There was absolutely no need to make this thread so early, retard. The old one will stick around for weeks. If you don't know how this website works, you should leave making new threads to others.
>>1653165>If you don't know how this website works, you should leave making new threads to others.I mean to be fair it is confusing, I've been here almost daily since 2014 and I still never bothered making a new general for this exact reason.
>>1653142Fuck Kit, fuck Darryl the stupid fucking barrel robot, fuck Edgar, FUCK Buzz (Lightyear), fuck throwers, Max is my waifu.Assassin brawlers are super OP, self-charging supers are bullshit.How the fuck does Leon get to make a duplicate of himself but 8-Bit's second life super gets taken away? What sense does that make?Why the fuck hasn't 8-Bit gotten buffed yet? Give him four clips instead of three.
>>1653483>I mean to be fair it is confusingNo it's not
Has anyone found Brawlers on the Mega Sale? I got an offer for a Mythic brawler on regular sale for 950 slices but was wondering if anyone encountered a better deal.
>>1654144I got meeple for like 650 or something like that
>>1654144Draco appeared on the first day only.....arghhhhh
>>1654144I've had chester on the super rare deal, but only skins or cosmetics for the Mega sale. Even bought some of the lower rarity skins for bling so they dont show up in those deals
>>1654144I had willow and a friend had rt. Neither of us could afford the, though. Havent hotten any brawlers offered since.
>>1653698You think Max likes rough sexo?
Is there a /vmg/ club?
>>1656840i-i'd join but im new and only started playing around 2024 october...
>>1656840I don't think even 30 fags partake in this thread.
>>1656840I have 66k trophies I'm not playing with these noobs
>>1657109>>1657205>>1657329It's up.
I'll join after Mega Pig. Maybe.
>>1657457I might join after mega pigMaybe...
doug is the best brawler in the game.
>>1657457Why is the language in faggot?
Should 2v2 modes become permanent after the event?
>>1658039If you have friends to play with or you can setup a bot to play with you as a high level brawler that can take advantage of it's inhuman, instant reaction speed/Firerate(Bea,EMZ, 8-Bit, Colt, Rico, Nani), yesIf not, I've found the 2v2 modes even more difficult with randumbs than 3v3 for some reason(smaller maps maybe?). Also, the bots cannot hang against players in higher elos like 700+ trophies unless you yourself are exceptional and can use them as b8 or play around their limitations...
Why are higher trophy players such babies? Do they even enjoy the game at that point? Seems like if things aren't cleancut they're more likely to just BM, waste a super, or just throw a game that is winnable.
Is Meeple any good? Already bought the skins I wanted, I have some Pizza slices left
>>1658484(This is going off what others have said, since I also didn't waste my pizza on him)He is incredibly mediocre, with his gadget being his only saving grace. He's epic rarity too, meaning you can get him for 900 credits at the end of the season. Your pizza could be better saved for progression, like with those Hypercharge deals.
>>1658565900 credits worth for 400 slices isn't that bad of a deal progress wise.
I just got Willow from the pizza shop and call me evil, but I love controlling someone to score their own goal, and then kudosing them at the end when they lose even though it really wasn’t their fault.
>>1658039No. Fuck no.
Y'know, It would be the perfect time to give Bonnie a Hypercharge.>Was just given new a skin.>Last two Hypercharge updates had Stu's, then Janet, making Bonnie a perfect follow up.>Has been one of the weakest brawlers in the meta for a while.>One of lowest pick rates in the game.
>>1658220What do you consider "higher trophy"?
>>1658565>like with those Hypercharge dealsI have yet to see 1 hypercharge deal. It's all just skins and chump change.
>>1659348I guess you're just unlucky so far, I got 2. Pretty sure they are the best deals I've seen, pizza to coins wise.
>>1659358I got one HC in the shop first day that I couldn't afford and none since then you might be lucky to have two
>>1659306Too bad, we already know who are getting hypercharges next.
>>1659438Call it cope. But I'm betting there's more then 6 hypercharges next update. It wouldn't make sense to leak ALL of them before the brawl talk, there would be no hype for it. Plus their goal is to have all brawlers with a Hypercharge by July. They can't meet that goal with their current output. There's also that Lily bug in duels, were her attacks fill your next brawler's Hypercharge. Maybe some forgotten code? There's two unused generic Hypercharge player icons in the game too. They did the same thing to hint at the spongebob collab, maybe a hint at a new Hypercharge event?
What's the best build for Ash?
>>1659438i hope mr p's hypercharge isnt just summon a bigger porteri hope its a bigger spawner that can spawn 3 porters at once (stats are unchanged)you know to make it different from jessies and nitas hypercharges where it just makes their summon bigger i rather have power in numbers(either that or it summons 1 slighty stronger porter with two mini porters beside it)
>>1659463I think first bash sp is way better than the other one that gives reload speed. Reloading hardly matters when the unload is slow like bibi's. I use chill pill gadget for healing but it completely empties your rage bar which I didn't know when I bought it. I haven't tried rotten banana. Gears I went speed and damage. Anyway that's the build spen recommended and I've done good with ash in ranked
>>1659451when is the next brawl talk
>>1660094End of February I assume.
>>1660094Should probably be this weekend?
is the HC offer worth it? I already got surge and meeple and there doesnt seem to be anything else of value after that. is the nita skin good? I thought it could be but it looks like it helps the enemies know its AOE more than it actually helps you if it even does that
>>1660449Progress-wise the hypercharge is the best value, but since it's random, you don't know beforehand whether you get a good one or a bad one.
>>1660475only thing better than that would be kit. has anyone in here or anywhere gotten a kit offer in the event? maybe its not possible to get kit offers and I might as well get the hc
Post your high scores.
>>1660545I got 602744. Only 2nd place despite winning 12 of my games... Juju was busted on that map.>>1660449I would say go for it.
>>1660449I only do cosmetics but if you're only focusing on progression, yeah it's pretty goodthe nita skin is inferior to godzilla and the elephant one
>>1660640Huh, someone else who likes the evil circus Nita skin. It's one of my favorite skins in the game honestly. Surprised many think its not worth it.
You ever play so much one day your hand is so cramped it effects your aim/movement? First time ever happening to me after grinding out the MegaPig and pushing Max to almost 1k trophies in just a few hours. Her dodgy/erratic movement play style is probably the main culprit.Lowkey embarassing, never experienced this before...
>>1660653I like it but not at that price.Might get it if it hit 149 with a discount
>>1660742It bothers me how noobs and trash players overlook Nita just because she's one of the first brawlers you get and her straightforward unga bunga gameplay.She utterly dominates some maps and their respective best game modes.
Free Melodie (?) obtainable from a challenge that starts tomorrow.
Did anyone else get utter assloads of bling from the Angel and Demons event? I didn't even grind it that hard but I spent bling like more would keep coming like it was. It has been months and I haven't even regained 1/6 of the bling I spent from that event. WTF?
It for sure gave more rewards than this event.
>>1653165I like how you sperged out but everybody still migrated to this thread anyways
>>1661165>>1661318What do I win if I already have her unlocked? 500 credits or something?
Is Fame Road a scam? It feels like a scam
>>1661793It is.
Whats the most fun hero? Mechanically wise
>>1662748>heroYou need to go back to whatever shithole you came from.
>>1663013Sorry anon, but i'm one of the OG>>1663015Looks fun, but she has no supercharge yet
>>1663119Based unbuyable skin fag for me it's lunar new year brock
>>1659358I think you're either lucky or just have a lot more HCs available to you. I have still yet to see anything but skins
is this worth it? kinda dont like the monkey but sometimes it pops off and some events hes op. also I would always choose whoever else I can choose in the starr road anyways so thats probably a no
>>1663317He's really fun on some showdown maps but overall I would just use credits. You should have almost every brawler unlocked anyway (mico was one of my last ones) and when that happens you'll wish you used credits to unlock em
>>1663321>You should have almost every brawler unlocked anywayI started playing just a few months ago bru
>>1663317His Hypercharge is counter-productive
>>1663382Just use gems for those power point and gem deals that pop up in the shop every once in a while. Or buy new HC with gems when they're released
When is the next wave of skins people voted for? Buster, needs some love and a hypercharge.
what's a good website or youtube channel with proper character builds? i enjoy the game but I already play another game serious and keep up with meta and all that. don't want to be doing that for every game I play.
>>1657457>bronze 1 ranki think my mom is calling me... gotta go!but seriously, i'd join if it wasn't for the fact that I both tend to play with relatives as well as my username being a name I use repeatedly. I've seen some weirdos on /v/ desperately try to dox someone else on /v/ just because the other anon played some game on steam with them. ever since I saw that, I told myself I'd never share my legit account name on here.
>>1661165last time this happened with gus I ended up spending all my green gems and still didn't get it. fuckin bots man
I fucked up and panic bought Meg (my least favorite legendary) from the pizza store for 1500 pizzas because i thought that it would be my last shot at buying a legendary despite the fact that there are 9 days left and i would have 100% gotten a better offer
>>1664989she seems like a pretty good tank
>>1665006She is a pretty good brawler, i just find her the least interesting gameplay and design wise
>>1665023feel the same about piper to be honest
>>1663013you're playing a kid gamestop being an edgy faggot
>play through 5 tickets>Rank 2Yeah I think everyone's done with this shit event.
