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Anyone playing this game? I started this game recently and been having fun with it but have no one to talk about it with
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Thanks for the real answer. Sometimes I can't help but hate chan culture for this reason alone.
it's just one, and she's a literal prostitute
but yeah, none of the girls in this game are for (You), it's a shame because the game has some semblance of decent gameplay and story
Really nice game
Wish it was more popular
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can someone explain what the rice is for? I thought it was like stamina, but when I put them on auto combat in the dungeon, they kept fighting despite having no rice.
Rice is basically your stamina yes
Used for Slime/Goblin and Hunting grounds

They can still fight with no rice but you're not getting rewards

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What are you favorites point and click for android guys.
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I love the Chzo Mythos series but you probably have to run it through ScummVM.
Just tried this and played Beneath a Steel Sky and it was fantastic. You made me discover a gem.
oh I didn't know I could get scummVM on android. Are the controls good ?
Haven't used it on Android for a few years ever since getting my Steam Deck but I don't recall having any problems with it.
It works perfectly fine with what I'm playing right now. >>1464487

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flipper friends...
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I’m going to have a little bit of bias and I know I’ve said this before but Yukata Leon and Nephtim should’ve had some kind of event and it was such a waste that they didn’t. I’ve only read up to chapter 10 and I might be misremembering but neither of them have been in the main story aside from Leon’s small background appearance in chapter 9. And Nephtim, has only been in one event, and she wasn’t a main character as she appeared towards the end of it. And I just find that astonishing especially since she was very popular. I know they could’ve worked elements of both their adventurer stories to form some kind of event, focusing on the memories of those who passed on, regrets or having to come with terms that death is inevitable in life. It could’ve focused on Nephtim, having to realize that the people she cares about may not be around the next day, and that could be another step of her slowly, becoming more mature as seen in her adventurer stories, or it could focus on Leon, struggling with the fact that he’s never been at peace because of his lingering regrets and survivors guilt. By the end he could have started to make peace with the past. Something like that could’ve been done but it wasn’t and it feels like such a waste. If World Flipper 2 or whatever does become a thing I feel like it would fall into the same patterns if it were to be another Gacha. Thank you for listening to my Ted talk and good luck in your future summons.
>When you have so many characters it feels like such a waste of potential as well as being lazy when they’re not apart of something.
I said this earlier >>1361601 World Flipper's cast is TOO big to ever actually make events focused on all but a few of them. It has gotten to the point that I, a returning player don't recognize like, every othee single character that wasn't in the main story because I didn't pull for them and they STILL are making up new characters.

This fucking gacha is the Bleach of "make up new characters whenever you need new content," when we could have had whole events and alts centered around characters people liked but we have everything but the kitchen sink in this gacha.

Truly a less is more, if they ever do World Flipper 2, they need to cut the summonable characters down by half and make the cut half into more alts because what the fuck man.
I caught up with the main story and the events. They definitely tried to incorporate as many characters as possible however some did get more attention than others but it definitely highlights what you said before and what I said in my two college thesis length posts. That there are too many characters and not enough events with preexisting characters. It was neat having the 3 star characters as the last line of defense but if they focused on them in another event/given alts it would have been more impactful.

The Purger event having a story was definitely nice and seeing what everyone else is doing while the main cast is off towards the final battle gives them some attention and it further shows how dire the situation is.

The Distant Succession event was fine but having most of the backstory/context of the Farlands behind character stories is dumb. I knew somethings because of OG Vyron’s story but again if they made small events around the Farlands and related characters it would have been a larger and more interesting event.

So yeah they could have done things differently but I’m still going to play until the end and enjoy any content I can use Leon in. (He deserved better at least his alt art is really pretty.)
I still have a ton of character episodes I haven’t watched yet. Do I need to watch them all before the game dies, or will they still be viewable somewhere afterward?
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Pretty sure Cyge made all the story content and flipperpedia browsable somewhere for the japanese version. I'm sure the global version won't get the same treatment, so unless the community compiles everything like the Dragully one did, you're probably better off reading before EoS.

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New thread. Re-did this one since I missed the subject line. The 3rd anniversary for global just started along with the second Taimanin event.

Also, in case ICYMI from the last thread:

>That thread along pretty much emphasizes the crowdfunding thing again although them having plans to explain more. It also repreats some info regarding why the game got the axe, and it was honestly a lot more than I was expecting even if they came go into extreme detail. Basically, it is a combination of complicated contracts and resources. Even though sales have gone down, they were still making plans going forward.


>This one here follows a bit on how they still want to talk with the fanbase and answer questions in mid September. Aside from that, the plot is 90%. I'm not sure if they mean from what we have seen or from what they have so far, but good on the communication either way.

