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PVP on the left
PoC on the right
The ironic part is there's no way PoC would've been this good without PvP, we wouldn't have gotten as many filler cards so it'd feel a lot more samey, plus it only really took off when there were hundreds of existing cards, I doubt it would've lasted that long in the beginning, PoC 1 was fun but very limited.
>The ironic part is there's no way PoC would've been this good without PvP
>we wouldn't have gotten as many filler cards so it'd feel a lot more samey,
I suposse so
>plus it only really took off when there were hundreds of existing cards,
This combined with the lack of league easy access button + lacking animations didn't help at the start. Bilgewater being released after the big release day was such a mistake.
>I doubt it would've lasted that long in the beginning, PoC 1 was fun but very limited.
I still remember when Viktor was the big bitch

In other news
Nov 6
Before Viktor it was Veigar, before Veigar it was GP, and before GP I think it was Asol (if you count that version).
>we get an arcane character as a champ (so does LoL)
>no one gets LoR exclusive champs
It was always over but it's doubley over.
I stopped playing LoL since vanguard so lmao
However, that's wrong. TFT has norra, for example.
Really, its only the main game that's fucked beyond salvation in terms of design.
>I stopped playing LoL since vanguard so lmao
She sounds fucking annoying too.
>more (and safer) dashes than Irelia
>high range attacks
>better Yone ult (but single target I think)

>TFT has norra
Forgot about that. But TFT is TFT, it's had arcane champs too.
>monthly came out yesterday
>71 people have already finished it without a failure
>114 have completed it
where are u seeing those stats
Monthly challenge -> leaderboard, then I scrolled right until I hit the limits (>70 million is complete, 70,070,000 is no retries).
It's now 153-277 if you're wondering.
Warwick is here
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Just EoS it at this point
>almost completely useless until he levels
>can't even put a quick attack relic on him because he gets it after he levels
>his spell is extremely weak, only helped by his 2* (and the spell devalues the challenger relic)
>a hodgepodge of Zaun units, only 1 of them even helps him strike
>his 4* sounds mandatory
>no custom level up animation but there's an annoyingly long generic level up animation
>no voice lines so it sounds empty
He sounds pretty near unusable.
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>no VO
>no animations
>no followers
>no regen despite the fact it would be the nost obvious keyword
>entire kit is just you get +1/0 whenever you do swain shit
Holy fucking shit, just pull the fucking plug riot
Definitely sounds weak, specially since he would neeed to have gorillions of attack to actually deal with the big boys at 5*+
Maybe if he got the "5+ attack units attack the weakest" I could see something.
How often are you going to reliably proc Eternal Hunter? It seems that even they realized it was terrible even at 3* so had to make the 6* a direct improvement.
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Four years. I waited for four fucking years for my favorite champion to be added to this shitty game, and this is what I get. Riot retarded faggot games, who survived almost 20 years on this market DEPISTE being the most incompetent company in the world, SOMEHOW found a way to not make money AND pissed away their budget on literal fucking whos instead of adding champions people wanted to see. It was definitely worth it to blow thousands on the hecking wholesome poro king, some faggot fish and le dark souls dragon. The last fucking big-budget thing they did was a music video for a mediocre champion, for FIDDLESTICK'S update.
I could live without interactions and voice lines. I could live without level up animations. But they couldn't even be assed to print followers for his package, or even make a decent kit. He's worse tha a fucking follower.
I cannot express my fucking anger in a way that won't put me in a federal prison.
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Some reply to the tweet explains it perfectly, it's a problem some other champs have had to a lesser extent but it's egregious here: He feels like a follower. Admittedly he has a better stat line and much lower cost but he also has a condition and was made for PvE not PvP.
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Fiddlesitck chads, that was a close one
I just realized his 6* is objectively worse than Viego's, especially since (from the looks of it) Warwicks 6* overwrites his 3*. You aren't going to be consistently doing 6-12 slaps every turn, even if AoE damage counts as multiple instances which I'm going to assume isn't the case.