>>1666920You get matched against shitters if you did poorly in the previous ones.
>>1666920I suck so badly at the ice hockey. I did great at the pizza delivery and basketball, but damn.Also, I'm struggling so badly to get buzz to 1000 trophies. I'm hardstuck at 900.
Ollie is out
Free shit available at
>>1668544thank you president xi
>>1668536nigger mumble rap shitty ass brawler. Post porn of women instead you all
>>1667845ice hockey is retarded and too randomif your opponent is fast and can tank at least few hits (mortis or buzz), it's basically "spawn-race to the ball-see it fly in your enemies/your goal" or, alternatively, you/enemy kicks the ball randomly and 5 seconds later see the score notificationi swear to god 3/5 matches it's either a win or loss in the first 30 seconds of the game, I don't even enjoy winning in it
>>1668648>ice hockey is retardedthis game is shit and haven't been good ever since starr park update ended. Bloated jewslop
>>1668648agreed. I realized that yesterday and just started going straight my goal the second I see a mortis player or anyone with a dash. you can make it in time. The problem now is if you're playing with a random, there's no communication and odds are they won't know what they're doing.
>>1668536His animation and lobby theme/background 10/10. I grew out of hip-hop a long time ago but I DJ and he's living, breathing music reference(s)He's Dope!
>>1668535>Fresh prince of bel air parodyDo kids even know about that show?
1 WIPES 3 knockout100% WIN Vs. 99%-98%24 winning with gems obtainedThis is when all the bullshit is worth it imo
>>1668535Looks lame
Send Mortis players to concentration camps
>>1668535He's cute.
>>1669444i dont think so honestlymaybe besides from memesalso neat to see spike talk again after so long
>>1669444of course, their parents grew up watching it.
>>1669889>walk to your goal>Mortis player's entire strategy ruined
Do you prefer regular Janet or Popstar Janet?
>>1670805Popstar Janet
>spend entire match destorying opponents on their side of the court>teammate and I miss 3-4 shots each>opponents barely manages to get a shot off and it goes in>rinse and repeat 2 more times and lose the matchI hate the basketball event so God damn much
Hit 60k trophies today.
Why is this nigga so lame to play? OP characters are supposed to be fun, right? But I'm closing this guy's gold III mastery(tomorrow) and I just end up cycling between purposely losing and winning against bots because I can't stand playing long-ass(3min) sweaty 1000~ trophy matches as this dork.I might miss his wing mode a little tho. Nice to see ppl wisened up in the end on how quickly that mode can flip games over.
>>1664895This happened to me too and now with this event as well </3but this time I didn't want to spend gems since Mandy is getting a hypercharge soon and I main her, even though I'm starting to use Penny a bit more nowadays (I'm close to getting her to Gold III)
>>1671821Would all four of them
>>1671821Congrats anon. Honest question, is the game still fun for you?
>>1672949Sure, just don't take it too seriously.
>>1672505I managed to get melodie after buying 2 "lives", thankfully. Never used Mandy but I agree that penny is real good. I used to use her when I first unlocked her then stopped. Been using her again recently and she's not that bad.
They just removed Buzz on the 3rd of FEB at 7PM Eastern Time. Still had like 3k needed for his title.Kind of a bummer...
I was grinding buzz and just now he is gone lol
>>1673223>>1673225Good riddance
>>1673225Right? Ah well, I was literally only every going to use his Title with Surge's Buzz Lightyear costume alongside the mastery profile pics/emoji and maybe space hitler gray.It was annoying getting star player 70% of the time on losing teams anyway
No fucking way, there's brawl stars threads? Where have you been all my life? I admit I am a dirty touristfag who just happened to be snooping on this board.I'm so glad there's other people like me out there :)
>>1673282Also, I've been playing since season 6 (though I made a new account last may and already have 30k+ trophies), does anyone want to be my friend :)It's so hard finding people who play this game competitively and seriously.
>>1673283You're not going to find anyone good in these threada
>>1673299To be honest I don't care if you're not good, I just wanna play/chat about BS with someone.This game is my life, I play it 4 hours every day.
>>1673225Lol, imagine not maxxing the mastery road in just 2 weeks
>>1673317I honestly barely touched him, played with him in duos with my friend for 1 day and dropped him ever since.Uninspired mechanics, not very fun to play (though I'll always love toy story).>inb4 "BUT WHAT ABOUT HIS MASTERY ICON BRO???? IT'S GOING TO BE EXCLUSIVE FOREEEEEEVR?"I don't care.
>>1659671>i hope its a bigger spawner that can spawn 3 porters at onceSounds like actual cancer facing against as a single shot brawler. Would probably uninstall if I was ever facing an eve + mr. penis.
tell me who you main without telling me who you main
>>1673346Hot Zone and Gem Grab are my favorite events
>>1673346> enter 5v5 game mode> shoot at the place where the players get all agglomerated and instantly charge super> spawn super> gadget> get 3 kills in a second> repeat for the entire game> be the star player ^^ although most of the time I get the spawn inmediately killed
>>1673346I SMELL RUBBISH <3
>>1673225Huh, weird to not see him there anymore, feels off now.
>>1673346You're gonna fucking hate me on capture points.
>>1673375Because you're useless?
>>1657457Would join if there were more players>>1673375If you're a rico/thrower. You're gonna miss your walls bud :)Do you guys carry your teams? (I'm the Colt)
>>1673380This just looks like your opponents were trash.
>>1673377Well... not really>>1673380>You're gonna miss your walls bud :)NO, MY WALLS.
>>1673383True, true. If my memory serves me right it was Open Business which is pretty walled off around the zone.>>1673386Tick is so much fun, literally have a shit-eating-grin ear-to-ear as I play him.
Total. Rico. DEATH.We should send every single rico player to gulags. Everyone single one of those fucking scumbag fucking dickhead fucking fucking faggots are the bane of my existence. Every match I go into I get a massive boner when I shit all over them. I fucking hate those fucking faggot fucking gays fucking scumbag fucking cheaters. Honestly I would rather face off against kits for the next year than see another rico. I cant wait for the day his bullshit gadget gets nerfed to the fucking core of the earth. A tool to deal with assassins should get you away like pipers or angelos gadget. Not fucking decimate them to bits and pieces. this fucking dickhead is the reason why i ban him on every single match i play, i dont care if he isnt even optimal or just bad, i want him gone from my fucking game i hate that guy and if you use him i wish you a fucking bad day fucking scumbag fucking dickhead cheaters
>>1673397Sounds like a skill issue. I love when people pick him because he's easy to take out.
>>1673399dont care i still fucking hate him, i main sam and approaching one is fucking awful unless you pull him in at the tip of your range, his whole gimmick is fine but the map pool favors him way to stronglylets not forget his gadget does like 15k damage or something which is retarded, the only way to counter is with wall breakers or with throwers which i play neither because the latter is for homosexuals and the former is lame
>>1673397Wait, you struggle with Rico? My man, just don't go near walls LUL.L2P K1D
>>1673401Pick a better main
>>1673414I'm not going to follow the meta like some mindless sheeple.Also the entire point of rico is area control, he is supposed to wall off choke points which means he should be susceptible to those who can either do his job better such as throwers or have enough sustain to power through it. Why the FLYING FUCK can he deal 12k damage with a single button press?
>>1673418If you struggle against Rico, you either have a bad main or just need to gg.
>>1673346After i die, i stay on the defeated screen for a couple of seconds to hear the end of a certain voiceline
>>1673397This but sandy. Every time he's meta he just feels so oppressive. Like a big sandstorm of certain death if you step inside, and there's zero counterplay to the swirling sandstorm of death if your randumbs keep feeding super forcing you to play defense the entire game.
Call me crazy but Maisie's damage inflation isn't bad considering how hard it is to hit her shots. For having one of the hardest to use attacks in the game, it should feel rewarding to actually land them compared to doing Jessie tiers of damage.
>>1673300>This game is my life, I play it 4 hours every day.This is probably my fav multiplayer game since uncharted 2's movielike multiplayer. I shouldn't like this game as much as I do but I do.
There better be a hypercharge offer in the store tomorrow or I'll have to buy one of the gay skins instead.
>>1674034yea, I don't have enough for a new brawler so im hoping for any hypercharge to pop up. Thinking about that, would we need the character to be level 11 for the hypercharge to even have a chance to pop up? I have jessie, but since I don't have her at level 11 I'm not allowed to purchase her bundle in the real store that costs money, and it comes with her hypercharge.So maybe by not having enough brawlers at level 11, we keep potential hypercharges from popping up? Can anyone clarify this?
>>1674036The shop only has offers for random hypercharge drops, not for specific characters. The random one doesn't care if you have upgraded the brawler to level 11 or not.
>>1674045another thing too is that I don't recall there being any skins in the pizza planet shop for characters I don't have unlocked yet.
>>1673871I love it because of how absurd it can be sometimes and how technical it can be. Sometimes I see clips of nani players spamming return to sender, basically playing ping pong with their gadgets; other times I watch ingenious players completely out draft other teams (not to mention it's just plain fun).>>1674051Yeah it only gives you HC and Skins for brawlers you have unlocked.
>just be a good little goy and don't question where the free thousands of coin offers went!
>>1673283Whats your code anon? Im at 32k myself, and I'd be down to play with you
Wtf bros
>>1674176It's the one with 5 members and 61234 trophies.
