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>Be me
>Hag respector
>Xwitter doesn’t like my love for Outis
I’m tried bros, when will I stop being shunned for who I am
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stop talking like a redditor first
what game is this and how do i obtain this tanned goddess
limbussy aka limbus company
too young, not a true hag
Alot of our fellow managers on Twitter are faggy anon including that guy don't listen to them

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How the fuck can they advertise "100 free pulls" when they're just giving the currency as game progression rewards? That's fucking false advertising. They're not giving shit
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I finally got her, looks like I'll keep playing this game.
standard rolls have dried up and i dont have any decent a-class characters or engines either
i dont want to use up my limited rolls
it owari da
Atleast Anby and Nicole are decent, who are you saving for?
More like second hand embarrassment, like watching someone step in a huge brown/black turd in the middle of the sidewalk.
You can get unlimited pulls in genshin if you play for unlimited amount of time over unlimited amount of time

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>no essex thread
what gives
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everything becomes sex in the end
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No. Don't touch the 'sex!

New title screen is SEX!! These girls who have nothing to do with the actual game need SEX!! GOD THIS GAME GETS MY COCK SO FUCKING ROCK HARD!! Any of you niggers play this epic shitpost of a game?
shit looked like AIslop so I avoided it
It's pretty fun, and it has possibly kind of live multiplayer. I don't think the art is really AIslop but a few of the art assets may be.
Bump for the magical cunnies.
They added character descriptions and ages now. And more sexydorable art.

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Beach event ongoing!
Vincent release soon!
Join the battle ranking and earn luxurious rewards!
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This isn't the kind of game that encourages paying attention. Especially when doing anything that a cactuar can appear in.
btw you can check other people's builds from ingame
How much the damage is increased when you use the right element to hit the enemy?
about tree fiddy
Whats the best way earn point?

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Hi yall. Marvel Future Fight is an action RPG game made by Netmarble if you didn't know.

I didn't make this thread to discuss it, but to more discuss it's future, as it seems to be in a rocky shape nowadays.

NM has recently released an update wherein Doctor Doom has received a Tier 4 and a God Emperor Doom costume, and has not been performing as well as people have expected.

This, coupled in with the updates being relatively dry and no groundbreaking content, feels like NM just doesn't really care much anymore and is closing in on EoS for this game, or they just simply have new devs that replaced the old ones(that have probably went to work on Solo Leveling Arise or other projects) and don't know much of what they're doing.

Not sure, but this game feels like it's just in a state of limbo now. This thread probably won't get much replies though since it seems like very little people play it these days.
Played this game years ago, the powercreep with the constant new ways to "power up" characters was just retarded and excruciating to keep up with because they just kept releasing some new power up system, locking materials behind some new mode that really wasnt any different from the last, adding more shit to keep up with daily. The game was always in a limbo, but they're running on Marvel's infinite money and the game didn't exactly bomb the way other Marvel funded games usually do (getting axed from bombing on release). If the game really is on the red, than yeah, Marvel won't be happy about it.
I agree whole heartedly. This game feels sorta like a job. Although I believe it can feel rewarding seeing your progression, I feel like the various ways to power up your characters are little too much and you've also gotta grind alot to do it. PvP is also a complete fucking mess wherein literally only whales sit at the top due to the new CTP specifically made for PvP which can only be acquired through the gacha system.

In Bleach Brave Souls, they've recently put in a new achievement system which has basically made it easier for vets to gain powerup items. It's a real relief because now it feels like grinding is more optional and for those who want all their units completely powered up.

In Marvel Future Fight, it feels like a lot of the game is just centered around grinding. There are gacha games where the grinding is part of the game, but in MFF, it's literally a must to keep grinding away in the game.

If I didn't love Marvel comics and it's characters, I would've stopped playing sooner. I only recently uninstalled because it felt like this game was just not ever gonna get better.
The only reason i even picked this game up was because i used to play Marvel Avengers Alliance back on fucking facebook. That got me into Marvel (mostly, still really didnt read anything. Also Marvel vs Capcom). Moved on to play this and Marvel Heroes. This game started off alright, but it just quickly hit that same cycle of content. New power up > New enhance material > new mode that only drops it. And every mode was basically just "fight big boss in a room with millions of HP, and you're restricted most of the time". They almost never added new materials to previous modes or other means. Wouldnt be surprised if i installed the game now and saw at least 20+ daily modes just to get dripfed materials to make my units into slightly stronger wet tissue paper with my old account.
There's an upcoming Deadpool and Wolverine update but this thread is still dead. Damn.

