PVP on the leftPoC on the right
The ironic part is there's no way PoC would've been this good without PvP, we wouldn't have gotten as many filler cards so it'd feel a lot more samey, plus it only really took off when there were hundreds of existing cards, I doubt it would've lasted that long in the beginning, PoC 1 was fun but very limited.
>>1602577>The ironic part is there's no way PoC would've been this good without PvPTrue>we wouldn't have gotten as many filler cards so it'd feel a lot more samey, I suposse so>plus it only really took off when there were hundreds of existing cards, This combined with the lack of league easy access button + lacking animations didn't help at the start. Bilgewater being released after the big release day was such a mistake. >I doubt it would've lasted that long in the beginning, PoC 1 was fun but very limited.I still remember when Viktor was the big bitchIn other newshttps://x.com/PlayRuneterra/status/1852388697154400538Nov 6
>>1603969Before Viktor it was Veigar, before Veigar it was GP, and before GP I think it was Asol (if you count that version).
>we get an arcane character as a champ (so does LoL)>no one gets LoR exclusive champsIt was always over but it's doubley over.
>>1604132I stopped playing LoL since vanguard so lmaoHowever, that's wrong. TFT has norra, for example.Really, its only the main game that's fucked beyond salvation in terms of design.
>>1604213>I stopped playing LoL since vanguard so lmaoShe sounds fucking annoying too.>more (and safer) dashes than Irelia>high range attacks>shield>better Yone ult (but single target I think)>TFT has norraForgot about that. But TFT is TFT, it's had arcane champs too.
>monthly came out yesterday>71 people have already finished it without a failure>114 have completed it
>>1604299where are u seeing those stats
>>1604812Monthly challenge -> leaderboard, then I scrolled right until I hit the limits (>70 million is complete, 70,070,000 is no retries).It's now 153-277 if you're wondering.
Warwick is herehttps://x.com/PlayRuneterra/status/1853471902951452707
Just EoS it at this point
>>1605957>almost completely useless until he levels>can't even put a quick attack relic on him because he gets it after he levels>his spell is extremely weak, only helped by his 2* (and the spell devalues the challenger relic)>a hodgepodge of Zaun units, only 1 of them even helps him strike>his 4* sounds mandatory>no custom level up animation but there's an annoyingly long generic level up animation>no voice lines so it sounds emptyHe sounds pretty near unusable.
>no VO>no animations>no followers>no regen despite the fact it would be the nost obvious keyword>entire kit is just you get +1/0 whenever you do swain shitHoly fucking shit, just pull the fucking plug riot
>>1606102Definitely sounds weak, specially since he would neeed to have gorillions of attack to actually deal with the big boys at 5*+Maybe if he got the "5+ attack units attack the weakest" I could see something.
How often are you going to reliably proc Eternal Hunter? It seems that even they realized it was terrible even at 3* so had to make the 6* a direct improvement.
Four years. I waited for four fucking years for my favorite champion to be added to this shitty game, and this is what I get. Riot retarded faggot games, who survived almost 20 years on this market DEPISTE being the most incompetent company in the world, SOMEHOW found a way to not make money AND pissed away their budget on literal fucking whos instead of adding champions people wanted to see. It was definitely worth it to blow thousands on the hecking wholesome poro king, some faggot fish and le dark souls dragon. The last fucking big-budget thing they did was a music video for a mediocre champion, for FIDDLESTICK'S update.I could live without interactions and voice lines. I could live without level up animations. But they couldn't even be assed to print followers for his package, or even make a decent kit. He's worse tha a fucking follower.I cannot express my fucking anger in a way that won't put me in a federal prison.
Some reply to the tweet explains it perfectly, it's a problem some other champs have had to a lesser extent but it's egregious here: He feels like a follower. Admittedly he has a better stat line and much lower cost but he also has a condition and was made for PvE not PvP.
Fiddlesitck chads, that was a close one
I just realized his 6* is objectively worse than Viego's, especially since (from the looks of it) Warwicks 6* overwrites his 3*. You aren't going to be consistently doing 6-12 slaps every turn, even if AoE damage counts as multiple instances which I'm going to assume isn't the case.>>1606127One of the funnest new decks. Fiddle stays winning.
>>1606129Im pretty sure AOE counts. Otherwise we got ourselves the worst POC champ ever.
>>1606103>>1606116>>1606127it definitely feels like Fiddles was already cooking and almost done before the change of focus to PVE.I think they planned the runeterror update to include Tahm and Noct as well based on the music video (randomly focuses in on cards like soulgorger and etherfiend, both have nothing to do with Eve or Fiddles outside of probably being also demons) and only stepped back because the budget is gone but the song was already paid for.This sucks hard and will likely turn off a good chuck of people willing to support/already supporting the game from supporting it.