>Going back to the complications, the team was also talking with various other affiliates since they rely on more than the parent company and DMM. We probably won't ever know all the details of these contracts, but maybe that complication is the reason why there is even a small glimmer. Also, I say they got the axe, buy the team is asking that it was their own decision to end things given the circumstances. So maybe it really was a case of funding getting cut rather than an official end.

>No news on global. The admin from the official Discord has said that there are no plans for cancelation right now. It may or may not end early still, but I honestly wonder how much overhead they worry about
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Yeah and there's a used car dealership selling Toyota in my town, doesn't mean that Miyamoto who installs the engines in the Japanese factory knows of it's existance
Where I will get more of marianne now, at least there is the offline version to look forward too.
You could always commission more art
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> be me 2017, 16M
> several woman friends (they all friendzoned me unanimously, but I receive hugs)
> I love Clash Royale, but need something more relaxing and without emoji spamming whores
> evolution games are popular, but getting bored
> I browse the play store and find a niche evolution game that's not like the other dumb entries, called Alien Evolution (pic related)
> love.png
> I grind the fuck out of this shit
> The game has horrible ads spamming the top of the phone, and intrusive ads promoting other games from the publisher
> Intrusive microtransactions all over the place
> I have to eat ads like russians eat bullets, in exchange the game gives me more humans to feed my beast and nuclear waste
> The apk crashes constantly and, every 1 to 2 minutes, I have to let my mobile rest, otherwise it burns so much that I cannot touch it
> The apk won't even open sometimes.jpeg
> Yet this was the best game I've ever played, period.

> Be me, 2024

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because evolution games are the best phone games
So, were you able to find an apk file for the game? Or is it lost to time now?
for op
btw you can play this offline
is there anything like clash royal but without the pay for this and that?

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The New Year's event story's Epilogue is now available! Clearing it will unlock this event's Special Bonus Quests!
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We need MORE fat boyfriends in vidya games.
I know Willie was released earlier than usual, was that also the case for toilet demon?
is there even one? a hot one I mean
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Alts when

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A train of thought that popped up and I've been mulling about in my head, and wanted to see what you guys think. Don't tell me to take my fucking meds, I'll do that later, just hear me out for a minute.

We all know waifu and husbando collection games both have their own group of whales. I'm talking the hardcore paypig kind. The ones that can shell out enough money to pay for all the operating costs all by themselves. Those kinds of whales. They play their respective waifu/husbando games, because it ONLY has women or men, and will refuse to touch any game that has the opposite. Obviously you can't wring money out of both these groups at once, so all gachas that do target these whales will pick a lane and stay in it. Arknights and Genshin have both genders and big whales, but they don't attract the ones I mentioned earlier.

So what if you decided that you'll be the first to double dip and snag both parties, well how would you do that? You can't go with Granblue's "everyone is protagonist-sexual" philosophy, because these whales will run away at the mere notion of the same gender being in the gacha pool. Or will they?

Now, I can't put myself into the head of one of these whales to really see things from their point of view, so from this point forward will likely just be me schizoposting into the void.
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make a gacha where NPCs are all the important dudes in the grand scheme
and the only ones you can roll for are all literal whos by comparison
wait a minute that's arknights
a successful game like that could have a very interesting media presence and fanbase interactions
Sauce for pix?
>Of course, there's always the chance that the whales we've been targeting this entire time take one look at the game, see a man/woman in it, and are immediately turned off without looking into it. In this case, the gacha has already failed to do what it was set out to do.
>the chance
it's 100% of the time for anyone worth targeting
if blue archive falls to the male plague you can kiss goodbye the entire whale audience
lately there's been too many retcons and story addons that add non selfinsert relationships in the story
AI chatbots are the future and nexon is already investing
A game where all characters are crossdressing shota. Should it work for both whales.
For those who want a real husband... if you pay enough you can make your hero not to cd.
For thos who want a real waifu... if you pay enough you can make your hero to grow tits and/or cut his dick.

No need to thank me.

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Welcome to my thread, here we recommend games that follow some of these crtieria
>no ads
>no energy system
>no microtranscactions
>no online requirement
>no gachashit

Tower defense
>PvZ 2 Eclise / Grind Thousand
>Infinitode 2

>Phantom Rose
>Night Of The Full Moon

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recommending Harvest 101, small pve deckbuilder. it's not as replayable as other card games because it's level based and not run based, but fun nonetheless. Though there's paid stuff and ads they are both unobtrusive and not needed to complete the game so I reckon it fits the thread's theme
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Any good ecchi /lewd games that are actually fun?
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I had a LOT of fun with Insexsity, but you can fuck it up if you miss certain event at certain time, and some other bugs.
Although I played this some years ago, idk if it got some fixes, might replay it again but more recommendations for games like this would be sick.
Are you looking for outright porn games that are actual games or just suggestive ones?
Either one. Mostly something that is fun and the girls are hot AF. I played a couple recently like "hero by chance" "beautiful mystic defenders" etc that have an actual game to them.

