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8th Anniversary just started, plenty of freebies and two of the most important characters in the story available as limiteds now
It's 8th anniversary time and I want everyone to appreciate Shennong in a suit. Okay but seriously there is a lot to cover and any dates/times mentioned are in JST.

A special website commemorating the 8th anniversary of "Tokyo Afterschool Summoners" was released on Friday, November 29, 2024.

As always we get Platinum Lil' Salomon tickets this year it's 8 of them. They are able to be claimed until December 13, 2024, 13:59 and the deadline to use them will be Friday, December 20, 2024, 23:59.

You will be able to choose permanent 4 star characters up to Saturnus, 4 star AR cards, and the limited 5 star cards Crafter's Daily Routine, Mother and Child, A Peaceful Day, Shining Blades.

Transient Stone packs that include a 5 star selector ticket and 3 and 4 star ticket packs are available. The tickets include The Fantastic Boyfriends characters.

The 8th anniversary quest has be added and if you have completed chapter 15 a few sceneries will be added afterwards.

A login bonus started on November 29th (Friday) 20:00 and will end on December 13th (Friday) 13:59
If you login once during the event you'll get 150 Transient Stones, 10 million coins and a few items for the My Guild, and The AR card From Shinjuku, with Our All.

The login gifts for specific days are as follows
November 30th (Saturday)Lil' Salomon ticket x8 + AR Lil' Salomon ticket x8
December 1st (Sunday) HP Large Flower x 50 + Stamina Half x 5
December 2nd (Monday) ATK Flower x50 + Stamina Drink x5
December 3rd (Tuesday) Level Seed x 10 + Stamina Half x 5
December 4th (Wednesday) Skill Seed x10 + Stamina Drink x5
December 5th (Thursday) Rainbow Shard x 2000 + Bookmark of the Past x 10 + Half Stamina x 5
December 6th (Friday) Lamp oil x3 + Stamina Drink x5
December 7th (Saturday) Guild Alliance Certificate x 500 + Stamina Half x 5
December 8th (Sunday) Guild New Member Seal x200 + Stamina Drink x5
On December 3rd the prologue of main quest Chapter 16, "Outer Ward," will be released!

A new attribute called Divine has been added along with three stages to earn Limit Break materials for Divine characters.

There is a new banner for the prologue of chapter 16.


Kyoma Mononobe 3/5 star
Curren & MS-C1 3/5 star
Breke 4 star
Mephistopheles 4 star

Mononobe and Curren's 5 star versions are Divine attribute. Also changing the skin of Mononobe and Curren & MS-C1 will change some voice lines of theirs.

Reruns of this year's Valentine, (both) Summer, and Nightclub banners are available which will end on Friday, December 13, 2024, 13:59.

There is currently a three times chance of getting Great and Awesome results when using Experience Boosts on characters.

Main Story and Weekday/Free Quests will cost 1/4 their usual stamina.

A new AR card has added to Andvari's shop "Back Alley Case Files" It will increase the chance of getting Blossoms.

They are increasing the maximum number of guilds dispatched from two to three.

The 5 star selector ticket is now available immediately after you login if you've already finished the Summoner's Guide Quest.

The Seed and Blossom dungeons will be available on Friday, December 6, 2024, 18:00 to Monday, December 16, 2024, 23:59

On Friday November 29, 2024 Lifewonders announced a message from the development and operations team regarding future prospects and new challenges.

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Here's an overview of the special page.

They provide a link to the fully voiced 8th anniversary overview video on Youtube. As well as trailers for Chapter 16's prologue, promo trailers for Mononobe and Curren & MS-C1, and the advertisement that can be found playing in Ikebukuro.

There is some physical merchandise such as a pin of Shinjuku Academy's emblem.

A memo pad that includes the Shinjuku Academy motto and song.

A brass coin modeled after the Summoner's Guild Emblem.

Tin Badges that have Guild Emblems and close ups of character faces now with characters that have been introduced up to the Nightclub event.

Shennong, Ziz, Trition, Jinn, and Mononobe have acrylic stand figures.

Next is the announced plans for 2025!

They start by saying how they wanted to have some form of entertainment like this when they were younger and they are thankful to be able to make this game.

They talk about some more details about Chapter 16, Transient Stone packs on sale, the fully voiced anniversary video, and the new 5 star selector ticket.

As for the new information.

They announced date quests for Leib, Hecate, Breke, Shuten, Ulaanbaatar and more will be added next year.

Lifewonders will be at Comic Market 105 (Winter 2024).

Even more UI updates are planed for 2025.

You can add different music for the home screen and they will make the options more convenient to use in the future.

While looking at character's art in game you can change their expressions and this will be added to the My Guild section as well.

Players will have their own customizable profile screen where they can show off their likes.

They plan to add a feature that allows you to check the skill activation order and view a list of the team's activated skills by phase order.

By using the item "Guild New Member Seal", the maximum number of characters that can be sent to a guild has been increased from 2 to 3. They also mention they're considering adding features that will make it even more fun to play with an expanded guild.

A Charge Skill Evolution system is in the works.

You will be able to change the placement of the support character when making teams.

And lastly they plan to add "new content and features that will expand the world and ways to play Tokyo Afterschool Summoners". Which include adding a different game system from previous versions.

qursha my love
I love Platinum Lil' Salomon tickets.
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Still seething that I got 4 5 stars and none of them were what I wanted.
>big cool sexy robot
hell yeah
>attached at the hip to some stupid bullshit f*male character
fags deserve better than having to bend the knee to f*males in every single banner of every single fucking lifeworks game. you guys are such cucks for sticking with this slop.
New player, any help with the free 5*? I rerolled for Wakan Tanka and got him with a dupe on the same multi + the other guy in only 100 stones, and I wanted another 5* that is good and can help me with content. I like Ulaanbaatar, Q'ursha, Loki, Shamash, Sandayu, Surtr, Horkeo Kamui, Tangaroa and Cthugha but with a lot of choices I dont know who to pick. Or can I just go with my dick and get anyone who I like?

