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Christmas events, draws, and 2x CP are currently live. Warzone is coming soon™
spring isn't really that soon
Anyone else enjoying bloodstrike?
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Since PUBG gave me a week ban for my profile pic tell me about bloodstrike Is it fun? Am I gonna be forced to play against emulator players?
I'm tempted to go for that mythic card pack but I'm not sure what I'd max out with it. the grau doesn't seem worth maxing at all and the switchblade doesn't seem worth it either past the tracer rounds.
another cute asian another insta buy from me
Anyone got the mythic siren lingerie pic from leddit
Anyone wanna play some ranked mp
4k credit crate ain't half bad
Got all but 2 of her upgrades honestly I'm going to keep her in base form the ponytail is the superior hairstyle
I think I'm just doing her colors for now. I'm skipping the bk-57 because I have space race already.
Damn nice I was unlucky and got siren as my last roll I didn't want the bk at all
why do people spend so much money on operators is beyond me
I was thinking of buying a controller to play cod mobile, what do you guys recommend?
What else is there to spend on?
Why does this shit game's community obsess over "snipers only" as if it's some unspoken rule you need to use a sniper? Why can't I play with whatever the fuck gun I want and you use a sniper if it's so good?
I believe controller players are matched with controller players. And if you join a private match the kiddies will get mad at you for using a controller.
Because they've been brainwashed by YouTubers that snipers take """skill""" to use despite the aim assist doing most of the work so now if you want to be le super cool pro you gotta power slide + quickscope for maximum skill or else at the end of the day just use whatever you feel like and call them faggots
it detects if you have a controlled paired/connected?
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this messages pops up when using a controller
which is also stupid. They should allow players with controllers to face off against people using touch controls. Their excuse is controllers are a disadvantage but if that's the case then allow it.
>Their excuse is controllers are a disadvantage
Where did they say this? Not everyone using touch is a ADHD zoomer sliding around the map 1 tapping people most players are just normalfags struggling to aim. Controllers have an advantage because everyone has at one point in their life picked up a controller to play an FPS you don't need to spend time learning touch controls controllers definitely have an advantage over touch.

I forget where I read it but I know it was an issue that people were complaining about. Like if you're flying one of those Jets in BR some of the buttons just don't work on a controller so you need to tap the screen.
Just noticed we finally reach lvl 5 big shout out to GreyFoxJr for being the only other guy that occasionally logs in.
This also pops up when you play on emulator as well.

I see posts on Reddit and such like "heh real niggas play on PC and stomp all over phone babys" so either they found a way around it or they can't fuckin read.

I was playing Farlight 84 on my phone, which I guess added controller support at some point because I saw some dude with a controller icon near his name, so I tried a controller, and it worked, but it was fuckin ass, it was handicap.

Maybe they should make the controller support real shit and then they could merge them together.
Agreed, those fucking losers that quick scope with their obnoxious snipers are so weird and need to get a life.

I had a match a day ago where these kids were making fun of this other kid who sounded like he was 9. They demanded that they tested his movements before the game started by sliding around. After all of that was done as they were boasting about this technique and shitting on me for using a sniper with a basic scope I still got POTG.
lame cos i just gun them down while they are wasting time crouching n what not. they make themselves very predictable
The pass awp blueprint looks amazing
I finally relented and turned on Aim Assist and grabbed an enemies' shotgun in Alcatraz, BR. The team I was in got first place because I let the game do the aiming for me. Odd thing was a bunch of enemy players were using the names of streamers like CoD Narco and Lotex. I checked on YouTube and none of them were streaming, also they are on the other side of the world in Europe while I'm fighting on the Australian server. Had had enough and copied their tactics.

Quite possible the Nuketown map from Black Ops 3 will be coming to CoDM and will have wall running.
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Mobility absolutely rules BR

I take the OTS with all of the sprint / movement attachments and hipfire, then I take a class that gives me a long movement speed bonus (igniter or trap master)

If I find a Fast ADS mod it’s impossible to kill me. Use class + quick ADS half a second just trigger ADS movement bonus on OTS

It’s hilarious and broken
I would buy mythic guns and operators if I didn’t have to fucking gamble for a chance to get what I want, like just give me a flat of price for my p2w m13 Morningstar
you have a flat price, to go for a mythic with no 2x point event going on it's like 130$. getting the main reward of a lucky draw on any spin other than the last one is miraculous luck, go into any of them assuming you'll get it last. now UPGRADING mythic guns/characters on the other hand is where the actual rng gambling bullshit is because mythic cards/coins work like crates. personally I wait for spending events for cards/coins and/or the odd bundle that happens like once a year. to max a mythic is like 150$ on top of that if you're unlucky (like every coin/card roll being 10, etc.) so if you rolled the wep you're looking at doubling the cost of the thing to max it. at least the m13 doesn't really want the upgrades all too much, I got mine to the exploding glass effect and stopped.
I've about had it with these normies kicking me just because they feel like it. I'm done with this game.
Looks like CoDM will be giving out spears as the new melee weapon.
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Does anyone have the version history release notes for the recent update yesterday? What got nerfed and what got buffed?
Does the private match then back to match glitch still work? How does that thing work anyway? I remember a bunch of people used to do it to play in touch lobbies with controllers.
Is anyone else getting more lag/hotter phone after this most recent update, even after re-installing?
have you checked to see if you have super resolution turned on? that's a new feature in the bottom of the audio & graphics tab that might be doing it.
Hey /vmg/ros. Finally playing again after two years. Is shin/codm/ still the go to clan? What are the meta guns and such?
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>Is shin/codm/ still the go to clan?
Nope the clan is dead I'm the last person who logs in regularly
>What are the meta guns and such?
no clue as I only ever use the same one
How do I do good in Undead Siege hard mode?
It feels I'm always carried by team mates.
Whats the new clan now? Or do people just don't play this game anymore? What is your fave gun, anon? I'm using a m13 build from 3 years ago lol
>Whats the new clan now?
People went back to the old clan now that boomer went to sweat it out somewhere else they have a discord but I don't know what it is.
>What is your fave gun, anon? I'm using a m13 build from 3 years ago lol
I've been using the oden since 2022? (whenever the rank rewards were anime themed) and I never switched out just because the skin is very cute
holy mother of fuck, its ANOTHER 150 to max out a mythic with more gambling?

desu I only thought the weapons looked cool, I don't exactly need them to keep my Legendary rank; just my LAPA and FFAR with my own attachments
Can't wait for the rank reset. My k/d has gone down since I've been stuck in Legendary.


