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We're still breathing.
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I see. Now that I think about it, I wonder if "prostitution" was the right word. Prostitution implies monetary payment for sexual intercourse, you could see the payment humans made to enter any bioroid amusement park as "prostitution" but only if they visit the brothel section. But here's the problem, due to the nature of bioroids being created to instinctively follow human commands, any men could have intercourse with them without the need of payment. So, wouldn't prostitution as a business for bioroids be a massive sham? As any man could workaround the payment by just being human.
Pretty much. Prior to the apocalypse, the only bioroids that had anything remotely close to human rights were the wives of high class humans, the kind that could pay all the surgeries for the growth and survival of the hybrid children.
Even Eva, a human turned bioroid, was under heavy restrictions which screwed her. Bioroids were basically objects and most records we find of people that treated them well saw them as resources or tools that had to be treated with proper care.
A bioroid prostitution business back then would be essentially a dollhouse that belonged to a human which would have all of the profit in it. The only reason they could voluntarily refuse to fuck someone would be because of the hierarchy of command prioritizing the current owner who would then determine himself if it was a worthy deal.
And if said guy died then it would be as you said: without the previous owner the bioroid will have to obey the command of any human she finds. She wouldn’t be able to impose any rules, on the contrary: the current living human can overrule the previous owner’s as proven by Circe.
If a bioroid tried to estabilish any independent business, prostitution included, any human could easily order her to do their bidding and do whatever they want to her. Excepted only by older models that had different sets of rules likes the Kohei Sisterhood.
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So what stopped humans in the past (those that didn't own a bioroid) from telling bioroids to work for then in shady business while still keeping their "normal facade" or by creating havoc by telling them to rob banks, stores, or even set up terrorist attacks? Also, what made the Kohei Sisterhood different?
Nothing stops random people from doing that to ownerless bioroids though within what’s allowed. Often we see stray bioroids are naïve or fear meeting humans that could order them to do nearly anything.
Crimes like that actually did happen. Technically the heavy ones involving murder should be a minority but destruction otherwise was allowed and they note proxy conflicts did occur.
Now for the rest:
Unless they are old models, special military ones (and rare even then) or outright illegal ones, bioroids are “hardwired” into being forbidden at killing people. The law already existed beforehand but there was a short period before they outright produced bioroids forbidden from birth at doing it.
As far as we know while there were numerous bioroids, the ones without owners should be rare. The price of a mass produced bioroid was roughly the price of a car. So it isn’t something you are supposed to find without an owner for any random human to order. Still something common enough for you to see anyone using as they wanted.
Kohei Sisterhood is special because the bioroids made by them were some of those old models. They are technically forbidden from killing too but are fully capable of killing those deemed as heretics. Saraqael killed her fair share and it’s heavily implied Veronica did too. It’s unknown if it’s because they are older or because they were built in a way the rules were played with like illegal models.
Illegal models built for assassination and terrorism could only obey the original owner as they point out it would be a high risk someone else could hamper them. It’s implied the trick to them is that what qualifies as “human” is narrowed down to the master. The rules are in place but they follow slightly different definitions.
North Korea was decimated in military skirmishes using bioroids early on as well.
Eventually humanity knew better than that as if you don’t have a hard set rule there will be loopholes so all bioroids after a short period early on were hardwired into being forbidden into killing people and other stuff like experimenting into making more bioroids or humans themselves. Mankind really feared the worst that could happen.

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Has anybody here heard of it?


What faction are you?
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I'm Enlightened, I've been playing this game for several years and have attended some of the irl events.

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It ain't necessarily gameplay or story or even fan service which I still enjoy.
The reason why I love this kind of games is because it filters out dung like these fuckers.
But what I truly love is when the community helps with the gatekeeping best example Blue Archive, because if you don't you will end up with the average flag sucking Hoyofag

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Gingaza Main Story Chapter 2 came out.
Full versions of the songs were released, links here: https://lnk.to/WDS_gameplaylist
Livestream featuring Hatsumi and Xue's seiyuus on November 29th: https://twitter.com/wds_game/status/1724731686334943343
Current event is a Towa/Shigure/Yae event.
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I started playing this like a week ago. It's fun.
Yet another event is coming to an end.
Make sure to read the story and buy all the rewards from the shop.
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was beginning to think they wouldn't get it in in june
Less than 15 hours left on the event.
Buy all the rewards and read the event story if you haven't yet.

