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Monster girls and tower defense.

Feel free to talk about other tangentially related DMM games.
>heading up the snowy mountains to chase after Niho, Meiyuan is struggling with the cold and clinging to MC for what little warmth he has
>Liaohua offers to warm her, but apparently too hot as Meiyuan is worried about being burned
>Linfu tells them to be more alert and pushes the group out of the way of a Boulder
>the group is in slight chaos as more boulders come down
>It's an attack as they're being pushed at them
>Liaohua asks if she should fly off to intercept them, but MC warns against it as they may be aiming to separate them
>Meiyuan asks Vivi if her statues can do anything
>no, the "invincible statue of Vivi" is powerless in thr face of physical attacks, please do something with your own power
>this is God's test, do not rely on "Vivigami's Statue" for everything
>MC asks whose side is she on as the group takes on the rocky attack
>after their victory, Vivi attributes thanks to the "Conquerer Vivi Statues"
>Liaohua points out didn't you say they were powerless against physical attacks
>also wasn't their name "small Vivi Statue"
>Meiyuan remembers a different name
>Vivi goes how forgetful then stumbles trying to remember herself before correcting with "Heavenly Vivi Statue"
>Linfu questions the point of such naming, but Vivi lectures with an imposing tone regarding the importance of prestige and accomplishment
>the difference between a monmusu and a beastgod is how they perceive their power and use it
>Linfu just feels a snobbish tone and a lack of justice
>the group makes it the top and finds the ice Palace
>it looks like the Imperial Palace
>why is there such a similar castle here
>maybe the empire made it?
>Niho clarifies no, this is the yuki-onna's Palace where men are banned
>so it was made by Yuki-onna
>wait, isn't Niho apart of the empire
>Niho denies such a thing and claims the empire is evil and planning to conquer the world
>MC is incredulous while Liaohua and Linfu are slightly convinced as empire has a villainous sound to it
>MC tries to deny them, but then hesitates and goes ...maybe
>Niho actually offers for the group to join her if they understand
>realistically though we need to snap her back to her senses and fight her
>Niho takes on a protagonist like demeanor announcing she'll make us her friends even if it's through force
>after beating her, Liaohua requests Niho yield
>Niho however refuses to surrender in a way Linfu thinks is purposefully inviting
>Meiyuan suggests using her fist, but MC says no and brings out the statues
>this is the "Vivi Statue of Inspiration", Niho, please wake up
>Niho asks if this is some sort of hypnosis and claims it won't work while Linfu comments that's the sort of thing said by people who hypnosis works on, but is still confused if it actually did
>Vivi compares it to the phenomenon where you hypnotize somebody to increase their favorability towards you, but it turns out your favorability was already maxed so there was no effect
>Niho runs away again before they can purify her
>chasing after her, they find the cause of her madness
>the largest spiritual vein they've seen yet which is probably what let her make a whole castle
>so you understand it's power
>give me the shota or else
>what, why, are you going to do naughty things with him?!
>Linfu thinks it very plausible with how Niho has acted thus far
>No, I plan to erase their consciousness to the point they can only say "I am happy" and install them as an ecological control unit in the spirit vein so I may draw out its power at will
>evil organizations are scarier than expected
>anyways, Vivi says the spirit vein needs to be dealt with to return Niho to normal so time to fight
>Linfu with the pre-fight speech
>It's the final battle...
>I will never lose
>justice will prevail
>finding an opportunity, they seal the spirit vein and defeat Niho
>asking her if she remembers who she is and what happened, she groggily states the situation quite accurately that they're in an ice castle modeled after the Imperial Frost Palace and that she's a Yuki-onna
>Vivi attributes the success to the "Vivi Statue"
>wasn't that name longer
>Niho still groggy address MC as Goshujinn proper
>what is it
>run away...
>this castle is going to collapse now that the spirit vein is sealed...
>the ceiling is already melting
>escaping quickly and skipping back to the Imperial Palace, the group is welcomed with standing ovation and salute at their success
>Lindenhart was fully confident in our success so had a welcome prepared
>she had also already received Chizu and co who also talked about MC's exploits
>it was a great adaption
>apparently there was quite a bit of flourish
>Linfu and Liaohua are happy they'll get some recognition at least as Liaohua strikes a pose
>silence and confusion
>Vivi tells her she has a really weird pose
>not even her partner Linfu joined in
>Linfu can't defend the pose either
>Liaohua asks MC to help think up poses for her later while Linfu tells him to not concern himself with poses
>anyways Lindenhart starts the festivities as she brings out the feast
>all you can eat Yakiniku, seafood hotpot, 100 expertly selected cakes
>the monmusu dive in while MC asks isn't this too much
>Lindenhart says to take it slowly as the victory party will last a month
>a month!?
>Katina finally shows herself and agrees this was too excessive
>apparently a third of the national budget was spent
>Vivi enjoys reverence but even she is concerned
>Katina says this is just how far her sister will go to pamper somebody she likes
>MC notices Meiyuan being silent and asks what's wrong
>nothings wrong, she's just decided
>she will serve MC loyally without issue, no disobeying orders or picking fights
>this journey has been a first for her as she's always been doing what she wanted, but helping others and seeing people happy isn't something she's ever experienced before
>at the very least it's as they say if she just listens to what MC says, she'll get to eat delicious food and fight as much as she wants
>MC is unsure about all this, but Vivi reassures him
>the princess sisters call out to MC to actually start eating
>Meiyuan happily grabs MC to jump in as he protests and asks didn't she just say she'd be more obedient
>the festivities apparently didn't end even after a month
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I didn't notice either and I had just enough to spark Otagi, getting the octopus girl along the way.