One of the funnest new decks. Fiddle stays winning.
Im pretty sure AOE counts.
Otherwise we got ourselves the worst POC champ ever.
it definitely feels like Fiddles was already cooking and almost done before the change of focus to PVE.
I think they planned the runeterror update to include Tahm and Noct as well based on the music video (randomly focuses in on cards like soulgorger and etherfiend, both have nothing to do with Eve or Fiddles outside of probably being also demons) and only stepped back because the budget is gone but the song was already paid for.
This sucks hard and will likely turn off a good chuck of people willing to support/already supporting the game from supporting it.
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>unconditional +1 starting mana
what the fuck
oh my god it's just his 2 star power reposted on another image I though it was his fucking relic
I'm pretty sure they did that because it was showing off Blood Hunt.
They gave up on ever updating PvP
They game up on recording voice lines and interactions
They gave up on making new animations
They begged on their knees for people to buy the bundles
All for
>All for
What? We're getting another champ, it's at least two cards.
I don't like to be a downer but WW release is genuinely grim, I can't lie.
That seems to be the general consensus. I would hope they were expecting this, it should be obvious.
Okay guys hear me out, what if they're hiding the rest of his kit because the cards would spoil Arcane season 2? TRUST THE PLAN
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Those are two very lazy champions. They even have essentially the same 2*.
I'm actually amazed that they could manage to find an even less synergistic hodgepodge of units than Warwick's crew. Two followers synergize at all and one of them is new.
These purple relics look ass though
>5 new adventures (7 if you count the story)
Are they planning on doing this every update? It's getting a little ridiculous.
I'm assuming they're non-champ relics so they're just going to be more epic clutter.
If not, then Warwicks is an objectively worse version of Beast Within, Ambessa's is ok I guess, not sure 2 seems a little lackluster.
I feel like 5.5* Karma is going to be aids. I swear to god if Irelia is a midboss that doubles played spells I'm going to scream.
Warwick is borderline useless even at full stars, the best he can do is 3 stars if you get lucky with support champs and powers
Ambessa is unga bunga fun, always attack like a retard and get infinite value
>ambessa's singular new follower is just a picture directly ripped from Arcane
Holy shit, it's bad.
Yep, champ relics.
lmao who's going to buy the warwick bundle? A bad champ with a bad relic that's useless on everyone else (maybe excluding Fiddle).
The only thing good about his deck is his art (Aand speaking of art, what the fuck is Rictus?)
Looking through the items he gets on level up, they're all useless.
>boomcrew rookie gets draw
>chempunk shredder 5->4
>jurry rig invokes for some reason
>sump dredger gets barrier
>used cask salesman heals and targons brace?
>get excited +1 damage
>caustic rift gives +1/1 to board
>clump of whumps shadow totem and +2/0
His constellation mini-upgrades are decent I guess.
>what the fuck is Rictus?
>Warwick is so bad, they give out Ambessa fragments instead of him
Top kek
>lmao who's going to buy the warwick bundle? A bad champ with a bad relic that's useless on everyone else (maybe excluding Fiddle).
This is the most amusing part. Aren't they trying to make money?
The new one adventures seem to give out a ton of fragments however.
*the new adventures
>1.5*, 10 ambessa
>3.5*, 30 ambessa
>5.5*, 30 ambessa
>2.5*, 10 warwick
>4.5*, 30 warwick
Actually, counting it up and Warwick doesn't get as many here either.
>You can gain the champs constellation spells as well
Oh yeah now we are gaming
Yeah he still gets less.
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Looks like ai in the middle
Open the full art, it's terrible. If the other guy's right then it's just a straight rip from Arcane.
Oh yeah Warwick fucking sucks.
I'm not even sure if he's better than Kindred, Kindred at least has stall-to win strategy and some usable cards, you're losing units if you're attacking/blocking to activate your 3* and pretty much the whole deck is overpriced with little to no payoff.
Mmmm yes should I take the better or the worse option here...
If you were wondering, doubling up on Warwick's 4* doesn't kill 2hp units.
Oh, and for some reason Warwick gives a prompt to strike your own damaged units if there are no damaged enemies despite specifying enemies.
>Oh, and for some reason Warwick gives a prompt to strike your own damaged units if there are no damaged enemies despite specifying enemies.
Well, everyone wants to be his enemy
Also, if you kill an unit with gloom or any nexus effect outside-combat damage, Warwick's 6* will give your nexus +3 health
>Warwick isn't even the final boss of his adventure
Oh no no no no no
He is of the 1*, is the 4.5* different?
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holy fuck Ambessa is a lot of fun
I have missed these niggas like you wouldn't believe, and Ambessa just lets you spam the shit out of them
also forgot to mention how Ambessa just enables them to stack +1's like crazy with her powers and midnight raid
finally got around to doing a 5* or higher adventure with fiddle
not really looking forward to doing it either of the new champs but at least the new adventures also abaolutely shower you in their champ fragments
Ambessa's obviously the go-to, thank god you don't have to do it with Warwick. Did you do it on Viego's 5*?
nah, did it on the karma one from the event since it's a 5.5
the opponent drawing an extra card per turn helps you as much as it does them (even better if you get support teemo like i did)
ambessa looks alright, stuns (the 1 cost spell and the ugly looking 2 cost unit) are always nice for doing higher difficulties
struggling to determine who to upgrade.
next comment decides.
I won't play any black characters, but you guys already succumbed to playing DEI-slop characters so you'll probably suggest them for the lulz.
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Wew lad, you can roll asol's power.
Heimer is fun
Ashe is an easy win againts those that just love stacking one unit with overwhelm to win
Fiddlestick is also top tier and fun
Jinx is good in general