I genuinely wish this was a bit more active. The official netmarble forums are even more chaotic than 4chan and the reddit forums usually simp for the game too hard for actual discussion of it's troubling state to take place.

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Last day of the Zillingstürme im Herbst event. Remember to do any stages in the event if you haven't already. Il Siracusano rerun up next, then Degen event afterwards.
How are your pulls plans forward, got anyone in particular you're planning on pulling or get up to a certain pot?
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For men of the high breed answer to that question would be shu and for metaslave goys it would be the khazarian bimbo whore
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>Carries a humongus pair of scissors everywhere
>Claims its for cutting fabric
She's that bad or what?
Think the joke is that you'll see her more in doll form rather than her scissor form

Bena is pretty useful since in doll form she has damage reduction
OK, time to upgrade her then...as well as some other 5 and 4 stars.

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Another year with spider mech daughters!
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I will try not to woo toot toot...
The Second Puppets War ended officially in the year 2165. This memorial commemorates the Union's successful completion of its mission.

New main story [Our World—Meow!] will be released on July 18th. Please stay tuned.
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there it is, EN official announcement too
I know the game's dead but I just realized Kale/Karley the raid boss is a Harpyia. She's got "AGR" plastered all over her clothes, like the other birbs.

Anyways, nice to end on a lighthearted story chapter. You guys take care, maybe we'll meet again someday
the sadness is sinking in
but I'll be here until the very last day, as long as it lasts

I only got Gacha or otherwise online only games, need something better when going off the road without wasting much data or need to be offline.
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Simon Tatham's Puzzles
Bump since I'm taking some long ass flights in a month or two, got a few suggestions from this thread to take a closer look at or install though which is nice

(Slice & Dice, Path of Adventure, Rancamo, Dungeon Cards, ZakuzakuCraft, Shattered Pixel Dungeon, bejeweled 3, Candies and Curses are the ones I wrote down)
If you like puzzle games you could try the color games by Bart Bonte, they’re a personal favorite of mine.
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Don't think soul knight is offline anymore.. Otherworld legends still is which is the better game tbqh.

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Thread for the best gaycha out there. Now in English!
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I use johren and its also has nsfw just have to remember to have the x verstion
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It's so fucking over bros
i laughed
The fuck?
The bottom 80% already looked terrible to begin with.

All my favorite Dolphins are Gunners
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Have the Utae version?
>Stream on the 23rd
I mean we already know we're getting Shion and Michiru
this banner is pretty long
it's just the radio skit
Well I at least appreciate the in-character skits

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Just a few more days until Persona gacha! Are you gonna play?

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Trailer for the new palace (Dam of Wrath): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Vt7fI6aHMw
Chord got a trailer and a music video:

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>releases in 3 days
>zero threads, zero hype
what went wrong comfy life sim bwos?
>china only
>taptap exclusive
fuck off
It's not releasing outside China due to "financial problems". They confirmed it long ago.
major L ngl
absolute retards
they can release niche crap like party star and sword of convallaria globally, but not this? a life sim game with major global appeal?
yeah, this could have been the animal crossing competitor, seeing how lackluster acnh was
the game even looks like it is made to appeal to global audience, with black hairstyles and non-white skintones and all
awful decision by the company

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Has anybody here heard of it?


What faction are you?
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I'm Enlightened, I've been playing this game for several years and have attended some of the irl events.
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Before it was Ingress Prime.

While it has some cool elements to it, it makes Pokemon Go look like a single player game in regards to just how fucking much you need other people or the means to travel the world to be of any impact.

the wait still continues
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that sounds like cope
>dorm visits are in first person to make it ambiguous
RaymondGODS we literally can't stop winning
There's really no one for (you) anymore except shenhe and ayaka.

Is barbara still even for (you) anymore? It's been a long time since we saw her so I don't remember her last scenes.
Yoimiya cucked (you) with childe, even approved by her seiyuu.
Nilou is now used goods. Wanderer's sloppy seconds.
Fontaine cucked the cameraman by making navia be lesbian with clorinde and then later scara made her straight with his wanderer cock.
What's the game in position 80? It looks qt
Nice try, shay

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