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The Dark Souls of gacha games...
>>1606954 (OP)
Redpill me on WVD.
>>1606954 (OP)
Art reminds me of fire emblem heroes, is it one of the same artists?
keep choosing "Accept Death" option and the game is sending me back to the start of the dungeon floor where checkpoint is guarded by enemies I can't defeat with a dead party. no hook of harken in inventory (I thought I obtained one somewhere but I guess its not in my bag). uninstalled.
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Yes, I will play your game.
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>sleeps with your party
I finally got Lanavaille. Her post-battle heals aren't super game-changing but it does help a lot with party longevity. Like her already.
I pulled her early on. Figure it was new account pity gibs. I used the Legendary selection on Yekaterina. Party is only level 11 but she's kind of underwhelming. Sleep and Blind is alright I guess.
>I pulled her early on
I pulled Adam TWO times, which sucks since one Adam is plenty. Then I used the Legendary bone selection on Yeaterina, and then finally pulled Lanavaille. Adam is good but I've always played Wizardry with a Lawful/Good party, so he gets sidelined early on. No evil characters allowed.
I'm using the better male characters for dispatchs. Both Adam and Gerulf are evil, so I stick them together. I'm using the base tier beast thief and Chloe (beast fighter) in my party lulz. Hot chicks only.
Sometimes I forget to check good/evil alignments when sending out dispatches. Makes sense why some of them end in failure.

What's your current party formation btw? I was using:
Front row: Protagonist + Knight + Warrior
Back row: Priest + Mage + Thief
...but now I switched out my warrior (or was it 'Fighter'?) for Lanavaille, so now I'm experimenting with two knights instead of one. Kinda unneeded and I think knights don't deal as much effective damage as warriors, but it hasn't been bad so far.
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Hang on guys, do I save Gary the dog or the aristocrat guy? Is there a correct choice?
I'm running (all level 12)
>Lainavaile(Human, Knight, Good) - Protag(Good) - Chloe(Beast, Fighter, Good)
>Mariane(Human, Priest, Good) - Yekaterina(Human, Mage, Neutral) - Generic(Beast, Thief, Evil)

It's been working well so far. I just made it to B6F though and am starting to hit a wall for enhancing gear properly though. I think I need to slot in maces and blunt damage for 6F skeletons?
>I think I need to slot in maces and blunt damage for 6F skeletons?
Yeah you do should already get a couple anti-undead weapons like those. The problem is hammers and maces tend to have terrible action speed, accuracy and evasion.
Also I want to mention it's very cute seeing Lanavaille wielding a double-handed axe, like a gorilla weapon on a little girl.
Does Fortitude permanently drop after dying and being revived via the Temple? That would be nuts if a character you pumped tons of skills into perma death'd.
Yeah, they need to implement a f2p permadeath mitigation item. The idea of losing a character after a couple bad rolls kills the same unit twice in a fight is nuts, and that they let you buy your way out of that mechanic is gay.
>get Lanavaille
>she has 5 bonus points
>try to name her as "Lanavaille-5" so that I know how much bonus points I rolled her with
>"that name contains inappropriate words"
I haven't tried reviving at the Temple yet, but I don't think there's a mechanic where you lose max Fortitude permanently. Maybe.
>they let you buy your way out of that mechanic
Wait, there is? Which one? I haven't spent a single cent on this game so far.
At the revive menu, you can spend 100 gems to skip the Fortitude-check and just revive with 100% success. Except f2p can already revive with 100% success but they have to wait for Frotitude to regen instead of just bruteforcing it with gems
>wait for Frotitude to regen
Fortitude can regen while dead? News to me tbqh.
>100 gems for guarantee revive
I didn't see this option when I had to revive my 30 Fortitude Lanavaile.

I've only had it happen once, but I didn't see Lana's Fortitude restore while ash.

