The new upcoming Uberfest unit powercrept Tokyo Miku so I am skipping her. I wish everyone else luck for the next Superfest.
>Uberfest exclusive that only targets certain traitsI don't know about that one, chief.Also, I just noticed that there's only five days left on Legend Quest. I guess it's time to spend my 107 crowns, see how far that'll take me this time.
>>1649162>I guess it's time to spend my 107 crowns, see how far that'll take me this time.>Floor 21> tries, 10 crowns, and I'm not even halfway through. FUUUUUCK MEEEEE
>>1647677The "no generals" ""rule"" is gone by the way, check the sticky.
>>1649077>zombie killerWill be useful for mixed zombie stages
The last level is always the worst for me, they always take my best units
>>1649656Also, level 47 was “Final Tower”, and Paladin Cat and Nanaho didn’t crit the first tries
They did it! save up your NP, could be something big or literally nothing!
>>1649807W-what does Tricycle Cat say???
>>1649162>>1649181I don't get it.Every time LQ drops, I have more crowns than previously, my Cats are stronger (for example, I used last weekend's Half XP to get all my Specials to at least lvl.40, although I ran out of Catseyes before I could do the same to the Rares), I get a better understanding of the stages and LQ strategems... and yet every time I drop off earlier and earlier.Make it make sense.
>Colo two-crown>Have to drop two Leaderships to clear the first stage>Do the rest first tryI fucking hate Ackeys so much.
I'm confident that I can deal with hannya after a few retries of figuring it out, but the fucking ostrich is such a pain in the ass>pretty much instakills bahamut once it gets just a single hit in>many knockbacks, so you have to squeeze through that tight window between attacks every single time>made more difficult because the accompanying red snakes that move faster can either push far enough for the ostrich to land a hit on bahamut, or shift its attack timing just enough to land an attack at the exact same time bahamut moves in>once I am lucky enough to kill that, I have to do it at least two more times (assuming bahamut survived each ostrich and made a dent to hannya's hp)do the veterans just know how to time bahamut for each enemy at any distance by instinct or something?
>>1651329R.Ost is a fucking cunt, so there's that. I'm not a big fan of those frame-perfect timing strategies, and outside of those the best way to counter it would be to use something that outranges it, but then you'd have to also find a way to stall it to keep it out of the blindspot of whichever unit you use, and it shreds through everything.But at least once you have R.Ost figured out, you can beat the Red enemies with the good ol' strategy of Courier, Courier and more Courier (and Roe for tanking and Attack Down).And if you managed to pull Pai-Pai from the recent Red B usters (or from Plat tickets), the stage becomes a cakewalk.
>>1650335Its very luck based, even for those who completed all crowns for SOL. Especially grotesque galleries.
>>1651329Try any massive damage anti traitless long distance like hitman and M or L research courier. Best uber would be darktanyan. Other ubers you can use are balrog (immune to weaken too), rushers (t.jack, yuki, a.baha). Also dont let the bore and r.ost be together since its basically gameover. Tldr just spam courier lol
>>1649656personally, the last level is always the easiest for me since it's always the same and one or two good floating cc units are all you need to shut down most of the dangerous enemies. the 15 or so stages leading up to it though, I always get at least a handful that are pure cancer
>>1651329>do the veterans just know how to time bahamut for each enemy at any distance by instinct or something?I was playing around the time advents were new and I'm just going to say that the bahamut timing on r. ost was a matter of luck for me. I think the actual strat was spam eraser and hope the bahamut gets in its range at the same time its (very short) back swing animation starts.
I really hope we'll be getting Catseye Capsules sometime soon, I only have about a month's worth of free Lucky Ticket pulls until I reach my next Dark Catseye.The last "leaked" banners start on the 15th, so we should be getting new info soon.
>>1652516On jp its on jan 22. Hoping the same for EN
hello you fat fuck lets bulk you up some more before we put you on ozempic in 2 years
>>1653909wrong image, but sure yeah lets make moneko fat whatever who cares
>>1650335Luck is the name of the game, don’t overthink it
whats the absolute strongest anti alien that shits on super hippo the fastest
>>16543915k speed ups is incredibly tempting to risk a ban for...
>>1654170>>1654056Used to do rich cat bc of how pure bs it is. Now I just used speed up. Well its legend carry so...
Lunar New Year banners start on the 20th, Li'l Valkyrie Dark on 22nd.No word yet on the regular one.
>>1654056not the fastest but lumina is my go to carry for that stage. I think trixie could give her a run for her money too but I haven't reached max yet to test her out there
>>1654056After struggling with lvl.19 for way too long, I added Izanagi and went through the stage like hot knife through butter.He was lvl.50 though.
>>1654531Super Hyppoh doesn’t stand a chance
Remember: this half xp is not all weekend, just till morning. If you want to spend your xp, do it now.
I finished UL 2* on 4 Jan during a stream. Currently, I'm doing early 3*, and reserving only the boss levels for last. I am only going to allow myself 5 rulebreaks throughout the gauntlet; the rules are:>Beat all stages with a 4* lineup, and use the 6 Miku ubers as much as possible.>Do not use other ubers, or LRs... I pulled Izanagi and Izanami.Truly a far cry from the original set. I hope the next ZL Legend is more flexible than Soractes, a St Dober counter.Also, I pulled Mavuika after some Theater. Time to farm her mats.And I wonder, did we have no involvement in the Fandom vandalism? AFAIC I saw a couple attacks passively triggered by yellow grass netizens (eg: Black Cyclone renamed to Watermindless), and word of mouth tells me that this place is obscure.
>>1656088>And I wonder, did we have no involvement in the Fandom vandalism?Does anybody here even care enough about Fandom to go back there just to be a wikivandal?And you know, since you always blogpost about your UL journey, hey, I might as well do the same. I decided, new year new me, if I keep going at the same pace I have been, I won't ever finish it for years and years, so from now on every week, I do at least one chapter. I already used the relative calm earlier this week to clear another two, and now I only need to go through Ends of the Earth and The Legend Ends (a total of 14 stages) to clear 2-crown SoL. After that I think every week I'll alternate between 3-crown SoL and vanilla UL, which I barely touched since the start of the cavalcade of seasonal/collab/reoccurring stages in... August?Which, by the way, is still on, but at least now we've got over a month to finish the Towers. And I have almost 600 Leaderships at this point, might as well start using them.
>Bring back the Chinese New Year gacha>Hold off on the update that rises the +level limit on the units you can pullLmao.At least it'll come sometime soon, usually it's about a month after the new version is introduced in JPN.
>>1656794>>1656088>fandom vandalismat least they cant vandal the comment section. its my lifeblood in starred UL
>>1653909Moneko a cute
Maybe I should stop using cyberpunk + sniper the recuit I cleared floor 30&40 of heavenly tower for the first time in such a short amount of time and it kind of felt like cheating.
>>1657942Was able to ubercarry through Grateful XP Lv:MAX by using a lot of cc ubers with good range. Glad I did too I needed the XP for the tower units.
>>1657942>>1657970Ain't no shame in using what works. I start most my teambuilding by adding Phonoa.
Finally got and TFed lion dancer cat
What the FUCK ponos stop sending me jew advertisements JESUSI got these like 10 in a row
>>1656088you stream TBC? twitch, youtube?
Madoka is back, at least in BCJP
>>1659360They know you're a crypto-jew
>>1660053And then a couple of the ubers got a true form.
And she's here. If the regular Li'l Valkyrie doesn't share the banner with Trixi this time, I'll get her, as well. And if she does, well, I guess I'll have to wait for October.
Moon Child Luna with the Superfest banner starting on the 27th
>>1660429>Data only available in v14.1+That must mean the update will be here soon, right?
Hey lads, divegrass anon here, just a reminder that we're about to play the elite cup for the first time this Saturday>what happened last timewe managed to top our group and any expectation in the babbies, now it's time to go even further beyond. Schedule is in here >>1658284 and more information in for the support.
>>1660516>First match against /y/Should we prepare our anus?
>>1660413same waiting for lil valk, a shame I woudnt be able to participate in superfest, anyway 14.1 is here.
>>1660053when I saw the trailer for new madoka movie, I knew this collab will come, only fate remains. p.s. homura, you deserve better than just becoming lucifer. I wish she got her happy ending in this movie
>Labyrinth improvements mentionedBros... is it finally coming back?
>>1657045>Update the app>Blue Shinobi and Firecracker dupes still won't give any more +levelsOh well, I won't complain about more NP.
>New "check out all those QoL updates" missions>Free 100 CF>40 CF more for the low, low price of one Catamin A, two CPUs and however much Energy whichever stage you choose costsNeat
>>1660429>>1660512>godfat makes Superfest availableCool.>Luna at 200BLess cool.Can get her from plat tickets though, around spot 30, which I was going to pull on anyway. And there's Hell Warden Emma just a few pulls away, too, and since I'm one shard away from seven tickets, I might as well use them.The only "downside" is I would have to give up on pulling Papaluga, but I think I can survive a little bit longer without him.
>>1660053Wait, dropping this Monday? But that's before 14.2 would drop (based on the usual interval), so I guess no bew TFs?
>>1661459Madoka, Homura and Bebe got true forms, and we also got a new uber
>>1661933So were all of these added in 14.1?
