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Christmas events, draws, and 2x CP are currently live. Warzone is coming soon™
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if you're not planning on buying mythic cards:
krig > ffar > BP > grau

as for why...the krig is the only one of these guns that doesn't paywall its best ironsight and the ammo counter behind being maxed with mythic cards (in fact it's yours at level 0, just keep in mind you get a neat ammo indicator on the ironsight instead of a number). mythic grau gives you a shitty default ironsight and you're paying to scrape the shit off it. the other 2 guns pull the same shit but the BP and ffar give you a nice starting ironsight so I'll let it slide. krig's ironsight is so much of an upgrade over the base/the vast majority of sights you can buy that I'd argue it's the most helpful to the weapon mythic of these four.

after looking at tbe individual guns and whether ir not you'd use them, look the draws up on youtube to see if you like the shit in them/gimmicks they have from maxing them. krig gets a custom geometry machete and a custom legendary cryo bomb for instance while the ffar gets a sword that gives the gun (if you max the mythic level) a cusyome weapon swap animation and a legendary contact grenade. sometimes the extra shit/characters in the draws are thing's you'd like too so check it out.
>got to master rank despite having shit reaction time and terrible aim
>everyone is sliding and jumping around with smgs or camping with snipers
i dont mind waiting
i just want a pewpew gun with sick tracers
for that i guess either bp50 or ffar would do
i like space/stars theme so i guess i will go for bp50
Is it worth to get one of the ak47 dragon blueprints if I have frostbrand?
it has default ak-47 ironsights so probably not. only worth it to grab one if you're a collector and/or like skins with custom geometry.

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Pole Dancing Event

Shake phone in time with your raifu's dance to increase her tips!

Daily limit: 60 tips
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Eve, artificial hyperintelligence, wife of Maciej Nowicki.The best relationship in the omniverse.
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>pick the 200% move speed increase in gay zone
>doesn't loop

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I will come back if I can have Wisdom. I wanted to read that she was saved, my cute genki snipergirl. I need to believe she was cured of Entropy.

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uhm? How so?
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It is theorized that they scrapped the original storyline when they changed writers during Mirage, and the story began to retcon/contradict itself during later Eclipse and Aurora.

See the older prolog where both Angela and Uzziah were alive

Kaito and Tachilanda don't match with how they were described in Eclipse.
The mermaids simply disappeared from the storyline.
They rushing to remove Miranda from the plot.
Jia-Shen teleport.
Plot elements being introduced and dropped in the same scene (the leopard's eye, and the seven stars song)
Both Chiyuki and Juan Yun gave slightly contradictory versions of the origin of the Eastern Alliance.
You can notice that the poison of the insect tribe came from their insects, not from their blood.
In both the world map and the opening screen, you can see the undumbara growing on the fossilized dragon wing, but in the main story the body part never appeared.
In Clark's story, Diana knows about the political landscape of the mechanical territory, which is impossible by Aurora lore.
Nigel vanishing during Eclipse.

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Another dead week
dead week? this is bog standard week at this point
This one will have a new AW.

I wonder at what point the game died.

RIP to one of the best.

As you may or may not know the World wide version of the game shut down back at the beginning of March. Today June 25 (Japan), 2024 marks the end of the Japanese and last version of the game that was still going. Marking 7 years of life, Memoria Freeze was one of the most successful anime tie-in gotcha games ever, outliving many games that followed. Press F to pay respects.
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Wow I played this for a long time. Quit when the Global version shutdown was announced. Didn't expect the JP version to follow suit so quickly.
I still don't understand why they shut this down. It was still earning them a lot of money.
Technology marches on. Damachi MF was already 7 years old. It may have still been earning money, but it was running on old software. A new game was developed. Danmachi Battle Canonical. And so Memoria Freeze was left behind. It's sad to see it go, but all good things come to an end.
Well it was good while it lasted.