Thanks anons
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do not give up on your rolls
I don't have the 5* version, but at least in the 3* version you can just have the robot without the loli by changing costumes.
>Or can I just go with my dick and get anyone who I like?
That's the correct answer, but if you just want someone strong to help you clear hard missions, I think Kamui or Cthugha are the best options. I'm not a metafag though, so someone else might have a better suggestion.
I don't know who you should pick with your 5* ticket, but that ticket won't be going anywhere for some years so you don't need to be in much of a hurry to decide, since you do have disco Wakan he can probably carry you through 95% of the content in the game with good support, make sure you do the 8th anniversary quest and get your 8 platinum salomon tickets then use one of those to pick Leannan Sidhe, once she's fully limit broken she's easily one of the best offensive support characters in the game despite being 4* and enables pretty much anyone to be a usable dps, so you can use your own Leannan to support either your Wakan or a more appropriate support list dps and wreck most of the content in the game. And the anniversary quest platinum tickets do go away in like 3 weeks so make sure you make all your picks by then.
This mindset is why I have close to 0 stones and tickets.
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Welcome to the game! Honestly Nightclub Wakan Tanka is really good and can clear a lot of content so using your 5 star ticket shouldn't be a priority as it won't expire for a very long time unless you want to get a favorite of yours sooner rather than later.

But if you really want to make sure you can clear stuff I'd do what >>1624447 suggests and use one of your Platinum Lil' Salomon Tickets to get Leannan Sidhe and then find someone who has Cthugha as a support his 5 star fire version to be exact and send them a friend request if they accept you can use Cthugha's charge skill this is important because Cthugha has a 70% chance to get 16 charge points and heal himself every time he gets a buff and Leannan Sidhe gives a bunch of buffs. Just keeping moving her around the board and make sure she's directly behind Cthugha and watch the world burn about 90% of the time.

And here are some tips and tricks to help you out.

We have weekly mission and you get Rainbow Shards for clearing them. They can be used in Andvari's shop. It might be tempting to use them for Transient Stones but use them on the AR cards and Lil' Salomon Tickets you get more value that way.

Don't use stones to get AR cards they aren't super necessary so just wait and use AR Lil' Salomon Tickets to get them preferably when a limited AR banner is up. Also the effects the cards have will stay the same until they're level 100 but in most cases only having one copy of a card is fine.

Along with limit breaking characters make sure to increase their skill level which increases the activation rate of their skills. You can get Souls from the Skill Boost Training stage.

Your team cost will be low at the start but getting your player rank up will slowly give you more points to work with. They're are AR cards that boost rank experience you can find out more on the wiki.

When summoning with stones it's better to do a tenfold rather than 10 single summons. When doing a tenfold the 10th character will have a 96% chance of being a 4 star and a 4% chance of being a 5 star. For reference the normal 5 star rate is 2% also we currently do not have any pity rate or spark mechanics in the game.

Unlike most Gacha games getting multiple copies of characters isn't really necessary. When you get a copy of a character their Sacred Artifact level increases which makes their Charge Skill deal more damage and boost buffs/debuffs they might provide. The level amount gained from each new copy is tied to the characters rarity. 3 stars SA level will increase by 1, 4 stars will increase by 5, and 5 stars will increase by 20. Also if a characters SA level reaches 100 they are taken out of the summoning pool.

You'll be getting items such as HP and Atk Seeds and Blossoms they increase a character's HP or Attack. Use the seeds first as they can only increase the stats up to 1000 then you can use Blossoms to increase the stats to 2000. You'll also get Level seeds which will increase a characters level cap by 1 and the max is 20 and Skill seeds will increase a character's skill activation rate by an additional 1% up to 10%. Skill seeds can't be used unless a characters Skill Level is 100. However Level and Skill Seeds are expensive to use and are considered late game goals. Also any upgrades involving Seeds and Blossoms effect all versions of a character even if you don't have them currently. For example you use some Seeds to increase Nightclub Wakan Tanka's HP by 200 the same effect will be added to his 3 star and his other two 5 star versions automatically if you ever summon them.

That's everything I can think of off the top of my head currently if you have any more questions just ask.
Alot of this stuff could've been in the game already if they weren't busy blowing money on going to fujoshit events and paying for huge ads that don't even work considering the game still only makes around $100,000 a month.
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First one for "I want to fuck all the akkenshi"
Thank you anons! I got Leanan and will wait for the future for the 5* ticket, but what should I waste the other 7 anniversary ones? Memories or just any character I want? Im having fun for the moment desu.
With as many tickets as we got I think you can easily afford to spend 4 or 5 on straight up whoever you like for personality or looks, I remember people saying Thunderbird and Otohime are good damage dealers so maybe pick one of those if you feel like making sure there's good fighters in your ranks, and don't forget to limit break, level and skill level your Wakan and Leannan, the bulk of most character's powers comes from being at least on their third breakthrough with skill level 100, I remember having a lot of trouble with that when I started out so hopefully you can get some friends with lv90 characters to deal with the breakthrough and exp quests, with those two up and working you can then easily choose who you want to level up next. Also ARs are nice but not more important than characters (because characters give out drop bonuses during events) so unless you absolutely love the art of one of them more than any possible character pick I think you're better off getting characters and just buying ARs from the Andvari shop, buy at least 1 of each there and use all the player rank ones in your party as you go through the main story for a lot of ranks, you want higher player ranks for greater party cost.
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Getting topped by Masashi while going to town on Yoshito... ToT
I'd be happy just being Masashi's slave and being his free use cumdump.
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I'd suggest getting a copy of the AR Card A Peaceful Day as it's the only limited card in the shop that will be immediately useful. At base value it increases Rank Exp by 10% and Coins earned through battle by 5%. As I mentioned before card effects wont change until the card is level 100 and the effects of A Peaceful Day will change to 15% and 10% which I don't think is worth 6 Platinum Tickets to max out. Also getting a stack of the 25 million Coins and the 50 Owner's Medallions wouldn't hurt. The coins will give you enough probably until mid to late game upgrades and the Owner's Medallions are needed for a characters final limit break and can be tedious to get early game. And with any tickets you have left you can choose anyone you like as I always say play with your favorites.

