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Why nobody likes Jean?
>>1584114 (OP)
>>1584114 (OP)
Loose pussy and asshole.
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>>1584114 (OP)
I like jean, this part of her in particular.
Man Diluc's so lucky
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Ngl everytime I see Jean, it gives me 2020 nostalgia. I really do miss the intense hype of Genshin during quarantine days
>>1584114 (OP)
Only reason I can think is because nobody cares about Genshin now like they did years ago.
>>1584114 (OP)
I like jean. I only started using her more after Purina came out
Crazy to think that it has been 4 years already since Genshin first released. The pandemic has really ruined everyone's perception of time.
>>1584114 (OP)
>Why doesn't anyone like Jean?
I like op's version better
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>>1584114 (OP)
wdym? Jean is the very definition of wife material~
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Also her builds are physical oriented, unless you want her purely as a support meme. Normies and zoomers can't deal with physical waifus.
I have other options
>>1584114 (OP)
she never left my exploration and abyss teams.
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wife material
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>the new "outfit"
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rember to hug Jean
>fucker forgot about his Jean
>wonders why people don't like her
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>>1584114 (OP)
Genuinely because they tried omnipandering with Jean/Diluc in 1.0, shipping a character is a surefire way to kill popularity.

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