>>1674183Yeah but what about the others, why do they exist
I get that it can be quite frustrating to have certain modifiers but I feel like having none at all makes the game too repetitive :/I think the best solution would be to have them in ladder instead of ranked?? Or make some event mode where you can play with modifiers???
>>1674237We need a purely casual mode without trophies or anything. I want to be able to play my 1000 trophy brawlers on wacky modifiers without fear of my losing trophies/elo.Also, fuck instagib.
what your balance change wish list bros? it's looking like we may get a tank meta soon
kwab buzztroonfags on suicide watch
I love berry
>>1674347Why the fuck is his HP so low when he's so beefy? Same thing with grom as well. A literal fucking rapper kid has 11k hp.
>>1674352>A literal fucking rapper kid has 11k hp.He grew up in O'Block and got shot at a lot so he microdosed on every type of bullet and became immune
>>1664890This guy is an ex-professional, watch him, he's extremely reliable and consistent, I wouldn't recommend anyone else over him since they aren't as comprehensive or have ca comparable amount of professional experience as him.
>>1674379Based spenny
>>1674383MILKY HAAAAAAAAAANKspen singlehandedly made me love brits
>>1674384oops I forgot picrel
>>1674384>>1674386I watch a few brawl stars youtubers but spen's streams are must watch for me. He has the best stream snipers
>>1674393Lmao so true. Especially funny when they throw the game by picking doug or something on shooting star. I think his community is one of the better ones too, so entertaining when he engages with the chat.
>>1674379appreciate it. i'll check it out tomorrow
>>1674406Also there's timestamps in the description in alphabetical order for each brawler since well, he goes over all 88 brawlers lol.
>>1674394 should check this one out if you haven't seen it
>>1674427Lol those are probably some of the funniest clips I've seen in a while, especially when he just got fucking evaporated by the rico towards the end.
Have I been blind, or are these diagonal obstacles a new thing?
>>1674490They're new
Shoutout to this Edgar for casting some sort of freeze spell on our enemies while we were losing
>>1674507The edgar main came personally to the rivals' houses and broke their necks
>>1674507Pretty sure tou were playing bots
>only thing left available to buy in event is random crappy skinsAt least i eventually got two HC from it
>>1674423awesome. i've been wanting to try out so many brawlers but the coins and power points are what hold me back. so there's going to be one more pizza planet shop refresh before its complete right? says next pack offer in 14 hours and then it says even ends in 15 hours so hopefully it is.
Skate nigga day tomorrow. Is there really going to be no event next season?
>>1674628I believe so!>i've been wanting to try out so many brawlers but the coins and power points are what hold me back.Here my recommendation, when you collect gems from the brawl pass, save them up for the 5x ;evel up offers as those are the 2nd best and some of the most frequent to show up in the store (the hyper charge offers are better but they tend to be rarer and you can sometimes get a crap hypercharge or get one for a brawler you don't enjoy playing).>>1674665They'll probably announce something, especially with how popular the game has gotten it'd be weird for them to have an empty season.
>>1674818holy shit why did it make picrel so tiny
bring chromatics back :(
>>1674818>save them up for the 5x ;evel up offersI've never seen those before, but at the same time, I don't really look at the shop at all, only to collect my dailies. Thanks for the heads up.
>>1674924While it is currently unknown how they show up. It's believed it has to do with either unlocking new brawlers or when your account levels up. Either way, they're extremely valuable so be on the look out for those :)
Now that the dust has settled, what did you guys get from the pizza shop>Angelo HC>Primo HC>Nita skinI think it was a fun event overall, basket brawl is cancer though
>>16752982 HCs, Meeple, Eve skin, few cheap offers with coins in them.
what the fuck, where's sfw porn? Do you guys actually like this game? I have apmost everything maxed out with f2p and i'm so bored of how stupidly boring the game is, just follow meta
There's 3v3 hockey now.
New song just dropped>>1675313>just follow metaMaybe if you're an unthinking cuck who likes to get their hand held by the community. Most people just play what they want to enjoy, that's why shitty brawlers like hank and doug still have better use rates than actually good brawlers.
That racist anon was wrong. Ollie is fun. Not strong, but fun.
>>1675298Chester and Meeple. Could have gotten a HC too but skipped two contests.
>>1675342>that's why shitty brawlers like hank and dougboth are meta with kit, you are newfag
>>1675298> Surge (yeah I didn't have him before)> Cool motorbike eve skin (definetly my best spending)> Gray Skin> Nita Skin> And a lot of credits to finally unlock sandyI did not care about Meeple as you can see.
How are you liking him so far?
>>1675342I have a folder for Melodie x Janet art
>>1675458>both are meta with kit, you are newfagHoly shit you are actually retarded and a newfag who probably was one of the 50% who joined in 2024 (lol). The only tanks getting paired with kit are darryl, draco, and a few others. No kit is EVER going to attach on a hank or a doug when they're never going to be on the frontlines (hank would rather hide behind walls, further distancing himself from the enemy team meaning he'll take less damage further meaning kit's cheeseburger will get less value, doug has 0 approach tools (unless you seriously treat fast food as one which 0% of serious doug players use) and would rather group up with his teams providing support, meaning kit will never get near the enemy team, all of this means kits alt attack is going to get 0 value).I've been playing this game for over 4 years, kid. Learn what you're doing before you try the deep end.
>>1675845tldr, i'm an oldfag in this game, you don't play high ranks
>>1675513>nigger>nigger mumble rap music>wear a mask like thief niggers do>niglet>obnoxious like a niggerhannukah stars are glowing hard lately. The game becomes more and more disgusting
>>1675972>high ranksI have multiple 1000+ and just reached legendary 3 with randoms only. High ranks is a shit way to tell if you're good. Back than before the ranked rework and trophy rework getting r35s and pushing in power league was hard as shit, now it's an utter joke.Also, there's no way you play high ranks if you ACTUALLY considered kit + doug/hank a serious strategy. Either you're trolling and I'm too retarded to see this or you just don't understand how this game works.
I love Melodie. I don’t care how ass I am at playing her, dashing around people is so fucking fun. I just wish her base attack did more damage.
>>1676011she does not need another buff kek
>>1676016But she’s beautiful, she can have a buff or two.
>>1676019she's been top of the meta for almost a year now :(
>>1676020More damage I say. The best meta of all will be MELODIE META.
>>1676022heist is fucked (as if it already wasn't, LOL)I love playing melodie too desu. I'd say she needs a nerf but I don't have any idea what to nerf since her kit individually is weak as shit.- Normal Movement Speed- 7200 HP- 920 Main Atk- 1840 Dmg close range if you're basically breathing down the enemies neck- 3 Mortis coiled snake dashes but you lose all of them on death if they're partially used- Hypercharge that is worthless if you don't have long dashes- Also she's visible in grass due to her notes orbitingEven if we include SP and gadgets, all of her thinks are pretty garbage on their own. So what good would nerfing her garbage stats do when her entire kit is basically bread and butter? She's a ball of bad stats and good mechanics. You'd have to nerf her mechanics and that's just not possible, it'd be like making gene's pull pull-less.
>>1676026920 main atk unless you’re actually merging with the enemy feels like too little. Ah yes, let me POKE the fucking enemy. The super dashes all going away if you don’t use them all before you die is annoying too. I feel like if they upped her main atk damage a bit, and maybe buffed her movement speed, and made her notes disappear when you’re in a bush, she’d be better in a significant way, without her shattering the game into a thousand pieces. Melodie for the win.
>>1676031>920 main atk unless you’re actually merging with the enemy feels like too little.True but the point of her main attack isn't to attack (ironically). It's whole purpose is to give you her notes which is what her entire gameplan is centered around (for example her both her gadgets, starpowers, and hypercharge have to deal with said notes). Also, it's extremely easy to hit her notes with how fast they are so you can get much more consistent chip damage than say with rico or stu.>The super dashes all going away if you don’t use them all before you die is annoying too.I agree, they should fix this with her and darryl.>buffed her movement speedEh, she's already 2nd in movement to chuck (not to mention she gets more movement from her starpower as well). Though normal speed for an assassin feels very weird.>made her notes disappear when you’re in a bushThis. if buster's super can disappear in a bush than why not her notes. Either you make it consistent and make every brawler appear or you make none of them.
>>1676036The whole notes thing makes no sense to me because, she’s meant to be an assassin so, if you’re in a bush, and everyone can notice, then trying to fill a role of being an assassin is such a huge pain, Melodie’s notes make any bush that isn’t insanely massive almost useless.
>>1676037The only explanation I can think of is they need to be visible so you don't get chainsawed to death by something you can't see.
>>1676039That’s not a good explanation when Leon can just BE INVISIBLE. God, I hate Leon so FUCKING MUCH.
>>1676043Lol, his biggest weakness is grouping up, CC or just going full on tanks. His whole invisibility thing is only good if the opponent is good at mind games (fake outs and going in unpredictable directions).
>>1675513He feels very weird. Probably the worst main attack in the game with a very good super (with the right support of course).A 2.5 second taunt (or effectively 2.5 second stun) is really good. Not to mention he can recharge it in 5 hits + he has the tank trait means super cycling is really easy. Add this with his insane HP and his 4k shield SP. Ollie is pretty good.I think the initial mute on his dash is dumb though. It feels extremely clunky dashing in, muting yourself for 1.5 seconds, than taunting the enemy for 2.5 seconds. Combine this with his horrible eve-tier unload speed and you have a good but clunky feeling brawler.For a freestyling skateboarding kid, he feels very restricted at times which is kind of the entire opposite of what his character is supposed to be. I would personally buff his unload speed and remove the initial self-mute from his super while nerfing the taunt time to compensate.
