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It's the Autumn Tour. New York, Vancouver, and Los Angeles are back.
Trying to repost for better resolution, this is a chart showing the plus skill Mii, normal Mii and non-Mii plus skill drivers on every ranked track of the year
So who was the fucking faggot who, not only thought it would be cool to include balloons in the multiplayer pipes, BUT ALSO MAKE IT SO YOU GET FUCKING DUPES
the shop for the autumn tour
That was always the main way of getting new balloons lol after you grab them all it just becomes another source of money.
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Reposting bonus point multipliers again. Reminder, these only take effect if the item is top shelf and lv 2+
Is it even worth it to fully empty the token pipes?
Gridning LA Laps 3 is boring as hell
Yes, but it's something that builds up over time. You'll have way more resources than other players if you do, but it is a pain. People here do it with an autoclicker.
New York 2 in the Yoshi Cup might be better if you’re using auto Gold Mario
Any autoclickers you guys recommend? Does it need root?
I use Klick'r, previously called, smart autoclicker, I got it years ago on fdroid but I think it's also on google play now, it has a bit of a learning curve because it works based on screencaps, rather than time like the rest of those apps, so it's more efficient and virtually undetected, not that nintendo actually cares about that, at least for this game.
It comes with a tutorial to learn how to create scenarios to set the autoclicker to work.
Reminder that a bunch of tracks are exclusive to this tour in the loop for exp farming
I’d say that New Yorks and LAs are more important to grind this tour since New York 1+2 don’t return until July, LA 3 until August, and the New York 3s and LA 2s not in this pic until next anniversary
did you get orange yoshi?
yeah already used up all my gold tickets since i had no top shelf driver for la laps in the funky kong cup, except a level 2 kamek
so now i got a level 4 orange yoshit ready for that track
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Yes, easier than expected
cared more about his kart, only high leveled one I have for LA this week
I bought the eagle kart, though, so maybe next year I can use that instead.
So the auto race nets you coins, tokens and exp, the only issue is that the fucking CPU sucks cock at driving and collecting tokens
Whistle position 2 if using Gold Mario
>level 4 orange yoshit
>level 3 turbo orange yoshit
>level 2 black great sail
>can't crack past 15k points
whelp time to kiss rank 50 bye bye
I need 900 more coins to get a high-end skill ticket from the daily, it is possible to get enough coins from farming in tracks? I know there is a limit but I never paid much attention to it
I don't think I can get enough coins from challenges
it's like 200 coins unless you're gold pass, just play coin rush with your rubies
I forgot I had a ticket for the coin rush, got just enough
Yellow mii should be able to get a better score?
yellow mii isnt a top shelf on any of this week's ranked cups
it has los angeles 3t unlocked at level 3
also, fuck this new captcha, I can't believe it takes that long for posting now.
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1st place, hold Tier 99. 4 wins away from completing Extreme Challenges (30 wins), after reaching Tier 99 in week 1 of the Animal Tour last year.
So is the Blazing Eagle worth to purchase
Does it add a lot of coverage for you? There are no universally great items in this game, it all depends on your inventory.
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Blazing Eagle has been good for me, but I agree with >>1611099. Don't get it if you already have coverage for its tracks.
Next tour is unusual with 4 ranked tracks for Blazing Eagle. Then it gets 1 ranked track per tour through May (!), and then mostly disappears until next November. Overall pretty decent.
yes but not with money, wait until it's in the spotlight shop
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finally maxed out all the items from the daily shop, been playing since day 1
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I mean, don’t forget to buy the yellow mii and the Swift Talon if you don’t already have them
Did you get blue yoshi?
yeah second place
i fucking hate yoshi
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Got first place, in the left the drop I got from the golden pipe, mid and right are the 20 pipes from the new pass, nothing good.
On the other hand I just realized how good looks and runs everything on a mid range phone from 3 years I ago, it make me wish for an actual 3ds successor but I know it wont happen since the switch seems to be a huge success.
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1st place, hold Tier 99. 3 wins away from completing Extreme Challenges.
Do you think Explorer Shy Guy or Daisy Mii is the better investment on Riverside R? (I have all miis)
sorry to bother again niggas
between iggy mii and cat mii which one has more ranked coverage?
