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Basically impossible to discuss this game on /vg/ so why not give it a try here. Let's talk the game lads. Did you enjoy the event? What are you working towards this next month?
I'm waiting RWBY collab
We only collab with Boomer franchises and Idols here
we don't even collab with idols anymore, we get hello kitty doe
>only collab with Boomer franchises
Only true half a decade ago.
They'll probably collab with Shadowverse 2, wonder if we'll live enough to collab with Priconne 3
>Priconne 3
Did Re:Dive die or something
Not yet.
Ko-Chan (forma Sato) is best girl.
They added Filene to fhe the game years ago and never did anything with her, fucking Cygames pulling a Forte not once but twice
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>Did you enjoy the event
i skipped the story so i could get to the fomo 100 crystals daily mission, forgive me
ill get around to reading it some time later
They'll probably rerun it before te sequel next year anyway, you lost nothing important.
>Did you enjoy the event?
No, I am tired of "please don't kill this complete utter piece of shit that killed every one you cared about and destroyed your home". On the same level of stupid garbage as that Lu-Bu expy from that one Altair event.
We killed the 3 moondweller niggas not 4 years ago btw not sure if anyone remembers that. But a rando piece of crap in some backwater isle? No sire, can't kill him.
damn ygg m3 raids dying way to fast, no way people aren't botting this shit
I keep coming back just for the big free pull events despite doing fuck all in the game, but this time I'm gonna to actually play the main story so I'll be ignoring any event/raid whatever the fuck shows up so I don't get sidetracked.
I started playing Late Dec and got a pile of SSRs, but im a dork who enjoys suffering so I play with a self-imposed handicap of I won't use males because I like my female 2D sprites because im a virgin.
How plausible is it for me to enjoy the lions share of the content? I don't mean turbo hyper autism end game shit. I dick around with this during breaks and lunch at work.
Very possible outside of specific setups for late game shit. I only use male characters I like and that's like 2 for years now. You are gonna have to wait for the "dumbed down" mode for late game stuff though and that can take a while to make it into the game
When I did progression through the first 150+ or so levels worth of content years ago I only used cute girls and it was fine. It should be even easier now since the pool of newer gacha moeblobs should have extra years of powercreep attached, and if you ever do get to turbo hyper autism endgame shit there will probably be cute girls strong enough to sub in for any current mandatory male characters by then anyways.
Here's the game's info on her. The recruitment process is pretty much the same as Chichiri's
Good to know. Thanks. This scratches the itch of playing the old FF games without... being the tedious FF crap. The skip-summary thing is so fucking nice. Also female Draph are pure sex- but that's nothing new. Shame Hallessena is such a literal who. At least I have AI for that I guess.
Man fuck farming Earth Exalto, this shit doesn't drop
>Shame Hallessena is such a literal who
she used to be well known in the playerbase
years and years ago when one of her alts was actually meta
Yeah. Unfortunately characters get forgotten all the time. You would be surprised at how many people don't even know Forte is in the game and yet she was popular back in the day
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Am I supposed to use up all of my berries to farm for m3 weapons? Or do I only do my daily hosts?
Daily hosts + berries if you value your ability to finish in a timely manner so you can do something else.
Forte isn't gbf original though, she's a carryover from RoB
>one of the most popular characters in RoB
>got gutted so they can fit her into gbf shitty "lore"
>promptly got forgotten right after.
Yep, fuck them.
She's gbf original in my heart
If they at least had the balls to accept the consequences of what they did it would be just a little less gay but instead they just memoryholed her
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>use up
join all the raids you want, you're never supposed to run out.
but yes spamming raid joins is 100x better than only hosting when it comes to farming weapons in this game, just look up how blue chests work first and don't waste your time doing a billion honors in one instead of moving to the next
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Holy shit, I hate this guy. I can't reduce a single stack no matter what I do. I don't know if farming M3 Levi or Diaspora would help.
Probably the worst m3 to farm, I gave up until we get close to a fire gw
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Probably the second easiest to FA for me, picrel is the team I use to host FA it and it hasn't failed me once yet. Getting yourself Schrodingers will help a lot. It's not time efficient at all, but it works.
Levi and Yugu M3 are what fuck me up badly Those stacks Levi puts on your charas at the end is so bullshit.
GBF is a girl game now so they keep all the violent to bare minimum.
Yugu hitting like a truck after 40% is so much bullshit
>Oh I alter your cooldowns hope you don't mind
>I will also hit you for 20k now
>And put labors up, hope you didn't need those skills I just locked away :)
Thank fuck I'm like 4 exaltos away from leaving this raid
m8, that has been GBFs issue for many years, as back as the first homoknight events
No I do not need grand oro
I will not spend money on this game before summer
I sparked for papa and I had to goldmoon a second weapon and I still don't have a third exalto. I fucking hate this game.
>I can't reduce a single stack no matter what I do.
Just use charge attacks. They easily hit over 2 million each unless your grids are ultra shit. This raid exists to force you to unlock kengo.
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Seems our first summer characters are Raziel and Tefnut. I can't find a Raziel image for the life of me but they got a Tef for ants if anyone is interested
>GW starts Friday
In the end I never managed to get my setup down to just 1 button. I guess I should've farmed Avatar and Fediel harder but I really wanted to get Exaltos done while the bulk of players are also doing them so I never really farmed them as hard as I should've. Thank goodness I'm flying solo this GW so there's no real pressure, just mild disappointment.
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>Sumo event 2
I guess Raziel and Tef aren't on this one, unless they're being saved for the full cast reveal
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Event was okay
Holy Raziel Sexo btw
Tef looking kinda slutty, it's nice
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Raziel paizuri sexo btw
The mouth chain thing looks so dam hideous, what the fuck they were thinking? A simple face veil would have been way better.
The neck shit would've made her look a mummy. They should've removed it since it looks awful anyway and settled for the face veil. Also too much white, they should've gone for some more blue but I guess they figured it would look too much like her future normal version.
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How long does it take to get a 5* evoker? I'm trying to farm for her and Caim. Getting lusters is a real bitch though.
It depends heavily on rng, there's no good estimate
>300 anima without seeing a single exalto
Count berries like a normal person
>200 berries without weapon drops
How difficult is Super Baha? Looking to upgrade my Ultima to 5*. Do pubs clear often?
If you can do Janny set up then it should be easy clear, just have your set up ready and tell on backup request message that you are Janny (But being Relic Buster class as a host should already be a sign enough to people)


