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BSC finals tomorrow. Get your picks in now to get a hypercharge. New season in 4 days. Juju soon.
Why did they stop releasing robot brawlers?
Larry and Lawrie?
Well, yeah, but there has been 10 other brawlers released after them.
I prefer this thread tbqh
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is it worth buying cordelius/otis from the shop discounts? I really wanted one of these cause I think the silence is broken, and maybe otis' HC might even be overkill so idk. im probably going to buy darryl's hc cause mines already 11 and then probably 8bit if I dont get otis because why not, or maybe I should just upgrade gale and even get his HC and call it a day
Otis is great and his HC sounds ridiculous. It all depends on if you wanna she'll out the gems or just grind Starr Road.
are you crazy? Wasting money to unlock one of characters? Don't feed superjews, these retards still can't make a real 5v5 without shitty maps
>is it worth buying cordelius/otis from the shop discounts?
No, not really. Otis in particular isn't very exciting to play.
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Tranny flag in the home screen
I think you might be colorblind.
BSC starts in 5 mins. Free hypercharge at 2000 points.
Time to tune out.
What was SK thinking with that hotzone comp? Throwing harder than the Kit on heist pick
Over-confidence in Kenji.
Yep, I had them to win it all after knocking off Zeta. But I got my hypercharge so I don't think this semen slurping sport is for me.
I'm having more fun with Busters lately, to be honest
Another brawler that hasn't really been picked in the finals is Dynamike. Surprised me.
HMBLE def won this, Collette was just waaay too clutch
Kenji is fucking ass. Buffs when, supercell?
Same, but I guess its just the current meta/drafts not allowing him to perform well. It was really evident with how popular Stu and Gus were, because they can easily get away from aggressive brawlers like Kenji.
sage this shit
this is the thread >>1596574
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Better luck with your next thread, kiddo.
Go be retarded somewhere else.
What hyper did you all get?
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any helpers in chat? I fucking hate sandy
Click Starr Road, select the brawler that's currently being unlocked, press switch to choose a different brawler to unlock.
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Would you?
I was at work yesterday so I had to get my predictions perfect for day 3 and raccoon got swept in the finals I'm never trusting a jap ever again in my life
Unless new accounts just have to unlock certain Brawlers first, there should've been a switch button when you click Sandy.
Darryl hyper is broken just because of the stat boost
To be fair, the speed boost is useless because he has his roll and the damage buff is only measly 5%.
the shied makes him unkillable and the 5% dmg is a lot considering he is multishot and brawl star works with tight numbers
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yes some other times and brawlers I had the switch option but not now, idk why maybe I should complain to supercell?
Wait two days and you'll probably get an option to switch to juju. But honestly, it doesn't make much of a difference. Just take what the game gives you and stop complaining.
You don't even have stu yet so you probably have to unlock other legendaries first like the original legendaries (crow spike sandy leon) but by the time you get to him he's gonna be nerfed and maybe bad, he's overrated as it is
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I now wanted to upgrade rico or 8bit but rico will probably get nerfed because of the brawl tournaments?

who? I dont want stu, I just want to not waste 4k credits on a legendary I dont want when that could be like 5 other brawlers or something
If you could choose, which three brawlers should get their hypercharges next? For me, Griff, Eve, and Carl.
Rico has been strong ever since the game's release, he is not getting nerfed now