I forgot to mention yesterday in Andvari's shop there is a limited time AR Card called Fatherhood Since Then and it increases Rank Exp by 15%. So I'd get one or two copies before the end of the month and get the rest when the Card is back in the shop sometime next year as time limited AR cards in Andvari's shop have not been reran more than once. Also grab a copy of Written in the Here and Now and In This Place of Education as both of them increase Rank Exp. In This Place of Education will also increase experience from battle by 5% at base value. Finally get a copy of Revere Thy Teachers at some point as it will give all the experience earned from battle to the character with it equipped and it increases battle experience making it invaluable when used with other AR cards that boost battle experience and characters with Mentor especially in Dungeon quests but that's end game stuff. You can use the wiki to look at the cards mentioned as some of their names have not been translated in game yet.
Is this shit ever getting a PC client or what
>emulate it
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>8 years in
Fuck no dude. Don't tell me you actually have hope for a PC client.
not really hope, just vague vibes, maybe manifesting something. but probably not.
i guess my main problems (tiny screen, bad eyesight) could be solved by getting an iPad. still $200+ for furry husbandos is a big ask, maybe I'll continue to admire from afar...
Why not just emulate it though? It's trivial to set up.
I remember trying Bluestacks with another mobile game and in general it was just kinda annoying to play, things like lagginess and clicks not registering.
And in general I just distrust making purchases with an emulator. Boomer mindset ig
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It's pretty fucking insane that Eidos can make native PC and Mac clients along with simultanious ENG/JP/CN releases while Lifewonders can't do either. If a company even more no-name than them can do it then there's actually no excuse.
I mean who knows 9th anniversary plans could include it, apparently Chapter 16 is close to if not the complete end of the story, so after they finish, they could just focus on optimizing and expanding the game and its audience
Oh God...is Housamo about to go the Honkai 3rd Part 2 route?
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It will when all the date quests get English translations.
Meaning never
I was going to try the Windows subsystem for Android to try and run it natively on Windows, but then Microsoft said they were gonna end support for it in 2025...
>apparently Chapter 16 is close to if not the complete end of the story
Kind of. It should be the end of Book 2, but there's still Book 3 left.
Considering how the books have lasted at least 8 chapters so far, I think it's safe to assume there's still a decent amount of plot left to cover.
lw has a very archaic account system verification too
why does it take so long for translations to come out anyway
are lw secret racists
because otherwise it’s pretty crazy to think that English is always two years behind and date quests aren’t translated
you’d have to fuck up pretty bad if your pipeline is in that state
and that’s not even mentioning lah
they only have 1 translator
Probably. I'm only kinda kidding. Taiwan players get LW to show up at events and even seiyuu panels but EN gets jack shit
Does that even still exist? They were a giant in the late 90s but they pretty much disappeared in the mid-2000s
The Tomb Raider publisher? They're apparently with Gearbox now after being passed around by a bunch of other companies according to Wikipedia.

Though anon was definitely not talking about them lmao
Another Eidos of Dragonvein is another gay gacha, more well known for having actual R18 content.
>another 5 years before this game is over
Holy shit my phone storage is going to die this is going to be the only game I can have on my android...
PC client soon hopefully with an actual account link system. At least Aaron from Crave Saga should be coming next week so I can finish collecting my husband from that. Going to have to move Anados off my phone too. Sigh I wish Lifewonders games didn't make me so damn paranoid to delete them off my phone...
because you guys have already shown that you'll gobble up whatever lifeworks shits onto your plate, even if that means getting spooked by female characters, getting told "i really like you as a friend anon, my wife would love you! i can't wait for you to meet my daughter!" etc etc
why would they bother raising the bar when you guys will take what they give you regardless?
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>Another Eidos of Dragonvein is another gay gacha, more well known for having actual R18 content.

Probably the best part, though I've heard the game has gone somewhat downhill recently
>tfw no story where Tadatomo saying pic related to you
anados doesn't have shotas though it's just charlotte so he's the only reason I bother playing that slop of copy pasted hairy fat men with muscles
With them constantly adding new characters and events it's a valid concern, honestly.
Only thing I can suggest is to try clearing the cache on the title screen if you feel like the game's taking up too much space. It auto downloads assets when necessary and chances are you don't need to have a bunch of VN backgrounds/audio files on your phone at all times.
>>With them constantly adding new characters and events it's a valid concern, honestly.