>>1605957>unconditional +1 starting manawhat the fuck
>>1606283oh my god it's just his 2 star power reposted on another image I though it was his fucking relic
>>1606283I'm pretty sure they did that because it was showing off Blood Hunt.
They gave up on ever updating PvPThey game up on recording voice lines and interactionsThey gave up on making new animationsThey begged on their knees for people to buy the bundlesAll forONESINGLECARD
>>1606442>All for>ONE>SINGLE>CARDWhat? We're getting another champ, it's at least two cards.
I don't like to be a downer but WW release is genuinely grim, I can't lie.
>>1606507That seems to be the general consensus. I would hope they were expecting this, it should be obvious.
Okay guys hear me out, what if they're hiding the rest of his kit because the cards would spoil Arcane season 2? TRUST THE PLAN
Those are two very lazy champions. They even have essentially the same 2*.
I'm actually amazed that they could manage to find an even less synergistic hodgepodge of units than Warwick's crew. Two followers synergize at all and one of them is new.
https://playruneterra.com/en-us/news/game-updates/patch-5-11-notes/These purple relics look ass though
>5 new adventures (7 if you count the story)Are they planning on doing this every update? It's getting a little ridiculous.>relicsI'm assuming they're non-champ relics so they're just going to be more epic clutter.If not, then Warwicks is an objectively worse version of Beast Within, Ambessa's is ok I guess, not sure 2 seems a little lackluster.
I feel like 5.5* Karma is going to be aids. I swear to god if Irelia is a midboss that doubles played spells I'm going to scream.
Warwick is borderline useless even at full stars, the best he can do is 3 stars if you get lucky with support champs and powersAmbessa is unga bunga fun, always attack like a retard and get infinite value
>ambessa's singular new follower is just a picture directly ripped from ArcaneHoly shit, it's bad.
>>1606897Yep, champ relics.https://x.com/PlayRuneterra/status/1854207212425785465lmao who's going to buy the warwick bundle? A bad champ with a bad relic that's useless on everyone else (maybe excluding Fiddle).The only thing good about his deck is his art (Aand speaking of art, what the fuck is Rictus?)Looking through the items he gets on level up, they're all useless.>boomcrew rookie gets draw>chempunk shredder 5->4>jurry rig invokes for some reason>sump dredger gets barrier>used cask salesman heals and targons brace?>get excited +1 damage>caustic rift gives +1/1 to board>clump of whumps shadow totem and +2/0His constellation mini-upgrades are decent I guess.
>>1607477>what the fuck is Rictus?>>1607461
>Warwick is so bad, they give out Ambessa fragments instead of himTop kek>>1607477>lmao who's going to buy the warwick bundle? A bad champ with a bad relic that's useless on everyone else (maybe excluding Fiddle).This is the most amusing part. Aren't they trying to make money?
>>1607578The new one adventures seem to give out a ton of fragments however.
>>1607580*the new adventuresSpecifically:>1.5*, 10 ambessa>3.5*, 30 ambessa>5.5*, 30 ambessa>2.5*, 10 warwick>4.5*, 30 warwickActually, counting it up and Warwick doesn't get as many here either.
>You can gain the champs constellation spells as wellOh yeah now we are gaming>>1607582>>1607580Yeah he still gets less.
Looks like ai in the middle
>>1607639Open the full art, it's terrible. If the other guy's right then it's just a straight rip from Arcane.
Oh yeah Warwick fucking sucks.I'm not even sure if he's better than Kindred, Kindred at least has stall-to win strategy and some usable cards, you're losing units if you're attacking/blocking to activate your 3* and pretty much the whole deck is overpriced with little to no payoff.
Mmmm yes should I take the better or the worse option here...
If you were wondering, doubling up on Warwick's 4* doesn't kill 2hp units.
>>1608475Oh, and for some reason Warwick gives a prompt to strike your own damaged units if there are no damaged enemies despite specifying enemies.
>>1608481>Oh, and for some reason Warwick gives a prompt to strike your own damaged units if there are no damaged enemies despite specifying enemies.Well, everyone wants to be his enemy
>>1608481Also, if you kill an unit with gloom or any nexus effect outside-combat damage, Warwick's 6* will give your nexus +3 health
>Warwick isn't even the final boss of his adventureOh no no no no no
>>1609099He is of the 1*, is the 4.5* different?
holy fuck Ambessa is a lot of funI have missed these niggas like you wouldn't believe, and Ambessa just lets you spam the shit out of them
>>1609153also forgot to mention how Ambessa just enables them to stack +1's like crazy with her powers and midnight raid
finally got around to doing a 5* or higher adventure with fiddlenot really looking forward to doing it either of the new champs but at least the new adventures also abaolutely shower you in their champ fragments
>>1609785Ambessa's obviously the go-to, thank god you don't have to do it with Warwick. Did you do it on Viego's 5*?
