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Week 7 of this 8-Week update.

Currently on Cyrus/EX H’aanit this week. Next week is Nina-Lanna/EX Tressa.

From there…it’s up in the air. Wait until 11/27 to find out what’s in store for us next.

Happy Thanksgiving!
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Two more weeks…
Thread wasn't up last night, but I beat Pardis EX3 in time for the limited task rubies. I'm glad it was his Scholarking form and not his Master of All form. An interesting thing about the Adversary Log version of this fight is that Pardis always gets his start-of-fight permabuffs from the three Edoras generals/champions, but they're extremely non-consequential. It was actually pretty easy with Warriors of the Continent (even when he shifts away sword weakness he's always weak to light) and Canary the tank. Trickiest bit was his physical/magical counter stance since my brain strayed late in the fight 'cause it was so boring and I messed up a couple turns, leading to Canary temporarily losing her dodge stacks. This snowballed into me failing to secure the kill on what should've been the final break, and if Pardis is left alive with red hp after coming out of break he will permabuff his phys atk and elem atk. Still wasn't enough to stop me though.
There's no new tasks and banners aren't fucking content, but now that I'm back to playing this game a bit, I think I'll break out some of my rainy day content.
>Week 7 of this 8-Week update.
Jesus, just when I thought they had run out of things to rerun. Fuck global and fuck SE, at least this shit is going to end one way or another.
Pardis was tough.

Today’s tasks were disappointing. Kinda wish you had to do something involving the Bestowers.

I guess there’s technically Lyblac to defeat so that’s something. And I’ll gladly take the 100 rubies.

In the meantime I’ll continue to harvest and see what comes two weeks for now. If I get bored, I’ll try for Nina-Lanna. Black Friday can’t come soon enough.
hi i come from Brave Exvius is this game good ?
Why even bother in creating another thread? Game is dead.
Fuck off, Yams
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Yes. Very good!
Yams ?
Sword of convallaria seems good too
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>When you’ve gotten every 5-Star to level 100, every Keeper to level 10, maxed out every 3-Star and 4-Star at U10 and have wiped out all the EX3 Adversaries…
So, how much until news?
Don't be silly, they're sure to announce Solistia in a couple weeks *ducks*
I dunno. I’m personally expecting news next week. At the same time I’d be both amused and extremely pissed off if they just dropped a character trailer for Throne and Pirro two weeks from now without any news or fanfare.
only good thing about eos is seeing the copekek roping
only reason i still come here from time to time
Seeing all the copekeks rope themselves will make this game's EOS hurt less, no one told them to be such whiny bitches about something that was obvious since the roadmap dropped.
Now there's a nostalgia bomb. Thanks anon.
Square Enix will surely leave this game alone after axing most of their global gacha games.
I think the funniest part of it all is that the guy who said EOS notice might have been delayed because of JP's anni might be right, meaning people got scammed by the producer video and they're just getting scammed again.
Props to whoever writes Isla's daily letters. It took until today, Day 845, for them to finally forget what they've written and rewrite basically the same thing as a previous letter.
Wait until you reach day 888.
Are they waiting for the SEA version to reach BoA8 or something?
Hmmm, did anybody make a compilation of the letters??
At this rate, who knows
We will get our answer after they’re done with Black Friday
Same except for all EX3 Adversaries
Some of which are exhausting by just looking at them
I’m glad I managed to beat all 4 thanks to that youtuber
Funny enough, the easiest was the witch unlike what others said.. if you survived the first 5 turns and managed to debuff her cunt to the minimum you are 100% safe
However hold your ass until December or so, by then we will most likely know if the game is dead or massive fucking content coming up
There is no content coming. You don't need to wait until december because we already know it's dead.
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One More Week!…
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A lucky pull.
Nina-Lanna (A4)
EX Tressa (Recycled)

Now I can go back to being bored again.
What will you do when there's nothing in a week? I think it's time to let it go bro
We'll just have to see what happens when that week comes.
O.Sazantos when?
You already get EX Sazantos. Why do you need another one?
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Because they need to complete the OCTOPATH. Only the first O champion remains.
Every time I see this dude's face, all I can hear is
>Rondo yo...
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So they released Crick. They surely took their time with him.
His gimmick would be the same as Pardis: a warrior stuck in another job, using swords attacks who exploit light and dark weaknesses. Dunno if we can see him as a cleric to complete the eight jobs since his enemy 'job' is 'Creator', but according to the lore, flameguards were allowed to bear Aelfric's rings in critical cases. I suppose that counts if we gonna stretch things at this point.

Orusazantosu the Flamebringer sounds weird btw.
>Even you might not need it, I've packed this letter with more Rubies than usual!
Bros, what does Isla know? Why is she implying there won't be a use for rubies soon?
OST Vol 2 in the west when?
Right, I'm always forgetting that. I hear a female voice and read a female name and think female, it's always thrown me off.
I’ll help you out a bit.

Feintz the Warrior (F)
Rique the Merchant (M)
Mellow the Thief (F)
Ushuk the Apothecary (M)
Kilns the Hunter (M)
Aviete the Cleric (F)
Isla the Scholar (M)
Estori the Dancer (F)
Yeah, knew the rest except the 2 not in EN. It's only ever Isla that trips me up. You got pics of the apothecary and dancer?
Finally got around to catching up on Part 2 of the epilogue, the 2 last birds and the two (rabbit) emberflame story chapters they added. I hope they release art of Flameguard Rondo one day, I love his new sprite.
Man, it's gonna be sad to see this game go. It's literally Octopath on your phone, there are no other HD2D mobage and I doubt we'll see another for many years. Even stuff like the art of the world map screen is so damn good, I love that hand-drawn look it has.
We'll reach the end of the current 8 week no content cycle global is in this Wednesday, but even if by some miracle Side Solistia is announced with a new roadmap, the damage is done. I can only imagine how many players they've bled in what has been essentially months of maintenance mode and before the road map, profits were already quite low for global; now they must be nearly non-existent. I've seen a lot of SE gacha die on the global side and it's usually do to a single major incident, like the Ace Striker scandal in Mobius, the paid gem cap debacle in Opera Omnia, or the account loss bug disaster in Reuniverse. Even if they weren't planning on killing it, they killed it.
Congratulations I guess.
did not expect that
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We get an End of Service…

…and a transfer to NetEase.

We live! But at what cost?
Guess that was the only other alternative but I'm out anyway. Good luck to anyone still wanting to play lol.
SEAbros we won so hard.
What exactly does this mean for us?
It means that you transfer to the new app, no clue how smoothly it'll go though.
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It means the Global is going to be run by NetEase come January. NetEase is the same company that runs the Chinese, Taiwan and SEA servers.

Basically what happens is this:
Come Wednesday we get a bullshit update. But we have the option to transfer our data from the Octopath (Square) App to the Octopath (NetEase) App.

Octopath (Square) will in fact go through an EOS come January 6th. But even when the game stops running, we'll have until May 2025 to transfer our data to Octopath (NetEase)...which will become available roughly around January 16th.

Once the new app releases, you will then have access to Side Solistia content. And if you transferred your data from the previous app, you'll have all your content.

Something else to keep in Mind.

There's a pretty good chance that Global and SEA are gonna undergo a merge. Given that they're both in English.

For those of you who don't know, SEA will be getting BOA7 and BOA8 in December. So after that...they'll pretty much end up where we are now come January.
Good luck to netease trying to salvage this shit after square drove away all the players.
I think the better question is whether Netease will bother salvaging it lol. What do you guys think?
>There's a Side Solistia in my EOS!
>There's an EOS in my Side Solistia!

Damn...I guess in the end it's a draw...since both things technically happened.
Well, people choosing to continue had better start praying that Netease isn't going to do the usual Netease things. I'm satisfied with them finally announcing EOS.
What NetEase things are you talking about?
They're infamous for P2W, abandoning games, ignoring hackers and so on. A concrete example in gacha would be the Harry Potter game where they did a double top up promotion for premium paid currency right before changing their battle passes so it could only be purchased with money. Long story short if you didn't like SQEX's management you probably don't want to continue or at least stay F2P.
Does that also mean we'll likely get all the bullshit censorship?
If you're talking about CN no, unless I missed something and SEA is censored too.
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Yay! My beloved apothecary is not a faraway dream!
time to play OT2 since we have around 1.5 month till new content
>transfer to Netease
That's a monkey paw situation. I remember they fired the Visions of Mana team after they released the game.
A lot of their execs just got fired recently too, but management of the other regions seems to be doing okay. Maybe you should just avoid spending if you're worried.
Will you still be able to do a data transfer to the NetEase CotC app if you haven't logged in to the S-E version since October of last year? Or will you need to download the S-E version and transfer the data from the S-E account onto your phone before you can pass it on to the NetEase version?
It should be the latter, because there's going to be another version update for this app.
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1. NetEase will never let a free step-up banner exist ever again
2. Free rubies will be even more limited
3. Since the playerbase is a fraction of what it was, they will jack up the prices for paid rubies and have packs with less in them for the "same" prices as before
4. Their release schedule will be full fomo-level speed for new characters so you have to paypig to even have a relevant team in SS when it comes out
5. Actual EoS in a year when this doesn't make them enough money
That's my worry, so I'm okay with not transferring over lmao.
Has there been any word of NetEase stealing your data from using their games?
I remember months ago an anon who predicted a merge of sort to other server, and everyone called him a naive retard myself included.
Whoever you are, I’m truly sorry
Isn't NetEase the guys they have running the TW version? I was literally going to yell in the chat of the next Tavern Talk (if they did one) that they should take this game away from SE's direct hands-on management and give it to the guys who run TW because those guys clearly know how to run the game.
Oh sweet baby Jesus, yes!
But is this a merge with TW (basically TW's current update version in January, but with English text), or is Global going to be doing its own thing, like with some lightning speed catchup?
NetEase runs the Chinese, Taiwan, South East Asia, and-in seven weeks-ours as well.
It's weird. If it was some new game ran by NetEase, I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. But everything I hear about TW doesn't sound like NetEase at all, it sounds actually good. Steady content pace, early QoL updates, reducing the pity on Sacred Blaze banners from 6000 rubies to 4500 so pulling on them is no longer the most painful thing in the gacha. It's like Bizarro NetEase, which gives me hope for the future despite SE doing everything they could to ruin global.
The catch is that banners are so quick that you can't save.
That's my concern as well.
Well, at least we got some months on global to save, but yeah, it's gonna really suck once those savings go bye bye. I'm about to hit 7k rubies, but I need 10.5k to guarantee Kaine+Tiziano.
Fuck this new captha
I really wonder how hard will they squeeze the players, the rapid pace of SEA banners was scary.
maybe the rapid pace was to catch up to EN h-haha.....
But now EN has to catch up to JP...
>New banners
Well, those are something. Also 10 more rubies for doing your dailies until EOS.
So how is this data transfer gonna work? It sounds like I can do it now, keep playing the SE version until it hits EoS, and when the new app launches I'll continue with everything just as it was on the last day I played. Or does it "snapshot" my progress at the time I do the data transfer, in which case I should wait until the last possible day.
It's neat that the new class banners include not just gen pool but also all sacred blaze, memory travelers and even memory champions of the appropriate class. The chances of me getting someone new is way too low though, best to save rubies for the big migration and the SS and future collab chars. God, it's so nice to be able to actually look forward to that stuff again.
Nevermind, answered my own question by reading the new stuff under "Transfer Data" on the title screen. Go ahead and generate your transfer codes now bros, make sure to note down both your transfer code and your password. Everything'll carry over, you can generate it now and keep playing until January 6th.
Also, look at these free goodies we're getting! I was hoping we'd get something for transferring our accounts over. As for the first time purchase bonus it means, I saw someone from SEA say the first time purchase bonus over there is a 5 star of our choice from the original CotC 8, 100 gold guidestones and some exp nuts.
Bait banners are bait.

