Season 4 is coming up with new map and monsters!New weapon and skill info already on
>>1682212So HBGs are fine, but still I had mostly LS and SNS fags, maybe its because of them? I getting tempted to make a GL set just for that motherfucker
>>1682212Every rangedcuck is so useless. All they do is cause back breaks which on most monsters only rolls rarity 1 mats and propel the monster 10 meters away so your commitment to important parts like the tail whiffs.
>>1682578tfw can only solo bazelgeuse ranged because it's such a tremendous faggot, but I can easily get the wing or head break
Finally made the bazelgeuse mail 4, valor really makes a huge difference. Managed to go from killing a 9* >>1682761 in 41 seconds with two wyvernsnipes down to 41 seconds with one wyvernsnipe, and I genuinely fucked up and started without a special. This thing is leagues better than agitator ever was in the main games. we fucking got him... world first blast GL 10* azure los kill
Giantess Gacha which nobody could bother to make another thread for several days. Let's see if anybody's even still around checking.There's lewd skins at least.
>>1682505Most bosses are immune to debuffs, you do the math, sexo skin though
Asked about the cake materials to CS and they said they're planning to reopen the prelude.
>>1682517alright then, that's good news
Moonlight abyss is coming again, i wonder if they are putting anti Morgan measures this time around lmao
>>1683251do they even care about nukes?there are drivers that aren't in global yet that do the same thing but for guards and supportsif they though nukes were a problem, then surely they wouldn't have released more nukesI'm pretty sure that both of the other nukers are guards just like Morgan too, so they probably had Morgan in mind while designing them
From the twisted mind of Jun Maeda who brought you Angel Beats!, Clannad, and AIR. >What is it A visual novel with jrpg style combat >Is it on PC? Yes, it's on PC and mobile. >Trailers [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] >Twitter too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1676173Checked gazou774's tweets to be sure and you're correct.
holy shit I just got 5 free SSR1 pickers and 190 free green rolls which gave me another 5 through rolls and 3 through pitynow I have all SSR1show generousthis is all for the anniversary?
Chie: SadnessShiki can blushThere's also some lovely new music
I thought for sure this last Domination mode part would finally give light to Chapter 5 remixes....
How necessary are the angel beats collab characters and are they worth fighting my lust for swimsuit Yuina?
8th Anniversary just started, plenty of freebies and two of the most important characters in the story available as limiteds now
>>1681727That's a whole lotta days, congrats!>his voice not what I was expectingI thought so too when I first heard him. I feel like his VA really got his outbursts right, though. And how much of "just a guy" Nomad is sometimes, much to his displeasure.Nomad's also one of those special cases where he gets an entire extra set of voicelines just for a 3-star/standard skin since he shows up in a New Year's event.>his 4 star versions are oddUnfortunate downside of being an older unit. Not only are they lacking when compared to recent characters, but so many of them shared skills with each other (even with evolutions) that there wasn't much cohesion within each kit.To me it looks like you're expected to make use of that Crit and push away, with Evasion and Rage+ being mostly red herrings unless he gets hit. Ironically this seems to make Island Nomad even less useful than his standard 4* since his Teleporter didn't get a skevo.>bull/bovineOh duh. Gomeisa and Takemaru must've thrown me off I guess.
>>1682044>That's a whole lotta days, congrats!Thanks! I would in the ballpark of 2,550 days if I logged in every day since I started playing.>I thought so too when I first heard him. I feel like his VA really got his outbursts right, though.I'm glad I'm not the only who thought so. It's good voice acting in my opinion but like I said just not the voice I thought of.>shared skills with each other (even with evolutions)The thing is though even if Teleporter is also a skill Bathym and Durga have Nomad is the only one with Space Jumper. It was a Skill Evolution that was added back in 2022. So it wasn't a bad early game decision they could have went towards the opposite direction and make him lose 500 to 1000 HP after moving to benefit from Limit and/or grant Crit if below 50% HP. I guess they want him hit hard and fast with Crit and then fall back on Rage+ and Limit once he takes damage. Honestly I think Rage+ and Limit might increase Nomad's attack more than just Crit alone even if Limit isn't at it's maximum effect.> Island Nomad even less useful than his standard 4* since his Teleporter didn't get a skevo.They tried something a tad different dropping Tenacity in favor of Guts chance to get to 1HP quicker when Evasion doesn't activate. Of course Concentration helps with that and make Guts a 100% chance after Skill Seeds. But losing Avenger++ in favor of Shot Defense really makes him more defensive leaning. But I wonder why his Island alt didn't get Space Jumper maybe they didn't want it being too similar? Maybe he'll get a new Skill Evolution this summer.>Oh duh. Gomeisa and Takemaru must've thrown me off I guess.To be fair bull/bovine character aren't the majority of my favorites even if I thought they did between both games. However 4 out of 14 characters is not half it's like 30%. But yeah if a game wants my attention then make a bull character that's basically a 80% chance to have my interest immediately.
