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hi i like cookie run ovenbreak black sugar swan cookie is hot
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>Jellywood Movie Set
Also as a bonus, for Day 7's "Escape from the Oven" combi.
Cookiefied the op, ty for the reference
Yep, love blackberry in all her games, she's pretty nifty in Kingdom during the Avatar of Destiny experience, and in Ovenbreak, one of the few times she's needed in breakout, like in the Spooky Spider Mansion that one Truffle reveal update a mighty long time ago, and this update's 8th Cookie from "Escape from the Oven." That Creepy Kitchen Stage is pretty demanding with its frame-perfect jumping and sliding thru the fire, pepper shakers, yeah
>Escape from the Oven
With that Ovenbreak combi, was glad to slide down to Master V, still eligible for a Legendary Gem. Real cutting it close with just those epics, plus Pilot. High flyer fella .
>Jellywood Movie Set
3.1B as a Rainbow II is quite a mean downfall. The Black Sugar Swan update before that Jjangjjang update was neat for displaying the Ă—2 scoring effect to the last runner. Guess we'll need to get almost 4B+ for that Master qualification.
Welp. Here's hoping these breakout sets are still good, like:
>>1516887 for this upcoming, 3-cookie long Black Sugar Pirate Ship Breakout, and...
>>1516587 for that 5-cookie Jellywood Movie Set Breakout in the next weekly rotations.
The Cookie base design is pretty neat, ever since the cookierunoven, and the mycookie in kingdom, cookiesonas or cookie ocs still are pretty sweet. Not my oc, but found this one particularly fine

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The second week of the Princess Tour begins.
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1st place; hold Tier 99. Easy low-effort week; no tickets spent.
Lmao a fucking japanese who had all level 8 parts came in at the last minute and threw me off 2nd. place.
I got thrown to 4th at the last hour too
sucks having to spend a week to rank back up to 99
Here’s the data for the Halloween Tour ranked, this is one of the worst tours for ranked imo
gold petey supremacy started here

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Yuzhong should be jailed for turning the cutest and sexiest GFL1 character into this nonbinary they/them…thing. Worst character redesign in the history of gaming.
>I love UMP45 no matter what!
Fuck you simp not a single person asked for this shit.
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>yet another point event
>two days in a row having to spend way too long tediously running through 6-4e to satisfy the "you have to fight bosses AGAIN" thing
If that's impressive to you, I'd hate to see what you consider a normal ass.
I'm usually not into ranking, but I actually enjoyed this pseudo ranking map this time around. No random teleporters, no spawn points to milk, no gates and keys or rubble to gatekeep, no 100-node map spread out over 3 layers. Just simple objectives: collect all the lube, kill everything. It felt very obtainable to my smooth brain, and I think I got max points entirely on my own with no guides.

Also, this bitch can't stop jumping out of crates for me. She wants my thick, juicy burger.
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I need her
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I really really really want to hug and kiss and receive a handjob from Welrod (GFL2)
Is the frosty crate event just broken? I received crates for two days, then received five days' worth of crates after a four day block. After that, nothing. I'm launching it every day so there's no way I'm missing them. There are three days left in the event so it's not like it's over.

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Since hoyo is bringing dead people back, I will wait for Baiheng to come home
She and Robin are 2.7 right? Who's the second character with Rappa in 2.6?
By Robin I meant Sunday of course
there is no second character with Rappa, the second half is just reruns (don't know which yet), full on filler patch
Rappa / DHIL
Acheron / Aventurine

