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Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Mei ending services on February 27th:
The game already had signs of ending as they released the final chapter of the main story during December and on the latest event you had the entire cast giving the player a Thank You for supporting the game.
>>1656183 (OP)
Sex with Mion.
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>>1656183 (OP)
It was surprising it lasted as long as it did, I was expecting it to go end of service by the end of year one. I guess Higurashi is still somewhat popular in japan despise the reception of Sotsu Gou.
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btw the current event rerun lets you get red fragments for both Sonozaki Twins
Yeah, for a tie-in anime gacha lasting 4 years is not bad, and looking at japanese Higufans that played this game it seems that they liked the story of Mei much more than GouSotsu (the few things I got to understand were entertaining even if a bit convoluted, specially mid-story).
I hope we see the Mei trio again at some point.
>>1656183 (OP)
Good fucking riddance, those nu-designs were awful.
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Rerun of last year's valentines event, expedition quest and club raids availables again.
Also banner of true hinamizawa syndrome teen Satoko and Rika and dark monsters Keiichi and Rena.
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Now to wait for the end.
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Last rerun the game will ever have, also they closed down the shop so you can't buy more demon stones.

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