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Ash Echoes came out a day or two ago


Also on google/apple store

Game quality is honestly pretty good
I wish Christian didn't die he's such a cool character he didn't even get 3 minutes of screentime
Nice presentation. This has some high production values.
is it good OP?
Very two normal comments totally not suspicious at all
>cringe faggot design
>cringe faggot voice
dude deserved his shitty offscreen death
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i like how npcs all have unique appearances but i also hate how the cutest loli won't be playable
>Not playable
what are they thinking?
Yeah, sorry for posting like a normal human and not someone raised by /vg/ irony.
Who should I reroll for?
All the other character designs are way too Chinese for me, sorry Zhang
I uninstalled after my selector and not getting Felicio
Seems kind of miserable to reroll when you get an easy selector.
Post gameplay
I like that it doesn't have the current gachashit that fatigues me like having to gear every single character

I'm on the last step of getting my random 6* before I pick my selector
The girl on rate-up according to tierlists, I don't have her, and obviously I don't have most of the other 6*s so I can't compare
Electric as an entire element seems really strong though if the map has water or if you have someone who can create water puddles
fujo game
kani game
this event is long as fuck
tfw didnt roll the ultimate 5* support somehow
I think that's most people unless they dumped all of their gems; most of the free rolls are coming in logins during the next ~3 weeks
well i'll just have to pick up her from 7 day beginner quest
I have a few rolls left but waiting on the random 6* before I guarantee my 6* in case I get the offense/defense music girl
rerolled once and got the 6* airplane girl in 20 pulls so I guess I'll play for a bit
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rerolled once and got the waters twins got bubbles too she didnt really like my drink tho tried to change the settings but it keeps crashing on bluestacks
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what a beautiful Duwang
protip: don't accept the stamina rewards from leveling up, claim them as needed so you it doesn't overflow
does anyone have access to phase 6 quests? curious what they are but I am stamina gated on phase 5
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Aieee nevermind day just changed over and I progressed
To put it simply, it's gonna take a few days unless you do pay refreshes.
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Protip: look at character information before investing in them
it took me three days to realize Caroline is a boy
Stay in your schizo containment hole
I got the furry twins are they good or should I reroll?
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in five months they'll be powercrept by much cuter girl
Thanks, picked up.
downloading this game right now
She looks cute, but after 5 rerolls and still not SRR maybe I should just take the garutee on next banner.
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I have no Idea what I am doing.
Neither do I. Seems like the meta is just to use a team based around a specific element reaction though
Physical DPS (like rate-up girl) pure ungabunga and ignore all element reactions
Explosion; someone who can put fire on the ground + an electric DPS to get free aoe explosions
Melt, Ice Zone + Fire damage or Fire Zone + ice damage which fucks up enemy armor
Electroconduct, water zone + electric damage which then hits every single enemy in the water, so single target attacks can become AoE for free. Also spams stunlocks on enemies when they take electric damage
And then Corrosion which is just sticking as many corrosion characters as you can on the team since every time the gauge fills up you get a free mapwide AoE that hits hard
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Yea the elemental reactions seem pretty powerful, I've only noticed Electrocution so far.
Because of the free frog Shaman girl from discord and The electro tank we get from the first pull.
I guess I'll read if the other units I have can Synergise in any of the ways you've listed thanks anon.
Also didn't expect the bar tending mini game.
According to Prydwen
I missed two element reactions;
Fire Zone + Water damage or Water zone + Fire damage creates mist that gives your characters 50% damage reduction if they're standing inside it
And water zone + ice damage or ice zone + water damage can freeze enemies; once they're frozen hitting them again with ice damage again has an rng chance to instantly kill them (bosses and elites are probably immune to it though Prydwen didn't say it). I don't have good water+ice characters actually test it though, or how high the chance is
There's also Wind who doesn't react at all, but does extra damage to flying enemies and can blow away poison mist
really based I wish he was better, but still usable on dot team
Like someone else said this game is very synergy/team focused

you can look at prydwen for team examples
Kind of comfy game
The battles feel very fluid
Ngl one of my favorite features so far is that when it shows you a list of players to send friend requests to, it only displays players that are actually online instead of a random list of players who may or may not have even logged in for days
Ok I'm getting coin starved FUCK
and I get like 2k per 30 stamina I'm so fucked
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I'm so fucking close do not dupe me please
I suspected it as soon as I heard the JP voice
He owes me bussy
What teams is everyone using? I was using the freeze team with ivana till I got cen ying
I got off-banner Lorelle while trying to roll Cen Ying, so I went Corrosion team + Freda
Considering selecting Longqing after the free rolls are gone though and using her as team leader + SSR Nightmare Memory
Since Longqing + SSR Nightmare can instantly give your entire team a permanent +80% damage buff 1 second into combat
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localizers you lazy fucks
I need freda already
feels like I wasted a bunch of materials on bubbles when freda is the bis in slot for almost every team
I'm not sure if she's actually bis or just all the guides use her because at worst you grab her on the day 7 SR selector and she works on all teams, and then you can max dupe her over time
Longqing seems to have higher heals (but has some rng involved), can not only attack but seems to actually do decent damage + AoE + Anti-Air, can shield your team + make them immune to ranged projectile attacks + give them up to 50% damage reduction (10% from leader, 40% from seed); and seems to be a very good choice for Leader with Inspire stacking. Easy +80% permanent team damage if you grab Nightmare >>1615149 that can be activated instantly as soon as battle starts. You can get +200% off this, but obviously needs you to pray on dupes in the longterm.
I'm just not sure which teams have someone else they should be putting in as leader though; and the obvious that if you use your SSR selector on Longqing then you can't use it on someone else who can't easily be replaced with an SR
you get Longqing because she's meta
i got Longqing because i'm a pedo
I was already planning to get either her or Ivana based purely off of looks, then looked at her kit and realized she's also meta on top of being cute
Will this game live? It doesn't even have a general on /vg/
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bitch you're in my office sit normally
That doesn't really mean much man
make a general
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Hard to say. It's the first time I've seen someone try to do a Gacha RTS with a somewhat dense stat system.
It has males so it's not a for you pandering game, they didn't bother with an ENG dub so they aren't really expecting much from the western release.
No idea how well it's doing in Asia either, it could be good because they bothered translating or bad becasue they wanted more revenue than what local was providing.
It's got a niche in a very saturated market but only time will tell if it's going to EOS.
Tea time is the hardest content
Who would think Lorelle would hate hot ginger tea
>he doesn't cheat at tea time
i admire your fortitude
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Retard characters are great.
>three s6 06 06
Last day to do Joint Training before it refreshes for the week
I thought that way too but it's actually less materials than 1-4 was
also it's only 6/6 for the 2 skills
I wish auto didn't use the ultimates
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longqing cenying samb flex
the nexus confuses me, what's the difference between the blue and red one?
Husbando banner when?
In theory they have a specific debuff that you have to deal with, in actual practice what you're going to care about is that they have separate achievement rewards so you're going to want to clear out both
Is the story any good or is it just regular run of the mill gacha stuff? I've been skipping most of it ngl
I read tutorial/chapter 1, which was okay but not amazing and then skipped everything else so I could actually spend stamina. I haven't gone back and read the rest yet
I did read the event though. which was a bit long-winded in my opinion
I only read Chapter 1 but it's interesting
Basically the world is infected by these radiation monsters like Arknights, but certain people develop powers from the radiation and become agents for the government. Those who can't handle the radiation instantly die so the agents are basically the only defense of humanity. However, agents themselves can die if they are overexposed to radiation because the crystal inside them that holds their powers can overwhelm their body from excess radiation growth.

It's not super accurate but that's what I remember. Also apparently your mentor kills you in the future?? Or at least works with the main antagonist. But you travel back in time before that happens so it's a "find out why the future sucks while stuck in the past" episode
going by CN schedule, we're getting double release with this dude and Scarlett next (but only Scarlett gets memory trace rate up)
then banners go loli-dude-hag-dude
and then there's four months husbando drough where six women(none of them loli) were released in a row lmao
Okay thanks. Does pity carry over? I lost 50/50 for Cen Ying (to Lorelle) so now I'm not sure if I should try to get her or maybe save for some guys

Managed to get Caroline and Sephonis so I'm just running a corrosion team. Haven't used the 6 star selector because I kinda want to see who I get for completing the phase 6 quests first. Though getting Cyros or Luke just for husbando purposes is still tempting
It carries over, but only within the same "type" of banner. So rolling on standard banner doesn't help you at all on the new character spotlight banners and vice versa. If they ever do limited banners for anniversary or something that most games eventually do, that'll probably count as a third separate type of banner as well.
Old character spotlight banners seem to count as standard banners though, as you can tell with the Lorelle banner and compare the banner history.
(If you look at the pull history on the Cen Ying banner, you'll see all the pulls on it, but if you look carefully your tutorial pull that game made you pull on the standard banner isn't there. If you look at the pull history on the Lorelle banner, you can see the single 1x pull the tutorial made you do, if you look on the regular standard banner it also shows that same one single 1x pull from the tutorial).
Who pick
Basic account upkeep functions gated behind story is always dumb. It just encourages skipping.
it doesnt matter you get all three i picked middle then left i think
How bad is the nexus full auto?
I'll be able to finish phase 6 and see if I get fucked on the random SSR on reset

But then I will have no stamina to farm up whoever I get/can select afterwards AAAAAAAA
Okay thank you

think I saw somewhere explosion team is the most useful if you aren't already building a team but I am not sure how accurate that is since I have only played with freeze team early
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i wonder if she posts on Senlo's 4chan
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please don't give me a dupe please don't give me a dupe
but i already have Longqing, i dont need more healers
at least she's cute
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>why the fuck floor and walpaper cost six fucking thousands
>the bar also changes
money well spent
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>at least she's cute
i retract my statement
>drinks herself
>gives the same drink to her goathorse
>then you talk to her, she again sips from the same glass
shit's disgusting what the fuck is wrong with this bitch
fanservice status?
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The puppet shitposts non stop, she just watches Thunderbolt Fantasy.
If you like tummies you're in luck
I think echoing nexus is going to filter most people.
Echoing Nexus is pretty easy though?
The real filter right now is probably going to be the event boss at 200% or above
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if the leader has a skill I don't need to equip a memory also with it then?
My understanding is that they stack unless they explicitly say they don't stack; since some of them do explicitly say they don't stack
That said, no idea what is actually optimal in terms of avoiding diminishing returns
wait did Deep Observation reset yesterday?
might be cause of weekly reset
I didn't unlock it. My fucking rolls...
Don't worry, I actually unlocked it last week, and it told me that it would become available after weekly reset. So you didn't actually miss anything anyways
Just started chapter two and it's nothing special but the execution is pretty interesting. But it feels like the translation is off or the text didn't get an editor's eye because continuity seems to break at a few points and the transition between you dealing with protestors and suddenly rushing into a boss fight with NPCs that kinda came out of nowhere and dumped vague lore that doesn't have nearly enough context in the moment to be engaging.
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shouldn't max pity be 50? I'm at 52 and it says 7 more for guaranteed ssr
I'm at 50 rolls and it says 9 more for me as well, so I assumed they either meant to type 50 there or they fucked up and set it at 50 internally when it's supposed to start at 40
Easy for you maybe I find it all deeply confusing.
Anyone playing the corrosion team? Curious if it's a meme or not cause Gina is so fucking cute
Not them but essentially in the early game (And maybe even lategame) you will want to be able to get 20 inspiration stacks for the biggest powerboost.