WildCat Slots gave more CF, but I'm unsure what the flag limit for CF and RTs are so I can safely avoid getting flagged. Also, with Izanagi and UF Windy, I incinerated the Infernal Tower readily. But my UL 3* progress has slowed down with all the events.Also, it appears that Ponos may give us back the Labyrinth. They may have finally realised that people have been pulling their hair out for 18 months.And I'm excited for the Madoka rerun. Ponos finally did what they were alleged to not: run the biggest name over a lesser known one. But they should have realised WE STILL HAVE TOSHI AND MERC'S LAST RERUNS.And I did not get Hello Kitty Miku in Prosekai after 100 pulls. What a shame...>>1661933>Shit Akiri Sparrow variantLike was said outside this thread, Madoka collab dropped an equivalent of the Moon Operators.
>>1661459>>1661933>>1662059Oh, there it is, v14.1.1 released on the 22nd
I've been saving up since probably the last Catseye Gacha, so I've had about 430 Cat Tickets, 350 Lucky Tickets and 75 Lucky G Tickets on top of that (for more pulls in general). I had to separate my pulling into two days, but I finally got it done.>862 Pulls>24 Dark Catseyes>23 Rare Tickets>~150 NPs>Got all my Li'l Cats to +60And if I manage to get 20 more tickets before the end of the week, I'd be able to grab another Dark Catseye.
>Check the Cat Guide>Madoka units already updatedAre we really getting it before Bikkuriman? Shit, in that case I might as well use the upcoming Legend Rare spots to get some regularly scheduled units.
>>1663217I'm not sure you meant to post this here, Maciuś.
So I've come back after something like 6 years of not playing. Been doing things here and there and am now looking to evolve some ubers that didn't have evolutions when I stopped.Which of these would be best to unlock the true forms for? Kuu, blue pixie, green pixie, zombie tank, zombie plane, or the twinstars?
>>1663346I only have Kuu out of these, so I will say Kuu. Seems like a decent enough true form.
>>1663346Depends on where you are in the game, honestly.
>>1663346I'd go with blue pixie or green pixie. maybe bomburr if you're going for his talents, and maybe kuu/zombie tank if you're going for their ultra talents
>>1663408In the middle of working through Cosmos Ch. 2 and Stories of Legend -- I'm not far after Nyandam in the latter. And of the crazed cats, I only have the basic one's true form so far.>>1663425Probably the pixies then because I still have no idea what talents are.
>>1663346Kuu, Mizli, Aer, Cat-8 and Air Citadel don't actually get that much of a boost in TFTwinstars has anti-Alien just like Mizli/Aer. So unless you are using the pixies for the barrier breaker anyway twinstars is probably your best bet. Twins also got Anti-black which can help with XP stages
>>1656794And it's done. I've also noticed that I was already 4/6 on Realm of Whyworry, so since I had just enough Energy leftover, I finished that one, too. Next week, I'm Pumping Titanium.
>>1663495Forgot pic. Not that it's all that crucial.
>>1663483fumu fumunaruhodothank you funny cat
starting to figure out why so many people hate the behemoth shit. I have like 8 eggs I need to TF and yet I only have like 10 red 10 purple and 1 blue stone. I still only have the farming enigma 1 so all I consistently get is more red and purple. I fucking hate Rajakong and his 24 fucking knockbacks and I don't even have mushroom cat so I've been using lufalan to shred him so now I also need to get the mats for barrel cat. Behemoth progression is fucking shit.
>>1663560if it makes you feel any better most of the eggs are terrible
Who could be considered better to TF first? Bomburr or Hayabusa? both are good pre-tf but these are atm some of my last effective ubers I have available to true form, talents can be considered too.
>>1663614Bomburr literally only gets a little more HP and two more knockbacks within them. Meanwhile, Hayabusa's TF turns him into an anti-Zombie kinda rusher. Wiki suggests using him to kb tanky zombies like Gravey, which sounds like it would be pretty cathartic depending on how many times you had to deal with his bullshit.
>>1663622Yeah i'll go for hayabusa. He has like half the cd and is cheaper than bombburr. I don't care for his aku talents since I already have most of the aku ubers already. Soulstrike talent on bombburr is the only thing I would consider to be better but that's expensive.
Why hasn't PONOS added a stat viewer in the game already or a better way to sort units besides rarity and traits?The second one really bugs me because of how many collab units are thrown our way and there's no way to exclude them from searches since most are absolute garbage.
>>1663642The only way is just setting favorites in your cat guide menu and then sorting by that in the equip/upgrade filter menu. A lot of ui in the game really is outdated by a lot and you definitely need to be wiki hopping on a pc or laptop. Theres a charm to that but there is also a lot of annoyances there too. I wouldn't mind if ponos did a major revamp to a lot to things like PC support, detailed stats of cats, and in just a lot of other ways. This game is definitely 12 years old and is shows.
>>1651329 (me)>>1651361>>1651377>>1651443I finally did it!though looking at my lineup, I feel like it was not as hard as I made it out to be
>>1663668Nice, congrats.And now that you've cleared it once, you can use double CPU to auto-clear it if you didn't get Express Cat that time.
>>1663668good luck with wrath of carnage, by far my least favorite stage in the game
>>1663694I literally have some of the best ubers possible for this stage. Momotaro, Ice cat, Yukimaru and because there is 0 guides for these ubers but there still recommended I have 0 idea how to use them. I hate this stage so much it's annoyingly timed. The only good guides out there require boosted islands which I just don't have because of luck. I hate this one and N1 Grand Prix (I've already done) because of the fact that restricting super rares is just that detrimental and the of course the follow up stage is just piss easy.
>>1663668>Dancing FlasherIt's funny how he was slept on back then until his tf talents came along, becoming one of the best super rares. Now even his unevolved form is used more frequently.
>>1664345when did people start really caring about unit stats? I'm sure a lot of people early on cut out hip-hop cat because of their single target and didn't know about their stats.
>>1661307And she's home, as is Emma.>15 Blue Catfruit to TF EmmaI know what I'm doing all Thursday, I guess.
>>1664490I feel like people always cared but back then most stage strategies revolved around meatshielding and stacking ranged attackers/CCs. Oh, and the occasional Bahamut timing advent/boss stage.
>got ebisu isn't this dude extremely rare?, hope he gets a TF one day.
>>1665118Yes as rare as valkyrie variants, twice a year, Jan and Sept.
Decided to blow my 2 legend and 3 plat tickets. Pulled this gato with my last one. Dunno if it any good.
At this point I might as well just boost kunio-kun high considering I use him in literally every lineup possible that I don't use a rich cat for. Hes just THAT good.
>>1665401Good for user rank
Is there any reason to use Vars when Masamune exists? I guess in instances when you need the longer range Vars is nice, but otherwise what's the point? Both hit Red/Black and knockback except Masamune does it better.
>>1666194Vars has a slow, longer range, higher HP and faster foreswing. On top of that a basically free Slow Effect UP (M) comboMasamune has higher dps but knockback is quite literally worthless, especially one with a 40% chance every hit, especially against blacks.Vars is also Black + Relic instead of Black + Red making it way more useful.
>>1666221>talentsAh, didn't get to the point where I need to look at those yet. Before then they're nearly identical though, they both target red/black and have chances for knockback. Seems weird to make two ubers with such heavy overlap.
>>1666314>Before then they're nearly identicalexcept they arent?Vars is only Black Slow + KB baselineMasamune is Black+Red Knockback only
>>1665401She's good at mindbreaking certain YouTubers.
Please explain why Polevaulter is the only non-collab non-uber that does extra damage to zombies
>>1666703Of course they let you have it after you prove that you don't need it anymore.
>>1666654Isn't there a decent amount of anti zombies? pole vaulter only slows them, savage blow is a talent. Welterweight cat can also get that. Also cattuar with talents can get massive damage vs zombies too. Cat chief is an egg unit with soul strike and massive damage. I think there is already a decent amount of vs zombies.
>>1667076Don't forget Shigong for meatshielding.
>>1667103yeah of course I wouldn't exclude the greatest but he was specifically asking for dmg vs zombies
>>1667076>>1666654Ah but if you specifically want a cheap extra damage vs zombies. Go for catuar with zombie targeting and zombie killer talents. It's by far the cheapest at 100 NP you can go for extra dps against zombies and better when boosted. Though catuar himself is kind of ass. Single target, extremely expensive, and low hp for his cost, kind of mid dps for everything thats not his targets. Great range though, he should be good against cyclones or outbreaks if that's where you're at.
>>1667108Well, he can do extra damage with his nunchucks as he laughs off any attacks. After all, even Daboo can't handle a Shigong spam.Also I forgot all about the original question by the time I saw the post.
>>1667135actually wtf, this is well over catuar base damage and has the same base hp as ectoweight cat. Nvm just heavily invest in shigong spam nothing else matters.
>>1667183But anon. 390 range vs 120.Of course it'd have lower stats.
New banner info dropped, Busterfest on Feb.5th-7th, Best of the Best with Li'l Valkyrie Vanilla and Trixi on 7th-10th.And Valk is exactly where I hoped she'd be, so in a week and a half she'll be reunited with her sister.There's one more Uber spot on my way there, mostly dupes, but I can get either Kubiluga or Wolfchild Deale. So does E. Kubilan outperform the fact that with Deale I'd have all the GirlMons, only the second complete et I'd have after Iron Legion?