However he has a very toxic gadget that should be nerfed eventually, but it's taking them years to do anything about it
Byron, Buster, Griff.
Rico is only strong on very specific maps and there are so many brawlers that can break walls that he will never be truly broken.
I know but those specific maps I dont really know what to play and I really want a long range brawler that can use the damage gear (I dont really like piper idk why), but now I checked rico's hp and his half hp is much more risky than 8bit's even tho 8bit is the slowest fucking brawler in the game would play amber instead but I dont have her fml
also anyone thinks its possible to go from this to legendary to get the mandy skin in 1 day? ill actually start tomorrow when I wake up
Long range brawlers don't generally benefit from damage gear that much because they have low HP and they try to stay far enough to not get hit in the first place.
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dem hips

thank fucking god it appears I can buy it with bling and not have to suffer the fucking ranked matches but the "now post her ingame model is kinda true Sadge are there any better mandy skins or should I just get this one? the rest I can buy with bling seem really bad aside from the one with the living broomstick
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I just realized hypercharges are complete bait for new players/people that have only been playing for months only, like me I hope moe is still playable after the nerfs so I can upgrade him (yes I didnt before)
Mandy’s candy…
Balance changes when?
They really want the gooner audience, huh?
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president polisar has a photo of the real mandy and her real candy, dont you want to see it again stupid cell? give me MEWTWO DOUG maybe i wont declare WW4
will super cell censor President Polisar's favorite character's Hypercharge symbol because it is just currently to broken for this clown world? If they do WW4.
I bet catgirl maid cafe collette got them some cash, and some of the little kids who started are now old enough to spend money on coomer shit.
Willow gooners rise up
most definetly, the loading screen implying that she wasnt wearing any panties was a bold move so i happily bought the pass plus since then, except the shitty twitterbob season
Is juju actually well balanced? I haven't heard people complain about her too much.
How much grinding does it take to reach a title? My highest Brawler is only on Silver 1 mastery.
is there a way to avoid unlocking legendary brawlers. i'm having a dreadful time being forced to unlock sandy and i rather unlock anyone else.

i might get the brawl pass so i can force the unlock onto larry
Stop being racist and just accept the twink.
Fairly long if you're playing the brawler casually, but if you happen to play during mastery madness you could probably do it in a week or so with enough dedication
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so theres no end to it until I unlock sandy, isnt it? or maybe try buying a new battlepass for the skin idk¿? but the game always says "after this you will switch back to your previous unlock aka sandy"

do you at least have a choice to get other legendaries instead or are you in the same boat as me from buying the battlepass?

my acc is so bricked bross ho no no noooooo
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From the first (free) drop bros wtf
I think she's pretty strong
>.11% drop

Wew lad.
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What is juju's best build? Oh and the balance changes were announced yesterday.
Don't forget your 10 free gems from the Superincel store. The plus pass also gives you 30% progress instead of 20% as well.
damn thats lucky congrats
You sound retarded, just unlock sandy there is nothing you can do about it. Also if you actually played the game you could unlock sandy in two months max. Stop crying and start playing newfag. Also lmao at not having all the characters unlocked already I pity you retards
This is already better than that fucking mutation event because you're not forced to play the shitty game modes every day.
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ive had sandy there for more than 2 months so just no, and ofc I dont have all brawlers, I started a few months ago and got most of the shit I could get already, so theres nothing I can do to "just get sandy in 2 monthss broo xdddd"
So are you guaranteed 20 drops if you win all 5 games in your contest? I'm in 6th place and 1st-6th all have 5 wins.
Spike is almost completely invincible with the demonfire power up idk if it's a bug or what
To follow up, his usage rate *spiked* and he was D tier when I checked on this page in the morning
Bravo supercell
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I seethe when one of my shit teams pick spike

always an automatical L
Thoughts on Ruff's hypercharge? At first I thought that it would be pretty finicky and maybe useful for pros who can coordinate its usage with teammates. But then I heard that it only takes 9 regular attacks to charge it up. It seems like that you would be able to pretty reliably charge it up two or three times per match. Does this sound about right for those of you who have used it?
It should be really good but I only play with randoms so I probably won't get it
I just saw that in a Solo match, like took four fucking people attacking him at once to do him in.
RIP Spike
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sorry im into byron more
I like Juju. She's like a more versatile Nita.
>Contest Day 1
>bot lobbies
>Contest Day 2
>lag switching spics

