>>1667622theres no way to communicate in game on what cards you want to receive in the gameheres my friend code: 63776323258429276377632325842927
Can I no longer pull from Genetic? Main screen have Mew Dailgia and Pailka. I don't actually want to pull from it but I have a bunch of points I could use to get EX I didn't have.
>>1669389Look for the "select other booster packs" button after picking one of the three
Garchomp/Rampardos kinda fun
anniversary edition: are you ready for fiendsmith, azamina, millenium slop everywhere?
>Engraver is semi limited>You only need 2 for the cancer combos anyway
>>1672761even 1 is enough for the engine to work as it is
Would be nice to have a home here but I guess everyone is posting on /v/ and /vg/Also fuck fiendsmith
>>1676052/vmg/'s fastest threads are still slow compared to this site's popular boards, as long as this one doesn't devolve into eceleb worship or drama shitposting I'm honestly fine with slower threads.
I used to play this a lot when I was 12 and didn't have a computer that could run The Sims 4, so I used to play Sim City Build It a lot to fill in the void. First of all: this is a mobile game and in typical EA fashion: is about playing consistently and wasting money on making things go faster because they decided to make the time to make a hammer 14 minutes.Alright so the appeal of Sim City is building your own little city and doing whatever you feel like. Want to add 15 parks and make the landfill right in the middle? Sure why not! I really like Sim City 4 as not only is it not live service (cough cough, Sim City 2013), but it's the first of the series to be in 3D and has decent gameplay and you can import sims from The Sims 1 and it's overall very well made. Not sure about the 3 before it as I've never played them and I have no intention of playing 2013 any time soon as I dread to think what EA did to it.Build it throws all that out the window and goes: "you want to add 15 parks around a landfill site? too bad! you need to be a specific level to do that so get grinding!" Everything is based around factories making stuff that you use to upgrade housing which gives you money to buy stuff. The factories are in real time and the good materials take all eternity to produce so you'll probably spent most of your time trying to sell materials to other players but they're also trying to sell the same materials and it feels less like a sandbox game and more like hand holding you through the process while also trying to squeeze you of your money. Also you can't chuck meteors onto your city when you're bored with it. In fact, you can only make 1 city. In conclusion: fuck EA.Random video game/tech fact #4: Half Life 1 almost released on Dreamcast.
I don't think there's a single AAA IP out there that has a decent mobile game.
>>1664195AAA games on mobile feel like adultery
>>1664195The only decent mobile games I've ever played were basically old game ports and indie pc to phone ports.
>>1664195Maybe in the time of java games. Microtransactions just makes so that they only have to bother with the bare minimum.
Your source of the juiciest dramas about gacha games. Anything goes---your sentiment about the gacha industry, schizo takes, conspiracy theories, MTL screenshots from obscure Chinese forums, or just random gacha related topics that don't fit in a specific general.
>>1684668top is betterimagine wasting dev time on small thing
>>1684664Buffing old units wouldn't be counterproductive?Because it could lead to reduce fomo for new units
>>1684737its zero sum game for HSR devs>buff old unit thru base stat>less FOMO for new toys>buff old unit thru cons>people will just get new toys at C0 insteadand there is chance that GI/ZZZ players asking for the same thing
>>1684737Depends on what the company's objective is.Powercreep solely exists to push people to roll for shiny new toys, if 1.0 characters can consistently clear the hardest content in the game, there's no reason to roll for new chars other than if you like them.However, if powercreep is too high, people will notice it and whine that they are forced to roll for new chars.It's basically balancing goodwill vs money.
>After the launch of the new game "Jeopardy Zero", the annual turnover of miHoYo's three main products in 2024 has declined by nearly 10 billion compared with the turnover of more than 50 billion in 2023, which reflects the problems encountered by old products in long-term operation.
Anyone playing? I like the turn based combat but the resources/rewards are greedy as fuck. They're turboing out content so I don't expect this game to last much further than an anniversary.
>>1661050Isn't the pity 30k?
>Haven't gotten an SSR character since Yuta>After dumping 33k into Gojo's banner, my first SSR in months is fucking PandaFUCK THIS GAME!
>>1618891Jujutsu Kaisen has a mobage?
>>1674302Anon, why are you rolling without pity? This game is greedy as fuck and not worth risking cubes on.
yeah i think i'm done summoning until sukuna dropsi had better luck with the fucking dokkan anni banners than on this shit
Yuzhong should be jailed for turning the cutest and sexiest GFL1 character into this nonbinary they/them…thing. Worst character redesign in the history of gaming.>I love UMP45 no matter what!Fuck you simp not a single person asked for this shit.
Iv spent 1500 in this game. Dobie need help?