>catfruits refuse to dropfuck it. Gonna use my tickets on the catfruit banner
>>1667582>tfw you still get nothing but seeds
>>1667615Good. Now I can evolve my cutter cat.
>>1667615looked at my track, lots of catfruit in the next 100 pulls. Plus it gets me closer to my next Dark Catseye
>only special catsWhat kind of fucktarded restriction is that
alright thankfully I don't need ubers for this cuz lmao I haven't TF any of the aku ubers yet. Pizza and Courier should be just fine here. Gonna spend that platinum ticket too.
>>1668636>stage drops a gold catfruitDidn't know that. Do I spend it on gold brick cat or catgod TF?
>>1668637Save it for Lasvoss.
>>1668649sir this is a lufalan household, but sure even gold brick is situational at best.
>>1668636what do you mean i have to do the invasion stage for the platinum ticket i don't think im ready for Jagando just yet
>>1668676>0 surge immune attackers aside from amakasu (no tf)>Only non uber shield piercer is aku reseacherI could probably get by using lilin or hevijac since I have them but the amount of surge scares me.
>>1666385lol, Lucas lowkey jerk offs to dasli, if you've browsed enough of his twitter. He has a lot of valid points though and dasli is indeed overpowered.
>>1665401you're joking right?. depending on your level you will complete 95% of the game, the 5% being behemoth because most of them are surge immune and the latest content with explosions which dasli doesnt have immunity from. Initially she was derided because her curse is essentially useless until Ponos added a lot of CC enemies with her curse essentially cancelling all of them.
>>1669140>Lucas lowkey jerk offs to dasli, if you've browsed enough of his twitter.What a tsundere>He has a lot of valid points though and dasli is indeed overpowered.That's fair. I do hate that PONOS made surge counter because of her, which only really affected units without immunity.
>>1667076Im lowkey annoyed that theres still no non-uber counter for magnified cad bear. Pic related
>>1667287>Talented cataur outranges cadaver bear.I'll take my opinion back >>1669245
>>1667562I can finally bust my nut (get it?) when I get white lil valk (lol) after edging since Oct last year. I need that damn zombie killer generalist rusher.
>>1668126Its not recommended to spend tickets on catfruit since energy/leadership is cheaper than tickets.
>>1668571Is it COTC? I still remember aguham and my only viable barrier breaker is lil macho. Im glad Im done with it
>>1667562Kubi if you want the combo M with lion cat, but if you track there are better money combos, desu I hardly use kubi's combo. As a unit, they say he has niche cheese strats, but in my experience i havent used him at all. Deale on the other hand has an above average base midranger damage (7.5k at 415 range). She does well as a generalist. Also to complete your collection.
>Play On Mighty Wings lvl 11-20>Baron Moth>overbuffed zombies>buffed pigeon waves>Brollow spam including a "jumpscare" upon base hit>Professor A. just as the cherry on the topWhat a needlessly overcrowded level.
There is no need for me to talk about Superfest, because we already know what I did. At this point I would rather have a Blue Archive collab in the game than the Epicfest version of Luna also have Wave Shield, and we all know how incompatible their fanbase is with ours.Also, I have only 1 Miku left to max to 60. Of course, it's Tokyo because fuck you Lunacia. The tier 2 dual advents dropping Dark Eyes allowed me to max out XVI and now I am almost done.>>1665401>Reference the meme about questioning the value of OP unitsI honestly liked your post way more than the guy who flexed his Luna.>>1669212Speaking of Fest uber hatred, Luna has had haters ever since her introduction in JP because of Wave Shield. And very much unlike Dasli, she already has a perjorative nickname: 'Fest Uber No. 8', a nod to Kaiju No. 8. I wonder if there are any other people who also skipped Superfest in this thread.
God I want to just agonisingly melt away in her stomach, feel my body break down under the torrent of her acids as I get compacted into paste by her core and turned into padding for her tits
>>1669641Wait, Luna has Wave Shield? Wow, with her also targeting both Reds AND Aliens, she's perfect for Treadmill Powered. Thanks for pointing it out.
>>1669900Man, as if Cat Machine couldn't become more outclassed.
>>1669900shes the new best ranged wave shield, surpassing Yamii's 340 range waveshield.
is there anyway to find a seed or surpass the queue of godfat because that 4000~ queue takes forever
>>1670736here if you're desperate
>>1670741Thanks, but I found out about ampuri's site which should let me bypass it.
>>1670736>rolling for my seed gave me shadow gao fun
>>1670758>seed immediately shows mitama & L'il valk as my next 2 rolls.I didn't plan to get these 2 or to even keep rolling. Now I understand why this shit is so op lmao.
I forgot how fun Everlord Wanwan is.I'm glad they give a reason to do him again now
>Clionel Ascendant is super easy if you have a maxed out Ramen CatWho would've thought. I imagine a lot of stages would also be easy with a playset of Uber/Epicfest exclusives too.
Lol Its been almost a year since I've played baby fake, I really sucked at timing
there are too many goddamn event stages
>>1671808Just use your leadership :^)
Base doesn't kill your stack = you win, simple as.Hope this helps, my cats are pretty swole though.Any other lineups?
>>1671924>Base doesn't kill your stack = you win,thats pretty much all lineups
>>1672009It was harder this time around because it had more range. Also, can't believe I forgot about the slime.
MmmmWorth 10 rolling in the superfest before it cycles out?
>>1672660sure, why not? it the highest uber chance banner and will only come back in Sept
>>1672207well yeah non-artillery ones are just double/triple Kasli stacking lmaoAlso way easier to get <10% because lots of people don't even bother if theres no Dark eyes
Isn't Dynasty Fest usually supposed to come during new years or something? Or was that during half anniversary?I'm sitting in front of my last Legend Slot for the next 500 rollsIts also been 5 months since Bikkuriman JP so that should also come at some point right
>>1672670My biggest concern is that I get no plat shards and the fact I don't really care for Ubers that aren't iron legion or ultra souls
Anything worthwhile of having a fully maxed out gamatoto? does having full legend assistants help out with gaining catfood? I Just got him to level 60 and wondering how much of an impact will he end up making and if once I get to raising the bar I just keep doing that till I have a few legend assistants.
>>1673522If you want to go all in heres how gamatoto works;Level increases your chance for CF/Items to be selected over XP, Helpers only give you a higher % to actually get an item once it gets selected.Helpers do not increase the chances for more CF.Getting gamatoto to lvl100 should be your priority probably since he gets a 2% boost
With v14.2 probably just days away, I feel like I need to point out that we've had a nice thing going with non-gacha Rare TFs getting introduced in 13.4 through 13.7 (KFC, Royal Guard, Jello and Cafeteria), but we haven't seen any new ones in either 14.0 or 14.1. So I hope Ponos will go back to it sooner rather than later.
Can I coom to this game?
>>1674204search battle cats r34, you'll get what you need
Who is best uber and why is it Kasa Jizo?
>Boss wave immunity is an actual ability now
>>1675104uhh... isn't bahamut's blast gonna fucking double his base dps+give slight omni?? holy shit just when is it gonna be possible to unlock these talents. I swear to god if it's something zero legends req and barely anyone will have access to this.
>>1675168>unlocked near end of solim glad I will be able to bring bahamut into UL with the strength of a thousands suns
>>1675170>first unit with savage blow/critical hits, ontop of all 3 of the piercing abilitiesso shes just gonna be pure dopamine to use?
theres a guaranteed fest holy shit! this would
>>1675170>Isshun Boshi TF freeze immunityHenry say your prayers
>Valk talent stage is unlocked on clearing COTC chapter 2>Bahamut's stage unlock is clearing Valk's stageEnemies are at their COTC2 magnifications, so if your done with all of COTC it's gonna be pretty easy. What the fuck is this gonna mean for new players. Literally it's just "save np for bahamut blast for 187k per hit at lvl 30, enjoy"
>>1675294Like, is this powercreep on par with the introduction of courier cat or is this beyond that.
>>1675294thats really dumbthey should've gated them a little more
>>1675170>UF cosmo>those new abilitiesguess ill be using some dark catseyes
what an absolute unit of a cat
>>1675310Valkyries talents aren't even that good.But yea Bahamut is gonna be beyond busted, completely trivialising 90% of stages pre-ZLHes now on par with a (non-strenghtened) lvl60 Balrog at lvl30 (in DPS)
>>1675367if they wanted valk to be good she should've been the one to get blast instead of freeze up. I'm sure shes okay maxed out but damn. Nothing comes close to what bahamut just got, he just cleared my table of everything else I was doing.
>>1675278is this a banner with exclusive tickets? Like plat/legend tickets but event only? Or just normal.
>Conjurer LugaI honestly did not expect that.Also, Miasma's TF... Does it make it good? Whenever I see an anti-angel/floating unit, my first thought is about the Tower floor with all the Cyclones. I guess he could safely stand behind a wall of Talented Sanzos and nuke all the whirlies from a distance, especially now with his slightly shorter recharge time, which makes him slightly more stackable?
>>1675378phantom cat's lvl 30 dmg went from like less than 800 dps to 2000 dps ontop of synergizing extremely well with sanzo. I don't have him yet but can see him doing extremely well.