Meta guns are probably the Grau 556, LK24 and Switchblade 9. But there has been an update recently, so maybe there are new METAs. I saw a video on off-META guns, so I switched from DHR(usually reliable) to the Krig 6 and I tend to use the PPSH 41 in BR if I come across it. Others say that the OTS is a bit overpowered. But I don't use the OTS that much due to the small mag size since I don't use aim assist which means I can't get all my bullets glued onto the target.
Nice dubs. Dope, I'm a filthy third worlder so no nice skins for me sadly. Maybe I'll buy some if I do end up playing more frequently :p
I see, I'll do some research, wanna try a bit of everything and see what fits me best. Ty anon.
Anyone know when mythic rytec returns?
reminder to anyone living under a rock this m4 skin is FREE, takes the barest minimum effort to unlock, and is objectively better than pretty much every other legendary m4 skin they are selling in global right now.
what blueprints do we have from cod mw/bo?
Can anyone explain how the whole mythic gun thing works? Can you just buy one or is it by gambling where you might spend $100 in cp and not get it and get repeated items instead?

How do you level up the gun and what happens when you level up the guns? Do the stats get better or how does it work?

How much does one have to spend for a maxxed out mythic gun?

Do mythic guns hold their stats after every season nerf and buff or do they get nerfed too?

What's the best considered overall mythic gun damage and fire rate and mobility wise (even if not available for sale at the moment)?
fucking shit fuck tits, i dont want to play again but i dont have the stuff to reinstate my account history and i had 3 plat sets. I cant handle doing it all again i had ar smg and lmg fucking hell
I will only do after i build an ar gun with the razer kishi 1
razer kishi 1. it has a flexibke strap as the middle connector so you can mount each half at different oarts on a toy gun for superior gameplay that makes vr fags seethe.
Fix aim drift by looking down because it always drifts down. You point down past the in game limit this resetting the reticule.

Only problem is they win against bad players using touch and think it proves anything. Touch is basically as good as kbm technically and iferg (even though i think hes annoying as fuck) also stomped kbm users. The advantage of 1:1 aiming is true with both systems. If youre trying to sweat theres 0 reason not to use touch.
> t. old man that can 4 finger and hit top 5% ranked
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>Can anyone explain how the whole mythic gun thing works? Can you just buy one or is it by gambling where you might spend $100 in cp and not get it and get repeated items instead?
Lucky draws don't have repeats once you spend the CP and get your item it's out of the draw pool but the CP cost for another roll goes up each time you roll that's why it usually costs +$100 to get the item you want because the rates are ASS
>How do you level up the gun and what happens when you level up the guns? Do the stats get better or how does it work?
You use mythic cards to level up mythic weapons and NO they don't give you extra stats. The more you level it up the more unique cosmetics you unlock (kill animations, bullet effects, icons, MVP effects, ect.) It's all cosmetic but if you max out a mythic gun you're able to share it with your teammates
>How much does one have to spend for a maxxed out mythic gun?
As much as a full lucky draw so another +$100
>Do mythic guns hold their stats after every season nerf and buff or do they get nerfed too?
Mythic has the same stats as the regular version of a gun so if the gun gets nerfed it's nerfed too a mythic IS NOT another version of a gun it's just a very unique skin for the gun with extra goodies
>What's the best considered overall mythic gun damage and fire rate and mobility wise (even if not available for sale at the moment)?
No idea people seem to like the M13 mythic I don't really use mine at all
don't buy a mythic unless you either really like the gun or like the draw as a whole. even if the gun is meta it'd be pretty stupid to make a 100$+ purchase for a gun you won't use.

the only real advantage of a mythic gun is if they have a really good ironsight (especially if it has few alternatives such as the krig 6). I actually find a couple of mythics to be pay to lose because of their ironsight such as the ak-47 radiance (tinted glass ironsight with a distracting "ammo gauge" on the ironsight to obstruct things further), the cbr4, or the mythic holger. as cool as the tracer rounds are that newer mythic guns have, they do make you easier to spot and are expensive to unlock (mythic level 4 on the guns that have them).

some of the more popular mythics like m13 morningstar or the kilo 141 demonsong have great features out of the box and are more value because they give you the better kill effects/attachments very early (less money spent).

on the topic of mythic snipers, they're categorically fucking retarded other than the dlq and the dlq isn't a huge advantage either.
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>got the new cutie in only 3 rolls
yeah that's the good stuff now to get the legendary sword next
I like it.
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>can't buy a 2k yen ticket for 800 play points anymore
fuck you jewgle
The spear is available again. Go pick it up.
puzzle operator skin code:

First _ = the last letter in the alphabet

Second _ = Number of sides in a square
Thank you buddy
Old fag here just got back playing the game again, what the hell is this game now. Whys there bots in ranked, I dont remember the lower ranks having them in mp or any at all
>captcha gas lightning me to thinking im typing it incorrectly

Lower levels of rank has bots and more and more real players appear as you climbe the ranks. Then you'll have actual human players in your lobbies unless you loss a bunch of matches consecutively, then the matchmaking puts you into a lobby with bots.
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>warzone launches 1 day before dragons dogma 2
well that blows I hope you bros enjoy yourselves
If anyone here is really good at br and want an invite to a clan of autistic br sweats (not related to 4chan at all), post name in reply. We do squads every night

