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Buu lost. Cooler lost. GODhan won.
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>banner won't give me 21 dupes
I seethe
who knows. you either summon for them losing a lot of anni/wwc stones or you coin a copy
who knows. you either summon for them gaining a lot because you're skipping anni/wwc or you coin a copy
Who knows. You either summon for them or you coin a copy
Gotenks would make the most sense.
Kid Buu would be great.
I have no idea though, Dokkan/Omatsu will pull the most random shit though.

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>20 million pre-register on china
so it's flop on global ?
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>They even have Plants vs Zombies implemented in Hollow Exploration
Are they planning to implement every known puzzle game style ever made into this shitty TV grid bullshit? I honestly can't understand how people can like this crap over both combat and characters, the two reasons that make you spend money in the first place and also the things you spend LESS time seeing on the fucking screen.
Hollow Zero has some character-specific interactions on events, like Koleda being able to fit through small spaces. I'm sure there'll be more.
that sounds lame
they should keep the minigames stuff mostly contained to the arcade, which is already a pretty neat feature other hoyo games dont have
but it really doesnt surprise me why they made such a weird decision to cram so many tv segments in the gameplay sections where one would expect to use the characters they rolled for
they also fucked up pretty bad with the hangouts
for once i thought we were gonna get a decent hoyo game for mature audiences, maybe let us have coffee dates with the characters in the nice cafe they have built in the game, but nope
classic hoyo
hollow zero is cool because it's the roguelike dungeon that the TV gameplay was obviously designed for
I don't like them trying to adapt the TV gameplay into a billion other things that aren't any fun to play on a 2D turn-based grid
Rolling for Ellen on PS launch.

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How about that current End of Month event? Can't wait for Mid-Month, then this upcoming End of Month event. The Anniversary is around the corner!
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ofc they are! There are no sales in a f2p gaas for starters duh!

>Some retard deleted the previous thread
Gay as shit. I was really hoping to hit one year with it lmao
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>8th anni was the most broken character in the meta for a while
I'm using him for every non-locked floor in Senkaimon. Frenzy +3 plus two status effects work extremely well with a vortex attack.

I'm the one that made it. It was deleted for being a general on /vmg/, but it's instantly deleted in /vg/. Brave Souls fans just can't win. It's sad, but I hope we see far more discussion now. Since people were complaining about the links used (most of the YouTubers have drastically slowed down making new videos).
Swimsuit BTW when lol
>It was deleted for being a general on /vmg/, but it's instantly deleted in /vg/.
>on the board where almost everything is a general for mobile
Sasuga janny... only 3 months
And so far atm I think is the ONLY non-situational frenzy +3. No wonder he's been going strong for damn near a year.

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Also known as PriconneR or simply Priconne.

Did you get Commander Makoto or Eriko, or both? Will you pull for Lind and Wurm when they come out? What's your opinion on Arc 3 so far? Are you ready for EX7?
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They won't nerf Anemone. She just seems to bypass the damage cap because the physical and magic part are calculated separately (with the damage cap applied to each) but tick at the same time so they get added up into a single tick. It's intentional design.
>nip devs knowing how to code
>she was "bugged"
So they didnt playtest her and now they have to hammer her.
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EX6 oneshot with Anemone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wf9wAa1OioU
apparently the nerf won't have a big impact on her damage outside of elemental stages.
are they going to go the nyaru route and design fights around her or are we entering a new era of powercreep?

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Just a few more days until Persona gacha! Are you gonna play?

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Late to the party but been pleasantly surprised by this game so far and I can put my bilibili account to work again too. Seems extremely polished so far, almost like a real game not some botched mobile port and it somehow runs well on my phone without making feel like it's about to explode. Also holy fuck I want to shower Tomoko with hugs and kisses while holding hands. Do any of the 4* characters stand out as being particularly strong? Kinda just using whoever and I can't really read Chinese that well but I can cheat with knowledge of JP runes and some 101 level understanding on Mandarin
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>Also holy fuck I want to shower Tomoko with hugs and kisses while holding hands.
Unfathomably based.

>Do any of the 4* characters stand out as being particularly strong?
In my personal experience, Closer and Onions aka Motoha and Shun, who are story characters.
The rest of the 4 stars are fine for early game weakness exploitation at best, like Mont, but feel noticeably subpar compared to the 5 star units.
Key and Sepia are considerably worse than Panther and Joker for example.
Still speaking from personal experience, Ruferu also feels very subpar despite being a story character once you have Morgana and Ann, who can perform his duties (healing and fire offense) much better.
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>Closer and Onions
I will never not hate this stupid filter.
if you have yui then closer is good. onions is apparently really good haven’t used him yet so can’t confirm
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I won. I beat the game.

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I haven't played since they announced alliances or whatever the guild system was called, did they finally add a lewd or at least bath Kiku? I need my waifu(husbando).
closest you're gonna get
Week out from the Anni, any leaks?
bath time Kiku
>3 rumble multis
>just new Hina and these guys
who the fuck are these people
can I even make a striker team for PvP?

Are you still waiting for goblal?
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There are tons of Live2D skins, just look around the skin shop for a while. By all means, waste your tunas on tits and ass instead of expanding your slots or upgrading your base, just like I did.
I promise you will only regret it later than most people think
>liking catgirls makes you a furfag
I don't love her because she's a catgirl. I love her because she's a lewd girl of cat. There's an important distinction here.