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Tencent is bringing a palworld clone to mobile
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You realize both TPC and Pocket Pal are co-oping with Tencent too?
and we're not going to be seeing this in like 3-4 years.
Who gives a shit?
Just wait 2 weeks
lol you are a fool to think this is bad news for them. It just means all sides have to step it up now. Secondly both TPC and PP work with tencent for some services.
call me when the monsters look cool like digimon like true monsters and not baby shit asthethic like pokemon and palworld

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They aren't bamkrupt though

Youtubers are worse than tabloids at this point. People can't even use google and just make shit up. Might as well lie.
troon gayme
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>SegaSammy business report mentions "console/PC deployment of Angry Birds IP"
What do you think deployment entails?
Kill yourself.
pay2win garbage

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Rest in piss and good fuckin riddance
Hope they force Mel to commit seppuku
Too bad about the franchise tho i would have been better if it just quietly died after second game rather then last game being this abomination
I think Mel has lost it
his account has just been him posting pictures of himself crossdressing
He's crossdressed many times before and he's currently doing it as a gimmick for the maid cafe he runs.
Plus he's always been insane.
I know he's done it before but the frequency in which he's now posting made me assume he went nuclear.
EoS broke him...

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End of Service Notice for EN version. Fun while it lasted.
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They're not even giving a reason aside of "we can"t continue". Is there any actual reason aside of not making enough dough ?
Thank fuck.
Could be worse. At least they got an EN version unlike the S*nr*n K****a one.
Garbage IP that should have been killed off long ago
Credit card companies are currently going total death on jap porn, DLsite is in the same basket. No point in running a gacha where people can't even buy your currency.
I doubt it's that, otherwise they would have cut every single one in a fell swoop (Nutaku and Johren, not to mention Steam, do in fact still have Visa access). They also would have closed it much earlier than the three month expiration date they gave. The fact Kamihime is still going makes me believe it did in fact just flop.

Hows the mirrors ranking event going fellow meguca enthusiasts? You are in S tier right?
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another flop
another victory
Doesn't matter. Game will EoS soon.

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Thread for MonmusuTD as well as other Kumasan games.
>Twinkle Star Knight
>Girls Creation
>Flower Knight Girl
>Mist Train Girls
Also other DMM tower defense games.
>Millennium War Aigis
>Oshiro Project: RE ~CASTLE DEFENSE~

Next chapter in Monmusu is coming along with the shop girl who is in fact Mammon.
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alright I'm a retard
I've played (or rather only collected login bonuses from) Twinkle Star Knights for quite some time now and got some satisfactory gacha results only to find out that it was the normal version and not the R18 one

if I get the R18 version on the same DMM account, will the account be shared or am I forced to start from scratch?
It will be shared.
thanks anon
When the fuck is MMTD's 2nd anni update? I have 3 whole dollars worth of premium currency that's about to expire and I want to use it on the anni banner.
The anniversary stream is on the 6th and the maintenance for the current event is on the 7th. Probably on the 7th unless there is some filler event.

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Mirror World Madness, the newly added event is almost over.
How did it go for you? Was it fun or way too challenging?

>Upcoming New Heroes Banner:
Eshean / Hofmann

Coming soon:

>SP Almeda
>New Covenant - Vidar
>Forbidden Battleground
>Guild Dimensional Expedition
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Did they change something last DE? The permanent rank 1 guild finished in under 4 hours.
There was some kind of change that made it finish stupidly fast, which meant if people couldn't get up in the middle of the night to grind that their guild was getting a lower place. I was in favor of making it shorter, but they just made it another flavor of suck.
Wait you guys have DE already? I thought you guys just finished mirror world like last month. Unless you mean the one a few months ago. I don't think they changed anything, 4 hours seems about par for the fastest guilds. Our rank 1 finished in slightly under 5. They probably either merged or had one guy no life pilot multiple accounts.
Yes our non main banner content was sped up a while back. Some of them haven't been reverted to normal but come out weirdly spaced now. For example last month was Andriole/Nemia. Last week ws Eshean/Hofmann. The only thing we didn't get in the previous update was FB, equipment and SP Amelda. That whole long ass list of adjustements was last time. I'm actually surprised we didn't get anything from Isolde/Jayce yet. DE was moved up presumably since it's currently golden week in Japan. It's also bugged as fuck, dragging characters to spawn spots didn't work more than half the time and performance was stuttery as fuck in general until you hit the battle start button. My game was also crashing after two battles so I couldn't participate in grinding, thankfully my guild still hit #3 but usually 4th and beyond don't clear till the weekend on my server. If it didn't take a minute at least to set shit up prebattle things would have gone much faster.
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Has anyone tried to apply the bonus food to the delegation collab? When I click in the auto use nothing happens.

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