First worlders and rich people will be playing Capcom's new game while the Mobile peasants will be grinding Warzone after warming up in CoDM. Nothing wrong with that.
Bros, will I ever get the funny dance from the Zombie box? (I even got the Legendary banner)
>buy mythic rytec to match my mythic siren (I skipped her bk since I rolled siren first)
>rytec kind of sucks ass right now
you know, this one's 100% on me for not playtesting rytec before buying it. it could be user error but I find as soon as anyone whips out their tundra/dlq it just doesn't compete anymore.
so do people here play the mobile game only or the pc version as well?
How come I picked up someone's mythic AK and it had really high control, mobility, and other stats despite the attachments?
if you're talking about console/pc cod like mw3, I play both, I used to just think cod mobile would be a little way to scratch the shooter itch until I bought a platform to play the main games on but codm has gotten good enough that it stands on its own and I enjoy playing it from time to time apart from cod on the ps5
It doesn't mythics are purely cosmetic the only real advantage you have is better ironsights on some guns you're tricking yourself
Used to play PUBG, been seeing some stuff about Warzone. Looks fun but still 2 weeks out.
I'm only interested in BR, what am I playing?
Warzone, or PUBG?
I only play codm and have 0 plans of picking up warzone so I can only recommend codm.
But I only want to play Battle Royale
CODM br is way faster than PUBG I like it way more in my opinion and warzone is probably going to be fast too

>BR alcatraz removed (no more ez BR grinding)
>shoot house map entirely removed from the game (but apparently not the chinese version)
this season is off to a mighty shitty start unless something drastic happens
>just started playing alcatraz this weekend for camos
>gets removed for lol go play wzm
Jfc im not grinding camos in isolated/blackout. Watch them get rid of undead siege next

If you have a good phone them try out Warzone mobile. Warzone mobile also has some MP modes but it's mostly for grinding your weapons and acclimating to the game's controls.
I dont think I am going to reach GMIII without Alcatraz bros...
At least the tournament mode makes it easy to get camos, but is full of bots.

Play MP. If you get motion sickness from FPP, then try adjusting your FoV.

Anyone else getting lobbies that are full of Asian sweats? Most likely the Japanese with Ipads. I usually fight people from the Pacific Islands probably Australia and even folks from the U.S. or other parts of the Americas since sometimes I encounter Blacks and Latinos. But now I'm playing against the Asians. I've had to turn on aim assist in a few of my matches just to keep up with them.
>Warzone is coming soon
How youtubers are already playing?

They used a VPN to play download the Warzone app that was already available in the countries with limited release. Some of those YouTubers were also invited to try out the Warzone Mobile game in special events.

I just realized that since I live on an island in the Pacific, I won't be able to play Warzone Mobile until the 22nd of March. The island I live on is still American territory, but we are a day ahead of the continental U.S.
Also check this out. I went up against a squad of Japanese sweats in rank Hardpoint. Got a low score and this is with gyroscope but no aim assist.

Now here is another match in Hardpoint rank. It was another Japanese lobby, opponent team were also Japanese. I did much better here because I turned on Aim Assist and used it with gyroscope.
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Uhhh you sure those are people anon? They look like bot names to me and the default avatar is also kind of a good sign they're bots.
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>only a few days to finish the warzone battle pass even though mobile just dropped
Very cool thank you Activision-sama I kneel.
Anybody here who had been playing Warzone Mobile for the past year or more? Do you have the whole game downloaded? Game said that it would be streaming more of the game's assets and the game will eventually look better. The problem with that is that the game will be both downloading while you are playing and people are complaining about the overheating and the lag and jankiness of the control. There was also a bunch of bugs and glitches while I was playing.

While I was playing I had both my air conditioning unit and even my small electric fan turned on, with the electric senpai facing my smartphone so that the phone receives cold war while I play Warzone Mobile.

So if any of you have been playing during the limited release, can you tell us how big the game file really is after everything has been downloaded?

Here is a screenshot of the character Stiletto in the game. Doesn't look so good. Might get better after the whole game is fully downloaded.


Okay, here is the screenshot.

Here's Google explaining how downloading apps can heat up your smartphone.
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Home screen and in-game maps look like ass and I'm pretty sure I've downloaded the whole game my phone currently says
>Warzone: 7.78 GB
>CoDM: 29 GB
Hacktivision should've left it to the chinks because I've been lagging my ass off in my matches I don't know if it's because the game just recently came out and servers can't keep up but I'm getting downed without a chance to retaliate thanks to the jank controls. Also does anyone know if emulator players and mobile players are separated?

Here is the game explaining that more of the textures are being streamed into your game and saved by the app. Later the graphics should get better.


Here is a list of reasons why your phone overheats. Some of those reasons are excessive gaming and streaming shows. The Warzone mobile streams in more graphical textures as you play. Probably one of the reasons why people are encountering the overheating problem.

On CoDM, mobile players are separated from the people on emulation. Don't know about Warzone Mobile.
what's with kilo skins and candles? this thing almost feels like a reskin of the recent halloween bp kilo because of that.
Dude wzm sucks lol. Wonky ass controls. Glitchy graphics. Even when you zero in on someone is feels like you're shooting a 50 cal machine gun.
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cool icons bro. I have no idea what 90% of them are, but I'm glad you catered to the. 00001% of the people that identify as whatever the fuck some of those queer flags are.

disregard the overlay
It's not even that. The overlay is so convoluted..especially in game. Not to mention the sensitivity settings.
I didn't get the CoD points thwt I just bought on CoD Mobile. Anyone else run into this problem? Here is the receipt in my email account.

The CoD Points I bought haven't shown up.

Probably the freaking Indians are pissed at me for browsing the "Hate India" threads on /pol/.
it happened to me once but eventually they came after a few hours, did you get them yet? I'm pretty sure I read that it can take up to 48 hours in some cases although I'm not entirely sure
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why does cod have such a focus on battle royale so much, we have 120 player br on wzm but only 10v10 multiplayer, can they just get their shit together and make a 32v32 war gamemode

Yeah, I got the CoD Points like half a day later after purchasing them. I really wanted to do one morenpull for that Portola skin, though. Now, I'll just save the CoD Points for something else. Gonna buy more CoD Points later to get that Zero Bundle.
is it worth to buy 1 more spin for the ffar draw? cost 800, i have the shorty, sword, mythic, weapon and guy skins left
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Finally reached Legendary for the first time (on MP fuck doing that shit in BR). The last stretch in GMV was insane.

