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>TW/JP servers EOS. TW players offered diamond transfers to Global.
>Global server is still good for now, 7 months of main story chapters left at the current rate of release.
Upcoming banners:
>Frankenstein Astaroth
>Santa Mammon
>China Dress Beelzebub
>Banquet Dress Belial
>Magical Girl Asmodeus
>Crimson Emporer Satan
>Swimsuit Mammon
>Streetwear Leviathan
>Teahouse Raphael
>Taisho Uriel
>Hot Springs Metatron
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Yeah I like the ending as well, feels like everyone where mentioned. Can’t say the same for the side characters, I guess side characters are more fleshed out of their own stories than their part in the main storyline
Looks like I’m answered my own question. I will start recording the main story and all the kizuna quest
Has anyone been able to 3 star the Panagia fight on Hard mode? It feels impossible because she keeps entering that stance where she only takes 1 damage for the next 12 hits and she's immune to move gauge removal.
Is she immune to effects that strip off that kind of damage reduction? If not, maybe you can use Panagia to kill herself
Yeah, it's a special effect that can't be removed normally. First thing I tried was ADR removal, courtesy of the new Belial who has it on her normal attack which is part of why I love her so much. ADR has been such a hassle for me until now when Belial finally gives it to us on demand.

I managed to beat the fight on Nightmare but it took a whopping 88 actions. The gist of Panagia's gimmick is that after getting hit 12 times by anything (including each hit of multi-hit follow-ups like what Xmas Satan does), she gains a unique, unremovable buff that makes her take 1 damage from the next 12 hits. So the fight is done in these awkward 12 hit cycles and if her buff is up when Panagia actually takes a turn, it makes her moves much nastier, such as her power move having a high chance to instant kill you or her ultimate giving herself dark Satan's Invincible buff.
Reminds me of the Esmira fight where you were forced to bring Charles, it took me at least 3 or 4 main story updates before I could outmuscle it enough to 3 star it.

I'm going through the EX stages that unlock after you clear the final chapter on Nightmare and I'm surprised to see them both starting and resolving a lot of the next storyline the epilogue stage set up. Maybe we're not actually getting more main story after all. Plot spoilers: I expected the next story arc to be about Lucy rescuing and recruiting Panagia but nope, she manages to already do that in the very first EX cutscene. I guess we could still have a story about storming Heaven and fighting God directly.

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Anyone here play?
yeah when I was like 8 years old
Impressed that this is still going, hope you have fun OP
I remeber I did my first erp when I was like 14 in gaia....good times...

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Limbus will have its first major update today, as well as its first banner with new units.
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spent all my exp tickets so im scrounging up more to level the ids to beat yhe canto with
It was KINO
Holy shit this thread is old, how fucking dead is /vmg/?
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Fairies are friends.

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Previous thread >>1047742
Recruitment guide: https://purindaisuki.github.io/tkfmtools/en/enlist/filter/
/vmg/ v2 guild code: 91853176 (feel free to share your own, too)
anon's recruitment code: 9QV8KT (again, all encouraged to share own)
No current promo codes, but we'll share when they appear!
Summer event is here again (or will be in a couple of days)
Who do you want? And who do you got?

>>1202460 #
The used to be one for the Demon Spire and a lot of levels overlapped but that hasn't been updated in ages. https://sys.4channel.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftkfm.wiki%2Fthe-demon-spire%2F
Who's giving you trouble?
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Hello, I'm new, who should I reroll for here? I want Ba'al because I like her design, but got Fiora on my 7th attempt.
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Couldn't get Ba'al sadly, but got these three cuties instead, thanks for the answer.
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Farmed everything I could as a newfag, and got 6 SSRs, they're enough to make a decent formation, right?
some gimmick shits like past spire Shiro bosses might make you think, but you are basically set for life

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How does /vmg feel about this game? I started this week and I'm having fun, I love Lucia Crimson Abyss and cant wait for a chance to get weave
It's cool and has some nice designs.
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>How does /vmg feel about this game?
Smartphone Fine China gacha.
My wife

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Nussy is a japanese solo dev who makes roguelikes with high replayability and interesting progression mechanics
Buriedbornes 2 released recently and is available on Android, iOS, and Steam
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The wiki is overwhelming, I don't understand shits about what I am doing in game. is there a quick start primer ?
So... items that you unlock as rewards for example leveling up a faction are ONE time only?

you only lose inventory items if you die or abandon the run
you should take a crow skull if you want to be sure you won't lose something rare or that would cripple your build if you lost it
Stay safe out there and switch app windows every now and then, these games are so good I got the UI burned-in the screen
Where do I see the list of TMs availables? Also, do TMs only appear f it's a move someone on the party can learn?