I think most teams want to max out their MST and ATK with defense being the third most important stat, but correct me if I'm wrong

so in the nexus you want to prioritize leveling up the cards that give you stacks for your team that you can fulfill i.e "fire unit casts barrier, anyone summoning or using a buffing skill"
Also - there are suggested traces you can use in the top right, before you start the nexus to see how the "Top Engravings" built their team for that week using those as a guideline for your main leader and actually reading what they do so you can find substitutes will be good.
huh, that's usually grounds for refunds
anyone knows what's the chinese pity?
Memory Trace are the equips right? not the character?
>dps so high I can't stun the marionette 4 times before it dies on 245%
need some sort of dps meter at the end so I can see who is overrated dogshit or not
Only tried other elements early game before I off-bannered Lorelle and testing around with Cen Ying, but they feel okay. They're probably currently held up higher than they should be just because of Lorelle though, where it sounds like almost every other team uses Lorelle on their team anyways even if she doesn't match the element reaction. Caroline is good, but you have to manually switch between modes. Don't have Gina to try her. Sephonis is okay but feels kinda clunky to use. In theory she has infinite skill uses, but because they fucked her with 3-uses before she recharges she can only actually sort of use her Skirmisher passive of being able to use her skill twice in a row without cooldown. And she has to channel so despite her skill looking like it hits as hard as other people's Seed skills it actually does probably closer to half damage since she loses her normal attack, until you use her Seed skill twice.
Main advantage so far seems to be that they don't get fucked over by weather since they don't care about dry/normal/wet, they just sit there building corrosion stacks
If we're looking purely at the strongest team right now though, I get the feeling it would be a team with Cen Ying/Luke, since they're both physical and they're also both summoner which means you can double-dip in buffs for both summoner and physical and then just go pure ungabunga

Trying to remember, did we get a 10x-roll on echoes during the tutorial? Only other thing I can think of is that the jewed us out of the tutorial rolls counting for soft-pity, which is confusing since it's literally just 10-rolls and if anyone was rerolling on them anyways they wouldn't be counting on that soft-pity anyways
Fucking hate that combo uses 2 skill usage
and all? the combo users have an odd number of usage crystals
makes no sense to me that its so restrictive but i guess its another way future units could be more powerful with extra skill slots
Finally got Cen Ying after losing 50/50 and taking some 60 something pulls to get her, and I'm highly tempted to just grab Luke from the selector already, but I've got 3 quests left for phase 5 so I want to see who I'll get from the random free 6 star after phase 6 first. Don't want to grab him and then end up getting a dupe
Smart, although Luke's S1 is actually alright.
do we have a guild?
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why is the score lower even though I went deeper?
Score is just the five stats added together
Either you got unlucky with nodes, or you picked more skill options instead of stat options
I like the character designs of the game. Interested in trying it out. Anything about the game which stands out? How's the gacha and the equipment system? Shame it's not popular enough to get it's own general
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>Anything about the game which stands out?
It's an RTS style which I don't think I've ever seen another gacha do.
Gear is done through a roguelike minigame I'm too low IQ to have figured out.
> How's the gacha and the equipment system?
Typical Gacha roll for characters there's 4*,5*,6*
You also roll for memory traces which are basically equipment? But only one person needs them and they apply buffs to the entire team which is usually
4 on fielders x off fielders that can get be swapped.
>Shame it's not popular enough to get it's own general
The gacha space is just to competitive and this is very niche.
I think the art, music are great.
The story is hit or miss, it's a science fiction so it tires to etasblish a lot of technical terms and technologies rapidly I think it's just going to go over alot of peoples heads.

Worth checking out if you're a fan of RTS controls otherwise, I don't know a lot of things could grab your attention instead market is full of gacha.
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why is everyone in this game so sadistic.
Liking the art of the game so far
it replenishes every 24h
Which one to choose? Also should I save it for now?
if you don't have anyone or team in mind keep it, atleast untill you get the random 6* for doing those phase quests.
otherwise look at who fits into the echomancers you've pulled thus far.
I see most people shilling Lorelle due to her flexability or Cyros but honestly just look at what elemental reactions you like and pick a unit that lets you enable that.
I went ahead and picked him anyway, because I'm impatient and also because I would rather have him be one of the units I level to S4 and shit for these phase quests.
if you have cen ying just get luke
Best overall: Longqing, Lorelle
Summon team: Luke (good in general, best on summon team)
Corrosion: Lorelle (she's also just the best generic tank due to her utility)
Fire/electric team: Cyros/Hongxiu
Ivana is just OK, the gremlins can create a water pool but they're getting powercrept pretty quickly, Tong is a burst DPS but weaker than Cen Ying overall, Hassel is good but the best character in the game completely power creeps him, and Zodivin is good for long battles but Longqing has yet to have competition in her role.
Thanks for the suggestion. I wanted to pull more in the targeted extraction banner but it ended today? Didn't know that. There's a traces extraction going on and is it the gear system? I think it's similar to the matrix system from tower of fantasy but it's only applied to the mc instead of different characters equipping different traces. So should I be pulling on traces or save for upcoming character banner?
best SR memory to get with the selector?
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I just realized I could use heavy dupe characters to easily get the skills to lvl 6 since they get +3 at seed 4&5
Wait that counts?
Does Su Xiao's little bot that heals/shields count as a summon, as in it provides bonuses for skills that require summons, or do I have to use her barrier to activate that?
steam says it's not available in my country. the pc neocraft version on the site is the same server/version right?
Is this the game where you pick 2 elements and stick with it?
Tier whore elemental BS: Pull Uni + Skylar + Jean, blind yourself off all the elemental reactions
Fire/lightning explosion team: Selector Cyros/Mo (optional), pull Thea + Tishi/Jean, shit fire with Cyros/Thea, watch Tishi/Jean turn the map into a crater
Summon/physical team: Pull Cen Ying, selector Luke, wait for Midas, watch Midas murder everything
Corrosion: Pull/selector Lorelle, wait for Leilani/Solbyrd (or both), pray your corrosion detonation explodes at the right moment (or just let Leilani accelerate it for you)
Ice/freeze team doesn't exist atm, you could cope with Feng since she's just good but you'll just slap her into the tier whore comp anyway.
Boreas/Elpis are just good supports and should be pulled unless you just hate them. Titia is a good support option for any element team. Otherwise Freda is the best character in the game.
Base your pull plans on how much you wanna invest. Summon team is cheapest due to them all being extremely good without dupes (also it's by far the easiest to play). Corrosion team is really dupe hungry esp on Solbyrd and without Leilani you're just gambling that the corrosion detonates at the right time. Elemental teams are generally very strong and can (mostly) ignore environments for the most part, but rely heavily on synergy (and pulling on a ton of debut banners) and having characters that can create zones for them.
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Depends on the team you're using, check pryden for suggest traces or get something with an inspire you can reliably trigger.
It's listed as a summon but it depends on the skill, seeing as it's always present as a passive skill anything require active skill use wouldn't work, anything increasing dps wouldn't work becasue its healing only, but something like
>Coordinated summon
which mererly requires a summon, she'd get atleast 1 use out of. I don't think the barrier would count as a re-summon as much like Sephonis (doll users) she's just repositioning her existing summon, where as luke and cen are producing more.
Yea you would be in the global server or whatever region, Steam is probably just a launcher and it's not being run on the their services just a way for the game to get more publicity.
Depends on what elemental reactions you're trying to acheive, you could go 3 fire and 1 water unit who can make water terain just for the elemental reaction. Or full stack corrision and pshical teams and ignore the element system as they don't interact.
Right now though when resources are so sparse, I'd only be focusing on 1 team maybe 2 as the game lets you swap in other members. But later on maybe you'll want more for the Joint training or the Engraving system the averages out your best runs.
Thanks for this anon. It looks like their going to be running the CN banner as they've annouced
>Baili Tusu
So it seems like I'll try going for UNI as midas is probably a 10+ months away.
>new CN guy trusts nobody, not even himself
>new CN girl is generic chink
>Maizuru still not playable
I don't know, I'll try for the next mission (I only need one more right now to get the first ticket)
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how will airplane girl age without a dupe? I was trying to get one and got luke so now I'm sitting on guaranteed which seems a bit wasteful to spend it on a dupe
Ive already rolled 60 times on the limited banner without a 6* but it says 17 more pulls required for a guaranteed 6*. I thought pity was at 70?
nevermind, I checked again and it says only base skill levels are counted
maybe it's the same issue as >>1616769 that the tutorial pulls didn't count
>didn't get the trace maxed in nexus so I can't get max inspire stacks
I'm starting to hate nexus and how much rng there is
Don't forget it costs spirit to enter, I could deal with shitty RNG if it didn't cost Spirit to even try.
It should really only cost Spirit to save an engraving rather than an attempt.
It's all so fucking confusing
>upgrade to get extra stats at stat increase nodes if this card triggers illuminati, also boosts chance to illuminate
check card's nexus stats for shits related to this
No, I mean in general. How do you know which skills to focus on which characters? Are there any dedicated guide websites? Prydwen doesn't explain shit. I know a summon character wants to focus on getting summon skills but I don't have any 6* characters yet and the game wants me to upgrade and invest in bunch of 5* characters and Im not sure what to do like in picture related. What skills does Yuqi even want??
Lost cen ying pity to them. Are they any good? Should I build them? What other characters goes well with them? They are my only 6*
Short answer: For you it really doesn't matter yet since you don't have an actual functioning team nor proper memory traces yet, and you'd unironically see a huge improvement just from doing a random new run every few hours and just hitting auto-select skills at the end of the run

Long answer
It depends on your team. Generally the "main skill" is way more impactful than the six "sub-skills" on the memory trace. And the biggest impact you're going to see early on is just stacking stacks of Inspires that you can trigger until you hit max stacks at 20
There's no easy way for me to simplify the information.
Just stack inspire.
Engraving minmaxing is really for when you have a team in mind as it's not just about what 1 Echomancer wants.
Yuqi wants VIT becasue he scales off it, ATK and MST are also useful to him.
He's an okay tank, he makes it easy to proc electrocution so he idealy wants water terrain or a unit that can crate it. Like Furray and Furney Or Sambheka.
You probably have Sambheka as she's a free 5* they're giving on discord.
That's 2 units for your electro team, then just add a support and either a strong DPS or another Electro DPS and you've got a team.
When you've got a team of 4 characters then you can worry about what skills you want to bring and how to get the most out of their gimmick in this case the water + electricty reaction.
Without a team don't stress too hard on nexus and just try and run it for highscores on several different units.
Pryden is useful don't sleep on them.
if you don't want to read the articles which are good imo, watch a youtube video on it.
I don't even 100% get it myself but I don't even have a finished team so it's whatever.
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how do you guys decide if a memory trace is worth rolling for?
They can create on demand water zones which is very useful, worth building them if you want to do reactions with water, basically exist to setup other units.
Oh, the final area of Joint Training unlocked. Not sure why they had it unlock in the middle of the week instead of at weekly reset though
They also unlocked the 100k/120k/144k rewards but they're just Badges of Origin and not X Particles.

