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RIP Brave Battles, you were a pain in the ass from beginning to end.
I'm glad brave battles died, now I can just auto 2 every day and completely ignore that stupid mode and all the characters that are made for it
>premium banner
It'll be nothingburgers from now until EoY huh?
I tried the new Bleach puzzle game and I got stuck. It's built to be impossible unless you use items that can either be earned through watching ads or by spending in-game currency.
What happened? I only see it was a regression to how it used to be at early years but with limited chances

>+5 months old last thread
I need EOM to be good. I have over 50k orbs because I keep skipping banners. I just want to have fun with a new character.
You will consume your premioslop and you will LOVE it!
Bbs threads usually last for about 5 to 6 months. Kinda strange cause by the time this one dies, it'll be halfway to anniversary again.
Nigga 50k? At this point I would just start burning orbs for the fuck its. Shit I had 15k and just started summoning for dupes and pvp crap cause this game is that fucking boring. Someone said the new skill might mean giselle coming soon but I honestly don't expect shit till EoY.
bleach puzzle>>>>>>
I'd take premium monster Aizen.
I'm a veteran that has been playing the game since 2016. I made a new account last year and have been very careful with my orb resources. I hope EOM is either Bankai Rukia or Sternritter.
Last year's September EOM was Halloween Burn The Witch. Maybe we will get Halloween again, maybe not.
I hope it's nothing gay, like pumpkin Orihime.
That would be boring and lazy of KLab. I'd take another Bambietta seasonal over that.
My new phone is coming today. To celebrate I hope we finally get Giselle. If not, I will also take cute Halloween seasonals.
Same. I hope one of em is a DPS.
>the most generic TYBW EOM of all time
>terrible fillers
>insanely boring characters (oh boy, GQ and pvp)
lmao. They'll do anything to not have to release a new character, nothing but remakes from here on out boys. Here's hoping we got something hilarious from that new status ailment that was datamined so Gisellefags can get dabbed on. Maybe a weird seasonal Shinji out of nowhere.
>new status ailment
It'll be a Brujería Zommari remake.
We're finally getting Bankai Rukia and true Bankai Renji though. This banner is insane. My only complaint is that Renji is PvP.
Also both Byakuya and Rukia have status immunity which is really cool.
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Renji being pvp is fine. Dunno why faggots are crying when his new bankai is just him having a brawl with another character who was melee based. It's not like he was shooting beams or making clones.
PvP's fucking dead that's why, a persistence character doesn't exactly have much value when no one feels like 'playing' the new brave battles
Why are characters so pvp/gq-oriented these days? I want playable characters. I don't mind if they're not powercreeps of current top tier pve characters, but what's the point of rolling Rukia if I can't use her at all outside gq? I think I'll just stop caring and save until we get actually playable characters.
Based KLab finally giving some love to Bleach's MC who somehow has very few units

>these days
It has been years since, anon
Pvp/gq oriented characters have always existed. It's part of how the game works. It won't change. Fags are mad because this time it's one of their favs, just like the ice faggot that came with Cang Du.
I assure you if Renji or Rukia were usable outside those modes they would play with them for 2-3 months until next shiny thing. That's how much of a faggots they are.
Nigga the whole game is dead, that's like saying Raids and Point Event is some hype shit. You summon, you play with the damn unit for like half a month before you get bored, rinse, repeat. Modes dont mean shit anymore unless you're that sweaty. That's why Rukia being GQ and Renji being BB doesn't mean shit, ppl acting like they do zero damage outside those modes.
>Fags are mad because this time it's one of their favs, just like the ice faggot that came with Cang Du.
>I assure you if Renji or Rukia were usable outside those modes they would play with them for 2-3 months until next shiny thing. That's how much of a faggots they are.

