This has sexualized men to the core. I feel disgusted that I, as a fat man, am not being portrayed in this game properly.I should be able to be who I am and be as fat as I like, and be capable of character customizing even the non playable characters to my liking.This is pure fat shaming, and heavily sexualizing men to absurd levels of disgrace.There are no real men that look anything like this. And I need my female protagonists to also be a lesbian.Men can also be strong and independent.This is pure bigotry.
i'm not mistaken this game is incredibly stingy when it comes to currency income and stamina right?
>>1668022That's a little boy, it's something completely different.
holy FUCK!I want to fuck all of these fuckbois damnthank you Jesus
>>1594194>sexualized females le badBut you still get your games filled with toddler-faced women with giant tits, right? So how can you still have a persecution complex when you're the majority being catered to?
Can you girls reel in the xitter (pronounced shitter) femcels? They're getting real fucking annoying recently.
What iToddler game has women with the biggest breasts?
>>1658552Last Origin is pretty much the one you'd seek for it, there's some girls with tits twice the size of their heads each.>>1674190God you fucking niggers that are anti-coom puritans are 1000 times more annoying than the coomers themselves, always preaching about, fucking kill yourself and go to /fit/ or /x/ ot /pol/ or whatever other le epic anti-gooner thread you boring pieces of shit go to circle jerk instead.
>>1674197>Unironically defending porn which is proven to literally mold your brain akin to a drug userYou're just as bad as them since you enable this behavior, retard. Imagine trying to justify being a slave to cuck porn. 99% of porn is of YOU watching ANOTHER guy fuck someone. You see another man's dick, you see another man's balls. If there's a guy in porn than you're quite literally being put into a cuckold and having your brain melted.
>>1674200what if I only jerk off to pics of naked women?
>>1674197>>1680645samefag kys
I'm trying to remember a top-down, asymmetrical tower defense mobile game where you used scenery objects (like tables and chairs) to build barricades before each wave of zombies. The goal was to slow zombies by redirecting or blocking their paths. You played with four characters (including an old man in a green shirt and a woman the rest i don't remember), shooting zombies from behind your barricades. One of the levels was set in a church with "no more rooms in hell" written in blood on a plate in front of the church. The game is no longer on the Play Store. So anyone know the name of the game?>>>702738836
>no Clash thread I am confuse. Is this really only a gachashit board?How are you lot doing? I made it into TH10 and now infernos are bodying me.
>>1663988I don't think you can get raided while inactive? Or it'll end up with you being in that massive pool of inactive players. That's still better than having to login multiple times a day to try and offset the resource loss to raids
Holy fuck are you all really shitters?>how I be good at attacking at (TH level)?>im so scared of the eagle>im so scared of the monolith>strategy is a meme just edrag spam broI'm a TH14 in Legends League and I can 3 star people 3 THs higher than me on a good day.>>1655259This guy is full of shit
>>1672481Monolith and spell towers are bullshit though
What are all your spell tower configurations of choice? Been feeling like poison in underrated
>>1680043double poison. invis is too short to feel impactful and rage doesn't seem to do much either.
>No always online>No ads>No pay to win>No premium currencies>No Gacha and gambling with real money>No over reliance of oversexualized female characters>No FOMO lifeservice event bullcrap>One time purchase to own the game>Just plain, good old fun, zero bullshitPreferrable Beat Em Up, Hack and Slash, ARPGs or Turn Based RPGs but with actual strategy involved. I also like character creation and exploration.
VodobankaThe Power toyPlague IncTheo TownThe creator of furry guardians also made a megaman like platformer thats fun for me.These two i play on pc but have mobile ports wich i'd rather not play on mobile but you might like them.OpenttdMindustryMinetestMinecraftTerraria
>>1679578What happened to Cell Lab? I can't find it on the play store. I actually forgot about it until you sent that image.
>>1679879At least they have the apk on their website and it still works.
The Chaos Rings series is great, but unfortunaly only Chaos Rings 3 is available on mobile because all the others are incompatible with newer Android and IOS systems, and Square Enix is too lazy to update them.
I just found Higgster's Games Compendium. At the very least, it's a good way to play freecell and solitaire without ads.Similar games include Simon Tatham's Puzzles, and Lexica
>have Netflix>have access to a bunch of cool games on mobile for "free">no IAP, no ads, etcWhat the hell I didn't know about this. There is some actual kino here. Whatcha playing?
>>1659915Huh, I actually know a dev that released a bunch of games as Apple Arcade exclusives... That sucks, too.
If anyone here as it, try Scriptic. It's fucking kino. It's an interactive murder mystery game were you're the detective and you can go through the victims phone etc to find clues / answers.