I wish they would stop adding so much new characters and instead focused on fleshing out the current ones more. Not sure how that would look, but animated sprites like they have in Live A Hero would be fucking awesome
I have both the 3* and 5*.
Unfortunately, she's still in the 5* art no matter what, but the even-numbered images have his voice instead.
That Wakan variant feels like pretty much a powercreep version of standard Cthugha.
He can't spam charge attacks anywhere near as fast as Cthugha though? I think? He gets one for free at the start and that's it, I'm not sure if there's a charger character that could help nightclub Wakan keep up with Cthugha for battlefield nuking.
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Do you think they will ever do a Live A Hero and Housamo crossover event?
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Happy 8th Anniversary Housamo!
qursha my love
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I feel like they want to but won't actually do it.
Live a Hero x Housamo was an April Fools joke... 2 years ago wasn't it?
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qursha is a lonely wolf, step away from him
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give him hugs and love
sniff his pits
Doesn't Qursha sleep around on a regular basis? Anon should get grabby with him, it's what the hound wants.
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I've finally decided to start rereading the Main Story and Events in release order in an effort to be caught up by the time chapter 15 gets translated next year and I just finished the first two Main Story chapters. I forgot how much they throw at you in Chapter 1 in just two story sections. I found it interesting that Snow mentions Infernal Attribute despite it not being in actual gameplay until Chapter 7 which would be around 1 and a half years later if I remember correctly. In the same conversation Claude mentioned two Sacred Artifacts that I don't think are associated with any character I could be wrong I've only read the Main Story up to the end of Chapter 10 and events whenever they were translated Also they have updated Mononobe's sprite which surprised me I thought it would be only for newer Chapters.

As for Chapter 2 I forgot how around 85% of it's sections take about a minute or two to read except for like 3 sections and I'm surprised I actually remembered the important stuff from it. But now next on this list is to read Gift From An Apprentice Santa

Also I seen that Noku/RPBBW drew of Shennong for Anniversary. I'm glad he seems to be doing well enough and that he's still drawing even if it's not as often as he used to.
>Claude mentioned two Sacred Artifacts that I don't think are associated with any character
Dang, I must've completely forgotten that. Do you remember what they were?
I wouldn't be surprised if it's something they still plan on using considering how much they set up ahead of time. The "body part" incident from Ch. 2 took until Ch. 14 to get explained, after all.

>But now next on this list is to read Gift From An Apprentice Santa
Rereading everything they've released up until now is no small feat. Wishing you luck, anon.
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>Do you remember what they were
Here's a screenshot of what Claude says. Again I don't know if those two Sacred Artifacts are associated with anyone but I could be misremembering. Also thank you for covering the spoiler even though I accidently uncovered it for a second while moving my mouse like an idiot. At least I was already spoiled on that plot point back when that section was released because people had mentioned it but I don't know the specifics other than they brought that back in the story so I'm not completely spoiled at least.

>Wishing you luck, anon.
Thanks! I actually finished Gift From An Apprentice Santa last night it took maybe 50 minutes at most for me to read. So it's going faster than I expected but I know eventually the story sections will get longer than 2 minutes a piece. But next is New Year's with Lil' Salomon which never received an official translation surprisingly.
>At least I was already spoiled on that plot point
Ah, sorry about that. I didn't want to be too specific with the spoiler just in case, but it was the most relevant instance of vaulted content that I could think of. Maybe Jormungandr's voice would've been a better example, in hindsight.

As for the SAs themselves, I definitely don't recall any shears. Their owners possibly being a mix of the Moirai from Greek mythology and Shakespeare's Three Witches sounds right up LW's alley, though.
The scythe, on the other hand, does ring a bell. It could be another link to Shakespeare, his Sonnet 12. There's obvious parallels in how it talks about "making defence against time's scythe by breeding" and the situation surrounding Mononobe and Curren/MS-C1. Though neither of Curren's units are Aether like Claude suggested.

>But next is New Year's with Lil' Salomon which never received an official translation surprisingly.
The one with Gandharva! Frustrating that the few times where he's focus, it's not translated.
When are you finally letting the bird be a freak in his full glory, LW?
That’s a lot to read even if you have until May to do it.
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>Ah, sorry about that
You're fine don't worry about it like I said I'm not completely spoiled about that plot point.

>I definitely don't recall any shears
I thought I had figured it out today thinking Hippolytus had shears as a Sacred Artifact but it's actually a garland/floral crown. I will admit I'm tempted to see what you said about the scythe but I'm not going to possibly spoil myself. I'll just use that as motivation to keep reading so that I can possibly see it sooner.

>When are you finally letting the bird be a freak in his full glory, LW?
Maybe soon as Xigma has come back and drew the alts for Nyarlathotep and for Isaribi from LiveAHero this year. I'll admit I forgot that Gandharva was even a character in the game he doesn't even have have any Skill Evolutions I feel bad for him.

Yeah it's a bit daunting but seeing these info graphs from BROSSO13344515 on Twitter helped me visualize a plan easier and sparked my interested to do this. Basically the game has around 90 Main Story/Events in total and most content from 2022 to 2024 hasn't been translated so I won't worry about reading any of those until they get translated. Plus there's the events that were translated this year and I'm probably not going to reread those when I get to them on the list. So that leaves me with 60 to 70 events/stories to read and in theory the Chapter 15 translation should be released around 23 weeks from now. So I would need to read 3 events/stories a week to be caught up by then. Which I've already done that for this week but I want to try and finish the first Golden Week event before Sunday to get a big head start.
>Tries reading Housamo to learn about the characters I nut to each night.
>Gets blasted by insane amounts of jargon and mucho texto.
>Goes back to just cooming.
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2019-2022 was the golden age of this game for real...
Haven't been feeling the game since (yes I know the irony of posting an Otter pic while saying this) more of a login zombie game for me
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competition wasn't as hard back in the day with gaycha. Housamo was a game released with already outdated software and now is harder to justify it's flaws
Pretty much why I wish character and date quests would be translated so I could read about the guys I care about and not the insane amounts of plot exposition and technical terms every story chapter I try to read.
The newest Christmas event Transform into a Christmas Eve!? Magical Snowland has been announced and is scheduled for Friday.