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Surely there's still hope for this game, right?
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Depends. What didn't you like about the S3 update that made you quit?
Worst two for me? UI being ripped to pieces and the blatant use of ai art for characters. Almost looks generic and soulless now. The constant lack of updates also put me off. Devs clearly didn't play this game when I was around, because there were hundreds of issues they never addressed. I gave them the benefit of the doubt and thought time would fix things. Story mode was the best selling point for me, but the world releases were stupidly lazy, so much so I lost interest. I left at the beginning of world 19. If the devs weren't lazy, this game should be at least world 22 by now. No idea what the current world release is now.
How do I punish those pesky earth team in colo? They're annoyed as fuck.
idk like mono fire, I had good result with the melee one
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I just got a legendary lucky drop with 50000 Elite wild cards.
I just started playing again since like 2018 and jesus christ they changed a lot
Really liking evolutions right now
Apparently you will get your second evolution slot at king level 11 instead of 15 next update
Excited for the battle pass changes. And liking the new lucky drops already. Just started playing a month ago
Lucky drops now suck ass i got like 400 heal spirit from a legendary????
>firecracker is still the most broken card in the game, arrows is mandatory or she takes over the whole game
You’d think they’d remove a card that breaks the game fundamentally by now
The system has been entirely reworked, you get more cards on average but less wild cards overall, every thing good has been put into the 5 star drops.

I'm not sure who was in charge of the balance team before but supercell needs them back, current team is absolutely retarded. I understand hate for firecracker but look at win rate and usage on top ladder, if the card gets nerfed it essentially becomes dead just because its so effective in midladder. Card should have never been added in the first place though, absolutely terrible concept

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Limbus will have its first major update today, as well as its first banner with new units.
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yes, bitch about everything you missed and tefuse to take action as the list gets longer and konger with rach patch
Canto 7 trailer.
>4 days to go
Feels good man.
The wait was long.
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Zweiclair and Cinqsault's kits.
Bloodfiend Outis and Fanghunt Hong trailer.

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Still alive edition.

New update, new waifus, more anime tiddies.

Discuss Brave Nine and the spin-off games, BraveNine Story & Magic Stone Knights here.
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[9.26.24] Brave Nine Update

How do I install this on PC?
The options are:



Google Play Games Beta

I don't know if we can still download the game after they announced shutdown, I never tried it.
Every website has a different tier list I don't know what to pick I have regular eclipse and O. Rubia already I see Zenith is the most popular skin

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Anyone here play MCoC? Its lows are really low, but when everything is flowing the game feels great to play and has a fun progression curve. Been really enjoying the balanced matches I get on BG as a Cavalier

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anybody playing?
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Yeah I just got Aurora today
Going for Mal next
nice game
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current thoughts on Briar?

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>Share your thoughts on upcoming games that are still in development or games that would release soon.

>Share what inside scoop you may have learn or game studio you may have heard or gossip about.

>Gacha games I do heard of that is still in development/Quiet [No announcement from their twitter/X]

Project Mugen
Arknights: Endfield
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I dont even like any hoyoshit designs you fucking troon. I follow legitimate artists with an internet account that get their art commissioned by the gacha games i play because they are that good.
Nah. Job listing did update but no official announcement

For endfield, they are heading to Brazil game show for their booth
I desperately hope that mugen will turn out alright, urban fantasy is my jam.
>Nah. Job listing did update but no official announcement
Well I can see that. Announced it too early, maybe even the hype got them to double down on development, which obviously means a big delay.
>For endfield, they are heading to Brazil game show for their booth
Kek why brazil
My nigga

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Haven't seen a thread for this in forever. Thoughts on the game?

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Dragalia Lost is back on the table boys! I included a copy of the base apk and modified apk. Install the modified apk to play the game. If you don't trust me then install the base APK and patch it yourself. The rest is up to you to figure out. As of now, Dawnshard is the only one that supports co-op.

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>Humanoid Midgardsormr got a pretty important buff too
Okay, I want to try him. He was already really good in the original version.
I like the buffs but why nerf characters on a single player game?
Someday I really need to install it again, I drop it in the game in the whole "this debuff make all your buff useless" arc
Halloween is around the corner. Makes me wonder how the anon who asked for werewolf Ranzal everyday is doing.
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Can we all just admit that playing games on your phone fucking sucks?
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this basically just means you're retarded.
your HR job making powerpoints about toxic workplaces doesnt count as a real job.
Concession accepted. Mouse is just inferior touchscreen.
That’s why I play on tablet
possibly even worse.
It works for some types of games just fine. Porting 3D action games and having you control them with a virtual stick and a dozen buttons obscuring the screen is nonsense, though. Devs need to stop doing that and focus on things a touchscreen can do well.

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