This, the retards are mad their ice bitch queen isn't some uber powerful unit that shuts down the game upon playing her. GQ and PVP for the whales is the only thing bringing in money these days so klab is putting pressure on those units. At this point summon for your favorites and stop bitching about a mode you dont play or dont summon and seethe that some fucking game code and data isn't what you want it to be.
Rukia deserved Frenzy+3.
Sorry, Anni characters only.
I'm not mad about guild quest or pvp, I'm just mad that it's ANOTHER fucking banner of remakes. I can't get hyped about this shit, TYBW doesn't feel special anymore at all, especially when the anniversary was TYBW. It all just feels interchangeable.
Most hype banner of the year (IMO) and it’s out on the day I have classes so I can’t stay up for it.
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>actually get something new from the free TYBW pull instead of my millionth zombie Toshiro
neat, hopefully rumors of her demise have been greatly exaggerated
41 steps...
>9 Oetsus
>8 Chojiros
>7 Bambis
>3 Askins
>3 Yamas
Pity ticket got me Byakuya
>Rukia’s SA3 isn’t full screen
Ahaha what the fuck. Are we 2016 now?
Watch. KLab will hit even more characters with ninja nerfs. They saw how strong the anni9 characters were and now feel the need to dial back some damage.
9th anniversary was bonkers because it was anni and because of the characters. White was ripping shit apart in 8th anni and 7th had Ichigo, Uryuu, and Yama just dominating everything. I dont expect another cracked unit until EoY.
Now this is some revisionist history, lol. 9th Anni Kenpachi is already dead and forgotten, and White never made any impact at all. 7th Anni Ichigo and Uryu were good but also never made much impact, especially Ichigo since retards complained endlessly about his SA1. Yama was never good either, just a boring GQ bot who became worthless once they nerfed his gimmick.
I'm talking about upon release you meta retard. And no, Gremmy is still far relevant with his sheer damage output and skills. By your logic, no unit will ever be cracked because next year will be better, which is a no fucking shit common sense idea.
sexcat soon?
I find it funny how Renji was made to specifically counter PvPQueenhime.
White was mega busted on release and 7th anni ichigo is still of the best options for his guild quest week. wtf are you talking about
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Now that the dust has settled, does anyone actually farm link slot / super link slot potions anymore? Or scrolls? It's actually insane how many materials I'm sitting on now because of login bonuses, I used to never have enough. Only time I use pot units anymore is for epic raids, and even then I'm just joining modchad rooms and only doing enough runs for the tickets, orbs, and scroll. Everything else I just get for free.
Link slot farmers are so overrated.
Fuck no, I dont farm shit anymore cept coins if I'm going broke. I'm annoyed cause my box is filling up with worthless crap instead of auto selling
I haven't farmed anything apart from events for the last what, 3 months? The way you get some link/super link potions of every color after using 10 tickets every day is enough for me
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>go to step 5
>hoping for Byakuya or Renji from the guaranteed
>get Rukia
>literally useless because I have Yumichika 2/5 and a parasol Shunsui already
How is KLab so fucking stupid? Make new units powerful. Rukia is such shit that there is zero reason to use her over my Mind Yhwach.
Not only is it stupid that she's objectively not even really better than Yumichika in the first place, but why did they have to compete at all when he's not even that old? GQ shit is so stupid and killer "plus" is retarded as hell too. It just pigeon-holes characters even further compared to a second killer that would make them useful in other areas.
Notice how most of the killer+s that have been introduced so far are niche, and FICK FORBID if a character is released that can wipe half the cast by themselves with a soul reaper or arrancar killer+
I got the choose a tybw character ticket and got Isshin, is he any good?
Yes, assuming you mean the mind one. Much better than Rukia.
Yeah the mind one.
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>Boot game today
>credits roll
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owari da...
>its legit
oh shit
Byakuya has no reason to be there.
>finally stop being stubborn and trying to make my 5/5 Ywach and 5/5 Isshin work in pvp with Saijin
>replace them with 1/5 Orihime and 1/5 Meninas
>win so much more now
man persistence really is some bullshit isn't it
Yes, and until they release a (Brave Battles Only) Prevent Persistence skill, it'll stay that way. This was also why Orihime was the queen of PvP until halfway into this year.
As Nodt in his Vollstandig form playable when?
Uhhh what the fuck, 4 Meninas, 0 Candice, 0 Bambietta
Nigga renji is literally slapping every orihime right now, tf you mean it'll stay that way? Yeah she'll be top 3 for a long time, but persistence doesn't mean shit to an even 1/5 renji.
Realistically there's no scenario where Orihime fights a Renji in the first place, usually she ends up in a mirror match herself while Renji gets assblasted by Sajin
So who gets kicked out of the PVP top 3 by Renji? If not Orihime or Sajin, then Meninas goes down to 4th best?
I think Meninas is better, honestly, but way more people will have Renji. On the other hand it barely matters because having 3 persistence units is the meta and Renji didn't shake things up at all. It still just comes down to transcendence, and even then dodge coin flips mean you'll win plenty of times when you should have lost against superior teams.
I need a good Halloween banner.
enjoy your premium base form arrancar banner bro
Am I tripping or does every room with Gremmy give an even bigger boost to chance of extra stage appearing in the anni quest? I swear every time people using him join there's a higher chance than when using Byakuya, Rukia or Renji, etc.
Annis are all boosted further in comparison.
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Those damn Brave Bonus tickets finally delivered, a couple new oldies now and then is all I ask
Yo where the fuck is the mid month banner?
They extended the Rukuyaji banner.
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The time of Rukia's banner...got changed!
Does anyone have those meme images of mayuri saying 'lol, cope' amd szayelapporo saying 'Pathetic.'? I liked those.
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Masculine and Candice are mid month, they're both guild quest characters, Masculine being a booster (NAD 35% link) and Candice being a ranged DPS with 14% SAR