>The credits you received after reaching Fame don't go to the next new brawler, you have to start from zeroFame really is an utter and complete scam. How do people let then get away with this
>>1676080lol youre just parroting that youtuber bedlam
melody feels out of place in this game
>>1676124Once you have all the brawlers, stop collecting credits from the brawl pass or free pass and wait for the next brawler to come out. If you forget to collect it all before the season ends then you'll get everything you didn't collect anyway
>>1676351The Legendary drop i got from the chinese daily event was 1000 credits. Now, I have to start from zero.
Why is this game asking me to play with a brawler that no longer exists??Let him go brawl stars, the incident wasn't your fault... (yeah, it was)
holy shit ollie is so toxic and I'm all for it, nothing like perma stunning an entire team with "the exaggerated swagger of a black teen"
>>1675342 REALLY want to fuck Melodie.
>>1676931she's hot but man her personality is hot garbage
>>1676964>her personality is hot garbageI think that's hot too.
>>1677013lmao, never change my guy
ollie is my favorite damage dealer
>>1677036I mean, he’s right after all. I agree with him.
>>1677097Is it just me or I’ve barely encountered any enemy Ollie players, all Ollie’s I encounter are on my team.
Why so short?
>>1677709Because ranked is getting reworked in the next update. They told this months ago, try to keep up.
thoughts on the good randoms skins?
>>1677775I like all of them besides the one for Melody. For some reason the newer skins and base models are starting to suck so much ass.
>>1677768You think i care what they say?
>>1677775Janet cute. Don't care about the rest.
Why is Pam the least used brawler?She has- Good HP- Consistent Damage, the slow unload and spread makes it ideal for crowd control and chip damage- Amazing damage at close range (if you hit all her shots it's 4680 damage)- Super that effectively makes you immortal with the mythic gear- Gadget that completely shuts down aggression- Star power that further fucks up aggression- Best title in the game (it's not even up for debate)- She has a skin with dragons and dragons are cool- She's a mega MILFI mean what DOESN'T she have? She's a jack-of-all-stats that's solid into most brawlers. Aggression with slow(er) reload speeds (Mortis, Mico, Fang (he has a slow unload speed which indirectly slows his reload speed), Kenji (only the slash is good for damage, the dash is pretty much ignorable which drops his dps significantly), some tanks that get too close like Rosa or Buster since they simply don't have the damage to shred her down with the added help of her turret) get completely btfo by her. To top this all off, she's a SUPPORT meaning shutting down aggression isn't the only thing she's good for, she's not some lame one-trick-pony like Gale or Surge who has one role and one role only.
>>1677847>Best title in the gameI prefer Jacky's
>>1677851You know, that's the only one I can find to be arguably on equal footing with Pam's.
>>1677768That's nice, maybe it'll be easier for my diamond ass to climb now
>>1677907Nooooo, we need bad players to stay in bronze. I'm tired of shooting star vision gear edgars in my masters lobbies.
Well, that was easy. He's just plain broken in solo SD. Pretty much everyone underestimates his mobility and get punished.
>>1677847Pam is just strictly worse Pearl.
>>1678037Still ugly and won't play him
>>1677847I hate, Hate, HATE playing her. I'm waiting for duel modes to comeback so i can tank her a few hundred trophies alongside a few characters I suck at or have underleveled for their rank.I got her to level 8 just to make her quests easier to slog through...On the bright side, she has the best rare skin by far, Stonks Pam.
>>1677920Simple fix, just buff Edgar.
Fucking hate the lag on this shit
>>1678307Edgar just needs a ranged attack, a giant Mandy super that covers the whole map, and does 15 million damage.
>>1678059They serve 2 different roles. Pearl isn't good at countering aggression considering how you need to waste all (or half) your heart AND a super. This has 2 bottle necks of course, you NEED to have high heat so you aren't doing 3K damage, you NEED to have a super as well or you're simply fucked.Pam is consistently meatier and better at holding off points whereas pearl is better at countering more passive brawlers since she'll just generally have more time gaining heat.Also, you are right lol. In a dream world where every brawler is balanced, they'd have their niches.>>1678262She gets better once you fully upgrade her. Nothing better than catching those pesky assassins where they least expect it by stealing all their ammo while also outhealing AND outdamaging them. They just get completely shitted on by a maxed out Pam since she mechanically is just very good. She doesn't have outdated kit like Bull's no-shield super or pre-reworked Frank's delay.
Do you think it was a good thing that Nintendo told Supercell to fuck off?
>>1678443When did this happen?
>>1677775I like them, they are neat. I also really like how they have matching winning animations
>>1678557The new cards look like shit
>>1678557I never made it to Master, or whatever the red one is. I don't think it's possible unless you play with non-randoms. So many games lost to retarded teammates.
>>1678805If you play with randoms, you get matched with people who also play with randoms. People get to masters playing with randoms all the time.
>>1678557Another rank tier? Man, I thought there were enough sweats in this game.
>>1678869I've been 1 win away multiple times and then hit a series of 6 loses because of retarded randoms. I'm sure people do it, but it's entirely luck of the draw.
>>1678557Bloody hell, stop reworking ranked and just give us old power league back with increased pick & ban times while also allowing us to ban 2-3/player and +1 ban for team captains desu.This way being a captain actually means jack shit and we can actually make effective bans compared to banning one brawler and the opponent just going with a very similar one.Also, scrap all modifiers, beef it up with a ton of progression with cosmetics as the side, not the main appeal. Make the rank ups give you more than 1 star drop and blowtorch snake prairie out this fucking game.
>Be Stupidcell>Create Fang, an assassin meant to counter mid/long-range low-DPS snipers>Make his range smaller than snipers>Make his range smaller than snipers...
>>1679075Learn how to dodge noobOr just draft him into a comp that has snipers and a mid ranged brawler you can feed off of.
>>1679101It's not about me struggling playing fang per se (matter of fact I barely play him). I'm rather just pointing out that for being a sniper counter his stats don't completely reflect that.Also, why the FUCK did they remove club games and replaced it with goyslop pig? Just rewatching the Brawl Stars 2025 roadmap and realized mega pig is getting reworked this year. Who REALLY thought this was a good idea? I was one of those grindy players who started a club and pushed us to Legendary. I feel so bad for everyone who managed to miss out on this experience because it was like every other week I would be maxing out brawlers.Fok u greedycell :(
>>1678557they look like those oversimplified apps
>>1679213That Gray player is basically exactly how i play when i pick him up
Of course they're giving two free hypercharges now that I'm only missing a single one.
>>1679257I don't give a shit who wins, just make sure the fujoshis lose
>>1679213That's my girl.
>>1679307The only one I can see for Bo has to be Jacky. Both are OG brawlers that have been through it all together.Charlie is probably a money chaser who would drop Bo at the sight of a richer manPiper is Rico's so noMandy is Chester's so noMelody is a piece of shit and Bo is too good for herLola would probably date herselfAmber just doesn't seem like a right pickThe other three are gay
>>1679307>>1679462Would Jacky be a good mom to the siblings?
>>1679498I think she would probably be a tiger parent or a sink-or-swim mother.I think the kiddos would pick up a lot of naughty language from her Bo wouldn't approve of lol.
>>1679307It would be kinda funny if Mortis won tho.
thoughts on the twins? to be honest I think they need another nerf
>>1679925Aren't they boys? This image is ghey
>>1678037>maxxed out trophies on ollie alreadywow, how often do you play this game? I can only handle like 15-30min a day and then I get bored.
>>1679925I think they're fine as they are, in fact I think they need a buff, maybe a health boost or even a little bit more reload speed would help
>>1679925Autism-coded so yeah, ofc I'm going to like them
>>1679925I think their tushy sizes should get buffed to look like that
>>1680487Their only counter-pick are throwers or assassins. You never use them on a map that's open enough for throwers like sprout or grom (aka their counters) to thrive in so the former can basically be ignored. Assassins are more of a soft counter.They're like R-T but a thrower. Sort of how R-T is a sniper that counters sniper-counters, L&L are a thrower that counters thrower-counters (wow would you look at that? The security trio who happens to see everything happening over Starrpark have a well-rounded kit good against nearly everything, making them excellent security guards due to a lack of weaknesses).
Is 2nd picking Mortis a bad pick when the enemy 1st picked Dyna? He's my only counter to throwers and luckily the enemy team comp went with low DPS brawlers. I feel like it was kind of ballsy considering they could've went with griff or surge - but they were too retarded to which was nice.It was Sprout, Jessie, and Mortis vs Dynamike, Gray, and Lou on dueling beetles.
>>1680773Sounds like your comp was more balanced but if they picked a tank you'd be in trouble
>>1680828Whew! Good thing only mostly retards play this game; just had a random first pick surge on Belle's Rock in Masters.
stop balancing brawlers around their hypercharge and start balancing their hypercharges around them, look at poor gale, his stats have been absolutely gutted to compensate for a good hypercharge, because of this he's basically shit until you reach L11 with HC, look at eve, consistently c tier tll her HC came out and now she's meta, this just makes them unplayable unless you have enough coins saved up when they should be playable at L1
>>1679925I hate them. I think they are ok at the moment, but I would personally enjoy another nerf.
