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How about that current End of Month event? Can't wait for Mid-Month, then this upcoming End of Month event. The Anniversary is around the corner!
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Global server runs on Japan time, which is an hour behind me. What zone am I? That's my sexy little secret.
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>wanted one of the swimsuit units for the point event
>did the first 5 steps
>got one on the fifth
>it was the useless one
I mostly wanted it for the point event but still, it would have been nice for a 2024 unit to not be totally worthless
Thousand Year Blood War Season 3 starts in October. There's a new Bleach arena fighter from Bandai. The Bleach Brave Souls stream in on the 14th (who knows what time that could mean for Americans).

Refresh is at 3AM EST, daily reset is at 11AM EST. Logging in at 3AM is how people are able to do Epic Raids and roll on characters early.

It's painful, but not as painful as trying to get into raids with only potion characters. The community is on crack so they want +10 potion characters every single time, forget that the entire raid might wipe due to having link slots filled with +5 potion characters instead of skill refresh.
>game Kubo hinted
>ended up being another lazy ass arena fighter in times where Bamco arena fighters are bottom barrel
>by Tamsoft team
oh boy dare I ask which unit is it that anon-kun considers worthless?

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>Current banners are bunny girls
>Next month bikini nikkes
>5 more months till best girl
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Rest in Peace, Toriyama
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Wait, does the crown mean that I got the biggest version of that fish?
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good advice, you got me first in my guild
That's the pleb recipe. Either of the white trevally dishes make more.
Neat, 300 puntos more than >>1509323 but the other recipe was better to make clients happy that's why I focused on it. At the end of the event all members of the clan should have the same score unless they add new recipes

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Fome ( chilean spanish)
>click click click click click click click click click
>yellow flash
>click click click click click click click click click
>red flash
>click click click click click click click click click
>enemy dead
>move to next area
>click click click click click click click click click
La wea mala ctm (also chileANO spanish)
I attributed a number of points depending on my liking of characters, and according to the total number, I would play or not the game. Turns out that Zenless Zero didn't earn a negative score, but it wasn't above 10 either. Obviously Lycaon and Billy made lose most of the points, as I hate the former furriness and the latter's deadpool like animation and humor, which is too much. The lolis were good, but there are better lolis elsewhere so why bother. I like Nicole very much though but I wouldn't bother playing this game solely for her.

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It's finally out.

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>2.5D Seduction
Careful, you'll trigger the yurifags
Is there anyone left here who is not a yurifag?
I'm not a yurifag, although I'm not against it either.
god michiru's thighs
>Match room
>Michiru sticker spam
>All the Michirus FC
>Keep spamming

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need me a gacha that doesnt take ages to load (and isnt on browser)
gakuen idolmaster, play well even on old phones

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I thought they were mostly the same, but Zeta's model too seems a bit more on the bigger side.
I'm a little bit pissed we have to wait at least another month to see conclusion of last event
ive got 80k still after blowing my load on demon delta, i'm for shizzle rolling for zeta, she's always been my favorite.
I've always thought zeta had a few inches in height and bust on alpha.
man the physics in this game are on point. also

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Anyone play this?
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Second chapter of the multi-event has begun, with totem poles and other desert artifacts up for grabs. Make sure you unlock the new sand tile to make the most of them.
Is it any good gameplaywise?
Played a lot until there was something wrong with my town that made my game crash every time I logged in.
Even the support could'nt find the issue so they just reset my town layout and compensated me with a trillion donuts because I was locked out of my game for a month.
Ended up quitting shortly after anyway

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So I'm almost at 1500 dragon stones on global, and the bry and gogeta banners are going up later today. My original plan was to try my best to ignore them and hold out until Beast comes around and dump it all into rolling for him, but I'm still really tempted to roll for gogeta and broly. Is it worth to risk losing stones to gogeta and broly or is beast that good that I shouldn't use my stones on anything but him
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Part 1 units are power crept. Beast is coming back in 6 months in the shared 10th year on a much better banner. Gammas are niche and Super Heroes doesn't need them to be broken. Toppo, UI Goku, Cell Max, and whatever Part 2 LR JP is getting next are all better than the part 1 trannyversary units and could come at any time, better to save and summon on them.
I dunno, broly and gogeta seem like they'll age alright. And 6 months is a long time to wait, why not a few rolls and then wait if you really wanted.
>summon and pull beast
>skip the rest
>skip the wwc in a month
>save until the 10th anni in february and go wild, it'll have all the stuff you skipped
you'll have easily 4k stones or more to summon and rainbow stuff
>Dude just roll for the one unit you want and then just don't play the game until next year
Why play a gacha if you are not summoning.
Fucking retards.