String Fucker boss fight is in, remember papa Cometpants loves you
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I'm so fucked. I'm two-thirds to pity on Kihachi's banner so I gotta finish it off or all those jewels were for nothing. But if I miss Leon, it's gg 'cause he seems like the only true "must pull" of the year so far.
Even with the RS2 conquest's 10K or so I wouldn't even remotely manage to have enough for safety pity on four banners, and every single banner of the RS2 festival has really good styles
>the second banner global ever got
Haha. Hahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
The game is literally telling me to uninstall, I've gotta be the most unlucky person pulling on Kihachi's banner on Earth.
>2 singles later
What a rollercoaster. This banner is mindbreaking me. Now I gotta pray that upcoming conquest lets me hit pity for Kihachi. Liam'll likely escape me.
i'm sad i'll probably have to skip the emps

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So which Personality finisher is your favorite and why is it Glasses?
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To expand on the original point, the only Clergy characters who have actual synergy with each other are Thille ES/Mariel ES, meaning for 90% of the game's existence you'd only see that finisher if you were running a meme West team.
That's definitely improper English my guy.
If anything it is overly proper.
Why are you being obviously retarded here?
>"so which Personality finisher is your favorite?"
>"some [that] you hardly ever see - clergy for instance."
explain in detail how that's improper enough to be esl, retard

It's here bros
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and another
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This would be perfect with exposed thighs.
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They really nerf her biggest assets in some of these costumes.
Wake up brothers


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This thread is dedicated to Kisaki.
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amazing thread. Bump.

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Christmas events, draws, and 2x CP are currently live. Warzone is coming soon™
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Does anyone have an active clan I can join? My username is HateJoggers
First spin I got this
>First spin everything.
>Only get garbage (and a new emote)
i got the character or the 3rd rarity item multiple times, at least 10 times, however the legendary only once in 3 pulls
I really dont see why people say Ranking up MP is harder than BR. Im getting pitted against Legend-rank players since Master I and heavens forbids someone gets the jump on you at the beginning of a match, you almost lose the same rank xp in 2 minutes than it took you to get it in a 20 min match.

There's an eternal thread for Pikmin but no teppen threads? Is the game dead or something?
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Do you get zenny/crystals/packs from adventure mode?
Only from challenges
>Tourney over already
wtf i tought it would last a couple of weeks at least
It lasts like 6 hours for 1 day (early in the morning for me) and yes it is retarded
How is Oichi nowadays?. Wesker but bad?. Considering all the revenge support in schoolyard royale

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Good Morning, CRGietnam! Hope you're up bright and early for a thread full of various Cookie Run Games! You've got questions, we've got answers! Be there or be square!

>Meet Sneedball Cookie - here to crack your most precious items like Handball 17!
>Time Relic Chaos - enjoy your yearly TBD CBT!
>Tough Cookie returns! Are you the strongest?
>Doughnut Ball Technical License - Come on, it's just a little jumping!
>Splashing Festival - Do literally everything for exactly 1k Rainbow Cubes!
>Treasure Mastery - Time Weaver Scissors - Snibbidy Snab!
>New Legendary Treasure - Hourglass of Asternus Tempora - No more, please!
>Meet Marble bread Cookie soon!
>Meet Caramel Choux Cookie and Street Urchin Cookie in the Town Square!
>Visit the Cuckoo Town Square - Tons of events and a gathering place it's practically a 12 hour job!
>Caramel Choux and Street Urchin Town Square Tour to obtain rewards by completing missions in the Town Square!

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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As always just use the top combis and replace the ones you don't have with newest, maxed ones
Looks like it's quite a full manual experience to kindly time dealing damage to the abyss. Already loved imagining the practicing spectacle of having a fire comp using Pitaya Dragon, Capsaicin, Tarte Tatin, Cream Unicorn, and Snapdragon to napalm it back to ash. Saw earlier of a Prune Juice, would be cool to have a Fire-type Summoner to make Abyss worth raiding again.
>Abyss should of been a giant HP shield and injury thing
Yep, it would be quite narratively consistent to Crispia's Ch. 13-30 to have it vanquished by Dark Cacao and his fellow zappers. As it came from the sea, pretty neat if it's mortally weak to the Electric-type too.
>Spinach Cookie
Based beyond belief
Trying to "daily" six crgs is def intense. At least, currently invested in only ovenbreak and kingdom (really for the sunk cost and playing it close to four years ago) and puzzle world is just a non-updated terminally online single player game (consider a completionist after stage 1540 and getting the three L-grades) as the tertiary crg in this experience. Experiencing the dark pattern of sunk costing in witch's castle regarding those "infinite lives" so powering through those block puzzles are plenty intense. Anyways, kinda glad to cram the pitaya dragon half of ovenbreak's recent update exclusive mode, and got my first pity of stormbringer in kingdom, gave her best beastcuits and a hall boost of Lv. 80 so that's nice for this May.
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Are the dragons true forms the size of a small dog?

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Tick tock, genkeks. Basically a month left until the new open-world gacha will take you out of the conversation.
>Superior combat
>Superior endgame
>Superior multiplayer
>Skip button that respects your time
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Should have been a modern day dark fantasy chunige to contrast with PGR.
That, and taking a girl that was for (you) and doing a 180 in her personality to ship her with a male NPC that no one is going to remember in one week. I hate how serenity and circe got basically murdered, from one of the most popular characters to getting zero fan arts, fucking crazy.
I can't believe they changed Lingyang's squeaky baby voice into a terrible chain smoker one
WuWa just got murdered on /v/ kek
nope lol

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