Very nice.
>dont have enough bibicoins to get the new beast god
it's so over for me
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Finna keep this one for posterity
>Lico got another alt
How does she do it?
I just finished the second half of the story and the challenge mode with 12 mods. forgot there was maintenance today and luckily checked two hours earlier. would have sucked missing the extra unlock for the free unit until they rerun the event.
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The coveted 150 rolls 0 SSRs
Sucks when that happens. Hope her scenes are good at least.
I want to roll for Lico but the youkais sucked me dry.
I scummed hard in the yokai banner, the yokai free rolls and chupina, so I can't complain
That said, I rolled believing and still believe there's a hidden rate down for dmm games if you roll day 1-2
>Vivi advises MC something similar to the Konami code as he is tasked with decorating the big tree for the holidays
>he ends up falling off the ladder he was on, but is caught by Nell who is dressed for the season
>more specifically a concept that seems to be titled a combination of Clitoris and Bocchi
>a state of enjoying Christmas alone
>she's decorated herself into a Nell tree
>she then attempts to do the same with MC attempting to undress him
>before that can really progress, undead are seen scurrying around the tree
>this is strange as while undead tend to be more active around this time, the decoration date was not publicized according to Vivi
>they are tearing the decorations off the tree
>Nell is adamant about defending the decorations on herself as the battle starts
>despite that, a monster manages to run off with them
>why are they stealing decorations
>let me explain
>Lico popping out of nowhere also in Christmas wear
>also Barrow who cheerily fishes for a compliment from MC before returning to her normally cold demeanor that acts a bit more cavalier about the outfit
>apparently the outfits are for an organization event
>anyways Vivi asks if Lico is behind the undead
>yes, but she apologizes and says she didn't intend for this to happen
>Amelie was holding a big event for the organization and she tasked Lico to help decorate
>however the graveyard was too big for Lico to handle herself so she started summoning undead for the task
>but they all strangely got very pumped saying things like I'm the strongest and went mad with gusto for obtaining decorations and are now rampaging across the island
>as MC wonders what the hell they're doing, he notes that it's pretty clear she's at fault so she should recall the undead
>guess so, but before she can start, she and Barrow are suddenly grabbed by a mob of undead and carried off
>...well they still need them to stop the undead so time to go rescue them
>Nell carries MC on their chase to his unease
>it's not like he can see in the dark or keep up notes Nell and she's confident she won't drop him, but it's still a bit bumpy according to MC
>spotting them by the shining decorations, they find Barrow and Periri
>Periri also seems to be decorating and she seems especially stressed due to the undead theft
>Barrow seems to be highly introspective and troubled by the incident, but MC calls out to her to snap her out of it as they take on the undead
>afterwards, Barrow still seems down, but Vivi tells her to own up and help with fixing the problem she is partially responsible for which she takes to heart
>Barrow is safe and accounted for, so off to find Lico and Nell takes MC back onto the Nell express as he objects and asks to be put down
>they find Lico trying to defend a shota measuring device which she has to inform the ghosts are not decorations
>now the MC is here, Lico actually suggests he may be able to stop them due to shota matter
>MC is pessimistic, but Lico believes the ghosts might listen to a handsome boy
>well let's attempt negotiations
>heehee~ shota is delicious
>smoothly slip through his body and lick his ass~
>MC shrieks and recoils as something cold has touched his ass
>Lico's attention is grabbed by MC's cute voice and she hopes to measure high purity shota matter
>MC meanwhile is being chased by ghosts trying to grab his butt
>Vivi comments on the reversal of the chaser now being chased as were coming after the ghosts in the first place
>Nell has something up her sleeve
>her special slimy gotcha tentacles
>seems they will serve for capturing the ghosts
>if you had something like that, why not use them from the beginning
>she was intending them to be her Xmas present for MC
>the ghosts still manage to run away though
>the incident has gotten quite out of control at this point and it seems Lico and Barrow's attempts at dispelling the undead are being resisted due to negative energies
>Nell taunts them saying her tentacles are more useful and Barrow admits she can't really talk back
>at this point, the only way to stop the rampaging undead seems to be complete destruction
>MC asks if this will be resolved by Christmas
>Amelie shows herself now with a report
>there are a large amount of defectors in the snowy area
>Priest(Barrow) and the others of the Christmas decorations advance team are to follow and subdue them
>this is a task sent by the president of the organization
>Barrow wonders why the president is sticking their neck out not and also notes she doesn't even know who they are
>Amelie says the president has high hopes for Barrow's completion of the mission and Amelie then abruptly dips to Barrow's annoyance
>Nell's tentacles are starting to freeze
>it seems the ghosts are making the mountains even colder than usual
>the ghosts are currently assailing decorations put up by Naruke and Suuno as a distressed Naruke tries to stop them
>the ghosts are saying Christmas should just explode
>Suuno is enjoying the chase though and is more excited than anything
>Naruke explains the situation which is exactly as expected, undead popped out of nowhere and started stealing decorations
>anyways time to stop them
>afterwards, everybody seems incredibly down
>or more accurately negative probably due to the negative energies from the ghosts which are being amplified for some reason
>for some reason a silent Peloros is here
>and alarmingly all the ghosts are being absorbed by her
>she is now possessed by the ghost collective it seems
>Peloros is now SkeletonQ(Q for queen) and she has evolved to transform Christmas into a cursed festival
>also with her sexy dynamite skeleton body become the strongest sexy tree
>Nell takes offense to that as she is also in the tree race
>SkeletonQ goes off about their hatred for Christmas and that time they went to a slightly upscale restaurant on Christmas and were then asked if they were alone
>at a popular cake shop lined with couples when they bought a single piece of shortcake while others were buying full cakes
>going home to nobody greeting them as they eat cake salty with tears as they eat alone
>embodying Christbocchi
(I now realize the the Kuri is for Christmas instead of Clitoris)
>SkeletonQ then runs off to enact their plan to take all the decorations and become the ultimate tree
>anyways, it seems their hatred for Christmas has materialized into an overpowering grudge and it doesn't seem like the ghosts will pass peacefully
>Christmas is in peril as the protagonists set off after Peloros/SkeletonQ
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Could you please tell me how to open this box
If you never realized, you have an inventory.