>>1679925I think I just came.
sex with Mandy or something... idk...
Who had the better draft here?The enemy had first pick and their bans were Barley, Bibi, and Jacky. Our bans were Lou, Penny (she was my ban), and Fang.1st Pick (enemy team): Maisie2nd Pick (our team): Gray3rd Pick (our team/my pick): Draco4th Pick (enemy team): Meg5th Pick (enemy team): Chuck6th Pick (our team): BerryThe enemy team honestly played very well. Chuck had good post positions that overlapped Gray's portal which made it a pain in the ass trying to TP to the zone. Meg completely overwhelmed any healing Berry would typically have. Maisie just spawn camped the portals and would pop her HC super anytime we got close (which was often).What would you guys have done differently? I'm surprised we won honestly.
Bonnie brat
Update explained in more detail>New brawl pass rewards.
>>1679925what the fuck is this faggot shit. Where is my female porn
>>1681850>watching youtubers which don't say slursi'm not watching this onions beta
Damn this ranked change is quite awfulThey are replacing monthly ranked skins (12 per year) to one every 4 months skins (3 per year) not only that but they are shittier skins you either have to grind for like a year to fully upgrade or pay $25 for. 4 months is just too long, 2 months would be perfect to match with their updates. When the normal pass was 2 months long it felt already way too much, 4 months is insane.Every time this game focuses on the 'competitive' side it collapses. 2025 is looking grim for brawl stars. This being said I'm not sure this was made for competitiveness sake, it's more like an excuse to push another monetization route
>>1681850Holy shit we are dining like kings. Cash Royale and COC players are getting cucked so hard right now.
>>1682042just play the sandy too, this game is 40% skill amd everything else is meta
>>1682064>"Hey man if everyone jumps off a cliff, you should join em! :)"
>>1682072yeah. Jump off
>>1681760Honestly imo, the Meg pick was the biggest throw; Both Gray and Berry dont do enough damage so Frank would've been able to break walls (helps Maisie while hurting Berry & Draco) and he can still hide behind the perma walls. Then have Chuck go Cordelius to costantly mute and grab Draco so he cant gadget/heal off the point. Very good draft by your team tho, you won the game from the start just based on it
>>1682129You know I was actually praying the entire time the last pick wasn't frank simply because he counters Draco very hard.>Very good draft by your team tho, you won the game from the start just based on itThank you :3
>>1682042I like Sandy he's fun.
Honestly, if they make a change this big, they should at least refund all gadgets so that players can rebuy the ones that are good after the patch. Same with the +1 gears.
>>1682266>they should at least refund all gadgetsThis is probably the most single-digit-IQ take I've ever had the chance of hearing.
>>1682266I doubt they would do that lol. But it would be nice to refund the gears though.
>>1682049>it's more like an excuse to push another monetization routeexactly what sprung in my mind the second I heard about the ranked pass.
>>1682049>>1682446>"MUH HECKIN SKINERINOS -ACK"Total. Cosmetic. DEATH.only fags who have a hate boner for progression would dislike this change
>>1681850Yo, I'm actually kind of excited for this. Especially the gadget cooldown mechanic. I always disliked how some brawlers are basically defined by their gadget.
You know what, I'd thought the Hypercharge skins were the response to Chinese skins, but now with the Pro skins coming to the game, I think we be eating good now
>>1682266>>1682440The plus one gears are gonna be cooldown reduction gears which I think will be fair
>>1682592It all depends on how big the reduction is. Right now +1 gear is among the best ones you can buy for like half of the brawlers. With the gadget rework, all those gears you bought might suddenly become shit.
>>1682596I heard it's fifteen percent which was close to my guess of twenty percent. I think twenty would be more fair but I'm sure they've play tested right?
>>1682599Sure, but imagine someone like Nita or Jessie. They can only use gadgets when their pets are active, so the cooldown reduction will be completely meaningless. You will not be able to use it twice during a single super.
>>1682608Maybe you won't but I think very few people buy plus one with those brawlers
>>1682651holy poop you just killed that anon
>>1681850With the new ranked requirements, it's only gonna get that much harder for F2P accounts to take advantage of this new avenue of account progression.12 power 11's? Bros, that's like an entire year of F2P progression assuming you play regularly and don't do dogwater in contests. Shit dude.Yeah, they give you three preselected max brawlers to borrow a season but still...
>>1682456don't ever talk to me again you freak
So, which gadget is getting the 30s cooldown?
>>1682738Well if you're not willing to go the extra mile to play COMPETITIVELY than go back to ladder, filthy casual.
If Melodie was a real idol, I’d go to all of her performances just to end up passing out and waking up with dirt in my mouth, left to die in a Walmart Parking Lot like, 3 blocks from the concert venue. I love Melodie.
>>1684016If Melodie was a real idol I would lick the excess spit on her microphone. I want the phlegm. I want the mucus. I want to sniff her freshly-pooped buttcheeks while she calls me a stupid ugly bastard and tells me to go die. I want the fart, I want the shit. I want her to fucking piss on my face as I enjoy her idol seed. I want to have her force me to eat my own cum in a chastity cage while she steps on my balls.Should I kms?
>>1684016>>1684058You're both degenerate and cringe
If Melodie was a real idol I'd kiss her and love her and take romantic walks on the beach with her
>>1684016>>1684058You're both degenerate and I agree with you.
>>1682456Cosmetics are the only thing why this game is worth playing lmao. I don't care about progression because I'm nearly maxed out.Why else would you play a toddler's game? Please don't tell me you think this is a competitive serious gae
>>1684128Thank you, fellow Melodian.
>>1678037What's the best loadout for Ollie? Any tips for solo SD? I wanna push him to 1k
>>1685488I used jump gadget, shield star power, +1 and damage gears.
I'm starting to notice a pattern.
Quick Chuck, Squeak or Mr.P
is there anything to gain from watching the emea championship
>>1685989If you go to, you can earn some free drops. It's almost over now, though. But they'll have more monthly finals next weekend. When the ranked update happens, you will be able to earn points for the season track by watching these esports streams.
Something I’ve noticed is, I swear Melodie has a different VA from her first music video. Like, in this newer one she sounds different, I can’t tell if it’s just different audio editing or what but, I like how her voice sounds in the newer one. What do you all think?
>>1686036>both checking their phones during their date with Bo Assholes.
draco is cute & im anodine at the negation of that statement because im not arround anyone whith which i'd have to denny it
>>1686754were you drunk when posting this? or was this typed with one hand?
I don’t care if playing Kit is only for braindead 6 year olds. Whenever I win with him, I feel so much joy it’s better than any drug.
>>1683149>he thinks throwing money at a game for children means he's more competitive Lol
Any1 else lowkey have an orgasm coming across a legendary starr drop? I heard that happened with a friend of mine haha. Weird right?
They should let power points to be converted into mastery. Grinding for titles is autistic as fuck.
>>1687020Did you, did you orgasm from getting a legendary Starr drop? You can tell us. We won’t judge.
>>1686971Do you also thumbs down every time you get a kill
>>1687157Nah, I rarely play kit actually, but whenever I do, I feel like a fucking goblin.
>>1687020No because the drops are never anything worthwhile, even when they are legendary
>>1679925Juju is the best thrower rn, by far. Gregory is ridiculous. She's the only brawler I actively dread facing to the point I'll just dodge or close the app if im just not feeling like dealing with her.>>1686971I only like playing him the wrong way. Ya know, as um, a SUPPORT. I only use the tom&jerry cloud on isolated, practically dead targets, or the pounce to bait ppl and then just claw them.I never play him in showdown because thats just way too gay for me.
>>1687523You sound lame
>>1687020nothing more dissapointing than getting an emote or spray.
>>1687523One thing i like doing with Juju right now on this knockout map is activating my speed boost gadget in either of these 2 pools of water, getting to the middle first and then raping the entire enemy team with slows since they all either go mid or towards the left bush 90% of the time
Thanks to the event mastery bonus, I was finally able to muster up enough gold to upgrade all brawlers to level 11. Now I'm missing just one hypercharge, three star powers, and two brawlers have an empty gear slot. I can't even remember the last time I spent money on this game, it was probably for a brawl pass back when we still had chromatic brawlers.
>>1685488Health/Damage/Speed gear, +1 gear, Jump gadget, Shield SP.I prefer health since you can play more aggressive with it (less time being forced to fall back). Damage gear is good since he really needs the damage and speed gear is nice on all tanks. Gadgets are debatable but a jump gadget (on a tank mind you) helps immensely with survival, the other gadget requires you to have ammo, be alive enough for the hypnotize to actually work, and for it to actually land. With a brawler with a shit main attack, I think attaching anything, even a 0.5 stun, isn't that favorable.Is it even debatable which star power is better?
Does anyone else just hoard these until the end. I think it's more fun that way.
>>1688306For me, it's instant gratification
>>1688306Nah, I'm really starving in power points so I need every extra bit I can get.
>>1688070>he thinks not throwing money at a children's game makes you poorLol
>>1688473>Unintelligible peasant whiningBack to harvesting potatoes, poorfag.
