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Discuss the DALSP, the ongoing remake of the game, and how Kurumi is the cutest

Remember to do your dailies!
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>not sacrificing your own children's souls for your club
We should kick you.
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>me willingly sacrificing my firstborn
when will mio arrive
More like when will Ren be made for the gacha.

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Cute girls, cute outfits and cute floorhands
What else do you even need for a game?
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so when is the next kirara anime?
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Cutest autist
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I only got Gacha or otherwise online only games, need something better when going off the road without wasting much data or need to be offline.
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Unciv is pretty dope.
Some anon in /pol/ mentioned using Mull instead of Firefox.
Got Mull and saw F-Droid had a few other applications.
I've also been playing Pipe Panic.
But I wanna play something without using internet :(
GenEi AP: Empty Heart
Alto's Odyssey is one of my airplane staples

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hahaha awesome
Pete is a funny dude

Brand new open world game by Hotta studio the creator of Tower of Fantasy
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you do make some good points
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>zzz really raised the bar for gacha games despite being a corridor game
Hotta said they are going to change the UI, Multiplayer has been confirmed, dont know about character creation but it wouldnt surprise me with TOF being the test bed for this game. Mugen and NTE are going to be very similar i can see that happening whats going to have 1 beating the other is how good the core game is, how rewarding it is for the gameplay in terms of rewards, story etc
can't wait to see everything monetized in this game like tof is lmao

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Launch day first impressions?
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How does one implied gay couple make the whole thing gay
>How does one implied gay couple
It's not implied at all, it's as canon as it can possibly get within the genre.
>make the whole thing gay
Because the romantic/sexual interactions become heavily weighted towards girlxgirl,Rirysa(the defacto MC at that point) even gets her exclusive girl pairings like Yoki. The author obviously won't hard confirm yuri pairings since he wants the straightbucks and will throw some straight bait every now and then but the main focus is girlxgirl.
sounds like a bunch of cope
2x speed and rival battle skip behind a paywall. I don't understand how a normal gacha function that literally every other game has is paywalled here. Almost makes me feel like they are trying to gain as much in the little time they are probably going to run the game for.
I've been playing on my old tablet and sometimes I'll see screens with the JP text still there before it overlays the english on top of it. Sometimes during boss battles the Cosplayer G or whatever name overlay will stay stuck and make it harder to read what my cards do. idk if it's just my crappy tablet or if anyone else is getting these bugs.

Softlaunch in AUS/CA/SG. Any anons trying the game? If so, wanna ask, is picrel good?
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It’s more fun than I expected. Simple, and kind of dated, but fun nontheless. Translation isn’t perfect but it’s not too bad - not sure what r/gachagaming is on about but to be honest I’m pretty sure some companies just pay for bots to shit on every game that isn’t a Hoyo game in that sub
You're not even old enough to know what this series is
The game has 250 people on their discord. The first event asks players to take a screenshot of their team and post on the event discord channel. If they get 200 posts everyone gets rewards. Less than 10 posts on it. App Store has 2 ratings. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a more dead on arrival game
Game is actually fun as hell once you get past the horrible first impression
finally beaten Octum and finished the Tear of Vermillion episode a few days ago, and now I see how Trails "lost its way" according to the Falcom oldheads (even if the story got somewhat boiled down due to being a gacha and not an actual remake)

Flex your best Limbus Company sinner IDs!!!
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This walpipi was blessed for me
current roster in picrel, leveled up faust and sinclair in the meantime
Amazing set so far. Here's one.

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Comes out today, you'll have to use QooApp though. It's an anime wrestling RPG.

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WTF you can't even combine character shards with blank shards. You have to choose either. This game's developers are beyond incompetent.
this is a gacha game, i'm honestly surprised they let us get the same boost as a dupe without actually pulling one.
of course, that may have something to do with how hilariously dogshit the rates are to begin with, imagine pulling your first copy of shogun tomorrow let alone multiple!
>Giving gacha slop a chance
haven't seen an actual battle in days. i have like 900+ skip tickets.
They've really upped the difficulty of the events way too fast. You need more than 130k+ average power levels for your party to even clear the farming nodes of the event. Only whales and grinders have reached that far ahead considering the game has only been up for a few months.

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In this thread, we talk about Another Eden.
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No pity on this game which is why this game is shit for F2P players despite all gavha characters are permanent
There is not. Some banners will guarantee a 4.5* or a 5* on the 10th door, but very few guarantee a specific unit.
That's why the Star Dream Encounter is recommended as the best paid banner to pull on whenever it's up; after doing your 10 pull you are allowed to choose any 5* character to redeem similar to the guiding adventure token.
I see.. That's incredibly disappointing desu. Completed part 1.5 of the MS and managed to do two extra 10-Pulls today, and still nothing... It feels pretty bad.
I see it as a bit of give and take.
A ton of other gachas have limited banners where if you don't get the character during their 2-week run you can NEVER get them (unless the banner is rerun after about a year)
A lot of other gachas have weapon banners where you either have to waste your hard-earned gems on pulling for weapons, or do without and struggle with shit-tier free weapons.
Or worse, they have weapons in the character gacha itself, so while you're pulling for characters you can get spooked by a 5* sword instead of the character you wanted.
And a fair number of gachas release seasonal variants of units who you can ONLY get by pulling them from the banner, not by sidegrading their initial varient that you already have.

Not having a pity system is unfortunate, but not having anything Limited, not having banners clogged up with weapons, and being able to actually sidegrade characters who you've already pulled are all great points compared to most other gachas.
Your not wrong at all. I guess I just feel a bit bummed out at this point

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Found this bird on Facebook.
Do anyone also follow on this?

Is there any CBT or OBT date?
TT wanna know more information about this game.
I think it’s really cute.
Blackbeacon...wonder what game it will be, haha.

it's a top-down ARPG

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She's Amagi, You're Amagi, I'm Amagi! Amagi!
Brought to by not Akagi and definitely not Deus X!
Actual Amagi may vary, see your local Prime Sakura for details.
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I better start bugging them for nat UR CLs in future surveys
+13 the Daisen gun, it's now used to sync with other BB's using Champagne gun. Yamato gun should also be +13, it'ss used with Shinano and Hakuryuu.
Well, it doesn't seem like Yamato is releasing anytime soon so I only need one anyway.
At worst, a future gear lab update will make it craftable.
well the new thread is still up so i guess i'll move over there
So boring, what's the best way to level up faster?

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We're still breathing.
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It was hard because no translation. Executioner is a bitch for new players if you don't read his skills.
And that's not mentioning the abilities the enemies have that makes it difficult to kill them.
Can I expect bare raw nipple within the year?
Wait so the director of LO, the gane that got pissed at covering bottoms and amped up nipples exposure, a harem game of horny women 200% for (You) is a woman?
The hell?
women are both the top consumers AND top creators (by volume) of rape porn and guro and other shit like that
they're more coomers than us dudes, and fujoshi rival yurifags in how horrible it is to be near them

>be me
>notices its valentines day
>don’t even need to bother researching what it is, its just giving chocolate right?
>chocolate is boring shit
>oh this dragon one looks cool
>call sensei
>give to sensei
>nahh sensei you stingy ungreatful ahh
>take half the chocolate and eat it
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an ugly gremlin that id still fuck
she's really ugly, but there is something attractive about her, that makes me want to dick her, maybe it's ami koshimizu's voice
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It's in her eyes.
Ugly tomboy

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