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Thanks, I thought it was just the game settings at the top, and was looking for the bottom button bar.
>running down the mountains to chase after Peloros/SkeletonQ, MC pauses, and then realizes he doesn't actually know how to find where she went
>this causes Lico, Barrow, and Nell to go off on a tangent about MC's Christmas spirit/youth and if it will eventually fade/disappear
>after MC tsukkomis, he notices a weird noise
>Bocchi Bell~, Bocchi Bell~, loneliness rings~
>No one's coming, there's no tree~, H, E, L, L!
>investigating, they come across Fontaine and Liddell quarreling(Fontaine is trying to forcefully invite a Liddell due to believing she is going be all alone on Christmas otherwise while Liddell seems to have plans on her own already and is refusing her) as well as SkeletonQ who seems to be enjoying/stoking it
>MC notes that Fontaine already has a strange obsession with Liddell in the first place and that they should calm things down before Christmas potentially get bloody
>which SkeletonQ cheers for
>trying to stop her, there is success in purifying most of the spirits, but Skeleton A eludes exorcism and after another chant of Bocchi Bell, reiterates her plans to continue ruining Christmas by making more cursed carols and stealing decorations
>how dastardly
>it seems she also finds solidarity with others in Kuri Bocchi like Liddell who she extends her friendship to
>Liddell responds she has friends though
>she expects to have a great Christmas with them
>SkeletonQ is blindsided while Fontaine goes into an angered cuck monologue
>SkeletonQ welcomes Fontaine as a new Kuribocchi is born
>however Liddell then invites Fontaine to her event as she was never intending to exclude her, she just had prior engagements with her friends and didn't want to ditch them
>Fontaine gives a tsundere acceptance complete with "it can't be helped"
>SkeletonQ is again blindsided by the developments and resorts to attacking MC
>Nell however refuses such a development and makes a meaningful, but bullshit statement about how being alone means nakedness and strips MC
>SkeletonQ retreats after being blinded by holy light
>Barrow wonders what happened
>Nell points out MC's underwear
>Lico has an epiphany as she measures the shota matter levels
>our joy's sacred energy is amplified by what MC wears which counteracts the negative energy
>Nell doesn't understand but summarizes it so MC's underpants is best
>Vivi remarks about the monmusu's desire for MC's underpants and the black market dealings around them
>MC says he buries them to avoid such things, but Vivi counters a certain innately tracking Succubus exists which MC admits was a blind spot
>new plan
>decorate the trees with MC's underpants to weaken SkeletonQ
>Bocchi Bell, Bocchi Bell, there are no words, eating cake alone, my stomach is heavy, H, E, L, L
>Nell marches forward against the cursed caroling with MC's underpants in hand while MC desperately asks for it back as he is cold and freezing without his clothes
>we eat the cake silently, hogging it to ourselves
>there is no response to the toast, we're alone in a cold room
>this is our cursed holy night, H, E, L, L
>Nell brandishs the underpants at her, but SkeletonQ retreated to the graveyard for a reason as this is where her companions are strongest as she calls out for them and gives a rallying cry
>it seems Amelie was converted by negative energies as she proclaims support for Kuri Bocchi
>MC says we must get her back as he starts the counterattack
>as Amelie groggily comes to, she wonders who she is then babbles about being agent 1 who controls Gespenst's underworld information network which MC finds a bit scary/distressing
>as ghost 1, she knows the location of all the underpants MC has buried
>a second culprit
>SkeletonQ retreats further into the graveyard and Lico suspects she has one final ace up her sleeve
>Barrow wonders what they can do with only one pair of underpants and MC's naked body
>Lico has an idea and discusses it privately with Barrow, Amelie, and Nell
>Amelie accepts the task and flies off to use her network's power across the island
>Nell is assigned to continue holding MC as a naked tree
>Bocchi Bell, Bocchi Bell, Santa isn't coming~
>Shota's hopes are scattered, only his stomach is full, H, E, L, L
>Bocchi Bell, Bocchi bell, I don't need anyone~
>Bocchi Bell, Bocchi bell, Loneliness is the merry curse of Christmas, H, E, L, L
>Barrow comes to a realization the singing itself was cursed
>SkeletonQ was circulating the negative energies around Gespenst and collecting it all here along with the decorations which have now become cursed
>SkeletonQ taunts as if they're used now the tree will be cursed
>Lico and Nell have a counterplan ready as they brandish the naked MC tree and his underpants to dispel the curse with his shota matter as he screams
>SkeletonQ scoffs at their efforts as the curse is already complete and such a thing won't work now
>Nell gives it a few more swings with MC, but no luck
>SkeletonQ says she's going to take those underpants and make them into even more cursed decorations
>Vivi tells MC to take command and save Christmas
>MC complains harshly at her smirking during all this
>anyways, SkeletonQ is subdued, but not out as she pledges to continue standing even as she rots
>she says the decorations are in shreds and you can't have a Christmas party at this rate
>MC denies that and says they just have to make the effort to put them back up again
>where will you get the materials to make them again from scratch
>MC does not have an answer, but Lico steps in as Amelie returns from her mission
>as long as all the friends we met along the way as it was too much for her to carry alone
>everyone's gathered to put up the decorations again
>however MC asks about the decorations
>right here as the sack is opened and the gleaming white of MC's used underpants is revealed and Nell tosses them up into the air
>MC is in shock as he has diligently thrown away and buried all his underpants immediately after using them lest they be immediately stolen
>Lico says he has thrown away over 1000 pairs like this, it's about enough to decorate the big tree at least
>everyone gets to work and the tree is soon complete with dazzling white underpants all over it
>SkeletonQ is brought forward to its splendor and forced to gaze upon it
>MC says he can't bring himself to look at it for different reasons entirely
>SkeletonQ is being exorcised, while she resists, Barrow sings an underpants carol to bring it home
>asking if Peloros is okay, she seems groggy and blasted, due to well being blasted by so much negative and positive energy through out all this
>anyways, she should be well soon and Christmas can finally start
>all the monmusu reveal their various plans as well
>MC didn't think they were actually going to have Christmas like this with a big underwear tree
>Vivi quashes his protests and tells him he has no dignity and asks if he would dare damper Christmas for the monmusu as they enjoy his underpants tree
>he still protests as he demands his underwear taken down
>Nell says she'll do it after Christmas and spread them around
>they will be a gift from MC to all the monmusu on the island
>MC seems to want to protest, but Nell's aura wins out
>Christmas ends in holy light and cheer
Is english translation fixed or do you still just kinda need to know where everything is?
