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File: 43629151_p0.jpg (441 KB, 2000x2000)
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Why is she so smelly?
Look at her outfit. That's red flag for smell-o-meter.

I would pay for her to lift her armpits and sniff the pheromone pits while breeding her for the Lord.
File: 62386472_p2.jpg (677 KB, 706x1000)
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whats wrong with her outfit?
It covers her up except for her hands and head. Very halal.

It also means all that smell is contained under her clothes.

Btw, I don't know who she is, I just came for the smelly comment
It's been a few years since I've played Buriedbornes but I remember liking it. How is Buriedbornes 2?
I just uninstalled 2 after not playing for a few months, apparently I was in the middle of a Nightmare run and won since my guy was apparently unkillable. I don't remember how to play this thing
fucking love bb2
I'll poke in the thread and answer questions and give advice if anyone wants it
it's good. buriedbornes 1 was neat but kind of a flat game. buriedbornes 2 has a lot more going on

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