How many hypercharges do you have? I'm sitting at 44.
>they put Spike in the fucking dungeon
Lmao, and this dude is like the face of the game.
He's already back.
I got the willow skin from a drop, she's not as thick as in the drawings unfortunately but still way more hot
there are too many brawlers in the game now. its bloated. change my mind
LoL has 169 champions. That's bloated.
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Ash's Nov. tier list, thoughts? New brawler broken as per usual, Stu's hc put him in S tier. Penny in A tier after years in F kek. Also seems Charlie has dropped to F, they really fucking killed her
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>New Contest is the worst fucking mode of the event
I think his pajeet lists are fucking trash. He's not very good at the game.
i don't give a shit what some youtuber loser faggot thinks about meta
I like to think that I popularized Kit in heist because I was getting perma thumbs down when I picked him.
bro your penny with spyglass gadget?
I understand that no one wants to play him, but isn't the skin situation a bit too dire for some brawlers?
True, also he rushes out lists first or second day of the season. He does however get pro players opinions and bases a lot on statistics. It gives you a good idea of the meta going in but many takes are hyperbolic

>>1610469 he just recently got a skin, man o war doug, guess it's an exclusive one though.

>>1610120 they'll never get these event ltms right
he meant the trio showndown probably, but also with the newest one, whats the fucking point of playing in teams if the ranking is only for me?
So you don't win too many games and it keeps things "interesting".
supercell needs to stop sucking off the three same brawlers and give some of the less appreciated ones skins
You will pay one hundred dollars for the mortis skin and you will be happy.
idk who to level up
Forgot to add, is juju worth leveling up?
Yes, but she's getting nerfed 100%, so you probably want to wait.
Got the demon skin I wanted. Done with this spic vs spic mode.
Why are the rewards so fucking shit? In the last contest, the winner got like 20 drops.
Depends on how many players are participating/actually playing games in your bracket
Players shouldn't be punished for supercell's shitty matchmaking.
The fuck. I'm also 2nd with 11 wins and I'm getting 17 drops. Granted only 16 out of 50 are trying so far so maybe it depends on how many are participating.
There's a total of 35 people on the list, 22 have wins, 27 have collected tickets. Still, dropping rewards from 20 drops -> 5 drops just because 35 people are participating instead of 50 sounds fucking insane.
Somehow got my dream skin from a ranked drop
What a baddie
Man, you gotta learn to dream bigger.
I wish Penny's barrel had 1k more HP. It just feels shitty to use when pretty much any enemy attack breaks it in one hit.
don't listen to >>1612013 that skin is great, every lola skin is
For me it's Chola Lola.
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will the godzilla skins ever come back. i really want buzzilla.
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i cant do more.
The balance patch is happening now. There's also a Byron buff that wasn't announced earlier.
>penny player
>not even the Halloween skin
>mogged by “jimo”
>faggot name
>star player is your super, not you.
>premium bp title rather than mastery title
>beaten by a shit team comp
>flaming support for going negative
Yeah you deserved to lose that one bud
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As the other anon said, might be number of players. Mine is still the same
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No, no I did mean the Angels v Demons vault defense mode. When trying the Penny thing that anon mentioned it got me two more wins, I think I ended on four it was fucking dire. At least I got a good amount of event skins so far including pic related and the Soul Collector mode is definitely less miserable.
What the hell, the contest rewards were actually pretty okay this time. I got a Mortis skin, Colette skin, a hypercharge, and like 1.5k gold.
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>ticket doubler
>ticket doubler
>ticket doubler
>ticket doubler
>star power for whoever
>500 credits (maxed account)
>ticket doubler
awesome, good thing this is the third event ive come in first in and STILL am yet to get an event skin.
lmao I already got four skins
No, wait. Five skins. Four of them are this event skins, but I didn't remember to count the one that wasn't.
Has anyone else been getting a lot of bot matches during the trio showdown contest? Right now there are 6 people with 5 wins in my bracket, which hasn't happened before
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>another 6 stars from weekend bonus
>4 legendaries