I’m just wondering how the next six weeks are gonna function.
I thought somebody here told me once that completing Cecily's traveler story upgrades her ultimate, but I just did it and I don't seem to notice a difference.
Now that I'm finally motivated to play again, it's time to start picking away at these EX3 fights. Just managed to beat human Tytos. As always, it's the first 2 turns that determine the fight. He always uses a huge (3k+ to 4k+ damage) aoe on the first two turns. Out of my party of 8, only Canary (infinite dodge ftw), Alaune EX (behind Canary) and a critically injured Richard survived this onslaught. But it didn't matter, because then Tytos only used ST attacks nullified by Canary existing and I brought Simurgh as my divine beast, who revived everyone allowing me to settle in for a long but easy fight. I should note that Tytos eventually used his Brutal Sweep aoe again later in the fight, but at that point he was so debuffed and my party was so buffed, that it only did 800 to 1000 damage instead of 3k to 4k.
Man, I really don't wanna do the fights where I can't use my Warriors of the Continent team, I'll save them for last on this first page.
Ended up clearing all of page 1 of the Adversary Log. Auguste's two thugs are quite simple, just basic ST attacks and no annoying mechanics when you kill one of them, so just tank and spank. Human Auguste was even easier because he doesn't change his weakness in this form and wastes turns casting Fatal Sentence with a silly duration of 5 turns to break him. Siva and Zash, despite being joke bosses, required the most strategy. Even then, it's not too bad: simply remember to lower their hp evenly so you can kill them every close together, because if one is dead, the other will start a loop of buffing atk and crit then using an absolutely massive aoe nuke that oneshot half my party despite buffs and debuffs.

Francesca was annoying, I had to bench Elrica and Nephti for Tatty and Roland, the damage was so much less. Turn 1 was a bit scary because
she uses a huge 5 hit RT wind move (doesn't use it again I believe) which wipes all of Canary's dodge stacks and still one hit gets through to almost kill her, but it's doable. There's an aoe later on that does decent damage and debuffs your phys atk but by then the debuffs and buffs should keep you safe from this loon.
Human Herminia was the final one I did to finish page 1 and it was the worst. Got Elrica back on the team but had to bench Saz for Tatloch.
Herminia's aura attack is random each time, but never seemed too bad since it was just a buff or debuff. Killed Herminia first, her attendant has very little hp so it was just a matter of mopping up after. The only real danger is if both enemies use an aoe at the same time and are buffed by Herminia's random aura attack.
OT was one of my favorite games ever and I played CotC for a few months when it launched. I beat Master of All and then had to drop it once battles started taking 2 hours while I stared at my little phone. What's the state of the story? Last I checked there was the Bestower of All and it was years ago.
Bestower of All is finished on global. When glboal ends and is reborn (shifting management from SE to NetEase) in January, it should start Side Solistia, a new main plot on the OT2 continent.
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So there’s a new Thank You pic when you buy stuff.

Just thought I’d show it since nobody’s gonna buy at this point.

That extra 3000 rubies is a guarantee at this point.
Very cute messenger cat
Page 2 complete! It was shorter and easier than the first page.
The first boss, the Ring-Sealed Beast, was the absolute worst, because it's weaknesses were awful. Had to swap out Elrica, Saz, Signa and Richard for Tatloch, Bargello, Sonia and Roland. I can barely remember what it does it was so weak, I think it preps to target either one person or the whole party and then next turn uses an ST or aoe nuke but they were weak. Luckily, the rest of the bosses were weak to my usual Warriors of the Continent team. Mesara the Thief, M'suhi the Viper and Gimel the Brigand Leader are all the same: one boss with two low hp minions. This is a dangerous set up because the minions combined with the boss' attacks chew through Canary's dodge stacks and then tanking falls apart, so it's important to kill at least one minion asap. Then it becomes a cakewalk. Gimmel does have one noteworthy gimmick: with a pixel of health left, he resummoned his minions, which were a trivial threat but prolonged the fight. I have no idea what triggers this, so I'm guessing it's if he comes out of break with red health.

Cerro has only one notable attack, Crush Claw, which ignores evasion so it can actually hit Canary and do a ton of damage. I don't think it can kill though, because even those his stats increased going from EX1 to EX3, it always left Canary with exactly 406 hp. Gonzalez is a joke, ST physical attacks only and he's slow as molasses. Streibough at least has Megalomania playing so that fight was fun, but keep him debuffed because he has a lot of aoe spells. And watch out for his elemental counterstance! It can be deadly if you trigger it more than once.
One thing that should be noted for this page, is that besides the first and last boss on it, they only use physical attacks. So Fiore EX can sub in for Canary, and you only need to equip armor, not robes or vests.

I'm worried about Page 3. There's a lot more bosses, and they're many not weak to WotC.
Since it looks like they're never gonna update the elite frag exchange before EoS/transfer, I traded mine in. Bought the extra Cornelia and Levin seals and then a bunch of silver shards. Gonna hang onto the seals since I have the chars maxed already, I wonder if they'll break the game when I transfer over.
Working on page 3, I'll post the first 6 bosses for now (there's 23 and I have to do EX1-EX3, so 69 fights on this page alone!). Mysterious Assassin is nothing special, usual tank and spank makes short work. Gonska is a baby step up in difficulty. He switches weaknesses after break and has strong aoes (one of them robs 3 BP from front row, it's annoying). Krauser had surprisingly little hp, same as his minions. I think the best strategy is to kill one to unlock his sword weakness, and keep the other alive so that Krauser doesn't unleash his full power.

Human Pardis is pretty simple, but has the most annoying minions so far. They guard him, so make sure to kill them asap. He also changes weaknesses after break but is always weak to light, like a proper villain. Watch out for his SP sap, it's a bitch but it can be prevented and healed by anything that fixes status, like Nephti's HP nuts. His Scholarking form I already posted about back when we had a limited task to kill him. Master of All is the toughest EX3 yet, but still pretty easy except for one thing: Ultimate Barrier of the Absolute. It's a counter non-weakpoint stance he puts up at the end of the round he comes out of break (thankfully stops doing this at red hp when NPC Alaune starts the final phase), and he counters with every status effect plus tends to hit pretty hard in rounds he counters. Nepthi nuts are extremely useful here, but if you're lucky, NPC Alaune will cleanse all your ailments. Unfortunately, my Canary was forced to trigger this counter every turn, so it becomes a race to break him. Simurgh helps a lot as a panic button, as always.
Cleaving through more of page 3, I've actually finished with Tatloch but I'll only post the next 6 for now. Got a lot to say as the fights are getting more complex, so it might take more than one post.
Sazantos is a little annoying in that he switches between magical and physical counterstances every turn, but Canary can eat those counters up and they're not that damaging so long as you keep him debuffed. Had to bench my own Saz and bring Odio in his place to hit dark. Oh, and watch out for EX3: he starts with phys counter stance instead of magical, unlike EX1 and EX2 (maybe starting one is random?).
Delvecchio was a fight I hated in the story, and it's still annoying here. It's simply because he has SO many minions you need to kill first. His aura attack does no damage, only poison, so nuts to the rescue again.
Judah is a fucking cunt! His minions are by far the worst, they alternate between each other with a countdown, which isn't really much of a countdown because you only have ONE turn to break them or they permabuff all enemies including Judah, and remember: enemies do not have a buff cap. And each time you kill one, Judah locks a weakness for the rest of the fight (it's open during break) and gains permanent stat buffs., buffing all stats if both are dead. As for Judah himself, he has a 5-hit ST and 2-hit aoe along with an aoe silence and an aoe weakness inflicting spell. Oh, and he can gain a 2 turn immune to physical buff...after locking all weaknesses BUT physical. This fight is aids. I bit the bullet and killed the minions, then him, but it sucked that his dark weakness gets locked outside of break as my dps were Elrica and Odio.
I forgot about Oskha's annoying "I permanently remove one of my weaknesses after every break " gimmick, one of the most unforgiving When I had him down to 10% on EX1, he removed two weaknesses, leaving only dagger, making the last bit a slog. Had to make a custom team for this, focusing on daggers. His attacks are pretty harmless, though he can aoe drain all your BP which annoying. He also summons golems but I didn't notice it doing anything of note. EX2 with the dagger team was so painful, it made me want to quit. Took 62 turns. Slotted in Elrica, Nepthi (for buffs), and Tatloch (hits the non-dagger weaknesses) to make EX3 more doable.

Oskha's Ring Form is even worse. All of you waiting for 6* Kaine+Tiziano are smarter than me, this is the worst fight. He starts with even less weaknesses, deletes them one by one after break and when he has one left, he swaps it around. Plus, each turn another one of your skills gets sealed until you break him, so you need to break every 2 or 3 turns at most (Cosmic Boots makes you immune!). When I finally beat EX3, I ended up taking Eltrix off the bench for the first time outside of the towers. Her 4-hit shield crack, passive party buffs and dark nuke were actually useful. 59 turns and nearly an hour, but I never have to face him again.

The Foreign Emissaries were a breath of fresh air. Only gimmick to worry about is killing them close together, as the survivor will start behaving strangely at the end of the next turn and then revive the dead one with half hp on her next turn.
Who’s ready for Hunters and Clerics tomorrow?
I dumped 100 quartz on every banner so far and got jackshit, is it even worth it?
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breddy gud for the low, low price of 200 rubies
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Sometimes you just gotta get lucky. This is what I got for 100 rubies with the Cleric Banner.
Ophilia (Recycled)
Rinyuu (A3)
And as an added bonus from the Veteran’s Seal, Falcon (Completed).

Best part is, I make back those 100 rubies tomorrow because it’ll be my 800th day playing the game.
These banners have not been kind to me. Got Tytos on the warrior banner and Heathcote on the thief one. Both new so I can't even shard them for something useful.
I'm skipping all these banners. Thanks to the EX3 rubies, I just hit 9k and with the 1400 free transfer rubies mentioned here >>1621649, I'm on track to hit my goal of 10.5k to be able to pity Kaine+Tiziano when they come.
Other than those two banners, I'm not sure who else I should target. It would cost another 10.5k to pity Tatloch EX+Pardis, the next wombo combo after the 2 thieves. I should probably go for Gloria on the second BD collab because I hear she's the queen of making your team not die, and I like that. She'd be another 6k.
Since swords die off in Solistia, I also am considering branching out to another weapon type. Bows are way too expensive for me, so I might try spears with Partitio and Magnolia.
Oh right, I almost forgot about Castti, who's probably the next big meta pick. And Agnea, jeez, so many good characters on the way.
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Caved in and went for the Thieves’ Calling.

Got Nicola complete. Plus an extra 1000 shards. So…not a complete waste.
Finished up page 3 of the Adversary Log, gonna post more boss mechanics in case anyone else is trying the clear the EX3 fights. Probably gonna take 3 posts to cover the next 6 fights.

Captain Na'gu's easy: kill his minions first as he doesn't do anything special when they die. His aoe blind is annoying and all foes have follow-up attacks. The only thing to worry about is when he gets lower on health (below half?), he completely changes his weaknesses (weak to light so Saz/Elrica still stomps) and does a deadly triple aoe on his next turn, before calming down and going back to normal on the following turn.

Tatloch (human) and her ring form are probably my most dreaded fights on this page. Human one isn't TOO bad except for her charm. You need to kill Maafa and then the two mooks she summons asap (the latter have very little hp) to stop her from doing her triple wind aoe. It's definitely gonna go off at least once or twice, so make sure to debuff her matk when Maafa's broken. Saz' Sacred Blaze Shield helps a ton and makes it easy to tank this attack.

Her monstrous ring form was where I finally thought my conquest would end and I'd have to skip past. I think I only found 3 or 4 clears on the internet and they all used characters I didn't have. Then I saw a thread where someone was looking for advice with the story version of this fight and someone suggested to paralyze her. Turns out EX3 is just as vulnerable to paralysis and Therion managed to keep it stacked through the whole fight. My janky team was Canary+Alaune EX, Therion+Rinyuu, Roland+Solon and Nephti (with Cosmic Ring)+Tatloch. Solon was used for his 3-hit preempt every turn while Tatloch stacked her passives then sat in the back. Roland and Nephti were the damage dealers and EX3 came down to the wire because I failed to break her by 1 shield point at a pixel of health and she charmed everyone with her aura attack, leaving Nephti to clutch the win.
The Guardian of the Accursed Flame is an interesting boss. It'll summon a wisp that has a countdown of 4; I don't know what it does because I always killed it before it hit zero. The wisp has 90 shields and no weaknesses, but low hp and defenses so you can burst it down with nukes (I used a dagger comp for this boss). Then the Guardian will summon a much more annoying wisp that locks all of the Guardian's weaknesses, even when it's in break! The boss combos this by putting a 6 turn doom on the party, meaning you have to kill the second wisp and then break the boss in 6 turns or die. Then the boss summons both types of wisp at the same time! It's not as bad as it sounds, as the boss itself has some aoes but doesn't do much damage so just keep nuking the wisps and whittling down the boss. Even the boss' aura attack is survivable, but still hits hard.