I went with daisy mii, it has other rough ranked tracks as the best choice and the skill is somewhat good
both are bad choices but the Iggy suit is better, the cat suit has 35 tracks total and the Iggy one has 40
Iggy mii - 21x ranked
Cat mii - 15x ranked
I counted manually using the first post of this thread
Is this game going to enter EoS yet, I have zero reason to buy anything since I maxed everything out.
not for the moment, a lot of people believe MKT will last until the next mario kart game gets announced for the switch 2, and even then, nintendo has not much reason to kill it, since it's on loop mode now, it could easily keep going for years.
that's my planned stopping point
stop buying gp when I finish all the challenges, then stop playing altogether once everything is maxed out or they take the game away from me
I loathe gba riverside park r
Fuck those dumbass short tracks with obscure dumbass parts I don't own
I'm gonna lose the ranked because I don't have those dumbass cat paw gliders or the stupid ass cow kart
the stupid ass cow kart is one of the best offroaders in the loop, you better get it when you can
the tropical truck is on the spotlight shop, along with the green emblem, those cover that track and a lot of other ranked ones
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I got 3rd, but I think this was the highest ever I’ve managed to place in my friend list so far and it sucks a little that it still wasn’t enough to go above 3rd
What top shelf karts for the second ranked dk mountain are purchasable in the second half of the tour
Camo Tanooki Kart is discounted in week 2, Tropical Truck can be gotten from random pipes
i got a top shelf kart for riverside park r off the all clear pipe, so i'll save for the tanooki camo one
i can't believe i got three tours worth of gold rewards after i got it on october 15, fucking epic
Do take note that the Pink Speeder, discounted in week 1 next tour, is one of the strongest karts in the game for ranked usage, but the Camo Tanooki’s pretty good too
but the pink speeder isn't usable in dk mountain r/t right
kart pro challenges are so fucking retarded
>get a three win streak in 1st place
Well don't say never because the Animal Crossing game lasted longer than this and that's in its final weeks right now.
I wanted to install this again
But is it going to EoS soon?
no announcements yet
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W1 status: 1st place, but I'm probably going to be sniped Tuesday night.
2nd place T99 player has a Lv8 Winter Larry (Dino Dino R/T) and a Lv7 Light Blue Shy Guy Explorer (Riverside Park R). Probably also much better karts and gliders that what is currently shown. All-time high score slightly (~2k) above mine.
If I get passed, my response will be on Dino Dino R/T with my own Winter Larry (Lv8/4c) and also take my glider to Lv8. Could be either Tulip Corsage or Starchute.
Kinda. It's not really an end of service type of thing it's just switching to being a purchased game like Mario run was.
>3rd place by a difference of over 8k points with the second place
it's so joever
>>1615525 (me)
Opponent took Wiggler to Lv8 for 54.5k on Dino Dino R/T. Still 22k behind me now at 129,877. Getting nervous.
I wish I had your opponents
both the glided prancer and banana wingtip are in the coin shop, i don't own em, are they important?
Gilded Prancer does cover next tour’s week 1 Peach Gardens if you don’t have a kart for it
these are the top shelf karts of peach gardens right
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shit sorry lemme try again
Yeah, though I’d say that Blazing Eagle is the best one here followed by Pink Comet, there are also two super options in the Red Standard 8 you should have for free, and the Red Turbo Birdo (level 6 unlock)
yeah i ended up buying the blazing eagle last tour
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Closed the gap with the first place after going 4th place, I don't think I can do better
Did you get it?
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yes! (now Lv4)
Result: 1st place by 300 points! Hold Tier 99. Opponent made a last-day move on Riverside Park R, but didn't have a strong enough kart or glider.
Anyone got any tricks on how to get tokens in these shitty tours where you get them from hitting opponents
Giant banana drivers are the key, I went with riverside park t using the autoclicker, with wiggler suit, it doesn't get that many hits for being only a 4 item boxes track, but it's so short, it's more efficient than using the piranha plant slides, which can get you more hits but can take up to 3 times longer
very epic ranking
no top shelf karts on either of the two mountains, i'm fucked
ok i bought the camo tanooki kart and one kart ticket but now im broke kek
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W2 status: 1st place so far by 30k. Easy matchup. I'm all Lv8 items, and they're mostly Lv6 or 7.
>11th place
>The podium has ~20k points more than me
I just hit my actual first wall at rank 39, didn't I?
yeah fuck this game i got paired with people who have top shelf level 5-8 parts and i'm barely level 3 with mine, and no top shelf kart for choco mountain
I recommend the red offroader or the silver cupid if they pop up on your spotlight shop, they're good karts. You can also get lucky and get the cact-ice for free from a pipe at some point, though this is the last time this track is in ranked for the rest of the loop.