There is an amusement park full of dreams and hopes. Amusement park full of snow and fluff!? Together with the mysterious magical girl and the large mascot Frosty, you can transform your life with the make-up of your dreams!!! With the party hermit at the sparkling night parade, exciting attractions with the butterbur leaf dwarf! Go to the Sansan Music Band show with the puppet master Hakkenji, and dance with the king in yellow at the castle in the center!? The most lively and fun holy night party is waiting for you!!! Transformed into a holy night!?


This was very quicky machine translated so what you read might not be 100% accurate.

I think Party Hermit would be Tianzun and king in yellow is Hastur but that's all I can make guesses on at the moment.
>butterbur leaf dwarf
>puppet master Hakkenji
Korpokkur and Yoshito probably?

Pretty decent assortment if so, interested to see all of them
ti's already leaked
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>Yoshito finally getting an alt
>Hastur getting an alt
Yoshito finally getting fed... it sounds cringe as fuck to type but I genuinely cried tears. My boy getting some love... I hope they show off his cute butt. My wallet will *not* survive this banner.
Hastur showing off his thong bulge some more will be really great to see.
My perfect loner boyfriend, haah. It sounds a bit ungrateful when there's still fans of older units without alts but I've been dreaming of this day. ToT
I will stay up until the second the update drops.
>mysterious magical girl
Fuck this game.
>more of a login zombie game
The mostly braindead mechanics and the lack of new (translated) content don't really leave much room for anything other than a "log in, rush through your dailies, log out" type game.
>We have Snow Miku at home
>Snow Miku at home:
>Yoshito a 4 star Wood Christmas limited like Sitri
>Korpokkur a 5 star with Hastur
Banner looks sick I hope I can pull at least 5 Yoshitos from this
*sigh* Monthly Pack 1 you and I are best friends again
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>5 star Korpokkur immediately after I spent 700 stones for a 5 star I didn't even get
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>when you expecting a lewd outfit? You dirty adult
*kills you*
I want a lewd hastur you fuckers
So Yoshito and Korpokkur were the other two honestly I forgot they even existed. I'm sorry for anyone whose going to try to summon for Hastur and having to worry about getting Korpokkur instead.

The Christmas outfits are pretty standard in my opinion but the alternate outfits are really different I'll give them that. Hastur having more clothing now than in his original version is funny to me but those tights are leaving nothing to the imagination and probably cutting off all his blood flow. Tianzun's alternate outfit really took me by surprise like sir the nightclub event was two months ago it's now time for amusement park Christmas.
No, it's this girl
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he is very handsome here
yeah but I want his tits out
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I got him... Wow I can't believe I actually got him with only 2 multis.
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He even brought a friend! Maybe he knew I'm attempting to have all of the hakkenshi variants.
congratulations anon, remember the fallen and enjoy them for me
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Wish we had gotten him instead.
>scrimblo bimblo jack
>twink jack
>now bara jack
Fuck is a scrimblo bimblo?
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Yoshitooooo ToT
And Hastur!
These happened on back to back shop freebie tickets. Kinda want Korpokkur too but no dice. I'm just glad I didn't have to buy a monthly pack after all haha
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roll for him
He is cute
Hopefully he doesn't come out soon though cuz I blew my load trying (failing) to get mountain bigfoot
The fact that he's a NPC instead of the sparkledog furry Miku shows how much this company's fallen off.
I got everybody in just 4 multirolls and 8 tickets. Now it's back to saving for a future Shino variant. I hope my good luck returns by the time that happens.
>why couldn't we get generic polar bear?!
Are you really seething this much over a deviantart design? Go play Crave Saga or Another Eidos if you want bad polar bear designs
as opposed to generic kemololi?
also that jack frost is hilariously not generic when compared to typical jack frost designs
>"jack frost polar bear furry" on google
>top result
Almost identical
>almost identical
anon must be blind
>polar bear with ice powers and blue markings with toned body
Oooo so original! Let me consume the slop!
>only markings are his face, and very minimal at that
>not even naked, sharply dressed
>zoomer lingo
why is there a lost lolifucker in this thread
Ome of his Blue archive friends must've convinced him to try out Housamo and now his brain is fucked.
>both housamo and anados threads have some woman loving bear cunt pissing their tampon over "muh bear I would choose over a man"
I just want you to shut the fuck up about a fucking worthless NPC that wasn't even worthy of making it on a banner
Unbelievable autism
>not even worthy of being a banner
I see, this is your first gacha
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>Airavata from the Valentine's Snowfight will be a playable character soon, trust!
>his argument is literally a recolor
this is getting desperate
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>Now it's back to saving for a future Shino variant
Strange, I don't remember making this post? Are you me?
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>tfw no 3 meters tall fat bf to warm me up this Christmas
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Was there a character in this game that hated or dislike you at first? I genuinely can't remember
Shiva, kind of.
I only read up to Chapter 10 before I stopped because the plot was just too complicated for me but Kirito is the only one I remember who wanted to just kill you because he knows how dangerous and essential you are to the Game. I would have said the Invaders too but I'm not sure, their whole thing is to assimilate everyone into a cult apparently.
Kirito, Arc, and Aizen come to mind.
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tfw no thicc manlet dog to manhandle around and sppon with
Still cant believe I started drawing just because of him
Arc doesn't hate you, he's just going along with Babalon's bullshit.
sex with qursha
then maybe leash him up so he won't leave you
now draw him naked
>Still cant believe I started drawing just because of him
Same but for a different character. How's your progress? I'm assuming you recently started anyway.
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Not too bad so far, still need to get better at rendering though. I'm at about 3 years or so of drawing

How funny, I've seen you working on this picture awhile ago.