Ceraphina was the easiest of the Bestowers by far. Her field effect is just random status effects and while she gets 2 actions per turn, she wastes one on a non-damaging move that debuffs your frontline, removes her own debuffs and buffs her own offenses. Her unique effect is Comatose, a worse sleep, that Cosmic Glove protects you from or you can just tank and dodge it with Canary because her main method of inflicting it is with a ST 2-hit random move. She uses an aoe that does this later in the fight, but just bring in the back row and keep breaking her, she has really low shields for a boss.

Black-Clad Shadow is the first Emberflame story boss and he's a joke with no mechanics. ST attacks only and weak to almost everything, just tank and spank.
Looks like I only needed two posts, I'll post the last batch from page 3 tomorrow.
I thought Lykaon was a joke too, with only aoe blind and aoe terror being a slight annoyance, but on the EX3 version he unleashed a devastating aoe forced row swap+can't switch+terror while buffing himself. It wasn't even his aura attack, he did that on the next turn and it's his summon attack when you call him in battle. Still made it through because he's weak to all the strongest elements.

Simurgh is an odd bird, pun intended. It has permanent shield regen and wastes its action setting up a countdown of 3 when leaving break. Pretty weak, the only challenging gimmick is that when it gets lower on hp, maybe below half, it takes on a weakpoint counterstance that does a light counter that lowers light res, making shield crackers like Canary shine even more. Oh wait, EX2 showed me a new trick: at low hp, Simurgh triggers its aura attack charge up while simultaneously giving itself steadfast shield, buffed offenses and too many shield points to crack it in one turn, so it's guaranteed to get off its aura attack. This aura attack is devastating, it did over 6k damage to my front row and killed them all except Canary of course. So bring the bird to fight the bird. Oh, and the steadfast shield let it get its countdown off, which heals 100k hp and buffs its defenses, not too bad. Regenning 2 shields per turn when the max you can shave is 4 is pretty rough, but if you can break it then it'll calm down and drop the steadfast shield but keep the permanent atk buff.

Yueto is a tough bunny. His charm is annoying, but the big thing to watch out for is when his "moon shines bright", or whatever the warning message says. This means next turn he will go first and use his summon attack, 8 random hits that gives him a big damage up buff for the rest of that turn only, and then later in the turn he will crush your front row with an aoe light nuke. It's one hit only, so Sazantos' front row elemental evade works wonders...so long as Saz is fast enough to get it off.
Something these boss refights has made me realize is that unlike most rpgs, almost all the boss fights are vs NPCs rather than monsters. In other settings, dragons and demons are common enough they end up as fodder enemies at endgame, but in Octopath they're treated as really rare and special, and most big fights are vs your fellow man.

Anyway, I thought Airy wouldn't be a threat because she's very old content, but you gotta watch out for her initial Zeta Flare. After buffs and debuffs it only tickles but at the start it's rough. She also has a crazy 11 or 12 hit random target move that inflicts poison, and an attack that sets one person's hp to 1 and inflicts poison, but regen is a staple of every team so it's no problem. She is immune to all non-weakness attacks and heals herself if you hit her with non-weakness, which Canary's chases unfortunately do. Later on she'll give herself permanent regen, but it's very small.
That was all based on EX1. On EX2, she completely changed her moveset, using non-damaging status moves to inflict aoe terror and fire res down, Brave to gain 2 actions on the following turn, and now Zeta Flare was her bread and butter instead of the 12-hit poison move. The stacking fire res down made this move hit much, much harder. EX3 seemed to be a mix of both.

Odio-S was pretty simple. Just a bunch of magic attacks, several aoe. He can give himself an elemental atk buff and dark damage amp, and based off of his playable kit, I assume Wave of Torment will OHKO someone after he buffs, but it's ST so Canary lols at it. Not sure what happens when he fills up his BP, I made sure to break him every 2 turns or so.

On to the final page! I thought for sure I'd have more trouble here, but I just reached the BoA6 boss and it's been pretty easy so far.
>Got Kilns again
A1 U10 in 2 multis and 7 singles, that's nuts.
Took a break from EX3 fights today and decided to tackle the one other bit of content I haven't cleared: the dragon gameboard on strength 10. Turns out it's way easier than EX3 fights, so my current A team stomped the shit out of it and got a nice accessory for Odio. It's so easy, I think I'm gonna farm it for an hour or two and rack up enough medals to clear out the wealth/power/fame exchanges for this month and next month.
Time to post the last few EX3 clears I did before hitting the wall of the arena champion refights, which'll take me a long time assuming I can even do them (Tikilen EX1 was a safe but long slog).

Lyblac's got proper final boss swagger, with her high damage and crippling debuffs. She even has a move that can completely restore her shield points, along with various buffs, double actions from the start and takes triple actions later on with a permanent speed buff. The first couple turns until she's debuffed are very dangerous, but she was harmless after that. When you get her to the red, NPC Sazantos carries you the rest of the way.

Fallen Mahrez is the first boss weak to hell weapons, but you don't need them. Just remember to never, ever attack the yellow wisp, only the purple one, and then his Null All buff will drop the following turn. Each wisp has 1 hp, so don't use random target or aoe moves until he gets low enough to dismiss the yellow wisp and perma-omnibuff his stats plus grants 3 actions per turn instead of 1. He stacks a lot of offensive buffs, including the recurring one that hell bosses/angry spirits get whenever they come out of break, so dodge tanking is preferred. His only truly annoying move is Swift Blade, a single aoe hit that forces a row swap on the front row, and I'm pretty sure it has priority so your turn will be wasted.

Fallen Elrica is pretty simple, though she can hit pretty hard. Around half hp she'll start locking her lightning and dark weaknesses outside of break. When she gets to the red, she'll perma-omnibuff, which, alongside her other offensive buffs, leads to the physical aoe she'll whip out doing around 4k damage even when she's fully debuffed, so that's rough but survivable with enough hp. Use bird if someone dies here, then finish her off.
Fallen Lebrandt is pretty simple, physical attacks only, just 2 things to watch out for. First, when he comes out of break, he always goes into a non-weakpoint counterstance which counters with a single hit that also drains 2 BP. Second, he can use a move that raises his shield points to 99. On the following turn, he'll start charging his aura attack, so there's no avoiding it, but don't worry. It hits both of your rows and is very strong on EX3, but my party all barely survived it. After doing his aura attack, he reduces his shields to 9 and does 100k damage to himself, after that he's easy to kill.

It doesn't list her weaknesses, which appear to be random, but Cursed Princess Elrica started off weak to spear/bow/fan/lightning/light for me. She shuffles them after break, next was axe/tome/ice/wind/light, and third were staff/fan/fire/lightning/light, so it looks like she's always weak to light. When she lost about a quarter health, she raised her shields to 99 and filled her BP gauge. The attack she unleashes next is elemental, aoe, and has so many hits I lost count. Then NPC Alaune lowers her shields to "only" 52 and the fight proceeds normally from there. One last thing to note is that when she gets lower on health, her attacks become much more damaging, especially the aoes. On EX3 I actually lost the fight for the first time in ages. It was very manageable with more buffed defenses, I used Saz' shield to cap active defense with Rinyuu and even added Tatloch's passive +15% defensive buff.
So. Just managed to confirm from someone that NetEase will no doibt take your data and hand it over to the Chinese Government on a silver platter. Any Chinese company is required to comply and hand over their customers’ information when asked by their CCP government.

Thing is Square already has your data just by playing this game so NetEase swooping in and taking over control of our server when the game is about to EOS suddenly makes a hell of a lot more sense.

Which brings me to two questions.
1) What the hell does a foreign government want with our data?
2) Is it worth continuing this game if you have to turn over personal information to China?
That would require explaing global level finances and politics, which nobody is going to do.
I'm not going to, and I imagine there's a lot of others who won't either.
> I'm not going to, and I imagine there's a lot of others who won't either

You’re one of the brave and smart ones. That level of Sacrifice is gonna be tough for most people.
I was never going to go for SS but Netease and being F2P just made that easier.
Lemme rephrase then. How fucked am I if my data goes to China?
Chances are they already have it through some other means.
What is this? An octopath traveler gacha?
Ye. More info at reddit.
I have an internet connection, so China already has my data. Not to mention playing other Chinese games, using Bluestacks a few times, etc.
>Do a single roll in the scholars rate up
>Do a single roll in the dancers rate up
Lucky. I dumped everything on dagger for my last chance at Canary and got nothing.
That's actually insane, congrats
Damn bro, sorry to hear. Real duality of luck between you two. There are some good sacred blaze characters coming in SS like Huge Jeb, maybe you can pity Canary there. Hopefully NetEase lowers global's sacred blaze pity to 4500 like they did with Taiwan.
This is as far as I go I think, gotta wait for the next round of gear before I attempt the arena niggers.
Nicely done, I only have the arena champs and Adventurer left too. Finally finished with Tikilen and Glossom EX1 was easy so I'll try to get him done before Christmas.
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I only have Hammy left who I don't particular feel like attempting.
Hammy's refights are such bitch
U better keep an eye on those fleeting "Texts" when she does her attacks because there is one that will rape your team if you did not pay attention because you were busy shaving 70 shields
Huh? interesting
Speaking of which, they never made a Blak Friday sales or any other sales since the latest BD rerun
and most lily they will never make any deals for Christmas outside of the exclusive EXs which nobody gave a fuck
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Wake up, bitches
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So they basically combined all servers into one umbrella, except for JP of course. Here is your roadmap that you asked for since August.
Regarding the 6 stars shit, do you think they will be crazy enough to release all available 6 upgrades right away?
>That amount of speed-up
I mean we have been on a standstill since June or something, might as well make it up
Not for me because I'm not continuing, this just looks excessive.
And new chapters monthly? Awesome! Weird that the first collab in the new version is gonna be an Octopath rerun but whatever, maybe I'll get Streibough if they offer another free 10 pull.
Unlike global, SEA haven't seen the LAL collab.
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Merry Chromroodmas! Got my girl, Aedelgard to A4 gift wrapped for me.

Any artists here? I’d like to request a sexy Aedelgard clad in only ribbons. Gift wrapped for the holidays! Maybe have her wear the Chromroodian Necklace as a bonus.
Congrats, Merry Christmas to you and all the octobros here!
I found this nice summary of all the new stuff in Solistia that doesn't spoil the story, consider it a Christmas present to the thread:
I wish I can do this request for you, sadly my skill level is armature at best. Because this is a niche game, I doubt you will find any art.. maybe the Japanese player base but I think they are too busy grinding their asses off.
Thanks for the link, bro
Merry Christmas for both of you
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They announced more shit to the EN
> Paid rubies at are 30% lower than before
> Improved Image Quality
> QoL improvements
> 60 FPS Support!
Imagine how many people would've stuck around and spent something if they'd done this months ago on our client.
It really makes me wonder how negotiations went and when they began it.
I have a feeling it all started right when they announced the China server
>hey, how about you take EN with you? We can barely keep an eye on JP server
Probably, which is why it's baffling that they took so long to negotiate it.
I am literally facing the final boss - after the massive acid trip - and the game asks me to form 3 teams
How the fuck can I do that? I never done this shit ever
I heard it was kinda the opposite. NetEase wanted full control over the server while Square wanted to have the final say on everything.

Negotiations were ROUGH.

By the way, I heard that we’ll be getting EX Levina as a CN/GL exclusive.
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See the arrows to the right and left of the team? Click on those and you’ll be able to form another team.

Also if your different team has the same characters in them, they’ll be revived with 1 HP.
Wow, I wonder what would have happened then.
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I think that what happed was that they didn’t want China encroaching on their stuff anymore than they already had. But at the same time they had to go through with massive layoffs due to the lack of profits from several “woke” games they made.

