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DMC: "peak" of combat
So when are we getting a new devil may cry mobile game? Don't you own phones?
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you know a game is bad when even the incest fujos don't want it
Haven't even touched the game for a month now lol
game was solved week 1
Why doesn’t FG’s grenade trigger EN’s QTE again? It’s really dumb.
>They're finally bothering with the hacker problem

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So why aren't you playing this game. You don't need translations. It's autochess with priconne leveling.
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PV for full dubbing main story:
PV for Xion remake:
PV for Xion event story:
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New PV for story in the Frontier gamemode:
I guess they decided to go full Shiroko terror with the direction?
i like the janny one
Does Xion have a name for her rifle? How actually 'chunni' is she? Does she have a made up secret organization she claims to be a part of?

The best mobile games
I kind of got tired of 2 when I finally beat the final zone. the whole "one time item" thing as faction rewards also upsets me
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Hell yeah niggers.
I just got the amorphous in the second game. What is a good class to use with him? He keeps on dying quickly. The first three floors quickly.
somebody explain to me how the Jail and Dissection works
I got god mode in 1 and then the final boss decided he's immune to my build, haven't played since.
....there is a 2?!!

>I am forgotten
people just forget the good ass units for their new toys huh? GT is still hella good but everyone dropped them for hybrid toys.
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I refuse to believe that the same dev team that released zenkai fsk, nameku, tagdroids, usg and beast gohan decided that giving this guy 3-5 seconds of cover null on anything else but just his main would've been going too far
i fucking knew it was you you fucking retard. kys
Why are you so hateful :(
Such a shame too. That type neutral ultimate hits hard as hell though. He also has access to some nice equips but his unique requires you to get a kill first.
Lf Kid Buu on the other hand has much easier cover null and his unique equip doesn't have strict requirements other than to pair up with regen or PO teammates.
>guild battles are exclusive to try hard guilds
lame as fuck

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La wea mala ctm (also chileANO spanish)
I attributed a number of points depending on my liking of characters, and according to the total number, I would play or not the game. Turns out that Zenless Zero didn't earn a negative score, but it wasn't above 10 either. Obviously Lycaon and Billy made lose most of the points, as I hate the former furriness and the latter's deadpool like animation and humor, which is too much. The lolis were good, but there are better lolis elsewhere so why bother. I like Nicole very much though but I wouldn't bother playing this game solely for her.

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6 Years strong and going! Anniversary still going right now.

musume shooting action game in which you take on the role of commander and assemble a team of up to three "actresses" to take out artificial-looking alien enemies called Vice.

Available on mobile and on PC through DMMGamePlayer.

>PC Download

>Official Website

>Official Twitter

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>Those costume
Ez skip
>Factor neos SP is just a copy of sitara factor
Well that fucking blows - she didnt deserve that. Fatimas on the other hand is fun but her normal kit feels so outdated now.
Got her on my first 11. I have her at +999 already so I guess I was blessed.
Factor only have "generic" SP but you get 2 of them. It's not that surprising because her Normal and Another are already Shoot focused.
>50 tickets
>all blue pin
>one suddenly changed to rainbow
>not Neo
AAIIEEEE forgive me desire sensor

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Disney Speedstorm officially coming to mobile on July 11.
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I tried playing it agsin on my 865 phone, the graphics look a little better than before slightly better than switch and it is a mostly locked 30fps. There was like 1 drop. I used takostats to see the framerate.

Ut is actually sorta playable, though there are no graphical options.
The rates to get characters are too bad
When's Miss Piggy? I remember she being in one of the datamines
Pirate season next month, I reckon. But probably not available until Part 2 of it in September.
is the android version better optimized than the switch version? on switch there's this annoying thing where if you play online the other cars might start before you can even move.