There are lots of different kind of set ups on youtube for it I just linked two random examples that dont use those super gold moon weapons (having the water gun one makes being Janny much easier and stronger)

If you join one instead. Well look for ones that have Janny host for better chance of clearing (if the raid goes 6/6 and there is no Janny its pretty much done). Its not difficult and you will only really cauge if you can do it by having a try. Pubs clear pretty regularly from what I have seen but only if they have the Janny and actually fill up which sometimes can take time. Having that host be Janny speeds up the joining a lot
im getting nervous about the next gw, i dont have cool new dirt characters. is sparking this banner bad
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Holy Sexo, too bad I don't have a spark
This banner is okay at best, in no small part due to Galleon being on rate up. If you have sparks to spare and no Galleon, it's pretty okay.
nuts I tell you
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I did enjoy the event.
Shion sexo
everyone says this
Did you get any valentine chocos for your grubs anon?
yeah i did
Good, I am sure they liked them
It took nearly a year for ONE for me it’s a bitch to farm all those materials
Friend of mine got like half of them after beelining Geisen.
I refuse to participate in the garbage grind that is sand farming
you'll get enough sands by the time you're finished with revans
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Hows the dokkan uncap? On paper it sounds ok except getting 5 stacks seems kind of slow unless you specially build team around it and thats never really a good sign
Kinda whatever, works ok with grand Zeta for the dispel + delay spam but otherwise she feels extremely meh until she can use her 4th skill.
>Babyl already over
Is this normal?
It usually runs alongside some other event and lasts as long as that does, and the rerun event run for a week which is usual time for it
I guess I just didn't notice it, seems like it was around for 4 days max but it was like 7 in reality. Oh well
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If they release Hekate I'm sparking
It probably will be her. I hope the uncap art is godlike.
I doubt it since her art is just the one used in S.Cupi's fates, hoping I'm wrong though

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