So in the end, it was either give NetEase the Global server or let it shrivel up and die.
Probably, it's a hard pill to swallow when you have to give up something like this but the Octopath IP would have been ruined if they didn't (And it remains to be seen if Netease will ruin it).
Thing is, JP still makes all the content. All the sprite work and gameplay is made by Square, so NetEase would still be beholden to JP in that regard. Plus it takes about three months to make sprites for a new character so any “exclusives” would have to be planned out far in advance..
Ah. Well, I guess only time will tell if the game stays good but as it stands I have no interest in continuing past this arc.
Based based based
Yeah, it's a shame they didn't/couldn't announce it earlier. I bet they lost at least half their EN players during the dark times.
>Decide to try finishing the final boss for real
>Make a weapon
>Keep rolling SP reduction instead of damage cap
Man, I forgot why I basically stopped playing but this was definitely one of the reasons.
>SP reduction is "A" rank hence rare
>No rank for the Damage cap
>spent 15 fucking ashes until I got the cap increase
Load of fuck
If you have Rinnyu + Cannary or Tatloch I say go for it, this boss(es) is such bullshit I would rather prefer fast shield shaving over damage cap
Soul Weapon mechanic is cancer. That much we can agree.
https://imgur.com/a/T4mwQJG Here's my list of characters, Signa and Kilns are both U10.

I wonder how many players took this long period of silence to ponder if they want to continue in the first place.
Your roaster is fantastic, my main suggesting:
>Rinnyu to chant healing
>Put a unit with a dodge mechanic such Tressa EX or Hannit EX in front of her
>Why? The motherfcukers took a page from the EX5 Cleric which is fucking up with your rows
>Mix up the attack types as much as you can for example: Tatloch to have Maa'fa + fan attack + wind attack because they swap weaknesses after every break
The rest is up to you
Thanks, I heard about how nasty row swapping gets so I'll probably stick H'aanit EX in front of Rinyuu. It's quite a surprise that my roster is this good in spite of being F2P and having to pity Odio-O and Signa, but I had some weird luck with some characters such as Nephti. Two more sub-bosses to go so it's probably not that hard to get to the boss.
Day 1 bros, we finally made it to day 888! Gave me 88 rubies. Just in time, too, given stuff in the mailbox is pretty much the only thing that won't transfer to the new app, so claim them now! All those letters will be lost, like tears in rain.
The one day I was looking forward to and they fumbled it again.


At least there’s NetEase to fix that shit.
Started playing this shit recently. All of my special tasks end at 6th of January. Will they refresh or will I lose my veteran sacred seal because there's no way I can beat 90% of the game's story in just 2 weeks? I'm at the level 65 main quest and shit's starting to get really fucking rough
They won't, this is only for the SQEX app and it'll be closing on the 6th. I believe you do get a vet seal when you transfer over to Netease though.
oh wow that's so fucking bullshit
Guess I'm gonna miss out on the free 5 star for beating bestower of all chapter 5 then. I only have shit units because I am hoarding 30 veteran seals + 4500 rubies for the server transfer because I was promised better pulls
>30 Veteran Seals
I don't think there's going to be a new gen pool for quite a while and scoring a Prim EX/Ogen/H'aanit EX to name a few would help you a lot.
Wait, so I should burn all those seals now? Not like it even matters, I'll just get 10 more Jose again
Veteran Seals always give a 5* bro, I guess you must be talking about the normal ones. Can't hurt anyway if it lets you get a vet seal.
Oh yeah I meant the shitty normal sacred seals. There's no way that I would have gotten 30 of that shit in this economy
Still, it's fucking impossible to even beat that quest for the veteran seal in just 5 days. Shit has recommended level 90 on the wiki and I'm getting softlocked by level 60+ quests
These special tasks are way too fucking bullshit and it wouldn't surprise me if they cause newer players to uninstall the game early
While I get you, this was mostly a parting gift from SQEX for its older players who bothered sticking with them. At least you'll be getting a lot of rewards for transferring that you wouldn't have gotten if you started on the Netease app.
Emulator status?
Did they finally lift the antiemulator feature in both JP and Global versions?
Yep! Thank goodness too because I wouldn't have bothered finishing the final boss otherwise.
Lazy retard here, how easy it is to create a bluestacks bot that does a 0.1x multiplier gameboard over and over?
Crap. I don't think I'll be able to beat Oska, Tatloch, or Cerafina before the 6th. I know it's my fault for not starting back up when I lost access back in October 2022, but it still hurts that I'm ultimately a failure of a Chosen One.
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Why the rush?
Bro, the SQEX app is EOSing and he won't get the seal.
If you look up you might be able to see the joke.
Which sexy hag should I spark?
Which ones are you missing?
Because even with the data transfer, all my progress and the stuff I already got will be wiped, losing out on the Nier characters I rolled.
And why do they lie with this splash screen? My own pace was obviously too slow for them.
What are you talking about? If you got them in the Square app, you’ll keep it when the NetEase app comes out.
Wait, what? Even the Serenoa Seal I got?
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You will keep literally everything in the whole game except for items that have a listed expiry date, such as job tower currency for the current run of towers, or pity frags you got from pulling on banners (minus the paid-only memory traveler frags that carry over between banners of course).
You'll also lose anything unclaimed in your mail but other than that, you keep it all.
As long as you generate that transfer code and keep it and your password safe, which you can do right now by pressing the Transfer Data button on the title screen, when you install the new app you should be able to continue right where you left off like nothing happened.
Oh, thank goodness. I just got that done, so I won't get a repeat of what happened with the other gacha game I did a data transfer for.
It was Kingdom Hearts UX
Not sure if we have all of January 6th before the SE app stops service, or if it's at daily reset on the 6th, meaning we only have until the end of the 5th.
Either way, anyone who hasn't generated a transfer code and copied it down along with password, their user ID and band name, better do it right now, don't wait!
>TFW you finally beat the final boss

I'm quitting because Netease will only fuck me over.
Later bro, hope you had fun. Beating the final boss is pretty good timing.
It's hard to say if it was fun overall because I enjoyed the original Master chapters and most of the boss fights were enjoyable, but there was a lot of bullshit with the later parts of the story that I disliked too and the grind simply got too much. Still, it was a good run and I managed to beat the final boss.
I feel confident in taking on the sazantos now that i was lucky enough to pull some the top teirs. Here's the team i'm thinking taking him on with.
Primrose EX/Signa
Is this team good? Should i switch out some guys? Or change the formation?
That looks good, and make sure you put someone who has dodge in front of Rinyuu (Canary would be great for that). My final team was:
A1 Sazantos/A1 Tatloch
A1 Elrica/U10 Signa
A1 U10 Kilns/Alaune EX
A4 Nephti/Rinyuu
I could probably have aligned them better but it worked out, just make sure you pay attention to texts that say that the enemy's about to do something and buff/debuff to the max.
Hello there, sorry for the very late reply was busy. Is there any skills you recommend the characters have?
Just the usual ones you use and make sure to cover as many weaknesses as possible since he switches up. I like Signa's countdown too and you might be able to make good use of it if you can get it to go off when he's broken and right, watch out for him negating your buffs and his debuffs.
Alright thanks, also i've between brilliant or hallow weapons which should i give to Nephti and H'aanit? I know Sazantos and Cyrus are going to be my heavy hitters so i already give them brilliant weapons but i can't decide for those two.
Probably Nephti, she can cover three weaknesses though mine was A4 and equipped with her own accessory.
My Nephti is at A3 so no exclusive item. So i'll give Nephti a brilliant axe and give H'aanit arcane fan?
That should work.
Thank you for your time i really appreciate it. I will let you know how it goes later today.
You're welcome and godspeed.
I'm at the end of boa6 and don't have the motivation to bother pushing to the end to hear the rest of the story, so I'm just going to watch the cutscenes instead. They're not always the easiest to find though so I figured I'd share a channel I found that has all the main story bits from moa to the end.
I'm back and i'm proud to say i finally beat the Bestower of all! It toke awhile but i accomplished it. Man was that tough, Sazantos himself wasn't too bad up until the end where i had a brain fart and forgot that Nephti also hit's staff. Which lead to me not using her as much which also lead to me being almost party wiped but fortunately thanks to Canary and H'aanit EX i was able to secure a victory. Orsazantos wasn't too much trouble either, up until they depleted all of my SP. Thankfully though when they did they're HP was almost gone. But The bestower of all was a fucking nightmare, Things were going smoothly(relatively speaking as he was still kicking my ass even during the earlier phases of the fight) up until the final Phase where i had no way to completely get around his counterattack. Canary only had attacking skills and she was placed in front of Rinyuu, not to mention the fact that for some reason every time he used his 5-hit fire attack it stayed on one person until they died or ended with low HP. To which he would then proceed to follow up with a party wide attack, so i ended up dying 4 times to him. But i did it and now it's over.
Thank you!
Did you enjoy the final phase? That piece was honestly one of the things that inspired me to finish the fight and being able to do it with Sazantos was kino. I'm fine with leaving the game now because that experience will never be surpassed.
I absolutely enjoyed the final Phase. Sadly though i wasn't able to get Sazan to land the final strike, Cyrus stole that kill. But hey, all's well that ends well. Plus, if you believe in multiverse theory then there's an alternate world in which i managed to get Sazantos to land the final blow.
I actually wanted to do this with Rondo for lore reasons, but Sazantos spooking me on Isla's banner after the pain of getting him before led to me changing my mind.
Oh really? That's quite the stroke of luck. Also i should state that while i wasn't able to get Sazantos finish off BoA i did mange to get him to defeat his saint self and Orsazantos. That's 2 out of 3. So all's well that ends well.
I've had the weirdest stroke of luck from getting 2 Nephtis on Signa's banner to getting A1U10 Kilns in 17 singles, along with A1 Tatloch in two separate multis (One during her original debut, another on the Dancer banner). Letting go of my account was pretty hard but it's even harder for me to play a grindy game if I don't care about the story, so it was ultimately easier to let go in the end.
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It’s been a good run. As my first and only Mobile Gacha, it feels kinda strange having to say goodbye to my friends that I’ve adventured with for over two years.

Stranger still, knowing that they’ll rise once again in 10 days like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

The last thing I did was to go through Viola’s story to remind me who she was…my first traveler.

Good times were had.
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I'm just happy to have finished the story. The game's done for me because I don't need anything more out of it; sure, it'd have been nice to have pulled for Pardis III but his story is over too. Hope you enjoy yourself out there.
That is completely understandable, However Hikari and Agnea are my two favorite characters from OT2, and at the very least i want to get them before i decide it's time for me to log out permanently from this game. So i'm gonna stick around a little while longer.
May the Sacred Flame bless your pulls then. I originally considered going for Temenos but what's the point if I'm quitting?
Farewell to you two. And thanks for traveling with us!
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That other guy's considering it, I've said my farewells and will drop by from time to time to see how it's going.
>will drop by from time to time to see how it's going.
Cool, See ya around!
Same! They have to do Richard and Cyrus EX someday and I want to see it, Solon and Temenos EX would be nice too. As far as female characters go Elrica EX was great, I just didn't expect Halloween-ish characters to be the fourth anniversary characters.
Congrats dude, it's probably my favourite final boss fight ever and I've been playing jrpgs since the NES days.
>The opening theme starting up slowly and changing into a theme of triumph
Absolute fucking kino, it's too bad that most people will never play this because it's a gacha.
All of them. Only 5 stars that I got are Viola, Lynette, Therese and Lionel
Feels weird to not log in every 10/12 hours to collect the cait rewards.
So....I had to start over back in like Nov. So what now? We wait for new app to drop, plug in our info and go?