Am I the only one who can't fucking win three times in a row?
At most I get one win and then eat shit afterwards, either by shitty connectivity or by someone just speeding by like they're a Mario Kart 64 rubberbanding CPU
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Stayed up and grinded almost 2 hours to get kart pro, this might have been the hardest one yet
Also, FUCK Baby Park
man i got raped this ranked
i finally got third place at 58K and now i got thrown back at sixth... the two above me have 64k
it's over, how the fuck are you supposed to play dk mountain r/t to get the most points? do you take the half pipes on the first or second lap? do you avoid them entirely?
I avoid those pipes entirely unless I'm in a boomerang frenzy. My driver is DK Gladiator (>>1617607). Usually take the shortest inside path while trying to make mini turbos.
It is hard as hell to hold combo on this track, so I just had to grind it until I got a chance to boombox.
Giant banana could also work if you got the frenzies at the right times.
i only have lv3 gladiator dk for that track desu
Here are the topshelves for next tour so take note for choosing your team; also Peach is cup boosted on Amsterdam Drift 3 and Bowser is cup boosted on GBA Bowser’s Castle 3R
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I love Baby Park!
For N and R, I can win all day long in multiplayer by playing defense and taking tight inside turns on the curb (pic). It surprises me how many opponents haven't figured it out.
Baby Park T is a great token farming track for this tour with either Pinja or Astro Toad. Easy 50+ tokens if you get a frenzy.
ooh, level 8 garnet glider time
>I love Baby Park!
Said no Mario Kart fan ever
I’m also forced to drive in extremely wide lines around the curves due to the auto steering and everyone somehow overtakes me, hate it
I like baby park too
just don't put it on ranked
You know Baby Park R/T is ranked twice, right
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I won Kart Pro on Baby Park T.
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Stop forcing me to play Baby Park, it’s the fucking worst
new record, anon?
Reminder to join team Bowser.
Not really, this was my worst tour so far
did you get the moo moo?
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Result: 1st place; hold Tier 99. Easy win, no tickets spent. One more win to complete Extreme Challenges.
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Yes, I’m still surprised by how difficult last week was
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Don’r forget to buy the Pink Speeder and Wonderful Garnet if you don’t already have them, they’re both near the top for karts and gliders with the most ranked tracks
i can only afford the glider for the second ranked cup
you guys said that the second ranked cups are always the third cup right
Yes, but you could also just check: The news, the tour trailers, or the first post in this thread to confirm that instead of asking something pointless
once again, this is the only rally that's not an immediate crushing victory from day one
interesting analysis from someone I follow on twitter, apparently it seems that almost half of the playerbase have left the game since the first PvB rally in 2022
Miis were the beginning of the end
Status: 1st place with tough opponents. Not unexpected after an easy week last time.
Player #2 is tough, but beatable. But I also have a big Top 100 player lurking down at #19.
Waiting to see what #19 does, and whether to chase if passed. It might be a good strategic move to hold onto tickets, take 2nd place, and wait for an easier matchup for Win #30.
42k with fire rosalina is hella impressive, but you can probably beat that if you invest in Pinja.
for the other two you just have to grind for better runs, you can break 50k and 60k on them easily
>>1622511 (me)
Checked driver coverage for player #19:
Amsterdam 3: Mario Tuxedo, Lv8/3c or Peach Vacation, Lv8/2c
Bowser's Castle R: Wiggler Mii, Lv8/4c or Gold Mii, Lv8/4c or Petey Piranha Mii, Lv8/4c
Peach Gardens: Light Blue Mii (!), Lv8/4c
I am dead when he shows up, unless he has kart/glider coverage problems.
Peach Gardens sucks ass, I still can’t believe they picked it to be in MK8 instead of Airship Fortress, you can play them both in this tour and the difference in how fun they are is ridiculous
I've been wondering, is there a list of an optimal combination of drivers, karts and gliders for ranked considering the game is not being updated anymore? Or do they reshuffle top d/k/g for ranked?
