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>New Annerose out of nowhere
Have you missed the other random non-limited units that have been dropping?
>non limited
thank goodness i was running out of hard quests to grind for new characters. new chronicles in a week or two I guess?
Does this mean we don't get a second summer themed event like last year?
They've been putting out non-limiteds every now and then for a while, I don't think it has anything to do with might end up being in next event

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Pole Dancing Event

Shake phone in time with your raifu's dance to increase her tips!

Daily limit: 60 tips
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Consider the following, whales who get rank 1 on the events and what not only have a lv 40 fairy. No way anyone can max it anytime soon. These little shits are a time and resource sink.
The challenge was also clearable without them
>another theater already
>still no reason to care about the current event as I already have the few worthwhile rewards
>questioning how it's possible to, while e.g. bluestacks is a maximized window, there is still the ability to click on a window beneath it unintentionally despite there being no possible way for that to happen
At least theater with a new HOC (worse than prior HOCs of the same class as always) means I can use generic data for the one gl, right?
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This is a long maint
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I think my theater broke.

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Have you ever bought a mobile game?
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Multiple and I put well over 2k + in micro transactions that I unaccounted for last month in games I already deleted.
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This is the only one I bought that I felt was worth it
I also bought the dead/offline mega man gacha game but that sucks
No, but play market sometimes has paid games for free, and wait for those moments
Minecraft , some aaa ports on iOS but stopped after I got a steam deck then a rog ally.
Dicey Dungeons. It's fun.

There's an eternal thread for Pikmin but no teppen threads? Is the game dead or something?
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Alright, I started. Should I just do all the singleplayer content with the preconstructed decks first?
Yes, start with Hero Stories and then do Chronicles.
Unlimited resets along with ranked every month

Yes she's great, she can tank 7 hits from a unit and can't be targeted because of veil

Yes and you can also be gifted a deck by another player and it can contain any cards you want however it is limited to 10 rares, epics and legendaries but that's enough to make any deck combined with the rewards for the single player content
New patch notes


>True Power now also works on Quest units
>Unlawful Arrest is now 4MP instead of 3MP
>Buffing abunch of the bad core set legendaries
>Various buffs to other cards nobody plays
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>>True Power now also works on Quest units

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>Current banners are bunny girls
>Next month bikini nikkes
>5 more months till best girl
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Anyone have spoilers for the new campaign chapters?
see >>1488214 but woken up and some raita looking character which looks like one of his drafts from long ago
playable soon?
>no side stories
Wasted update
Guys, how do we fight against Mirror Container? Im having a hard time getting around her

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>she starts running away from you
If you are not in silver or 200 cups the Lily player should be able to use the multiple escape routes she can have to deceive the opponent and not jus run to the nearest bush
That’s Jessie, anon.
You talk like you're 8
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Anyone who thinks a 1v1 is a measure of skill in a 3v3 game is either brown or 12 years old
>every S tier brawler is shit because I can't get them past 500 trophies
based retard

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We're still breathing.
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Here, hold this.
>Commander actually trained how to tame a 100 years old 9-tailed kitsune by touching this rodent
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i started playing PNC for the stein's gate collab anyone got tips for the game ?
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when i first started playing, i would pick buffs at random, i didn't know what the function chain was for the longest, but getting their bonuses at 2 and 4 help significantly, and increases your team's combat power, so don't neglect them.
Bonneville or Hatsuchiri?
Start is very slow, but you will eventually be very strong. Milau is in newbie selector and is very strong tank+buffer
I don't like neither of paid collab skins sadly. They feel both out of character, wish they did classic MQNya^2 outfits instead
Most PNCerds lurk in the GFL threads.
That said the game has quite a bit going for it. You have your macros which you need to get resources otherwise you're gated. For your oasis, focus on prefabs. That is the bread and butter of most items. Generally if you do not buy the battle pass you'll want to continuously roll out skill pivots. Then when it's unlocked you want to continuously roll out AI cores and the purple exp items. Some things to note, don't go to Arma Inscription lb 30. Stopping at 20 after the breakthrough is good enough.
Now on to micro or the actual gameplay. There are 2 damage types, hashrate and physical. If you play league of legends it's essentially AP vs damage. Each doll has their own favorite type. There are some corner cases where one doll will scale with hashrate, but since the scaling isn't particularly useful they're built with physical damage instead. Generally this only happens with supprot. You can tell what they use by checking the dolls skill. Blue is hashrate and red is physical. Considering what is available right now, you should aim for a sniper based comp. Assuming you have Christina. Make sure you can clear out the event since okabe might not be added to the fragments. The best tips is to generally just read the rewards and pick the functions that best apply.
For early game team comp stick to 2 flavor DPS (war or sniper) 1 tank 1 healer and 1 support or another DPS. If you pick the same flavor, most of the functions will affect more of your team enabling more damage.
Node types, purple ones typically offer a challenge but they provide positive protocols which is another way to buff your team up. Depending on the game mode other nodes may be more favored