Why can't we do this with..EVERY GAME?
Just let someone deal with running it if SE doesn't want to?!
That someone already had the infrastructure and experience, this game would have been doomed for sure if SQEX didn't have a prior setup with Netease.
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What power did you all end at?
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Finished the story right on time, i will continue the remaining 2 epilogues once they restore the new apps.
Few questions plot wise:
1- did they seriously let Tatloch fuck off and get away with it? I know they had an agreement and all but still. Also the fact they did it off screen without a farewell with Baragello pisses me off.
2- that little shit Miza.That’s it? She never returned as a demon like what I was expecting given her fucked up situation. The last time we ever saw her was in jan 2023 when she left and stomped on a flower
>spoiler 1
Yeah, and if you ever get her for yourself, don't read her character story/traveler memoir. It's a disgusting mess of whitewashing. Do actually press the button to read it to get the rubies, but you're better off just skipping and not paying any heed to it.
>spoiler 2
Yeah, we never got back to her and it drives me a bit crazy to this day.
Number 1 is dumb, yeah. I still think she should have died in her chapter instead using her to prove Alaune's point of "even unapologetic piece of shites can be good people". I don't even remember her role in the last arc. Was she really necessary to the plot to advance?
Number 2, given her journal in hell, I think she kinda died satisfied due to her indirectly killing that trash priest she called father.
The idea was that she could smell death, so they needed her to find more portals to hell, and eventually the gate of finis.
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Eight days until Side Solistia.
For the first yes it was kinda stupid but you can guess the implications given how the the hell arc went: when that mob rioted for her ass, fucking demons spawned in and they demonstrated that whoever dies will transform into one of them. I guess right then and there they figured if they killed her she would transform into Lucifer or something so you better let het live. Also Rondo suggested her release if she cooperated as a navigator in hell. Top it all off she is the queen of Africa, it was a political mess.
For the second you can tell the writers felt they are on a thin ice with her story so they let the players assume she committed suicide by snow or something. Her story in Sazanto’s vision kinda hit me a little because she had a healthy relationship with her adopted dad in there
Hell yeah
I don’t know if i can beat OT2 before then
To add to the first [/spoiler]it heavily implies that months -if not a year- have passed since Sazanto did that memory erase thing and when your character came to, so you can rationalize that alot of negotiations took place
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Seven days until Side Solistia.
If you guys don’t know by now then I should probably tell you. While weekly updates will still likely fall on Mondays like before, System/Banner updates will now fall on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays.

Also for those who haven’t read about it yet:
>Those who transfer BEFORE Monday 1/13 will be able to play on the 16th when it comes out.
>Those who transfer ON or after the 13th won’t be able to play use that transferred data until NEXT Thursday (1/23). You can still play Octopath (NetEase) but you’ll be starting from scratch instead of using the data from Octopath (Square).
>Anytime afterwards, when you transfer from Octopath (Square), you’ll have access to that data on that Thursday when the game updates (doing it on a Thursday means you have to wait until NEXT Thursday though).
>You have until 4/25 12am EST to transfer your data from Octopath (Square) to Octopath (NetEase). If you don’t, the old data will be kaput and you will have to start Octopath (NetEase) with a blank slate.
Hell yeah, one more week! I know we waited for months, but this last bit of waiting seems so much longer.
>System/Banner updates will now fall on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays.
Very good to know, thanks bro!
Glad I generated my transfer code last month, that's what you mean by "transfer", right?
I'm checking the play store every day for the new app, I wonder if it'll actually be out on the 15th here due to timezones.
It’ll be out on Thursday 1/16 at 8:00 UTC. Which translates to 3AM EST.

That’s my time zone. I would check what yours is and compare it to UTC.
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Six days until Side Solistia.
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Five days ago until Side Solistia.
Thanks. I'm one hour off fro EST so it's about the same. Probably won't stay up that late, so guess I'll be continuing my travels on the morning of the 16th.
This lil guy any good? I hear he's a free 5 star kinda like Elvis
To be honest not really.

Saul’s the main character of The Ringbearer Chosen and perhaps all of Side Solistia. On his first own he can only use sword attacks. He does have a revive skill and a Latent Power that powers him up at night.

Sail’s major gimmick is he powers up as you progress through the story. You’ll gradually be able to raise his Ultimate Level, give him Awakening Stones and eventually Overclass him (he starts as a 3/5-Star but you can make him a 5-Star right away).

He even has exclusive accessories that allow him to exploit weaknesses.
Ch 1. - Dark
Ch 2. - Thunder
Ch. 3 - Fire
Ch. 4 - Ice
Ch. 5 - Staff/Tome
Ch. 6 - Wind
Ch. 7 - Light
Ch. 8 - Axe/????
The only time they'll make a free 5 star good is if they are for tanking and not for damage.
Thanks. That doesn't sound good, but it does sound kinda neat. I like that kind of progress, you get to see the hero actually grow.
Gotta love my boy Serenoa.
It’s a nice little touch. I’m sure Saul will be able to hold his own at the very end of Side Solistia. Thing is we’ve got Part 6 coming up sometime after January (this month is Ringbearer Chosen 8 and an epilogue will follow…let’s see what the JP roadmap offers). I’m guessing Part 6’ll pop up in April during JP’s 4.5th anniversary.

And you have several factors in leveling Sail:
Class: 6-Star (you can get him from 3/5-Star to 5-Star easily and immediately but you’ll have to wait until Chapter 7 to Overclass him)
Awakenings - 5 stones. Four for Awakenings, and a 5th to use his Ultimate Twice
Ultimates - Later goes up to Level 20
Weaknesses - He only hits Sword, but can exploit all the elemental weaknesses plus Staff and Tome. That just leaves Spear, Dagger, Axe, Bow and Fan
???? - New Level Up Mechanics? Definitely on the Horizon
Final goodbye from the Tavern Talk crew and then a producer video about what's next. Them using the phrase "for many years to come" sounds promising. I don't think anything new is really revealed here, we already knew we're getting Solistia, overclass and 60 fps right away.
I'm interested what they mean by "they [Netease] have also implemented new features and contents that aren't even included in the Japanese version yet." They say that everyone will get some of those new features and content soon.
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Four days until Side Solistia.
hope they buff my nigga ochette, I've heard she's kind of ass in JP
Really? I've heard she's great, though come to think of it, that was like six months ago or more.
She got buffed in TW. She’ll probably get buffed here.
She's an extra 15% passive bow down for if you don't have zaanta's a4 and that's about it. Great she is not.
Three days until Side Solistia
Well I heard she kicks ass the moment Hujib -Scared Blaze Banner - joins in
Ooh, these are the new cards? Neato
Yep. These are the cards that appear when you pull on Solistian Travelers.
Wonder of JP will release the 8th chapter alongside Side Solistia release
Good question. Hoping for a new character at least. They have some sort of Octoradio thing on Wednesday.
The answer for is yes. Ringbearer Chosen 8 in JP is releasing when we get Ringbearer Chosen 1.
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Two days until Side Solistia.
(And Chapter 8 of The Ringbearer Chosen as well)
Geez Southerntoss. How you are allowed to have 4 units?
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you…

Our new Roadmap!

We be SEA now.

Also, the next banners are Partitio and Isla.

150 Fragments to spark them. Partitio is part of the Memoirs of Solistia banner. Isla is still a Traveler of Memory.

Isla, Lynette, Theo and Millard get Class Breakthrough (6-Star).
All 3-Stars, All 4-Stars, Isla, Fiore, Gilderoy, Viola, Theo, Scarecrow, Millard, Sofia and Lynette get Blessings of Light (TP).
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Let's try this again...Had to shrink the damn picture to post it.
Also something noteworthy.

SEA has not released the following travelers:
>Isla (he releases tomorrow)
>O. Odio
>S. Odio

Which means that when they come out, you'll be able to pull them as 6-Stars right off the bat for the "first" time. Especially noteworthy for the Live A Live collab in Februry since it means there's a good chance we'll get an Oersted Freebie...AGAIN!
One more thing:
The Star Incense Burner is an idle item retrieval system. You can use it to get lots of cool shit over time. Most importantly, you'll need it to get the seals you need to give your Travelers a Class Breakthrough and bring them to 6-Star. Try to get this BEFORE you attempt to tackle Side Solistia, because the hours that tick by MATTER.
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The Evil Cunny ToT is real
Hell yeah. Hoping for BoA Sazantos sometime this year then.
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I’ll do you one better. You can have them both right now.

The last who Champions of Memory are:
The Black Knight (Sazantos) and the Black Maiden (Signa). This means we have a total of NINE Champions of Memory.

Not only that, but Signa is also without her EX form.
I found this video to be useful in planning my pulls. Particularly the last part that starts at 23:30, where he goes over what he thinks is the strongest all-around team in JP right now. I knew I wanted Tiziano and Kaine, but it looks like I've got six characters on my radar now: those two,k Pardis, Mydia, Shana and Alrond.
He goes on to flip through JP's Adversary Log and show how this team can beat all the EX3 fights including ones we don't even have yet like the final boss fight of BoA, in 6 turns or less.
Note that this team can't be everything in the game, specifically the lv120 Solistia NPCs which often require very specific setups/characters and many consider to be whale content. But everything else gets its shit stomped by this team.
Loving that 6* passive on Mabel, hope we get overclass for the low rarities soon.
Things could change once we get more buffs, but for now, this seems like a solid team to shoot for.
Neato. I was considering going for Partitio to branch into spears, but given what I just said above, I think I'll be skipping. The buffs to Isla make elemental comps much more viable but I still don't see them being worth over using stuff like Kaine and Pardis, both of whom I like more as characters than most mages in this game.
Early 6* on the Odios would be huge. I know their 6* stuff was kinda mediocre because Odio was already a big deal at 5*, but didn't JP have to wait for like six months to a year to get 6* warriors besides Ringabel?
Fuck yes, thanks! I know Pardis just broke the game over his knee then decapitated it, putting out DPS similar to if Kaine had doublecast (she already broke the game and without actually having doublecast), but Saz better be broken as fuck even in comparison to the Scholarking. Should be the most hyped addition since Elrica.
Pretty sure all the 3-Stars and 4-Stars are gonna have a class breakthrough to at least 5-Stars off the bat. Other than that, I’m in no rush.
So picture this. I got my boy Isla at Awakening 3. Once the pack comes out tomorrow I can get him to Awakening 4. Is it worth pulling on him to Overclass and get his Ultimate Level 10? Or am I better off manually overclassing Isla and saving my rubies?
Just watched their previews, they seem appropriately busted and pair excellently with each other. Sazantos powers up himself and teammates by killing them, but he revives everyone in both rows at the end of every turn, so you're undefeatable so long as Saz doesn't die. He also hits all weaknesses and can triplecast, a first in JP (global had triplecast all the way back with Nephti's release lmao). He gets potency up like Pardis and tons of damage cap up as well.
Signa starts the battle automatically putting auto-revive and Fatal Sentence (Sazantos is immune to Fatal Sentence), gets buffed when allies die, makes allies hit all weaknesses so with Saz and her you don't even need to look at weaknesses any more, can re-apply auto-revive and buffs, does good dark damage, gets latent power like an OT2 protag and can refresh her cooldown on it, and is the first traveler to increase the debuff cap to 50%.
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It's good that you listed the stuff SEA doesn't have yet, because I just saw this interesting notice about the launch of the new app tomorrow.
It looks like all the NetEase versions will eventually be synced, but until they do, content that is in some versions but not all of them will be locked (don't worry, your progress will be maintained) until the stuff has released everywhere. So for example, it looks like Live A Live hunts will be inaccessible until the Live A Live rerun (first run for SEA) comes out next month on Feb 13, but you won't have to reclear them if you already cleared them on the old global SE app.
I'm kinda nervous i remember getting my transfer codes way back the when the news came out ( i even have the screenshots on my phone) but i can't remember if i had did twice. I guess i'll find out tomorrow.
The app is in the store!
>not enough room on my phone
Fuck! I need to keep the old app on here until I know my transfer worked. Anyone know how the new app will link your account and keep it backed up? Old one used SE Bridge, no way they use that for this one.
Which emus work for the jp ver?
Was able to get another password for my transfer id after I fucked the first attempt up by logging into my google account after transferring. Thank god I had the old app still installed.
Kek the translation quality drop is immediately obvious. Should've just EoS'd, this shit is barely readable.
I see now why netease is confident they can make money where square failed. Just don't pay for any quality at all.
That's the neat part, you can't.

Ohnono hopekeks?
Yeah the cait dancer switches between two names. Makes me think of how good we had it with Square Enix in terms of translation quality.
People getting paid for using google translate.
Wow they didn't even try to translate this properly
As expected, i'm currently having trouble getting in.
You can tell the SE team translated stuff to certain point before Netease team took over.
>The new influences names in the gacha screen and the names in the SS tutorial screen
>Esther and Estelle
>Joy and Joey
>Brightlands and...Brolando
Goodness. What the hell? Can somebody confirm if at least the chinese translation is on the mark or close to it? Because I'm suspecting they are translating the game for the SEA people, with barely or zero effort to spare for the global ver.

