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>TW/JP servers EOS. TW players offered diamond transfers to Global.
>Global server is still good for now, 7 months of main story chapters left at the current rate of release.
Upcoming banners:
>Frankenstein Astaroth
>Santa Mammon
>China Dress Beelzebub
>Banquet Dress Belial
>Magical Girl Asmodeus
>Crimson Emporer Satan
>Swimsuit Mammon
>Streetwear Leviathan
>Teahouse Raphael
>Taisho Uriel
>Hot Springs Metatron
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No idea, I haven't figured out how to get the marriage items yet.
>And where's Astaroth in that list?
It's looks like they're doing it in batches based on the current banner/event. For the first batch, it's all six of the Levis since her event's running now, plus all of the other light/dark casts.
>and we all know the virtues are second-class citizens
Ah, now I see how the marriage works. You need specific fetish items from the department store. The real issue is, each marriage requires 2 sparkling pearls, which you can only get 2 of per month and they cost TWO HUNDRED of the "Lading Bill (Weapon)" item, which drop from the one department story stage I can't beat, the one that used to be the top stage before they just added 10 more floors with this update. I'll need to max out the fetish stats on my casts before I can even think about marriage, which btw gives some really nice stat buffs and even perks in the case of the new light Levi, who gets permanent CC immunity among other things specific to her kit plus the stat bonuses if you wed her.
So after contacting support, it turns out the reason why Garden of Mystery is available but there's no login bonus/missions for it to get the daily green ticket to enter the stages actually worth running is because they meant to have the event go live on July 30th, but it went live on July 16th instead.
So they're saying just wait for the 30th to get those green entry tickets.
I just wish there was more matina material on boorus, such an underrated design...
Agreed, she's a top tier design, not just in this game but any game. She may be the single worst case I've seen of wasting a god tier sexo design on a lower rarity character that'll never see use. She even upstages most of the SVRs imo.

Alien Sex and Swordmaster Buffs.

Feel free to talk about any other tangentially related DMM game like Aigis or other Kumasan games as well.
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>in the forest, rainclouds are forming quickly with MC coughing heavily as he breaths a strange fog suddenly
>it turns out to be a spore cloud from Shijime who is enjoying the humid weather
>it seems it was intended to be a bit of a surprise attack as they were waiting a while with Franci particularly annoyed
>Melissa seems to have plans to bring MC back to her hive for a royal jelly party
>Franci was intending to take MC back to her nest for her web cocooning party though
>in any case Neal intends on using her poison on MC to make him stand for the festivities
>Shijime just outright says she wants to play with his naughty bits and have a mushroom party
>Vivi notes it being outright blunt rather than risqué with their remarks and warns MC that loss here will be a loss of freedom as he will be spored and cocooned
>he doesn't want any of that so he declares he will not lose
>upon victory are the customary compliments, but also the rain has made his clothes wet and see through like it was at the volcano
>he's worried about catching a cold so Franci offers to make him some clothes
>red sexy clothes
>seeing MC's dissatisfaction, Melissa tries to insist on a more fluttery purple dress instead, but MC doesn't want that either
>Vivi advises they leave as Franci and Melissa bicker about what to make MC wear
>It's the volcano again
>Osevia is here and MC is surprised to see her outside of her colony
>MC is a special occasion and she's very excited to participate
>Mauro and Chifa are here as well
>Mauro threatens to chop him up while Chifa says MC needs to take regular magma swims to grow which causes them to argue about which MC would prefer
>MC states his preferences for neither which causes Mauro to call him selfish since she was letting him choose and Chifa calls MC the biggest child
>Atheel tells him to not worry as whatever way he's attacked she'll heal him afterwards
>Puri also promises MC a new weapon if he wins which actually gets him visibly excited and the fight actually starts with MC being motivated for nice reasons instead of his own safety
>upon winning, Mauro and Chifa give overacted reactions to losing to MC while Puri is ready to present MC his new weapon
>Myrmidon arrive ready to attack MC as it seems they're angry he fought Osevia
>MC is in a panic, but Puri thinks it's a good time for the new weapon
>the "turn everything to charcoal cannon"
>MC finds that name concerning and Vivi notes if it's power matches the name, MC will forever be the Myrmidon's enemy if he uses it here
>MC says he won't use it to Puri's dismay who says it can even blow away the volcano itself
>left with nothing else to do against the Myrmidon, MC flees
I had to use like 15 dungeon keys to finish it
ignore the previous post, I just saw the new event mission and it was also cleared for me.
I didn't even realize there were bees in the second one and cleared it in one go. The last level kicked my ass and took multiple attempts since everything had so much hp.

You already have Giansar and Volley Ball Sadayoshi right?
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Oh shit, pulled him twice
and then a third time, shit. Give me the other 5 star...fuck
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Christ alive, I pulled him 4 times before I cleared the banner
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>1 ticket
‘twas meant to be
>spent 40 extra rolls than needed and sparked just to max out a sidekick passive
I have a problem.

Just announced

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It has been 30 years. Enough time to grow a new audience.

Good luck to them maintaining the pixel look (they wont as I can already see on the screenshots).
looks like they hired a bunch of artists and they had no idea they were all working on the same game
really poor consistency in the pixel art, they even have a non-pixelated background in the avatar customization menu
Yeah that Ariel looked MSPaint-tier.