It's here bros
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This is why I don't care about leaks anymore, 4 months later and that leaked Dorothy is still not out.
Stupid reasoning, leaks doesn't mean its coming soon. It just confirms the unit exists and is coming at some point. (Swimsuit charlotte/mimosa and idol Noelle/Vanessa etc. were leaked last year, and they are still not out. But we know they are coming for sure.) You should care about leaks, they confirm units that are definitely coming even if it takes a long time. It's better than not knowing at all
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It would have been great if the same applied to Zora.
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Anyone guess which Noelle units are coming next? I know we're getting idol J-pop Noelle from the leaks. But after? Maybe party or ceremony Noelle
Idol Noelle is the only thing I've seen.

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when will you gacha heads learn
Learn what?
Did anyone else archive it?
Is the franchise still alive?
Probably not. Blue Reflection: Second Light was released more than 2 years ago and the next game developed by Gust is Fairy Tail 2.

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>no essex thread
what gives
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What do we call this 'sex?
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Dragalia Lost is back on the table boys! I included a copy of the base apk and modified apk. Install the modified apk to play the game. If you don't trust me then install the base APK and patch it yourself. The rest is up to you to figure out. As of now, Dawnshard is the only one that supports co-op.

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Fake and gay
I know it's fake but I would buy a Switch version of Dragalia. This could've been a series of games with each game focusing on some of the characters' stories along with a portion of the main story instead of being a mobile gacha.
Well at least after the last Direct, other companies are jumping on the "lets turn our dead phone game into an offline paid game", with SNK/Metal Slug and Square Enix with that one game.
>Square Enix with that one game.
They did it several times like Team Asano's Various Daylife.
Then there's Cygames's little alchemist game that was retooled entirely into being a side-scrolling roguelite.
Lol, dead leaker.

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[x] Touch fluffy tail
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I NEED that one low rarity button equip
What’s everyone’s thoughts on Danet? The 3 turn cleric, looks like she has some utility and firepower to boot.
The inheritable supergravity mitigation awoken skills on many of the equips from this collab make it worth rolling at least a few times in my opinion.
Not getting Gundam is giving me depression, like it's just reminding me on how they ruined Marvel also and how we never got One Piece. I should of swapped to Japan when I had the chance but now I'm too deep to leave my NA account.
Why didn't they make Justice a cute anime girl when they did it with godam?

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>valorant/borderlands baby
currently in Android beta testing in SEA and Brazil, but you can just grab the APK through their official site https://aceforce2.com

do note that it's a tencent game tho so be wary

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From Fischl's castle to this.
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This isn't /vg/, you can have threads of the same game as long as they're not the same topic.
Last year we didn't even have anything
>Genshins Summerevent: IKEA Smaland

>Tower of Fantasy Summerevent: Dead or Alive Volleyball

thanks i hate it.
whats next, a baby raising minigame with the potatoes?
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Why wouldn't I play?

It has cool female characters modelled after its middle-aged feminist employees at Mihomo

40%+ of its employees are women or LGBTQ who openly despises their otaku/incel players, who consistently try to insert LGBTQ/feminism messages into the game and censor boobs/asses

what's not to like?

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>Trash game
She's still good after the nerf desu

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new freya sexo skin is out
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Thanks, I will check.
Nerf thunderbelt NOW. Hylos is a straight up monster with this. Abuse it while you can.
Be honest bros what are my chances? Think I can pull this babe?
Hope you can anon, good luck
Good news. Things didn't work out with yoshi. She never replied back. But I found a new tranny ewife with someone else.

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So why aren't you playing this game. You don't need translations. It's autochess with priconne leveling.
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I found all of these off arca. Had to resize them because of the filesize limit
Thanks. Wanted a reference if I end up doing an idea I have in another game. I'd have to learn vector shit though. Either way I just like her a lot. I had checked on namu since that is what I was told about when asking about a wiki
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Took me til now to realize who these two were

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Discuss the DALSP, the ongoing remake of the game, and how Kurumi is the cutest

Remember to do your dailies!
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how many seasons to watch before I can play >>1501547
S1 for Rinne Utopia
S2 for Arusu Install
S3+movie for upcoming Ren Dystopia
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Thank you
Damn is that really part of the game?
clock sexo

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