And that typefont for the tutorial screens and battle text is cancer, seriously. While I'm biased towards Netease, one can only hope they will address those problems in future updates.
Okay i managed to get myself in. Alright i can continue where i left off.
>we got the 99 gameboard ticket QoL
Finally! Fuck. Auto battle sounds like a godsend too, considering the game just got a lot more grindy. And I'm really glad I don't have to do all 10 stages of each job tower any more.
Reminder that the new daily reset is 15 minutes from now instead of 12 hours from now, that'll trip some people up I imagine.
uhh you can get in? it told me to comeback next week....
Depends when you did your transfer. If you generated a transfer code before Jan 13, you can start now. If you generated your transfer code today, you gotta wait until Jan 23.
what the shit where is my free veteran sacred seal and 600 rubies 80 shit seals????
Don't tell me that all I've gotten was 6000 fucking awakening shards
If you check the ingame news, you can see the 600 rubies (split into 3 presents of 200), the veteran seal and the 6k shards are all part of the 7 day login bonus. As for seals, the image was pretty misleading because it's not just seals: it looks like they're including the 20 free daily single pulls in that too. There's 30 regular seals in the login bonus, I'm not sure where the 30 other pulls are from.
Protip: there's a new Activity button on the menu. Hit it, go to Fund and then hit claim all. If you've done all of Orsterra, you get like 1400 extra free rubies.
It's that thing that some games have like Nikke where you can pay money to get gems based on clearing the main story, except this game also has free ones in addition to the paid ones.
Between that and the login rubies and transfer bonus rubies, I got more than a couple thousand today for doing nothing. There's also more in the new Ring of Dual Fates menu, but nearly as much as Activity gives.
Looks like we got the SEA buffs, but not the CN buffs.
So, are f2pfag step ups gone? I'll uninstall if so
Those have been far and few between on global for a long time, not counting the job ones during the dead months. Dunno if we'll get more in the future, time will tell.
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You forgot Gil and Kiel.

They just didn’t care.
>Can somebody confirm if at least the chinese translation is on the mark or close to it?
I heard someone saying the Chinese version is somehow even worse, make of that what you will.
There are too many problems with the English translation to list, but I think the one that bothers me the most is the new Glory Influence being Approve.
>While I'm biased towards Netease, one can only hope they will address those problems in future updates.
The overwhelming vocal majority is shitting on the translation, so hopefully they get slammed with feedback and do something about it. Then again, they're cheap bastards so who knows?
This didn't get EOL'd yet?
I did the survey for no other reason than to tell them their translation sucked directly.
I transferred my account, but I've been dragging my feet on beating the final Osterra boss. Should I put that on hold and start on Solistia right away, or will I still be able to get all the login bonuses and other goodies if I save Solistia for later?
It depends, what units you got?
Nope, it got reborn like an ESL phoenix and the devs say they want to keep going for many more years.
Good, I'm gonna do the same.
enough to beat Sazantos once I put the effort in, probably (Odio-O, playable Sazantos, just pulled dancer H'aanit, etc)
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Fucking kek, proof that they didn't even use a proper translator app, they were just running the lines through a chatbot line by line. That's also likely why each new line of dialogue starts with a capital letter even if it's in the middle of continuing a sentence from the previous line.
NetEase has made a response on discord saying they know the translation is shit and they're gonna fix it, but the consensus by most people seems to be "don't hold your breath". For example, I heard the KR players have been complaining about the shitty KR translation for a long time, but nothing has changed.
Even AI would be an improvement over chatGPT, I thought the recycle button was a new feature until I realized it was just the nameless town collection.
I will return back to the good old days when I asked you guys questions
How to gather guide + awakening stones for Suel or whatever his name is? Is he seriously A4-less?
I never touched the TP, from what I understand I get TP for each active member and "generic" points to use somewhere. Can I maximize all TP stats? or is it similar to the keeper's situation as in I have to choose 2 stats or so?
This thing with the dancer Cait, all I need to do is feed it wood and shit and keep gather free items every hour ? Or is there a strategy I have to maintain?
How hard is the 99 tickets board? Are the enemies still glass canon or did they boost their defenses this time?
My Korean friend bitched to me about how bad the KR version was so yeah, don't hope for much.
For Sail, (I'm not gonna call him Saul), he advances slowly through the story. Chapter by chapter, you'll unlock his stuff.
>Can I maximize all TP stats?
>or is it similar to the keeper's situation as in I have to choose 2 stats or so?
Yep. Get their TP skill and TP passive first, then max whichever of the two offensive stats they use and as for the other...I'm not sure. Someone I spoke to earlier was thinking of investing in some SP restore after battle to help with farming, as we're gonna be farming TP a lot. It looks like you can only max 2 stats. Speaking of the grind, if you haven't gotten there yet, the new grind are the Ouma areas. One opens up in each chapter once you clear it. It's kind of like manual hunts, but you can swap parties at any time during it, so have a farming team to clear the mobs and then a boss team for the characters you actually wanna grind specific TP crystals for, I think you get the crystals of whoever clears the Ouma dungeon but I haven't got there yet.
>How hard is the 99 tickets board? Are the enemies still glass canon or did they boost their defenses this time?
Should be the same as 8x tickets, you just get to spend 99 and go much, much faster.
Then i say beat the final boss, then go to side Solistia. Shouldn't take no more than an hour or two.
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The weapons are far too weak for this shit.
Why do
They talk like this?
It's really
Annoying holy shit it's
Driving me insane

Also, are free
Step ups really fucking gone?
I hoarded 8000
Rubies for nothing for fucks sake
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Saul powers up throughout the story. Right now you can only get him to A1. Ultimates use wisdom orbs unique to Saul so you won’t be able to do that yet. Also, as you progress through Chapters you can upgrade Saul’s skills and get him accessories to exploit weaknesses. Normally he only hits sword, but the current accessory allows him to exploit dark. Also I think somewhere down the line he’ll be able to hit spear as well.

TP is…Tricky. There’s character TP which you can grind in battles and there’s common TP that you get from killing each enemy (a group of four will bet you 4 common TP). In addition you’re gonna need to gather light crystals. There are multiple types in multiple colors. Bronze for 3-Stars, Silver for 4-Stars and Gold for 5-Stars. For Types you have: Skill to raise your stats(Physical Attack & Defense, Elemental Attack & Defense, Speed, Critical), Recovery to raise your recovery rate (HP & SP), Skill to learn your TP Skill and Tap Passive (their error not mine) and Limit to raise the cost. You can grind out character Light Crystals to bypass all of this except for the Light Crystal (Limit). And being able to raise the Cost is what will allow you to (eventually) max out your TP stats.

For the Star Incense Burner, it’s an item gathering system. After a certain period of time item production will slow down and stop. You wanna hit the incense burner after about 27 hours then it’ll reset. Do NOT use the wood and then reset an hour later. You get more from waiting.

For the game board the difficulty hasn’t changed, you just get to use 99 tickets on your multiplayer instead of 8.

Simple answer: SEA has been using our translations for the duration of the Orsterra Saga, but now that Global is gone, SEA has had to translate their own shit. Apparently translating Japanese to English is difficult for people who don’t speak English themselves.
I've gotten my account transferred to the new account successfully, but now I'm concerned that I will still be stuck on the boss fights against Oshka, Tatloch, and Cerafina even with the free buffs I got from the new systems added over the past year and a half since I last seriously played. I've only got 80 some travellers, most of which are 3 and 4 stars that have the bare minimum of experience points added to them.
>You wanna hit the incense burner after about 27 hours then it’ll reset.
Just to clarify this, you do NOT want to tap it after 27 hours, you want to tap it at least once before 27 hours are up.
ex-fucking-cuse me?
Good morning sir
Miau miau very nice yes do not ask questions about chatgpt translation
I don't know if I wanna keep playing the game if these rough ass translations are gonna be a thing from now on...
I’ll clarify further. The incense burner lasts for 99 hours. 27 hours on normal speed and afterwards, 52 hours on half speed, then it stops.

Anytime you tap on the incense burner, you’ll get your items and reset the clock.

You can use logs to burn it at normal speed further or you can use an upcoming Azure Hero Pass to keep the Incense Burner running for 99 Hours without slowing down.
>Isla the Cat.
>Not Cait.

Consistency is also a good aspect of translation.
isnt the main language for the SEA version the english version? how can they bungle this so bad
Global is run by Square Enix. They used the same translator as the one who did the original games. So the translations were handled with love and care.

SEA used our translation for the duration of Side Orsterra. Thing is, Global went kaput right before Side Solistia so the Koreans or whoever the fuck had to make their own translations. And they didn’t speak English very well themselves. So what you end up with is bad grammar, lousy punctuation, accurate but dry/awkward translations and inconsistent terminology.
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Okay I was wrong. You get an extra 72 hours of half item drop rate after the 27 hour period.
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And this is what a typical 27 hour drop rate looks like.
>60fps and more responsive server
>translation becomes utter shit
It can't possibly be that hard to hire some professional translators, right?
They have professional trainers. Just none that speak fluent English.
Yeah, I'm sure they need those trainers to keep them in shape considering their day job involves lazily throwing the entire script into a machine translator.
can i NOW play on emu?
Fucking autocorrect.

I meant translators.
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It’s-a me, Mario!
>And his-a plucky brother Luigi!
And when leaks come around…
>We’ll be there to report them!
This update we’re gonna be starting with some heavy hitters!
>We just got Partitio the Merchant and Isla the Scholar Cait. Who could be next.
Well in celebration of our 2.5th anniversary, we’re gonna be getting two more Memories of Solistia
>Memories…don’t you mean Memo-
ESL, my brother…ESL. Anyways, this week we’ll be hooked up with Temenos the Cleric and Agnea the Dancer. Two more stars of Octopath Traveler 2!
>Man, already? I just spent a bundle trying to spark Partitio and already they’re giving us two more!
Oh but that’s not all mangiapanne! Next week we’ll be getting Ochette the Hunter as well!
>Mama Mia! That’s a real-a beast!
You mean SHE’S a real-a beast.
>No Mario! I’m talking about these banners! They’re going through them quite fast!
But that’s not all. On February 13th when Chapter 2 comes out, we also get the Live a Live crossover. Meaning we’re getting Oersted and Streibough for the first time.
>I think you got spaghetti in the brain, Mario. We already got Oersted and Streibough 7 months ago.
Ah, but Luigi, we’re part of the SEA server now and this’ll be the first time they release the Live a Live crossover. Just like they released Isla “for the first time.” You might even get to get a free Oersted again “for the first time.”
>But Mario! If we’re getting Temenos and Agnea this week, Ochette the next week, and Oersted and Streibough three weeks from now…what are we getting on February 6th?
I dunno! It’s a mystery!
>Mama Mia!
Well that’s all for this update folks. Enjoy the new month paisanos! And remember to eat your pasta!
>Ochette Agnea Temenos already
What the fuck is this pacing
>People thought they were saved
Saved from EOS, but at what cost?
Oh but here’s the beautiful part. Pull them now and you get them as a 6-Star. Skip them and you’ll get them as a 5-Star later; you’ll need to use the Star Incense Burner to Overclass them.

NetEase has the helm now. And everything that comes with it. Also, we’re now part of the SEA server.
I remember some Global people laughing at the SEA Server, only to have Global croak on them. That's even better comedy than Global straight up dying!
Global? Yes.
JP? lol
Will be good for bow teams, but bows will kneel to the new EOS damage king trio (Kaine, Pardis, Black Knight Sazantos) like everyone else.
Really good buffer and lets you break the buff cap, going from 30% to 50%. She's more complex to play than other top tier supports like Castti and Shana though, who "just work".
Seems pretty skippable, though there's a future lv120 NPC that's impossible on release without pulling for Temenos specifically due to some gimmick. There are other ways to beat it in the future though.