>>1609798nah, did it on the karma one from the event since it's a 5.5the opponent drawing an extra card per turn helps you as much as it does them (even better if you get support teemo like i did)ambessa looks alright, stuns (the 1 cost spell and the ugly looking 2 cost unit) are always nice for doing higher difficulties
struggling to determine who to upgrade.next comment decides.I won't play any black characters, but you guys already succumbed to playing DEI-slop characters so you'll probably suggest them for the lulz.
Wew lad, you can roll asol's power.
>>1610412Heimer is funAshe is an easy win againts those that just love stacking one unit with overwhelm to winFiddlestick is also top tier and funJinx is good in generalAs an avoidance, cait is shit unless you got her purple relic.
>>1610414I went with heimer. thanks~
>>1610413Holy shitI guess you can get the duplicate stats as well>>1610421No problem.
>>1610421nice Heimer is based af and Asol-tier broken if you highroll
>makes new adventure with decks solely from Ionia, the most bullshit antifun region in the entire game>new adventure is unfair and bullshitHuh, who would have guessed
I was thinking of playing this again, but after reading this thread I think I'll stay away.
>>1610829Very insightful post, will consider
>>1610833Cry about it
>>1610834kek so mad the game you invested in is so dogshit the devs don't even give a fuck anymore
>>1610836Sorry pvpkek, I don't care about your abandoned mode.
>muh boogiemanunironically seething
>>1610829No one cares. You say this every month or so, there's a good chance you never even played the game.
i lost interest in this game because my favorite champ (darius) got power creeped, but what's the singleplayer like? is he decent in that? or should i not bother?
>>1611165Darius's deck isn't bad, though that's been power creeped too (and his constellation didn't help much with that), but Darius himself is basically unusable because of his cost. His PoC deck is very aggro, you just don't reach 6 mana often.
>>1611165Darius's deck usually wins with big overwhelm swings within the first two attack turns or you start to fall off and don't win at all. His deck doesn't need him.
>>1611165He's decent, but he's not worth alone since he is basically not needed in his deckWould need some massive boost to units that had overwhelm anyway plus the nature of putting a lot on the board early that high level PoC gets to
Maybe I was a little harsh on warwick when he came out. His deck is still a mishmash of whatever the fuck but he works decently, at least in 3-4.5* games. I just did his 4.5* (level 27, 4*, 1 epic relic (not his)) and I ended up crushing it though admittedly did get some very good rolls. If his items weren't absurdly bad then I think he would've been a lot better, once you get past his early game (which can be mitigated with some powers and his huge regen) everything he drops is huge.
>heimer needs a Bandle nova crystal God damn itWho do I use the P&Z nova crystal on? Already blew my first one on Caitlyn
>>1613166>Already blew my first one on CaitlynYou are so fucking bricked my manI hope you at least have the epic relic>heimer needs a Bandle nova crystalBeen trying to deal with Karma 5.5* with him. This node sucks
>>1613166>Who do I use the P&Z nova crystal on?P&Z options are Cait, Ekko, Jayce, Jinx, Vi, Warwick.Fun fact, every P&Z except Janna has a constellation.
>>1613166>Who do I use the P&Z nova crystal on?jinx probably unless you really want to save it for a potential seraphine/ezrael/janna/viktor/path exclusive champ if we get one of those>>1613169>Karma 5.5*>This node sucksi thought it wasn't that bad personally but i also did it with my 6* (5* technically, no manaflow) vex for the bandle req
>>1613423how was it with Vex? I tried with 5 star Nora twice and I'm getting my ass beat
>>1614600I managed it with Teemo, I figured them drawing would be beneficial. It took me 3-4 runs to get past the second node, it was fucking rough, there were 2 games where I only just won by exact lethal right before they were going to finish me. On a side note I was hoping that'd take care of my Bandle run so I could use Jinx to wrap it up, nope he counted as P&Z because fuck me I guess.
There's a 20/20-hindsight complaint I want to make about RuneterraJarvan IV's level-up animation was a really bad idea. The idea of "anteing-up" the level up animations with full character shots seemed cool at the time but now, with the game on life support, I see tons of really shitty looking level-up animations that ALSO look really expensive to make. A bad combination that I think was due to an inability to meet the standards they had raised for themselves. Don't get me wrong, sometimes they made really great stuff with the full model level-ups like Veigar, but it wasn't worth it in the endAs an example, Ornn's level up is boring fucking trash but when I see it I just imagine how much time and money went into that more-detailed-than-LoL Ornn model that was used for a single 5 second level up animation. Whereas you go to older champions with "cheaper" level-ups and they're more emblematic of the character, clearly cheaper to produce, and lets the card art speak for itself. See: Lucian, Zed, Riven, GP, TF.