No idea. I play on phone and just know where everything is at this point personally. This game doesn't really have that much in the way of menus.
If you want, you can attempt more recent builds of the Unity auto translator and try different plug-ins to see if any forms of installation work.
3 times in a row. Went from 15 rolls to 6. That will teach me for not saving a die to specifically avoid this.
>Mauro bemoans her lack of attention this year as it nears its end
>she encounters a fortune box on the ground randomly and draws a fortune without hesitation confident in getting great luck
>bad, she pulls it again, bad, bad
>this fortune box must be cursed or something
>she kicks it away after getting nothing but bad luck draws
>the fortune box starts emanating a cursed aura as it lays on the ground again
>we segue to MC and Vivi unaware of what just transpired taking a walk of their own
>it sure is peaceful
>Vivi asks MC if he's deliberately setting a flag
>he's just saying what he thought
>he is suddenly spooked by breathing on the back of his neck by a cheerful Nelly
>she's in shrine wear and blesses MC to be safe for the coming year
>Vivi notes the strength of fairy shrines and their blessings, but claims praying to her would bring even more
>anyways, Nelly actually came here for a reason
>she lost something and wants their help looking for it
>suddenly a depressed Saura and Anise appear
>both are pessimistic about the new year and don't want it to come
>wouldn't that require stopping time
>they take MC's common sense as rejection and get angry
>after being subdued/knocked out, it seems they each had something
>Saura has a fortune telling her she'll be the most annoying while Anise says people will be cold to her
>Vivi goes so it's MC's fault upon seeing Anise's
>anyways, after MC's protest, Nelly reveals they're on the right track as the fortunes have fortune box 2024 product signatures on them
>she lost the fortune box which these came from
>if it's for 2024, won't these be obsolete by the new year anyways?
>Nelly says it'd be bad if it was just left in the wild
>Lumivel will get really angry at her as well
>she asked Kokonoha and Itsutsu to help look for it as well though both seemed to have other priorities before helping
>actually looking for it, the group search Saura and Anise's bodies, but no luck, so off to look around as Nelly drags MC along
>they don't have to look long
>they find the fortune box as well as Varina, Amelie, and Franci curious to draw their fortunes
>asking for it back, Varina is glad to and courteous about it(in a tone that MC finds distasteful), however Franci and Amelie have opened their shocking fortunes
>next year will be idle, also you won't be considered a princess
>it's bad, the organization will collapse
>Varina notes hers was bad too, but wasn't really perturbed by it
>a taunting voice emerges
>MC looks around, but sees nobody, until the voice directs him
>it's the fortune box
>it turns out that fairy fortune boxes can all talk
>anyways it's behind the evil fortunes and what's more Franci and Amelie are now acting strangely desperate
>fortune box 2024 reveals it has directly amplified their negative feelings towards the new year
>MC asks for what reason
>...hmm, none of your business
>Varina reveals her fortune
>people will pay no attention to you and may outright ignore you
>Varina finds the thought of ignore play thrilling
>fortune box 2024 is disturbed and confused by Varina to the point of just commanding Franci and Amelie to attack
>it runs away in the scuffle
>MC concludes it must have fled from Nelly's shrine
>Nelly wonders why as she was feeding it treats
>as MC ponders the fortune box's degree of life/existence, Vivi tells him to not get off-track as they have to stop it and don't know what it's planning
>Varina asks so they have to catch that box that gives out white stuff?
>MC takes severe issue with her phrasing
>anyways, she's also joining the party which MC is grateful for
>Varina was excited at the thought of being ignored by MC, but being looked at by his sparkling eyes is also exciting
>MC notes it seems she'd be excited either way as they go off to chase the box
>we don't have to chase long as we quickly find the box soliciting Thiel
>she is taking this in chuuni fashion and treating the fortune like a contract with noticeable fanfare
>the box gets impatient and tells her to just take one which Thiel takes offense to
>anyways, the group is able to yell at her to help capture the box
>this box?