>>1688474>UnintelligibleGuess only an idiot that wastes money on a children's game would have difficulty understanding basic sentences lol
>>1688475>GAME... LE KIDS! LE KIDS... LE BAD!Holy shit if this is such a game for kids than what's an adult (I assume you're 18+) doing on a game for kids? You keep on repeating this sentiment over and over and over.If you TRULY find this game to be completely childish and trivial, why the fuck are you even here?Guess only an idiot would waste time on something they consider childish and so beneath them.
>>1688477>all this seething because someone isn't retarded enough to waste money on a children's gameLol
>>1688479I see you didn't address a single point I made.
>>1688481You started seething because you can't comprehend people enjoying a F2P game. There's no justification for throwing money away on this game, you're just too childish to understand that.
>>1688484I'm starting to think this is bait if you can't fathom the reasoning behind spending money on a hobby you enjoy. Life is too short to be pissing your pants over $20 here and there.
>>1688485>noooo you can only enjoy something if you waste money on itJewcell, pls
>>1688486>you can only enjoy something if you waste money on itNice strawman, I NEVER said you can *only* enjoy something by spending money on it.Stop acting like you're "better than thou" because you put yourself in some financial chastity cage like some monk.
>>1688488>still being this upset people aren't throwing away momey on a children's gameJewcell...
>>1688493>Everyone who spends THEIR money on things they enjoy is a money-mongering KIKE!Being this retarded should be illegal. If I was an actual Jew I wouldn't be wasting my time on a site full of mentally-ill nobodies when I could be brainwashing people in power and working my way up the ladder.Think about this anon. I never said I have a problem with F2P players, if I was an actual jew I would be pushing players to consoom all the time. All I said was if you're not willing to go the extra mile to play competitively than don't play at all. It isn't for everybody and that's okay, I'm just sick and tired of casuals shitting up the things I enjoy for the sake of being inclusive. Oh boohoo you need 12 power 11s. I shouldn't have to put up with your shitty power 9s just for the sake of being inclusive.
>>1688496>All I said was if you're not willing to go the extra mile to play competitively than don't play at allYou don't need to waste money to play "competitively", but I'm sure if you're a casual, you need all the help you can get and need to spend that money to feel like you're progressing lol
>>1688498>You don't need to waste money to play "competitively", but I'm sure if you're a casual, you need all the help you can get and need to spend that money to feel like you're progressing lolI do agree, my apologies if you took it as in me saying you HAVE to spend money.They're still buffing F2P? Yes, the gap between P2P and F2P is getting larger I do acknowledge that, but it's not like F2P is left in the dust, forgotten. The valentines event is literally giving away 10k+ coins, we just had a couple challenges with sweet rewards (mind you with no brawler cap since everyone is automatically P11). Ranked is getting a nice rework which will undoubtedly boost progression much further than previous installments.
lmao they realized we're not going to make it, so they had to make this pop up
>>1688813Mortis is the clear choice
supercell better not fuck up the gadget rework, methinks the cooldowns should be anywhere from 12-30 seconds
>>1689230also now they can start reverting gadget nerfs like crows shield and slow gadget while increasing the cooldown time, finally make brawler kits strong again
>>1689230I hope we get dynamike fidget spinner meta with 5 or 7 sec cooldown
>>1689238i hope we get you getting castrated meta with 0 or 0 sec cooldown
>"BRO, just go Mr. P! Trust me he's actually pretty good into Max, Angelo and Pearl! Trust me, Mr. P is actually a good choice on Shooting Star into two 'Very Fast' brawlers. He is really good into aggression guys just believe me on this :0"
>>1689283fokk I meant Angelo, Melodie and Pearl, eitherway the bot is retarded
>>1653142I'm starting to like Wipeout more than Solo Showdown. It's not as random, you get multiple chances, and you're working in a team, it's more like a miniature war.
>>1689470to be honest was solo slopdown ever good? except for showdown+, it was just cringe edgars and faggoted surges
I got the berry and buzz hypercharge
Why did they leave only the gay options? Whatever, Mandy ig
What are the most skilled brawlers so far? I don't take this game super seriously but I like challenges sometimes
>>1690009Mortis and Mandy.
>>1689954Melodie, Sam, and Colt are definitely up there.Chuck being used effectively on other gamemodes not Hot Zone or Heist.
>>1690009Max and Buster.
>>1688306it's something I'd normally do but as the other person said I'm usually in need of coins or power points so I just open them as I collect them, or just save them until I'm ready to stop playing for the day.
>>1689947I got Ash and Brock.
>>1690171It's just the tailend brawlpass starr drops are so disappointing, hoarding them like that actually incentives me to keep completing the quests that come up.At least they're not as bad as MegaPig Starr Drops. I'm pretty sure they have a neutered loot pool from regular starr drops.This was what I got from 23 MegaPig Starr drops.
>>1690191Brawl talk is when?
>>1691159Should've been mortis
>>1691159The whole studio is made up of internet connoisseurs and memesters I see.
>>1691159Charlie makes the most sense. She fits he's family animal motif. Still Mortis should've won though.
They posted another teaser for tomorrow's talk.
The brawl talk is 10:11 in duration (probably because explaining the ranked changes takes time). YouTube video tags reveal the new brawlers to be named Finx and Lumi (lumi is Finnish for snow).
>>1691352>Carnival Mandy's crown is in bottom right.The return of sex.
>>1691376There's also an egg pam, we might get it for April Fools.
So if you get a team of 3 to play together and get the most MegaPig Wins, all three will just count for the #1,#2,#3 spots and the three players will earn +3 Starr Drops instead of 3x,2x,1x bonus.Usually it's first come, first serve but it's cool they did an exception to this. So the most 3 people could get in any megapig event is 23 starr drops.
>>1691670Three drops is literally nothing. No, it may actually be worse than nothing.
>>1691683Lol, yeah, that's like 150 extra coins near-best case scenario? Just figured it was worth sharing since the Brawl Stars wikis didn't mention what would happen if all three top contributors played in a team the entire time.
>>1690559The best thing I’ve ever gotten from a mega pig was a free hyper charge which was pretty sweet. It was Tara’s.
>>1691159>French + Native AmericanTheir kid will be a Méti
>>1691159Damn, girl. Relax. He is not going anywhere lol
>>1692060He wants that Big Bo Cock.
>>1691836I've gotten brawlers and hypercharges from MegaPig. If you have a club and teams in them that can reach 240 collective wins from a total possible 450Tickets without too much of a headache/hassle and you see yourself enjoy playing the matches it's still worth doing in my opinion.But, again, only if you guys can max the pig out to 20 possible starr drops.It's an offensive waste of time otherwise.
Which hypers did you like the most?Carl: Potentially broken, but mainly because of the speed buff.Mandy: Semi-broken, but I don't like playing her.Hank: Shit, only good on open maps, but Hank is shit on open mapsBo: Shit. Having two set of mines isn't that useful if you're playing against good players.Bea: Absolute garbage.Meg: Also shit.Mr. P: Really good.Buster: Shit. Does nothing.Chester: Broken good.Lola: Meh. Really boring one.Grom: Broken good. Similar to Squek's hyper, but better.Sam: Broken.The final ratings depend on how fast the hypers charge, though.
>>1692559I don't see Mandy's Hyper being that great. It looks similar to her Mutation, and during that event almost everyone agreed it was really underwhelming. I'm actually kinda surprised they went with it again. I'm excited for her new skin though. I hope it has a feet profile pic, to match the Piper one. It would be funny on my battle card.I think Bo's and Chester Hypers might be fun to play with. Carl maybe on heist?Like I said a month ago >>1659306 I really wish they gave my girl Bonnie a Hypercharge. I am begging on my hands and knees for at least a buff in the next patch.
>>1692568The reason Mandy's mutation was shit was because all the other mutations were much more broken. If you compare it to other snipers' hypers like Brock's, Belle's, or Piper's, it seems rather good.
>>1692573I used her a few times during the event. And the main problem was that the other two beams never hit anyone and I don't really see that changing now. I suppose we will wait and see though.
>>1692183You mean the Big Bo Bock?
>>1692559Hank's really good. The missiles do a lot of damage, even if only one hits that's already good enough
>>1692568>no Bea skinDam.
>>1692585She's pretty cute.
>>1692585I don't like how they implied Rico has feelings for her. I thought he was for Piperand Lumi should be for ME
>>1692597They Said Draco, not Rico
Ruffs shooting three projectiles instead of the usual two.
>>1692655oh. I guess I misheard. Makes more sense too, but that faggot loser doesn't deserve her
Meeple is unironically literally me
>>1692597Too late.
>>1676124Bro, I started playing a few months ago, already have half the brawlers and I'm already dreading fame. What kind of sick bastard came up with this? Literally just an excuse to siphon the most valuable credits to keep you coming back.
What are the two new brawlers' rarity? I don't think they mention in in the talk.
>>1692968Be honest, how much money have you spent on the game?
Can they stop letting ESLs host brawl talks? Their voices annoy me
>>1693000Sure, ong.4 Brawl Pass Pluses.(2 of those "free" from the Google Rewards App, two bought directly from the supercellstore for the +20% bonus and ID Rewards.)And1 400 gem purchase on black Friday for $5So about 25 bucks of raw cash and $20 more from Google Rewards credit: $45I play every day to complete the quests and Daily drops. I also deliberately stall/drop my trophy counts so contests don't get too sweaty and I can complete the daily games quicker on some underleveled or difficult brawlers.No ragrets.