>>1614612Lucian's level up is probably the most bang for your buck in the game.
>>1614600it took about the same amount of effort as my jinx run, which is to say not much at all - it was pretty easy
>>1614848Vex's 6* is pretty damn strong so it makes sense.
what the fuck is Ambessa>Drop Legion Marauder>Dupe it with Conscription>GG go nextI got bored of this before my first adventure was over
>>1615231The black warrior granny got DEI points so Warwick wouldn't overshadow her.
>>1615231Legion Marauder was my favorite gimmick back when PoC wasn't a thing and I've been wanting these niggas on a PVE deck for the longest time
Poor Asol.>+3/+3 per keyword>+2/+2 +1 keyword (given) on summon>trifarian might>overwhelm>support was a Lucian with double attack
I just installed this game, if the aspect ratio depressed to be fucked?
>>1618565Sounds like skill issue
>>1618565what the fuck did I type, whatever, you probably get what I mean so I'll just reinstall
>>1618565That looks very wrong, maybe check the settings (the R in the top right-> gear icon).
IMAGINE sinking time and money into a game that is unironically one step away from a EoS announcement.
>>1618761You're sinking time into coming onto a dead board every few weeks to make the same post for like 3-4 people.
Came here after finishing Season 2 of Arcane just to say holy fuck do I miss the world building this cheap ass card game provided.
I've got a P&Z Nova Crystal and I'm looking at Heimerdinger. He remains my favorite champion in LoL (despite not playing it for almost a decade now) and looking through his constellations I am left with a lot of questions.Is there a list of the upgrades that you can get anywhere? In particular his 3* upgrades.Also, his final constellation says that at game start tech allies in hand + in play get a bunch of upgrades. Is that just a one time bonus or does it permanently give those bonuses to any techs that come into play or are in my hand? As written it feels more like the former but from a design perspective it seems odd that some Tech allies would have bonuses that others wouldn't since his whole gimmick seems to be upgrading tech everywhere all at once.Anyone have experience upgrading him and can share how he plays? He seems fun but weak at lower constellations but I'm hoping his final upgrades change that.
>>1619277>Is there a list of the upgrades that you can get anywhere? In particular his 3* upgrades.I'm not aware of one. When he released I wrote down a ton of them though. Also, fuck this archive, it doesn't have searching enabled.One I found later was GIVE all keywords (including barrier).
>>1619277>I've got a P&Z Nova Crystal and I'm looking at Heimerdinger.please read this>>1613166
>>1619277Oh and to answer your other questions>Is that just a one time bonus or does it permanently give those bonuses to any techs that come into play or are in my hand? Permanent everywhere buff.He plays surprisingly well since you get 1 spell mana back on summon and he can generate a lot of cheap units. There are definitely games where you struggle to both play techs and upgrade them though.
>>1619282Thanks! Really stupid that there is no canon list anywhere.
>>1619277>Is there a list of the upgrades that you can get anywhere?no luck finding any info outside of what people have claimed to have encountered and those I've encountered myselfthe most notable buff I got was the all positive keywords one that granted permanent spellshield and barrier
>>1619283>>1619285Thank you.I've got nova crystals for:P&ZShadow IslesRuneterraDemaciaWho would be some fun but also viable choices?
>>1619290for me its: Fiddlesticks for Runeterra and Vex for Shadow Islesfor P&Z if you really want to spend it, Jinx is really powerful but I'd save itsimilarly for Demacia, go with Vayne or save it
>>1619286Eh I'm ok with it. You can't really target anything and it's a pretty big list with what appears to be a common/rare mechanic so I think it's supposed to feel like a surprise when you get something. I just wish it told you what you got, by the end of a match you're staring at keyword soup playing spot the difference.>>1619290Bold have 4-6*'s.Basically everyone loves Fiddlesticks, give him a try and see if you like his playstyle. And I'd say they're all "viable" for certain nightmare adventures at 6*, maybe not as good as a Jinx but still doable. Though be aware that some more recent champs may be a little reliant on their pay only item (Caitlyn's shit without it).
>>1619293>and Vex for Shadow IslesVex is Bandle.