>yes, tie up that hard body tightly and don't let anything come out of that hole
>MC again takes issue with Varina's phrasing
>anyways, fortune box 2024 resorts to summoning more monmusu they already got to draw fortunes
>Yuil and Lotona
>dispatching them, the fortune box laments its efforts being done away with
>Thiel asks what's going on and is informed on the box's evil fortunes
>oh, so it was trying to take this genius magician down
>Thiel proceeds to act like she knew all along and was purposefully stalling though Nelly presses her on it
>it was suspicious, her arm was aching
>Varina calls Thiel lewd for her tingling body
>it was just the arm!
>since the new year is coming, the power of darkness is stronger than usual
>Vivi takes issue with the looseness of the setting
>the fortune box has run away again as they were all talking
>chasing the fortune box, Nelly asks for it to stop and come back to the shrine
>it says if it can solve its problem
>really? Nelly is all ears and Thiel is confident she can solve whatever it is
>there is a fortune box with 10 tickets, 3 of which being great luck
>persons A and B will each draw 1 ticket, A then B
>fortunes will not be returned to the fortune box after being drawn
>what is the chance A draws a great luck?
>Nelly has no understanding while Thiel declines to answer because it doesn't like the box's tone
>Vivi puts MC up to bat and MC answers correctly with 3/10
>the fortune box challenges further by asking what the chance of both getting a great luck is
>the monmusu are in a panic
>1 in 15
>Vivi and Thiel act like they also knew it, but MC doubts
>despite being answered correctly, the box reneges on its deal and sicks more monmusu at them
>before we go to battle, another entity wonders into the area apologizing for the trouble
>fortune box 2025
>it promises to help out the group as it wants to help its senpai, fortune box 2024
>the group is filled with power as 2025 is an optimist and wishes to fill the next year with positivity
>the battle is cleared easily
>it turns out Kokonoha and Itsutsu were the ones who brought 2025 here
>it seems they did in fact take Nelly's task seriously so she blesses them to receive MC's white juice in the coming year
>this isn't a euphemism or anything, they're just directly being lewd and are excited at the prospect of milking MC
>MC takes severe issue at the vulgarity of the blessing
>Nelly is a bit off-put, this is one of her shrines most popular blessings
>the 2025 box brings us back to the main topic
>it was intended for 2024 to pass over its duties, but when they had gone to meet them, they had disappeared
>instead of returning, 2024 had started spreading curses
>they hope fortune box 2025's words as a junior might help
>Seguing to FB2024, it is cursing the coming of 2025 and spiraling further into negativity
>Kokonoha is the paid unit
I am heartbroken
i dont remember the last time i got something before spark
>with the help of FB2025, they track 2024 through the forest
>their aura is weird apparently which is said in a way Varina and Itsutsu think is naughty
>after chastising them, MC remarks on the amount of NY decorations
>Thiel was actually responsible for them, proud of having completed her sister's task for her to decorate
>they wonder about why 2024 went AWOL with 2025 wistfully having thought they would be happy for them
>suddenly a loud outburst from Mashroa is heard, having probably gotten one of 2024's cursed fortunes
>finding them, Mashroa is extorting 2024 until she gets the best fortune possible and she isn't allowing them to get away
>when 2025 addresses 2024 saying they were worried about them, 2024 is outraged asking how they dare say that
>nobody has a read on their personal issues
>Mashroa however is still aggro and not liking being ignored, attacks
>after dealing with her, 2024 claims 2025 brought the group here to make fun of them
>2025 denies that, but 2024 is still angry and asks have they forgotten what they did to them before running away again
>the group asks 2025 what they did with 2024, but 2025 has no idea
>Kokonoha ponders if the senior didn't want the junior to surpass them
>Varina twists to not wanting to switch from being a top to a bottom
>it turns out Itstsu was using her tube fox to read 2025's heart
>however, all she was really able to get was that they were furious
>as there was nothing lewd about it, it was uninteresting to her which appears to be Itsutsu's character trait
>as they pursue 2024 deeper into the forest, it gets strangely cold all of a sudden
>MC sneezing, Varina takes this as an excuse to hug and warm him
>Nelly joins in as well
>walking in on this situation is Niho who finds MC being a beast like always
>MC tries to defend himself, but fails miserably as Niho retreats and with her, the cold as well
>MC shakes off a disappointed Varina and Nelly and they guess Niho received a cursed fortune
>2024 yells at them for following them for instant confirmation
>anyways, he has another set of monmusu he's gotten possessed by cursed fortunes to throw at us to prevent the new year from coming, but before battle starts, 2025 tries to ask why they're doing this
>Kokonoha and Nelly have already fully presumed the bitter senior story and chastise them on that premise which immediately has them start the attack
>it is easily thwarted
>Nelly asks them to give up
>when it asks why nothing is working, 2025 calmly replies its because their tactics are old, both the way they fight and how they think, a year old already
>2024 viscerally reacts to 2025's criticism, claiming they used to be such a cute junior at first
>2024 is shedding tears at this point bringing into question its biology even more
>Varina and Itsutsu gossip on the senior-junior relationship and how they couldn't get anything to happen when they were alone in a room together for the handover
>this causes 2024 to be reminded of what happened in that room which causes them to fall further into malice
>2024 starts expulsing its fortunes at the group and threatens its most evil fortunes yet
>narrowly avoiding the projectile fortunes, 2024 is again asked to give it up as it's all out now, however they are still resistant
>suddenly Shijime who seems to have caught a stray fortune as this is where she lives
>Kuromi and Tantaru as well
>if you something naughty, everyone will leave you
>you won't be able to penetrate MC next year
>MC more loudly reacts to the succubus sisters asking why the fuck they're here
>Varina believes they were hoping to surprise him with a naughty new year and have actually been following him for a while now
>anyways, this is 2024's last attack
>subdued once again with nothing left up their sleeve, 2024 is despondent and tells them do whatever they want
>the group simply wants to know why they did all this
>it's because 2025 kept provoking them
>with every little way they said things to them
>"wow, that's an old-fashioned way of thinking"
>"senpai, your body is falling apart"
>at some point, they had run away before they knew it
>then trying their luck as a fortune box one last time, they got kicked away by some dragon girl
>at that point, they became consumed by negativity and couldn't stop
>the group is sympathetic, but still they caused a lot of trouble for others