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As the Pink Speeder and Wonderful Garnet are both discounted right now, you really should buy them if you don’t have them
As for efficient combinations of items, I think you need to use calculators or ACR spreadsheets for that
top dkg for every track are fixed, they're not gonna shuffle them (though honestly speaking that doesn't sound like a bad way to spice up the loop a bit)
Don’t forget to grind tokens in today’s bonus time and do your ranked runs during this token time too to get tokens for the shop faster
Also, Wiggler mii is in the shop and if you missed its discount in the Pipe Tour you should really consider getting it full price
Status update: Still in 1st, still nervous waiting for Top 100 player to complete his runs. He's beating me by a combined 10k on the first 2 tracks, but hasn't run Peach Gardens yet with his Light Blue Mii (>>1622850). That's a tough last-minute grind with an ice flower driver, and his Pinja is only Lv6/2c.
Took my Pinja and Tulip Corsage to Lv8/4c, thanks. I'm now fully maxed except for Mario Tuxedo Lv8/3c.
how does even have the patience to grind a 75k run
you are so cooked if he gets serious
Reminder to buy the Pink Speeder and Wonderful Garnet (if you don’t own them) before their discounts end
>deleted app
>can't restore data
>2 years of play gone in an instant
How do I fix this guys
you could send nintendo a ticket with your username, they will tell you if it's really over, they did state that if your account stays abandoned for months without logging in, it will get deleted
did you get the sneeker?
1st place baby
Result: 2nd place; hold Tier 99.
Tough but expected loss by 4k to the Top 100 player.
>they did state that if your account stays abandoned for months without logging in, it will get deleted

bullshit, I havent played since last year and just last week reinstalled, everything fine
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Yes, finally got another 1st place finish after weeks
no way I'm 30k ahead on 1st place, something's got to give
made it 40k just in case
W2 status: 1st place so far. Two Tier 99 opponents at 5th and 20th place, both with weaker loadouts. Good chance to complete Extreme Challenges this week.
Amsterdam Drift 3 and DS Peach Gardens are both combo graveyards, but which one is worse? Personally I think Peach Gardens is terrible, it plays so slowly, there are janky invisible walls and holding combo is impossible, like it wasn’t designed for this game at all
regular PG is slightly worse imo
PG is terrible because the remake sucks, they forced it into Mario Kart 8 for some reason and cucked all of the actually good DS tracks, and it is in ranked *every* tour it appears in, screwing over those same other DS tracks which barely get to appear and not on ranked
lmao i chose team peach and we're eating shit
Dumbass question
Is player level 100 the maximum? I'm not getting any more EXP and I'm stuck at 24.7%, but I still get the message that I can get 100 coins for leveling up lol
Before level 100, every track gives a total of 100% player exp, after level 100, every track gives 70% player exp. Each individual track will only ever give you that much exp and won’t give you any more once it’s drained of exp
400 is the max.
Don't worry, it means nothing.
Except a few rubies (10 vs. 15) and coins (1500 vs. 3000), which often get made up back to you in pipes and rewards during the next tour.
Also, Amsterdam Drift 3R/T is the only track this tour to be exclusive to this tour so it should be the highest priority to grind EXP for, but the other Bowser tracks in this tour (GBA Bowser’s Castle 3 N,R,T and 3DS Bowser’s Castle all) are also recommended to grind now because their only other appearance is Bowser Tour which has a lot of of exclusive tracks that are higher priority to grind exp on when that time comes
No wonder, I've grinded Airship Fotress for tokens with Gold Mario so I drained it lol
Team Bowser has final day multiplier, does this secure our win?
Hey. So do we.
...probably gonna lose, anyway.
alright I grinded out my token shop, that's gotta be above what 90% of a team's members do, right?
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Isn’t the final day multiplier for team Bowser, meaning team Bowser wins?
did you get it?
Retard, I forgot the picture
Result: 1st place; hold Tier 99. Never in doubt.
Extreme Challenges complete! 12.5 months after reaching Tier 99.
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all clear
Do you have a job
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4th extreme challenge win
Reminder that this is the only tour in which any of the christmas items are obtainable, if you want a christmas DKG you can only get them now
boring jobs make mobile game champions
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Including the useful Santa Mii Racing suit!
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>Mii suit
I spent all my gems on winter larry since he's apparently top tier in terms of coverage
Santa Mii has been much more useful than Winter Larry for me, personally
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>Random DK Pass run
>Single coinbox from every single item box except one
>That one item box gave me a coinbox frenzy
>….3rd place
miserarenai anon, will you stop trying to win ranked after this?
Do you think it’s dumb that I want to use all my saved rubies to buy every christmas item this tour because they’re rare?