I hate Nuketown now.
that's your call. I finished the draw to get the mythic and of the extra shit I rolled I'm only using the sword, the sniper (custom geometry m21 ebr skin), the emote, and the contact grenade.
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gamesir g8
>super comfortable to use
>works with CoD if you switch to touchscreen mode(blue light)
>cost less than kishi v2 and backbone
>activision doesn't know a controller is connected so you get put with touch babies
>will never experience stick drift thanks to hall effect analogs
this might be my new favorite operator/weapon combo
Anyone here have the full Warzone Mobile game after all the texture streaming has downloaded? How big is the game file? Some players have reported that the overheating has destroyed their devices and now I'm fearful that if I play more Warzone mobile, it'll destroy my phone. Now I'm looking for a job to get money to buy a new phone, among other things. But I've heard that even some players with the newest flagship phones are having overheating issues with the game. Even the new iPhone 15 pro is having problems(I think those phones were probably made in India since Apple moved some of their factories to that cowdung of a country).

Screenshot was from one of the MP games I played on Warzone Mobile, I think the map was Rust.

I should add that I also have returned to playing Fortnite mobile and the game does the same thing with downloading textures and data as you play. It also gives us the option to predownload the assets. Fortnite mobile also heats up, but the game looks good and runs at 60 fps, with some drops in frame rate. Just like with Warzone mobile, I play with the air condition unit on and an electric fan to redirect the cold air at my phone.

Screenshot of a victory in the Fortnite mobile game. The Chains of Hades weapon is pretty cool.

Okay. I made a mistake and the iPhone 15 pro phones aren't made in India, just the regular iPhone 15s and iPhone 15 plus. I'm watching some gamers on YouTube play the game on their iPhone 15 Pro phones and it looks okay.
The iPad and iPhone players are going to have to carry this game since most Android users are struggling to run Warzone mobile. Can't wait for them to post YouTube videos showing off all the bundles they buy from the store.

As for the bot problem. Maybe Activision can do crossplay between the Apple mobile devices and PC gamers, at least with the Alcatraz map. That way they have real players, even with different inputs, fighting each other. It's what Netease's Cyberhunter BR game did and even Bulletstorm's MP game has done where both games had mobile players fighting in the same lobbies as PC players. I've played mobile games where I've gone up against PC players and got absolutely stomped, but that's just me. I struggle against Japanese iPad players on CoDM and have to resort to using aim assist with the gyroscope to keep up with them and will still usually lose.

Percep on Fortnite mobile has videos of him in lobbies where he is fighting against PC players and he was able to hold his own.


We are going to have to wait a few months until the game gets optimized for the majority of Android users. If I get a job I might have a new phone or probably just one of those current gen consoles just so I can play CoD Warzone.
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The issue for me is if I choose to play on mobile I expect to go against other mobile players. If I'm just gonna be put against PC players I might as well just turn on my PC and play the game there it defeats the purpose of the mobile version. Now I'm not saying that a mobile player can't ever beat a PC player but the absolute advantage you get from KB+M plus the higher frame rate because, let's face it, most mobile users are playing on potato phones. It all gets tiring after a while I still believe touch players should only play against touch players while PC/Emulator should only play against each other.
>activision doesn't know a controller is connected so you get put with touch babies

Dude, a good gaming pc probably costs around 2 grand or more(especially if you assemble it yourself) although you can buy one for as much as a flagship Apple mobile device or android flagship phone. I'm just saying they should put Apple mobile devices users in the same lobby as PC players for the meantime until they get the optimization issues all sorted out for Android users.


Activision has the data on who the controller players are and who the touchscreen players are


YouTube video where one of the Warzone developers are talking about the game and that most players are touchscreen players.

We have to provide the feedback and any problems with the game on their Reddit, Discord and Twitter accounts. I'm banned from Reddit and I don't want to open the Discord app because of all the crazy autogynophiles trying to turn people trans. I only use Twitter to repost snippets of right wing news.
>Tourneys are done until reset
>5/6 mvp emote
Did I fuck up?

>Use a borrowed controller once
>Get paired with controllers users only from now on
He's saying that the game doesn't detect the controller so the usual "external device detected you'll be paired up with similar people" or whatever the message is doesn't pop up so you'll be paired against touch players except you're using a controller.
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Oh ok so controller and touch aren't separated like CoDM good to know I'll be using KBM and just fuck the lobby then. How anyone is taking these developers at their word is beyond me these fuckers had YEARS to fix this shit and they even had the game playable in kangaroo land yet I'm expected to believe they're just gonna magically fix this in a few weeks? If it's such a quick fix why didn't they address it until now despite delaying the game????? Fucking clown developers I'll repeat what I said before they should've left it to the chinks at least they know how to make these big mobile games work.

Dude, I didn't really hear about the overheating issues until maybe like a day or couple of days before the global launch. All we knew of Warzone Mobile was watching the rich streamers playing the game on their overpriced Apple mobile devices.

Also, the French, Slavs and even the Finnish(Angry Birds) know how to make mobile games. Even the Japanese and Koreans can make mobile games. Activision should have asked for help from some of them to develop the game.

Warzone mobile was out in limited release in Australia, Europe and South America. I don't know how they didn't get any feedback from players on Android devices in South America.

Wtf? I've played against Japanese players in Warzone mobile since the day it released? It's only launching in Japan now? And also, the Japanese tend to use Apple mobile devices

There is at least 2 players here who are Japanese, probably more. Screenshot is of a video I recorded of an MP match on Shipment from last week or maybe the week before.

File says March 31, 2024.

Whoops, forgot the screenshot.
Gonna have to get a job and save up for an xbox series x with gyroscope controller or wait for the new Nintendo console that should be powerful enough for run CoD games.
With Warzone already out and it not making sense for CODM to continue when Warzone is already out, what's the next BR that will take hold? Is it NewState? It's supposed to be Pubg, but updated and with better graphics What other BR games are popular?
I'd argue that it doesn't make sense at all to play warzone unless you play console cod/warzone and really want cross progression on your warzone BP/camos and/or want to keep using your console skins you bought already. they could not be any more different gameplay-wise and performance-wise warzone mobile is a disaster on the devices that CAN run it while potentially causing damage to the device you're playing on. additionally the multiplayer modes in warzone are an afterthought while in CODM they're the bread and butter with the BR modes being the extra thing tacked on. I don't like BR as a genre so I can't help you with alternatives.