>all 500 credits
i might cry
Yeah lost two games and the next 3 were bots, looks like a bug. Maybe if I lost with a low trophy brawler I would have gotten 5 bottes games.
i was more flaming the edgar for somehow doing no damage vs 3 brawlers that cant defend themselves for shit at point blank
It wasn't mentioned in patch notes, but they changed it so that Chuck can retain his super even if he dies. He's going to be even more broken in heist.
Yeah, I think my first match was against real players and the other four were against bots.
>another legendary angel drop
>another 500 credits
holy fuck man
>every event with powers is worse than the other
How do they do it? I would against an entire team of spongebob colt that fucking rebirth
>rather play*
All five contest games were bot matches today as well.
I've been liking these powers the most of any other update. Since they are shared with every brawler you could also use the op powers but on brawlers you actually like playing this time.
I agree Rebirth is shit though, it makes knockout annoying. Why did they make it so it can activate multiple times per life? The imps also have way to much health.
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>select rank 8-10 brawler
>boot up event
>now bot lobbies
>repeat every 2-3 rounds
enjoy your 5 wins a day bwo
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do I have to play a rank 1 powerlevel 1 brawler every 3 games or what? I still have my 20 shits for today to play all 3 days
>do this with a level 1 brawler
>get matched against real people with their power 12 brawlers
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i should have specified that after using the low rank you can swap to your main
>post this
>try it the next day
>stops working
nevermind, it worked for the last 10 matches but i guess we have a sleeper agent itt
they fixed it and I lost 5 in a row
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The chances that we will ever get a Legendary or hypercharge skin for Colette with new voicelines?
Why the fuck do they keep putting 5v5 knockout in the rotation? It's fucking garbage. Literally any other 5v5 mode would be better.
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high enough, hope frank gets it first tho
honestly, we just can't know. Supercell seems to be giving skin randomly, no rhyme or reason. There's shitty-ass unpopular characters like Angelo or Gene who keep getting a new skin every two weeks, while others, way more popular and appealing characters are getting squat. At the very least, Colette seems to be getting a new skin every once in a while so we can maybe hold out hope for it, but don't count on it
just the fact that fucking Pam of all characters got a fucking Legendary Skin before anybody else they could've given it to makes my blood SIZZLE
gene and angelo are meta in ranked thoughbeit
Weren’t we supposed to get a legendary King Frank skin?
I love brawl stars.
El primo needs his super to charge over time so his player base can expand beyond 12 year old Mexican kids
Does max have a single decent skin? Angel max is fuck ugly and probably the worst skin this update yet the best max skin
Colette has inspector, which is the best skin in the game no contest. Also gladiator which is great, demon which is beloved, and the maid cafe one if you’re a gooner. As a wearer of the collector title any more skins for her would be a waste of good skins
Hermes max the only decent one
Angel max is really cool
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Pro tip: You can BTFO a stronger enemy push in Spirit Wars with Penny's spyglass gadget
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Brand new player here.

I made my account a few months ago and completely forgot how I got what I got.

I have:

>El Primo

All I play is Frank. He's a fucking champ and he looks cool and unique. Is there any kind of beginner guide or tips and tricks for the economy so I don't fugg myself over? I might have already with my previous login that I forgot.
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pick one character, play them until silver 2 master for goldmaxxing, pick different character, rinse repeat
>battle pass
invest in the paid pass if you MUST spend money, but otherwise just dont buy anything
save them for events, they usually give massive discounts for gems during them
get them from mastery and trophy road

frank is turbo broken, max him if you like playing him. have fun!
as a wearer of the collector title myself, I can tell you you're right about everything except gladiator which is a really ugly skin. Also, Navigator is pretty cute because of her hair color and fangirl is pretty interesting considering how much she differs from her original look
you do have her at 1k trophies, right anon?

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