Might not restore if they're already ash, not sure on the options in general if you fucked up and already turned them to ash
Sorry, still learning to terminology. I simply meant dead, not ash. Sounds like they can recover fort while dead though, which is reasonable as a game mechanic I suppose.
did they ever fix the cutscene lag issue?
>le "hardcore" gacha game with perma death!!11!
>terrible gacha/monetization, you barely get any rolls, borderline P2W and events have special paid passes where half of the rewards are locked
>core gameplay is actually above average and could have easily made for a decent game with a pricetag of about 20$
Its closer to a "real game" than hoyoshit worse monetized
BUT worse monetized
Also forgot to mention its buggy as fuck with problems ranging from being hard stuck in a dungeon to not getting the premium shit you pay for and even having your account wiped. For some fucking reason it uses the 2014-era passcode system instead of any form of account
No lag on my iPhone.
Hang on, you know how sometimes the devs gives compensation gems/items to make up for bugs or offline maintenance; how do you access these compensation gems/items? Is it automatically added to your bank or do you get it from a guild mailbox or something?
Gibs are otw. Trust the plan.

Losing your account is a feature and all part of Savoring the Risk™
>forgot about the maintenance that starts today
>play the game
>just reached the execution scene (I had a late start and am behind most people)
>the guillotine drops
>the exact second a notice comes up "Wizardry Variants Daphne is currently undergoing maintenance, [Go to Title Screen]"
I hope this doesn't mess up or auto-skips the cutscene that follows from it.
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Gary RIP ;-;
>Use free legendary choice on Lainavaile
>Immediately roll her with my starting rolls
>Roll her again with the legendary bone
I'm an idiot
You know what you have to do.
I'm just starting out but is there a difference between her and the regular version? And can I use the dupes to strengthen one copy?
>Is there a difference between her and the regular version?
No, it's just a skin AFAIK.

>Can I use the dupes to strengthen one copy?
Yes, there's a mechanism to strengthen units with their own copies called Discipline, in the Learning section of the Guild menu. I haven't been playing long enough to know if it's a good idea to spend both Lana's on that. I think you'll get her discipline skill up to lvl 1 with 1 unit, but absorbing the 2nd might just waste the unit and leave you at 50% to skill lvl 2.
Right now it's the same, but the devs apparently admitted, that might just be a bug.
If MC is 'Good' or 'Evil' are they essentially locked out of grouping with majority opposite personality teams?
Neutral is considered the best because of the ability to interact with both sides as well as being the most flexible with teams

however good and evil aligenments are fine as lana and alice's skills buff the row only

so if u have 3 front row good neutral they will get the lana buff and the same for alice with her evil buff

the only other character im aware of that buffs alignment is elise and she buffs neutral characters who are in front or behind her (a great teammate for debra the thief)

Apparently wandering lana is different from the queen lana and were supposed to have different passives which imo is kind of a big fuck up after 1 month of being open. I am curious how they plan on fixing and or compensating the players who are effected by it
It's so over.
Indefinite maintenance, wtf are they doing
Some people apparently got the prereg rewards again
>maintenance is not scheduled to end 'tonight'
The game is fun but it's so insanely buggy that I don't think it will make it very long
I'm at NG+ 5F and still haven't found the metal to fix the shield, at what point do you find it? I'm afraid of going deeper and bricking the quest
6F in the failed teleport rooms
Thank you, if the game doesn't get axed hopefully I'll be saving the king once maintenance ends
Never notice it, how does alignment affect to the party? I even forgot about good/evil tags.
As far as everyone can actually factually confirm, seems to have no impact on your active dungeoning party unless a character has a passive that specifically says allies need to be of specific alignments (Lanavaille and Alice as examples). People guess that it might affect affection/friendship gain, but then there's people of different alignments than their MC character who gain affection/friendship really fast compared to other party members.
For dispatches though, some outright say that the characters need to be of specific alignments. And even the ones that don't require it, if you check the full dispatch log if you put characters of different (or especially opposite) alignments you can see that they argue with each other during the mission and fuck up their fortitudes and seem to perform overall worse
We're so fucking back
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Where am I supposed to go to complete pic related? Clearly not B1F.
This is in one fo the closets on B1F. You probably missed it or had already explored it so you didn't bother to check again. I remember it happened to me.
>not strong enough to beat Grade-Up Exams
>stuck at level 20
This exam would be so much easier if the boss wasn't a skelly. Undead weapons suck and it's bad enough I'm stuck using it to hit on the grade up boss. Oh well, guess I'll try the grade up quest a couple times until I get lucky. The "Call Allies" keep fucking me up though, like I can beat them normally for the first two times but once you get to the third of fourth summons I run out of MP & SP.
>three legendary pulls
>all are Debra
What horrible luck. Also where is the stench of death in the first floor of the dungeon for a quest? I swear I've been to every room multiple times and I have only been able to find it once when my party was weak and never again.

