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>have Netflix
>have access to a bunch of cool games on mobile for "free"
>no IAP, no ads, etc
What the hell I didn't know about this. There is some actual kino here. Whatcha playing?
I didn't know about this until you posted it either I don't have Netflix though
>>1658312 (OP)
It's a dick move to make it a Netflix exclusive. Some games are available both on Netflix and normally, so I have no respect for this bullshit.
>>1658312 (OP)
I don't have Netflix but the game where I first heard about it was Townsmen.

It's not any different from their video streaming business practices.
>It's not any different from their video streaming business practices.
I mean the ITB devs suck. They probably never intended to port the game to mobile in the first place but since Netflix was paying, they sold out for an exclusive deal.
It's fucking worse in apple arcade. There'll probably be a way to bypass netflix restrictions so you can play their games even without a subscription, but if you want to play an apple arcade original you're fucked, you can't play without paying and you can't play at all without an apple device
Huh, I actually know a dev that released a bunch of games as Apple Arcade exclusives... That sucks, too.
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If anyone here as it, try Scriptic. It's fucking kino. It's an interactive murder mystery game were you're the detective and you can go through the victims phone etc to find clues / answers.
>>1658312 (OP)
I hate this shit because they basically force you to pay up or you can't play the games on phones.
I wanted to play oxenfree and it's only available through netflix, same shit with apple arcade and fantasian.
>>1658312 (OP)
Never used Netflix, but one time I got a good deal on Play Pass which also gives you access to some actually decent games.
Not only the games, but also their in-game paid articles, some worth hundreds. Fucking big.
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>>1658312 (OP)
Not only does Netflix have mobile games if login on a mobile device, but Netflix also has an entirely separate catalog of games if you login on your PC, or your TV. I'm on my third playthrough of Infernax on Netflix. I'm using the wizard character for my evil playthrough.

As for what mobile games I've played on it? Mostly Minesweeper, though less now that I completed all the challenges.
I've also been playing through Arranger, which is fun, but weirdly I forgot I had it on here until you prompted me to check. Don't quite know why, think I just got too busy to play it so far this year.
I have played through Into The Breach, but that was before it was on Netflix.
I have also tried out each of the Stranger Things games. There's like three of them of varying quality. I completed the retro inspired one (something like ST 1984, I think?). I played the match three gatcha ST game for a bit before falling off, because there's only so much of that kind of game I can stomach. And the last one, that was set in one of the later seasons, was the worst. I forced myself to get pretty far in but had to stop because it was badly made.
>>1658312 (OP)
Fuck Netflix. I had Moonlighter and then they got their hands on it so now I need to subscribe to Netflix for a game I already owned.
>>1658312 (OP)
I was gonna say this thread feels like the equivalent of saying "hey did you know that Windows has cool games built into it?" until I saw
That just proves it. It's cool if you're 5 and literally cannot afford any games but why would you bother, just play a real game.
>just play a real game.
A lot of the Netflix games were microtransaction garbage where the microtransactions were removed and the progression was reworked for the Netflix version. Those are closer to being real games than the originals.
Anon, why would you go and reply to retarded bait like that?
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