>I'm at about 3 years or so of drawing
Impressive dedication. I've only been doing this for a month.
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Thanks anon! Keep at it anon, if you draw stuff you like you will find the process becomes much easier and even fun
Now that all the limited banners for the year have been added did any of your favorites get an alternate version this year? Are there any characters you’re hoping will get an alternate version in 2025? If so is there a specific event you’d want them to be apart of?
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Yoshitoooooooooo my beloved ToT
I would've preferred if he could show off his cute butt in a summer event since Christmas skins tend to be SFW but I'm just happy he's gotten an alt (*cough cough* Goemon, Mephistopheles *cough cough*)
I hope Sphinx gets some love next year with an alt, maybe Valentine's since he's already debuted in Halloween and had his swimsuit skin revealed already

And if they continue the Hakkenshi love train Masashi hopefully gets an alt next year too! He'd be cute in any event
Do you use a line tool or by hand?
Favorites? No
Characters I like on some level? Sure. Hakumen, Toshito and Korpokkur.
For small lines and details I do by hand, for longer lines I use the continuous curve line tool
Hastur is definitely the stand out for me. Especially since I spent so many stones trying to get his "standard" 5-star to no avail and this time he came home from a single 10-pull.
As for wanted alts, Valentines Cipactli and/or Gurangatch is the dream but them getting any alts at all would be great too.
I also have to keep coping for a Gandharva alt, as is tradition.
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I wouldn't mind seeing my boy Catoblepas get some more love, or at least a rerun of his summer skin since I missed it when it came out.
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Don't forget to use your 8th Anniversary Tickets if you haven't already as they will expire in less than 3 1/2 days!

Wakan Tanka and Bigfoot. I managed to get Wakan Tanka and I got Enigma twice instead of Bigfoot. Maybe I'll try again for Bigfoot when the banner gets reran.

As for next year I'm really hoping for Valentine's Shennong (might be in vain though). The other would be Takemaru I would like for him to get a Valentine's or a Summer alt.

Congrats on getting Hastur really easily. And speaking of Gandharva I read New Year's with Lil' Salomon last night. It's interesting to see that Gandharva is the start of are you so and so/you remind me of so and so.

We should in theory get a rerun of Summer Pool Twilight as well as Akiba and Dragons! next year with an English translation. Since Summer River Adventure and Paradise Hot Spring Village of Hell received translations this year.
>Don't forget to use your 8th Anniversary Tickets if you haven't already as they will expire in less than 3 1/2 days!
Thank you!
Whats with everyone wanting valentines alts.

Need to take your own advice you haven’t used any.
>I read New Year's with Lil' Salomon last night.
Nice! Sounds like you're keeping up pace with reading 3 scenarios a week so far.

>It's interesting to see that Gandharva is the start of are you so and so
First of many, yeah. Also when it starts to become common for the MC to get roped into other people's problems and enjoy it in the end.
I still remember that last "good or bad luck could depend on perspective" scene sometimes.

Valentines is when they get to be more obviously romantic with the characters so it's an easy pick for me. Plus, the SQs are pretty much Date Quest-lite except they actually get translated.
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>Masanori in the story: "Nothing will stand in the way of our revolution!"
>Masanori in the Valentine's event: "Heh, well actually Summoner... I've always loved you this whole time."

I mean it's a great way to see any character in a different light that isn't conflict politics but Valentine's especially is top tier fanservice if you love them. In that moment nothing else matters but their undying love for (You), not even the people you fused with.
Except because of the nature of loops, Valentine's Events (and all events) are just official AU fanfics that don't actually mean anything.
What is your point? The whole lore says as much, your friends in 1 loop are going to be your sworn enemies the next. That's why the point is to end the loop and stop the Game from repeating.
It means nothing but it also means everything.
Characters regain certain memories of previous loops from the Invaders arc onwards so it's silly to say that events mean nothing, particularly when Wakan ∞ and Tangaroa ∞ have a whole lot of feelings for the MC born from previous loops with flashbacks to their events.
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>Need to take your own advice
I know I'm just indecisive even though I really don't need anything from the shop outside of getting an AR card I forgot to get.

>Whats with everyone wanting valentines alts.
Since everyone said why they want Valentine's alts I'll throw my reason out there too. I agree with the other two anons but I also like that in Valentine's events the characters get casual outfits/street wear. It's fun to see what they come up with for characters to wear outside of specific event outfits or their standard outfit. Of course Valentine Panic, Valentine Jail, and Valentine's Snowball Fight are the only ones that don't do this but they're in the minority.

>Sounds like you're keeping up pace
I would have done it sooner if I didn't have 400+ screenshots to translate. It was tedious to do and honestly it took me out of what I was reading so by the end I was just trying to finish it.

I forgot to mention that there was a possible oversight in the event between Andvari, Pollux, and Garmr as from my understanding they didn't recognize Garmr and vise versa despite being in the same guild. But overall I though the event was cute enough.
Also I'm going to post an untranslated screenshot of something Gandharva says during the event. If anyone translates this let me know what you get because Google Translate gave me something I wasn't expecting to read and I want to see if it's consistent.
He's freaky
>It was tedious to do and honestly it took me out of what I was reading so by the end I was just trying to finish it.
I don't blame you. It's why I usually only translate a few snippets of new events at most.
If you ever feel like trying something different, I've found Capture2Text to be an "okay" compromise between speed and accuracy. You'd have to be emulating the game to use it, though, as it's only for PC as far as I'm aware.

>Andvari, Pollux, and Garmr as from my understanding they didn't recognize Garmr
I wonder why. Chapter 3's all about the Berserkers and it comes right after this event too.