I can’t find the game, it was in the play store but now it’s not there. Perhaps the reason for this is updating my smartphone. The game was in the battle royale genre. First-person view.You could play with or without the Internet.I would be grateful if you write the name of the game or send me a link. The logo is something like this.
(Google translator)

Apple has allowed emulators on the App Store now so you don’t have to do a bunch of jailbreak nonsense to play retro games now, you can just download the program and play easy peasy. Surprised no one is talking about this on here. Just wish ps1 and ps2 games were available to
Not like you cannot do it before
Theres also not much to discuss about emulation, its there for you to enjoy, but it wont go away nor have anything new
>Just wish ps1 and ps2 games were available too
heard that provenance may come soon
Really good emulator, not optimized for iPad, wont fill the full screen. Its good but honestly cant wait for newer emulators, PS2 emulation would be amazing, the iPad pro's can easily handle it.

Good morning sir.

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How are we liking the monster hunter colab? The champs are mostly pretty good, but it sucks that they're time limited
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>Best place to farm exp is 12-3
>It's also filled with enemies that all have extremely long attack animations and prebuffs, so if you don't have absolutely perfect gear it will take you 10x longer to clear for no reason
What did plarium mean by this? I shouldn't complain I guess, I'm the noob that started a commons/uncommons only F2P account about a week ago, so I should be happy with being able to farm brutal 12-3 in 30-40 seconds at all, but I hate seeing those nigger demons do their stupid attack buffs and waste my time.
they dont get to attack. kael kills them in one hit. its like 20 secs for basic rare starter to clear 12-3 brutal. any decent farmer does it in 5-7 secs depending on their own animations. felhound, bellower, skullcrown, whatever.
>F2P commons/uncommons only account
>Kael, fellhound, bellower, skullcrown
In any case my shieldguard does clear it pretty quickly, after some gear upgrades I got it down to 17 seconds at my fastest. Just annoying that when things don't go well, the animations seem to take forever even on 2x.
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Even better now that I can use Nia A2 to use to herself because of her lowest percentage HP after 2 AOE.
But sadly I must finish grinding up masteries for nia, vogoth and banshee first before I can check how much damage I can deal. In any case, I'm just happy to know that my plan really worked
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But before I start grinding masteries. Let me clear the last champion tournament for a step closer to fusing Mikage, my wife ;)

How the fuck is NOBODY on this board talking about slice and dice?
>Demo with One IAP to unlock full game, can even buy on itch.io and get a windows copy and android in one purchase
>Absolute fuckloads of content with plenty of characters, enemies, items and modes
>Tight game and good design despite RNG
Maybe its just early days for me but this is the first game I have played since Slay the Spire or Dream Quest that has captured the "magic" of those games, and if anyone on this gacha ridden board knows what im talking about, that alone should make you go play the demo of this game NOW.
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>Poet now has a mana cantrip and a spell that boost 1 the whole party
>New red T1 - Gardener, has a side that grows ALL it's faces, spell poison for 1 for 2 mana and is single use
>Forgot to add that enchanter now has a spell that flip the dice face to the other one
>You now pick your party at the beginning with the classic party being one and having 2 other different choices, this is the only way to access greens
>Crones aren't in the game anymore
>Z0mbie is not in the game anymore sadly
>Mimics now are less evil and only summon 2 HP slimes rather than bones
>New monster, Militia, hits hard but automatically fleeds if you shield their target for 5
>New monster, shade, become invincible for the turn after being hit once, hits really hard, really fucks you up if you have
>New boss, coffin, like a giant mimic that drops a T5 item if defeated
>New boss wendigo, turns one of your party members into a traitor who you have to use against your party
>New boss inevitable, becomes invincible for the turn every 5 HP dealt, becomes stronger for every turn that passes

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If I skip my last T2 hero and leave him at T1, will he get T3 eventually or am I forced to upgrade him to T2 next time a level up happens?

