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I only got Gacha or otherwise online only games, need something better when going off the road without wasting much data or need to be offline.
Slay the spire, vampire survivor, bloodstained, castlevania sotn, soulknight, 20 minutes untildawn, maybe dead cells. I know its just port from pc.
Slice & Dice, Mindustry, EBF5, Antiyoy, Hoplite, Roto Force, Path of Adventure, Ice Cream Disaster
Oddworld games
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any witchspring games
labyrinth of the witch
otherworld legends
dungeon cards
juicy realm
last walpurgis
buriedborne 1 and 2
zakuzaku craft
maybe out of all those kemcoslops there are few good ones idk
Shattered Pixel Dungeon
Every single Kairosoft game
final destiny beyond the end of the world
bejeweled 3
alto's odyssey
pacman 256

you can also use emulators, lots of games there
PvZ 2 Reflourished
>testing in this dead thread
>any witchspring games
most are literally unplayable due to compatibility-breaking OS updates
I like tomb of the mask when my internet is out.
you can download Joiplay and then play any Pokemon Essentials based fan game and more
Unciv. It's literally the only good civ 5 clone. It's has no ads, No microtramsaction shit, no gachashit and a tons of mod ton create such comparable experience like you playing civ 5 (the best Civilization series all time
Any games with character creation?
Candies and Curses
>Any good Offline Mobile Games?

Doubling Slice & Dice, it's probably the best dice based game i've ever played.

Also try Star Traders: Frontiers by Trese brothers.
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My man!
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if you like turn-based gameplay, you might like ex astris
it's a one time $10 purchase
there are talks about dlcs too
morrowind through openmw. also theres a janky star wars total conversion for it
How do you get that
Chicken Draw
Simon Tatham's Puzzles
Bump since I'm taking some long ass flights in a month or two, got a few suggestions from this thread to take a closer look at or install though which is nice

(Slice & Dice, Path of Adventure, Rancamo, Dungeon Cards, ZakuzakuCraft, Shattered Pixel Dungeon, bejeweled 3, Candies and Curses are the ones I wrote down)
If you like puzzle games you could try the color games by Bart Bonte, they’re a personal favorite of mine.
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Don't think soul knight is offline anymore.. Otherworld legends still is which is the better game tbqh.

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