You need to check closets. I think there is a random chance of there being seeds in them, because I found seeds in one that was already explored.
What should I be doing with dupe characters? I've gotten quite a few after the apology reparations.
If you go to the Guild and then to the training room, you can upgrade dupe characters. It consumes one character, and gives them a new passive skill.
Is there a way to get past the black scren after the start menu? I reinstalled it a few times already but nothing ever changes.
Did I get filtered before even starting the game? Am I just fucked on that phone?
I just cleared game cache and waited on the black screen for a few minutes and it started working
>Lead Boss
>have mage
>buy silver staff for her(you're not using Adam are you, gayboy)
>bee line to closest poison room north of start
>avoid fights if possible
>initiate fight with boss
>if he doesn't call bunnies, flee
>repeat until he calls bunnies
>mage uses line aoe(12 mana)
>kill bunnies
>armor break
>wail on him
>dies without calling a second wave
You can do it.
So the thing is, i currently have 2 Lala, 1 alt Lala, 3 Gerards, 2 Debra, 2 Alice and 2 Gerulf.
I think this game works like FE for the skill inheritance system, so im wondering for whom and where it's worth it to dupe somebody or sac somebody for their skill to a better unit.
From what little I have seen, you don't get a skill that they have such as "heavy attack", "dios", or the like. Instead you get a character specific passive skill called a discipline. I think one character can learn the spells of another by using inherit skill, and I don't think that uses up a dupe character like upgrading discipline does.
I got three Adams. Fuck.
>dies without calling a second wave
Is that possible? I swear my DPS isn't hard enough. Also thanks for the tip about resettting the fight to get different ally summons.
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It worked!
I did it!
Just beat the skelly boss like 3 minutes ago after following your suggestion. What the first wave reinforcement consists of actually makes a world of difference.
Also I literally jumped 10 levels after grade up, went from level 20 straight to 30 due to the accumulated experience.
Correction, 20 to 26. Not 30.
Grats bro.
Tried it a few times, together with reinstalling, still nothing. It sucks since the game looks interesting enough.
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>Is that a heckin ARTIFACT!?!
>nearly a month for the retarded devs to realize the limited character was missing a skill
I cant believe you retards play this
It does work like fe in that characters can pass down certain skills but all characters only pass down one skill. For example debra can pass down her blessing of the beast god passive (but its weaker like 50% weaker iirc) or you can get characters like Gaston who can pass off heavy hit.

For legendary dupes i recommend either lvling up their passives or unlocking their disciplines