>>1693070This is gonna trigger the poorfags
>>1653142Sex with Melody
>>1693106I can hear it in her theme song.Sex with Melody~Cum inside of me~
New gadget cooldown times
>>1693463I was expecting a lot more of 7-8 second ones. This is pretty big nerf for some gadgets. Looks like Bibi is going to have endless healing with cooldowns that low. Jacky will be much better because the cooldown for her speedup is so short. The spin attack gadget for mortis might become good again at just 10 seconds.
Balance changes.
So, it seems that the daily login bonus thing is not random and it gives players a free hypercharge every 60 days (and 3 free gems every 30 days).
>>1693463>>1693483I cry.
>>1693480Additional notes on the gadget cooldowns.Colt: 11s for the reload 2 ammo gadget. Really good.Rosa: 10s to create a bush. Also really fucking good.8-Bit: 11s for the shoot more ammo gadget. Not as broken as Colt's, but may become viable.Ash: 8s to gain 40% rage in exchange for 10% HP. May become viable.
>>1693510>more feet player iconsThank you, Frank.
>>1693463I recommend saving this somewhere special. I think a shitton of these are going to get tweaked in the next year. Excited on finally being able to use some guilty pleasure trash brawlers like Jacky and not automatically throw a match for innocent strangers.
>>1693498Hopefully they keep buffing freebies for F2P. I'm pretty sure it is now impossible to eventually max an account as a strictly 2025 new F2P.Mabye the free RankedPass can make that a possibility again.
>>1692982Judging by their game mechanics, Finx's gonna be mythic and Lumi legendary
>>1693089>not wasting money on a game you can play for free makes you poorSuch a weird mentality
>>1693573No, they wouldn't put two legendaries in the same trio. They're likely both Mythic.
So her collab is happening for real?
>>1693820I would prefer a PvZ collab, but EA is deadset on keeping that franchise dead
So you don't even have to watch these events to get rewarded for voting in them?I literally just got a hypercharge from one of the starr drops given to me :0
>>1693843I'm just waiting for a Mario or Nintendo collab.
Please tell me this skin won't cost a fortune like King Frank
>>1693912>Nintendo collabIs that even possible? They are super protective abou their own IPs.
>>1693972So is Disney, and we just had a Pixar collab. Doesn't have to be main man Mario, but maybe some Nintendo IPs for fun.
>>1693912>>1693972>>1693979That's never gonna happen. Why would a a vastly superior game platform give out their characters to some peasant mobile game? Lmao
The only good thing I got from this most recent mega pig was Lou.
>>1694147are we going to pretend like nintendo didn't try to get into the mobile market some years ago
>>1694165This is what I got from 23 Starr Drops this month
Finx confirmed to be Mythic in today's sneak peek videos.
>>1694147Supercell and nintendo both have similar valuationsBrawl stars makes supercell more than half a billion per year
This update is mid, well I hope the next one will be better
Hypercharges of Pam, Gus, and Willow have leaked. Pam's hyper makes her healing station give a regenerating shield to anyone within range. Gus's hyper is like Maisie's, it just shoots balloons in all directions around him. Willow's hyper makes her invincible while her super is active.
>>1694167>>1694275Nintendo already has a Brawl game. They're not going to give out their characters, and Brawl Stars has only been using non-video game characters so far, no reason to believe they would ever aquire Mario characters for their platform.
Nobody really has a game like brawl. They must be too dumb to implement one.
Really looking forward to the Finx Feet Pix
>Carl, Mandy, Hank, Bo, Bea, Mr. PWhich hypers are you buying tomorrow? I'm thinking Mr. P and either Carl or Bea.
>>1694393Mr.Psi normally wait for hypercharge drops but since ive been waiting for a drop for months for another brawler im not gonna bother with one of my mains im just paying the 5k straight up
lmao thanks supercell it was only broken for two years, no biggie
Lumi is also Mythic, for those who were asking.
>>1694393Got Bo and Mr P. Pretty good stuff.
>>1694393Just tested out Mandy and Bo on trio showdown. Mandy's is pretty mid at best. Bo's is good but I think it takes a long time to charge
>>1695033In 3v3 matches, Bo's hyper charges fast unless you're playing against some super pro players.
>>1695056And Bo isn't that good in showdown where the map is big. Modes like gem grab or hot zone where you know where the enemy brawlers are going to be are the best for him.
>>1694850As a Willow main i demand 500 gems as compensation
>>1695061Also, the gadget change was beneficial for Bo. He can now have the totem up pretty much all the time.
Thanks, ranked.
Sexual intercourse with Melodie.
Lumi sneak peeks are out.
>>1695313I hate that Piper Skin so much. She looks like a wine aunt with a tranny chin.
>>1695313Best Piper skin
And this time, don't fucking make a new thread until this one hits page 10.
>>1678325non-overweight version
Did they swap out Heist for Hockey? I havent got it yet, and am kinda glad since I tend to lose it the most>>1695449Holy cow nice shot!
Melody's reaction has a kinda shit voice. Was her character supossed to have a shit voice??
I hope they collab with Palworld to send Nintendo to shitterland like the Terraria guys did.
I guess Ollie can now use his jump gadget during his super too.
>hockey in rankedholy fuck this is cancer
>>1695465that was NOT overweight.
>>1696004I just pick Sandy with his stun gadget and win everytime! :D
>>1696054>hasnt played vs stun immune frank>hasnt played vs stun immune max dash>hasnt played vs mortis>hasnt played vs stu
>>1696056Stun Sandy typically works great against Mortis in my experience. But fair enough, stun immune frank does sound kinda scary.
>>1695453I want to make the thread right now
How are you liking the new hypers and the gadget rework? I feel like brawlers who are able to spam their gadgets right on cooldown gained the most.
I just started this game and likely wasted my pass rewards on bad characters. Hank, because he was stomping me so I thought he was good (reading thread maybe not) and Darryl (I didn't even see the daily tree that'd get me his upgrades anyway FML I just like pirates and blunderbusses) but it's still infinitely better than bullet echo, I was sleeping on this game hard. Any advice in what characters to focus on and best use for gems? Biggest bottlecap atm seems to be coins so I assume it's that. So far I've unlocked. Any other advice for a beginner welcome too.
>>1696293So far I've unlocked:Shelly, Nita, Bull, Brock, El Primo, Barley, Poco, Jessie, 8-Bit, Darryl, Jackie, Bo, Hank and Melodie
>>1696293save gems for event packs that usually give a lot better dealsfocus on grinding mastery in higher trophies for the 1k gold cashout each at master 1 and 5 iircmeta is whatever you have fun with its been surge and rico for the last 7 patches.
>>1696293Best use for gems is those new Hypercharge deals. The ones in the shop rn. (Just the Hypercharge ones, not the ones that max out your brawler too.) They give the best gem to coin ratio.For characters to level up >>1696295 , out of those I would personally pick Melodie, Darryl and Nita.Though with the recent balance changes I could be really off. You should just focus on characters you enjoy, otherwise you might be wasting resources on someone you will never play.Most new players I find like playing Brock and Darryl.
>>1696331>>1696339Thank you for the advice. Now to get those coins needed to get those gem hypers....
>>1696293Nita, Gus, Penny, Griff, and Darryl are great competitive brawlers you can get in your first month playing the game. They're easy to pick up and play but they leave a lot of room for someone dedicated to master and make some dirty plays with them.Spike, Jessie, and Emz are nowhere near as good as you'll probably think they are.
>new cute boy brawler finally released>loose shirt, very short pants, extremely cute>suckable toes>worst fucking voice ever, literally nails on a chalkboardthanks
>>1696484finx guys voted for this
>>1696293i pick my brawlers using skins they have, if i want this skin i try to use them.except meg, she is a good all rounder
>>1696582what? It's been out since yesterday. I bought the full pack because I love her to death
Supercell is currently recruiting alpha testers for a TPP shooting game titled the Boat Game.
>>1696525What's the matter? Too skill-based for you?
>>1696468He's somehow a bigger dork than Meeple and Carl.
>>1696585FugI feel like a retard now.
>>1696468The dev team has some kind of kink for giving brawlers "unique" unexpecting voices. Moe's voice and voice lines being so fucking awful is literally the only reason I don't play him lol. I remember hating Lou's voice back when he first released too.
>>1696588Pirate battle royale?
I hate these new maxed brawlers in ranked. Have way too many noobs using them and being complete shit with them.
>>1696293>>1696295You are generally looking to build a good, well rounded team for ranked, which means a few, high level, characters.You can get away with filling gadget, star and sometimes hyper with star rewards, but gear must be bought. You can manipulate RNG somewhat, as you will generally get star and gadgets only for brawlers that are high enough level first. So getting your favorites to 9 early, and then letting them sit until you get star powers is a thing. You need 3 characters at 9 for ranked. Daryl, at least one longer ranged character, and one of your choice that you like.Darryl is solid and flexible. He's good at close, at bushy, and also can do shit like cross water. Focus on him for a while. You're going to pick up penny, who is noob friendly, >>1696357Remember, you want sale prices on hyperchargers. They'll throw a lot of bad deals at you.
>>1696468>extremely cute>>suckable toesWhat the FUCK is wrong with you?>>1696525Look at the alternatives on that voting thing.