for me personally, I have not played a console cod since the PS2 days (I think it was Big Red One) and warzone mobile feels like complete ass to play (I'm assuming it's efforts to be more "realistic") compared to the more movement-oriented play in CODM so if CODM goes down I'm done with COD.
>it not making sense for CODM to continue when Warzone is already out
Except it's a failure because the game isn't optimized for mobile it's melting peoples phones they even added way more bots because people are leaving
>Is it NewState? It's supposed to be Pubg, but updated and with better graphics
New state has been out for a while now and it also turned into a flop because of hackers
>You have recently violated the game behavior (15035)
>an error for muh third party illegal apps/emulators which didn't happen at all
>cannot use the garena account to appeal
>cannot make a new activision account to proceed
Well, it was shit while it lasted to be honest. Time for a clean slate somewhere else which is absolutely not Warzone since that shit also has female solder bullshit. Wish you female protagfags get drafted and die. Goodbye.
stop cheating fag looks like waifu bwos win again!
The only one who's cheating here is you female protagfags who use small hitbox in competitive games. Hackers are the good guys compared to trannyshit like yourselves whose corpses belong in the fucking trenches.
When the rest of the world catches up with new model phones that CAN run the game, wouldn't Activision just pull their license and sunset CODM? Wouldn't CODM be a threat to warzone mobile's userbase once they start getting more users?
It's a failure, for now, unless you're on a tablet. I just wonder because I can't se codm continuing unless warzone shuts down, but there's still time for the consumer base to catch up to warzone with the newer phones coming out and flagships becoming cheaper, specially those $400 chinese phones with snapdragon gen 3's.
Let us know what br game you end up playing next.
learn to aim fag also waifu bwos are the ones keeping the lights on because no one wants to spend their money on nigger man or ghost skin #29
You don't get to talk to keep any damn light on until you run a game through dedicated servers on top of a decentralized network. Draft. Yourself. Die.
hey bitch boy I know you're a closeted homosexual that only wants burly hairy men in his shooters but not all of us are fags like you maybe you should join the military I hear they love people that like to take it up the ass
The one who believes that women are beyond NPCs and taking it up in the ass are you.
You're the one crying over virtual women in a virtual shooter either you're a "hurdurr look how retarded I am" troll or you're an actual fag either way do the world a favor and hang yourself
Call of Duty is an originally male protagonist game with a history of real life military recruitment propaganda. Just letting you know.
That's a bot. Warzone is full of them because everyone who tried the game during the initial launch wasn't able to run the game. They all went back to CODM.
what pic?
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It wasn't even that bad but I guess whatever system they use flags any skin showing but I was too lazy to test the limits
CODM BR is honestly just so much better and I have a phone that can run the game. I played wzm for a couple weeks and it's just boring as fuck. Going back to CODM you realize the movement, guns, and well everything is just so much more fluid and more satisfying.
again, warzone and codm are so different they aren't replacements for each other (this isn't a coke vs new coke situation, it's a coke vs dr. pepper situation). there's not a single skin in warzone on the level of how crazy mythic weapons get in codm for instance. if you're a fan of codm (especially someone who buys a bunch of skins) warzone is a huge downgrade. performance issues aren't really a "new model phone" thing either, this is a lack of optimization issue disproportionately affecting android devices (the vast majority of codm's global playerbase and slightly less than half of the US playerbase).
a boomer exec would have to have their head firmly shoved up their own ass to sabotage codm at this point with how much money it makes.
Also third person BR is superior by default just based on all the shit you can do.
made and account 2 days ago and holy shit its easy compared to that CSGO mobile clone. Im already proff lV. any clans here? Also got a ruski milsim skin for free so that’s cool.
tasteless for a profile pic but getting banned for that is retarded,considering the sick shit kids see nowadays
Legendary rank is were all the actual players are at everything before that is just bots and cripples
>any clans here?
/VMG/ and shin CoDM but shin is dead and /vmg/ status is unknown they have a discord but I don't know if any of them even post here anymore
Surprisingly my last profile pic a few months back didn't get me banned https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/39438007 but I guess showing hot sweaty sugu pits was a step too far lmao
Is anyone here playing on an ipad m2? How many br games can you play before it goes below 30%? Is it normal for the tablet to lose battery while playing even if you have it plugged in?
check if you have the super high resolution textures enabled. There are BR exlusive settings, check them as well, as a PC game you can tweak the graphics. You probably have a shit or defective cable.
What does super resolution do? Does it help your aim/FPS/hit marker registration?
its the same as having ultra settings enabled, if you are playing BR you will have a ton more of rendering distance compared to a regular front line. just tinker around with the settings until you are happy with the performance, but disabling super resolution does help on my iphone 11.
what the fuck did they do to the bots this season, the man-o-war and lk24 ones are manageable (they still laser focus and one tap you across the map) but the pp-19 ones are fucking cracked.
The difficulty curve begins around Master
Im thinking of getting the monthly supply pass. Is it worth it If I plan playing every day?
If you like it is not that expensive, In my case I dont like to use tacky shiny skins or customizations so I dont need it.
is there a secret to playing good on this game? its just not designed well for touch
don't be scared to fuck with the sensitivity settings, fov, and button location/size. I play thumbs only and do pretty well because I have the buttons were I can make the best use of them.
>Playing BR
>Only 3 people remain
>Get purifier from box
>Get flashbanged by an opponent
>Start to burn him while blind
>I get shot down
>Last sight is the other person burning to death
Somebody received a free win
Get some clip on phone triggers or get an ipad. Make sure you have ping below 45ms, and get a mobile fan for your phone as you will get reduced fps once your phone starts throttling after a match or two, or get an ipad and a fan. This is what all of the pros use.

t. Competitive codm player
If anyone in your team is using the dogs, turret,airborne, drone, or jetpack, back out of the lobby and rejoin another one until you don't have any campers/snipers/noobs on your team. That's how I find good people to play with. No point in playing with noobs because the game will put you against people who play together and you with a team that camps and separates.
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Get some of these. Two triggers are nice, but if you can get 4 triggers, even better so you can play 6 finger. left is aim + hip fire or shoot, right can be slide and jump .