By whether or not they're an important part of the element team I want to make. Skimming the CN memory traces on Prydwen, it feels like the newer CN ones aren't powercreeping the old ones; it's just about filling in the holes. Because of that, it feels like a waste to spent X-particles on them, just roll with the tickets you get.
Any guilds to join?
a lot of teams seem to like two atk or two mst so i thought its fine to roll for it
I rolled ended up rolling for it and getting it on my last pull, I mostly did it becasue I noticed the main skill was an inspire and thought it'd be universally useful and after what >>1618718
said about future CN memory traces not being turbo powercreep.
i use them on a lightning team
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why does a cute baby seal sound like an old man what the fuck
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You DID clear 300% right anons?
wasted my luck on this drone girls banner I got 3 copies of her in 60 rolls I just wanted to roll freda
I maxed out rewards at 250% a few days ago so no
New guy here. I'm sorta running a Water + Ice team with Ivana, Begonia, Sambekha and Bubbles. Who else should I use?
Caroline a cute.
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What if blank chips are to store engravings, what does spirit do?
bubbles can be replaced by freda or longqing
>freda or longqing
Guess I'll have to endure for a while before getting one of them.
freda can be acquired by the daily nexus event
longqing can be borrowed in (most) content
That's good to know. I just need to do nexus event then.
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who should I pick bros?
save it for now
File deleted.
fuck reflect
Caroline is important for Corrosion teams
Lydia for Lightning teams
Other than that you're set
I'm rank 27 and I just learnt that the terminal has skills
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Got them as my random freebie from Phase 6. Kinda disappointing to spend so much time working towards that goal just for this ngl
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They're honestly good becasue they can create on demand large water zones for elec water teams.
they get powercrept by Uni but unless you plan to roll for her, you're good.
yea theres a lot of info to take in in this game you get distracted
Not owned: Lydia (replaced by 6*s later, but GL rolling for all of that team without swiping/luck), Gina (if corrosion is your thing), Felicio (attack speed buffer, good for speedruns), Caroline (see Gina)
Owned: Freda loves dupes and is the best character in the game
But yeah you could just hold onto it and wait for a dry spell on your pull plans to grab one.
I lost my 50/50 from cen ying to them. They have been a staple in water-electricity team for me. On demand water terrain plus technically unlimited skill usage is great
I don't think I have too many lightning units atm but I did get a random Begonia so maybe I could do a freeze team

How many teams are you meant to have by endgame anyway? Is there any endgame mode that will lock characters to being on only one team?
Loving the game so far but anyone knows why my fans go into overdrive when I launch it? I've an alright rig (rtx 3060, ryzen 7 3700x, 16gb ram) and even the task manager shows its not taking up much processing power. But the fans go haywire whenever I launch the game. I haven't heard of the devs before which is sus. I have checked their past games aren't doing too well and ignored by the devs. Im concerned if the devs added something malicious to their launcher or not
Thoughts on upcoming patch characters
Scarlett - Pull: Maybe?
Scarlett is good, but I don't think she's good enough (comparatively to Uni + Jean combo or Feng or Corrosion w/ dupes) unless you're a fan of her playstyle/design. Her main benefit is being Wind which pairs well with Azusa for 100% shredding + massive DPS and she's effectively immortal while spinning. She's a good bosser but she's competing with summon team (which isn't amazing until Midas) and Corrosion team (which isn't amazing until Leilani) so she at least warrants consideration. If you plan on using one of those teams and you're not trying to rank super high I'd say skip and/or wait for a rerun.
Baili Tusu - Pull: Probably not
He has two gimmicks: he's a Fire Striker that deals with monofires main weakness (killing air units), and he's a Fire Striker meaning you get max value off of certain memory traces with the usual suspects (Cyros + Mo). That being said, you'll probably just use a more generic character (like Scarlett) instead, since his damage isn't nearly as good. He also takes a little time to scale up to full value, which makes him bad for speed runs, but if you're considering him, you were already using fire team. Maybe worth considering if you plan on pulling Thea as a "healer" and committing to the full team, but it's not as good as other elemental teams and his lack of utility is not a great place to be. Also Fire team is getting a new Fire Vanguard soon, so he might lose his spot even in Fire team depending on kit (Thea covers anti air as well).
Keep in mind that a lot of the pulls we're getting for free are limited time, so you might just try your luck since they might expire before. More importantly, keep in mind that next patch has Skylar (good support/debuffer for Jean Uni team) and Boreas (extremely good support for EVERY team) so consider your income before pulling on this patch.
Check your settings I run a shitbox and my fans aren't going crazy. perhaps the fps on the menu is uncapped or something silly like that.
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My free RNG 6 * Star got me Mo Hongxiu.
Is she good or did I just get RNG bricked? Im salty slighlty becasue I spent the last week upgrading Yuqi
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Thanks for the write ups, honestly I only plan to pull on them for free 8 pull discount.
Scarlet looks prety cool If I had pulled Shiratori I might have gone for her.
she seems fine i picked her cause i got cyros
Sorry if dumb question but how do I get these to 100%? Im seeing rewards for 200% so I know Im not doing something correctly
You don't. Each one is worth 20%, so they cap out at 60% multiplier per zone.
Later you will unlock the hard mode versions, but that actually still only adds 5% each per node, so 75% in each zone. Not sure if CN later adds an even harder difficulty though.
Rewards go up to 200% though because you unlock two other zones.
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this is how mine looks, the important thing is that the final battle max difficulty increases with more zones so remember to do it again for more points
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>wasted my guarantee with dupe
oops, on the bright side it only took 10 rolls
Should I roll for Luke or saved for a limited banner? Rolling for a standard character just feels so anti gacha.
never roll on standard banners, just use your 5* selector
I got cen in a 10 roll i've been too scared to roll since.
What ascension level should I be aiming to take my dps to, and what level for their skills?

What's a good ascension and skill level to leave my supports at?
She's good, less buffing than Lorelle but barrier + pulls enemies together is good for small AOE characters. She's best with elemental teams.
Luke is good even if he's standard. With that said, probably worth using the 300 selector on him if you still have it up instead of rolling. Gives you time to maybe lose 50/50 and get him.
>got 3 Cen Ying in 180 rolls
I am gonna lose next banner so hard
your stuff should be maxed for your current level, or really, just follow the phase quests as it takes a lot of stamina to go through them
revisiting this, I tried a run without right hand man memory and it was available at the end of the run (only at lvl 2 because cen ying is S4)
I don't think it stacks since the skill only shows once, but that doesn't mean it's completely useless to equip a memory with a skill your leader has because memories have also subskills
I don't really trust prydwen especially when they have direct ties to the publisher/game, are the 4*s really that bad? Even at max dupes?
Oh yeah if anons haven't done it, definitely join a guild as soon as possible there are stamina items and other stuff that seem to refresh weekly
You shouldn't trust them normally either, they're notorious for having godawful tierlists
Ironically this one probably has the best tier list out of every single game they've ever covered, solely off of the basis that they can (and probably did) just copy from CN tier lists where they have ~10 months of experience playing the game
Most 4*s really do feel bad though, even at max dupe. From just trying things out over the last two weeks and trying to improve Engraving rating; S3 4*s even at max dupe feel slightly worse than good 0 dupe S3 5*s, and even struggle against 0 dupe S2 6*s
They're still going to be useful for the next few months for people needing to fill in specific elements/positions in their team though
I think Mars is mentioned as one of the standout 4*s who is actually decent, since he spends most of his time buffed from his auto-skill and doing lightning damage, which will spam procs if you're using any lightning reaction; can knock down air, and can reduce enemy lightning res.
This is too much. This shouldn't cost 40 stam for only 100 chips. Increase the amount and/or decrease the stamina consumption. Or increase the amount we get from events and guild.
Yea it's abit much. I initally thought the game was very generous with stamina food but now realize it would simply take too long to build characters otherwise.
This game has been in CN for 10 months right? How did they react to it? Is it fixed there? Do they give more from their events?
yea the stamina costs are all fucked up to delay you
>nexus auto
>glass cannon build
>100 mental load
never again
I wish I was confident enough to auto but i'm always worried the AI is shit that and it cost resources to even run.
Will Liege, Bai Ji, and Yixu end up playable?
I know it's probably not the best idea but I kinda want to roll on the Luke banner to see if I can get him seed 1 now for the extra skill use, because that seems handy
>first s engram and I only get 10 inspire max
what the fuck!
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dios mio
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Probably wait for your 300 selector to pick a dupe luke if you really want anon, rolling standard is kind of cooked
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i just reached 30 so i could upgrade some stuff but not quite there yet got lucky after the boss tho for the final nightmare upgrade
Pretty much as soon as I S5'd I was able to S rank
are you guys going to create a guild
just join one bro
>done like 200 rolls already
>still have 20k currency and 20 rolls
god I know it's a bunch of first time rolls but I feel like the last gachashit I played was so stingy with this shit
I know its the honeymoon period and we're getting so many rolls but has anyone bothered to calculate how many recurring pulls we get every patch/monthly? On a side note, getting random 5* in this game kinda sucks since you can't really fit someone in any random team. I need Lorelle but I randomly got a fire tank and a water dps
Standard banner has the same wording as the rerun banner in CN IIRC, so you could just toss rolls in and see if you get lucky, and if not bank it for a meta rerun you skipped.
In theory;
20220 X-Particles per month guaranteed (~67 rolls)
1000 + 600 worth of rolls from monthly sign-in
750 per week (x4 weeks) + 3000 total from Joint Training (I think, since it ends perfectly on 12/30 I think they had first season last slightly over a month just so players weren't punished for not rushing content if they had the first season end at 11/30 instead, remove 1000 gems per month if it actually does only reset once every 6 weeks instead of once a month)
960 per 2 weeks (x2) from Skyrift Observation
120 for doing dailies (x30)
500 for doing weeklies (x4)
600 minimum from maintenance
2250 Monthly shop (5 unit rolls worth 1500 + 5 memory trace rolls worth 750)
2550 from event if all events give similar rewards to the Cen Ying event

In actual practice probably quite a bit more.
This isn't counting any one-time completion gems for content they add. For example, adding a new story chapter seems to be about 4000 X-Particles from clearing normal + elite mode + achievements, as well as an SSR Memory Trace. Haven't unlocked the very last memory challenge which recommends S32 power but the 4th node alone is 5x memory trace rolls each, plus 300 x-particles from earlier nodes. So 1050 x-particles from first four nodes. If they add an entire zone like Nexus: Phenomena/Nexus: Mirage that's 5280-5880 X-particles that you very slowly grind out
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indeed its good ive saved a lot for the next banner
did they give us 3x update with a recent update or did I just unlock it by hitting level 34?
3x speed*
Don't pull for the upcoming limited trace. It's not worth it, there are much better memory traces for Inspire stacks. If you haven't gotten the current one get it, otherwise use your older limited time pulls on standard and save the later ones for the next memory trace.
Thank so very much for your hard work. Btw how many of those are extreme end game type content which will be unit gated/power gated? Lets say I have only a A25 summoner team built. How much am I gonna miss out of those 67 pulls?
None of the monthly gems there, the big thing is you're not going to be able to get anywhere close to beating the Memory Challenge stuff, which isn't timed and is just permanent content. Same with the full clearing and farming Nexus which I think needs you to intentionally go above Layer 12 and just keep going higher and higher, even though the stat gains don't scale beyond Layer 12 so you're intentionally just buffing the enemy infinitely for the sake of one-time rewards.
A25 should easily clear everything else in terms of X-Particle rewards. Even A20 could probably do it.
Got her from the phase 6 random 5* ticket and I don't wanna play anymore. Getting random ass 5* in this game fucking sucks
She's literally the best healer anon. Everyone else is a buffer first, healer second.
You're fine. She's a healer and thus will slot into any team, you'd be worse off if you got someone like furay and furney and didn't feel like building a water elemental reaction team.
Also they give us two 5* selectors.
The phase 6 just feels bad becasue it takes so long to get to phase 6.
i got hassel but he doesnt really fit on my current team so i rolled for luke
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I think you're right it must have been an update. I'm only 30.
2x does feel slow if you're trying to auto it all.
Ok thanks for making me feel better. Upcoming future characters look insane so I will stick around.
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what else can I build apart from summon team? any future characters that would enable a 2nd team?
>Had to pity cen ying
>Picked Luke from selector
I can make do without Lorelle, r..r..ight?
You could roll for Scarlett to get a wind team with Azusa and have Lorelle and Freda support them.
Wind is very good anti air and doesn't rely on elemental reactions.
You can corrision as you have Lorelle and another 5* corrision but you don't really have much control over when corrision pops.