>>1677078Do i*
>>1677078Master, Dobie does not know how to stop! The tiny glowing box, so small but powerful, it draws Dobie in. I click, I tap, I play, and then more and more, the game never ends! Dobie promises to clean and serve, but the games are too fun, too bright, they make Dobie forget all things! Master would be very cross if he knew Dobie was wasting time on such tricks, but Dobie cannot stop! The addiction is strong! Maybe just one more level... then Dobie will clean, I swear!
>>1676406haremmaxxing is paid. Only the first ring is free.The ring gives your doll more permanent stats and a bunch of cosmetics.Sharkry is the best unit there. Gets better the more burn units you have.I recommend pulling Suomi from the current banner, otherwise you'll have to use Colphne for healing.Vepley is ok, not great, but she fulfills a niche in resolving Snow Deichgraf's mechanics on Boss Fight and will definitely help you progress far faster in Tier 6+ which means more weekly rewards faster. Her high movement also helps in cheesing some Peak Value Assessment stages earlier than intended.Sabrina isn't that great at the start as a lot of her power is locked behind dupes, thankfully you can get V6 for free through Boss Fight. She also can apply hydro weakness, so the more hydro DPSes you have, the more useful she'll become.Mosin is the same as Sabrina but you can't get free dupes, lightning supports will help when we get them. You'll be able to clear all content albeit they won't be meta.
>>1677078Considering the entirety of the game's content is easily beatable F2P...Unless you're getting erections off big PvP rankings or guildies stroking your Gunsmoke cock, I'd say yes you need help.
EoS has been announced! The game shuts down on Dec 18, a week before Christmas, but there's still time to take on challenges, read some stories or save pics of your favorite gals. There are also four final events out now with the last farewell side stories. Anons are working on backing up story cutscenes and art, it'll be posted here when (if) it's done.
>>1658694Is there some weird reason as to why they went html? Dev’s obsession queen’s blade?
>>1662100Maybe it's just practical. You don't have to like, install or update it.
I just bought ulrich illustration doujin and found out he was the initial character designer for this seriesI mean I know there was an OVA
>>1677033wonder why we never get his illust in the game
>>1677033the original character designer for the figurines was nθ from nitro+.
6 Years strong and going! Anniversary still going right now.musume shooting action game in which you take on the role of commander and assemble a team of up to three "actresses" to take out artificial-looking alien enemies called Vice.Available on mobile and on PC through DMMGamePlayer.Links:>PC Download>Official Website>Official Twitter too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1660885Yes. That's entirely normal around here.Hell, the Pikmin thread is on two./vmg/ is not a fast board.
>>1660885Artery Gear's thread would've also hit one year old around this time if it didn't die two months ago...
>>1660885it is still more alive than other mecha musume game,like starwardthats a plus
Reminder to spend your Sunshine/Moonlight tickets before they expire.
hi i like cookie run ovenbreak black sugar swan cookie is hot
>>1676333Shut the fuck up you literally have nothing to talk to
Any tips to get more gold gems and crystals in ovenbreak? Ever since the magic candy blessing update, don't think that just doing both breakouts in two sittings is viable.
>>1677911wrong thread bucko go to >>1670397 for non-delusionalfag posts
Tried asking in the other thread, but got no follow up, would like to know if anons here got any recommendations for what stuff to get at the event shop? Is it easy to farm those many crystals, and adding here, the event tokens?
>>1678764Please stop bumping this useless thread, it's only for posting sexy cookie pictures and nothing else,>>1678812 for actual response.
what's your opinion on a mobile hero arena shooter? im interested in getting into mobile game development and really liked the idea of a mobile arena shooter and felt inspired by the unreal tournament secret level scenes. do you think an arena shooter would be fun on mobile?
I've never even tried a 3D mobile shooter because I'm too concerned with the ergonomics, the battery drain, and the overheating. Do people actually find these comfortable to play?And since arena shooters rely so much on quick, reliable and precise inputs, I just can't imagine making it work whatsoever. Also, dead genre, lol.
you need mouse and keyboard for proper arena
>>1647059Are you a game dev or rahter indie?
>>1647059i think it would be amazingly fun on a mid-high end phone with controller, or an android's the thing: you know all those weird emulator handhelds? well now they're shipping with android, and phone chipsets. so it's basically a phone sandwiched in a game controller. if there are games that cater to that market, which is already existent, it's only going to serve to bring more people in.we have phone controllers, gaming phones, and now mobile handhelds that are basically phone-s vitas. add a good, well optimized, fun arena shooter in there and it's a recipe for success.