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Weren’t they technically cloned over to Rays? So it wasn’t the real ones plucked from their world. At least that’s what I thought this whole time, specially with that 2 Velvet scenario in the early story.
Is there any Tales character who confirmed to go back their homeland ?
What do you mean? Like after the Rays ending? No, its left ambiguous on purpose.
Yeah everyone in Rays are just copies, even the collab characters. The originals are still back in their own worlds and doing their thing, so any character being sent back is actually be sent to their death since they’ll just cease to exist, they’re not taking over the original or merging with them.
Rays was fun but I rather have a real Radiant Mythology 4 instead of a Rays 2.

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Are there any good mobile games that don't need an internet connection or is it pretty much exclusively emulator games?
Gonna have two 9h flights soon (in addition to several hours in the airport) and want to have some games to mix in with the shows/books/movies

Bonus points for free or "free"
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Yes. hitman blood money on mobile. game does not require an internet connection. i have about 100 hours in that game. its basically a console game that was ported to mobile. amazing. cant recommend it enough. its a bit old (2006) but if you can get past the graphics you will love it. Of course, you need a beefy enough phone or tablet to play it.
I know I am too late, but you can try Evoland 1 and 2

also Dungeons of Dreadrock
unciv its civ 5 on mobile, also theres a mount and blade game but i forgot it, its like 1 to 1 mountand blade but the assaults and defenses are a bit different
I think you will singlehandedly fix my play store recommendations thanks to this page. Thanks anon
Yeah, the store is hopeless for finding decent games to play. Even when searching for something specific, the top results will still be some sponsored crap.
It also doesn't track discounts on paid games despite having a wishlist, so if you plan on catching something on sale, consider using AppSales.

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How about that current End of Month event? Can't wait for Mid-Month, then this upcoming End of Month event. The Anniversary is around the corner!
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Damn nigga I know you've been trying to pull her for forever now. Congrats, I even think one time I felt bad for you cause you posted the result of some random 5* ticket they gave out and it wasn't her and then I summoned and pulled her
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>had to 25 pulls for a single Kenpachi and another 25 for a single Gremmy
>didn't even get a Kenpachi dupe while pulling for Gremmy
>50 pulls and they're both 1/5
Rerolled on an alt account. It took 25 steps to get both...via ticket.

R.I.P. to your wallet.
Oh yeah, he is gonna dominate the meta for a whole year. You can just tell.
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Step 5. Saving status? For fags.

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You did get the mediocre collab units right?
Theres only 2 days left now!
battle cats thread
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So how are you supposed to farm for L'il Cat tickets? Keep doing that 300 energy stage?
There's going to be a Lucky Ticket farming stage during the Summer Cats event (and probably at the same time you'll be able to get bonus Lucky Tickets from each gacha pull).
If by "300 energy stage" you mean the Never Not Summer one, don't bother with that one, it gives out Lucky Tickets G, which are different and really should be given a different name. They only drop Catamins and XP.
Data hasn't made it to godfat yet, a bit of a pain checking the old banners with a "guaranteed" option turned on. Plus for the Dragons I would also need to add a future uber, probably?
Anyhow, I'm also >>1495711 this poster.
I can get all three Bride ubers pretty quickly, but then I'm in a bit of an Uber desert until Thunder Jack's spot at 52 (closely followed by Balrog still at 58, haven't pulled at all in the last month).
I *could* get all the "regular" ubers available on the Bride banner (I only have Cosmo so far), but I'd need to do three extra multis to do that and I don't think they're worth it. When it comes to the guaranteed Ubers. Thunder Jack is only ever in unfortunate positions, I could get him before reaching spot 52, but then I'd have to do another guaranteed multi to get back on track to get Balrog (which will most likely be available sometime the week after next), and I don't want to waste my catfood on that, either, especially since there's so many Summer Gals I'll need to pull in like a month's time.
So should I just get the three Bride ubers, forger about Keiji, Verbena and Daliasan for now, and rare ticket my way to Thunder Jack?
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>So should I just get the three Bride ubers, forger about Keiji, Verbena and Daliasan for now, and rare ticket my way to Thunder Jack?
Why not try rolling a guarantee on Dark heroes to get Thunder Jack and skip the bride banner? Theres collab gacha upcoming, i think you should save your rolls for that. If you're collecting, Collab gacha is rarer and june bride gacha returns every year. (Looking at you, Fate and madoka collabs)
>Why not try rolling a guarantee on Dark heroes to get Thunder Jack and skip the bride banner?
And there's also a missing Brainwashed Cat to consider, which I could get right after pulling on that first guaranteed multi on Bride.
>Theres collab gacha upcoming
If we're talking Kenshin, and if we're getting a guaranteed banner for it (can't see it on the Jap seedtrack), then all I need to do is grab my Balrog with a Plat Ticket on my way to Thunder Jack and stop at TJ. After that, I can get three out of four Kenshin Ubers from a single Guaranteed multi, which would also land me right next to one of the collab Super Rares. The only real problem with getting the fourth uber (ironically, Kenshin himself) is that I'd have to pull him as another guaranteed and have to pick up a dupe of one of the other ubers on the way. A handful of rare tickets later and I'm getting the other super Rare as well.
At this point this is the real game, finding the optimal way to pull as many missing units as I can with as little Uber dupes as possible for the lowest cost. The real challenge will be finally grabbing Baby Mola once that comes back.