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Discuss the DALSP, the ongoing remake of the game, and how Kurumi is the cutest

Remember to do your dailies!
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I saw people on other sites saying the studio that made this game is dead and the chink version will die soon. But they've been saying that for a while and I'm starting to feel like they don't know what they were talking about.
Is the company actually dead? How isn't the game dead if that's true?
All you do is bump a dead thread and ride the chinese cock carousel. Seriously go back or consider reeducation camping yourself.
Company is indeed dead, not bankrupt, but still dont expect updates from them. For some reason the nostalgia version which is the pre rework version is getting updates and new stuff but its all in chinese.

Game made by triniti interactive studios,please,how do i play the game just once? I wanna taste the pants of nostalgia and feel,is what i remember truly good? (Im pretty sure its good lol)

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Has anyone else played this gem?
Here's my latest, best run.
I thought it was a perfect run. I did everything right, I think. So why did I only last 40 minutes?
Maybe I need to ditch the shield and cloaking and just load up on more damage. They don't really seem to save me in the end. Without the shield and cloak, I could probably fit one, maybe two more damage spells. Any recommendations?
I do
it's fun
I like the direction the devs have taken it in the past few updates
needs more content
Yes, is nice. I should re-download.
Been playing this before Vampire survivor became a thing

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It's one of the most fun (not that i know many tho) sport gacha games I've played, mostly when im bored or doing something else, the golfing mechanics are neat. Thoughts?
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I played this game 10 years ago on pc then phone
its pangya still on phone? I used to play a lot on pc. Those were the best times of my life, playing with my guild mates, spend time on the longes or playing tournaments
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I liked it. Was starting to kinda getting more into it than the main game for a while.
But then they announced that they were done adding new characters, and that killed my motivation to keep playing.

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From Fischl's castle to this.
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genshin could nev-
Wuwa is supposedly implementing something like this in the next patch according to leaks, although both seem to work in different ways.

If this is true, genshin would only let you select the stats, but the substat rolls would be rng crap as usual.
The wuwa one is supposedly to let you reroll an existing substat. But no idea if only reroll from the beginning or even when it's maxed out.
There's no way of avoiding the substat roll rng but this gadget isn't really made to remedy that either, it's to skip the equally shitty (technically worse) rng of acquiring the right baseline piece
In before it's not working for shit not craftable.

Given up on artifact farming though. Fuck sets. I just ignore it.
my S24 gets lukewarm at most at 60fps

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>summer infuse
>no infuse
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Toyokuni's skin

The game is in a weird zombie state.
Erm meant no event but I guess we are getting reruns.

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Dragalia Lost is back on the table boys! I included a copy of the base apk and modified apk. Install the modified apk to play the game. If you don't trust me then install the base APK and patch it yourself. The rest is up to you to figure out. As of now, Dawnshard is the only one that supports co-op.

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yeah I missed that. Thanks for the food
Based Middyposter still alive
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>first Guardian Tales got a Switch port before Dragalia
>now Bleach Brave Souls got a Switch port while Dragalia rots
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I installed it and started playing but it affected me profoundly so I immediately stopped and had breakfast before work in silence. I'm sorry Dragalia Lost

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Which is the better open world game?
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Wuwa is not that bad but the plain character design and beginner location being post apo liyue sour by the fun for me not to mention performance at launch but i was expecting that
gonna wait few updates and see where it goes but if they don't move fom Bing Chilling im out
I wouldn't expect a new map until 1.6 AKA 2.0, so we'll be waiting until next year.
>AppMagic data also shows that Wuthering Waves has reached $39.2 million in IAP revenue (reduced by platform fees and inclusive taxes) on mobile since launch.
>June 6 was the game’s peak day by revenue, with $3.82 million.

>After release, Tower of Fantasy’s turnover reached 7 million USD on the first day and 30 million in the first week. Everbright securities estimated the final turnover for the first month would be 100-150 million USD at that time[1].

>However, according to Perfect World, the actual first month turnover of Tower of Fantasy was no more than 80 million USD[2]. In January 2022, the second month after release, the number dropped to 34 million USD.
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>twink man come home
I'm here to shill Wuwa
>which is the better tasting shit?

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>no Clash thread
I am confuse. Is this really only a gachashit board?
How are you lot doing? I made it into TH10 and now infernos are bodying me.
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ai generated loading screen
Meds now, schizo
clash royale is cancer

This game was my fucking childhood

Revived Witch shut down 7th May 2023. This thread is made in it's memory. What were your favourite parts? Who were your favourite characters? What do you think of the fan projects aiming to bring the game back
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Sinmara wasn't a guardian though, she was Ereshkigal's follower. Still a powerful lady.
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Going through my folders, found these live wallpapers an anon posted. Converted from .mkv to .webm
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Goodnight, master
Just remembered this game existence, so I came here looking for a way to play or find a substitute.

I miss the witch...

Hows the mirrors ranking event going fellow meguca enthusiasts? You are in S tier right?
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Exedra will:
Have a player character named Namae, but she is just trying to regain her memories or something by reliving other Meguca meemories.
Feature the returning protags from the spin-offs
>Will have Kazumi tummy
They do not know when to quit
Final story is out

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