I grabbed the raw text from the book files out of curiosity and got pretty much the same thing lol
is missionaries the only relevant chapter 1-2 guild?
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>fox girl
>magical girl
>ice powers
So... this means Fenrir won.
fenrir is for sitri, stupid
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Mahou No Juujin Foxy Rena 1/The Magical Foxgirl Foxy-Rena
I'm a little surprised there's people here who aren't familiar with Amakuchi
Kind of yes, the other two have relevance here and there.
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> grabbed the raw text from the book files
Is there a guide on doing this? I've been wondering if its possible to replace the untranslated texts with fan translated ones, or AI translation if fan translation not available
>Is there a guide on doing this?
Not as far as I know, I've mostly just been tinkering on my own with AssetStudio. I can give you the steps of what I've been doing:
1. Open the event you want in game so you have the assets downloaded. (Pre-downloading is also an option)
2. Go to Android/data/jp.co.lifewonders.housamo/files/UnityCache/Shared on your device. If your file manager doesn't show you the folder, use TotalCommander*.
3. Export the relevant folder(s) to your PC. (In my case, it was the "newyear2017.chapter" folder)
4. Open AssetStudio, click File -> Load Folder and pick the files you transferred.

And that's it, your assets should be on the Asset List tab. You can export them to their original file types or just browse through them as is.

*TotalCommander is also very useful in general. It lets you search for files using arguments and can zip them up to make transferring files easier. It's pretty much required on BlueStacks since it can't export folders.

>I've been wondering if its possible to replace the untranslated texts with fan translated ones
Never tried it myself but it likely is. I've seen at least one guy successfully replace art assets.

Though I suggest being careful about editing assets and sharing it around. LifeWonders has given updates on TOS violations more than once in recent times. Pretty much everyone loses if they start making it more difficult to access files.
>Though I suggest being careful about editing assets and sharing it around. LifeWonders has given updates on TOS violations more than once in recent times. Pretty much everyone loses if they start making it more difficult to access files.

Really? I would think they wouldn't mind fan translations, since they seem to be too lazy to do it themselves, like with date quests. If I do end up making something like translated date quests, I would definitely want to share them for others to enjoy

Also, thanks for the guide anon!
Glad to help!

>I would definitely want to share them for others to enjoy
Yeah, I agree and appreciate the sentiment. It's just that they've always been protective of that kind of stuff (The wiki had voice clips once upon a time) and now they're seemingly even more so.
Maybe have the translation be in a document outside the game? Or edit it in a video. LW's never had a problem with those, unlike the "Analysis and modification of game data" as their TOS so aptly puts it.
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I wonder if there is a Housamo discord or something I could share them, at least then they wouldn't be able to easily find something like that through searching google or the wiki

Hopefully I can get it to work, I just want to experience the Tadatomo date quest for myself, a video on youtube is just not the same
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Thanks for confirming that for me I now know that it's consistent and not google translate ramping things up to 11 for no reason.

Now I have finished Chapter 3 and Valentine Panic and I thought Chapter 3 was going to be like Chapter 2. Mostly quick 2 minute reads with the last few sections being 10 minutes oh I was wrong. They throw a fair bit at you about how things work in the App and other stuff and I'm trying to piece things together with my spotty memories of future chapters. Specifically about "That Chapter" since a certain stabby boy was in Chapter 3 but I could be misremembering things about "That Chapter" or be completely off the mark entirely. Also Leib was mentioned or should I say Rave seems they didn't change his name for that one line which I found funny.

As for Valentine Panic I enjoyed it even if it dragged on mainly because I never did the event so I had to do all the fights in between sections. There's more instances of characters having no memory of meeting us I know why but I have a thought/question about that. A certain detective said something that caught my attention that may or may not be important. While not important the use of sus in something before 2020 made me do a double take. Also I've noticed that they have characters in events that will be in the next Main Story chapter like the New Years event had some of the Berserkers and Valentine Panic had Gabriel and Hati from the Missionaries.

Also yesterday I maxed out all the current playable versions of my top three favorite characters aside from their Artifact Level which will never happen. I feel accomplished but now I don't know who to start working on next

>a video on youtube is just not the same
I understand the feeling reading/experiencing events and quests outside of the game takes me out of it. That's why I don't mind waiting for official translations even if they so take a while. Also cute art it's nice to see your work and progress keep it up!
>Also cute art it's nice to see your work and progress keep it up!
Thanks anon!
>I'm trying to piece things together with my spotty memories of future chapters. Specifically about "That Chapter" since a certain stabby boy was in Chapter 3
Stabby boy does pop up a lot, huh. I don't remember enough of earlier chapters to tell how much of it was foreshadowing, unfortunately.
Would be nice to have some kind of summary function for that.

>There's more instances of characters having no memory of meeting us I know why but I have a thought/question about that. A certain detective said something that caught my attention that may or may not be important.
What would that be? Or is it something you'd rather find out yourself while reading?

>Also I've noticed that they have characters in events that will be in the next Main Story chapter
Makes me think. It's a kinda odd that the MC can sometimes acknowledge meeting characters from events in MQs, but in this case they don't recognize you from MQs in an event. Somehow feels less intentional than some stuff you read in future events even though it could be explained in the same way.
Another Shennong simp

Kirito was helping Oniwaka in baiting players like Kengo. Kirito was paid by Snow for something It's not mentioned what for maybe it's revealed later like in Chapter 7 or 8. But the fact he was in the Chapter that reveals the Wisemen were able to create smaller enclosed versions of a Battle Zone and later on in the chapter an Exception (Thor) couldn't leave the enclosed space and could not get into Tokyo immediately unlike Yog-Sothoth who was immediately in Tokyo in Chapter 2. Maybe it's foreshadowing what happens in Chapter 8 which was what I was referring to as "That Chapter" but again I don't remember the exact details.

