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Week 7 of this 8-Week update.

Currently on Cyrus/EX H’aanit this week. Next week is Nina-Lanna/EX Tressa.

From there…it’s up in the air. Wait until 11/27 to find out what’s in store for us next.

Happy Thanksgiving!
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For real? I mean, they have the global translation for this one.
Please tell me this is JP and not another CN-exclusive EX.
Oersted Livealive is one of my favorite characters in vidya. I missed his first run but I managed to hear that the crossover is happening again. Did I miss him again? If I didn't, is the game worth coming back to? I fell off pretty early on; I think I'm on the final boss of Master of All, and I remember growing bored because the game felt too grindy, both in terms of powering characters up and aquiring materials for equipment.
You are not too late, you can login right now (or anytime this week) and get him for free on a guaranteed free Oersted pull. He's ass for gameplay though and the translation fell off a cliff and into the Mariana Trench. The grind is pretty much what you make of it, but the OT2 stuff introduced a new grind.
Not necessarily because SEA didn't get LAL until Global EOSed, and collab rights might have extended to the script itself which Netease didn't bother to buy.

Anyone playing geometry dash? I started today
I played a couple years ago but i was sheit.
I could beat the in game levels but none of the custom made ones. Those demon stages have too much flashing effects and shit for my z(boomer) eyes

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Still haven't done the 3.0 story...
>stream was today
>zero posts
Really is a dead game...
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>Phase 1: Double loli of Tribbie + Yunli
>Phase 2: Mydei + HuoHuo
No triple rerun is really weird we could have had Luocha and Ruan Mei for Mydei and Fu Xuan and Argenti for Tribbie to really boost their roster depth and potential
But I guess they know as well as we do that they're not that generous with jades so dangling all these reruns in front of F2Ps just pisses them off because their 3 week long events barely give you a 10 pull
do we know if Castorice has hp mechanics?
The beta test for her isn't even out yet no one knows
Wait like 2 weeks

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DMC: "peak" of combat
So when are we getting a new devil may cry mobile game? Don't you own phones?
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I can safely say after peak of trash, ninja gaiden has done better than this series as of late. Even with the lazy ports.
Apparently it was well received when it still tried to recreate the OG Devil May Cry combat.
maybe with 1 int and lack of pattern recognition
The monetization was much worse back then however.
Unlike dmc it's actually getting releases right now and not capcom slop task force releases

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2nd Anniversary soon
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It would be instant roll if they bring these ladies instead
How high do they rank in popularity polls?
After the new years bankruptcy disaster, my stash is now back to 300+ rolls.
Too bad they couldn't make it in before the collab. Even if they were to release without URs, it would've been nice to have the possibility of SSR/SR spooks.
Only Tearju that managed to get to top 10

Got any recommendations?
Heaven Burns Red

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Nipples forever, global never.
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This was pretty good. They used the first part of the event as mostly comedic with stuff like the game servers suffering a DDOS attack and the seraphs trying to help a village getting some development.
In the second part they use the Fairies, the Construction Workers and the Explorers to notice all that was actually by Iron Parasytes and the reason they started taking action before Orca arrives (causing seemingly baseless prejudice when Orca was blamed for that) was because Orca's reconstruction of roads and the like enabled them to spread and advance. We really indirectly contributed to the issues the villagers started facing
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>even the weird fish in the first part of the event was due to that, rather than a mutation it was charged with Alterium
Damn. I should have taken notes during the first part.
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>Fafnir has 24.000 ton of gold
>this means only her top of the line lost technology airship can transport it
>so she basically is fully dependant on her crew to pilot it as it's too complicated for her to do so otherwise
>Crew is allowed to enjoy Orca's facilities
>they threaten to defect if she doesn't install similar facilities
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>she even had to pay Orca's Steam subscription
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Oh my Light look at the size of these PLOTS

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Happy New Year Another Eden!

Newest chapter of the Mythos is out. What did people think? Did you enjoy seeing Necoco?
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It's because AF is hard to balance since you can take a dozen turns at once in it, in a pure damage calc mode like Archive people would be getting like 1 trillion damage with thunder and break the meta entirely. Outside of Astral Archive AF damage is not capped, it only shows 999m max
That all nice and all, but still doesn't change that entire characters and even an entire element is about it.
Hard to balance? Sure. But that's hardly an argument.

That is assuming you can deal 15+ times the damage of a personality matching team. And if you'd do a cap, you could make it at least reasonable, like for example 20b (this makes it so you can't solely rely on AF, but it contributes enough that personality matching AF teams get through).

