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[x] Touch fluffy tail
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Nope, just need the coins required for the 3 iirc
>manage to get Milim and 2x Rimiru
I have no stones now but this should get me far.
Just checked Game8 Karen is up with GODam.

I was planning to roll but I feel like we're overdued for dengeki and I really want Lina.
Good shit, definitely have to trade for the badge now.
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>running double rimiru team to test
>one sub got 4 trillion damage multiplier
So this is why people are running him. He can easily cap out on 0.1% supergravity.

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Happy birthday for Izanami, Buzenbo and Leviathan. S version any day now.
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I knew I was forgetting about something
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lv29 noob here, just slowly spurting my shifties onto tsuku banner, got S shu from the 40 roll, don't know what I'm doing, would like izanami
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one more level and you can jyoin Cute n Fenny
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May Fever event going on right now, plus seed and blossom dungeons are currently open
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furfaggot spotted
Lmao dead child alert
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Oh look they're reprinting these old units in the middle of the new summer event. Man modern Housamo is so strange at how often this happens now but it's good to see. Don't want any of these over Bael but I'm sure someone will love this. 5 more days until monthly tickets reset...

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Well this is it everyone, we have until Halloween for the game to close
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Huge missed opportunity not calling her "Pretty Big."
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That's her Japanese name
My favorite Ladies were probably Yash, Billy, and Brian. I always had my fingers crossed that maybe NM would make a Lady Orochi Yashiro or finish the American Sports team.
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These have a lot of easter eggs
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discuss DJs
300 gems, thank you Donuts. Bushi was never this kind
Collabs really kill the flow of the game...

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Honor of Kings just launched outside of china today and added a new hero
are you playing?
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Yeah. My super casual friend who is currently moving up the silver league said they were surprised at how bad the players are on this game. It makes sense to us now why you can't upload a profile picture until you reach gold.
Feels like ive wasted my time getting to master tier when everyone is just so bad
>bots in grandmaster
This is fucked.
Why is it always junglers? Why is it always the jungler in your team the one who performs the worst yet still have the nerve to call other teammates bad?
Fucking jungle shitters. They can't play any other role well yet think that if they start playing jungle they will magically play well and carry.

love the game so far. hope it doesnt die .-.
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the only open world games worth playing are those with actual effort put into making all the overworld content feel unique, like gta
the rest is insanely boring and monotonous content like collecting 900 korok shits all over the map, and that is the worst thing that is far too normalized in the open world genre
i would take a good corridor game over a bad open world game any day
Honestly its the only hoyo game where im actually having fun
I wish Billy's entire kit wasn't contradicting, it's like they don't want him to do damage
>1. no skill that scales damage with stats
>2. attacks are somehow weak despite having a huge attack stat
>3. mindscape cinema skills want him abuse dodge and have him stay in the field but the entire game is designed around assist-parries and quick-assists
>4. to add to 3, you can't abuse the daze state because almost every attack he does results to a heavy that activates chains
>5. anomaly build up isn't great either so there's no compensation on why 2 is a thing
He's the funnest character to use btw, but he is everything the game is against
actually refreshing theme, all the story chapters are engaging and memorable, nearly every single mission is its own thing too, unique character designs, and the quality is high as well
dont know if the devs will continue to put out such high quality content and stick to the established theme and narrative of the game since it's also the worst performing of the big three hoyo games, nearly half the revenue of genshin and star rail
>>3. mindscape cinema skills want him abuse dodge and have him stay in the field but the entire game is designed around assist-parries and quick-assists
>3. mindscape cinema skills want him abuse dodge and have him stay in the field but the entire game is designed around assist-parries and quick-assists
You can build around swapping, and it's what you're encouraged to do at the start, but there's more than one way to run most good characters. Don't let youtube gonards dictate how you play games.
That said, Billy's kit is weak af and I wish they'd commit to him just being a support or anomaly that hops in, sprays everything with Physical, and either pops back out or does AoE. I don't think you can make a full-range a dedicated damage with enemies that are as passive as a lot of the ones in ZZZ are, otherwise you'd just kite the whole game to kingdom come