Don't play on East Asian servers with the Japanese iPad players unless you want your k/d to go down.
I hate that new LMG so goddamn much
I'm having fun with it. I'm thinking there's no way that they're not going to add a shit ton of recoil/bullet spread to the rapid fire parts so might as well have fun with it while you can.
god damn i wish all russians were range banned from eu servers
they are either braindead or blatant cheaters
Path to Nowhere collaboration will be happening in CoDM Garena according to Reddit.

Here is the new Lucky drop.
I dont know what Path to nowhere is. But its Chink only?
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>Garena is getting another collab after GFL
>Console duty datamine shows they're getting a fallout and motherfucking Gundam collab
>global has gotten dog shit after the GitS collab
This game makes a shit load of money we could use some global love
>This week tourney is to choose between big head blizzard or tpp isolated Blitz
Fucking kill me

Garena is mostly South East Asia, but China is probably also going to get the collaboration.
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Does anyone have an active clan I can join? My username is HateJoggers
First spin I got this
>First spin everything.
>Only get garbage (and a new emote)
i got the character or the 3rd rarity item multiple times, at least 10 times, however the legendary only once in 3 pulls
I really dont see why people say Ranking up MP is harder than BR. Im getting pitted against Legend-rank players since Master I and heavens forbids someone gets the jump on you at the beginning of a match, you almost lose the same rank xp in 2 minutes than it took you to get it in a 20 min match.
Why do private match owners kick people when they're trying to fill up the damn room? I don't get it. You're trying to get 100 people asap but here you are kicking people as they're joining.
or maybe they kick on the assumption they're hackers or botting
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>Sniper challenge
>No one actually snipes; just rush with SKS
Still I appreciate a shorter BR alternative since no Alcatraz.
Anyone here on the Garena version of CODM? Or is it just me?
>tfw finished the last 5 blitz matches with 0 kills, only revives
I've come to the conclusion I have absolutely no idea how to play TPP BR in general let alone BR in a squad, I can't win a single gunfight and what few almost kills I do score get stolen.

You'll get better. I went from playing game after game in Blitz BR with 0 kills or only bot kills to getting some kills with at least one of them being human, sometimes a kill or at least knocking them down. But that's because I wanted to grind the tournament progress awards. I play on servers that usually have Japanese players who are probably on iPad when I'm suppose to be playing against Australians and Pacific Islanders and maybe some South East Asians or people from the U.S. mainland. But ever since the Warzone mobile game dropped, CoDM probably got a bunch of new servers running.
solo queueing blitz has been miserable this season, but even playing with leaderboard sweats, it's really tough to win consistently. it's extremely chaotic...

Two weekends ago i won about half my games playing pretty passively when solo, but last weekend i probably played 40 and only ended up with 2 wins. game after game of the scrub jump leader landing in the hot zone and dying immediately(along with the rest of the squad) in the worst possible place to recover their tags.

I've had to switch up my style and use shotguns(striker groundloot and custom jak), lmgs and smoke bomber which really helps when things get hairy
I bit the bullet and did Goliath Clash instead. Will the seasonal camos ever rotate?
Got this on 2nd spin, too bad the ironsight is default
dont care

When I tried getting into Goliath Clash last week, there weren't enough players so I was stuck with BR Blitz. They say that Alcatraz Island will be returning soon since Warzone isn't doing that well.
nobody wants to play this game, they'd rather chat in world chat to thots shilling their only fans than join up in matches

It's the weekend for god sakes and cant even get 2 people to stay for more than 5 seconds to fill up a BR room. Nope, they'd rather chat.
Im willing to hang with the Discord crowd at this point. Anyone has the link?
It seems Alcatraz is back and theres like a month left for this series. May as well reach Legendary for BR for once
new battle pass and the game is dead
that rus looks like the ak117 from a few battle passes earlier, they dare call that shit epic
the rare grau from the ads board looks better than 90% of the content we got this season this far
the domino skin from the event thing is a budget florence, so thats quite good
from the battle pass only the machinepistol and the first skin look nice, rest is shit
eos soon
well in the battle pass we have:
>templar's shadow skin
>best em2 skin that isn't the mythic
>awesome geometry asval skin (too bad about the stock ironsight though)
>military themed cipher skin
>military themed isabella skin
>battery skin that clearly looks like an android
>cool geometry locus (shame about the stock ironsight though)
>better machine pistol skin than the coming legendary (both still fail to look like the aesthetically superior Mauser the base gun is modeled after)
as far as battle passes go I'd argue it's the best this year at minimum.
on the topic of that ak117. reminder that the overwhelming fucking majority of epic skins are a gif tessellated a bunch of times on a gun so any custom design at all is an improvement (as long as it doesn't have garbage custom ironsight to ruin it).
While we're talking about event shit, challenge shop has cool stuff like the munitions box and profile frames to match the hades and the koshka in the challenge shop as well. there's cool shit everywhere from where I stand.
That BP event is pretty hard. Dailies barely give tokens and you dont get enough for everything
Getting banned for that is kind of retarded. You should test the limits when you're un-banned.
>cheap mythic card bundle is back
time to finally get the badass weapon swap animation/ammo counter for the mythic ffar.
reminder that if you were going to roll for the turqouise griffon krig 6 because it has a custom ironsight, don't.
Is it worth to get it for my switchblade? It would be just enough for them lasers
I enjoyed cob mobile for a time. Lately I'm playing bloodstrike. Warzone mobile has had a pretty messed up launch. I'm hoping they release a sorely needed optimization patch. That thing is a mess as it.