As an avoidance, cait is shit unless you got her purple relic.
I went with heimer. thanks~
Holy shit
I guess you can get the duplicate stats as well
No problem.
nice Heimer is based af and Asol-tier broken if you highroll
>makes new adventure with decks solely from Ionia, the most bullshit antifun region in the entire game
>new adventure is unfair and bullshit
Huh, who would have guessed
I was thinking of playing this again, but after reading this thread I think I'll stay away.
Very insightful post, will consider
Cry about it
kek so mad the game you invested in is so dogshit the devs don't even give a fuck anymore
Sorry pvpkek, I don't care about your abandoned mode.
>muh boogieman
unironically seething
No one cares. You say this every month or so, there's a good chance you never even played the game.
i lost interest in this game because my favorite champ (darius) got power creeped, but what's the singleplayer like? is he decent in that? or should i not bother?
Darius's deck isn't bad, though that's been power creeped too (and his constellation didn't help much with that), but Darius himself is basically unusable because of his cost. His PoC deck is very aggro, you just don't reach 6 mana often.
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>muh boogieman
Darius's deck usually wins with big overwhelm swings within the first two attack turns or you start to fall off and don't win at all. His deck doesn't need him.
He's decent, but he's not worth alone since he is basically not needed in his deck
Would need some massive boost to units that had overwhelm anyway plus the nature of putting a lot on the board early that high level PoC gets to
Maybe I was a little harsh on warwick when he came out. His deck is still a mishmash of whatever the fuck but he works decently, at least in 3-4.5* games. I just did his 4.5* (level 27, 4*, 1 epic relic (not his)) and I ended up crushing it though admittedly did get some very good rolls.
If his items weren't absurdly bad then I think he would've been a lot better, once you get past his early game (which can be mitigated with some powers and his huge regen) everything he drops is huge.
>heimer needs a Bandle nova crystal
God damn it
Who do I use the P&Z nova crystal on? Already blew my first one on Caitlyn
>Already blew my first one on Caitlyn
You are so fucking bricked my man
I hope you at least have the epic relic
>heimer needs a Bandle nova crystal
Been trying to deal with Karma 5.5* with him. This node sucks
>Who do I use the P&Z nova crystal on?
P&Z options are Cait, Ekko, Jayce, Jinx, Vi, Warwick.
Fun fact, every P&Z except Janna has a constellation.
>Who do I use the P&Z nova crystal on?
jinx probably unless you really want to save it for a potential seraphine/ezrael/janna/viktor/path exclusive champ if we get one of those
>Karma 5.5*
>This node sucks
i thought it wasn't that bad personally but i also did it with my 6* (5* technically, no manaflow) vex for the bandle req
how was it with Vex? I tried with 5 star Nora twice and I'm getting my ass beat
I managed it with Teemo, I figured them drawing would be beneficial. It took me 3-4 runs to get past the second node, it was fucking rough, there were 2 games where I only just won by exact lethal right before they were going to finish me.
On a side note I was hoping that'd take care of my Bandle run so I could use Jinx to wrap it up, nope he counted as P&Z because fuck me I guess.
There's a 20/20-hindsight complaint I want to make about Runeterra
Jarvan IV's level-up animation was a really bad idea. The idea of "anteing-up" the level up animations with full character shots seemed cool at the time but now, with the game on life support, I see tons of really shitty looking level-up animations that ALSO look really expensive to make. A bad combination that I think was due to an inability to meet the standards they had raised for themselves. Don't get me wrong, sometimes they made really great stuff with the full model level-ups like Veigar, but it wasn't worth it in the end
As an example, Ornn's level up is boring fucking trash but when I see it I just imagine how much time and money went into that more-detailed-than-LoL Ornn model that was used for a single 5 second level up animation. Whereas you go to older champions with "cheaper" level-ups and they're more emblematic of the character, clearly cheaper to produce, and lets the card art speak for itself. See: Lucian, Zed, Riven, GP, TF.
Lucian's level up is probably the most bang for your buck in the game.
it took about the same amount of effort as my jinx run, which is to say not much at all - it was pretty easy
Vex's 6* is pretty damn strong so it makes sense.
what the fuck is Ambessa
>Drop Legion Marauder
>Dupe it with Conscription
>GG go next
I got bored of this before my first adventure was over
The black warrior granny got DEI points so Warwick wouldn't overshadow her.
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Legion Marauder was my favorite gimmick back when PoC wasn't a thing and I've been wanting these niggas on a PVE deck for the longest time
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Poor Asol.
>+3/+3 per keyword
>+2/+2 +1 keyword (given) on summon
>trifarian might
>support was a Lucian with double attack

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