>>1675370This. Either explosion, wave, or surge would've been good to at least give Valkyrie some piercing damage.
>>1675370But she is good if you just use her variants :^)
>>1675383Its not courier general dps (3.3), but courier set the bar too high.
>>1675367At lv 50 he's 240k damage (125-275 range) with piercing of 80k (25, 375 range) and pseudo-omni (yes, first of its kind) 40k up to -75, 475 range. Its insane
>>1675374A different ticket it seems
>>1675635Finally a talent worth the purchase, I did good hoarding all that np
After almost half a year, I've finally gatya. Thanks to the anon who shared the info that valk variants return at the start of the year.
>>1676322Thanks for reminding me.Also checked.
>>1676348Truly, the best uber.
So I've been thinking about upcoming collabs. Forgive the autistic rambling.First, some groundwork:>Updates come about once every month and a half>Updates on EN come about a month after JPN>If a new unit or TF is to be introduced, it will be visible in the Cat GuideWe should be expecting v14.2 in early March. However, for the last two years the Merc Storia collab would start in the last days of February. Since the Cat Guide didn't get a new spot for the new Uber yet (and the two Ubers didn't get their Talents either), it puts the whole rerun into question - especially since it's supposed to be the last one, and we didn't get the last Shoumetsu Toshi retun either. Of course, that wouldn't be all that much of a problem if it weren't for the Nono TF.And all of that is assuming the update won't drop early, or the collab won't start late. I might be worrying about nothing.Either way, the next "big" collab, also comparing to the last two years, should drop in early April. Which is a month away from when v14.2 would be dropping, and therefore about two weeks before v14.3 - which means if Bikkuriman were to drop in April, the units would have to get updated in 14.2.Meanwhile the Madoka units already got updated in 14.1.1, which we got bundled together with 14.1 - so we might be getting them in the earliest collab spot possible.Best case scenario is we're getting Madoka in early March and Bikkuriman in mid-May (around the time when we got Tower of Saviors last year), and people will have to keep GauGau as their go-to Black meatshield.In other words, all will be revealed in a month and overthinking it like I just did doesn't really do anyone any good.
Okay, I've been trying to get those Dark Catseyes from the new double Advent missions, but I'm stuck on the Tortoise & the Baby. I know that Doremi can be stunlocked by A.Baha, but how do you guys deal with the fodder that shows up? Because I'm sick and tired of stalling out the Alpacky just so I can test out my ideas.
>>1678147Never mind, found the answer, if you let Doremi all the way to your base, you can let the Bloggers hit your base (only -500 a hit), and the Angels will die from Baha as he strikes at the boss.
>>1677010>overthinking it like I just did doesn't really do anyone any good.imagine if ponos read this and decided to collab with bikkuriman in November like they did with Metal slug, lol. I was saving my legend spot last year and nothing came out of it. Its painful.
>>1678290>I was saving my legend spot last year and nothing came out of it. Its painful.I did as well. Thankfully Dynastyfest dropped around that time, so I got Emperor Cat instead. Now I'm on my way to my next Legend spot, but if we have to wait more than those couple of months, I might as well use it for something else. Maybe grab Izanami and start working on getting enough CF and tickets to get to the next one ~230 pulls away.
Oh shit, it's the ninth already. Did we get the new Brutal stage? With all the other limited stages I plum forgot to be on the he lookout.
Lasvoss or Dark Iz? I'm learning more towards Iz.
>>1678791Both trash
>>1678811uh, NO>>1678791Iz is a utility low cost semi rusher massive damage to traitless uber. It can break shields and barriers, zombie killer, slayer abilities, immunities. all around useful uberLasvoss also has a lot of immunities, one of the biggest area damage in-game if timed right. lacking in range though
>>1678791Iz is rarer, one of the best anti-Aku and anti-gimmick in general.Lasvoss only exists to cheese stages, hes hardly useable outside of itAlso needs a boatload of Catseyes/NP/Catfruit to even get to that point and has a relatively high skill-floor to actually use effectively>>1678845he has THE highest oneshot damage, by a wide margin tooI don't think theres anything else that even reaches the 1Mil threshold, let alone 1.5Mil
>>1678864>>1678845Iz it is. Getting her is gonna be a lot cheaper too. If I had killer cat I would be going straight for lasvoss for that combo though but im gonna have to wait a long time for that.
Huh, the "one unit per rarity on screen" Colo was actually a bit of a challenge for once.
>2400円 for the 100mil DL ticketfucks sake ponos
>>1679289What does it give?
>>1679340Its a gacha with only Legend Rares and fest Units with a 50/50 on each
>>1679289>>1679343Is that the one you can get Koneko from? So not only do you have to drop about 15 bucks on the ticket, you have to HOPE you get her unless you track *and* have good enough luck to have her close by?
>>1679351Koneko is in a different banner
>>1678891Please tell me you didn't get iz yet, killer cat event is coming in a few days since it's february, with a new unit coming
>>1679378>since its februaryanon...
>>1679373Oh, okay then.
>>1679343What if I want select super rares like the brainwashed cats and the power tool ones?
>>1679386Kek I didn't knew the event had a different schedule between versions
>Gamatoto gets Zoned in right when the Catseye area comes backBased.
>>1679398Youre not getting any SRs and rares, the banner is exclusively the 14 blue eyes fest exclusives and the 14 non collab legend rares. And yeah, you have to shell out around 16 bucks to get one. Great value if you tell me considering fest uber chance are around 1 in 250 and legend rares are around 1 in 333 rolls.
This month's otherworld colosseum was much more difficult than the others
>Blast Bahamut can almost solo Floor 30/40 nowshit is insane dude, i have no idea what they thought when making this so easily accessible too
>>1680083>easily accessibleThe Japs *did* need to clear a stage a gazillion times to get it though.
>>1680089What does that matter when every new player can get this thing that trivializes 95% of stages right after cotc?This is honestly worse powercreep than even Courier was.And the>you need to do x, y amount of timesis just basic engagement bait, they would've always hit that goal.
>>1680215>This is honestly worse powercreep than even Courier was.Time for Behemoth 2.0.
>>1680325Eh, all Ponos needs to do is start making enemies Immune to Explosion and Baha goes back to his old damage.
>>1680626>all Ponos needs to do is start making enemies Immune to ExplosionCan't wait for the next 50 enemies to all be immune to explosion.
>>1680083Not a fan of this either. One of the biggest draws of BC is the challenge and this pretty much just invalidates it entirely early on. It's a stupid thought but I can't help but think it's because they're EOSing soon and are just giving a toy to everyone.>b-but muh ubers already doNot free, locked by restrictions and this shit is basically stronger than any uber anyways>>1680626Incredibly retarded take. I don't think I need to tell you why just introducing a new mechanic and then immediately powercreeping it and dooming future units with it, is a bad idea.
>>1680707>but I can't help but think it's because they're EOSing soonI sincerely hope not.
>>1680707>I can't help but think it's because they're EOSing soon and are just giving a toy to need to worry silly anon. I just wished we have half the revenue of JP (8 mill) maybe we will have faster updates
>>1681345>>1680743>>1680707 is the source. note that this is rough estimation, and taxes are excluded so it might be lower
You know, the Talents for Baha and Valkyrie make me wonder - who's next? The two units "count" as Legendary units, but they don't drop from SoL or other Legend stages, they drop from Story levels like Cat God, Jagando or Filibuster, so there's several ways this could go. Ponos could give Talents to the other mentioned Story units (except for Jagando, which doesn't even have a TF yet), or they could give them to the SoL units (UL ones are still competitive enough that they don't need them yet). Personally, I'm hoping the "monthly" rares will get them soon, make them at least somewhat useful.Talents could also help all those underwhelming egg units, although if everyone else was getting them, Courier probably would, too, and that would cause another wave of bitching about powercreep.
>>1681704I think we could get more TF's first. I'd personally like Crazed Moneko tf. Unicycle cat and bomber cat also don't have talents. There is a lot they can do still and hope they also have unlock stages for them. Some seasonal rares like cat's gift also don't have a TF.
>>1681367Always nice to see that all the paypiggies use Apple
Madoka collab probably later this month. Leaks as early as 2/17 but I heavily doubt that.
>>1681911Are yuo basing this on anything concrete, or just on "hey wouldn't it be cool?" Because I've got a Legend Rare spot I've been saving for Bikkuriman, but if it will get kicked even further down the line, I might as well use it now while I have so many banners to choose from.I also have an Uber spot on my way that drops whichever the newest Conjurer unit is from all the regular banners coming up. So between Gunduros, Hanasaka, Mitsuhide, Dynasaurus and Pegasa, which one do you think would be the best choice? I will take the suggestions into account, although the most important thing is to get a Legend I don't have yet, and preferably one that's good as well.Speaking of which, is Babel good now that he has a TF?
>>1681969Dynasaurus because robot dinos are cool
>>1681911Rolls are already out until the 24th already so i'm calling bs on that.Not to mention we haven't gotten a collab this close after JP for a long ass time.
>>1681969there's already madoka on the game files since late January, pic related is confirmation, I guess this is from the save files siluman found
>>1682139>MegukaI sleep
Oh shit, for some reason I was sure the Dojo fight was up for as long as the Towers, I guess I missed out on it.
