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Just bought a phone.
What's the best mobile game to start with? Before this my phone could only handle a GBA emulator.
Boku no Pico: Tenkai

Seriously though I've a similar question. What's good on the play store that's free?

That's extremely vague, but if you like old school stuff alike Diablo 1: Exiled Kingdoms, has a free version and a paid one that is very cheap.

If you want to try gacha shit Goddess of Victory Nikke at least has a decent gameplay

If you want a shooter with extremely small matches: Bullet Echo
Simon Tatham's Puzzles is a classic and a must-have.
Let's say I boughted an iphone 16 pro and I like calm, 4 dudes in a row rpgs and I could go up to 20€ on a single game, what would you recommend, I've already set my eyes with the ex astris game, but I would like something that I can take after that.
And do you know of any good golf game that isn't gacha or full of ads? That's one of the big things missing on my list of games to download.
there's nothing else on phones as good as ex astris, at least not the same level of quality and effort
phone games are mostly trash
i bought animal crossing pocket camp ($10), it's garbage, somehow even worse than new horizons
all it has going for it are the furniture options but i am looking for a proper lifesim experience
i had lots of fun playing pokemon ds games on phone
but other than that, there's only gachatrash on phones
it really is a miracle something like ex astris even exists
>i bought animal crossing pocket camp ($10), it's garbage, somehow even worse than new horizons
I used to play when it released years ago, it was and continues to be the worst ac to ever exist, I would recommend you playing wild world on a ds emulator, so far it's the best ac I've ever played with the most citizens dialog variety and without the retarded tile map from gamecube.
If I'm honest here, I would have shilled 20 or 30 euros for a fully fledged phone animal crossing, even if it was just something like new leaf, but they instead went the mtx and lootbox route and made a crude mockery of a good animal crossing.
there is barely any lifesim in pocket camp
all you do is collect shit, craft and decorate
it's the very thing that ruined main series animal crossing
i can't wait for heartopia and that hoyo animal crossing clone
i just want some decent competition to animal crossing at this point
there's also that hello kitty game, i don't know how much lifesim it has, i will try it on switch
Epic Battle Fantasy 5 is an acclaimed classic, but apparently not for everyone. The only golf game I played was OK Golf.
There's also a nice site called minireview.io that lets you search by genre and filter by monetization types, so you might actually find something for you instead of taking your chances browsing the store app.
Bleach Brave Souls is the best mobile game ever made and I’ve been playing it since 2016.
Total War, Dead cells, Stardew valley, Albion online, Slay the spire, KOTOR, Wild rift and maybe if you like gacha games GFL2
Okay, so I've been looking at that site for the past several days and found these games so far, and since the almost city state shitters haven't shipped the phone yet I haven't tried any of them, so no clue how good they are.
- champy the useless vampire
- boxville
- tangle tower
- lego bricktales
- angelo and deemon
- machinarium
Anyone got a recommendation for a calm point and click or whatever other puzzle or cozy game?
I hardly play adventure games on my phone but I bookmarked these: Voodoo Detective, Nelly Cootalot, Lumino City, Moncage, Papers Please. I did play Kingdom Two Crowns and 80 Days.
For puzzle games, there are: Hexologic, Path of Giants, Golf Peaks, HOOK (and other games by Rainbow Train), Scalak (and others by Hamster On Coke Games), Tobrix, Mars Power Industries, Shproty, Lexica. And Grammarian Ltd, lol.
If you already intend to buy games, you might want to use the Appsales app to track deals with the watchlist function. Some of the games I mentioned (and more) are also on Play Pass, which in some cases might be cheaper than buying.
wait for heartopia
Opinion discarded
I used to play golf with my friends when I was an American engineer
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