Candice is Mind
Masculine is Speed

Fillers include Swimsuit Byakuya, Maid Orihime. Anniversary Shunsui
Feels like lately we've been getting 70% GQ characters, 30% BB characters, and that's about it. Would they hurt them to at least give Candice Immunity?
Mask definitely has one of best sprites in the game in my opinion.

So has TYBW completely lost all meaning at this point? Might as well stop differentiating them from premium banners at this point, they aren't special anymore. Nothing but GQ shit. Given that Mask is already in his vollstandig he's straight up done now, we'll never get another version of this guy. This is it for him. A GQ bot. It's over.
Nice quads bro
Haven't played this for ages, but genuinely tempted to reinstall for Mask de Masculine.
I mean if you're a GQ fag then go for it, he's not really doing much else outside of that which is a shame. Unless you just want him for the collection
It's be funny if he was the last character added to the game before EoS(obviously not counting skins of pre-existing characters).
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>don’t summon this character they’re not le meta
>nooooo i have no reason to roll for him/her cuz they’re missing heckin frenzy +3 + havoc + bombardment + full screen SA3 + muh sharpshooter

Man you are all a bunch of miserable little FAGGOTS. What happened to the anons hyped for cooming or just shitposting about their bad luck? What happened to the waifufags and any other semblance of fun? If you want a character cuz you like that character then roll for them and call it a day
>but muh skills
>muh attributes
>muh heckin killers

Build the character properly and stop whining like a faggot.
calm down and take your own advice faggot. Ppl dont summon because the game refuses to just have outright good units anymore, each one now is geared for a mode so either you care or you dont. This retard really getting mad because ppl dont wanna piss away their currency
This. It's damning that this banner proves klab didn't think Vollstandig Mask could carry an EOM banner, otherwise this version would have been base form and they'd have saved his vollstandig later. Now Mask is just done forever, his only character in the game a GQ bot. Clearly Candace's vollstandig IS considered EOM worthy which is why she's in base. This fares badly for future male sternritter who will likely meet similar fates in the future, no base form, just wasted in a MM banner as a GQ unit or worse.
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Thanks, battle ready summon ticket
There's nothing to look forward to though. all characters are copy paste kits of previous 2023-2024 characters these days. Even if I find a character I like, they are gimped so that they only work in pvp, the mode where I have no control and am instead forced to watch a movie. All the hope I have left is to see something unique in the anniversary banner and throw everything there.

I really miss the alt universe outfits, like cacao society, maybe one day we'll get more of those, tybw isn't that interesting
They will keep pushing Thousand and Frenzy/Flurry +2(+3 in Guild Quests)slop and you wirr RIKE it!
What was the last character you were legitimately hyped about? Probably Quilge for me, and that was a solid banner all around. Bambi was kind of lame but at least introduced a new mechanic, and Ebern despite being a literal who was still a BBS debut with a good soul trait and is still usable today.
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vietnambros... it's over...
Psycho Pass Society because it gave my bro Nnoitra a new seasonal. Also Orihime a cutie.