yea you're fine Lorelle doesn't actually syngergise with the team, she's just the best tank due to how versatile she is, yuqi or tian ruo will both do fine as they're exist to just get beaten by mobs will the summons deal DPS.
Summon team doesn't have a dedicated tank yet. Just run whatever.
Most of the upcoming meta teams are all debut characters outside of throwing Freda in. Electrocution team is all new characters, summon team needs Midas, Wind team needs Scarlett + Elpis, Feng/Solbyrd are basically their own team, etc. Just brute force with summon team until a character you like shows up, then build around them.
How do I beat this? Im getting my ass kicked. Can't heal enough. I have these
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Oops forgot to attach the image
With S4 Freda with Skill 6 you shouldn't really have any trouble surviving there; especially since at 195% it looks like you only have to deal with Cloud Radiation instead of Cloud Radiation II
If you're dying super early into the fight, don't get greedy with trying to use the buff; just go straight to heal.
If you're dying towards the end of the fight; just rush the boss down instead of trying to kill the blockers
Consider running Hailin Street Nexus for the DoT reduction if that's fucking you up. Summon team should be nuking the boss down in ~10 seconds.
Put everything into VIT still died
I will come later after upgrading more
This game is brutal
the memory trace system looks like cancer
It looked like it was going to be cancer, then after doing a few runs and looking at the free SSR ones they give compared to the CN SSR ones even after ~10 months, it felt like a huge nothingburger when even the meta loadouts with perfect best-in-slot memory traces use freebie memory traces (sometimes multiple of them)
The actual cancer is trying to minmax the roguelike-runs
ok i will try it for now because i luckshitted the targeted cutie in my first 10 pull
Of course only like 11 hours until the event is over gotta grind whole night
good luck anon
Should I roll for scarlet? how good is the windteam?
no clue but heard you need this girl cause they are kinda weak so you want more pure healing to compensate
Only pull if you like her or you want to get high scores on upcoming boss. She's the meta wind DPS for the foreseeable future but she's stuck on 5* friends until Elpis while other teams get showered in allies.
Anyone pulling scarlett or saving for future characters? I've a couple pulls saved up. Any future characters worth considering?
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bros why is my nbr sister stealing my yandere girlfriend?
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>can basically pull anyone into a pit
this chick is kinda fun, I just wish we had a stay mechanics like traditional RTS so I could just plant her in front of a pit and see her go off.
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wow what a bitch
all this lore confuses me.
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what's your engraving level? I beat at around A25 it with cen ying, luke, freda and lorelle
you need to get the detox domain skill from nexus
Is there any female only team?
Quite a few actually
Wind; Lorelle, Scarlett, Azusa, healer
Freeze; Sambheka, Ivana, Begonia/Lorelle, Healer
Corrosion; depending on whether you're willing to give a trap a pass or not; Lorelle, Caroline, Gina, Healer or Lorelle, Gina, Sephonis, Healer
Electrocution teams later with Skylar, Uni, Jean, Healer; you could probably also cope with something like Lorelle, Sambheka, Lydia, Healer right now but with the understanding that basically the entire team besides the healer is going to be replaced in the next few months from this team
>Electrocution teams later with Skylar, Uni, Jean, Healer
Thanks then I will go with this because Jean and Tishi are really hot
Is there an all male team?
No because we don't have a male healer yet
a day late but it's genuinely the best "Equipment" system I have seen in a gacha system lately.
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Do these need to be 3 separate leaders, or can I just run the same square or triangle unit 3 times?

I'm unsure because I had 3 separate diamond units to use but I don't have 3 separate of the other classes
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we did it
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now give me fucking stamina so I can s5 all this stuff
Separate, anon.
Should be easily doable as long as you have 60 for supports and as low as S2 for the next step after that which is A25
wait how do you not have enough? Are you just not rolling at all?
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Ah okay, I didn't realize it was doable at lower seeds. That makes it easier

I do have enough, I just wasn't sure because I haven't invested much into many characters yet, just a select few.

So that means I can just use Yuqi and Tian for my other 2 squares, but I'm not sure who for my third triangle. Maybe the twins or Lydia?
Bro your Caroline?
Sorry I keep forgetting since I'm using him as a cocksleeve, I consider him an honorary female
I don't think his healing is anywhere near enough to solo sustain, especially when the two best tanks are also female which you won't have access to on an all-male team. Boreas is coming soon though.
Yeah I'm not sure how RNG it is but definitely just go in with full 60s and it should be at least A25 at S2
I'll give it a shot. All my level 60 traces are suited mostly for the physical summon team but I suppose they'll have to do for now
The idea is just to get something to clear the phase quests, not as if you were gonna use them desu should just let it rip and manual the boss at the end
I still don't get echoning nexus.
Congratulations she looks pretty fun with her suped up bike honestly.
I got a copy of Scarlett before I managed to get a single Felicio. Such a waste but he's so cute and I wanted him ;_;
What are you confused about anon?
There you go. I don't have lorelle and access to her defense skill which is a gamechanger. A22 btw
>A22 btw
I feel like you should be a lot higher than that, are you capped on your support level?
I will be honest. I have no idea wtf am I doing. This game is confusing as hell. I just run echo nexus auto on different characters to get the rewards on powering up. I don't know whats a support level even is. I just pulled a bunch of characters who don't go well with each other at all.
Nexus is probably the most important part of the game because it's what determines your entire teams stats.

Your stats are decided by your ascension level (The S), the level of all your traces, and what you end up rolling in the nexus run and successfully beating the boss at the end

Focus on being able to get 20 stacks of inspiration at the start. You get given the inspire over time memory for free which is called happy hours, and then you should be using a second one which you can proc with your team by either borrowing it or having one of your own. They should be the highest level they can be, and you are somewhat gated by player level but it will tell you if you aren't able to max them yet.

I believe 60 is at 33, 50 is a bit before that
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You can get an idea of what the "high ranking" people are using for your leader here, or what the game itself recommends

Like I said this is the most important content because it strengthens your entire team, it's basically your teams equipment - What characters do you have?
Also I'll add to my vomit before I go to sleep, focus on the phase quests, you will go far just following those. They take a lot of time and you'll get a lot of exp to level up faster and get the restrictions lifted too - which gives you more access to roll currencies and other goodies.
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missing more than I thought, guess I'll hold onto this till I roll on the traces more
Is it always a coinflip or is it guaranteed to be the rate up unit after you lose a coinflip?
>lose 50/50
>game forcibly makes me gay

should i be using the stat platform or the skill platform?
how do i get a good score in the mode?
I just tested it since I also have to do those missions
S2 with lvl 60 memories, full auto, max depth 10 is already A25 before the final boss
>just run echo nexus auto
that's your first mistake, auto is bad
Cyros Boreas Hassel/Luke Baili Tusu technically works if you really want the homo team, but it's not very efficient.
>Try joint operation 250% with normal team but can't do it.
>Die too quickly
>Check YT guide for wtf's happening
>They recommend cen ying self destruct cheese
>Try the aforementioned guide but still can't do it
>Cen ying doesn't stay alive long enough with resurrection to finish the boss off with her ultimate
>Try a dozen times more but still can't do it
>Fit in one more healer
>Complete the operation first try
huh ok
Make sure all your memory traces are as high level as possible
Skill is priority I think so left on everything as far as I know
Set max depth to 12 no higher no lower
How's the new wind team? Anyone built it?
This game is surprisingly fun, at least in the beginning
i didnt know banner order so ive got nothing for it otherwise i wouldve ill hope for a lightning unit soon™
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>looks like a woman
>male voice outta nowhere
i hate this game
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>Accidentally pulled on the tracer banner and got SSR scarlett tracer but don't have her neither wanna pull for her
I pull on them becasuse you get a 20% discount when they change the banners.
so it costs 8 instead of 10.
As for your situation, she's supposedly a great Boss Killer but also the lynch pin of the wind team. So you're probably not getting much use out of it unless you wanted to make a cope wind team for anti air I guess. Felico and Asuza are good units.
Can something be made out of this? I already have a summoner team. How many teams does one even need in this game?
I'd dump all the tickets that expire and hope to get her to build a wind team
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Those are plenty of units for a wind team, the question is do you want to invest the resources into a wind team if you're not interested in scarlet.
>How many teams does one even need in this game?
I guess it depends on how hard countered your win condition can be, like if your units have no air attacks like the fire team or are immune to shock or something and electrocution is your dps.
Wind is good at anti air and attack speed. I wouldn't really worry about it untill you've got your first team online then, maybe wait for a character you like to show up, roll for them and build a team about them, instead of trying to make a memory trace work you don't exactly care for.
Honestly having 2 is very nice, but you can ungabunga with 1 though that requires you to use meta instead of just making a team you like
lanlan is very cute and scarlett is very sexy
>You can unga bunga with one team
Damn. How do the devs make any money then?
Also what should be the priority to spend the extra stamina tickets on? They will be expiring soon
i rolled it too lmao i cant miss the 20% first roll discount oh well
The same every game does; the battlepass from all the casualfags + everyone who just rolls on whatever regardless of whether it's meta or not
If you mean the exp foods, phase 5 / skill 8 on anyone you're planning to use longterm since you need it for the phase quest anyways.
>got scarlet
>not looking forward to dumping all that stamina making team 2
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how are you fellas getting S-ranks? I went to depth 14 and still only got an A rank.
Stat bonus are capped at depth 12 so you there is really no point to go further. If you have problem getting S in Phantasm Realm, try the next Echo. The later unlocked Echo gives you more stat.
If you are S5, you should be getting S rank easily.

Also, are you building Traces and illuminating correctly? Traces should come in 2x stat set, like 2 Atk 2 Mst 2 Vit/Def. Having more than 3 main stats dilute your stat increase pool. In order to get the most stat increase, you have to illuminate the traces first. Always pick Illumate over trace awakening in the early. Fully illuminate gives like 300 stats at once if you do it correctly.
Thank you. I'll try implementing these ideas in my next runs. I didn't know it about the depth greater than 12 being unnecessary.
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upgrade the leader thing this was L2 then get good luck i dunno i got this one auto
surely you have better leaders than this schmuck anon
>Try to go for the rate up memory trace
>Lose 50/50

Well. At least I've learned you can lose on that banner
At least now you're guaranteed on the next SSR memory. The current rate up one isn't that good anyways
>top engravings im missing 4 or 5 of the SSRs now
its so over!!!!!!
>24 days until the memory trace banner goes away
man I need to build up my SR collection but I can't risk getting the featured one
It carries over? That's good