>What would that be?

You actually talk about it in the last part of your post. I know about the time loops but I was wondering how we/MC remember stuff between events and the Main Story because from what I remember events are things that happen in other loops. I remember that there are World Representives and World Pillars and one of them has memories of past loops. But I can't remember which one can do that or anything else about either of them really. Maybe that has something to do our memories but I'm just guessing. As for the other thing in Valentine Panic Nomad says he once spent almost 6 months adrift in a metal coffin I thought that was very specific yet cryptic. Also Nomad actually does remember us possibly from Chapter 3 but Kyuma doesn't remember us at all from New years. Maybe Chapter 3 and VP are in the "Canon" loop, or in another loop some other event happens before VP and he knows us from that, or maybe I'm over thinking things.

>Or is it something you'd rather find out yourself while reading?
Any questions or things that are posed like questions I say during my thoughts/theory ramblings are rhetorical. I would like to remember/find things out on my own as I read. But if I have actual questions I will make it known that I am looking for answers.
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Yes I will admit Shennong has been a source a brain rot ever since 2019 when I seen a picture of him on Twitter as a cardboard standee at a convention Lifewonders had a booth at. I don't remember if it was Kemoket, Infurnity, or some other convention.

Thank god I actually used the spoiler tags correctly I never used them before.

Also the Housamo Popularity poll on the skill database website and the Popularity poll on Twitter both posted their results within the past few days if anyone is interested I can tell the results of the Twitter poll for those who don't use Twitter.
>Twitter poll excludes about 1/10th of the entire roster because it's lolis and shotas
Fake ass results
>Shennong Tindalos Horkeu Kamui top 3
The trio of basic ass muscle furry, wow, who could have guessed!
>I remember that there are World Representives and World Pillars and one of them has memories of past loops. But I can't remember which one can do that or anything else about either of them really.
IIRC the Pillars are what allows memories to carry over between loops, but most World Representatives have an artifact that functions as a Pillar. Most of them are also capable of restoring or manipulating past memories in some way.
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>Story discussion
Love to see it.
forget all what you learned it's time for WORLD DRAGON WALLS and shit!
Ah, you didn't have to but thank you for the refresher! It is interesting how much they play around with the workings of the App even at this point. I was convinced some characters had less going on for them since I forgot so much of the story.

>Nomad says he once spent almost 6 months adrift in a metal coffin
That does sound very specific. I never read the book he's supposed to be based on, so I'm not sure if it's just a reference to that or something more.

>or maybe I'm over thinking things.
lol I know that feeling
Being invested in the plot is both a blessing and a curse sometimes.

Oh yeah! Congrats on red texting your faves!
I imagine you must be feeling pretty good about those poll results.

LW could keep the game running forever if they keep pulling this kind of thing.
Fuck it, let's go for a Book 4.
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Merry Christmas everyone. Wishing you all luck with pulling your husbandos or favorite AR's

kek. I now want to see a version of this with Tadatomo
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Happy Summon Day Maria! And also late Happy Summon Day Wakan Tanka I accidently forgot his was on the 12th!

I'm assuming you're clarifying or explaining about what you quoted from me. While I do appreciate it I haven't looked at the second part because I don't to be spoiled or reminded of things. I would like to see things when they happen in game. I'm sorry if this sounds rude it's not my intention.

I'm glad to know others here are enjoying my thoughts and ramblings or at least tolerating them.

>I'm not sure if it's just a reference to that or something more.

Spoilers for the sci-fi novel The Stars My Destination
I looked into it and Nomad is literally a walking reference. The main character Gully Foyle is trapped in a space ship called Nomad for 6 months. He sees a ship thinking he's going to be saved but wasn't. So in a vow of vengeance he managed to survive and gets taken into a cult where they tattoo a tiger mask on his face. Also Nomad's SA is a two part reference. In the book Jaunting is an ability where people can teleport and Gully Foyle sees visions of himself on fire. So that explains where they came up with what his SA does and why his clothes burn off when he uses it.

>must be feeling pretty good about those poll results.
I mean yeah seeing my favorites place high is a nice feeling. Even if Takemaru didn't break top 50 like last year in the Twitter poll. But I will admit seeing Wakan Tanka and Shennong place so high on both polls kind of makes be feel bad that I like them even if in the end they're just silly popularity polls.

Also I'm impressed with the database survey seeing all the data they collected from players and reading their feedback

>keep the game running forever
I wouldn't be surprised if Lifewonders makes Housamo their Puzzle and Dragons/Granblue Fantasy.

>Merry Christmas everyone
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and everyone else here!
>I would like to see things when they happen in game. I'm sorry if this sounds rude it's not my intention.
Nah that's cool, it's in spoiler tags for a reason.
>Gully Foyle sees visions of himself on fire.
Oh, I wasn't aware of that. That's grim. I've heard the book supposedly has a positive ending though so here's hoping Nomad doesn't end up burning himself alive over revenge like he seems so hellbent on doing.

I like that they tied these aspects of the source material, time travel and acceleration all together. Probably my favorite aspect of how they design characters is when they manage to make them both faithful and unique enough to stand on their own at the same time.

>Also I'm impressed with the database survey
Right? There's some good suggestions in there too.
The game could be improved a lot if LW took some notes from it. Especially since the survey was obviously structured in way that would benefit them as well.
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>Yoshito's Special Quest in the event paints him as an absolute nutjob calling the MC "God" among other cute things and coming to terms with his feelings for you while having an existential crisis about it
Oh Yoshito... you are the best Christmas gift I could ever ask for.
Merry Christmas everyone :)

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