>2024 apologizes properly
>Nelly brings in 2025 to give their apology to them as 2025 also regrets having made 2024 feel this way and that they always respected them
>the handover of duties finally occurs as well
>it seems everything is well now
>Varina and Itsutsu wonder if they're going to fuck later which MC can't even believe them at this point
>small timeskip to new year's day at Nelly's shrine
>2024 and 2025 are there happily with 2025 giving out fortunes
>pulling it, the fortunes are all positive
>Varina gets "the person you are interested will turn around, instead of ignoring you, they will be staring at you"
>Thiel's future is going to be bright and she'll be active as a genius magician
>Itsutsu will get to see a lot of naughty scenes
>if Kokonoha attracts the attention of the gentleman they are interested in, they'll be even more lovey dovey
>MC wonders if 2025 is rigging great fortunes, but they deny it
>even so, both Vivi and MC draw greats as well
>MC's fortune telling him about how popular he'll be which is just par for the course at this point
>Mauro arrives greeting the others, but before she can get her fortune, she is immediately assaulted by 2024 who recognizes them as the one who kicked them all over
>2024 doesn't want them to get a fortune from 2025 at all as Mauro asks MC for help as she is beaten back by a fortune box
>Nelly drags MC to help intervene and he drops his fortune which hadn't yet been fully pulled
>"however you will continue to get into trouble this year as well"

I can't help but wonder if there are fortune boxes 2023 and earlier.
>Damstow is a welfare
I ponder the choice of not making her a limited, but I'm not complaining.
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Not a bad amount of supplies in addition to the the 300k from doing the boss map. I always saved my 2/3/4/5 dice for the top path to get more dice, but maybe saving your cheat dice for the bonus board would have been better. First and last round I landed on the goal twice, which gives a massive amount of gold. Second to last run was a complete disaster landing on multiple -dice squares in addition to landing on almost entirely brown chest in the bonus game.
The optimal strat was medium difficulty 56654433 or something like that and using the leftover 1/2s to jackpot on the bonus board for consistent 1.5-2 million gold. It's kind of messed up how much gold difference it makes between playing optimally and not.
Hello, English patch?
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nah, someone calc'd the real optimal strat and posted it in the discord
holy shit lol. I'll be sure to ask the next time they run this.
You can control your dice rolls?
the button above the roll button let you pick a die between 1 and 6, and your next roll would roll as the number you picked.
>taking place right after the foray through the jungle after Damstow having left her jail due to having gotten a mail order key
>we see Vivi and Antimo trying to push her back to jail as Damstow tries to weasel out of it by acting as if Antimo had talked about living together again while performing various dogezas
>anyways, the reason Antimo wants her back in jail is because Damstow is being targeted and it's safer there
>also, she'll be vastly more likely to stay out of trouble which is probably the bigger reason
>Damstow begs to stay out until she can finish deving her game, "Gegu Island Butouden 2"
>Antimo says it's probably going to be shitty, especially since it's the 2nd when there isn't even a first
>Damstow challenges her to it still and chooses to play as Vivi
>Antimo is confident she won't lose at a fighting game, but Damstow uses Vivi's 0 gauge instakill beam attack and wins instantly
>as Damstow dogezas to beg for forgiveness in a way that misses the point, somebody arrives remarking Damstow hasn't changed at the sight of the dogeza
>A demon who introduces herself as Eshmana, a reverse pick-up artist
>seems she also did a prison break and picks Damstow up from kneeling posture happy to see her
>Vivi asks what the Asmodeus musume is doing here as a "harmful person"
>Eshmana defends herself, she was only getting eliminating women who got close to him
>Vivi explains to MC, that as the devil of lust, her possessiveness was far beyond others and she took out many competitors for the Genesis Boy, so she was locked up in eternal jail as well
>it seems since her talking partner in jail was gone, she decided to get a mail order key too
>as Damstow apologizes for escaping without saying anything she mentions the guys behind Eshmana wondering if they cheated on her, but Eshmana had no idea anybody was there as some poachers reveal themselves having been seen by Damstow
>Eshmana boasts after the battle and Antimo calls her out for being a provoker/seducer who didn't even fight
>Eshmana says she'll be able to interrogate them
>as she strokes the poacher's chin with her index finger, she asks him if he can step on his head with the poacher being immediately charmed to dogeza while screaming Eshmana-chuwan, please step on me
>Damstow is impressed by his dogeza skills
>Eshmana asks his purpose in following her and what allies he has, but he responds he's the lowest of low and doesn't know the motives behind his mission, just that they're here to capture demon musume and that those backing him are great in number
>he also reveals a special transparent stone that is apparently able to dispatch demon musume without issue as well which he was supposed to use
>Vivi examines it, but senses no magical power from it, it looks like an artificially made manastone, but it has no power
>Eshmana asks about it, but the poacher says they don't know anything besides it was stolen
>Eshmana stomps on the poacher and calls him useless as he squeals in delight
>Vivi remarks on the cruelty of her reverse pick-up tactics
>MC thought she was using magic to charm them, but Eshmana says it's all natural charm and asks MC if he'd be charmed too
>no, I'm fine
>Eshmana is stunned her reverse pick-up was refused
>Vivi says he has a tolerance as he gets fucked by monmusu every day
>Eshmana is surprised at the re-emergence of somebody like the Genesis Boy after all this time
>Antimo decides to leave at this point as it's starting to smell weird and leaves Damstow to MC, but she asks to take the stone for investigation
>she advises they take a different route back to jail as it seems they're being tracked before finally leaving
>anyways, Eshmana seems fine with returning if Damstow is also going back
>she knows of 666 secret passages to the jail, so we'll take one of those
>Vivi asks when the hell did those get made and remarks they'll have to be destroyed afterwards
>as they head back, Eshmana continues speaking in a seductive manner
>Vivi tells her to cut it out and that she already failed at seducing MC
>Eshmana claims she wasn't trying to do that and that's just her natural charm flowing out and apologizes and asks MC if it was too stimulating
>No, not really, thank you for showing us this secret passage by the way
>Eshmana is in shock at the road having more impact than her and now seems to be in actual distress as she asks Damstow that something's strange, right?