>>1619296oh rightgod damn itGOD DAMN IT
>>1619294>Some more recent champs may be a little reliant on their pay only itemI've didn't give Riot a penny back when they were actually Riot and once they were bought out by the chinks I decided I was never going to. I'm a little annoyed at the pay only items but such is life.>>1619293Vayne huh? I have Lux Illuminated at 5* for the extra mana gem but I felt both her and Vayne were underwhelming 6*. I think I'll hold on to the P&Z one since Jinx is already extremely busted. I really like Eve's playstyle but her 6* seems decidedly win more.
>>1619301Yeah it's a little inconsistent though, some are shit (Warwick), some are absolutely necessary (Cait), some are strong but you can do without (Ambessa, Vi).
I really miss the quality of the previous sets. Maaaan, i would trade content and dev time for the quality we used to have. >check the art>ai generated ones are by "league of legends">mfw they're doubling down on ai garbage
>>1619403The only one I've seen with a "League of Legends" credit is Public Execution, and that doesn't look AI it just looks extremely low quality like a coloured draft. If I were to guess it's design art of her ult in LoL.
>>1619290lateish reply>P&Zjinx unga, rest are eh>SIno bad options here (there's only two, anyway)gwen's is probably the stronger choice if you have disciple of shadows, lets you drop her for 0 first turn at the "cost" of killing off the four free hollowed ephemerals that were going to die anyway>Runeterraeasily fiddle in terms of most fun/viable.i'm admittedly the kind of person who would take aatrox's just to drop big aatrox and level him into bigger aatrox (since levelling up counts as a transform)>Demaciasave your resources and hope a more interesting 6* for the region comes out
>>1619982Redpill me on Fiddle. I only have him at 3* and not leveled up very much but he seems pretty slow. In particular the PoC stages have a million cards in their deck by the later stages so I figured he would be difficult to level up.
How does it feel to know your favorite champion might never be added? Or, if they are, that it's gonna be a half-assed PoC exclusive?
>>1620013He works well because he has multiple win conditions, you mill the shit out of their deck and then just win. Fiddle himself is placed around the 15th to last card in the deck (on a curve, he can appear earlier/later but it's less common, I've seen him on the 34th card). The general idea is you smash units into the enemy nexus (glooming/reducing their power to attack more freely) and you get mills, with mills you get units. It's like an offensive portal.If you want to see how he can fuck you up play the fiddle node (Shadow Isles, 3.5*). Since it's a boss he'll play slightly differently but close enough.
>>1620159>I've seen him on the 34th cardI meant from the bottom, so practically the opening hand for a 40 card deck.
Maybe Bard? Assuming it activates after the other Bards are put in your deck.I know they had to make junk relics for low rolls but surely they could've made them a little better or a little more usable.
>>1621846i don't think it works that way, or at least i recall it not working with similar effects like the power that reduces the cost of your first card per round based on game start deck size (assuming you're talking about using it with echoing spirit/chameleon necklace)i don't have stacked deck yet or i would have checked the interaction myself
https://playruneterra.com/en-us/news/game-updates/balancing-quality-and-quantity-for-lor/>WW and Ambessa getting VA, unique level up animations, etc.>maybe even unique support cards that better synergize with their deck>4th new champ slated for December cancelled for now while they figure out how to handle the content>new champs added to PoC in the future will have everything moving forwardbig if they're able to do it
>>1622274The lack of flavour text is probably the most egregious one, it takes no effort at all, most of it doesn't have to be lore-focused (just not outright contradictory) and you can outsource some of the cost to the LoL team.I'm surprised they're adding new cards though, but wouldn't be surprised if it were only 1-2 new ones. Ambessa's lineup felt fine and it makes sense her followers would be Legion _____'s, I suppose Blade Squire and Kato could be replaced without issue.Warwicks was a hodgepodge of shit but somehow (mostly) worked. As long as they keep Jury-Rig, Used Cask Salesman and Caustic Riff. Anything that does damage or summons more units cheaply works well so I'm expecting some impact keywords or pinging units.I hope they don't sink too many resources into the level up animations, Lucian or Zed should be the goal, people are 4xing it anyway. And as far as VA goes just slap on some summon/attack/die/win VA and call it a day imo.Real ballsy of them to do this, their biggest money maker would be champion releases and they're slowing that.
If there's one good thing about this game dying it's that Viktor will probably not be updated into whatever this shit is.
>>1623163i'm sure we'll get viktor:2 as a monkey's paw for anyone who wanted viktor as playable in path of champs
>>1604299Since it's about to end, went through it again to see how many people bother with the monthly.>1198 completed without failure>4432 completed it>most failures in a completed run was 38Now saying that, this isn't the full story because I'm sure lots of people ignore the last reward because it's pretty useless.