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i'm getting burnt out, this is no better than the original "loop" before the gacha was removed
>struggle on ranked, either because my only top shelf driver for a track is lv1 and i have no tickets, or because i'm missing one top shelf part
>use the few tickets i have to get drivers and parts to level 3 at least, but afterwards have no tickets for next tour or next ranked
>always have between 20-70 gems and then use them for whatever discounted driver is on the shop since i quit four years ago and only came back this year
>ponder if i should buy the pass or the challenges to even have enough tickets to raise levels, decide not to
>rinse and repeat every tour
Focus on buying only items with the most ranked coverage, with a focus on items that cover the most tracks you don’t have a topshelf for yet; I also hope you didn’t buy Mario Santa or the Jingle Bells
I just did that lmao
i only bought wintertime larry since on a prev thread someone said he had a large coverage, and a poster from here uses him a lot on ranked
I feel like my posts from the previous thread outlined everything important to buy during the current stretch of tours, did you buy everything I outlined? The only thing I forgot to mention was the Camo Tanooki Kart, I think
i bought
>king mario (got him to lv3 with tickets)
>dk gladiator (same as king)
>koopa clown mii (lv2)
>gold wiggler (same as king and dk)
>silver candlelight, tanooki camo, wonderful garnet, pink speeder, blazing eagle
the rest i couldn't afford
There should be enough rubies in the tour for you to be able to buy the Santa mii, it’s pretty much the only thing other than Larry that’s important to get this tour
Game is constantly crashing since upgrading to iOS 18.2. Especially multiplayer.
Anyone else having this problem?
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W1 status: 1st place. 4 other Tier 99 opponents (#2 - #4 + #6), all weaker accounts than me. No other Gold 99's.
I also support Winter Larry.
I will continue as long as it's fun.
Why Fire Rosalina and Winter Larry instead of Wiggler and Morton miis?
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Vancouver Velocity 2 has one of the worst topshelves in the game (and this is WITH first track mii boost!), is anything other than Pokey mii good here?
points-wise, Pokey Mii is the best pick here
no drivers that get it at level 3/6?
Current game strategy is to invest in my favorite normal high ends up to Lv8/4c until I hit a scoring ceiling and struggle at ranked. Then I'll go back and boost my Miis, which are mostly sitting around Lv6/2c.
Fair, but I just feel like Larry isn’t that great of a coinboxer because of his small size + he’s overlapped by another coinboxer or a good mii on every one of his ranked tracks except Lakeside T and Paris 1R/T, and Lakeside T is pretty much his only good ranked track
If I need to, I'm going to quad cap my Moo Moo Offroader (Lv8/3c) to boost my scores (>>1633085) on Vancouver 3R and Snow Land.
It's really noticeable how small Larry is when his kart is also small.
My opponents are running mostly Mii suits as drivers, but lack Lv8 kart/glider coverage. I'm pretty much totally covered at Lv8 for ranked K/G, and just need to cap stuff.
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I'm using Rosa Aurora (Lv6/2c) since I'm a Rosa fan. (pic)
Light Blue Toad Pit Crew was what I used as a new player 3 years ago.
Kart and Glider coverage is also tough on this track. The White Bruiser or Piranha Pipes fill some tough ACR gaps for my account; might take one to Lv6.
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>>1633439 (me)
Done. 4k improvement for 7 kart level tickets.
Triple frenzy; coin - ice flower - coin
Advice: Don't waste time on this track.
Little late, but after suffering through one month of Riverside Park being in the game, do you agree?
I hate all the tracks with a lack of items and boxes where it's hard to hold combo and score over 30k. Like this: >>1633439
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Good MKT tracks only appear once per year.
Bad MKT tracks repeat frequently.
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I spent a total of 950 rubies this tour to buy all the non-spotlight christmas items just because they’re collector’s items exclusive to this tour, was this a dumb idea
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If your goal is to collect all the items in the game, then Holiday Tour is a gold mine.
A large fraction of MKT's hard-to-get stuff is in this tour.
But none of the X-mas stuff is on the list of most useful items (pic).
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>>1633085 (me)
>>1633361 (me)
Update: Got passed into 2nd, but regained 1st. Took the Moo Moo Offroader from Lv8/3c to Lv8/4c. Took DK Mii from Lv6/2c to Lv7/2c.