>>1696964They'd be shit anyways. Rank up until you don't have shitters anymore. Until then you deserve them.
>>1696964EMZ is the only one I have an issue with. She's ridiculously easy to use and she's a noobstomper on ladder, so ofc the randumbs will gravitate to her. Against people that are capable at baiting her super/gadget, it's very very difficult to not become a liability for your team.If they don't change the piercing gas gadget on her, you should probably open your schedule for the next few hours or the day and dodge that game, because you just lost that match before it even began bro
>>1696975>They'd be shit anywaysYes. But they'd at least be shit with brawlers they regularly use and not ones they have no experience with>Rank up until you don't have shitters anymoreSuch insight. Very wisdom. Wow. Much professional. Doesn't make the slog of ranking past carrying my team any less annoying. Faggot.
>>1696974>Look at the alternatives on that voting thing.I thought Soul Collector was pretty fair. I had fun with it too.
The only issue with hockey is that 3 goals to win is too high for a 3v3 match. It made sense in 2v2 where it is easier to score, but should be lowered to 2 goals like in brawl ball. Otherwise hockey is fine. It's the mode with the highest skill ceiling.
Seems like they handed out some emergency nerfs
The previous ranked was more fun, this one feels like a slog I don't even want to play it anymore and im at gold, usually I made it to legendary every season
>>1696293Just get whatever brawler you find fun>>1696289Gadget rework is fun, I enjoy spamming stuff ngl. The new hypers are mid and pointless
>>1696595>>1696974Tbh i liked, but dont spread it
>>1697240I think it also depends on the map; the map with the mirrored L wall-design has no good way to score the puck by trickshotting, and most times you have to walk it in because by the time people respawn they just catch it. Meanwhile the others atleast have some walls intended for you to bounce the puck off of and get a goal if the enemy team isnt positioned well.
What do you all think was the worst Brawl Stars update in history?
>>1697459Gears was fucking awful
I think the Mr P hyper would be more balanced if the hyper porters didn't move so goddamn fast.
we need a jess animu skin next
How do I deal with Mortis because holy shitFucking health of a Frank and fucking zooms around the map with his ficking shovelYes, I am a new player
>>1697683you don't, he's broken. His only counters are shotgunners and brawlers who can push him away, everybody else just eats shit against him. And to think there was a time when he was considered bad
>>1697459Getting rid of the boxes and moving more and more towards P2W for any real progression.
>>1697683Any brawlers with pets fucks him up.
>>1697683Very few players are actually good with Mortis, he's usually a non factor.
I would like to humbly apologise. Mandy's Hyper is actually really fucking good. Carl's is also not as bad as I've seen others say it is.>>1697683If you're playing rank pick a counter. He's weak to deployables, tanks, and most other assassins. If you are unfortunate enough to be playing a low dmg brawler, like a Sharpshooter or thrower. Your best bet is to just stay away from him or stay in range of you're other teammates. Remember not to stay too close to your teammates or he will hit both of you.
Ever since the update I have been getting more AFK people and people who just start standing still in the middle of a game. At 500+ trophies. Did they change something with the matchmaking or is it just me?
>>1697459The worst was the season surge came out. They left us probably with the worst meta EVER (gale+mr p+surge) and it was hell. Not only that but there was almost no content during that update except that monster thing that got boring the day it came out AND on top of that the entire team went on vacation for a month not fixing anything.I always found the vacation excuse so retarded given supercell is a billion dollar company and completely capable of managing time correctly
I want to murder the fucking retards who instapick Leon, Emz, or Gene and those who play Brawl Hockey like Brawlball.
Pro passssssssss
>>1653142Trio showdown is fun but I think wipeout still beats it. Due to the number of players and the ability for them to come back so long as one person remains, it's easy to get into a situation where you're at 4 power cubes fighting against someone with 18 power cubes.
>>1698316Would you rather prefer they picked a level 9 brawler with no star power or gears, and the wrong gadget?
>>1698557It would probably be an equal tradeoff honestly. The idiots who instapick the maxed brawlers, 9 times out of 10, don't have any experience with them and just end up being dead weight anyway. The maxed bullshit is also annoying for people who already have those characters maxed out and know hot to utilize them. I just avoid picking any of the 3 now.
>>1698557Right? At least they do more chip damage. They would have been deadweight regardless but at least now they got a few thousand more damage to their stats.
Is ranked bugged right now?I have played 3 games now where the enemy team has picked brawlers I have banned.
>>1698757Diamond is bugged. You can play banned brawlers as long as you pre picked them.
>>1698316I know how you feel. Those mutants are usually the worst trash possible.>>1698557You say that as if they don't usually do that, or are somehow going to do better.>>1698561That's only IF they can land any attacks. The ones I saw barely function or act as if there's a human behind the screen.
I>>1653142I want to sniff both of their armpits
>Obsessed with cats>Clearly Anubis-inspired outfitIs he retarded
>Finally unlocked kitMortisniggers gonna get it finally
>>1698961Kit is no longer good because of the gadget change.
>>1698990I dont't care. I juat wanna ruin fun for Mortis, even if I am just gonna stun him for few seconds. I am tired of these faggots not letting me play. If I can't have fun - no one else gonna have it, too.
You guys did win the championship challenge right?
Gene is so fun and op, I'm 100% building him next season
>>1698593I wasn't serious.I'm basically saying regardless of what they pick, teammates at these ranks will more likely than not be deadweight.You ever seen a dumbass use Juju and still somehow be worthless. It's really something...
>>1698557>>1698588>>1699302I think if you're depending on people at gold level or below to do ANYTHING but absorb ammo, you have a bad plan.>You ever seen a dumbass use Juju and still somehow be worthless. It's really something...I went blind random this champion challenge, and I saw a gale vs Mortis, El Primo and Rosa on brawl ball and still only land about 2 hits for the entire match. Some of these people are playing worse than the basic bots.
>>1699015Partner with a Daryl on certain maps, and he's still great. And dumping on mortis is always morally correct, same with Edgar.
>>1698943Considering his outfit is a cardboard box on his head? that tracks.
>>1697683Remember that mortis needs ammo to move, and he's difficult to use around walls. At 11, he does 2k per hit, so 1 to approach, 4k, then super for another 2k or so, so any tanky character above 6k health is a tough fight for him. Although not a great brawler, my favorite when I know there's a mortis that I want to fuck up particularly is Pam. Autoheal super means he needs to double chain supers to win, and if I have a lose ammo gadget up, he's completely fucked.
>>1696979If you're getting the ranked limit wins in, you only need like a 25 percent win ratio to get to mid diamond on the first week, and by that time most of that shit goes away. And this season you have way more shitters launching so it's far more likely you'll be the best player of the game. Even if you're a reddit posting shitter like you.And obviously in mythic, it's a 100 percent non issue.
>>1697683For most, squishy brawlers, your best weapon is proper spacing. If mortis uses all his ammo to get to you, he can't do shit.
>>1699341You sound very insecure about a children's game
>Chester's hypercharge in less than 24 hours
>>1699367Are you retarded?
>>1699372Just checked and it seems like the next batch is in April, i guess i am
>>1698943Nintendo Labo strongest soldier
>>1699360If it's a children's game why the fuck are you complaining about having to carry children or being teamed with them? Ranked even at low diamond is 100 for a win 50 for a loss, plus bonuses. If you're slogging it there, you deserve it.>>1699372He likes chester.
>>1699577You sound very insecure defending a children's game
>>1700150Seems like a good change, especially since they didnt bring back Snake Prairie. Surprised so many people commented that they want heist back though, imo it makes too many brawlers unusable especially on certain maps
>>1700324On the other hand, there are some brawlers who are only usable in Heist.
>>1699018No because i play with randoms and can only carry my teams so much.
Brawl Hockey is such a dogshit mode
>>1699671Don't hold back with that weakness anon, or you'll be a disappointment here just like you are to your teammates.
>>1700740You sound VERY insecure
>>1700748Not him but bro, just make an active effort to get better at the game.You being dogshit ruins the experience for people who just want to have fun and not have to carry games all by themselves.This applies with anything competitive. Stop being such a carebear.
>>1700753NTA but you sound like you're projecting. Maybe stop being so insecure?
>>1700759Haha. Okay.You have a good day.
I'm an insecure person, but i never project my insecurity...I'm an Edgar main btw
hockey > heist
People who hate hockey are bad at the game.
>>1700824This but the other way around
WHY IS HE SPAMMING MELEE ATTACKS AT A DISTANCE CAN'T HE SEE HE HAS NO REACH?On a side note I have shit characters but figured the maxxed characters for ranked suck, what's the play here?
Sandnigger day tomorrow.
I was having fun with 5v5 knockout until I got above 1000 trophies. Now it's just lame ass teams abusing Hank.I'm sad.
5v5 knockout is by far the worst game mode in this whole game
Hockey brawl in 3x3 isnt that bad
>>1701914hockey ranked i think takes the victory.
Should i switch?
>>1702342Sure, why not.
The brawl pass is only 28 days but I could've sworn the previous ones were 30 days. Are we getting swindled again?
Not every season is the same length.
10 free gems in the online store btw
>>1702390The recent Starr Lord season was 35 days I think. It's the only reason I was able to get the legendary star dropp on some minis.
This event's loading screen goes so hard. The runes, the grains of sand levitating to the cosmos, and Meeple looking formidable for once.
Cool mummy frank desu