What went horribly wrong?
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idk snowbreak was on a verge of eos and seaslug on a verge of bankruptcy. But I cant imagine anyone competent is still working on tof, especially considering hotta is now full steam into shilling their new game.
if anything they should cut that fucking Brazilian one...
so any predictions that the new game they making would go to the same route too?
if anyone noticed the character designs look alot to HI3 characters in its early days (the white hair oni girl is straight up kiana from the graduation vid they release )
you can get the npc hair now
>same route
Not sure what is the main thing you will do in the new game yet but they do reuse alot of TOF assets on the new game from the sfx and skill/attack animations though those might just be placeholders e.g mint have alyss and saki animations its hotta so i think they will just simply reuse but we'll see by then
I feel the same too, its like the only character that they actually made themselves was just the fenrir lookalike

The ride never ends

MHN Database, contains everything you could ever need such as a set builder, info on monster HP, partbreak HP and break rewards, upcoming event info, and more

Current event - times are your own local time
>Qualily’s Special Quests - Tuesday, May 7th, at 9:00 a.m. until Sunday, May 12th, at 11:59 p.m.
>Lots of gathering rewards, zenny, and a Wyvern Gem Shard

Upcoming Events - times are your own local time
>Prepare for Zinogre: Ice Element Quests - Monday, May 13th, at 9:00 a.m. until Sunday, May 19th, at 11:59 p.m.
>Barioth returns as a Hunt-a-thon monster, and increased Legiana in the field
>Also a Wyvern Gem Shard reward from the quests, and boosted basic rewards from killing Legiana and Barioth. You can expect it to be the first 2 items being doubled like with the Thunder Element event in April

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it also seems like we are getting new monster difficulties with alpha and beta armors, this is from this trailer
Based on how this read >>1522195 I 100% expected it to be a paid feature
I'm not sure what I'll get out of it, especially if they're scaled, but it's a harmless addition I suppose
I love video games; they were a great way to help me pretend youtuber slop doesn't exist
My MH autism tells me his stand up roar at the end of the trailer is just his standing fire breath but with the effect removed
also interracial couple, of course
multiplayer is free but apparently not all monsters will be multiplayer, only a few in your map which have the triangle icon
Code but only redeemable after the 28th/29th
>dimensional link lets you hunt monsters that are slightly outside your range

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Gingaza Main Story Chapter 2 came out.
Full versions of the songs were released, links here: https://lnk.to/WDS_gameplaylist
Livestream featuring Hatsumi and Xue's seiyuus on November 29th: https://twitter.com/wds_game/status/1724731686334943343
Current event is a Towa/Shigure/Yae event.
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We're heading for the end of this event, so remember to do the high-score challenge, read the story and buy everything from the store.
i'm simply not ready for the cheer party
Double training is active until the 26th, so remember to use your second opportunity per day.
i know sirius is very much the main group but i was really hoping the anniversary would give at least a little attention to the other groups
>eden fes limiteds get useless +1 life guard at max dupe
>sirius fes limiteds get 20% score boost or -1 light cost at max dupe
i'm gonna freak

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