>>1658312I hate this shit because they basically force you to pay up or you can't play the games on phones.I wanted to play oxenfree and it's only available through netflix, same shit with apple arcade and fantasian.
>>1658312Never used Netflix, but one time I got a good deal on Play Pass which also gives you access to some actually decent games.
>>1680488Not only the games, but also their in-game paid articles, some worth hundreds. Fucking big.
I find that cell phone interesting and comfortable at the same time.
I am an Android user and it bothers me that they don't bring excellent games to Android like Rayman mini which is only for
I am an Android user and it bothers me that they don't bring excellent games to Android like Rayman mini which is only for iOS (Correction)
Thread made to share and discuss any old mobile game.-Resources:>What is java games?Early 2000 mobile games made with the java programming language or mostly known as J2ME>How do i play them?For PC Android>Where can i find games? too long. Click here to view the full text.
I dont frequent this board but tjis thread looks interesting, bump
>>1209541i've been playing gameloft classics lately, idk why gameloft would delist that from the app store, it's a good way to get a sample of java games from every genre they did except their pornographic ones
Anything like ye olde "Castle of the Winds 2" out there?
are there any good ARPG type of mobile games? like maybe something like Diablo 2 or something...
Are we ever getting another Usagi?
I assume we can talk about SG-arts other games here as well. I just started recently playing Orisries and everyone is hyped about having this man hating dyke in the game to degrade; is there more story sections once I get out of the season 1 server ghetto and get into real whale vs whale combat? Also is Tenkafuma any fun?
What is/was the most powerful EOS?What EOS caused the highest per-whale seethe ever recorded?I love reading meltdown posts
Kanata soon/vmg/ clan: StarSneedput /vmg/ in your profile to sign up
>>1677897nta but I only change rachel for kanata and I got 20m on sync 200. Probably can push higher with 1 supp instead of 2 if I bring 3 dps instead but eh, I'm not on cartel's guild to care about that.
>>1677928>Can only do 10M on lvl 190I know I should've upgrade my LR gear but it feels like a waste spending mats on non set equipment.
>>1678647Just upgrade the wep and the gloves for the DPS if you feel you're lacking. It'll be long before you get a proper set.
>>1677707>No fucking LR dispatch on last dayHoly fucking nigger, I can't complete the weekly task you dumbshit
Good morning saar, do not redeem thisSS10TICKETSSS5PICKUPSS500STARBIT
Revived Witch shut down 7th May 2023. This thread is made in it's memory. What were your favourite parts? Who were your favourite characters? What do you think of the fan projects aiming to bring the game back
>>1679432I don't really remember either... It's been too long without Witch...
Witch stinky corpse got ai
>>1679551>trigger words: dumb_witchRude! Witch is not dumb!
>>1679559>trigger words: dumb_witchhow mean pff didn't see that
slop witch
What’s the situation with handheld emulators and no ninentdo content? I’d literally only buy one for the mostly ninentdo content but I’ve seen reviews recently saying some new emulators are being shipped without it. >miyoo>anbernic>powkiddy Am I just better off purchasing an older used one?
>>1654917pc handhelds are fuckhuge and heavy. if you aren't putting it in a lunchbag or backpack, you have to use the mini suitcase to carry them. they are handhelds, barely portables, and definitely not pocket consoles.>>1655424>>1656764phone controllers are hit or miss. i've used a couple, namely a razer kishi and a bluetooth gamesir. both felt okay-ish, but because of how they work, they never feel solid. there's always a bit of play, and you can just tell it's a very universal solution. the kishi can be flexed around really badly on the left side, and there's a bigass band of flexible rubberized material with a plastic locking plate where your hands should rest. the gamesir is a bit better, but it just holds...weird. it wants to push the phone out of the jaws because it's not biting right, since i have a case, so the whole thing just wants to push the phone out. it's very android handheld, designed for gaming, alleviates these issues *and* has active cooling so thermal throttling is rarely an issue. they're not terribly expensive either, you'll spend ~60-100 on a high quality phone controller like a gamevise or kishi v2 (unless they come down in price). at that rate, save another couple weeks and get something purpose built for gaming that will run better and longer.
>>1669842>save upit's not about not having money, it's about things costing too much
>>1654866>Am I just better off purchasing an older used one?No, you're better off building your own ROM library, however that may be, and loading it onto the emulator yourself.
>>1654866bit unrelated but anyone knows any trustworthy APK sites? I'd like to have Citra & Yuzu, plus several other classic, delisted gamesI don't understand anything about github so I'd appreciate the help
>>1678414This site lists most emulators other than Yuzu. It's meant for the Obtainium store but you don't have to use it, you can click the github link and download it. is dead, you're looking for Sudachi. It's on Google somewhere.