games because it as no intrusive tactics. Most other .io games have unbelieveably bad UX.

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9th Anniversary Part 1.
LuckCHAD & SaveCHAD edition.
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I'm guessing he wants androids 21 on the team? she's not on int buu's leader skill
but then again if that's the case he can just use android 21 as lead
>tfw teq goku was considered "unaging" and had 6 million damage + crit
>completely unusable now, aged after like half a year
>int vegeta and trunks were seen as THE slot 1 and have the best leader skill in the entire game
>completely unusable now, took actually a good amount of time to age
The powercreep is so sad to see, 200% leader skills really flushed this games balance down the toilet
They should've killed pettan instead of chain battle
even int SS4 Goku, its pretty much the same case for him as with vegeta and trunks, not nearly as bad but still bad
I am just amazed at how quickly 1 million defense+guard was powercrept.

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Only real homies know the OG that started all. Clash of Cuck? What kind of homoerotic n1ggers would play something so cartoonishly tasteless?

Also juicing your champion in the mayan temple is definitely more efficient as it allows you to attack rapidly rather than letting it rest its NEET ass.
Forgot links:


Nice, I used to play this game all the time back in the day and I thought I'd never get a chance to play it again.
Kinda sucks that you can't attack anyone in the current version. I understand not having other players yet, but there should be a couple cpu outposts to fight. The game was designed with resources from attacks in mind so without those getting resources early on is way more tedious than it should be.
Leveling seems bugged and clicking the "next outpost" button crashes the game, but besides that I'm having a blast. Gorgo best champion btw
>error 404

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New clan PvP coming tomorrow. Hopefully it's not another whale fest, but knowing this game, it will be.
Serious question from a f2p casual player, why do any of you guys play? Raid seems like its a neat game underneath all the obviously predatory monetization, but I don't see how you can get much out of this game without either grinding for literal years or spending money, and what you get is usually just whale bait anyways. I picked it up since I travel a lot and it was neat to play while taking a shit, but if I were to add up all the hours I've stared at 12-3 brutal scroll by, it's more than I think I'm willing to continue spending. What's the point?
I can't speak for us all, but personally, I glean as much enjoyment as I can from PVP and constantly improving my account. It's a gacha game, there's always something to be done. End game PVP is a bit stale right now due to how the devs have designed the meta, but it's still fun to push Plat, do love arena, or wait until the last possible minute to swap out your 3vs3 before reset and push into the green/yellow. If PVP isn't your cup of tea, we'll there's a lot of PVE things to do, like pushing higher levels of content, improving your champ builds, and cutting your run times. Finally there's the collector mindset; unless you've spent literal hundreds of thousands of dollars, you aren't gonna have every champ in the game, so chasing the final pieces to the puzzle/getting your most wanted champ is a big dopamine rush.

Also I know you said you're just a casual player, but it seems you might have fallen for the early game trap of building a bunch of champs unnecessarily. Sooner rather than later, your aim should be pushing clan boss, not building new champs for other content. CB is the most important part of this game, hands down. Even if you're just a casual player, you're gonna want sacred shards, Lego books, gems, and brews to progress your account and do fusions. You gotta have a UNM CB team to do that.
> It's a gacha game, there's always something to be done
I'm not him but whoa, pal.. There isn't. Maybe in this game there is? but overall in the genre? There isn't. You can play this game 24/7 can you? Have you?
You understood my sentiment..
I don't play it 24/7 as you said, but it is my 'main game'. I'm in a pretty highly ranked pvp focused clan, every week I push for platinum arena (highest tier of pvp), and I'm ranked 5000th in the world in the live arena leader boards. And I do it all with a relatively low spend account ($150 over the course of 4 years). I'm nowhere near a top player, but I'm comparatively highly ranked; anyone who's highly ranked on any multi-player video game will always have fine tuning to make their account better. We're you surprised when I said "there's always something to be done"? That's how these games are designed; the devs want to keep you playing (aka spending), so they constantly add new events, tournaments, and other bullshit to keep you invested/fomoing, whether that's financially or emotionally. Maybe "there's always something to be done" isn't the right phrase; but there always is some fine tuning I can do/some champ that I can rebuild/some dungeon I want to cut down my run times. Obviously i don't spend literally my entire day doing that shit, overall I balance my free time pretty well I'd say.

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For not so long i've been into mlbb and I observe that the star rating protection card ruins the game too much, or rather its active users are like beggarly epics with games more than atoms and BP equal to the number of their chromosomes

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>new ranked mode
>emotes no longer p2w
Get in here

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Vesti's Banner is up. Nec's banner will still be around for 2 weeks. New "PVP" mode is up, just pick bots for assured wins. Halos are a thing, click on the Blue Arrow on the character sheet. You can pretty much "pity" Vesti's halo if you keep at it and there's a Halo selector after 100 fights (You get 5 fights a day, another 5 more for 50 Starstones each if you pay for it). Roadmap is sped up by 2 weeks since Mutation isn't supposed to be a thing yet. Auto food should be next (lol) and then Portrait of Thierry.