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You did get the mediocre collab units right?
Theres only 2 days left now!
battle cats thread
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izanagi can reach 800 less 200 than phono but izanagi has the bulk to endure his midranger 300 of a range. Nagi is kinda the same with phono with added bonus of wider breakerblast with slow
Legend Catseyes cannot be used past level 50, Dark Catseyes are the only ones that work after that. That's why they're so much easier to find, and why you should be so sparing with using Dark Catseyes.
Thanks for clarifications, man. Ultraforming will be one hell of a grind huh?
I wonder when we’ll get another 100% Guaranteed Uber Rare banner.
The 22nd. Give or take like two days since the double chance banners are spilling into next week.

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Honor of Kings just launched outside of china today and added a new hero
are you playing?
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look at the minimap, theres an indicator when your long range skill lines up with enemy heroes
man it is very hard to get people to group up when you dominate the early game and they get too cocky
Being honest this game and mlbb have so many retarded tacos that I'd rather just stick to wr.
Like between the 3 I feel like that one has the least number of thirdies.
It’s a mobile MOBA. It’s expected to be filled with third worlders. Only way you can bypass it is to play in the East Asia servers that has more Koreans and Japanese, although there aren’t many players there. Or you can download an apk and play the official Chinese version, but you’d be playing with tryhards who have 10 years of experience and hackers though.
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>gold and plat is players vs bots
>everyone ends up in diamond
>Diamond is a mix of iron/bronze/silver/gold/plat/diamond/master players
what were they thinking

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LETS TRY THIS AGAIN Disgaea RPG, A new Event is out, Etna Summer Resort Defense Battle Season 10, Part 3 Global maybe dead, but JP LIVES ON
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is this the remains of /NISG/? Because i have some questions on getting stronger in phantom brave because i've been struggling because Failure dungeons have only really gotten my bottlemails to about level 80 & marona to 110 with most of my grinding only getting to pic related. Is Phantom Brave's grindan alot slower than disgaea 1s?
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yup, and the first try was made by a DUMMY that didn't check to see if generals where allowed on this board, and I suspect they where the same DUMMY that made the /vrpg/ thread a while ago.
they did and I fucking hate it
Is there a list of kanji that are common in this game or some similar reference? I'd rather just learn more Japanese than press buttons until I figure them out. The game is fun so far, I even got xeno Flonne.
thank you youtube reccomendations for this gem [https://youtu.be/_ZElEkZyD9g?si=QIFAzQVEo10Ro4_y]

Alien Sex and Swordmaster Buffs.

Feel free to talk about any other tangentially related DMM game like Aigis or other Kumasan games as well.
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>as they rush to Nakime whose cries are by the sea, Amelie takes a moment to start a discussion about the nature of Nakime's sad and longing message which might also be a double entendre
>Amelie asks Nanae to pretend to be Nakime, but she blushes and claims she has no idea about such shameless things
>Amelie pushes a bit more and Nanae asks her to not tease her in front of MC
>Silva is bemused by the girl's talk, but notices a small weird floating God thing and asks what it is
>MC panics and says even if you're left out you can't make fun of Vivigami carelessly
>no, I mean that thing over there
>It's an Onmyoji tag
>a tool for automatically attacking
>that along with the shikigami implies the Onmyoji are the culprits
>Vivi asks MC if he thinks of her as a small floating weirdo as he panickedly tries to redirect the conversation to battle
>as the shikigami fall and disappate, they end up making sad and longing cries like wanting to live a bit longer
>is Nakime being attacked by Shikigami as well?
>we should hurry to the seaside
>now that the battle and next step are decided, Vivi now brings the thinking she's a small weirdo talk back up to MC who can only keep dodging the topic by focusing on the Nakime situation
>at the sea they find Nakime trapped in a spell tag crying out
>Nanae is impressed by the expressiveness, but it's still lewd
>also, it's apparently rubbing off on the shikigami who are repeating what she's saying
>they're not as skilled though as Nanae and Silva wax on about the actual quality of the shikigami voices in comparison to Nakime's
>let's just rescue Nakime
>after rescuing Nakime they retreat to a nearby highway
>the bird jumps at MC excitedly wrapping her wings around him inciting the jealousy of Amelie and Nanae
>Tomomi says to calm down as a hug for their savior is only natural as Nakime garbledly screams lewdly about an ikeshota hug
>Tomomi notes she does understand human language so she asks Nakime outright if she's been using shikigami to do bad things on the island
>the bird cries no in a way that makes it clear the idea is ridiculous
>especially considering they just rescued her from shikigami
>MC states Nakime has done nothing wrong
>Amanozakohime flies in to still argue otherwise saying it's the culprit who was hugging a shota hard while yelling fuck
>as a Beast God I understand that damn bird is going to fuck you when you let your guard down
>MC protests it was just a hug and she's not the culprit, but Amanozako declares she's still the only suspect and throws the bow and arrows at MC who refuses them

