I like it...
>>1625317I wonder if the event was only because of arcane, or HoK scared the dmshit out of the devs
Did you buy the Arcane Pass?I did, and I still haven't gotten the Jinx skin, I'll have to wait a couple more days, basically I'll unlock it one day before it ends
ASol feels really bad to play.>>1625940I think you can complete it by just spamming games.
>>1626637There is a limit of spam you can do, when you finish it you can only complete the pass with daily missions, 10 points for logging in and 30 for winning a game, at least I'm already at the last level, I just need 3 more days
>>1626732You gain 1/2/3 point(s) per minute played.
>>1625317It's OK. Best mobile MOBA, for what it's worth.
Did they add a mark in Nautilus' passive?
How do I LuLu support? I feel I could get better, what items I need if I want to also deal damage? I go harmony orb and the blue stick then the witch's hat and whatever the game recommends me
>>1631235See this. https://www.wildriftfire.com/guide/luluAnd study the top builds, test them in vs ai to be sure.
i hate not being able to distinguish between cute arcanebabs and that retarded jinx jungle only cult.
I'm not proud of this but I spent 100 dollars in the gacha, Xayah is my waifu and I wanted to get her in both her Star Guardian versions.
Finally got MVP on support, ignore language
>>1631235nigga brand is somehow considered a support and he doesn't even have a stun, and deals insane demage.>>1637598I love Lulu(not in a gross way)
>>1642128He has a stun, it isn't on demand, but he has one in his 1st skill.
>>1625317is this the best mobile moba? I unironically cannot drop this digital heroin I need my fix, I was playing honor of kings and I unironically liked it but I'm done with it
>>1642436there is also a chinese league rip of, no idea if its actually good
Later game Nautilus is genuinely immortal in URF.He has infinite shield on his second skill
How does this differer from Desktop league? I've heard people saying WR is better but never HOW it's better.
>>1643618Faster games, some people think the controls are better, mainly for adcs.
>>1643618graphics are better but thats because greedy jews at riot don't want update default models made in 2011 so people buy skins
Ahiri shakes her ass when you touch her tail on the main screen
Mundo is OP as fuck late game I just got ambushed by 4 enemy champs, I hit the ult and every other skill and I got a double kill before they got me. I wasn't even at full healt lol.
imagine not maining lugod
>>1644368He can become immortal with Yummy
Volibear is free win in one for all
>>1637598>making the only girl in leauge with canon BF your waifungmi
>>1642626dude it took mlbb until last year to add target locking and you cant unlock it. no minimap auto pathing. no character inking. no fucking nothing. its a dogshit moba compared to wild rift.
>>1648576>no minimap auto pathing.I am confused why WR has it, instead of pings being where you are looking at.
>2015looks like a real polar bear>2024looks like somebodys fursona.They are disneyfaying lol since they added zoe. Remember first overwatch thailer and people laughing at pixar art style? Now every game looks like that.
new netflix show confirmedhttps://youtu.be/I76wvt0aEE4
>>1648717Fuck off Big Lincoln.
>13 wins streak>my phone starts fucking up>2 team mates disconect>13 wins streak gone
new update fucking sucks
>>1650030Yes, both optimization wise and content wise
>6.0 characters are fucking Yordles>6.1 characters leaked and are all mid as fuckHoly shit you have so many good champs and THIS is what they release, time to make a months long break till somethings not shit releases
>>1651152>Holy shit you have so many good champs and THIS is what they release, time to make a months long break till somethings not shit releasesMost of the hyped champions were launched, LeBlanc was postponed because of her ASU.
Does anyone know where the fuck you get this Rumble icon?It says Wild Pass, like the Gnar and Poppy ones but while I can find theirs on the Wild Pass itself, I can't find anything for Rumble.
>>1652181Maybe it was in the previous pass
>>1651204They could ad Poppy, Gnar, or kled. Rumble sucks.
>>1625317When're Gnar and Poppy releasing?
wild rift actually has less gatcha than PC lol now lmao.