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shadoba tanoshii

Thread for discussion of the global server of Blue Archive
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There are no mid students. Only mid senseis.
She is great when you need a yellow aoe damage dealer.
Unfortunately, there is little content in the game that need that, so her niche is limited, and she competes with plenty other students for it.
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Can confirm. This shit runs really well on the Pi.
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You've piqued my interest- I'm imagining this was just a simple pi setup in something akin to a traditional desktop environment? Because I could certainly see this being an excuse to build a little gaming pi for things like BA.
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>claims hina as her rival
>has sweet and affectionate feeling towards ibuki

think they're the same, welcome king

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Previous thread >>1047742
Recruitment guide: https://purindaisuki.github.io/tkfmtools/en/enlist/filter/
/vmg/ v2 guild code: 91853176 (feel free to share your own, too)
anon's recruitment code: 9QV8KT (again, all encouraged to share own)
No current promo codes, but we'll share when they appear!
Summer event is here again (or will be in a couple of days)
Who do you want? And who do you got?

>>1202460 #
The used to be one for the Demon Spire and a lot of levels overlapped but that hasn't been updated in ages. https://sys.4channel.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftkfm.wiki%2Fthe-demon-spire%2F
Who's giving you trouble?
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Not sure if they ever changed it, but there's a less than 1% chance it shows up,
Is there any repository on what the gimmicks for the Time Rift bosses are? Discord only has it for the SP stages.
No. Check reddit or nutaku discord
Anyone have any luck with the SP stage? Been trying more than a handful of team, but nobody seems to be able to eat a super once the second wave starts.
Not me. Mine gets wiped

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Is Natlan going to be the next peak of GI?
Nation of War, pyro region theme, dragons, a great cast so far, and easily the best Archon design until now. Mavuika is gorgeous.
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>nation of war that looks like a disney park
This game just feels outdated by now
>no visible cleavage because the game is literally marketed toward women and children these days

Nothing about Natlan is looking peak, and certainly not the female characters designs. Wake me up when the characters can have actual tits again like Beidou and Raiden,
real natural thread you got here
It's clearly visible

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That post is just disingenuous. The revenue is pretty average and has been consistent outside the high launch month.
Yes but apparently there are mumblings about it shutting down soon anyway. I mean, Towa Tsugai was also having average revenue yet that meant jack shit.
I still can't believe Blue Reflection is dead.
Its dead because of boring BR1 was.
Releasing BR Tie as first game leaving BR1 and Ray as shady prequels would have attracted way more players and give better face to this franchise
Its not not going at loss but making profitable enough. Resleriana is doomed to the same fate but Gust wont admit it
Well Aster is dead soon, guess Atelier is next.

Preparing for 1.1

Expectations for the first major update?
Who are you saving/pulling for?
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On wutheringwaves.gg it is explained in simple words how she works. If you have problems I recommend using the trial version of Tactical Simulacra to learn how to use her. In my opinion, Changli's main problem is that she is fragile, combined with the fact that the special effects prevent from seeing clearly what the enemy is doing makes her a character that is not exactly easy to use. She is always one step away from death, too bad she doesn't have revive ability like a phoenix but she is fun to use.

However I agree, no brain characters are always the best, sometimes there is no point in complicating the mechanics too much.
Her gameplay plan is just one step above the rest, mainly by managing having her skills ready when finishing combos
I like that there's a character like this now, not everyone needs to braindead easy to use because they get boring
>I’m a retard so Changly is too complicated for me.
Press basic attack four times. This puts you in a state where your fifth attack will either be a slash horizontally into an explosion vertically three times (Thundering Mephis is an example of exactly how it works just in a shorter range forward) or a jump as a phoenix launching the enemy into the air where you can combo them for another combo but then get dropped to the ground. While in this state you also have a Fusion damage buff.

Your Forte Circuit is a giant Fusion explosion in a circle in front of you and requires four of the previous special attacks to build up. If you have Yinlin it's the same radius as her burst. You also gain a bar if you you Intro into her.

Your burst is a giant explosion of damage also in a circle in front of you. It instantly grants you an entire bar of your Forte Circuit.