>>1682187Well thats sad. As for me, its why I returned to battle cats, along with fate (i missed that shit in early 2023), and eva ( I lucked out on that one later that year)
I managed to complete 20% of UL 3*, and as for all the boss fights, I'm leaving them out for a boss rush stream as the finale, but I struggled merrily on The Face of God when I played it on 2*. I also blazed through all the event stages; Madoka Collab is gonna be a real party for one of the anons like for myself last year. And I've finally gotten into the mood to farm lucky tickets. But as Ponos is going to run the Valentines banner at a fucking disrespectful timing like last year, I am going to scrape Abmayo's pics in protest.And Baha and Valk Talents are WILD. Baha Blast is gonna be even more extreme bullshit than the satirical hoax which gave him Massive Dmg to Metal.And I did not pull C1 Arle. It can pass. And I am stocking crystals for 60K. >>1680626This would be a big win for Luna haters like myself.>>1681969He's only good now that ZL stage design puts less attention on Relics, just like Mitama. See Adherence to Virtue... Sodom UTs...
>>1681997You make a persuasive argument.
can't wait to to that 3 more times
>>1681969>is Babel good now that he has a TFNot really. 6750c for a unit that is only good against the already 2 most powercrept typing probably isn't worth it. TF needs to have reduced that cost but didn't fix anything aside from toxic immunity.
>>1682688Counter argument.Gunhead.
>>1681997>>1683966Turns out I can get Dynasaurus a few spots later from the last New Year banner, so I guess I'll just nab both.
Man I wish this game was able to handle running the same account on multiple devices.
>cotc plat ticket gave me thisI like this cutie patootie. Much better design than the evolved form.
>>1682612Luna helped me finally clear Gigahaniwanwan itemless and without UL TFs.Posting this purely to rile you up.
>Email Ponos Support with inquiry code to recover account on Monday>Still haven't heard from themLet me IN
>>1682612>But as Ponos is going to run the Valentines banner at a fucking disrespectful timing like last yearI agree with that. June bride was held on July lol
>>1682612I'm also doing crowned UL so, I'll join in posting. I'm doing something unusual in that Im doing all crown difficulties at once. I've just done UL 10, progress feels very slow, but Im glad I dont have to return to same level unlike if I do all levels by crowns.
Have 1 epic seed from heavenly tower and not far enough in SoL to get more. What's the priority evos? A lot of ubers take the epic seeds too.
>>1686279This is an old list (Bellydancer being described as "one of the few non-Ubers with anti-Aku" made me smile, never ever used her once), but it's a good start:> really it depends on where you are in the game. I'd say if you're still going through CotC, Miter Saw would be higher (and I still use it as an anti-alien tank to this day), and Cutter is very popular when you need an anti-Red rusher for the Red Masked Advent Bosses.
>>1686293much appreciated.
>roll 30 times in Epicfest and get no ubersWelp.
Bruh I come back from a 8 month break and see that the seed has 4000+ quota. What the hell happened?
I assume using one of my Legend Tickets from the 10th Anni to get Babel would be considered a waste, wouldn't it?
>>1687518Depends. Do you have all the other legend units?
>>1687518probably basically any other legend rare is probably better aside from the luga. Babel isn't exactly fun to use. Just wait for something with insane damage or more spamable like lumina. Tbh I'm saving my legend tickets till more of them get true forms to even see if I want a specific one, just not worth it cuz they aren't very developed right now.
>>1687522I'm on my way to grab a Legend spot so that it won't get wasted during the Madoka collab. I'm missing Babel, Legeluga, the Doctor and Musashi (and the two collab ones). I could pull Musashi, but there's an Uber spot on my way that only drops dupes from whichever banner I check - except for Legend Ticket banner, which has Babel in that spot.I could go for a Balrog dupe instead, it'd be one step closer to lvl.60+70 at least. Or just ground it into NP, I guess.
>Couldn't recover account, gotta start overOh well, it's been over 5 years anyway, which banner should I roll on at the start? of the game?
>>1687975If you're starting over, Dynamites is a good general banner
>>1687975Probably Sengoku Warlord and Elemental Pixies for easy Red/Black/Alien coverage. They tend to be cheap too so you don't need many base upgrades to use them.I guess Ultra Souls too since they have cheap spammable forms?
>>1687857Grab Musashi bwo. Babel is utter garbage and Musashi at least has a role in Baron Lenoir. Also, turn balrog into NP. Way more valuable than the small stat increase, especially with Bunhat talents coming really soon
>>1688015>>1688013Garbage advice
>>1687975Almighties and Dark Heroes, or any guaranteed banner. only use catfood on guaranteed banner, rare tickets on uberfest, epicfest or superfest or the occasional rarity up banner (10% uber)
>>1688368What's that about 1600 UR? It's been so long that I don't even remember what happens once you reach it.
>>1688368>Saw the twin lolis on the banner>Rolled three times with all my starter catfood>Only managed to grab Catman>loli twin-less and catfood-lessHow bricked am I I don't want to reroll cause I spent $20 already
Hey, I've got a question.Anybody remember the last time we only had the basic stages up? No Towers, no Citadels, no Quests, no Collabs, no limited seasonal celebrations, no Event Gachas, no super-special missions, just the usual daily/weekly/monthly rotation? I want to say after the Summer/Mola Mola double feature, but then again, it's possible we went straight into Anni after that one.
>>1688382Not that much. Catman is good due to his nuke, so he is great against aliens (and if you invest in him, relics) and good as a generalist. From where you’re standing, he’s perfect. Carries you in ItF, CotC, and UL. The Twinstars aren’t as good as Catman because their wonky multihit could cause a loss in DPS due to enemy knockback
>>1688371>>1688368You can now get dark catseyes from gacha by 1600 UR. Also to add, keep as much as any dupe rares, SR, uber rares you get to storage until you finished Into the Future Chap. 3. That is when you get to exchange duplicates into Nyanko Points (NP) you can use for talents.
>>1688382Catman is one of the best of that banner before-talent, without ultraforms. He's great against Teacher Bunbun, the dreaded boss of early chapters. You can also use him against angels which come hand in hand with aliens in into the future chapters. He's even relevant in Uncanny Legends with his curse immune and relic targeting. Very versatile unit.
Metal Cat level cap increase/true form when?
Thoughts on tracking?
>>1688526most people probably here do it, i'd only recommend doing it if your fed up with dupes. if there is a long queue for your seed on godfat, Use>
>>1688530Also, personally before I started tracking I could not for the life of me actually save catfood or tickets. Always spent them, but since then I've gathered like 10k catfood and 25 tickets because I can see what NOT to spend on. Also you can just stop tracking at anytime as you do have to keep watch on what your pulling when tracking. If your spending lots of real money on this game and want to relax on that, absolutely start tracking.
>>1688526it speeds up progress. I got 16k ur in a year
>cheese-cleared IT43 on second try this timeThe amount of Leaderships I've sunk into this particular stage before was crazy.
Beat aku realms and pigged out, which 3 from plat tickets should I use these on. I already have R.E.I, Dark Iz, and both Mitamas. Not listed is lasvoss and Lesser demon which are literally my next 2 rolls.
>>1688875Both Kaslis (especially the Dark one), both Phonos and D'arktanyan should be on your radar. Pai Pai trivializes many Red stages, especially Henya. And since Princess Cat is pretty close, so you could get it if you care about being a completionist, because she's otherwise limited to Royalfests. But you should also consider *not* using all your plat tickets right away.
>>1688382You really shouldn't spend money on this game. You get plenty enough draws without paying.
>>1688886No plans to use them exacly right now. Don't care for boosting ubers hard like you have to do for demon & lasvoss atm and they are pretty easy to get. Though I definitely will get princess cat since royalfest is extremely rare and the ubers themselves in there are hit or miss. The rest i'll save for new units like koneko or something.
>>1688905You shouldn't say that. They're keeping the EN server alive. Hooray capitalism!
So when does Can Can get good? I see it constantly get recommended in guides but every time I use it it's just so underwhelming. It's speed is whatever, and while damage is nice it's single target and the animation takes forever to get off and it's often interrupted.Is there something I'm missing here?
>>1689559Talents. Double money and speed up makes Can Can the best super rare by far. Can Can is a cheap nuker that can be great for gaining money early in a stage. Stages with a boss that spawns on base hit with simple peons spawning can be farmed for easy max money before hitting the base. Single target isn't exactly a downside because stalling is important. Also in general just good stats. Damage value is the exact same as hp with every 10 levels increasing hp/dmg by around 10k so shes great to boost too.
>>1689572Honestly, I still don't see it. The attack animation is just too long.
>>1689617Depends on where your at in the game, sending can can alone is usually a bad idea but with just a single meatshield shes guaranteed to get it off. being a super rare that has more dps than many ubers at the same level is absolutely crazy. Even if she only gets a single hit on an enemy and then dies her cheap cost and double money means that if she kills something or damage off means it was worth it. Any guide you look at will tell you to buy her double money asap.