>>1654490Gnar in febPoppy in march
How do I learn to play Jungle PROPERLY, right now I just pick Shyvana/Yi and power clear and only look for ganks in between farming. I feel like in my elo this strategy works pretty well as more often than not I get ahead of the enemy jungler just by playing efficiently while they run around aimlessly looking for ganks but this doesn't feel like it's the correct way to play Jungle as it's more of an early game role? I'd really like to be able to play Lee Sin because I think he's really cool but for now might need to pick up another early game jungler that's easy so I can focus on macro>>1651152What are the 6.1 characters
>>1646527Runes?I'm using her and I save my team asses constantly but I want more kills
>>1656717I mean yiure not really supposed to try to get kills as a support. Jinx was just retarded and would die all the time so I were left finishing of enemy bot lane, or fighing them 1v2 with put me ahead at the beginning of the game, ebemy team was also dumb, Garen, Jarvin, and Leona underestemated me, and would chase me while I spammmed attacks on them.One time Garen chased me to the spawn lol, I think I was annoying him beacuse he only died against me or whoever i was buffing.If you want to get more kills just use Help Pix! as a point and click attack on enemies instead of a shield and than Hit the glitterlance with is free demadge, cause when Pix is on the enemy you don't have to aim projectile coming from it. But your allies are going to be annoyed you take kills instead of saving them.
>>1656708>What are the 6.1 charactersI think they are Zilean and Nocturne, I forgot the 3rd.
Can't do it. Used to go to the season skin but I can't put myself through it. 4 defeats in a row. S+ and 80+% better than ppl in the same rank but still loosing. These metrics are bs and EBMM is the worst thing that ever happened to gaming.
How do I Fiddlesticks? Got his skin then got into jungle role even tho it's my second to last and tired him but I'm sure it was all bots since I got mvpHe seems fun but I have no idea how to be a jungle. I'm also drunk rn so I don't remember what I did with him
>>1663573You just got to git gud
Literally every single time this bitch is in my game she goes 20/1 carries the entire game and wins 1v5
>>1665474Nah nigga you crazy.
I just wanted to say, this game is a botted hellhole and I genuinely hate the devs (and you)
>>1663649He has a secret passive that lets him know where invisible wards are.
>play in the first few seasons>hovering emerald-diamond>most games feel solid and competitive, no crazy skill imbalances, game seems very "mature", really feels like real league of legends just more compact>fast forward a few years>still emerald-diamond>most games are an utter shit show with bots and utter retards who play like they just started playing the game today>game doesn't feel like league anymore but some button mashing mobile game with retards, children and botsWhat the fuck happened???
>>1671137>pop off as ARAM Lee Sin>my own team votes for remakethis shit game is making me omnicidal
>>1674536>full ad enemy team? Better go full AP malhpite lol>no boots so he's constantly out of mana too!>support who never looks at the map and starts drake randomly while jg is doing herald btw>also an Akali jobbing to flashless ultless Talon 4v1>who hard focused enemy Garen all game, when there were 4 squishies in the enemy team including a Soraka (killed him once by stealing last hit with ult)I fucking hate these """"people""""
>>1676488>67% winrate Viktor onetrick is my adc as a 33% Tristana>70% wr Ashe main is my mid as a 0-3 (now 0-4) ViktorUnironically genuinely rigged game, why do I always fall into the "play to win" meme mindset when I should only focus on having fun, fuck
Fucking retards nerfed warwick for no reason again. Fucking hell I’m literally losing kills by 80+ hp because retards decided 15 extra passive damage is too much. Literally removed all of it and also nerfed his only two damage abilities because why the fuck not? Like he doesn’t even have damage anymore with the stupid cucked ultra shitty 90% attack speed boost and disgustingly small 50% boost at 35% hp. Fucking hell. Have to steal more kills to actually feel strong. Meanwhile other bullshit somehow not nerfed.Why can’t these retards bring back his 150% boost at 50% hp and 275% at 25%? Fucking retards don’t know how to balance.
Starting actually quit? Didn't even realize.
Now I understand why Gnar was called a mistake
>>1678288It was confirmed by the "80% win rate Sion" debacle.