Thank God I didn't was the extra PnZ crystal I had. Viktor looking strong.
>>1625440The 6* looks strong and his relic looks bonkers on him and just "very good" on other champs. https://x.com/PlayRuneterra/status/1863666991367688571Relichttps://x.com/PVDDR/status/1863666242340655279Considering it's ANOTHER P&Z I bet the temporarily cut champ was fucking Renata or something.
>>1625531May as well post it.Basically just free keywords every turn and a +1/0 to anything with augment. Note that Viktor does get burst versions without it and they overwrite Viktors version he generates so he doesn't get two, but he's double casting it at 6* and getting +1/+1 with augment instead of +1/0 at 3* so it evens out.
>>1623792Gemstones are a big meme yes, and I rushed it last time.Needless to say, its easier than ever thanks to the fact I have much more options and the amount of nodes remains the same
>>1623163If they wanted to make Victor more magical, they could and should have kept it balanced with his Machine Herald form and went full Viktor (heh) Von DOOM
Is the advice from this guide still applicable for a new player (do single player content + drafts to build a collection)?https://mobalytics.gg/blog/lor/lor-free-to-play-beginners-guide/From what I'm reading ITT, they're shifting focus towards PvE. I suppose there's still fun to be had there. I'm really liking the alternating action structure. The emphasis on getting a champion on the field to do your strategy reminds me of a TCG called Build Divide too.
>>1625962Yeah it checks outLoR is very generous with currency and wildcards for unlocking cards and I think the game has more free decks you can unlock than the article describesPVP is still around and still fun to play today. Every now and then I queue up with a for fun pet deck and play until I pop off, just to see what people are playing and there's still a decent playerbase enough that I don't run into the same people over and over again. The PVE game mode is fun, you should definitely check it out.
I enjoy potc but man, I miss the constant pvp fights and all the polish and lore shit we'd get with every expansion.
>>1620147Asol was already added so I am happy :)Heart goes out to arcane mains and especially ww and viktor mains
Upddate is up>Reap sitll doesn't have flavor text RIOT
>>1625440>>1625531>>1625533I just bought Viktor's 4 star bundle and he's pretty fun. Shame this game is on life support, I'm addicted to it.
I've found it's hard to find the mana to spend on playing created cards, he has such a clear curve.>Ballistic Bot>Dropping cat would be better than spending 1 mana on buffing BB>Dropping Viktor would be better than using created cards (though he does gives a free one when he drops so it's ok)
>>1627411reverse the order: i'd say drop viktor round 1, cat turn 2, and bots or whatever else you want turn 3he's only a 4 cost so you can easily reduce him to 0 (or 2 if you have manaflow and want to save a relic slot) via packed powder/scourge's stash
>>1627912Oh boy...
>>1627912>all those people excitedThey're in for an awakening.
>>1627912This got leaked from china while back, I posted about it last thread. Nobody is gonna care about ANOTHER tcg when they're already broke buying mtg, Yu-Gi-Oh and/or pokemon. Some collectors will buy chase cards and drive the secondary market prices up, but that's about it.
>>1627912man, I hope those cards they're using are just test mockups cause they're ugly as fuck.
>Pyke doesn't work with a level 3 XerathKek I get why but, lol lmao
>>1628544>lvl 3 xerath ruins pretty much every single other card except Azir>their interaction was gutted anyway
>>1627912>getting shadowverse treatmentit's over bros, get ready for LoR2 that'd never happen
>>1628935If there's ever a LoR2, which as you said isn't happening, then there's a 0% chance it'll be f2p friendly. They'd over monetize the shit out of it.
Wait were hexcores upgrades always fleeting?
>>1635113Pretty sure they were, yeah.
>>1635113Yes or else you fill your hand since they used to cost 1
merry christmas
Merry Christmas (to all 3 of you that might read this before 2025).
>>1639654>>1639869Merry Christmas!
merry christmas anons
>decide to finally get around to finishing the arcane adventures, only had asol left to do>hang on didn't he only have 3?>they added more to all of them
>>1641445this was me, I thought they didnt add anything but im glad I checked on the day viktor came out
>>1639869>>1639980>>1640961May 2025 bring you blessings.What's this game like for a newer player? I've been playing PoC since its inception and have every character unlocked with at least 3 stars each and all leveled up at least 25. I think unlocking things might be too hard for newer players who didn't get to play any of the events.
>>1643667I would expect that the wide range of champions definitely makes it harder, sure you have a bunch of vaults you can open but even if you get 40+40 fragments you're splitting them between 66 champs. You're so unlikely to get it on the ones you want that it'd probably drive a lot of people away.Shit, I've pretty near maxed 3 champs I don't use (with >100 fragments each waiting for spare crystals) because the game won't stop giving me their fragments in big vaults, meanwhile some of the champs I enjoy playing are struggling to get any (and of course, gotta save wild fragments just to unlock new champs).