Jury's still out on Vesti's best set.
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>self healing dps
dare i say.. a must pull?
doubful, unless it's another powercreep scenario
"jack of all trades" units usually means worse dps than a dedicated unit
then you have no reason to run it when you can run a good healer and a good DPS instead
Already got an F3 Sarka so more time to save after autism pulling for DC. When is Rebecca coming out even lol.
Nah, you can make any DPS a self healing one with how easy it is to actually get lifesteal. As usual, it doesn't matter when wounds are a thing, unless she somehow clears that too.
>Simplifed Knights Missions
this will ruin my daily macro

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Rondo at Rainbow's End reruns next week!
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I fucking LOVE needy girls, so I am going to oath her when the double ring pack gets here
Do it, anon. Fulfil your destiny. I would do the same in your shoes.
uhh... she knows she's gonna have to share with 600 other shipgirls right
leave my gems alone, cat
I'd probably buy her skin and oath her as well if I an extra copy
>if I had

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Also known as PriconneR or simply Priconne.

Did you get Commander Makoto or Eriko, or both? Will you pull for Lind and Wurm when they come out? What's your opinion on Arc 3 so far? Are you ready for EX7?
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Final HP node let's goooooooooo
until the next update
I don't get it, didn't this game eos? How can people still play the game?
only the Crunchyroll server EoS'd
Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea and Thai servers are all still up and there's an english patch for the JP version.
Ah ok, thanks for explaining

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It ain't necessarily gameplay or story or even fan service which I still enjoy.
The reason why I love this kind of games is because it filters out dung like these fuckers.
But what I truly love is when the community helps with the gatekeeping best example Blue Archive, because if you don't you will end up with the average flag sucking Hoyofag
take your fucking meds, holy shit
these people who seethe over gacha games usually are tendienigglets who have no problem with tendie gacha like animal crossing pocket camp, fire emblem, pokemon masters, pokemon unite
they only seethe over hoyo gacha, or gacha in general, because they have been eternally mindbroken after genshin released
before genshin released, we never used to see such butthurt over loot boxes, microtransactions, gacha, etc on this site
also yes, gacha is infinitely better than regular games these days
i get to try a gacha for free before putting my money into it AND the gacha is updated regularly
with regular games, you just have to hope they don't abandon the game at release or after a year or two, like most tendieslops are
>we never used to see such butthurt over loot boxes, microtransactions,
Your Overwatch bro?
don't forget xenoblade 2, they love that shit, it's a literal gacha. remember it's okay when nintendo does it
it really was nothing like the butthurt they have for gacha
now they seethe inside every gacha thread on /v/ and even have their tendietrannyjanny prune threads for actual discussion while the rest of the board is filled with low quality coomer shit and ai slop shit
special rules for special manchildren
they are the niggers of gaming for a reason
they also seethe over other games that are liked by people such as elden ring, bg3 or palworld
they only want the board to be for dogshittendo™ slop

I know you don't care about this and that it's a waste of time to read it, but what type is your cell phone? Mine is a simple Samsung A10s.
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Actually worse, I checked it is the 10s woth the Helio P22, it has 41 gigaflops.
Bro you can't play anything with that, it is slower than the xbox 360 by a long shot and closer to the original xbox in terms of gpu power.

You are beyond cooked.
Already removed lol
How is a character with vertigo woke?????????
Anon do you have dyslexia?Copy paste vitiligo into google.
Don't listen to any of this fucks. If you don't have a lot of money, buy a 13 pro max for like 500 $. Even if you sell it two years from now it'll still be worth at least 300 $. While an android is just garbage after use.
aliexpress huge sales today or tomorrow starting
you can get like poco x6 pro for 200 something $

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Is such a feat even possible?
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what do you mean? like a fully paid game with multiplayer and no mtx? or like a game with live service? if fully paid maybe, depends on their DRM, my 3DS is cracked and I used to play mario kart and other games online because nintendo had shitty drm. It would depend on the DRM implemented by the company, if you mean a paid game with live service, then definitely no.
So no convenient app for such purposes? Shit. Was trying to get a game that's not available on the store to work.
if you want to find a game no longer on the app store, you'd have to check those sites that have archives for older app versions, they should usually have those games if they are discontinued, but you are downloading at your own risk, they could be loaded with god knows what, i've done it but on shitty old tablets i don't care for

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Hey /vmg/ I need suggestions on some gacha games to play. I'm currently playing Blue Archive and Nikke (picrel) but want more to get into.

Only requirements is that the game isn't dead and the girls are cute :)

Please post suggestions. (I also posted this in /v/ but someone suggested I post in here too)
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You're in bad luck, aside from FGO, there aren't a lot of these and most of FGO are males anyway. If you play Blue archive, you are already entering the top 5 gacha games with most of dark skinned waifus available.
Granblue Fantasy has a few, but it is not a good game.
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Nikke's got a few, plus an NPC that'll probably be playable soon.
based if true
> translation: Their faces aren't circles with two giant eyes and a mouth

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