Check your mailbox, also the Madoka Collab starts on Monday 24
While I was playing UL 3*, I hit Primitive Souls and skipped it because I am waiting to leave behind all the boss fights before I stream. I'm also trying to increase my motivation by trying to expand my Miku song playlist so the grind will be less painful. And it appears Madoka will run in place of Merc Storia... but we still have TOSHI. Ponos really fucked up the EN schedule and this will NOT be swept under the carpet.Also, I had to rush and max out the Lunar New Year units because I forgot with Dark Eyes, Normal Ticket tracking and all that party stuff.Meanwhile, I am trying to get Mizuki's BiS as it will only rerun in Chronicled Wish like Beacon of the Reed Seas and Hunter's Path. And I pulled 2 copies of the latest 4* Miku card.>>1688875Get Dasli. She bricks the game and has a better reputation overall than Lunacia, the new fest, even when she forced the creation of Counter Surge.>>1690934I skipped dozens of banners and Luna's debut specifically for THIS. Yay me!
>>1691050I'm also reporting my progress. UL 86/196. I did not skip 3* Primitive Souls and just finished up to 4 crowns since I'm doing this horizontally and all crown difficulty consecutively per suchapter. Got dasli to Lv 60 too. goddamn
>>1690934here's another, homulily familiars (luiselotte) and royal guard. twitter has some really good art of battle cats
>>1649077see >>1672389
>xenobeast on 5th>labyrinth returns 7th>madoka starts 24th, guaranteed banner starts the 5th>guaranteed dynamites and almighties 5th and 7thfeels good but god i hope i have enough catfood to get what i want
>>1691156AND I GOTTA SAVE CATFOOD FOR KONEKO. 100m event hopefully has the good slots I might really damn need it.
>>1690932>also the Madoka Collab starts on Monday 24Oh boy, time to check the tracker>tfw closest SR Kyubey is at 96BOh, come on.
How is ot that every time I come in to ask for some hint, it's right as some big news drops, discussion of which will surely drown out my post?Anyway, I'm finished with Infernal Tower and the new Queen & Saint stage is all that's left. Now, I've foolishly used Gold CPU to clear the base stages for Old Queen and Papuu, so I don't remember how the stages look, but apparently Papuu is easily cheesable using Cafeteria? Anything to add?
>>1691248As long as you can somehow curse Papuu its completely free. I just used Dasli but i'm sure Cafeteria works as long as you're not unlucky with the 50%.You need some heavy hitters to deal with the dog and to burn Papuu down before she can destroy your base.Queen has that jacked up Professor A as the only threat
>>1691250Yeah, it wasn't as terrifying as I thought it would be. I forgot to make room for anything that would easily deal with the peons, but Courier/Cafeteria spam dealt with them in time for me to send out my big dick damage dealer, which killed the Cursed Papuu with about 40k on my base to spare.
why did they never add multiplayer features to the phone version
No greater feeling than knowing you're gonna get everything from the collab.And for the low price of 5k CF and 40 TicketsGod bless seed tracking.
>>1691279 could get all seven Ubers by spot 38, but three out of five of the Rare units aren't until like spot 50, not to mention this asshole >>1691213 that's giving me grief even though I'm not a middle-school girl.I'm trying to figure out if I can grab some regular banner Ubers, but none of either the Pixies nor the Almighties I'm missing drop until spot 65.
>>1691340if it makes you feel better i have to ignore a legend slot for this and still end up at 82BBut 50 tickets is pretty much nothing for some collab rares
>>1691270the dojo does have the ranking system and thats the closest we have to multiplayer. If we have multiplayer, I'm pretty sure it will consume a lot of battery power and personally I love not burning thru my battery in a few hours
What are some agreed upon rules for team-building?>inb4 spoonfeeding
>>1691761Build for the map you're about to play.
>>1691761Depends on the stage really. If you want a lineup that works on 90% of stages, heres mine I guess. You can replace dasli and nanaho with any generalist you want. Cata and lil mohawk is a research combo for courier and camera and also the best crit and the cheapest meatshield respectively. Can can for money. Courier for spammable LD. Dual erasers for meatshield. Camera for spammable attacker, crit and survive. Note that this fails on gimmick stages. shichi the JP youtuber has a lineup that can beat the entire game, but its very expensive with talents and dark CE, but you can check it out once you reach 15k UR and in end game. I'm 17k UR but Im very prudish with my NPs, so I dont follow his lineup 100% only the roles.
>>1691761there really isn't any as most units are specialists. Later in the game you see if the units based on looking the stage up on a wiki and then plan accordingly. Stuff like razorback = bring bombercat. Enemy that deals a fuck ton of damage and attacks fast but is single target? bring lots of 75c meatshields. The closest unit that will work on 90% of every stage is probably courier or something.
>>1691966>I'm 17k UR but Im very prudish with my NPs, so I dont follow his lineup 100% only the I dont mean prudish here but stingy. Sorry Eng is not my primary language
>>1691966>2.5 critters that are worthless on 90% of stages in a generalist lineupnigga what are you even doing>>1692073>looking stats up on the wikiIf you have a proper generalist lineup you never need to do that. You never need to do it anyway, at worst you're losing 200 energy
>>1692251>nigga what are you even doingYour mileage may vary. With most enemies floating, i dont see any reason to remove camera, not mentioning the crit talent and the crit, if thats what you mean. I gotta admit catasaurus is mostly useless but he can be an emergency meatshield, albeit an expensive one. Also nanaho is overkill to metals and I sometimes swap nanaho with better snipers. I also lost my latest general line.up, I'll post it when I find it in the depths of UL.
>>1692283nanaho is good enough most of the time i findkills the biggest cockblockers in the game with barrier and metals
>>1691966>>1692251No, I have the true generalist setup. I rarely ever need to bother to change my lineup.I also have no talents on any cats, but that's neither here nor there.
>>1692283Found it, it used to have cyber for bosses, and it can clear most of SOL and early UL
>>1692616Do you have logistix? you can use that with courier for better money level up combo instead of longneck. Kubiluga and lion is almost useless in any stage
fuck master a and fuck 2 minute curse debuff pre-UL slime tf aquired. i spent 600 catfood on rich cats
>>1693170Lol, i used 0 catfood in retries, only leaderships and ads, and Ive beaten everything except 2-4 crowned UL. Btw You can farm rich cat every monday, sniper every thursday and cpus every friday, the three most important resources.P.s. you can double tap on cpu to make it golden a retry a stage without playing it to just get the resources you need
>>1693218I had like 30 rich cats the other day but spent them finishing up a lot of other advent stages. I want to finish them all up while the event was going on because their all up and didn't want to wait for them. Not having level 50 units was incredibly frustrating for a lot of the stages with relic enemies and im pretty sure that prisoner's progress took half my stockpile. I have 90+ cpus and 100+ leaderships but I am still trying to gather them in high quantities for mostly no reason.
>>1693236catfood are rarer and leaderships are awarded everywhere. CPUs are farmable with leaderships. Advents return every other week. pic related is schedule
>>1691373Okay, I figured out how to get everything with three multis and 27 tickets. The problem is, I need to start at 38B.Since ATM I'm at 29 tickets and 32 CF away from seven multis (plus 3 more tickets from the Baron and Monthly Gauntlets, and up to four more from Collab maps), the only way to even hope to pull everything would be to also use up my plat tickets, and even then I'm not sure if I won't have to spend CF on single pulls in the end.Maybe I should have ignored that one Legend spot instead of dropping all those tickets to get it.
>>1693487>and 32 CF away from seven multisMake that 320 CF. Dunno where the zero disappeared to.
Ponos really decided to not let us recruit killer axe cat
Newfag here,do treasures from one chapter affect other chapters? id assume noDo i save my cat food for pulls? apparently i need to spend it as well to unlock new units
>>1693669>do treasures from one chapter affect other chapters?The boosts from unlocking Treasures are game-wide, yes.>Do i save my cat food for pulls?For the most part, yes. You'll probably want to get the purchasable units eventually, but even so you should wait for a 50% off sale.
>>1693669>do treasures from one chapter affect other chapters?Yes. They do. See pic related. Specific values in the wiki.>Do i save my cat food for pulls?Absolutely. Only on guaranteed though. Its still available today until 11 am. Rare tickets you spend that on Uber/epicfest or any 10% uber chance.
>>1693669Also treasue effects
>>1693705>>1693729>>1693730>treasures stackShit,that means i should go to past chapters and collect them, no wonder i am starting to hit a brick wall
>>1689756Going through SoL now but I finished CotC 3 and am working through the invasions of ItF and Aku Realms. The problem I have with it is that in most lineups that I put it in by the time it finishes its attack animation the enemies got knocked back by my other cats and it just stands there with its dick in its hand not knowing what to do. It just seems to be a really niche unit that needs to be very deliberately used which frankly to me, doesn't seem worth the headache.I'm not denying that it isn't good because as you say its raw numbers are absurd, but I just can't see it from personal use in trying to get it to work. Way more trouble than its worth.
>>1693856NTA but Cancan though single attack has the highest non-uber damage of 38 k at lv 30. I dont think he's niche though, since you will always need cash in any level and his short range, high speed (if talented), high health and damage will always be useful penetrating enemies w/ blindspot or high time between attacks like Tackey or elephant variants respectively.
>>1693873Sorry but I just can't be impressed by a cat that has 220 range and a 6 second atk windup. When most threats have more range and area atk I just don't see where Cancan is useful outside very specific enemy loadouts.