Which character and trace are up next?
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If you're ignoring Baili Tusu who is the second half of the event; then we should have a one week banner for one of the characters who is already in the standard pool. CN had Longqing, but we probably can't trust banners of old characters; since CN had a Ivana banner for a week before their Cen Ying event/banner started whereas we had Lorelei simultaneous with Cen Ying event.
As for the new character after that however, it should be Skylar. Lightning unit who reduces enemies' lightning/water res by a lot, 30% lightning + 10% water (45% lightning + 15% water if you get 1 dupe of her) and people seem to pair her a lot with Jean since Jean also has lightning res reduction and then also gives enemies passive regular damage resistance reduction based on how much you're reducing their lightning res by.
The trace that releases with her seems to have pretty basic passives, but the main skill on it increases attack and crit damage everytime you trigger an elemental reaction
I'm unsure about Baili. I like his design and would like to pull for husbandos, but so far I haven't really been vibing with his kit in event trials I've played
Baili is exclusively for fire team. If you want to do Cyros Thea Baili then go for him. Otherwise he's not worth it.
Then pull on standard memory trace banner.
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got to this i have cen ying with one imprint
im guessing i should get a dupe with this like luke lorelle or lq
Cyros is pretty good DESU, you'll be waiting until Uni if you don't want to selector him and want someone to break shields.
I don't have Cyros but I was thinking of picking him up when I hit the free selector at 300 pulls. Either him or Luke S1. I imagine getting an extra unit is probably preferable but Luke having only 4 skill uses feels kinda lame desu
When is Boreas coming bros... I can't wait..
Also show y'all stash
He's probably 2nd half of next patch, but they might change it up for global.
the standard has its own pity, also it'd be a waste to pull for standard when you can also get them on the limited banner
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I have a full summon/phy team so I'm just using the limited pulls for now
52k and 41 tickets
And Jeansex by proxy
Bruh how did yall save that much?? How long you guys been playing for? Also f2p or bp/monthly buyer? Personally playing since 21st Nov
Day 1 f2p. I'd have saved a bit more but I rolled for Cen Ying and had to pity an off-banner first iirc
i suppose thats good but its annoying he cant attack air
What caused my terminal to downlevel to like level 4.95% and lose my level 5 buffs?
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like it was at 5 before, what changed?
>how did yall save that much?
by not pulling much, see I only did 83 pulls
started playing the 15th, completely f2p
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Well this is going to take some time
>wanted to level up scarlett and friends
>saw this
I guess I'll just keep leveling my summoner fucks.
I wanted to start working on my corrosion team but yeah, back to focusing on Luke and Cen Ying I go. At least Lorelle is used on both teams so I can have her as one of the three
I'm really considering just leaving these alone since I plan to roll for Skylar in like 2 weeks or whatever it is
it's progress towards the memory tracer you should not ignore them
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I think I have most of the really good SSR ones already (also Warm Winter off-screen that I haven't leveled yet).
My Corrosion team can use Lorelle as lead + Born From Ashes for 20 Inspire stacks. Karma, Emptiness, Behind the Curtains, and Memories of the Past (though I can't get TERM high enough to actually make use of it yet).
Electrocution team will eventually use Born From Ashes + Remaining Friends for 20 Inspire stacks, and then My Vision is Clear, Karma, and Emptiness. Or swap one of them in for Warm Winter.
Midas is at least a year late no point in saving till then. What are some good units to pull before him?
Depends on what 3 teams you want (you need 3 for the end game).
Wind (we are here): Scarlett, Elpis
Electrocution: Skylar, Uni, Jean
Feng Hypercarry: Feng (duh), Boreas
Corrosion: Leilani, Solbyrd
Fire: Baili Tusu, Thea
Boreas, Elpis, and arguably Titia (unless your 3 teams are specifically Physical Corrosion Wind) are all basically mandatory for their support capabilities.
Is skylar absolutely necessary for electrocution team? I've pity saved for Boreas don't wanna pull for her but also interested in Uni and Jean team
She's really good since she shreds their electric resistance (which means more damage). But you could grab her on a rerun later since Uni + Jean are a few patches after. Only real reason to pull now is to have the fully optimized team as soon as they drop or if you really like Kylin.
Is the new event memory trace worth investing into?
If you want to equip it to your director for its statline sure, if not no.
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I just realized you can click on those (I thought the red dot was permanent to bait you to buy the pass lol)
my progress will skyrocket
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level up your bonds, don't get teablocked like me
i still don't get nexus.
sometimes i get a 29 sometimes i get a25 what gives?
Starting stats depend on Ascension stage of the character, and the Memory Traces you bring. If you bring a low character or a bad friend support your stats are gonna be a lot lower.
Any stats added above 1000 get a 50% penalty so if you're picking those stats your stat gain is gonna be awful.
Run all SSR memory traces unless you're doing Life Anthem or something similar. Assist trace should ideally be one with dupes. Prioritize stats/illumination when possible. Make sure to rush to depth 12, no reason to go higher.
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finally a good run
Stat above 1000 give double the points when calculating engraving rating. You get less power but it doesn't affect your final score
what's the next ssr trace we're getting?
This one >>1624798
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can't see shit
Whats the skill that gives you poison immunity?
For that month long boss
one of the nexus skills, hailin something
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What SRR memory trace should I get boys?
Depends on what you already have, and what element you're using / planning to use in the future
>SSR traces
Born from the ashes
>6* Echo mancers
Cen Ying
Probably to try and pull UNI and the other elemental reaction Units and turn the field into no mans land.
I've still got my 6* selector torn between cyros for the fire zones he can drop or luke for a semi summon team with luke and cen.
I've been sitting on this because I only have one team
Physical gets most of their important traces for free (Beneath the Deception and Karma) and you also got Born from Ashes. You really don't need anything more for this. You could get Bad Soil Bloom for the other 10 Inspire stacks you need; but Happy Hours is amazing for an SR already and gives 10 Inspire as well.
If you're going any type of Fire reaction; Dusk Radiance is important.
Lightchaser, Emptiness, Double Attraction are just generically useful regardless of team.
If you're going for Uni though, My Vision is Clear is extremely important. But Uni is a few months away, and you have almost zero SSR traces so it seems like a waste to use a selector on something for her already
>Lost 50/50 on Baili to get S2 Luke

Hmm. I kinda want to get the fire husbandos but I feel like I should save this guaranteed
I used my selector on the female healer instead of actually creating a stable team, just fuck my shit up.
starting to get bored, I only have one team and it's done
also the dice game is pretty shit and tiring
these games are always so much fun in the beginning when you build everything and then clear content but yeah once you reach the repetitive stage its very boring
guess future events will become even more boring, i can pretty much full auto this one except for the boss
>also the dice game is pretty shit and tiring
Honestly this; the previous Cen Ying event was more annoying to get started, but was way better after that, all you had to do was the a 2-second boss fight every day. Though honestly they probably should have gotten rid of even that
yea its excessive with so many fights at least you can skip them after you win but then you end up with like 80 dice lmao
Most gacha games end up being 5 minute login simulators after you catch up anyway desu
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Which of these is most worth to level?
no clue im doing the left one but eventually the cost scales so much youll sorta level them evenly
How do you know when your team is "done"
when you're stuck at S5 and skills are lvl 9
wind feels a bit underwhelming...
So you really do need 3 teams raised (if you want to tryhard)
Why? Is 250% that difficult?
Was only able to test 200% since I need to wait for tomorrow for more attempts so I can clear 200% on a real run to unlock 250%; but it's just a huge HP sponge. Even with Lorelle + Freda + Cen Ying + Luke with double-stacking Phys/Summon buffs and going turbo aggression with spamming Freda's buff even if her old buff didn't run out (to stack Inspire faster); I still took I want to say ~75-80 seconds to kill 200%. And I think that's pretty much the most meta team in the game currently, unless Scarlett + Azusa beats it out in single-target damage
And if we follow the pattern; 250% will have more than double the HP at least (which matches with high score rewards, killing 200% in ~75 seconds only gives ~85k points and you need to hit ~150k to get max rewards), which also doesn't take into consideration whatever special buff the boss will unlock on 250%.
So even what is probably the most meta team or second most meta team in the game currently won't be able to beat it in a single team and needs two teams (unless you have dupes or went crazy with S6s + Skill 12s). Any team that's less meta than that should be prepared to have to use two teams at the absolute minimum and possibly three teams.
Today I did echoning nexus on auto and the fucking bot and higher engraving than I usually do.
okay yeah 250% is a gigantic HP sponge but at least they dont lock currency behind it
Looks like we're getting Longqing standard banner Dec 19-Jan 2
So I guess there's a good chance we get a break week after the event
Managed to get 116347 on 250%. I almost solo cleared it with fire team + Begonia (borrowed a Mo for the benchwarmer passive). I might get a faster score if I use summon team first next time. I'll probably mess around with a Life Anthem Hassel set up at some point and see if that clears faster, but I'm a bit doubtful it'll clear fast without Kylin attack buff.
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i feel ready
Skylar banner confirmed to be on 12/26, so thankfully they removed the dead week
Alright for all 3 people who still read here
Skylar - Pull: Yes if Electrocute team, No if not
Skylar is a debuffer for the electrocute team (Uni+Jean primarily). If you plan on pulling that team, Skylar will make them much better. Otherwise she's not a worthwhile pick up and you're better off waiting for a rerun if you're pressed for pulls. Keep in mind that Skylar needs Uni+Jean or similar, but they don't NEED her to do their job. She's a complete character at S0, S1 makes her a slightly better debuffer and S3 gives her a DPS increase (which is barely needed).
Boreas - Pull: Yes. There is no reason not to, other than you not wanting a male or something.
Boreas is arguably the best support in the game not named Freda. Crit buff (guaranteed crits for summoned units), shield/heal, extra ice damage for your characters. At S1 he gets ice shred which is critical for hypercarry Feng teams. Pulling one of him is basically mandatory due to his sheer power and utility. Unsurprisingly, he's best with Feng, but he's good in any team (fire team: melt reaction; electrocute team: his ult gives them a nuke on their next basic; summon team: skill your main carry, watch everything melt under 100% crit). Pull S1 if you plan on running Feng, but it's not required. S3 is overkill for most situations. Again, I HIGHLY recommend pulling for him if you have no issues with the character; he makes every team better (for the record, the only other character I will glaze this hard meta wise is Elpis).
Also the upcoming Memory Trace is pretty good provided you're running any elemental combo team. Very good and easy to activate effect, gives decent skills in Nexus, strong synergy with many future characters. Not a must pick up though, and worth skipping if your 3 teams are some combination of Corrosion/Wind/Summons/MonoFire/Feng.
Just started this a few days ago and it feels like they're throwing a thousand game modes at me. Is there a daily/weekly checklist anywhere so I don't miss anything while I'm getting used to it all?
There's really just two things you need to worry about really;
Skyrift Observation, which resets every 2 weeks. But only the Deep Observation resets, so a good chance you haven't even unlocked that yet.
Joint Training which you have to go through the hassle of occupating all the nodes once (not sure if the nodes reset once evey 6 weeks or not), but there's weekly rewards there which you hit the boss once a week for.
Nexus technically gives you daily attempts, but they stack up to 5 attempts and the first run is the longest after which you can start skipping fights
Everything else is just spending stamina on stuff you need
>log in
>go to SEED Dome, collect all, train your main team (if you 100%'d them, train whatever)
>go do tea time (you can minmax pulls if you want
>level up important memory traces (typically SSRs, a handful of SRs are good too)
>go to echomancer, level up your main teams skills to max
>level up your team leaders leader skill
Once you're done with the above (or can't do more):
>level excess SSR/SR memory traces to max for pull currency
>prefarm for rank ups for your characters
This will keep you burning stamina for a long while, since you need 3 teams eventually.
Consider doing Nexus daily, but you don't have to. At least get 3-5 done a week if possible (it takes about 10-15 minutes until you get to S ranks, then it's about 5 minutes).
>skyrift observation: Biweekly, do 2 levels per week for the weekly mission
>joint training: You'll need 4 Square, Triangle, and Diamond echomancers going through Nexus to 100% this (left most is B rank, right most is high A rank), but you can work towards this over ~2-3 weeks. You can fight the boss in the middle, the more zones captured the higher % difficulty you can run (current max is 300%). This is a weekly boss.
If an event is going on, do that after you do the daily shit. Event gives you pulls + a ton of level mats. Overall dailies is about 2-3 minutes, events add another 5 or so minutes, weekly shit takes another 5 minutes.
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Not a new player exactly, but massively lost. This helps a lot, thanks.
>mfw when only phy/summon team
I have to basically start a 2nd team from scratch, so what are the chinese meta teams/reactions?
The ones I've seen consistently agreed upon are;
Electroconduct - Seems to be considered the most meta; but the important characters for it aren't out yet so you can't build it in advance; Skylar who is coming out in a few days is used a lot on this team as the debuffer, but she's not the carry so you won't see results right away from trying to make a team with her right now
Corrosion - You can actually raise this ahead of time since the important most important characters are Lorelei + Leilani, and then you toss in a healer and a 4th
Feng turbocarry - Another one where the most important characters for it aren't even out yet; since it relies on Boreas (preferably with 1 dupe) and Feng. Boreas comes out in I think it's like 2ish weeks, but he's also just the support though he is useful on teams other than this
Some version of Fire / Fire-reaction
Figure I'll talk about her for a second. If you don't like Feng for whatever reason and don't mind pulling 4 copies of her (or if you were just unlucky and pulled her on lost 50/50s), she can technically replace Feng. Main benefits of her over Feng is being Square-class (meaning she has better synergy with Cyros for Melt teams), MST scaling for synergy with any Life Anthem teams, and plenty of block breaking. Feng will still outdamage her at S1 no matter how many dupes you get of Ivana though (and no competition at S3+). If you don't have any copies of her yet, probably best to save and wait for a rerun after you've lost some 50/50s to her unless you really like her.
had to spend the expiring tickets and got skylar and the new memory trace, when does she get a team?
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>used all my temp tickets
>still skylar