Forced, you can't get T3 heroes if your whole party ain't T2, that's one of the downsides of playing with coffin and one of the upsides of playing with housecat
It seems like there's more chatter between characters. A small detail but cool.
Sucks ass

All my favorite Dolphins are Gunners
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>Defense Rider and Gunner
Definite skip.
Not sure what they were thinking when they have to compete with Senrans for the same element/positions.
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Managed to get Utae. Was a bit surprised to see others on the banners in the diorama but I guess I wasn't paying enough attention. >>1461302
Looks like it's Tomo and Eines for the next part of the event? Is Tomo always this massive? It's the only reason I don't think it's her even though the eyes seem to match.
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>Tomo and Eines
That makes a bit more sense now that I look at them more
>Is Tomo always this massive
Always has been

Curious how they're more or less saying there will be a Part 2 compared to the other collabs.
Glad I'm not the only one who thought this.

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Only a few days left of the 7th anniversary. Asteria event coming soon.
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Just because she said it didn't work before, doesnt mean it was never going to happen if she tries again years later. There was nothing conclusive about it. Stop being a retard, or keep going, doesnt really make much of a difference.
is it even years later? it's a video game, it's not like real world time matters

it wasnt conclusive, but the explanation given in the story is kind of stupid. i dont know why youre getting mad on behalf of the devs
"Tenebrae's element is dark and that was affecting Marta" sounds like something they just came up with. He's still accompanying them too. Ratatosk is actually a spirit, and the third arc seemed to be hinting at Marta getting a Spirit Gear with him as the medium, much like Luke got Lorelei. They just didn't follow through with it for whatever reason, so they came up with some random excuse.

Being uninterested in Arise I don't know if I'm missing something with Rinwell's, but we are given no reason as to why Mithos got Shadow either. Feels like Rays was just phoning in for this event.
Thanks anon for clarifying that tickets can actually get the banner MAs of all things otherwise I'd be confused. It unlocked T3 of the SG and added 200 more of those pink mirror things to my stockpile of the character.
It just had to be the racist from not-Tales though luckily I was grinding for Mithos so whatever.
>Being uninterested in Arise I don't know if I'm missing something with Rinwell's
Rinwell is more of a light element since only Dahnans can use light artes but since she's from Cyslodia which is the resident Ice town. She got Celsius instead

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What went wrong?
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Dunno, I never play that shit. Maybe they shouldn't have played that in the first place.
How long can they keep gfl2 up with gfl1 tier revenue?
nothing. this was already a gigantic trashfire the moment you knew they weren't made by the original team.
Really? I thought Yuzhong was still handling the development.
Omnipandering shitty game in an industry that's sick of them.

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A while ago when I was barely 6 years old I remember playing a mobile game that was about a sleeping child where in his dreams he fought against different types of nightmares or something like that, every time you finished a level you pressed an alarm clock to finish the level, depending Depending on how you did it you will have 3 stars, however you lost the name of the game; If anyone of you can know the name of the game I will be grateful

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New supercell game just came out. Thoughts?
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So far the game feels like a clusterfuck for adhd kids especially when it’s the last min for the round
Clash Mini should have made the cut, not this sad excuse of a "game".
No, both are absolute crap. I don't understand why supercell has such massive hard-on for autochess mechanics. People got bored of that shit years ago.
It's giving me TFT vibes, and I think it would be great idea if they head in that direction but make it in an arena. Similar to Arena in League of Legends. I hate Supercell for making it pay to win where skill < money.

I like how strategy can emerge in this game though, for example going Goblin/Hog and rushing your neighbour, buying their chests (get numbers advantage) and potentially killing them.

It's a big time investment and you can lose so it can often go wrong.

However maybe its because the game is too fast paced, but my the rush playstyle buying goblins/chickens/hogs to rush, gets outscaled extremely quickly in larger "team fights".

There were cases where I'll have fusion Chickens, Goblins, literally losing melee fights to other ranged fusion characters. Not Shelly, like Bo, Dynamike, I don't own Medic so i don't know but it seems to counter my comp.

The games mechanics are very simple, the skill ceiling is there but low, ranged characteres can technically space/kite ranged characters but the game makes it very awkward and janky.

The game has potential, but I think it's gameplay mechanics, like it's builds, balancing, PvP mechanics, pacing, it all needs A LOT of work.

Also the gatcha pull system is very weird, I almost never get Colt if I go Goblin/Chicken starter.

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