>>1680601I don't usually like asses but I will allow Tada to sit on me this time
bombom posted on Twitter
>>1683123tits rubbing.............
February UR event is almost here, try not to get caught by your botes again this year SKK.Previous: >>1642282
>>1683373Bismarck's was pretty romantic, so not all faction leaders got hit with the sex bug this year.>>1683467Yeah, I enjoyed how proactive (you) are in this years batch of messages. Hopefully that carries over to the event writing.
>Commander, you understand, don't you? Coming to see me must mean that you are ready to surrender your whole being unto me on this Valentine's Day, yes? Heehee. As all is prepared, you may relax and follow my lead. The most impeccable Valentine's Day, I shall give to you.
Anyone got Nagara?
>>1682665>>1683373Someone is no longer not condoning special touches
EoS soon
>>1681074They probably change a bunch of shop stuff for 4.0 soon so it's better to just hoard them for now.
>>1681155>it's better to just hoard them for nowI've literally never bought anything from the battle pass shop except 1-2 functors
>>1680809Whatever check the game does when it launches considers the id for the Custom preset (7) invalid and gives you that triple Ver screen that resets your settings.You can either make sure to select any other preset whenever you open the settings menu from the main menu or pick whatever custom setting you want, manually change the userSetting registry key picOptionId value to 5 and only change settings from the pause menu that doesn't have the preset options afterwards.this would take the devs 5 minutes to figure out and fix if they cared
>>1679919TWO collabs!
Google how to play Selene
Cute girls, cute outfits and cute floorhandsWhat else do you even need for a game?
>>1644313what game?
>>1678997Moogi boobs >>>> Moogi feet
Bocchi the Rock season 2 announced
Christmas events, draws, and 2x CP are currently live. Warzone is coming soon™
>>1661501>It’s still a fun game, I just ignore the stupid stuff, but I still wish it didn’t have that stuff.It's not that bad. Some of the gun skins are definitely pay to win(iron sights/aim shake), but not so unbalanced that the f2ps can't compete. The people playing dress up are often paying to lose as the flashy skins are much easier to spot, especially in br. The people paying 125 bucks for random lucky draws are crazy imo, but if you're smart about it and only buy/use cod points when there are deals(2x cp and rebate), you can put together a nice collection on the cheap.
I never thought that the FAMAS would turn into my sweat gun but this thing does it for me. it helps I got it early from that special draw so it was really cheap too.
>>1365008Criticize my build for search and destroy.Counter terrorist: rytec (SNIPER)Terrorist: asm (AR)
>>1681934Is there anything that I need to change?
never thought i would say this, but i'm a hair away from quitting the game, it's just become a chore, the game literally begs you to spend money for the skins, and out of all this bullshit, the biggest issue i have is the stability problems when playing BR, like, how the fuck does the game lag on a flagship phone with graphics set on low with max fps? how the fuck can't they fix their bullshit? i know i might get shit for what i say but chink gacha slop devs treat their player base better than activision, let's not even bring the garena/chink-exclusive collabs into the discussion, i've just grown tired, i spent around 2k euro on this shit and i frankly regret it, i don't regret the fun moments but they made me feel gross about even opening the game, when i see 40 fucking gigabytes taken by this game i just want to vomit, even more so when i see 35 shop tokens/medals/ribbons/wtf they are from 3 out of 4 daily cachesis there any chance i might rekindle my joy for the game or is it really over
Anyone play this game? I'm probably going to roll for Setsuna once they've finished giving us free rolls.