As for cod mobile it's a solid game if it bit outdated. The BR mode is terrible. 30 fps clunky junk. No real reason to play it. The death match and various modes are much more compelling. I say it's outdated because it's essentially the same maps and gamemodes from modern warfare 2 reheated and delivered to mobile. It's solid yes but we've already played this.. bloodstrike is the best cod-esque warzone experience atm.
that's your call. on one hand, most of mythic switchblades upgrades kinda suck compared to other modern mythics since it's so good out of the box (only the one default but good ironsight, the mythic shrouds add pretty much nothing to the design, has its ammo counter by default) but it has one of the coolest tracer bullets in the game. if you use the gun a lot and you don't mind the P2L aspect of tracers (makes you easier to spot) go for it if you think it's cool. the custom kill feed broadcast is cool too at level 4.
Well I only got this and mythic kilo and I would be willing to wait for mythic krig, would that be worth more?
no matter what this is pretty much a cosmetic decision. look up the weapon you're thinking of upgrading on youtube is my best advice.
Alright what were the odds for this
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>Got kicked out of clan cause I didn't want to spend CP for a fucking tag
Ungrateful assholes
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You know you can buy nametags with credits, right?
I dont see it. And I already used the one for free they gave you.
What did they want you to change it to?
Pro tip, save your golden tickets for the aug strongbox, it has custom geometru, there are 4 variants and the odds to get it in 10 spins are very good
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I already did a 10 roll to one of the boxes and only got a gay ass unique truck.
thanks for the tip but I have more than enough AGR's with custom sights I don't use already.
Ripper, Durandal Prestige, and the turquoise griffon with the dogshit ironsight.
I got blue steel, dame fortuna and the Xmas one, too bad the gun feels bad to use
Now got the new roland skin within 5 pulls, how does this shit work better than crates and draws I wonder
Today got the Park skin with 2 spins 30cp total, are these rigged or?
i've been having good luck with the strongboxes, but not for the stuff I actually want. got the ksp and zrg when spinning for lesser items, but didn't get one of the qq9s even though I used more tickets.
Whats the fastest way to get elite tokens?
I get 160+ from winning BR Solo. Do you get more with a squad?
That revive idiots in BR mission for the free event makes me want to die.
that and the bomb plant are true cuckoldry initiation missions
That's some real rng hell shit.
1 euro for 10 aug strongbox crates, quite a good deal considering it would be 10 golden tickets for 1 euro, also they count towards the milestone for 1 reward of your choice
It seems nobody is getting that Free Event Domino Skin. The numbers dont add.
Which are the most likely mythics to return when we get the 2x cp?
for anyone thinking of getting one of the strongbox agrs...the scope is custom with better visibility than default 3x scope but the ironsights appear to be standard. not sure why the fuck you'd ever use a 3x scope with this gun but some people are into that.
standard 3x scope on an agr for reference
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Yup, the numbers don't add. No one is getting that skin unless there's a surpise event. I was hoping weekend warrior thing.
Is that Path To Nowhere collab coming to the US server
Isn't that draw with the Legendary Mac-10?
It's the one with erotic ikemandoshi dykes
>getting a collab that's not Latinx sports ball or random nigger #12849
I've realized the GitS collab was just a fluke and they're never going to do that mistake again especially now that they're under Microsoft

Yeah, you can pull for the Mac-10 and the Rin character dressed up as a Path to Nowhere person.
Thank God I got motoko ghost for only 3 spins
they came through... an extra 140 exp today and tomorrow if you play one game. now I don't have to finish the 30 SnD plants
is warzone playable on s6 lite first gen?
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Heh they gave it again today. Too bad the extra boxes are garbage from the credit store.
New season and a new shitload of stuff to do. Not in the mood for anything. The rank emote is funny. May go for that.
it's the dark blossom draw which is currently available. will be around for 12 more days
>every gun in the samurai armory draw has the same kill effect but in different colors
I'm not sure what I was expecting but it looks worse than every armory draw before it by far. it's probably on purpose too because they're supposedly dropping another 2x cod point event in a week or so and that would be too good of a value especially with that hades prestige.
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>Weekly objective: Play 5 matches with friends
i wish /vmg/ was more active
i play codm a lot and mobile game a lot

YouTube video is from Garena CoDM. Screenshot is from my account and I play on global servers.

Forgot screenshot.
we will get the following draws this season

mythic fennec
mythic switchblade
legendary awp
legendary hidora kai

since we'll supposedly get double cp from july 5th, what do you want to get with the cp? i would save for either mythic type 19, grau or ffar reruns
I'm looking at:
>that pp19 skin with the cute kestrel skin in it
>at least one samurai armory draw weapon, either the CX-9 or the ASM-10
depending on how lucky I get in the samurai armory I might take the leftover cod points and grab the legendary sai from hidori kai's draw because I had the wrong kind of luck and pulled him early last time going for the sai.
Between mythic ffar BP krig and grau which is the best for the money?
if you're not planning on buying mythic cards:
krig > ffar > BP > grau

as for why...the krig is the only one of these guns that doesn't paywall its best ironsight and the ammo counter behind being maxed with mythic cards (in fact it's yours at level 0, just keep in mind you get a neat ammo indicator on the ironsight instead of a number). mythic grau gives you a shitty default ironsight and you're paying to scrape the shit off it. the other 2 guns pull the same shit but the BP and ffar give you a nice starting ironsight so I'll let it slide. krig's ironsight is so much of an upgrade over the base/the vast majority of sights you can buy that I'd argue it's the most helpful to the weapon mythic of these four.

after looking at tbe individual guns and whether ir not you'd use them, look the draws up on youtube to see if you like the shit in them/gimmicks they have from maxing them. krig gets a custom geometry machete and a custom legendary cryo bomb for instance while the ffar gets a sword that gives the gun (if you max the mythic level) a cusyome weapon swap animation and a legendary contact grenade. sometimes the extra shit/characters in the draws are thing's you'd like too so check it out.
>got to master rank despite having shit reaction time and terrible aim
>everyone is sliding and jumping around with smgs or camping with snipers
i dont mind waiting
i just want a pewpew gun with sick tracers
for that i guess either bp50 or ffar would do
i like space/stars theme so i guess i will go for bp50
Is it worth to get one of the ak47 dragon blueprints if I have frostbrand?
it has default ak-47 ironsights so probably not. only worth it to grab one if you're a collector and/or like skins with custom geometry.
Opinion on the samurai series? Will you pull for any of them? Do they count towards the prestige gun?
I've done some armory draws before, here's the rundown:
>yes each one you get will count towards prestige
>the first gun will be the most expensive because you get discounts on the draws depending on dupes. obviously you'll have less dupes starting from scratch.
>you can roll the guns early. the odds are fucking shit.
>you select a legendary to have increased chances. you can change it at any time
>you're guaranteed a legendary at the given number of spins.
>rolling a legendary weapon resets the pity counter