Thanks for this anon.
got destroyed in s5-14, what team are you supposed to use?
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I rolled skylar becasue I thought she was cute now I gotta figure out how to use her.
I going to try Yuqi, Sambheka, Longqing/Freda and then skylar.
used my free expiring ones 60 for skylar ivanna skylar so worked out well
I used the free trial Skylar, Freda, Lorelei, Pris. And then Luke for a couple seconds at the very end but he could be replaced by any DPS at all. IMO S5-13 was harder due to the gimmick on its first wave.
>Wave 1
Just DPSed the boss down in like ~40 seconds. I thought the the radioactive bombs would be a threat since they explode after taking damage a certain number of times, but even when they did explode they did almost zero damage
>Wave 2
Lorelei was able to face-tank the gravity bomb thing the boss did, but you can also easily just reposition your tank off the red squares. The enemies themselves are no threat, and Skylar + another electric can pretty much just stunlock the red orbs. If you bring Su Xiao / Luke you could also barrier against them but you probably shouldn't need it. The enemies on the left, you can spawn-camp after enemies on the right stop spawning, so they don't get the buff from crossing the line on the ground.
>Boss on Wave 2
The move the boss did when he spawned in instantly killed my Pris, so I swapped in Luke and used his barrier skill to block the buffing-laser, but since the boss died before I needed a second barrier you could easily just use the Terminal's barrier skill too or Su Xiao. Use the buildings on the boss when he's in range by to remove his buffs and stun him; he died there for me.
i am too stupid for d3 nexus
bring a friends max cenying and have to nuke whatever boss at the end
oh yeah that worked thank you
I keep trying to get an S rank on Lab for both the D3 and to get level 5 difficulty challenge out of the way, but damn the executor keeps fucking my shit up at the end every time
Tried to give the story a chance but I am just not feeling it this chapter desu
I read the prologue and the first chapter or two and then skipped the rest to spend my stamina. I've been too lazy to go back and give the rest a chance
I think I'm over this game at this point but I can't just drop it, FOMO and sunk cost are getting to me
its okay for me cause the dailies are quick but it crashes a lot on emulator rip
Why arent you using the PC client?
Oh, they really added another weekly chore?
>new joint training boss
I don't even know what's the gimmick, I set it auto at 285% and won
What's your team?
cen ying, luke, lorelle and freda
thank you bwo happy new year
Does the stat bonus from account engraving go beyond +100 Def/Term, or can I just slack after hitting SS
the next dude replaces freda in the summon team right?
>nexus memory challenge 5 mission
anyone got it? can't unlock it since, they're shorter I find impossible to get S30 despite lvl 70 traces
I managed to unlock it for Haishin, but it's also probably the hardest of the three by far. Not sure if it's now easier to hit S30 with that new mechanic they just unlocked with the new mechanic or if that doesn't affect engraving rating
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I can't get either of these, despite having an S6 Echomancer and full 70 traces
The one on the right isn't too hard, but the left one is pretty obnoxious (ironically more from needing an S30 from that location to even unlock difficulty 5)
I can make it through the whole nexus on D-3 but then I end up choking against the last boss, and then I just don't feel like trying to fight it again. I imagine that's probably why I can't get S30
It's best to do it on a strong character and against one of the ones with a weak final boss and iirc the third mission that unlocks after reaching D3 then asks for D5
Going after difficulty 12 doesn't give higher stat growths though, just a couple extra skill points if you beat the final boss and it's not even that many iirc I got like 100 extra skill points so I got like 4100 instead of 4000. The reason it's so hard to get S30 to unlock the 5th challenge on Pheomena is that those ones are early-game Nexus zones so the stat gain is lower/there are fewer nodes. S30 needs like perfect RNG, with S6 and lvl 70 memory traces getting A28 is easy, and A29 needs a bit of luck but S30 is crazy. Meanwhile on the other rightside Nexus nodes getting S31/S32 is the norm.
Personally I just gave up and am giving up that single 1x roll
Ey yo this look kinda fire fr
>need to wait until march to have a good electro team
I wish they rotated banners a bit faster
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I've been playing since the start of this game and I still don't fucking understand echoing nexus ratings at all.
feels like I'm rolling dice on if I get an engraving >30.
I liked the story atleast.
>Stats from 1-1000 give +1 point each to your rating
>Stats from 1001-1280 give +2 point each to your rating
>Getting extra passives adds points to rating (I didn't pay attention to whether specific passives are better are point-bloating or not)
But there is a ton of RNG involved. Getting above 30 is super easy on the newer Nexus maps, but RNG as fuck on the older ones
>Half of the stat gain chances give you a range of stats, +30-60 Vit for example
>The big stat gain chances that often give +100-300 in a stat have RNG chance to lighten and get extra stats based on your Memory Traces equipped (not to mention that it's a random choice of 3 stats which may screw you over especially later in the run)
>The Memory Trace main skills you get as choices to unlock are random
>The shittier sub-passives you can unlock are even more random but usually way less impactful at least
>You can get fucked over and get Memory Traces you already maxed as an option which then gives you a tiny fraction of the benefit
its over i didnt login for a week now...
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barely managed 250%, terminal was at 1% hp
the same will happen to me, I just don't enjoy the weekly content and am only in it for the story.
They added club events and a new wave battle mode but I'm not interested in either.
Thanks anon.
Hoping they add a sweep option to the weekly Wave-survival mode; it's really easy on normal mode but you need to do 2 runs to get full rewards for some reason, not sure why they didn't let you get full rewards with one full clear.
The Escalation difficulty of it is actually hard and wants you to manually do it, but it's only once every 3-4 weeks it looks like so that's fine
Is anyone else having problems with 5-8 or am I just retarded
have you done the new nexus to get the leader skill that helps with that world?
I think that was the one where they spawn in two elites behind you who will one-shot the terminal unless you're playing manually to burst them down/shield the terminal
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I should't have rolled for skylar and boreas they ate my rolls.
holy shit i lost 3 coinflips in a row
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That's a 12.5% chance. My condolences anon that's really shitty luck.
I have also lost 3 coinflips in wuwa in a row...
As long as I have currency (30k x particle) I will keep playing
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>lost the 50/50
>113 rolls to get boreas
See, I am retarded because for some reason I thought I couldn't do that route yet. I just did it now and was able to deal with it much easier

It was the one with the crimson queen and her duke, I was having trouble bursting him down before she restored his health but after doing the right nexus I was able to beat them easily
>and am only in it for the story.

Is the story even that good/interesting?
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I don't care for the events.
The museum event telling me about a long dead sailor was not interesting, Bali shadow Moses experience was decent, but I didn't read anything past that and found the Christmas board game dull.

I think the main story has enough intrigue that if you care about it, it's good to follow.
>Into the unkown
Human experimentation, Shadow organization, Schizo in red
>No one listening
Du wang crashes out, more human experimentation, furry guy does some intrigue or something
>Bad karma
MORE HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION, evil schizo gets trolled by an even bigger Schizo In green, red schizo appears,
>The Undergrown
More human experimentation but this time by people other than lakoutra, interdimensional church that drains planets is around and maybe caused the wormholes, natural seed demigod wakes up and is probably going to nuke two war-torn countries
>Non-Voluntary Survivor
A story about a neet and her brother who is protective, devolves into human experimentation, green schizo fucks someone over again, he just likes fucking with people, RED has an inside man, Furry guy rescues autistic neets only friend and maybe the biggest plot twist is The guy repairing the AC unit is the Author of Estelle witch of the stars.
I think they're spinning enough plates and have set up enough antagonists that it's interesting you follow and pay attention, but they kinda dump a lot of sci-fi shit on you at the start so I don't blame people for not being interested, it seems like pretty much everyone is a double agent with a hidden motive and schizos are doomed to fucked over by bigger schizos constantly.
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I tested boreas a bit in the guild boss and I get worse score in the summoner team
maybe I need different traces...
Personally used him on my Explosion team since he gives extra buffs to water/lightning/ice (though I might try again with borrowing those weird twin furry things for electrocution), and then just kept Freda on my summoner team
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I'm after Boreas' seed too if you know what I mean
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Which one is better for atk/overall? Using yuqi for electrocute btw
Lowkey wish I had your same enthusiasm for the story. I don't think it's bad or anything, it just hasn't really grabbed me. I AM curious about that evil little kid though
left probably does more dmg but it's squishier
also use another def trace instead of trm
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It largely stems from just the ridiculous levels of obfuscation and schizoidism some characters display.
This guy talks weird the second you meet him, so you ignore him he's really hamming it all up talks like a total autist, turns out the person he was calling a schizo was a schizo the entire time.
He calls me out on it and I think yea writers read me well, I thought this guy was just a retard the entire time and didn't trust him over the actual schizo, then in the end turns out they were both schizos.

There's other stuff like The director's mentor having a dark past, The directors' ability to use his weird X-men machine that lets him go to other universes almost to find echomancers or something?
I don't really get much of the multiverse time travel stuff they were shilling, I don't think I'm even meant to.
I also don't read all the lore entries, I keep telling myself I will, but I don't bother, I'm appreciative they've gone to so much effort.
It's definitely just the comically evil or unhinged people that keep me interested, you could drown in all the intrigue they're trying to throw at you, but it's so much I don't really notice it any more.
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Does this do anything?
Might affect the very next enemy battle? Otherwise didn't seem to do anything
How to make Yuqi tankier? He like literally dies in any content worth doing. Are there any upcoming good 6* tanks? My current stats are 480 VIT, 800 DEF, 1400 ATK, 1300 MST, 770 TRM
>480 Vit
Found your problem
you need more vit
Back again with the next set of characters.
Kylin - Pull: No, only if you like men.
Kylin is a lightning tank. He can make a lot of barriers, and his ultimate is kind of funny. That's about it. His skill uses are absurdly low at base, he's a dual element unit (with all the good and bad that comes with), and his role is mostly irrelevant. He's a good safety net if you want it, but there are much better options coming up. Only pull if you're convinced that he gets a buff in the future or are really desperate for playable males. Even then, you're probably better waiting for a rerun banner or getting him off rate.
Feng - Yes
Pull Feng. Unless you hate her. Pull Feng anyways. Having issues with a stage? Pull Feng. Want to see enormous numbers shat onto the screen? Pull Feng. Hate airborne enemies? Pull Feng. Want a better option for Melt teams? Pull Feng. Have Boreas? Definitely pull Feng. She is the best character in the game by far, and the only things competing with her are core teams with multiple members. Her only real weakness is ice only really has melt going for it for reactions (and that's not even a weakness, I'm reaching). Dupes only make her even more insane if you got the spare pulls. Consider grabbing a Boreas dupe if you want her to nuke even harder. Only skip if you're saving for high dupe corrosion team and need the pulls, since there isn't THAT much content that requires this level of firepower outside of wanting high scores on leaderboards.
New memory trace - Good for Feng. Pull if you pull Feng. Good for any team where the main damage comes from ice, which is mainly Feng teams. Maybe if you invested into Ivanna hard.
I am way too bad at this game
Cant clear skyrift observation 10 or 250% of the current event boss
The current Skyrift Observation 10 is tough if you don't have Ivana I think, I didn't have too much issue with 250% of the event boss though
Thanks anon, I guess I'll try to push Boreas 1 dupe for feng.
it's gaming time
Nice, Feng banner is first
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Ashe echoes was taken off steam.
eos confirmed
is it as bad as they tell?
DIdn't read it, but it wouldn't surprise me if game turns into shit
I don't think they can balance properly and I sure as hell know they don't care about the playerbase when they release new game mode that requires 2 runs per week I think? Just feels bad, this is what killed alchemy stars for me as well
They only ever doubled down on chores
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>He already changed his Bilibili introduction to 'I still play Ash because I love eating shit'.
It's always hard to tell with CN bros, they have a tendency to exaggerate, but they act that way because it's the only way devs change anything.
We're at the very least several months away from these specific problems and have a different publisher than the CN ver so (Neocraft?) could just avoid creating the same problems.
I know that Nexus runs used to have a daily resource (pic related) that generated every 24 and was capped, but it's been removed now, I'm not sure how it's handled in CN, but it happened so early in Global lifespan I assume it must be a QOL from CN ported earlier or a deliberate change.
So I at least remain hopeful they are listening to feedback.