Alice in particular has a really solid discipline and debras is also decent if you want to make her a front line evasion tank
Finally got my first round normal clear done on the second dungeon. Think I'll start training another fighter and class change my Priest to Knight. Might as well beat the grade up exams too.
Konnichiwa, this is Director-san speaking. It has come to my attention that there are still players who haven't gotten Wanderer Princess Lanavaille. A month into the game and some of you idiots still haven't even rolled on her. This is unacceptable, and so we have extended her banner for one more month. I pray for all our sakes I don't need to extend it again, or I swear to God you will be waiting a long fucking time for new characters.
preasu understandu devs are verry busy working 12 hours a day crushing the bugs in their 1000 folded code after which there's the mandatory 5 hours after work obligatory overtime of going to have drinks with the boss unless they want to commit shameful display...
I really hope the game keeps on delivering on fucked up shit like this just so I can laugh at its defenders
How do I get bronze tags to upgrade my rank? Barmaid said retired adventurers or merging lead tags, but I don't see anywhere to actually do the merging.
Do the dismissed adventurers need to be leveled? or can they be lvl 1 fodder?
they also have to do their overtime with the boss while he pours booze down their throat and sings some old karaoke jams
I had thought of trying it out but I'll just shake my head instead.
The game is kino ran by a trainwreck. It adds to it's charm.
Man, this game is really fun but with all the trouble they've had I can't help but feel EOS is coming within a year
Tap on the tag icon next to the grade request.
Yeah haha, I ended up just not being able to play it at all and hope you guys will get to enjoy it for a long time.
Sounds like a skill issue
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>he doesnt realize the more they fuck up, the more goodies we get.
what goodies? Month since release, you still have the same 2 banners, and 2% pull rate. The game will EoS before it releases a new character
I just beated the scirpion girl boss on B5F but I feel like I'm not making progress: I've enhanced most of my weapons to level 4 but I'm stuck at bronze-tier gear and I can't upgrade because I don't have materials to do it.
I feel like I'm missing something but I can't tell what I'm doing wrong.
Because you're supposed to be further. Bronze is overall the best gear until B8 (and the rates of actually getting the next tier of gear at B8 are absolute dogshit, and the ones you would get at B8 are also dogshit because they'd be low rarity + low star so you're not actually supposed to be farming B8)
Though realistically you farm a few anti-undead weapons at B6-B7, statwise they're basically exactly the same as Bronze gear but with an anti-undead passive
You'll be able to enhance your gear to 5 later so don't worry. When you are able to hit 5, don't go any higher on bronze since you'll be able to slowly get better gear around the same time. You shouldn't go higher than 5 on early iron either, since it won't be as good as the iron gear in the next dungeon.
I see. I was thinking about buying materials to unlock +5 gear but it seems a bad investment at this point. So basically I need to rely on magic gear drops, right?
I hate the Den of Earth so much.
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Lost all my datas, goodbye Wizardry. I really wanted to like you despite your bugs.
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Your account password doko?
Deep inside the null space. I sent an email with my user ID, if it doesn't fix anything I'm fucked.
god i hope fortitude regens even if you're offline. my entire party got bodied in a fight with a warped one, but i don't wanna risk reviving them till theyre back up to max fortitude.
i love lanaville. the first character i got followed by debra. her heals are weak, but its much better than nothing imo
So do you always remain a ghoul?
Fortitude regens even if your character is dead or ash.
yes, but what about if you're not playing for hours?
It regens offline, yes. It's why most people run Mausoleum before a large break, like overnight.
I finally got hit by some glitch. Game won't black screen but I'm forever stuck walking down the title screen corridor looking at my team posing on the walls. Was working fine way earlier in the day.
>Only character I'm missing is Barbara
Is she even good?
There's no way to camp at the end of the Grasslands? Fucking boo.
Barbara is good for stun spam since her passive reduces cost of skills 6sp and under. If you want her, you can get one from the mausoleum, whether or not that's worth it, that's up to you.
I'm way too stupid for this game. Stuck on sixth floor because of the statue puzzle.
Silent Night Flut's knees are cute.
This is so dumb, I can't go to Port Town when I'm on my phone, the app just freezes when I press it on the Map screen, but I can go there on Bluestacks, close that and start the app on my phone and when I login I'm in Port Town no issues, but if I leave I can't go back on my phone because it freezes again and I have to do the Bluestacks trick to get back in.
>finally get another earth junk
>it's another 2 handed spear
Is there a way to get green, blue or purple versions of unique gear like Isabella's Hammer or the Mask of the Sea God?