>something does feel a bit cold
>huh!? Eshmana quickly becomes worried for Damstow like a fussy mom, but Damstow says it's not like that and more of the demon's 6th sense thing
>poachers attack saying the info was right to the surprise of Eshmana who was confident only demons knew of this place
>after beating them, they retreat and drop another one of those stones
>however, there's something a bit different about this one according to Damstow
>as they try to fish out what she's talking about due to her wishywashiness, she reveals this stone has the faint presence of Antimo to it and she wonders if the stones collect demon power
>did Antimo possibly get captured?
>that seems unlikely though as well as her cooperating either
>anyways, Antimo can't be contacted right now, so Damstow apologizes for stirring up anxiety
>however she also has another one of her strange demon hunches about moving forwards right now, so the party advances
>moving forward they meet with a "new" demon who seemed to be who Damstow was sensing
>she recognizes Damstow and asks for help dealing with the ants treating her like sweets as poachers attack her
>Vivi introduces her as Azeb, the Beelzebub musume as she notes the poachers really do seem to be targeting demon musume
>as MC moves to intercept, Damstow asks him to wait as she infuses her power into the stone they have and asks him to use it saying commanding should go smoother with it
>MC didn't know she could do such a thing and Damstow says this is just a simple contract any devil can do, but she wants to help out, especially if it turns out the kidnapped Antimo
>Eshmana notes a switch seems to have been flipped
>Azeb asks if they're actually going to help her at this point and MC hurriedly intercepts
>the poachers retreat while noting the enemy's command was even more precise and devastating today
>anyways, Azeb thanks the group and notes MC seems to have handled Damstow's power very well as a new contractor
>MC asks if they've met before triggering the others into accusations of trying to pick Azep up
>MC denies this heavily, but Eshmana is calling it like she sees it
>Azeb tells her to calm down and denies having met MC before unfortunately, so he apologizes for his mistaken imagination
>anyways, it seems Azeb did come across Antimo being transported in the jungle when she sent out 4545 scouting flies
>it seems something has happened and now Damstow hurriedly wants to chase them down
>Azeb conveniently had the flies leave tracking sap on the poachers before they were fended off, so off we chase
>they've found the poachers and their hideout at a cave
>Damstow suggest a surprise attack, but before they can, a poacher immediately comes out to yell at them to reveal themselves
>Azeb with a face saying she was completely caught off-guard by this, says she had a hunch her flies would be noticed as Eshmana grills her and then realizes she's starting to throw up as she even thinks about it
>Vivi tells Azeb to tone it down next time as even MC would be shocked
>Azeb apologizes, it's just she likes things messy and dirty...
>however, MC actually thinks the psychological attack might have been effective and helpful
>the poacher thinks that's bullshit and attacks
>after being defeated, the poacher collapses and the flies celebrate on his body
>Eshmana calls for it to stop, but Azeb refuses
>she likes things messy and dirty
>doesn't it feel calming when you look at it, the chaos, it feels like a glimpse of creation
>Eshmana is terrified though Damstow is fine with anything happening to Antimo's kidnappers as she whacks a downed poacher already covered in flies
>MC calls for them all to stop as the battle is already over causing both Azeb and Damstow to turn on a dime with Damstow begging forgiveness for getting carried away
>MC asks Damstow to stop dogezaing as she is being too remorseful
>Eshmana asks for a reward as she didn't do anything bad
>MC says he can't really give a reward, but she's right, so he pats her on the head at least
>she's annoyed by being treated like a child, but is soon made to embarrassment as MC keeps it up somewhat aggressively face close to hers
>she eventually disengages and tries to get the group to move along, but before she can enter the cave, MC stops her as a huge rock flies out of it
>a familiar silhouette emerges, grandstanding at them, it seems trouble has come out as the event closes at a midpoint cliffhanger for now
Now that I actually listen to her introduction, it turns out it's Azep with a hard P sound. I just assumed B initially due to Beelzebub.
>rolled right after stamp gacha
well at least I got the bubs in 70, but I also want the qilin
may not have enough to spark after my last 0 SSR spark
What happened to the material EX quests?
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>no kiss from Janet
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still got enough gems to pity twice. Also someone make the thread on /jp/.
ah shit, tried to play during maintenance yesterday and forgot to login before reset. -50 gems, -1 day for the next vivi scene, and overcapped on milk/gold.