I share this fear, if they kept adding more objectives I'd probably just start to ignore them totally.
Why they want you to run the wave system twice, to get all rewards is weird, it's also all the same, same place, same enemies, same number of waves, the first units you used aren't locked, not that i'd want them to be but there's not even the idea that you need 2 different teams to clear it all, it's just yea now do it again.
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Time to spend all my rolls trying to get Feng, infinite skill uses just seems like too strong a gimmick.
The RPG event doesn't seem too bad either, it's a lot more thematically accurate than I expected from a gacha.
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Well? I just pulled for feng. Have boreas, cen ying.
Probably not Ivana as you already have Feng, Not Tong as you have Cen Ying,.
Do you have Freda? if not longqing, anything else really relies on future pulls you plan to make,
Mo would be good fire team, Lorelle is flexible and good for a corrosion team both are tanks.
Could also just get another cyros for his faster seed.
I'm guessing you're going for an Ice team and Summon team?
won coinflip, 28k particles left
>the free daily pulls didn't count towards pity
that's gay
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>oh man, 70 pulls again to get a 6*
>get this
I got feng and memory trace in a single 10 pull. I feel like I'm owed it after I lost the coin flip twice.
I've failed 4 50/50s in a row and 3 of them were at like 100-140...
At least my firth failed 50/50 I got 2x 6*s in the same 10-pull even if it was at ~80 rolls
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That's rough buddy, I guess I had it better than I realized.
feng chink best teams?
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Boreas & Begonia.
Then sleep until
Thea or Titia
If you happen to have Cyros; then Feng, Cyros, Boreas, Freda to max out stacks of Melt right away. Not sure if it's better after that to switch over to Begonia over if Cyros himself being better than Begonia would be worth more than the attack-speed buff on Feng.
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I don't have cyros but I still have the 300 selector, guess he's better than the two 6* healers?
If the CN tier-lists are to be believed, Longqing is still considered good just due to the sheer amount of survivability she brings even if she doesn't buff your team's damage like Freda/Boreas
The deergirl feels very skippable though.
Cyros is a solid character that only gets better into the future due to the devs inherit square-class bias. Longqing remains relevant forever since she's just a solid healer/DR provider and is only removed if the team has a more dedicated supporter IE Long for Corrosion. Zodivin is pretty bad and only really has use if you're doing some monowind shit (and even then, Freda is providing more value).
geez skylar deletes everything
skylar deleted the thread
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this event has a lot of stuff, still need to finish the rogue thing
This event is cute and I appreciate the work put into it, but it feels like there's too much shit to do in it, The chores in this game feel like they take too long
it really is a lot... shame all of this is going to disappear after the event ends, should be a permanent addition even if its one time only
Is there any guild for 4chanbros? I'd like to join.
that new nexus is pretty nice
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oh shit there's another level now
New patch, new characters.
Uni - Pull: Yes if pulling Jean, Tishi, Titia; consider anyways if you just want a good water Striker
Strikers are the best class in the game and Uni is one of the better ones. She creates water zones, she has decent utility and self sustain, and is a solid character even outside of her archetype. Absolute must if you plan on building reaction/electrocute teams. Good value from dupes.
Titia - Pull: Yes, probably.
Fire zone creator, can hit air units, insane safety net abilities, and almost universal support character. Her dupes are pretty terrible, but otherwise she's a strong character. Unsurprisingly, she's best on either fire team for anti airing and the self damage that Baili does, or with Feng to give her fire zones for melt shredding. Not a must pick up, especially if your 3 teams all have stringent character requirements IE Corrosion, Wind, Electrocute but worth considering. Dupes are utterly worthless, unless you really need the damage increase on a support for some reason.
Also new memory traces, which are generally always good from here on out but make sure the effect works for your team comp.
Wet Road Ahead
Uni's trace is, unsurprisingly, good for her. It also works with ice zones which could come up pending on your comp. Extra damage is always good to get. Grab a copy for Uni related teams, not really worth it outside of that.
Between Light and Shadow
Another damage multiplier to add to the stack. Even outside of the double effect for fire teams it's still just solid. Pull if you have characters that reliably place element zones.
But the ingame notes say Thea will be next
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New trailer fellow Directors.
>Ver. 1.4 [Mortal Wanderer]
>Patch notes

No idea if I'm going to roll for her honestly, I skipped Baili Tusu and even the guy who posts information about the units has never gone into great detail about Thea.
I guess this is another save patch for me.
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Looking at their post
>Titia - Pull: Yes, probably.
Fire zone creator, can hit air units, insane safety net abilities, and almost universal support character. (...) make sure the effect works for your team comp.
Is probably meant to say Thea instead of Titia.
If CN pull order is to be believed,
The upcoming units should be,
Probably just a typo because so many units that synergies with UNI are coming up.
I guess I'll try for thea after all.
My bad, I did mean Thea. The T start likely fucked me when I was double checking. Write up is still accurate for Thea.
Is there any character with water pools getting added any time soon? I need one for my Feng.
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Yes. Uni who should be right after Thea.
Okay, looks good. The only character I haven't rolled so far for is unironically the egg one we have right now.
I skipped Scarlet and Baili, Skipping Eggman right now also.
I only really regret skipping Scarlet but I can cope and borrow her so it's not all bad.
How far ahead is China? I am following one account that posts only gacha updates and they've showcased some really cool characters. Mobsters and I think somebody that is part of music band.
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Roughly about 11 months ahead.
I think I know the people you're talking about Lionel and Cog, who should be the newest Echomancers.
Damn so the game had its first anniversary? What were the units?
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Lionel - Psychical skirmisher
Cog - Water Ranger
Mamoru - Wind Striker
No idea how good they are, Mamoru is probably a direct upgrade to Shiratori atleast being the 6 star wind striker vs a 5 star wind striker.
Not sure how lionel and cog are in their teams, lionel probably creeps luke or cen ying, midas made Psychical so strong I'm they added another one so soon.
Cog only recently came out.
I fully expected for the whitehaired girl to join around anniversary. I forgot her name, the one with origami/paper powers. Have they added the dude that appeared in Chapter 2? The one with a wolf mask?
I know who you mean, yeah I'm surprised she wasn't added either but I guess the writer just enjoys her running around being deranged.
As far as I know wolf guy is also still not playable.
wWhat is the perk of joining a club?
you can buy stamina items and some mats every week
plus some other goodies when there's an event
Is there one for the general?
Cog is only OK at best (blame her class), Lionel is absurd and arguably top 1 IIRC, I haven't looked at Mamoru's kit but he's a striker so automatically good.
There's also a boss mode every patch that gets you resources. Fairly easy to do, eventually expects 3 teams but unless you're in a shitter club you can probably get carried anyways if you don't have 3 teams ready or at least semi-ready.
No, the general is way too small for one.
For those who care, CN release order is on the bili wiki here:
Obviously subject to change, but so far only reruns seem to have been shifted around.
since other anon already talked about upcoming characters, here's the upcoming memory trace and whether it's still used or not:
>Kylin rate up-trace
gigacore for every striker team (and Lionel team), provides 45% ATK buff to square characters every time they use ult
>Thea rate-up trace
provides 60% more DMG to targets in fire terrain, still core in fire team and will be better in the future with Lynn's trace (convert DEF to ATK); stack up to 150% with devotion (nexus skill) but better to just pick one to run
>Uni rate-up trace
used in Uni-Jean team and in non-suicidal Feng team. competes for a slot with My Vision is Clear, so not a must-pull like Jean's
>Leilani rate-up trace
more TRM for corrosion team is always good, core for corrosion team
>Titia rate-up trace
very rarely used, mainly in corrosion team
>Jean rate-up trace
gigacore for her and Tishi, providing 60% extra DMG to lightning characters
>Elpis rate-up trace
very universal MST trace, provides 45% ATK to all characters, can be used in all teams. if Elpis is in your team, then this should be slotted
>Solbyrd rate-up trace
very universal DEF trace that affects all classes instead of just square class; sidegrade to Kylin's trace (and both can stack with each other)
>Tishi rate-up trace
lol they hate triangle class, it's very restrictive and sounds like a joke. don't use it with other ATK% buff trace because the effect will be gone if the total ATK% buff exceeds 70%
>Midas rate-up trace
used in summon comps, but that team (Cen Ying and Luke) got very gimped multipliers for CN standard now
continuing the post above
>Long rate-up trace
very universal trace, provides 45% ATK; if your team has Long, then this should be slotted
>Lynn rate-up trace
core for strikers team, convert every excess DEF into ATK, so you can now slot 2 DEF trace in your run
>Lionel rate-up trace
gigacore for Lionel, makes his already broken passive even more broken and also gives him a 90% increased damage AND 25% ATK boost because why not?
>Cog rate-up trace
your shield can now explode to damage enemies lol. give a very much-needed separate damage multiplier for Cog and Kylin team comps. also come with a must-have brand-new triangle nexus skill that gives 30% ATK unconditionally.
>Mamoru rate-up trace
provides separate 3600% wind damage multipliers every time someone uses a seed skill with very simple condition (fielding a wind character). 20s cooldown per character (not shared so you could do 4x3600% dmg burst). gigacore for wind team.
If you're saving, then just pull a copy of the more universal one (Kylin, Elpis, Solbyrd, Long, Lynn) and borrow max-dupe of the more team-specific one.
Do you mean the current one that grants bonuses to electro/lightning characters?
yes, but you can just ignore the 20% lightning DMG bonus damage if you're not running Jean. the main reason using it is for the 45% engraving ATK bonus.
I am actually trying to get 20 stacks of Inspire on every character. Is it wrong?
You're doing it right, 20 stacks of inspire is always the play. But inspire stacks (DMG bonus that affect everyone) are different from ATK & DMG bonuses from memory trace skill (usually has some class limitation), as they don't override each other and can be stacked.
Yeah, I've more or less know how to play the game now. The problem is that my Feng can't get 20 stacks, I use the one DEF memory that gives it after stuff is frozen and there are no characters with water fields right now. This is why I asked earlier.
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I .. don't want to use these things.
Thanks for this anon.
Isn't the Memory we get from that new Nexus event also super strong?
the inspire trace slot more of like fixed as:
>Born from the Ashes
this one is permaslotted
and then pick/borrow one of these:
>Lucky Find
previous BP trace, Freda can solo stack both this and born from the ashes with her S2
this one use Longqing/Tian Ruo
>Curiosity of Hailinian
requires Thea to stack (she gives camo to whole team) and good for Feng team
the other are either too slow (one stack per 6s) or get a very restrictive conditions that make it too slow to stack

Hmm, I will see if I can find them in game. Lucky Find - will it ever get added back?
I dont have born from the ashes...
Am I meant to switch between Lorelle's stances? Because I pretty much enable her DEF one and forget about her.
It was the first ever trace ran I think, it'll probably get a rerun but there's others traces you can uses. Happy hour is a less good but cheap replacement if you're just after inspire stacks.
Probably best for playing her optimally because I think her offensive stance does more damage, but not a big deal unless you're doing some sort of time attack thing or trying to get a highscore on something.
I hope that we are getting cool new illusion characters because Lorelle and the butterfly/marionette lady are the only ones I like so far. The snake lady is cool too but I think she is also a Skirmisher.
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you can get it from standard selector
How come Memories get added to the standard pool but characters don't?
characters ger added after 2 patches
Absolutely based. I will continue playing the game for the time being. Are there any cool Corrosion characters coming?
What about BP memories?
Will the Sand Maiden from the event become playable?
Doubtful, she's supposedly a figurine video gamer echomancer broke irl and then added into his game as a reference.
Leilani, Solbyrd, and Long will all eventually come out. Leilani is either after Thea patch or patch after off the top of my head, Solbyrd a few patches later, Long patch before anni.
What about that lanky dude, the boss of the organization from the first chapter?
Just met Midas, he is actually super cool.
>the merc from the earlier prison chapter shows up again
>his name is Sirrush
>it sounds familiar, it can't be
>Feng shows up as well