Or can the blacksmith make white gear new colors?
So some characters like Ophilia prefer bows, and others things like one handed or two handed swords or hammers. But what's the point of hand axes? No one benefits from them, they just seem like they're worse onehand swords because you don't get the extra hit.
did the devs kill the game with their incompetence yet? i don't want to get invested until they get their shit together
Not being killed, just withering on the vine.
Fuck this barely function pile of crap. Everything about it is broken or exploitative
>details on the pauldron and sword are just morphing random squiggles
If you are gonna gacha, at least don't gacha on AI cheap slop
some people have no embarrassment
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Game needs to roll out the titty skins and quickly. What's the point of the copious boob jiggle on characters like Elise or the generic thief girl if I can't goon properly?
Is there a meaningful difference between fighters and knights once you've gotten all their skills? Once Lanavaille hits level 40 and gets all her skills, I think I'll class change her to fighter so she does a bit more damage, but have her do basically the same thing.
Core stats change per class, that's about it.
Knights can block damage for units behind them.
Core stats are weighted differently depending on current class. I think both knight and fighter are capable of using any equipment so a fighter Lana will end up faster and stronger, but with less tankiness. Also she'll be unable to use any skills tagged <Knight-specific> like most variants of cover.
I'm kinda enjoying this game. I was debating on starting this series but I think I might try and play one of the real games now, so it must be good for something.
Her hip sway is almost to the beat of the background music
She needs a bikini skin
Is the B5F mimic on NG+ in the beginners labyrinth supposed to be this hard? My party is level 25 and still struggling with him
Have your frontline defend against its attacks, and then have a thief use Precision Strike on the resulting opening for a ton of damage. That specific mimic is unreasonably tanky and you're basically required to kill it via openings.
The drop rates for the Den of Earth weapons are ass, pure ass.
I’ve never played a post Sir Tech Wizardry game, is this actually good or should I just stick with Wiz 6-8?
Intersted in this game, what should i know?
Is it really that money hungry or perception improved?
>Is it really that money hungry
Only if you want the latest legendary adventurer on the block, pull rates are fucked and seemingly getting worse.
My games stuck on a permanent black screen after entering the 2nd arena fight lol. I love this game but its such a piece of shit. I might just switch to finally playing Tales of the Forsaken Land...

Also adding new weapon types and class. I'm guessing Katana and Samurai respectively?
Can I change my name at some point? Ended up using the defaut name as I didn´t expect to like the game but ended up getting hooked and don´t want to restart. I just found the second harken shrine or whatever it´s called
Yes, I picked Skelly for my name in the beginning before I figured out how to type in the game, and I was able to rename my character when I hit NG+.
>it's ancient elvish, if sir elmon was alive she could probably have deciphered it
oh no...so your choices actually matter in this game
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oh no...
Why...couldn't you save....them?
I think i like the english voices
The ninja girl sounds like a chainsmoker, like she's been hitting one of those old timey Japanese pipes a bit too much.
So if i want to powerlevel characters do i put them in the backrow at the lowest level possible and pray that they don't get one attacked?
Or just send them out on a few dispatches first so they don't explode when looked at.
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Ok finally beaten it in the second loop and got the good ending, and now this, what's the pick?
Princess gives you a really shitty 1* white shield

Pontiff gives you a book that teaches a skill that has a chance to reduce incoming damage based on Piety. You can repeat the request and get another every 30 real days.

Admiral gives an item that sells for like 20K.
Doesn't matter. By the time you finish it, the rewards will be obsolete. Besides you're going to do all three for all the rewards and to get the complete story
is there any point in adding people as friends?
It's funny seeing them at the tavern after
i see. that could be interesting
anyone looking for friend codes?
Can i get the QRD on the mausoleum?
Steam version is out
>download it out of curiosity
>saw in the reviews that it's some sort of gacha port
>seems fun and I love this kind of games, maybe I will get hooked and finally invest my time in a gacha
>while it's downloading, check this thread
>nothing but doom and gloom, everyone is saying that EoS is near

For once I liked a gacha and wanted to get into it, and this is how am rewarded?
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this game is not EoSing any time soon, it has a dedicated fanbase even with all the jank
When are we getting the cunny?

I watched some people play the PC steam version on YouTube and it looks good.
I have this game now. Seems alright. I've explored that dungeon, opened all the reversible stuff I could find, reversed some people to life, sent some off for quests. What now? Anons tell me there's more to do besides equip them and wander.

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