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In the sweltering summer of 2024, GL's fourth anniversary closes with a healthy dose of waifus that makes sure to cover all bases, while JP slowly moves forward to its sixth anniversary and a new story chapter.
EnJoyers beware, as the Stage banners aren't far away in GL and Jo (Modo Termita) will probably drop somewhere this month or in August.
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Have some more
There will be more about their story stuffed somewhere since they're arguably the real protagonists of the game, probably brand new cinematics when you get to talk to Oaive in the village of the ancient since the original only had walls of text.
If the people at XEEN aren't clueless they'll include the obligatory new final form in the boss battle that Kawazu put in every single remake up to now, after all they changed many general mechanics between removing the treasury, removing spark tables, changing the round format to CTB, adding combos etc. so it only makes sense that they'd make a new form for the final boss that works around those, especially since it's unlikely that the meatball will work like in the original game at all.
Noel already putting in work, he got me an easy clear of Megalith Dragon stage 5 on the first try! That's greatsword remembrance all done, I'm 5/10 now.
Is Madeleine that good? That banner looked like a dud.
And Dantarg put in his work too! This was much less safe though, everything went to shit on turn 10, then Goddess revived the squad on turn 11 but they all immediately died again, and I relied on her getting the killing blow with OD on turn 12. Still, I was real happy to make use of Human Female as my tank, FFL wins are always the most satisfying.
>That banner looked like a dud.
Valdor and Shen Doo Doo are trash, but Liz is comparable to Leon, competing for the title of best support in the game, and Madeleine is the key to lightning teams. She gives tons of damage amps and even provides lightning damage dealers extra BP and def boosts plus does respectable damage herself. You take the trio of Kihachi (#1 dps), herself and Khalid with two supports and you've got a crazy team that gets clears of Romancing content in 3 turns, 5 tops. Khalid's getting old now and Roc would be a much stronger replacement for him, or you could use all four for unnecessary amounts of lightning damage.
I would've pulled for Maddie if I had the extra jewels, but I don't and lots of faves are coming up for me.
She's a Lightning comp enabler.
On her own she's just barely, but if you put her as a support in a team with people like Khalid, Kihachi, Roc or other Lightning focused characters she gives them an enormous boost in performance, the latest Khalid sort of doubles that and is sort of meant to be the second support pillar of lightning comps together with her.
Liz herself is just as good, it's just that Shen-Du is bad and Valdor, while great at his job, doesn't really bring much to the table either since he's a pure blunt/pierce farmer in a game where both of those are already covered by tons of people who can also do more things than him.

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Today marks its 3000th day
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official release is next month unless this is a placeholder date
>decided to do one more multi
>got Saya and dupe Catra
Guess I will stop now

>story abruptly ended
I wonder if chapter 2 will happen right after at the end of this month.
i'm rolling for this nigga but nothing yet
3 grand mage only
This new weapon tower quest isn't fun desu
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>increased Variant building level cap
>make it useless

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LETS TRY THIS AGAIN Disgaea RPG, A new Event is out, Etna Summer Resort Defense Battle Season 10, Part 3 Global maybe dead, but JP LIVES ON
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I want to have sex with this Laharl
That is all
Specifically this Laharl?
Specifically Thunderlord Laharl, he's cuter!
It's probably more costly/difficult than you think, considering that only the biggest companies seem able to consistently self-publish these days. Keep in mind even Cygames avoided self-publishing for the longest time
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is Usalia the most powerful character in the game? She mindbroke the tranny discord for close to a year now

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AFK Journey is a game about armpits.
Let's discuss the armpits in AFK Journey.

Also the new seasonal events, but mostly the armpits.
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>Struggling on an afk stage
>Look at the records for help
>They're all the exact same whale team
and then you upgrade your characters the next day and effortlessly pass the stage on auto
The item that lets you swap the tier between two characters sounds interesting. This essentially means you can buy every character with arena coins unless I'm misunderstanding something. Of course it probably won't apply to celestials and hypogeans.
Probably to trade ascension/EX from a hero you regret investing in, with something more meta

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2.5 anniversary is underway. Free rolls, selection tickets, 9000 quartz. Best time to start playing
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I wonder if they ever plan to give big defense down to literally fucking anyone else, it's been almost a year since Isuzu, how is it that scarce.
They're still drip-feeding character profiles, and they're only at 31B, so I have no expectations at all.
Just buff onsen Isuzu. She is obviously too weak considering people forgot about her debuffs and as such WFS never cared about creating alternatives.

Make it last 2 turns and add big fragile on top. Easy. THEN people will not forget about her.
I just don't get it. DP defense down is understandable, it's fairly unique and also completely fucks over a whole class, they're going to be very careful with it. But big defense downs are basically the same shit as attack up/big attack up. There are around 6-8 buffers that have big attack ups either on ults or normal skills, and also at least like 8 units who can self-buff it, it's not rare at all. So what happened with the big defense downs? What's even the issue?
They probably went perma def down instead..
Gotta look forward to the next style re-balance, which will probably happen on the 3rd anniversary or so.

Honestly, debuffer YunYun would benefit from a large def down, since that style was basically dead on release.

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Does anyone know a better game in the same format(running a city, build armies and fight at the map over gibs)? Ideally without playable homo heroes as well. Im really hungry for stuff like that. I remember playing browser version of Koihime musou like that.

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The second week of the Princess Tour begins.
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King Mario is used 4x in the Anniversary Tour with unlocks. See Studfit's Rundown from last year:
At this late stage in the game, it's a good idea to invest in items which will be heavily used in the loop. See pic for the recent rankings; some are still geting buffs.
Get a copy of larry's sheet, it has everything you need to know for each tour and it gets updated regularly, it has a section where you can see the top shelf items for every single track in the game, including if there's a mii boost and it tells you what items still haven't seen that track and could get it in the future
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The shop for the sunshine tour
I'm starting to think the royal flush and monarch kart won't be discounted in the spotlight shop with how much they're spamming them in the regular shop items.
Made a mistake with the original post, here’s the corrected image

Basically impossible to discuss this game on /vg/ so why not give it a try here. Let's talk the game lads. Did you enjoy the event? What are you working towards this next month?
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It usually runs alongside some other event and lasts as long as that does, and the rerun event run for a week which is usual time for it
I guess I just didn't notice it, seems like it was around for 4 days max but it was like 7 in reality. Oh well
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If they release Hekate I'm sparking
It probably will be her. I hope the uncap art is godlike.
I doubt it since her art is just the one used in S.Cupi's fates, hoping I'm wrong though

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