Happy new year nerdsWhat champs you want in PoC?For me, I just want to play Ezreal and burn the shit out of the enemy
>do the 5.5* karma run with 6* jinx>don't draw jinx>can't kill the fae bladetwirler node before he decks outSo much for one of the strongest decks in the game.And for beating 5.5* ionia aids I get 300 Targon gemstones (the only Targon with access to them is Morgana and I've barely touched her constellation so fuck me I guess).>>1645048>another P&ZSylas. Never happening though.
new champ when
>>1645048Something to spend Targon resources on other than Morgana. A new constellation would be neat but I wouldn't mind one of the existing ones getting bumped to 6* either.That's mostly for practical reasons though, champ I'd want a constellation for the most would be Azir, followed closely by Xerath.
What did you guys do for the Runeterra req for the 6.5* asol? >Fiddle just takes too long to get going>ED needs too much mana>Jhin needs 4 mana to start playing>Evelynn needs 4 mana to start playing>Jax can't get over the 40/40 champions>Bard needs 4 mana to start playing>Kayn needs 5 mana to start playing>Neeko is too weak and too slow>Poro king is far too slow>Varus needs 4 mana to start playingAnd god help you if you come up against Viktor, he'll win turn 2 and there's almost nothing you can do about it, he has spellshield to stop removal and enough keywords to almost guarantee elusive/overwhelm and enough mana to level up immediately to like 54 power.It really feels like my only chance is getting Fiddle and rolling one of a select few legendary powers.
>>1647555uhhhh I got fiddle an extra mana gem and did it with him first try. I think my relics were loaded dice, spellweavers symphony and hidden tome. If you have norras or fiddles paid relics those are definitely better than my f2p build relics.
>>1647555>no mention of aatroxyou know what you must do, anon
>>1647555Fiddle and Asol sweepAlso I just did it with PykeAll of them with their legendary powers
>>1647555Finally got it with Fiddle.>Loaded Dice>Archangel's Staff>Guardian AngelAll (mostly) useless, loaded dice helped a bit.>started out with Jinx's 3*>support champ was MF with double stats on summon + crackshot corsair with fleeting >MF's 1* >Asol's 1*, the created card thing didn't help but leveling MF immediately was great>MF double stats on summon againJinx's power carried hard, if I rolled well I could mill nearly 20 cards on turn 3. Still avoided viktor like the plague though.
Can 'I can't die' effects like deaths foil or leveled Taric prevent them from dying after attacking?
>>1648957*Prevent ephemeral units from dying
>>1648957Probably does prevent Ephemerals from dying but they'll die at the end of the turn anyway.
>>1647806I just did it with SwainThis motherfucker is so broken, just needs one trigger and it detonatesNo extra mana or legendary power lmao
>>1648957>>1648959Absolutely. Anything goes. Well, the keyword won't go away if you want to use that Zed spell.>>1648965Nope, it fades away at the same time so they remain in the field. But next turn they are free to die.
>>1647555Evelyn is pretty strong with her epic relic and 5 star Manaflow unlocked. >Add Starforged Gauntlets>Luminous Orb (gives you +3 health and Sharpsight) And she starts every match with 4 mana gems, allowing you to play her on your first turn. I have damn near everything in the game unlocked so it's easy for me. Honestly beating this adventure requires some luck. Running into the wrong champion early in your run could end you.Varus can be strong as fuck if you equip him with:>One or two copies of Hymn of Valor (the one that gives you a 3 cost Redoubled Valor when you summon him) >And Lost Chapter (refills 3 spell mana upon summoning)>Or Power Tome (an epic relic that does the same thing as Lost Chapter except it refills spell mana upon leveling up too)This build allows you to turn him into an unstoppable beast with exponentially buffed stats. It's a useful option to clear adventures with him. The only weakness is that you can't summon him on your first turn unless you have items to change his cost.
new champ todayany expectations?the art quality is so bad nowadays ...
>>1652970You sure we aren't just getting Warwick/Ambessa revamped?
>>1652971they said there was a champ in December who was pushed to January so they could all be released with voice lines. Let's see what happens
>>1652998It'll be another arcane cunt then, it was supposed to be the arcane expansion after all.