Damn, that's a lot. I'm skipping all of them though, still holding for Kaine and Tiziano. It'll keep me on the backfoot, but then I can go back and clear everything in the game with those two. Thankfully, all content is permanent in this game.
>no free ruby step up banners
>annoying dailies
>no more awakening shards in weeklies
>AI translation
>pulled another Jose in my daily free pull
>0 sacred seals of enlightenment in 2 full days of burner + hunts
>no government provided Throné gf

Who /dropping/ here?
I am. I'll just consider this EOS, for an RPG an AI translation is unacceptable.
Still need to beat the BoA story but after that I'm considering it if the translation still sucks.
I only just got back in after transferring my account. I need to muster up the motivation to retry the Oshka fight after getting reduced to chip damage during his first phase before quitting, and I doubt I'll have enough power to get through it even if I stop and go through all the sidequests I've got unfinished, including all of the individual stories for the few travelers I managed to roll.
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If she uses her 3 hit single target fire on turn one before I can set up defence up fiore dies, if she uses her 3 hit single target fire after debuffing fiore's defence fiore dies, if she does back to back aoe attacks in the same turn the front row dies. Nanna and richard can cap active sword resist down thanks to Nanna's new ex ability. Two rng reliant debuffs one of which you only get 2 shots at in the entire fight and you have to survive tons and tons of rng to even live long enough to try it? What could possibly go wrong?
I already dropped the game after finishing BOA.
10k ruby hoarder here
when pull
When Castti or Kaine show up.
I will give you the most anticipated banners in kinda release order, they could fuck it up as usual
>the nasty Castti
>All Nier new casts, those niggas are insane epically Kaine
>Hujib if you want to fuck around the Sacred Blaze one time
>Titziano is unexpected great one
>Pardis the Third
>the Black knight + Evil cunny ToT
>the new BD or FF4 collabs if you love one or the other
>no government provided Throné gf
She sucks though... unless if they buffed her ass
Afaik there's only 2 clears so far, both whale clears. The first relies on stunlocking her via continuous breaks, the other one is this but is done with an extreme uberwhale team:
I'm not gonna try this fight until I have a full team of six stars. In the meanwhile, the Dekabro codex fight seems doable, I easily cleared the EX1 version last night with the Solistia weapons.
I've waited this long for Kaine, I can wait a bit more, but yeah, it's horrible. The story was one of the best parts of this game and the translation makes it worse than almost any lower quality gacha. Though even if the translation was Orsterra quality, the story in chapter 1 is still way weaker than every Master/Bestower story arc's first chapter. This is a game that really relies on its villains, and every single Chapter 1 from the other 8 stories introduced the villain, told you what they're all about and left you with a really strong impression while Ch1 of Side Solistia utterly fails in that regard.
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Just realized something.

Free Ruby banners last for two weeks.
Paid Step-Ups only last for ONE!
>login veteran's seal is Fiore #6
At last, my favourite of the original 8 is complete. She was my starter in Orsterra, very fitting that this first veteran seal in Solistia is her too.
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Looks like we might be getting our new characters tomorrow after all
That's what I was arguing about with people, this game went from having a fairly good story to being OT2 fan service so it just sucks.
Because NetEase are incompetent monkeys, the News button is broken. Here is what we're actually getting from tonight's maintenance (which starts 8 hours from this post and lasts 2.5 hours):
>separate Agnea and Temenos banners, shared pity at 150
>separate paid Agnea and Temenos step up banners
>60 free pulls for Lunar New Year, the first 30 being from after maintenance to Jan 30 and the the next 30 from Jan 30 to Feb 6
>200 free rubies for logging in on Jan 29 for Lunar New Year
>new memoirs including the ones for Agnea and Temenos, and 2 others (Agnea+Primrose and Temenos+Ophilia)
>6 star unlocked for Agnea, Temenos, Tressa, Cyrus and H'aanit
>TP unlocked for Agnea, Temenos, Tressa, Cyrus, H'aanit, Primrose, Alfyn, Ophilia, Therion and Olberic
>Cleric and Merchant Job Towers will reopen
>Hunt guidestones increased for Agnea and Temenos
>new paid packs in the shop including New Year's packs A/B/C and power-up packs for Agnea and Temenos (idk if these are awakening stone packs)
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One whole SP? How generous of them.
What happens if I don't finish the main Orsterra story and skip to Side Solistia? Will I have trouble due to a lack of resources exclusive to that later parts of the Orsterra story?
Nope, because almost nothing carries over.
I see. Thank you for the answer.
Poorfag here, is it worth upgrading normal H'annit to 5 star? I just saw her new lantern skills and shit seems busted (6 guaranteed arrow shots and a +20% bow damage passive)
I'm extremely low on sacred enlightenment seals though
Holy fuck NetEase is so bad at translation. It's 1 BP, it's quite nice.
Nope, she's still not good, sadly. She's my fave OT1 girl but I gotta objectively say the resources are better spent elsewhere.
Note that because we're are going lightning fast with banner releases, you won't be able to spook older characters on overlapping banners until their banner has ended.
In other words, you can't spook Partitio on the Agnea banner or Temenos banner because Partitio's banner is still up.
Well, which perma 4 starfag should I promote to 5 or 6 star then? Sigrid seems good and it doesn't look to be that expensive
They're not really worth it off the top of my head except Mabel, who doesn't have her 6 star yet so she's not worth it yet either.
Which characters do you have?
Low tier garbage like Lionel, Harley, Stead, Theo and Hasumi
Those'll still serve you better than upgrading the lower rarities. The overclass mats are a premium, we still don't have enough to upgrade even 1 five star. Hasumi and Harley will cap your defenses, and you have tons of healing, so just wait to pull for a good damage dealer. The banner pace is insanely fast, so there'll be something good within a month and until then, what you've got is plenty for basic story stuff.
Sigrid, Trish, Pia, Cerna (if you don't have Roland), Aslyte, and Madelaine are the 4 stars worth considering 6 staring with a maybe for Camilla.
Anyone else feel like they're screwed from taking too long to get back into the game? I'm not sure if I have enough time to grind up to get ready for the Live-A-Live collab, especially considering that I'm expecting it to be Bestower-tier difficulty at minimum.
You'll be fine for Oct-A-Live. The bad guys are at level 60 tops.
The last one is 65 I'm pretty sure, but they are still very weak.
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How’s the TP grind going for you? Kind of a pain in the ass to have to go through 18 Light Crystals a pop, when you have to get 40 or 60 to level up a single stat.

Also, with the COTC 8 and the OT1 8, who do you guys think’s be next for Overclass and TP?
the new auto battle feature any good?
Honestly i don't even want to start the new stuff with this bad translation. I'm holding out for them to fix it but I seriously doubt it.
Everyone is just getting put on a hunt teams for that shit.
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Good luck on trying to max out TP.

Remember that it’s a marathon, not a sprint.
insidersisters, when hikari banner?
I quit because I don't want to put up with this bullshit any more lol.
Almost done maxing my first batch of four: Fiore, Lynette, Viola and Scarecrow. The stats take for-fucking-ever, I would advise normal people who aren't grindheads like me just unlock the TP skill and TP passive.
Also, my brother in Christ, what is with that stat distribution? At least max his physical attack if you plan on ever using him.
Extremely good and highly customizable. Make sure to check the settings for it, you can control how much SP you use and make the AI automatically switch rows so front row will max boost turn 1 and then back row will max boost turn 2 for easy ad cait farming.
>136 cost
lol no.
The max cost you can reach is 51, which costs 4500 TP. You are not maxing each stat, ever. Even if you expand cost to the max, which is currently impossible and even in the future, not very realistic due to the rarity of the special crystals used for it, the most you can possibly max is two stats at 8/8, the normal max without increasing cost, and one more stat at 6/8 if you max cost on a character.
This page gives a full breakdown, the cost stuff is near the bottom:
why are they like this
Because they are SEAmonkeys that don't know English. The first "Skill" crystal you have their is for stats, the second one is for skills.
>>1663331 (Me)
Time to commit sudoku
>Internal files call guidestones guidestones
>Traslation uses guidestones as well
>Internal files call lightstones lighstones
>"Ummm... lets call them light crystals, ok?"
Piss me off like you wouldn't believe.
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Does the bestower of wealth quest give me skill crystals or does it give me skill crystals? I'm way too fucking weak to do Ouma maps and I'm in dire need of some skill crystals
Judging by the BoW crystals being ten times the amount of the BoF crystals, I would assume those are the ability crystals and are used to increase stats, considering you need far more of those to max a character's TP stuff than you do the actual skill crystals. Sorry, Anon.
I just want the passives and skills, I ain't a stat whore yet
I never earned any TP. I'm struggling to get the motivation to even do the daily tasks.
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You could've kept that yourself.
So apparently if anyone in the front row has a physical dodge buff the lvl 120 npc will only spam single target physical attacks until she gets broken twice and I wasted a LOT of time resetting for nothing.
pls respond, I've been hoarding rubies for far too long
We just don't know. When will do, you will too.
How badly handicapped will I be if I don't clear the Bestower Chapter 3s before the limited time tasks expire?
I doubt you will be, but what are the rewards for those?
3k light crystals from Oskha's chapter, 1.5k light crystals from Tatloch's chapter, and 300 light crystals from Ceraphina's chapter.
Yeah, that's fine, you'll just need to grind more to make up for those. It's not like it's a content-gated resource like rubies or a once a month gated resource, it's simply based on how much time you wanna sink while watching shows or something.
can i use emulator again?
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Looks like we get Sazantos and Signa in addition to Ochette.

Unfortunately, Sazantos and Signa are not Overclassable.
>Ochette Signa and Sazantos don't share banner fragments
There goes my motivation to pull
Gonna rollan
When banner? 5 hours or 24 hours?
>getting that far with Nanna and Yugo
Incredibly based, overclass is amazing
>Unfortunately, Sazantos and Signa are not Overclassable.
What? Day is ruined, this is terrible.
Not sure. I'm guessing either in 2 hours if there's no maintenance, or after maintenance tonight if there is maintenance.
Either way, good luck getting Ochette! I must continue skipping.
I'm not going for Oshitte
Best of luck with your cute and devilish dancer then! Looks like maintenance tonight, so banner will be up in 6 hours I think.
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Get fucked bitch. Yugo smash puny tutor.
It's over, I also went for Oshitte after realizing that I would get a
pet alongside her

I've lost 9000 rubies in 1 day, am I fucked?
>half the OT2 cast released in less than half a month
wew lads
Congrats! Post that Yugo's gear/pet. I have all those characters but I've only seen giga whale clears of this fight, do you have a bunch of A4s?
>Thought SQEX blew their load too quickly
>Netease is doing it even faster
Considering Sertet, Isla, Saz and Signa are all technically "new" characters for the server we're now a part of, their pace so far is alternating 3 new characters and 2 new characters every week.
Now THIS is podracing!
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Joshua's a4 helps.
>tfw can finally Auguste macro farm
Now, how do I farm leafs?
Awesome, well done again. Is there a place I can look up all the accessories easily? I don't recognize Void Gauntlets or Rich Apothecary's Necklace. I probably can't replicate this though, as I haven't bought those three special pets, my Sonia is A0 and I don't have Nicola A4 or Joshua A4.
All true except number 3 for now. And we'll need to see about 5.
God, I wish I could just somehow get the save file and play offline
>God, I wish I could just somehow get the save file and play offline
It's ok, some based autist will make an offline private server
Trust the plan, 2 more weeks, etc etc
>the TS board
>use 9999999 tickets
>get rich bitch
If you mean Solistia, make a strong team then grind level 3 eclipse dungeon
how do i farm tickets
This is the way. The 99 tickets per run QoL is godly. Did one run last night and got tens of millions of leaves, shit was insane.
Couldn't have come at a better time too, I finally ran out of memory shards for the weekly exchange. Now I'll be fine for a while if I do a few more board runs.
Nevermind, it wasn't a few board runs; it was only one!
Rolled two sixes and a four on the lucky die, that was enough to put me over leaf cap in Orsterra from one 99x ticket run.
I think the only source of them is 30 a week from the memory shard exchange.
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holy fuck FIXES!
Really hope they give us a better way to grind for Light Crystals. Going through the Twilight Realm again and again is a pain in the ass.
It looks like that's gonna be the only way, but I think later chapters give more crystals per run, so there's that. Chapter 2's dropping less than a week, hopefully it's got a better map 'cause I remember some vid or something talking about how some chapters' ouma dungeons are better than others.
Are there any must-have travelers I need to get to stand any chance of clearing the whole Bestower of All story, or are the extra power systems getting added up enough for any party to get through the whole thing?
For reference, I have about 9.6k rubies and no access to soul weapons or the summon cats from the emberflame sidestories yet.
Sazantos is strong and it's worth pulling for his current banner if you don't currently have a good roster. But you'll also want to do the soul weapons by the time you get to BoA 8.
You folks ready for Valentine’s Day?
We’re probably getting a special Paid Step-Up banner where we can pull:
Chance Encounters
Sacred Blaze
Travelers of Memory
(Maybe) Champions of Memory
Heroes of Solistia