I want a seasonal Baraggan/Starrk for Halloween.
The Future Orihime was one of the best designs ever in the game. Serious kudos to the person who came up with that.
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jesus christ finally
>1000 tickets just for a shitty jugram dupe

I'm getting so tired of this shit bros. Would it kill these fags to have these free tickets be a pick 5 or pick 10? Yay I get to celebrate the anime by pulling a unit that came out before it did.
Peak societies? I prefer Christmas or Cacao.
Cacao >>>>> anything else >>>> Future and Machine
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>another fucking Bambietta
easy skip
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>another bambi
>it's zombie bambi
>g*gi also on the banner
okay never mind we're safe
will take the bambi pet though
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>gigi's soul bomb is literally making you cum
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If I have a 2/5 character is it better to increase their SP (assuming they're an SP character) and Focus or SP & ATK to round them out more? I know Focus is crit but I've heard people prefer to round out the character more with ATK than Focus. Thoughrs?
i personally go for focus, but if the character has a ranged normal attack then ill go attack
>I've heard people prefer to round out the character more with ATK
They're commonly referred to as "retards", always Focus.
Does Focus cap out at 1000? I know at 1000 Focus that means every hit will be a crit but past that how much additional damage does that add?
Focus because it's a flat multiplier which helps at entry levels/growths
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>needed to go to pity on the mask banner
>needed to go to pity on the giselle banner
I'm done with this fucking game, gachas are trash after all. you're not even happy when a banner goes well you just feel relieved. and when a banner goes bad (90% of of the time) you're just furious. this game gives no happy feelings at all. fuck you whoever invented gachas.
Twink is kinda nuts in Arena.
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>did 5 steps
>only new units were zombie Bambietta and As Nodt
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>25 steps
>2 Gigi
I just want to MT my cute trans wife, Klab.
>thread deader than ever
It's over, isn't it... never thought that TYBW would kill the game.
It was the reddit op that one time... one year (2 threads) ago.
Game kinda sucks now. It's just an anime fest geared towards certain modes, outside of your favorite characters there really isn't shit to post about. Guilds suck dick now, arena is a shit show, you can clear out the raid shop in just a couple runs, point event is like pulling teeth same with senkaimon, and every other mode is dead cause it takes no time to finish stories, subs, and power up quests. This shit only appeals to true gacha chasers and meta whales now.
Achievement system was a mistake, it's insanely convenient but I literally never have to farm anything ever again. I have tens of thousands of attribute scrolls, thousands of silver / gold scrolls, hundreds of thousands of potions and droplets. There's basically no point in playing any game mode now. When an epic raid comes out I just join a couple modchad rooms and get the orbs and tickets and that's it. I don't do co-op period, unless it's tied to an event order that's worth getting and most aren't.
>event order that's worth it
>5 orbs after tons of grinding
You rike? At least you dodged a bullet by not participating.
what I can't understand is why people still do raids tagged with pots/droplets, all you need is bonus these days
One mistake with the achievement system is that I believe you don’t get crystals, only jewels.
Yep. All incentives to play the game are dead now. Unless you like the game that much or have some retarded goal like 5/5 every unit then you pretty much have no reason to spend even 30 mins on this. Log in, get the free rewards, do the 10x point event to clear the achievements goal, do 2 brave battles to finish the dailies, close app and don't touch it for the rest of the day. Rinse and repeat. Hell I have fucking pages of worthless crap now
>hey faggots, enjoy this shitty dupe ticket that you get only grab by doing 1000 fucking runs

I'm so fucking tired of these free tickets/x10 pulls. Unless you're that fucking new you aren't getting shit and for some reason it kills them to let you FUCKING PICK a unit. It's a free fucking ticket, it shouldn't operate how normal bum ass tickets work.
The new attribute tree upgrade looks retarded, the game's already broken enough as is, why the fuck would anyone want to get their characters to level 400 or whatever
I feel like this change is an omen that we're getting harder content where old characters wouldn't be able to clear at all without the stat bonuses

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