Oh yeah! Got kyubey cat without treasure radar in first try, lucky!
Trst post
>>1693923Once you get better at the game you'll learn how to properly snipe stuff.You'll get there eventually
>>1693923I mean I guess bullet train is pretty much can-can but slightly easier to use so if you prefer that you might have a better time but just about everyone will tell you you're missing out. Timing based units like slime, bullet train, and can-can all are able to change the course of a battle from losing to winning pretty well.
Where did the rest of the collab maps go? Where maps? HWERE MAPS, PONOS?
>>1694108cancan isnt even a sniperfucker has 90k + hp with some boosts and hits harder than abahagenuinely broken cat that you can spam all day without even looking at the screen and hes so cheap it doesnt matter
>>1694135Anon hes got a long windup and single target. Of course its a sniper.>with some boostsyou mean 50+70? As in unobtainable unless you've been playing for 5+ years?
I started playing bc during the first meguca collab (missed the 2nd since I was taking a break) Seeing this screen brought a smile to my face, I remember Reika was my first uber, and iirc Homura was the one I got from the madoka guaranteed. I could barely finish any event stages and I thought I was lucky to nab kyuubei cat, good times.
>Oh hey a madoka event how hard could this be?>Reach third stage of magical girl I>game spawns 2 red faces right at the start>wipeFuck,guess this isnt for newbies
>>1692803I need the fast and the emergency crit for when I stumble into stages I shouldn't.
>>1694127It comes back every day at noon
>>1694093You dont even use it to snipe. You have Long distance units for that like housewife where the attack range extends from the standing range.
>>1694150Not for being a nuker with a long windup means its a sniper, it has 0 range unlike other real snipers like nerd cat Do you consider Balrog a sniper too?
>>1694150>hes got a long windupYes cancan has 3 second time between attacks but it doesnt mean its a sniperSee >>1694339>you mean 50+70? As in unobtainable unless you've been playing for 5+ years?My can can is 50+15 and ive only been playing for 1 and a half year. You dont need +70 cancan. You just need him to level up with catseyes.
>>1694244as for me I started during epicfest after rerolling for dasli and 1 month after eva collab happened and discovered tracking and got the best eva collab ubers (asukasli and reitama), ive been through a lot of collab and I think asukasli and still one of the best collab ubers even if dasli exist
>>1694346Its a melee single target nuker, a rusher too if you invest in his speed up talent. Can dance his way through blindspots if you know how to time it. I'm bad at timings too until I got better. Also cancan delivers huge damage for a mere 675 cents.
>>1694289The stages in this collab don't fuck around.
the welcome screen is a spoiler to episode 8 lol. Rewatched madoka before the collab and damn seeing the girls gradually emotionally breakdown since episode 3 is heartwrenching. They say its the Evangelion of magical girl genre and they're pretty damn right. If battle cats is a game for children, I wonder why we have collabs like this?
>>1694339>>1694346What i mean with snipe is that its there to kill the Doge Dark so your attackers can focus on the boss instead of wasting it on the small shit.Apparently the wiki uses some weird classifications but i hope you're getting the point.You can't just send out a Lasvoss without something that clears out the squishy high priority targets on the way to the boss.IT44 is the perfect example of this, where you can't even reach the Hannya without the mobs spawning in your face at the worst time.And if you can't properly time your shit you won't be able to use CanCan properly.>>1694351You quite literally only get 90k+ HP/Atk at lvl120
>>1694381thats not counting talents
>only 3 collab ubers in 50 rolls, 2 are both the same. Yeah i'm waiting for guaranteed and tickets wont get me shit.
powercreep the game
>>1694924arent starter/story units literally enough for most of the content?
>Getting my ass kicked by aliens>The treasures to increase damage to them are locked to later levels???
What is the cutest cat in the game (excluding collabs)?
>>1695588Ponos poorly designed this stages but they're still doable. Just get the golden treasures of stages you can do.
>>1695788The small cat on Zamboney cat!
>>1695788loli Kasli. Easy.
I dont care if shes garbage,valkyrie cat is my wife
Every now and then I push myself to finish the annoying Uncanny Legends stage I left off at, only to see the next stage in line is just an annoying on paper and leave it for a few more months
When do you suspect the Catseye gacha will be back? After the last one, I'm at about 160 spots from the next Dark Catseye, which would be enough distance to pull my daily free Lucky Tickets until like August, but I also need to start strategically pulling base updates to replenish my Gold Tickets, so the timeframe will obviously shorten.
>>1696360you have meditation cat for the zombie axolotl and idi for puffington, idi is surge immune so no need to fear for the surge base. Pretty easy desu
Newfag here, how the fuck are you expected to get feathers? Out of part 1 and 2 of the legend stages, I've only got 1 feather and 5 coal, bricks, and sprockets.
>>1696593SOL subchapters to farms for materials
>>1696596also if you reached SOL 32
Which cats should I save my 2 Plat tickets for? I've only got a few ubers right now: Windy, Kaguya, Catman, and White+Black Kasli.
>>1696772The Phonos are the best units in the game right now.Fest units in general are a safe bet, they're all pretty good
>>1696772Phono, dark phono, izanagi, darktanyan, lunacia, from fest banners; try to get them normally, if too far, use your plats
Are the new meduka TFs decent?
I have decided that shes a pain in the ass without collab units.That took 10 whole minutes too, and its only lvl4.
>>1697216>I have decided that shes a pain in the ass without collab units.That's the intention, yes.
I didn't know the monthly missions refreshed with each batch you finished. Why didn't you guys tell me?
>>1697438You know what they say, "the more you know, the more you know you dont know"Anyways, maybe this could help in your monthlies.
>>1697216oh, its time again for infinite stone cat stalling
>>1697496this shit is so annoying I completely stopped doing it
>>1697517I only ever do em when i really need more XPBut otherwise even for 20mil its such a hassle
>>1697556if the mission would send you to the first mission that has the enemy I would gladly do it. but I'm not gonna spend my time searching for the damn enemy.
>>1697610it should just be that enemy on any stagewhy do I need to go to chapter 1 to one shot some shitter
>>1697556Its still 4 bonanza worth of xp.
>>1697627More like one and a half. With a Radar, Cat Jobs the Item, Cat Jobs the Cat and the double XP ad I'm getting 6M+ a pop.
>>1697617Even worse in jp when you can't read moon runes, using google translate/ finding enemy name on wiki everytime start a mission to even know what i'm supposed to kill is so horrible, I couldnt go past killing an enemy on sol.
>>1697698I do run out of xp sometimes, so it wont hurt for me to do my monthlies
I maxed out Tokyo Miku to Lv. 60 over the weekend and successfully put them all at said level. The quest to max them out is fin.Speaking of the latest event, I ran through them all and hated Walpurgisnacht in particular; I am once again waiting for the guarantee, and UL 3* was put on the side again... Epicfest Luna must have Counter Surge because the white one has caused too much upheaval by having Wave Shield.Also, I wonder how useless Silvershower Heartstrings is. Sigewinne's BiS is a statstick w/o the nurse. Couldn't do it to Mizuki either. And I almost completed a banner in Prosekai, wish I got my hands on Minori...>>1688526Ponos doesn't give a fuck. Their ambassador for EN, Mattshea, didn't get any C&D for tracking unlike when he made videos of The Battle Doges.They saw the sites and decided not to do anything with Ampuri or Godfat because guaranteed fortune telling is not hacking. And I stand by that.>>1694374>Fate series started off as eroge VNs with writingCollab events are intended to drag in older audiences and erase the kids' game stigma (It features frequently in Corocoro Magazine) for BC in JP.>>1695788Bruh. You locked me out of answering!And to the anon who hyped up the Madoka collab. After you pull all the banner units, why don't you complete UL 2 and 3* using only the 7 ubers from the collab like I'm concurrently doing with the 6 Mikus?
>>1697878>And to the anon who hyped up the Madoka collab.why not? I'm thinking exactly the same thing. With madoka having relic targeting its really possible. its a great challenge sadly I dont have time though, adult responsibilities and such
Alright, just went from max xp to 0 for 800 more user rank.
How would one build around a slow nuker that has the tendency to miss when everything in its range gets knocked away, like Rekon? I'm used to just running every set with Courier/Jizo and they're the prime examples of units that knock shit away due to their attack frequency and DPS. Do you just run meatshields and no attackers or maybe non-area attackers like Ramen and Can-Can?
>>1698598>Meatshields>Proper tanks>Slow/Freeze CC unitsWould be my guess.
We did it, lads.
>>1698598you just donttheres a reason the best ubers all have omni/longrange or attack so fast it doesn't matter or are just tanks themselves
>got the not!Ghostbusters with my 10k plat ticketNeat. Should help clear out the Aku Realms too.
Omens cleared, God do I hate them. Dropped my 200th Dark Catseye, so that's an extra reason to celebrate. Now I'm just one "Tough agains" Orb away from being able to get an S rank one, but I hate this stage (as stated before) and don't want to farm it.
Oh boy, new Colo! Which one is it this time? I'd check myself, but I don't want to get rid of the "new!" note at least until I finish the monthly Gauntlet, or else I might firget about it altogether.