I think I'm only going for the CX-9 and the ASM-10 myself.
well i want to get the xpr and the cx9, i will get the bp50 so i want to know if it's worth pulling for the hades or save 13k cp for another mythic
on the xpr leaderboard, so getting that for sure. it's easily the best long range gun for br. hoping to pull it early, but got the halloween holger on my last free spin, so might be out of luck

if you get the xpr, cx9 and bp50, you get the hades, and for much less than you would need to spend on 3 normal draws
How much cp on average would I need to get 2 legendaries? I assume at most 150 spins which would be 18k cp? Though it would be cheaper due to dupes and the odds to get the gun earlier
you get a lot of free spins, including 2 for 1 cp in the sale section, 5 for daily logins and if you click the mask icon on the bottom left of the draw page, you can claim 3 for the likes. also, for the 2 previous series there were special events that gave you 10 more free spins on top of that

you're right though that if you don't have any luck it would be around 18k cp minus the free spins. that said, i got the cx9 on my 4th free spin even though i had the xpr chanced up, and then subsequently got the xpr on my first 10 pull for 1200 cp. it always seems like people generally tend to have a lot more luck with the series draws than the regular ones.

think i'll probably go for the m13 now just to get the prestige hades with the double cp deal
For my first big spending and probably last, what should I get? Mythic BP50 draw or spend 16000 cp on the armory? I only buy battle passes but I want to buy something more meaningful only because of the 2x cp
the mythic wep is more or less the 100$ pack by itself and you'd have 2 armory guns for that many cod points. I guess which one you go for depends on how much you want the hades prestige or if you like the guns in the armory draw more. I bought the BP50 without trying it out first and I hate it (how the gun actually performs, not the style of the mythic).
tl;dr it's your money
can i plug a mouse into this shit?
or are there gyro controls
>twink physique
>pink heart glasses
Was the skin they added on monday supposed to be for gay pride?
I just uninstalled it instead of completing the quests.

Gay Pride was last month.


If your smartphone is capable of gyro controls, you can use motion controls. So if you have iPhone, Samsung or Asus ROG or any flagship phone, you can use gyro.
just got Poco x6, can gyro easy as well. this is pretty fun

Cool man. I just use Samsung smartphones when I play CoDM and rely mostly on gyro. I have aim assist on in BR because of all the Japanese sweats. I usually have aim assist off in MP unless I have a difficult lobby with Japanese pros/sweats.


If you use keyboard and mouse, you'll either get banned or put into a lobby with bots or people with keyboard and mouse. Tencent has an official emulator that you can play CoDM on your PC with and they'll match you with other players on emulators/PC.
Anybody here have a Reddit account? Can you report and get this user banned for making this assassination joke? I've been banned from Reddit for Antisemitism for years now so I can't report this guy.
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Not your personal army you giga faggot
15 euro mythic card deal yay or nay
it's not a GREAT deal but it's not a ripoff either. for instance in my region a normal mythic crate 10-pull will run you 1440 cod points and if you're really unlucky you can get a min-roll (all 10 cards wind up being 10 so that 10-pull is only 100 cards). that's basically the 10$ cod point pack + a 5$ pack. the minimum number of cards you can get in that 15$ deal is 150 (at a 68% chance) and the most you could get is 375 (at a 2% chance). kinda worth it if you want a safety net with your gambling and/or don't have a finished mythic draw to work towards one of the card milestones.
what are your settings for gyro? makes me feel like for it to be accurate it's too slow to do anything over like 15 degrees of aiming, and for swiping I need it to be fast to adjust.
do you just have high gyro sensitivity and use that?
are you from twitter or something

I just watched a bunch of videos on gyro aiming and they give it advice on how to find your sensetivities.

I use Twitter to keep up with the news and I browse Reddit when not on 4chan.


Hybrid-gyro user on using motion controls and he has some good tips on finding your gyro sensitivities.

Garena user on reasons to use gyro such as gyro helps with recoil control.

Big YouTuber who makes a lot of tips and advice videos on CoDM and he's video on gyroscope.

CoDM streamer who uses gyroscope on smartphones when he isn't using iPad.

As for my settings, I usually have aim assist off and gyro on all the time. I lowered my sensitivities then increased it in small increments to find what works well which is Bounce and Jokesta's videos on gyro. If you have high sensitivity, lower the sensitivity to a more manageable speed, if too slow, increase the sensitivity in small increments until you find a good sensitivity. This is also how you can find your touchscreen sensitivity.

You can try finding a window or use that wooden board thing in the middle of the back of the training room. Then using the 4 corners, try switching from corner to corner. If you overshoot, decrease your sensitivity in small increments, and if you find the sensitivity too slow, adjust it a bit more to find a good sensitivity.

Use this board at the back of the training room to help you find your sensitivity. A YouTuber gave this tip but I don' t remember the video and don't want to browse through all the CoDM tips videos I've watched just to find it.
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thanks my dude. long time pc, first time mobile gaming like this. it honestly doesn't seem too bad with gyro, not the complete joke that is console aiming (unless you put autoaim on steroids like halo infinite, what a disaster)
I could go for crossplay with pc honestly.
bigger problem is movement for me, feels bad compared to keyboard.
I do have one of those Chinese on screen joystick thingies though, need to give it a try.
this game worth coming back to? i left soon after the dogshit zombie mode was added
I mean it's cod, you shoot some bullets and run around like a retard, id you feel like doing that it's good
what's your settings?
What do you mean
like sensitivity, gyro etc
I dont play with gyro, I didnt change sensitivity I just play with 2 fingers solo queue
Is it actually worth to spend so much money on skins in this game? I mean on PC identical skins (e.g. ice drake or phoenix inferno) cost way less (yes I know the ice drake difference in ironsights) but how can you justify paying 150 euro in while on PC it costs like 30? I want to hear a good explanation
default controls too?
only explanation you need is that if you buy skins in games for real money you're a brain dead retard.
Yes, just moved the buttons a bit to my liking
It brings me joy, this game, but now I kinda have doubts, for the same amount of money I could get coomer gacha currency for 2 years and be happier than by spending it on a single draw here, I like the bp50 theme and theres the 2x bonus, so if I were to buy it I would never buy anything else in this game
you should really consider reading books or something. spending money on virtual skins is like worse than doing crack
books arent as entertaining though
felt like I did poorly but it gave me a bunch of ranks in my placements

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