But here’s the thing. It’s a Girls Only banner.
I'm kinda low on rubies and I'd rather save them for new units, unless they sell some some sort of gigabait ruby pack I may not pull at all
Is doing the gameboard with 1 ticket 99 times the same as doing it with 99 tickets one time?
Can I get a quick kill method for Oshka? I need to get Valore fixed so I can begin the Emberbeast stories, but I'm 72 turns in and still on his first phase. My team is Theo/Tressa, Milliard/9S, Edea/A2, and Hasumi/Sofia, all in the 90s level wise.
This thread is pretty slow and the Oshka battle was released a while ago, but the COTC subreddit should have a thread archived somewhere with people sharing how they beat it.
No, because using tickets increases your multiplier up to 8 tickets iirc.
What other characters do you have?
>LaL collab soon
I wonder how they're gonna butcher the way Oersted and Streibough speak assuming they aren't using the SE translation.
I browsed where I could for fight strategies, which boiled down to stacking dagger and darkness damage to account for his shrinking weakness pool.
But before I did that, I grinded for Inferno weapons for half my team to see if that could tip the scales. To my surprise, it worked, and I got through both phases far more quickly and with no deaths.
A bit over 90 now, but none at as high levels as my current team.
Like the Orsterra content, it should maintain the SE English translation we already got in global, so it'll be fine.
But that makes no sense
1 ticket max difficulty gives me a 2x multiplier
3 tickets max difficulty gives me a 6x multiplier

There's literally no difference aside from the time you waste like a retard
Will W'ludai be worth the 6 star? I just checked this tier list https://octopathcotc.notion.site/W-ludai-4edb449b69e34b5b8480e5e38d1c66c1 and she's ranked really fucking low in JP
I only have her at 4 stars too
Right now, I don't think any of the 5 stars that have 6 star unlocked are worth except the new Solistia characters, which for the most part have only been able to be pulled at 6 star anyway.
The only gen pool 5 star I've heard of getting a solid 6* upgrade is Cecily, and we don't have that unlocked yet.
>he didn't 6 star Nicola
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>Like the Orsterra content, it should maintain the SE English translation we already got in global, so it'll be fine.
so about that
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“Look how they massacred my boy.”

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I'll be honest here, out of all characters in the game Molrusso is among the last I would have expected to get a gooner EX, not that I'm complaining.
Damn, even in shitty gacha colabs, Oersted gets cucked
New lvl 120 npc down. Rare Lumis ex usage.
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Could've sworn I attached an image.
Noma. Norma.
Seaside Forest. Coastal Forest
Netease and consistency must be sworn enemies.
Good morning sir
Hope you are enjoy chapter 2. This week, Sail sets saul to the island of tutu'haha where he helps young beasting Oshoto and her partner machina recover his bag
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EX Viola is also getting a swimsuit skin to make up for the fact that she’s not getting a Bikini EX like Fiore and Sofia. Can’t wait to see that get illustrated.
Oersted speaking somewhat normally is more cursed then Odio
For real? I mean, they have the global translation for this one.
Please tell me this is JP and not another CN-exclusive EX.
Oersted Livealive is one of my favorite characters in vidya. I missed his first run but I managed to hear that the crossover is happening again. Did I miss him again? If I didn't, is the game worth coming back to? I fell off pretty early on; I think I'm on the final boss of Master of All, and I remember growing bored because the game felt too grindy, both in terms of powering characters up and aquiring materials for equipment.
You are not too late, you can login right now (or anytime this week) and get him for free on a guaranteed free Oersted pull. He's ass for gameplay though and the translation fell off a cliff and into the Mariana Trench. The grind is pretty much what you make of it, but the OT2 stuff introduced a new grind.
Not necessarily because SEA didn't get LAL until Global EOSed, and collab rights might have extended to the script itself which Netease didn't bother to buy.
Jesus, this localization of the OCT-A-LIVE script is horrible. If this is the same translation that's in the LIVE-A-LIVE HD-2D remake, I'm refunding the Steam copy I bought and sticking to the Super Famicom original (with Aeon Genesis' fantastic localization script, of course).
In more CotC related news, I want to build a team that has all 8 classes represented and that can get through the whole of BoA without subbing in other people. Who or what should I aim to get to make this happen?
>If this is the same translation that's in the LIVE-A-LIVE HD-2D remake, I'm refunding the Steam copy I bought and sticking to the Super Famicom original (with Aeon Genesis' fantastic localization script, of course).
It's not, at all. Other than a few retarded item name changes, the HD-2D remake is a godly remake.
The translation for the LaL collab in COTC was also quite good back when Square Enix managed the English version, but then it got transferred to monkeys that don't know English and don't even have access to proper translation tools.
>In more CotC related news, I want to build a team that has all 8 classes represented and that can get through the whole of BoA without subbing in other people. Who or what should I aim to get to make this happen?
You're probably gonna have a really bad time against one boss who deletes one of his few weaknesses every time he comes out of break, but I would say
>Sazantos for Warrior
>Rique for Merchant
>Canary for Thief
>Primrose EX or Nephti for Apothecary
>Kilns for Hunter
>Rinyuu for Cleric
>Isla for Scholar
>Signa or Tatloch or Agnea for Dancer
All of these characters have had banners either in the global version or the new SEA+global version, but if you're just starting, I don't think you can even get any of them right now other than Prim EX, who would still take a lot of luck and rerolling to get. Your conditions are extra hard mode, so I guess just roll for whatever you can. Overclassing 4* and 3* characters to 6* could help fill gaps, but without being able to sub them out for better alternatives when you get them, you've ruled that option out it seems.
Sazantos, Partitio, Canary, Nephti, Ochette, Rinyuu, Cyrus, Haanit ex.
>The translation for the LaL collab in COTC was also quite good back when Square Enix managed the English version, but then it got transferred to monkeys that don't know English and don't even have access to proper translation tools.
Ah, that makes sense. Guess I jumped the gun on that part.
>You're probably gonna have a really bad time against one boss who deletes one of his few weaknesses every time he comes out of break,
More Oskha-types? Welp, that settles it, I'll go build specialized teams for each chapter's boss (except Theo will remain the Chosen One, like he did all game so far).
>saving a spot for Theo on your team
Oh my sweet summer child...
>except Theo will remain the Chosen One, like he did all game so far
Jose is canonically the chosen one though
It's a Dragon Quest collab, why the fuck would it be chinese only lol.
I misclicked and upgraded Therese to 6 star
Do I remake my entire account now?
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Trying a more f2p friendly clear with Conny instead of fiore ex. Almost made it.
I'm tempted to overclass her at some point. I have her A4 and U10 and she's useful for grinding the first two Ouma dungeons.
I'm still waiting to have a team of six stars before doing this, it's taking forever for them to give overclass to the good warriors or release new ones.
brehs i can't belive sazantos groomed signa and got away with it...
>had a cute hebe drooling for you
>still yearned for a milf 'til his last breath
Based or cringe?
Shame we can say the same about Velnorte
Yeah, Signa's character story/memoir is wild. Take a look at what her A4 accessory is called.
I've got 6k rubies saved up. Who should I save for?
Also, should I do more traveler stories before starting BoA? I only did the prologue of Fiore's story and neve unlocked the arena.
I’d say right now save up for Bravely Default Part 2. I expect that to be coming out sometime in April. Though, I’m sure there’ll be PLENTY of new interesting travelers along the way.

Also…yes you should definitely do all the traveler stories. What’s holding you back?
Bros, I said fuck it and wasted 3000 awakening shards on 30 sacred seals since I haven't gotten a single 5 star during the past 30ish free rolls they gave us and thus, I was guaranteed to get at least 4~6 now due to how statistics work or at least make my shard money back with dupes
I've also just noticed that weekly feats don't give us awakening shards anymore, meaning that I just traded an insanely limited and valuable resource on bronze and silver guidestones. Did I just went full retard?
How old was Rinyuu again?
Next good thing to pull on for f2p will likely be the Hikari+Castti double banners with shared pity. You'll want at least one copy of Hikari to be able to trade shards for his awakening stones to get his A4, one of the best, possibly the best, in the game. Castti is like a QoL support, she's all-around good on any team and especially good if boss is weak to axe. But we're moving so fast Castti isn't the must pull people used to think she was.
Yes, that was an incredibly retarded thing to do, sorry bro. The weekly shards were exclusive to the old SE global server, we're all SEA now and they never had the improved weekly/daily tasks so we're stuck with their crummy ones now, but you can at least take some small comfort in that the amount of shards we got from the old weeklies didn't even get you one stone in an entire year. Save all your remaining shards, you'll want at least another 3k to get the Chomper pet which will be part of the BD2 collab, likely our next collab after LaL. You'll always wanna get the Airy pet from that collab and then the other thing you want shards for is Hikari's A4 which I talked about in my reply to the other anon.
It's not the end of the world bro, just learn from this mistake and sit tight.
Thanks for the advice. I'll take it to heart.
>What’s holding you back?
I tried rushing through the Master and initial Bestower stories back when I was playing on an emulator, but I kinda broke from how long the load times were.
Have you tried playing h the game on your phone? Load times are not an issue at all.
>I was playing on an emulator, but I kinda broke from how long the load times were.
Try using Mumuplayer, shit's great compared to memestacks
Good news Throné fans...
I dumped 2k common TP on accident on an unit I plan to keep in the Hunt mines for a long while, shit happens. And Therese is a peak cutie anyway.
buffs are inversely proportional to the character's cup size
Glad they went with the established localization for this one. Inagine if they just went with whatever chatgpt or google translate 闇に呑まれし
I think this is the first time I've seen a gacha game have so many important mistranslations on character skills/kits, things people spent money on, and there's been no consequences to the devs what so ever. Forget refunds, they haven't even had to give out 30 rubies of compensation or fix the text.
I'm sure they've done it enough times to get smacked by the government for false advertising by now if anyone cares enough to file a complaint.
How is this game? is it fun? is it a good time to start? how much grindy or p2w is it?
I'd say, don't bother playing it if you haven't played Octopath 1 or 2, otherwise, it will be harder feel any attachment to it
Battle system is genuinely pretty good, unironically better than the main games. Shop prices are so retardedly high, that unless you're a whale, you're going to have nearly the same advantage as a F2P player. Regarding how grindy it is, it's hard to say, wild encounters barely give you any EXP, your main EXP source will be shitty daily chores or using a macro to farm 1 boss once you can consistently beat him every time. However, for most of the game, you'll never be underleveled

It's probably a shitty time to start since there were some HUGE rewards last december/january, and now you'll probably feel like a cuck for missing those events. However, if you start playing right now, there will probably be some really good banners to roll soon, and with just 2~4 weeks of playing, you can easily guarantee that you get some of the best units in the game as a F2P player. You can pretty much beat the entire game with just 5 good units

t. Only spent 70 cents so far, there's a deal going on that lets you get one of the 8 starting characters once when purchasing anything.
You guys ready for the next chapter in Haberlando Region?
I actually played this game without ever having touched OT1 or 2 and enjoyed it, dropped it after Orsterra though.
Is Largo worth it if I don't have a single 5 star merchant yet? Kinda needing that spear weakness for Yan Long, dude survived at 15% HP and it's pissing me off, but I've heard that Largo's fight might be more bullshit
No. Largo is not a damage dealer.
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Then what's the point of this skill? Don't tell me that they were just having a giggle...
Largo is a shitty abomination of a character that's supposed to be a magical attacker but he's part of a physical based class, can't break shields for shit and his skills are both weak and with a low hit count
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>shitty abomination of a character that's supposed to be a magical attacker but he's part of a physical based class
Shit, did I scam myself by making this sword for Tikilen then?
I did the basedboyface when I got the perfect S rarity 15% damage on her best skill after only 5 dusts, and she's still dealing shitty ass damage
No I think you did this right. The gimmick of the arena champs is that their stronger form of attack is the opposite of what is typical for their class. So warriors tend to be stronger in physical attack, but Tikilen has the better elemental attack stats and moves. The problem is that she's been powercreeped at this point. Also all her attacks are random, meaning if you want to deal actual damage instead of just breaking shields you need to have only one opponent to do any real damage.
Also the gimmick I'm describing here only really fits Yan Long and Hammy. Others like Largo and Yuni don't really specialize in either very well.
And Glossom.
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Only in CotC can a meeting like this be possible (and its attendant yuri fanfic potential as well).

Ladies’ Night, anyone?

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