Yeah, I hope this guy will get to be playable as well.
Is the leveling event also ending tomorrow? The one that gives us free an S rank Echomancer and memory?
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Yuo mean this one?
I dont think it ends
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This is what I mean.
Thats permanent, its rewards for clearing story missions pretty much
He's pretty cool cant remember if he's mancer or not though.
What the fuck? Thea's story cinematic is insane.
Got Thea very easily because I've been rolling for Kylin before checking on his in game model. Should I use Curiosity of a Hailinian with her given that she has Stealth in her kit?
What is arguably the worst S rank so far?
another coinflip lost, amazing
Okay, another question for the anon that has played the Chinese client or has read about it - are they releasing more A rank characters or is Sorley the only one for the year?
Nope, Sorley is the last 5* they released
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Probably Tong. Cen and Luke are just better.
The others either offer more synergy in elemental reactions or are supports like Zodivin who can go into any team.
Even furray and furney while not doing good dps are still free water zones for your units.
Yeah, I dislike how he looks so I thought it would be either him or the guy with the small motorbike.
He's actually pretty good or was at the time, he had synergy with cen ying the first limited, so if you got both of them in a team you could just memory traces that buffed summons and physical,
He's also got a lot of utility in barriers and his move set, although not always needed nice to have.
Tong and Mo are permanently relevant due to their S3 giving a teamwide buff even while off-field. Otherwise I'd agree since they suck on field.
The worst is probably Zodivin (she's a pure healer in a game where passive healing from a 5* buffer is more than enough, and is completely outclassed by Longqing for survival outside of very long fights where you'd swap Longqing out after stacking Inspiration) or Hassel (dual element damage is really not great since he only gets 50-70% of the value off of good traces, and his damage is fairly mediocre unless you stack up the gimmick Life Anthem shit which Lydia abuses just as well if not better). F&F is bad but has a niche as a triangle water field user which technically gives her more value in Tishi electrocute but Uni still ends up being better than them even without perfectly synergized memory traces. Luke can be used at the start for the phys summon team and then swapped out after ulting since he gets it quick. Ivana is a striker which automatically makes her usable even if she's outclassed by the sheer damage girth of Feng. Cyros, Lorelle, and Longqing are all relevant in some way.
The worst is either Zodivin (later she got powercrept to oblivion by Long) or Mo Hongxiu (second 6* bulwark never ever)
Actually, Hassel is now the best Echo Hunt carry and Life Anthem abuser in CN thanks to Lionel's trace
Yesterday I saw some random video of the upcoming characters and most of them are so cool looking. There is some mecha angel for example or one very classy lady. But yeah, I didn't saw any tank.
Oh shit. Good to see Hassel come back as someone who took him to S1 despite him seeming like shit.
I wish I had actually looked at Kylin's model in combat before pulling. I wanted a cute husbando, not an egg. It was particularly stupid of me because I don't have any electro units built but I do have some fire ones. Oh well
Yeah, I am rolling on every banner and was very close to getting the S rank and something just made me check out the showcase.
If he had the turrets he had in his boss battle I would've pulled for him on principle. But instead we get Spooderman in an egg.
I wouldn't mind it if he was a mecha or was in a mecha.
Got both Thea and the Memory. Time to start saving again.
Got Thea & Memory Trace. Not sure If I have enough for Uni and Jean though.
Is it that hard to get currency?
Not if you play consistently but I feel like with the amount of upcoming units and traces I want all becoming available close together, I'm bound to run out if I'm unlucky on coin flips.
If you're building to electrocute team you're about to get hit by back to back to back to back characters/traces, and you generally want to get both. And that isn't factoring in corrosion finally getting support with two characters that also really want their S1 dupe at minimum.
The only S1 I got was Feng because I really like her character. The rest will eventually come in.
Depends on how many coinflips you lose
Wait, are mono teams the way to play? I thought combos matter a lot?
Electrocute is a meta team and uses water + electric. Feng likes Thea for melt reaction. Just a few examples.
Does Thea's memory let Supports/Tacticians proc a 10% + + buff for the whole team or does it increase their damage only?
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Momo character form latest story chapter.
A dumb question but are the worlds parallel or is it just a shitty translations of countries?
Literally different worlds. Ever played Counterside? It's pretty much that.
Are you able to complete the weekly boss on 250% or higher?
I just lower it until auto can clear it

>still no feng guide in youtube
seems like every CC that covered this game have dropped it
I don't really think we need guides. But yeah, the game isn't that popular even if it is very interesting.
i have lost all motivation
But I guess the idea with the current boss is to vaporize the zone and let our characters heal, right? I really don't get what to do past level 250%.
I just uninstalled it, the game got too tedious and I started to hate logging in
wtf bros is this how we eos, cant say I blame you I'm not a huge fan of the weeklies and I've started to just auto everything.
>kill this weekly boss
>do this wave content twice
>do this biweekly harder wave content
>do this small ministages by weekly
>participate in this guild raid, once a day, then you can retry, actual i lied changed it now you need to do it with two teams and can just retry after that, actually I changed it now you need to do it with 3 teams,
>do echoing nexus once a day
I like the story, although as of late the story has been lacking interesting antagonists.
Thea is cool but yea the gameplay loop is currently making me apathetic.
Not like this bwos... I like the game still but I can't disagree that shit is tedious.
I am not finding it tedious because I auto most of the stuff right now. If anything I am not getting how to deal with the higher difficulties of the weekly bosses.
So I missed the event of the cowboy girl and was unable to finish Scarlett's. Can I replay them somehow?
Should I use the memory that came with Skylar on Thea? Or does it only work on Support/Tactician damage?

Which weekly boss are you talking about? There's joint operations with the tall two egyptian statues and there's echo hunt which is a DPS race Du Wang fight

Sometimes there's a simultaneous raid but there's not one active right now. Last even had the Sand Maiden as a daily/weekly boss.
Only works for supports/tacticians, so if you're running a full diamond team then sure

She's one of my favorite antagonists, highly anticipating playable release
The Egyptians, yeah. I just joined a guild and I have to dps race ... the musician, I forgot his name.
Damn, I feel like I fucked up rolling for it then. I guess I will still use it for Thea.
>the musician, I forgot his name.
Du wang
I think my biggest problem with the game is the fact some names weren't localized or are straight up using their Chinese names and I just don't feel like learning them. The fire defender is super cute and cool but I don't know her name as of now. Mo and that's it. The cowboy girl is the same.
I had a moment like this where there's a guy from the feng clan and the recent ice ranger character who is also called feng.
They did make a joke about it at least.
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They do and I think that was funny.
I'm same though honestly I only know Du wang because they keep making me fight him for the guild battles and some anon just mentioned him in the thread.
Otherwise I'd probably just call him piano man. it's kind of weird that the group behind that have taken a massive back seat recently. I miss Maizuru.
I remember Du Wang because of the JoJo meme.
I want to see that one female that has a scorpion chain coming out of her body. I think she appeared in earlier story stages and her her sprite blacked out. Also I am really interested in understanding what was the thing that we fought in the prologue.

Don't know your teams/SSR MTs so I'll give some general strats and tips:

- Bring Sambheka; her ult melts the fire zones which give DR to the bosses. Less fire = more dmg. You could bring FnF but they do too little dmg and don't generate enough water zones IMO
- If you have Feng, bring Feng; she generates ice zones when Sambheka is out and does active abilities
- Bring at least two sustains; Boreas = Longqing > Freda > Zodivin = Bellia > others . If your engraving stats suck consider keeping two on field; otherwise you can swap as needed
- Bring one tank or a beefy striker unit for the elites that periodically spawn
- Bosses do shit to drop your units below 50% HP, so having an engraving with Emptiness MT main skill is great

- Prioritize the left boss, since the right one gets insane DR against anyone not cursed. Curse kills a unit if they're low on HP. If your main carry gets the curse, activate buffs and go to town on the right boss after left is dead
- The higher % difficulty you go the more of a pain in the butt this JT boss becomes, requiring highly invested echomancers and min/maxxed tactical engravings with meta inherited skills.

At 230% with all nodes conquered, you should be able to get max weekly rewards. Beyond that is just for the white hard drives and for leaderboard placement
The mechanic in the event stages is annoying me because I means I have to keep checking in while autoing
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From the latest CN stream just now
Maizuru is coming soon™
kek you're right.
Tjhank you, lad.
The newest female character they revealed is great. The male one is a miss for me.

Not able to replay it until a rerun is announced

The next best thing is to relive the event vicariously through YouTube

Hopefully they will.
Is Wish in the Rain worth it for Skylar?
I don't get what I am supposed to do in the new small event about engravings.

The after school "review" thing or the one where you analyze unused engravings to disassemble?

I'll write up a quick review on how the After School Nexus Review works:

- You take an existing tactical engraving you already have, and you do another nexus run where you can take six more memory traces with you, giving you effectively 12 memory traces of stats and skills to use
- You go along a path of a specific stat: ATK, DEF, TRM . When you're on that path, you get buffs that heavily encourage you to stack that stat. Once you get to the final boss, the path you chose gives you other bonuses to round out your weaknesses

For example: On the ATK path if you get above 2000 ATK, you get damage reduction as a bonus for having high ATK. For DEF, you get damage reflection when you take any damage. For TRM, you get a combination of extra damage done, reduced damage taken, and shorter SEED skill cooldowns

The final boss has the usual final boss mechanics but once it's dead it leaves behind a striking dummy for you to go HAM on. The more damage you do the higher your score.

If you don't care about leaderboard min/maxing, and want to complete all the objectives; you need to do at least 3 runs per stat path and try to get a final score of 65000 on average. For your tactical engraving, start with at least 2 of your desired stat, then in the nexus review, try to stack 3-4 of the traces you want to focus on.

Hope this helps
Analyze unused engravings to disassemble.

It's really simple

You get rewards for disassembling engravings that meet a certain critera (i.e. meets a certain rating with at least X amount of DEF)

The game does not allow you to disassemble an echomancer's highest engraving, so only engravings not used in Joint Training and are not the highest are eligible

For a lot of the easier requirements, you can do Nexus Simulation to quickly generate engravings to disassemble

If you need to do a higher rating one just take your strongest echomancer as leader, slap in your best memory traces, and do a full auto nexus run of War Torn Region. Analyze the engraving in the event window and you get rewards
Thank you for the explanation, friendo.
Outside of Begonia are there any other 5* that are worth leveling?
Freda and Sambheka, then Shiratori Azusa/Caroline/Lydia. Su Xiao too, if you like revive strategy, but she functions just fine without leveling
Revive? What?
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it's a speedrun strategy for boss, usually using Feng Qingxue since she can burst with her bullets
>put Old Alley as one of your trace
>place your DPS near the boss, get your DPS killed
>Su Xiao will revive your DPS, triggering Old Alley buffs
>burst the boss down during 20s buffs window after being revived by Su Xiao
I didn't know she can revive, the fuck?!
The TRM memories are very boring.
Who else goes with Feng and Thea in their team?
So I don't own her yet but to me it feels like Ivana is far weaker than Begonia..
Is the current battle pass worth it?
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>Uni got announced
>I wonder what her class is going to be

I see what that one anon meant.
Begonia/Boreas/Freda/Titia later
It's a sidegrade to Lucky Find but only for fire team
Why is Freda so good?
Free damage buffs and auto skills cooldown reductions for the whole team. If you have her at 3 dupes, she also recharge whole team seed skills every time she passively heals (4% to everyone).
Strangely enough I guess I have lucked out because I invested in the characters I founded cool and Begonia, Freda (and her partner) are some of them. The girl with the ferret is the only one that is on the weak side it seems like.

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