I don't. This is precisely why I say it's retarded to cuck so many characters. Not just do you need to match personalities and such, you ALSO need chars that aren't completely relying on AF.

Stoppers don't actually matter here. I'm pretty sure at least. Any damage dealt outside of AF (including Stellar Burst provided it's not used in an AF) counts its damage fully. I think.
I fell out of love with this game and just gachas in general. Am I finally free?
Name the "so many" characters that "completely rely" on AF, dumbass. Some units do use it more than others, like thunder, and are good in certain content like superbosses and not so good in others like Archive. Not everything is going to be good everywhere. You can measure max AF damage with the parallel dummy instead as others have mentioned.
Archive is a meaningless mode for whales to use their whole roster on after they get bored, not for some newshitter to come in and act like they own the place. You have 99% of actually meaningful content to get through first, like superbosses, where AF is almost always better than non AF, before whining about the singular mode where that's not the case. Get over it already.
>Archive is a meaningless mode for whales
I'm F2P and have cleared all the challenges for all rewards. It really comes down to knowing the systems and having a wide variety of characters.

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You did roll for them, right?
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He has a FAT LOG OF A DICK, holy shit.
praying that him and the other hairy-chested oni guy that just showed up are on the same banner. if they are, i might actually swipe my card as long as it doesn't randomly feature some dogshit third character.
2 ugly humans and 2 hot onis. Praying neither of them end up on the banner with the new twunk. Ending up with Kagura alt is fine I guess.
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Guess they couldn't convince kalchivo to come back for more. Makes me sad, baran's not as hot with wasp.
it's really sad honestly he looks so like... domesticated...

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Season 3 is upon us.
Previous thread
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I expected Callan to sound like Lumont or something but he's more like a Graveborn robot of sorts. Kind of funny.
There's a sidequest after the main story that sheds (a lot) of light as to why he's like that.
It's also bittersweet.
Loud annoying lying stinky creature thing trying to seduce me with love letters on valentines day
man this noble path takes so long to finish, I just want to buy the 10 scam gazers

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Natalia's free collector is imminent.
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When I used to play this game Baxia was my favorite character. Now that I'm back Gatokaca is my fav.
how to counter roam hilda early?
I was using roam Khufra (to counter fanny), i can't protect my yin doing red buff against solo hilda. i can only watch him die as level 1.
then it snowballed. my damn mage and mm didj't help doing red buff early.
Hanzo is broken, hotfix when?
I love using Hilda roam
Get your teammates to give a fuck about the jungle not getting gank. Just having alot of stuns / disables 3 vs 1 her and she'll go away sprinting like what I keep on doing.
Play Hylos

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Thread for the discussion of Master of Garden

Previous thread >>1473760
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i've got 100k gem load to blow on her face
>normal Lambda as the Shadow Pass character
>Valentine Beta a free exchange with coins
I know they're adding Lambda's SS+ gear but still a stupid choice to make a main pool/grindable character a shadow pass character.
somehow they fixed the game taking like 5 minutes to launch
i also liked the collect all button for the shadow base.
the only thing left that is a pain is clicking through all three groups for the battle royal vs mode.
oh gosh even better when you level up you can then level all your characters at once

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Monster girls and tower defense.

Feel free to talk about other tangentially related DMM games.
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I downloaded the DMM Player but Mon Musume TD ain't appearing for me to download. Aigis and Last Origin do appear weirdly enough and I do have an account on both but like how do I find Monmusu TD to download
You have to go to the actual games pages in the player and find it. The DMM Player has both a DMM(SFW) and Fanza(NSFW), so make sure you're on the right side if you want the H-version.
guess its time to spam friend requests to random people
>the servers are too congested, please try again later
Even Nips are getting this so alive game I guess.
Turns out the congestion thing is a bug and you need to update the DMM Games app to fix it. Also serial code
They're doing a countdown thing, so there's also codes for the other 4 games as well on their twitters.

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>6th Anniversary coming soon!
>Langrisser x Captain Commando crossover in November!

>New Heroes Banner:
Virelia / Seraphina

Upcoming Heroes Banner:
>LLR Brightsummoner
>Tiana / Shion (Langrisser Millennium)

Latest update introduced the new game mode called Epochal Odyssey where you can unlock Einherjars.
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Now we just need SP Jugler and the OG tanks will be complete!
I still have 60 but I'm worried that those will melt away since we have been getting less it feels like.
I almost never get more than 4 a week, I don't bother manually doing that shit so I just wait till Sunday shop reset. The bunch from Mirror World kept me going for a while but it finally ran out.
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My current account is such a mess and old. I'm almost tempted to make a new one.

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