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>Amanozako berates him for trusting monmusu over her, a beast god, also relying on other people's opinions is stupid
>MC refutes Amanozako saying it was his decision as well because he understood just from touching Nakime as he understands from his time on Gespenst
>she's just a pervert and there's nothing wrong with that
>Vivi explains that as a paradise for Monmusu, MC has come to understand them in a way others can't being compared to Dr. Doolittle/Doohentai
>MC's reputation plummets yet again, but pushing through that, he tells Amanozako if the island is vandalized again, to call him and he will do whatever he can
>Amanozako stutters and when asked to speak up, she yells out that MC has passed
>it was all a test to see what MC would do and whether he would let others influence him or judge the matter on his own
>it also turns out she was the behind all the incidents along the way from people showing up to protect Nakime to the mercenaries/onmyoji capturing her
>but what if MC did shoot Nakime?
>then the island gets a bit quieter
>how dry...
>anyways you passed so I'm leaving this girl in your care
>out comes out some entirely new girl that Amanozako seems to want to dump on MC
>be this boy's power Amanozako quickly tells her as she runs off happy the island gets quieter
>despite the appointment, the girl, Meiyuen, is rebellious and says it's a 100 years to early for MC, but she's fine with him joining her which MC can only react at

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Hallo o/ how do I play this today? VPN? I like playing gacha on my pc

The ride never ends

MHN Database, contains everything you could ever need such as a set builder, info on monster HP, partbreak HP and break rewards, upcoming event info, and more

Current event - times are your own local time
>Qualily’s Special Quests - Tuesday, May 7th, at 9:00 a.m. until Sunday, May 12th, at 11:59 p.m.
>Lots of gathering rewards, zenny, and a Wyvern Gem Shard

Upcoming Events - times are your own local time
>Prepare for Zinogre: Ice Element Quests - Monday, May 13th, at 9:00 a.m. until Sunday, May 19th, at 11:59 p.m.
>Barioth returns as a Hunt-a-thon monster, and increased Legiana in the field
>Also a Wyvern Gem Shard reward from the quests, and boosted basic rewards from killing Legiana and Barioth. You can expect it to be the first 2 items being doubled like with the Thunder Element event in April

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Do you build weapons from special/restricted monsters?
>Black Diablos
>Pink Rathian
>Azure Rathalos
>Coral Pukei
>Kushala Daora

So far I only really built up LNY Fortune Fans (P. Rathian) and Zinogre GS. Considering their armor ends up being a lot more broadly useful, I end up getting the useful pieces to at least 6.1. The better ones I might go to 7.5 so that I can bump them up if I ever finish getting my elemental driftstones set.
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>pick wrong coil
>pick wrong drifstone
>get skill
epic, I just wanted critical eye on pinkian waist
So if you complete a story hunt, but you reduce your current difficulty before you claim the reward, then you can just hunt the same monster, but 1* lower. Obviously it's a 1-time deal per story run, but you can get an extra hunt in from one of the more limited monsters.
Sorta wish I hadn't dumped 100+ A.Rath scales a couple months ago. Granted, the only thing that it might do better than regular Rathalos is Offensive Guard Lance. Going to need some more loadout slots soon when they introduce another weapon type. I've got a weapon of each type built and upgraded to hunt 8* monsters except Lance at this point.
>black blos
No; I don't want to touch bow, but her armor's great
Apparently the CB is good though, but I'm not sure I'm liking CB in this
I wanted an SnS, so I got hers. It's okay for poison weak monsters, but SnS is just kinda bad I think
Got the lance to 8.5 now; it's pretty good with offensive guard. It's probably going to be really strong if I can meld my 4 fire attack / 4 OG set to make them both 5/5
CB is at 9.5. It's good but CB doesn't quite feel right to me. I could get it to 10.5 right now if I just had the plates thanks to all of the increased HAT drops lately
I want one, but my jyura hammer can already kill any water weak 9*, so I'll try and make space for all of its mats for SA or IG some day

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This was in Ix's mind when he thinks of "someone cool". It made more sense

Though they did eventually make Kocis look slutty looking with his Arc 3 outfit
4th Kocis looks like they reused it for Law

Sleeveless on one arm and armored on the other
Please give us some xMA selectors. PLEASE
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A is Loni
B is Law
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New supercell game just came out. Thoughts?
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Doesn't really matter. Everyone already stopped playing. Dead game.
With the latest update, I look Forward to spamming super bea for the battle-long bee barrier
Dead game, supercell’s biggest blunder yet
Don't worry, they're already hard at work for even a bigger blunder.
I just want Mo.Co to come out. That beta was so much fucking fun.

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