>>1697216Okay correction:Collab Units are a crutch and if you used em you're a bitchLast stage took 26 minutes but at least i'm really good at timing sniper now
>Get Li'l Homura's TF from the first stage>on the Special Cats select screen tap the scroll bar somewhere in the middle and it lands on Homura perfectlyI feel like I've used up my reserves of luck for the whole month already.
>finally cleared the first chapter of alien cats (used 2 continues in the last 2 levels)>full of confidence go and try some legend stages>bears be bare:black bear annihilates me,his swing is bigger than any unit i can deploy>facing danger:metal face destroys me under 5 seconds>480 energy gone in 3 minutesAck
>>1699395>black bear annihilates me,his swing is bigger than any unit i can deployOh yeah, he'll do that. He's specifically designed to fuck your shit up. But he's got no HP, so the usual tactic is to keep your Cat Cannon ready for when he pops up and blast him.Facing Danger's different, you need some protection from Waves and some good critical hitters to kill him, since whittling his health down one point at a time won't work. But I guess since you've only done the first chapter of Into the Future, this would've been the first Metal enemy you've encountered?Thankfully, nothing ever spawns on the stage until you hit the base, so if you have no better option, you can just wait for your cash to get maxed out and spawn whatever will help.
>>1699401I will try those strats later and yeah the only metal enemy i have ran into was the cyborg hippo which i used MONEKO or sheer firepower to deal withThank you for the tips
Cleared Dessert Witch on 3-crown, now it's time to figure out how to tackle 4-crown with the usual restrictions. The problem is, I just mostly spawned Phonoa and "spammed" Metal Cats to keep the Witch in line, sometimes also sending out something to clear the mobs, and sometimes ABaha to do one attack cycle and die.With the 4-crown restrictions, I guess I could use double Urses to replace Phonoa, but the problem is replacing Metal. I guess Green Shell and Egg Pod? How long will they survive? Also should I still use ABaha as I have, or swap to Crazed Baha and use him as another LD attacker?I guess I'll figure it out as I go.
>>1699425I think i used Mina & Yulala for that but might've been Uril + Ururun. Either will work really. I didn't really started having issues until Box Witch 4*The map isn't on right now otherwise i could tell you moreI THINK it was Lasvoss, Killer, Nyandam, Kunio-kun, Bahamut, Yulala, Mina, Courier, Slime, Jiangshi.first 4 for combo
>>1699455Awakened Bahamut that isI don't think i've used the slow version since finishing ITF3
>>1699395there are a lot of simple strategies that work vs facing danger>flying + cheerleader>naala/izanagi>maglev + cat cannon (if you're good at timing)>just using critters like catornado and hoping to get luckykeep in mind the stage isn't "no continues" so you can kill the app and restart it to retry the stage if it looks like you're going to lose
>>1699581>>just cleared ITF1>Naala>Cheerleader>Maglevyou ok dudemight as well recommend Ultra Kaguya
>>1699402You can also use Kubilan Pasalan to solo the stage if you managed to roll one. It won't be fast but it's a guaranteed win.
>>1699395>>facing danger:metal face destroys me under 5 secondsOne unit to save you if you're critters fail (catornado you disappoint me sometimes) is to use metal cat to stall or halloween neneko or any non uber wave blocker with fast meatshields / wave immune
>>1699425If you have esoteric uril, you can use it to replace phonoa as LD attacker, if you dont, mina is also an LD attacker but uril is a better generalist+ pierce
I fucking hate Professor A so much. Such an annoying unit.
>>1700019>without good stepping stones immune to slime>can can will always be knocked back or slowed unless weakend by roe>outranges almost every uber>lol did your bullet train just hit a peon instead?At least courier exists I don't think I could live in a world where master A goes unchecked.
>>1700068*Professor A.I guess manic island also works but even at level 50 I still get mixed results depending on the stage. Before rock cat I had very little hope in stalling him without Roe.
Any lineups for stage 4 of the new colosseum?2* that is.The what feels like infinite spawning aku pengs always fuck me up at the last second
I am back after a long break. Post your cards bros. I want to see where others are at.
>>1700462I am nowhere.
>>1700462Wonder how weird mine is since most of my playtime was from before CotC was even a thing.
>>1700466We all gotta start somewhere bwo>>1700525I don’t think it’s that weird, considering you can catch up to everything else after a long break, unlike a game like Nikke
>>1700399I used this one
>>1700556SilumanTomcat's lineup uberless
>>1700462sheesh you boost every cat in the game or what?
>>1700677Almost everyone. I was at the point where I had nothing to do other than farming barons and feeding useless cats catseyes
>>1700462How long have you been away?
>>1700462love gaia, got her early and never pulled another legend since
>>1700462I usually post it on the anniversary of when I started playing, but hey, sure (also the UR is bound to rise after I start to pull on the Madoka banner).
>>1700466>that mattshea catI wonder when theyll do that again. Its been 8 years
>>1701104I think they forgot they did it in the first place.
>>1700462I wish gold pass was just slightly better but whatever. Go my speed ups.
>>1701124i didnt even know it was a collab cat until somebody in the thread mentioned it
>>1700854Around 8 months. I got burnt out and I was playing Nikke
>>1701243I'm half-convinced the game is developed/animated at double speed and then slowed down for the poorfags.I've stopped being a paypiggy about half a year ago and going back to 1x Speed for the majority of levels was just painful
>>1701330I just couldn't stand the early treasure farm, bought it once and it helped me clear everything from ITF2 to COTC 3 in just slightly over a month. I play a lot so it's always been worth it. Started last October so it's been about 6 months. Now I buy it for cat fruit farming. My lifestyle actually lets me paypig for everything (within reason) and I'm eyeing that 100m ticket thats coming up because the next legend rare is literally seeded in 900 rolls.
14.2 is coming to EN tomorrow, with Z-Onel revenge stage the day after.
>>1701427Also 100m ticket sale soon
>>1701430Really hope there's a guaranteed banner with Koneko. Did JP version ever get that or the event still going on for them?
Guys, I have a confession to make. I never rolled for or got any of the 'Girls & Monsters' ubers because none of the units are cats.
>>1701460JP got the Koneko banner but iirc there was no guaranteed draw for it.
>>1701490Shame. Really hope she isn't far off in the seed tracker or I might genuinely be pissed.
>>1701526You could check right now on the JPN tracker, as long as the gacha pool is the same, the drops are the same as well.I've got Koneko near the end of my Madoka pulls, I could rework it a bit and I'd only lose out on Kyubey. Unfortunately, the next one is 580 pulls further down.
what did you get anons?i managed to get all the collab ones + Luna & Hevijak from Platinum ticketsAlso more than enough NP to get the Blast on Bahamut as soon as the patch hits
>>1701606>3 homuras>only 1 rare catExtremely disappointed.
>>1701606All of them, except for SR Kyubey. Also Dark Garu, Amaterasu, Gravi, Shingen and Kaihime.
>>1701606>what did you get anons?67 more user rank.
>>1701606Nothing because I don't care for this collab
Those first two stages of Xenobeast already were some ol' bullshit (first one more than the second, I actually managed to clear that one on my first try), but now that I look at the enemies in the last two, I don't think I can take that shit on in my current state of mind.
>>1701983>not scheduled yetGod damnit. I’m being fucking blue balled and I want to splurge now>Merc stories collabs is confirmedTime to save. I think I still need to nab a few super rares.
yes i did buy the 20$ ticket which is already out despite the fact you cannot use it right now
>>1701988Thank you for supporting our game
>>1701995someone has to
Gonna try Xenobeast with Cosmo when I have the energy
>>1702105Genuinely shook that an ultraform could become that good. I would've invested immediately but still waiting to see a nekoluga UF.
>>1701983I hope the 100DL thing comes before Merc Storia. Either way if they've dropped in this update, it means we can expect it within the next month and a half (otherwise they wouldn't bother bringing it in until v14.3).Which reminds me, since he didn't mention it, I guess no news from the Bikkuriman front?
>>1701983>everything actually interesting delayed
>>1702125This but with talents and Bahamut. Holy fucking shit he is utterly broken
Having been subjected to Xenobeast and its 'splosion, and seeing units get kb'd twice, once by the attack and another one by the outermost blast, I have to wonder how the Baha Blast will affect the cheese strat on IT#43, as seen in this vid:
If there's ever a Hololive collab at this point, I wonder if they'll even have anyone I want to roll for by the time they manage to get one...
>>1701936It actually went pretty well.
Oh shit, I just noticed that Miraheze has a stats calculator for magnifications. How long has it been there?
>>1702421yeah but the website changes make it look awful. Why is the search bar now this tiny thing off to the left which is the same size and only 2 spaces up from a fucking discord link.
>>1702670Maybe if you changed the skin it would be more to your liking. Too bad I have no idea how to even get to "Preferences", much less the "Appearance" tab.
>walpurgisnacht>LD half screen AOE with 100% critUh, am I missing something here? I guess I just need like 9 meatshields with 3 survives and one collab uber to kill this thing or something?
>>1702749Rock cat, manic lion, bullet train, and a talented speed/slow resist jiangshi are the only ways to actually stall him. Sayaka is the best madoka uber to fight the 2 bosses as she has high hp, only 2 knockbacks, good dmg with strengthened, and is immune to knockback.