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>Med reveals herself expressing disappointment at the narrow miss
>when MC yells at her asking why, Vivi notes her tone isn't normal as she's speaking formally
>as Eshmana starts to ponder the line of thought, Damstow immediately exclaims she's being manipulated, which causes Eshmana to tell her not to just steal the last dish
>before Damstow has a real chance to dogeza, Azep interrupts her as it'd be bad to show an opening to the manipulator, pointing to an empty spot nearby
>they reveal themselves, priestess A and swordswoman A, the priestess impressed Azep saw through her magic
>the priestess desires the extermination of all demon girls on the island and sees nothing wrong using them to do it themselves, better yet, all monmusu if they can
>Eshmana says there's no way they're going to let that happen, but Priestess A points out she has Med right here and they'll have to fight her and the controlled Med seems completely up for it to Eshmana's annoyance
>fighting her and gaining the upper hand, priestess A runs away, leaving Med behind to stall the group
>Med refuses to stand down until completely defeated, though MC is hesitant to attack her further
>however, Vivi says Damstow has something that can completely defeat Med
>realizing she can, Damstow challenges Med to Geshima Butouden 2
>Damstow chooses Vivi
>Med chooses Antimo
>the conclusion is foregone
>Eshmana goes Kusoge and says there's no way Med will accept that, but Med completely accepts her defeat from that
>Med seems snapped out of her control by the whole experience and passes out to rest wistfully from the defeat she just experienced
>Vivi's predictions were right, it's a good thing she supervised the game's special moves
>so Vivi was behind the kusoge!
>Damstow asks her to not call it that, she worked hard on it
>MC asks them to just get going at this point
>charging into the cave, Damstow calls for them to hurry as Antimo cries for help
>Eshmana and Azep feel doubtful Antimo would be doing that and that Damstow is more the type for that
>Damstow actually protests and says she can get serious when she has to
>Arcos then pops in, calling Damstow as the one who started the great war, asking her to show her that power saying she'll make the villainous Damstow's defeat the foundation of her success
>Damstow immediately deflates and apologizes for getting carried away
>even Azep and Eshmana are surprised at how fast she went into dogeza this time
>Vivi asks Arcos about her manipulation and she responds how could she refuse, her career points are tripling from this, but Azep as the demon prime minister tells her she's negative currently from her point of view
>Arcos is shocked, but recomposes herself and won't accept it, choosing to defeat them for her success
>Arcos is unceremoniously defeated and Azep has flies carve the sign of remorse into her
>it's flies spelling out idiot on her forehead
>Azep is sure she'll bounce back
>Damstow calls for them to hurry on to rescue Antimo and Eshmana calls out how quick she is to recover once Arcos went down
>Damstow apologizes for trying to ride their credit as they were the ones who fought and Eshmana accepts and tells her to respect them more, but MC says Eshmana wasn't fighting either
>we finally find Antimo who is bound
>Damstow calls out to her and Antimo wasn't expecting such a situation where she was the one to be rescued
>Priestess A and swordswoman A are also here still acting confident to the point where they make the offer to leave the rest alone if they offer up Damstow and Antimo as they're primarily after those 2
>the demons altogether obviously reject
>the priestess and swordswoman are defeated and Damstow plans to punish them harshly for what they've done, but Antimo asks to take over so she can take them to Rochelle for proper interrogation
>Damstow protests a bit saying don't you have a bit of a grudge? and kicking the body while it's down is the funnest part in fighting games, but Antimo is insistent and while she appreciates her anger for her, she's not confident in her ability to extract information
>also Antimo notes that due to Damstow's habit of kicking people's bodies after fights, she gained a reputation as a brutal and violent monstergirl
>Damstow can only really dogeza in response
>after Antimo's farewell to her which is misinterpreted a couple of times, we get back to the topic of reimprisoning Damstow so she doesn't cause trouble
>Damstow protests, but everybody simply continues escorting her back to prison
>unbeknownst to the group, a mysterious figure remarks on the failure to capture the target, but at least the prototype machine was a success and they head away to report to the "doctor" unknown to the protagonists
need the lust demon
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can't believe this manifested her. rolled without even looking at her kit. by some miracle, didn't have to go to exchange either.
>it's the demons and also Ruisha for some reason
>Arcos is keen on disciplining MC and Med's keen on destroying him
>Sovegura is more about love and peace and Ruisha thinks shotas are to be protected
>Vivi tells her MC desires her chest which results in some group hugging
>after the battle, Ruisha is keen on making sure MC is fine and didn't hurt himself and gets close to the point he blushes a bit which triggers a reaction from the crowd
>anyways no harming the shota
>Arcos asks what about a collar
>MC says he'd hate it, but all the monmusu including Ruisha go silent
>Sovegura and Ruisha think a collar would be nice honestly
>Arcos is ready with the collar at this point
>Vivi tells MC he'll end up like a dog at this rate so he makes his leave

Congrats, I'm personally curious to her stories as she should know Genesis Boy stuff, but I can't afford to splurge due to the looming possibility of another MGQ collab. She really doesn't seem like the jealous type despite what her background states. Rather, Leviathan's supposed to be the demon of envy.
Damn this new ranchiki kicked my ass. Had to borrow a maxed-out water war dragon girl for the 4th stage.
>Asmodeus kept killing a woman's husbands each time she married so she never got laid
So that's why Eshmana has that in her backstory.
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Barely cleared it myself. Not sure what killed my healer, but she was on the center island on the bottom right and NY Platina was on the top right. I don't think I would have been able to clear this without NY Platina being unkillable and shitting out damage. The oni skill ended up sniping the last ~1/4 hp that the last strong unit had, so this was really close.
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Meme content

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