>>1669859doesn't need to be high end at all. arena games don't need graphics they need FPS.device wise you'd benefit from gyro probably.arena on analog stick isn't possible, it's a joke.swipe and gyro are both insanely superior, and you can get near mouse performance with them.sticks are just bad.any time there's cross play between pc and consoles, unless consoles add INSANE autoaim they get stomped with zero chance.and when they do add insane autoaim you're basically playing against cheaters, see halo infinite pic.
don't know how many people play this one because it's not in english and even i can't understand 99% of the shit in itbut it's fun to play for a turn-based game, if a bit grindy for materials needed to boost your character, and some character skills aren't clear to me yet like this アミー break skill
>>1673363They are terminating gems and ticket sales on the 9th this month. Banners however will continue until the day of EOS. Still no sign of free pulls either till then. As for pulling characters in offline, they probably drop us a bunch of tickets then sporadically drip tickets as long we play. Game has no dailies so probably from artificial flowers exchange.
>>1673574>They are terminating gems and ticket sales on the 9th this month.not that that mattered, it wouldn't let me purchase anything even if i wanted to
>>1674871I am kinda hoping the banners after 2/9 are free tbt.
>>1674992well we's about to find that out then
>95-6 VH>drops mats for lucifer, she is cute and strong >5 teams recco. 2 three-turn parties. 3 turn is it then, ez. (BOY WAS I WRONG)>found out both parties aren't clear strats, but perfect runs after 50 tries.>finally cleared it by tanking the boss with prometheus's live and rebounding its attacksScrew that. Also>Sales ended on 2/7 (i think) >Banners remain requiring stones/ covenant tickets Fuck you DeNa.
>peek in corner>die in .00000000009 attosecondsHow the fuck are you even supposed to react?
>>1678378Oh wow I'm in /vmg/ instead of /vm/stupid board names why are you so similar?Why can't you just name this /va/ since everyone is 100% on Android anyway?
>>1678380Funnily enough, Siege is actually being ported to mobile. I wonder how long it lasts before getting EoSd. If it gets launched in the first place - see Battlefield Mobile.Also, iPhone users do show up occasionally.
First of all,please let me make some things very clear.I am a man,an American(currently),and also a xenogenderby choice along with being a Modern Satanist by choice.Second of all,even though "OUTERPLANE" may be a fungame to play and all,I no longer see myself as a player ofthat game. I am 100% done with the game"OUTERPLANE",and this(!) time,I truly do mean it.I'm really sorry,"OUTERPLANE"."I don't want to play with you anymore."And I don't want to play you anymore,either.I quit. I'm out. And I'm retiring.Goodbye,"OUTERPLANE".Goodbye,...Forever.And last,but not least,please don't tell meto go put an end to my own life,for I will notComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
I like it...
>play in the first few seasons>hovering emerald-diamond>most games feel solid and competitive, no crazy skill imbalances, game seems very "mature", really feels like real league of legends just more compact>fast forward a few years>still emerald-diamond>most games are an utter shit show with bots and utter retards who play like they just started playing the game today>game doesn't feel like league anymore but some button mashing mobile game with retards, children and botsWhat the fuck happened???
>>1671137>pop off as ARAM Lee Sin>my own team votes for remakethis shit game is making me omnicidal
>>1674536>full ad enemy team? Better go full AP malhpite lol>no boots so he's constantly out of mana too!>support who never looks at the map and starts drake randomly while jg is doing herald btw>also an Akali jobbing to flashless ultless Talon 4v1>who hard focused enemy Garen all game, when there were 4 squishies in the enemy team including a Soraka (killed him once by stealing last hit with ult)I fucking hate these """"people""""
>>1676488>67% winrate Viktor onetrick is my adc as a 33% Tristana>70% wr Ashe main is my mid as a 0-3 (now 0-4) ViktorUnironically genuinely rigged game, why do I always fall into the "play to win" meme mindset when I should only focus on having fun, fuck
Fucking retards nerfed warwick for no reason again. Fucking hell I’m literally losing kills by 80+ hp because retards decided 15 extra passive damage is too much. Literally removed all of it and also nerfed his only two damage abilities because why the fuck not? Like he doesn’t even have damage anymore with the stupid cucked ultra shitty 90% attack speed boost and disgustingly small 50% boost at 35% hp. Fucking hell. Have to steal more kills to actually feel strong. Meanwhile other bullshit somehow not nerfed.Why can’t these retards bring back his 150% boost at 50% hp and 275% at 25%? Fucking retards don’t know how to balance.
Have you ever played a mobile sports game before?
>>1678226Well, the nikke thread didn't want a player, just to be the ball, more power to them honestly. I wish doro had a proper 3d model that wasn't susan's version
>>1678170Nah man, you're doing God's work, I am actually optimistic for our future campaignsIn the babby I thought that was a good flukeBut this elite proved It wasn't, and we're on the right pathKeep up the good work man, I'm telling you, big moves on Summer Cup>>1678171Indeed, fuck him in partucular
>>1678253i wouldn't be quite sure, i would really appreciate more people helping out
>>1678253we got a free pass for summer cup or are we in babbies again?
>>1678303When you go to an elite knockout, you automatically stay for the next elite cup