They should've put Fraux on the valentines banner
anyone gonna roll for bun? she looks nice but I can't spare the crystal right now, typical for valentines really.
>>1682726I'd say she was being saved for a sexy summer version, but since she has that outfit, I guess that's out of the question.>>1683226>No charge bar gain upon normal attackslol, it's funny they're still doing this shit. But I hope they're giving Bunny some character development with this release.
>>1683446yeah I don't even roll based on gameplay anymore, I just want cute girls
>>1683446guess they could go for yukata fraux
I have 17 google play dollars, what (one time payment) game should I buy?I current own Slay the Spire and Luck be a Landlord.
>>1682434ex astrisabsolutely loved the gameplus this too >>1682668i am playing pokemon platinum and white on it currently
>>1682668Can't find it in the store, but thank you.>>1682586Starting to comb through here. Thank you, the play store is absolutely not navigable.
>>1682649None of the trailers appealled to me. Tried Slice and Dice but nope.Thank you, though. Have a silly cat
>>1684199>the play store is absolutely not navigableWell, it's designed specifically to make it hard to find anything that isn't f2p shovelware. Try the site if you want to look for stuff on your own, the browsing section has filters and sorting and all.
>>1684199I just found out drastic was removed because the dev fear of nintendo suing him out. No wonder it wen free last year or so. I've playing in that emu since I only have 512mb ram phone years ago and it works great compared to its barebone competitor at the time. Years until 2034 of today: New Collectibles in gameNew Haru Jika Event with a New HaruJika (Chiisana) SongStill no news on Project 06
Gachabros......our response?
I got 50 free spins??? So GENEROUS!!!
>>1681313It is though. You're losing nothing.
is this fucking bloons
>>1681058gacha is necessary for games like genshin that need resources for world design, sound design, character modeling, animations and vfxif genshin wasn't a gacha, it would have been dropped after liyue, and inazuma would have been sold as a separate game for $70
New Yostar game
>>1680783When people saw no multiplayer*
MP feels like one of those things they could add in before launch honestly. Should have MP.
>>1684145It's a flop
>>1684169Yeah, but until then no co-op and the shitty localization are a deal breaker for me.
This is just Shimiko.
Enigma of sepia is a CN auto battler that is focused on gender bent shōnen characters with designs just barely unique enough to claim the parody defense in court.The game comes out in about 10 days, and supposedly has 1.5 million pre-registers
>>1682919these codes don’t work? everything else did and was either gold or character expsepiaNVYHE1sepiaHEKEsepiaUERIGG>>1681918It’s idle slop with the usual paypiggie packs, vip system and other shit. you can get characters easy but they need a bunch of dupes
I remember some chinese yugioh shit with a fem Kaiba.
>>1674170How do you fuck up the game site so bad you can't even open the news articles and the reddit button doesn't do anything, there's also nothing in the game features tab.
>>1682974Can't agree more, but at least R and SR units still have their usage compare to other similar games>>1674170Hey OP do we have clan yet? I'm not sure whether clover in AS49 is associated with our thread or not
Total Shards need for each ratiry:>R: 2550>SR: 1440>SSR: 900>SSR+: 500>UR: 310>SP: 230
Week 7 of this 8-Week update.Currently on Cyrus/EX H’aanit this week. Next week is Nina-Lanna/EX Tressa.From there…it’s up in the air. Wait until 11/27 to find out what’s in store for us next.Happy Thanksgiving!
>>1681737For real? I mean, they have the global translation for this one.
>>1682030FUCKYESPlease tell me this is JP and not another CN-exclusive EX.
Oersted Livealive is one of my favorite characters in vidya. I missed his first run but I managed to hear that the crossover is happening again. Did I miss him again? If I didn't, is the game worth coming back to? I fell off pretty early on; I think I'm on the final boss of Master of All, and I remember growing bored because the game felt too grindy, both in terms of powering characters up and aquiring materials for equipment.
>>1683162You are not too late, you can login right now (or anytime this week) and get him for free on a guaranteed free Oersted pull. He's ass for gameplay though and the translation fell off a cliff and into the Mariana Trench. The grind is pretty much what you make of it, but the OT2 stuff introduced a new grind.
>>1682898Not necessarily because SEA didn't get LAL until Global EOSed, and collab rights might have extended to the script itself which Netease didn't bother to buy.