>>1653001but everyone is already in... Maybe Singed I suppose
>>1653008I haven't watched it but based on the wiki, the main cast that aren't in yet:>Mel (also coming to LoL so good chance it's her)>Sevika>Silco (has been in TFT)>Singed>Vander (though apparently' he's Warwick)
kayle powers look boring, same with the relic
>>1653317The relic sounds mandatory because of how expensive she is, despite how bad it looks (sure the last node's often hard but the first couple are usually also very hard because you haven't started snowballing, and what are you going to max out at, +8/0?).Her deck looks lazy, surely there are more suitable followers and spells. This must be the 3rd or 4th time we've seen some of those cards in a deck. Only one of them has empowered too. Why does she even have a daybreak unit? Just because it buffs life?Her powers at least look strong, even if lazy, any stat giving is going to buff your hand to high heaven and her 6* is a board wiper. I guess it'll depend on how many +stat items she has since powers can be inconsistent (I'm assuming they apply).
where is the new champ...
>Hindering greed on 5.5*>BUT>I have strength in stonelmao gg no re
>>1653317Not really, that's how her power goes too, celestial blessing and purifying flames, not to mention Kyle herself coming out empowered from hand. The only thing is that the upgrade from 1* to 3* is insane, but not like it matters much>>1653467+1 starting mana are always good and in general all the purple are good (generally)The effect seems that it may work on others (pyke holy shit he needs all the help) but otherwise is mostly just the mana>>Her deck looks lazy, surely there are more suitable followers and spells. This must be the 3rd or 4th time we've seen some of those cards in a deck. Only one of them has empowered too. Why does she even have a daybreak unit? Just because it buffs life?Well obviously targon had all these buff shit in it, and those units work regardless. They should have added the 1 drop and the 4 cost dragon though, fitting and helpful. Replace the gem giver and the blind 4 drop>Her powers at least look strong, even if lazy, any stat giving is going to buff your hand to high heaven and her 6* is a board wiper. I guess it'll depend on how many +stat items she has since powers can be inconsistent (I'm assuming they apply).She could be LeBlanc tier, winning the game on her own
this new patch sucks desu
>>1654319Hope they implement the gimmick from the Arcane event to regular POC
https://playruneterra.com/en-us/news/game-updates/patch-6-1-notes/>Get jinxed is in>Domination nerfed in rarity>Inhertitance nerfed in rarity (remember when it was common?)>Endless wealth kicked from legendary (about time)>Evolution nerfed in rarity>Enfeebling strike nerfed in rarity>Converging timlines GIGANTIC buff>Power overwhelming actually a legendary power>Power riff nerfed in rarity>RIP reckoners mark>S to spit on cursed symbolNice, also stargazer will be the soloist of other champs power. >>1654319Its not even up>>1654413Its in
>Players will be able to sort the Champion Roster, with ability to sort by alphabetical order, star level, upgradeability and region.>Players will be able to filter the Champion Roster, with ability to filter by star level, unlockability, upgradeability, in progress, unlocked, story campaign and region. >Multiple filters can be applied at once. >Champion Roster’s “Upgradeable” calculation will no longer take wild fragments into account.Unironically thank god. Finding a specific champ was so annoying. Looks like you can search/filter relics too which is great.>>1654431Some of those nerfs are huge and I'd argue putting Yordle Portal to common is actually a nerf because it tends to flood your hand with garbage.
>>1654442Indeed, but since its common later levels make it less likely
>>1654431They should have left Domination alone. Now its gonna be hard to clear adventures without it.
Kayles items look nuts.>burst on the slow spell early>-2 cost on the 3 mana spell early>regen on the dragon>draw a spell on the dude that gives you your spells on death
>another rotation of mordekaiser perma reviving aloofs so no way to play other control decksSO FUCKING FUN I LOVE MORDEKAIZER AND LURK
kayle so weak at 4 stars, fuck riot lol
Living weapon VS Kayles relic on Pyke which is better?Recommend Pyke builds as well please
>>1655940Probably Kayle's relic right? >he doesn't have much trouble early because everything's lurk (except 2 spells)>he wants high power on summon for stalkers blade/his spell>living weapon doesn't give all that much outside of drawn out games or spam attackers
Fixer upper on Kayle is some bullshit lmao
>>1655942I've actually dropped stalkers in favor of beast within + harpoon + another epicThankfully trifarian might is still a rare and I find myself seen it more often than I should
>>1655940Stalkers is mandatoryBut really, Pyke needs his 6* more than any item
>>1655635Ur supposed to spam the shit out of blessing of targonLook for powers like fixer upper, sorcery, titanic wake, grander plaza, new power overwhelming.Even stuff like sparring student, dragons rage, another rush them down and endurance can help a lot.
Is Secret technique worth it taking on Kayle?
>>1655984I assume soIts baller on Yi
>>1655986Yeah it double the buff to units on your hand this shit is busted