This shit is like crack

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DMC: "peak" of combat
So when are we getting a new devil may cry mobile game? Don't you own phones?
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Its incredibly grindy to get any character unlocks. Like literal hours.
How's that game anyways?
No way in hell they'll reach 3000 likes
Hope they'll realize this means nobody's interested on their shit anymore
It baffles me trying to figure out what the fuck Capcom is doing. They're just outright losing money and for what?
>Inb4 you can merge hunters of the same character
They're running out of costumes they teased in pinnacle

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This thread is dedicated to Kisaki.
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have you grind for your monthly rewards bros?
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Thanks. I didn't notice until like a week or two ago that Asol came from the monthly thing, and before that I only knew that it had multiple stages, the champ lockout, and the score leaderboard.
Ok hear me out
>2x Dreadway Chase Gun
>1x Luden's Tempest
>every time she's summoned she does 8 damage to nexus
too slow, even for asol it's like what? 6 turns?
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Hope they make Sion and Nautilus as main decks in PotC. I like Madness and Deep got me through ranked a good couple of times.
If you're wondering how many spells Targon EZ has in his deck, the answer is a lot. I cast Entrapment on a the targon double stun spell and put 12 puffcaps in the deck.

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Today marks its 3000th day
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I haven't played in a long time and i got her but for some reason i don't see the gacha for her weapon, did they change something?
you can get it doing the event mission
thanks, i just had to do the first mission.
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The change is canceled lmao
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Mission Impossible

New title screen is SEX!! These girls who have nothing to do with the actual game need SEX!! GOD THIS GAME GETS MY COCK SO FUCKING ROCK HARD!! Any of you niggers play this epic shitpost of a game?
shit looked like AIslop so I avoided it
It's pretty fun, and it has possibly kind of live multiplayer. I don't think the art is really AIslop but a few of the art assets may be.

Just announced


All my favorite Dolphins are Gunners
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Bride Yume and Michiru's skirts
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>Iruka is expectant
>Hiori is embarrassed
>Kiri is so fucking ready for it
New paid SSR again? Might save me some more gems.
It's a really cute Eines
More than the yukata, the flower ornament looks like the actual thing you'd want

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Previous thread >>1047742
Recruitment guide: https://purindaisuki.github.io/tkfmtools/en/enlist/filter/
/vmg/ v2 guild code: 91853176 (feel free to share your own, too)
anon's recruitment code: 9QV8KT (again, all encouraged to share own)
No current promo codes, but we'll share when they appear!
Summer event is here again (or will be in a couple of days)
Who do you want? And who do you got?

>>1202460 #
The used to be one for the Demon Spire and a lot of levels overlapped but that hasn't been updated in ages. https://sys.4channel.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftkfm.wiki%2Fthe-demon-spire%2F
Who's giving you trouble?
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When does the summer event end? I haven't played in a while (had financial issues and I swore off gacha until I got my shit back together), but I really don't want to jump on the game when the event is probably more than half way over.
Summer is over. The banners are still up for another week or so though.
Current event is a rerun, going for another 10 days. Next proper event isn't announced yet.
How much do you need to spend in order to play this game? Surely you don't need to spend much or at all?
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I always got every limited SSR in the game, would try to get it F2P but wasn't afraid of spending.
I gave in and started again. I just paid $300 to get all of the summer units. I really wasn't planning on doing all of that, but I got really pissed/sunk cost fallacy because I kept on pulling Chizuru as my SSR, I pulled her 5 times and I used the $60 package to get Satan.
NVM, I got it.

love the game so far. hope it doesnt die .-.

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May Fever event going on right now, plus seed and blossom dungeons are currently open
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>5 maintenance stones for the mixup on the promo AR banner image on Twitter gave me enough for 1 final 10 pull chance for Nyarla
>just a bunch of standard banner dupes
I'm cooked...Gahh, Christmas Nomad took all my luck, it'll be 2 months soon since I've gotten a 5 star
Please RNGods don't make me miss out on any good summer characters this year...
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this kills the monkey
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I would kill for an action beat-em-up type game similar to ZZZ but based on Housamo

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