So the ideal way to use her is start with Verina and buff, go into some coordinated attacker and set that up, then go into her. Use her burst, immediately use her FC, then do four attacks to get the Fusion damage buff so that you can use Inferno Rider to its full effect and start the loop again. Alternatively you can stick in her longer and earn her FC through attacks naturally, swap out, buff, coordinated attacker, FC into burst into FC into IR.
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Here’s my in-depth tutorial on how to play Jiyan
Oh, and I can't believe I forgot this but her skill gives her a FC bar as well and immediately sets you up with the Fusion buff. So you can also skill into FC into skill into burst into skill into FC and swap out to constantly have Fusion buffs.

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Patch 3.4.0 - https://dislyte.farlightgames.com/m/detail.html?6593dc745be0f725157fca80
Log in for free Yun Chuan and his Divinate.
But why Jin Qiu? His update made his r2 broken. Can even solo Andras.
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why wouldn't gaius be black?
Electric black guy.

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I have no idea what's happening in dislyte anymore
I miss it when it's about these fags
Something about an ancient civilization.
We're delving into the Raya civilization and the history of the last generation of Espers (because this has all happened before, and we need an in-universe reason to explain why people in this fictional world have powers based on figures from real-world mythology).

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Return never.
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Were the dudes actually -in gacha- for global ? They were in the self-contained Earth story mode for JP and you could only bring back a copy of M Laevateinn to the normal game mode iirc.
Game ended in JP some months+ ago after the fourth large story arc and at got the sad fate of getting zombied into some shitty NFT blockchain thing under the subtitle of Alternative Imitation.
The only plus side is that some of the girls get to live on their new game Astr Tatariqus. No idea how it connects to PotK though.
>Were the dudes actually -in gacha- for global ?
It's been so long and I don't roll for guys but, as I remember it, yes, you could get them as playable characters.

>Game ended in JP some months+ ago after the fourth large story arc and at got the sad fate of getting zombied into some shitty NFT blockchain thing under the subtitle of Alternative Imitation.
Fuck, even the JP version is dead now? Did the story end properly at least?
>Alternative Imitation.
Yeah, you can get that in the West as well. I was so excited when I saw it but then read it and the reviews. An idle rpg sounds boring to me, let alone the NFT shit they added as well.

Gumi Games, or maybe FujiGumi Games, are really perplexing to me. They clearly only care about profits since they've seemingly axed any games that requires much effort, which is fine to a degree since it's their business, but then why did they even start with making games? They seem like they'd be happier making slot machines, to which I can't help but think why the fuck didn't they just do that to begin with.
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The story the game started with actually did end years ago. They just moved on to a post-time skip arc(Lost Ragnarok) and then an alternate timeline scenario(Integral Noah). There's some sort of happy ending post-game scenario after that, but I stopped playing before they got there so I'm not sure where that's placed in the universe. They had their 9th anniversary last year before the game shut down a few months ago.

Alchemist is still alive in JP. Can't say what goes on in their business at the dead global attempts(aside Brave Exvius), but at least their main JP titles get to live relatively long lives. RIP Shinobi Nightmare though, lol. They tried to make a SRPG successor title to it and that died in less than a year. Cursed as hell.
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I see. Nine years is a good run.
Brave Exvius is by FujiGumi?

Do you know the artist's name? Quite like their style.
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>Brave Exvius is by FujiGumi?
Sorry, I meant War of the Visions. Forgot that the 'Brave Exvius' part was just a sub-title. They co-developed it but it's really Squeenix that runs it.

They have a lot of artists that do both the designs and other art, but I think the most you see of across their games is usually one of these:
da-kuro/だーくろ (Laevateinn, etc.)
RINZO (Masamume, etc.)
Wataribo/渡り棒 (Longinus, etc.)
Shibuhiko/しぶ彦 (Forcas, etc.)
Their in-house studio artists have their own official twitter here where they regularly post stuff: https://x.com/GrowArtistry
I know da-kuro and Wataribo both have artbooks of their own released under the company.

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