16 items exclusive to Holiday tour (excluding Mii):
D (5): Bowser Santa, Daisy Holiday Cheer, Larry Wintertime, Mario Santa, Yoshi Reindeer
K (7): Candy Clown, Cheermellow, Cheership, Holiday King, Ribbon Rider, Sleigh Rider, Steel Driver
G (4): Gift Glider, Glitter Glider, Jingle Bells, Jolly Bells
4 items available in Holiday tour and only one other tour.
Blooper Wingtip, Butterfly Wings, Ice-blue Poltergust, Sports Coupe
Accurate but also misleading, a lot of the only 1-tour or 2-tour availability items listed (e.g. Prancer, Radish Rider, White Snow Skimmer, Banana Master, Platinum Taxi, Koopa King, Sunny Surf Sailer, Tropical Glider, Blizzard Parasol, Blooper Wingtip, Offroader etc.) are available in pipes all the time (and I own all the items I listed through pipes), the real rare items I’m talking about are those that aren’t in pipes and only available through the shop in a single tour or 2 tours, stuff like christmas items this tour or the Party-Wing in Autumn, New Year’s 2022 in Peach vs Bowser and Double Decker in Mario
did you get the reindeer suit?
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Hurry up Lakitu!
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1st place; hold Tier 99.
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Yes, and the 5th extreme challenge win (wrong pic before)
not even going to fucking bother with this game anymore
what is this shit ass matchmaking
why did i even come back this game's probably going into EOS next year WHY EVEN BOTHER PAYING REAL MONEY TO GET MORE COINS AND RUBIES IF IT'LL ALL DIE SOON ENOUGH
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Looks like hitting that first Tier 50-60 wall.
Don't worry too much about ranked. Nintendo just wants to force players to spend money.
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Continuing the topic of bad Vancouver 2 topshelves, look at how bad the Vancouver Velocity 2R/T drivers are, this might be one of the stingiest topshelves in the game (Santa mii gets boosted in both other tours this track is in, though)
Chain Chomp Mii was useful for me the first time around the loop. But recently I haven't been using it as much since it's blocked by some newer drivers.
Waluigi Vampire has funny animation, and his bobomb cannon skill is useful for Bomb Days in multiplayer.
White Birdo keeps showing up in pipes, but is rarely useful.
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Yearly Xmas gift to Rosalina: All now at Lv7 minimum (16 tickets spent). In 2023, I took them to Lv6.
Halloween is a personal favorite as my first high end driver. Fire is most useful in ranked.
Chef and Swimwear are strong ACR drivers.
Volendam and Aurora are beautiful designs, but not seen much outside their feature tours. Tanooki and Cat show up in pipes a lot, but are not heavily used. Tanooki is fun in multiplayer.
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>>1636236 (me)
>>1635214 (me)
Account status:
Drivers - 13 Lv8 high ends; 20 drivers left to collect.
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Karts - 16 Lv8 high ends; 41 karts left to collect
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Gliders - 22 Lv8 high ends; 36 gliders left to collect.
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W2 status: 2nd place so far with all Lv8/4c maxed out DKG.
Nothing to do but regrind. I can do better on Snow Land R/T.
It feels like the game is trying to push me into Miis by matching me up against heavy Mii users. I have a Lv7/2c Daisy Mii (>>1636272) for Merry Mtn R/T which I could take to Lv8 if needed.
Trivia - Only 5 tracks in the whole year do not have any topshelf mii drivers, and these are:
3DS Rainbow Road R/T x3 (New Year x2, Space)
SNES Mario Circuit 1 (Mario, non-mii boosted)
SNES Mario Circuit 3T (Mario vs Luigi, non-mii boosted)
>New Year x2
How do you appear in a tour twice and not get mii boosted for at least one of them? Granted I don't know how mii boosting works.
i uninstalled and went back to sonic speed battle
Couldnt find my friend code or the loading screen ID so they said there's nothing they could do, looks like it's over
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Status: 1st place, same loadout.
Phone posting is hard.
Now that it’s basically over, between the two ice-themed tours, Sundae and Holiday, which one did you like better?
The main differences are that Sundae has:
>Sky High Sundae
>All Vanilla Lakes
>Luigi Circuit
Holiday has:
>Merry Mountain
>All Vancouver Velocities
>Snow Land
I think Holiday wins no contest, Merry Mountain’s perfect for christmas, Vancouver is one of my favorite cities and Snow Land fits the theme; meanwhile Sundae just sucks, Vanilla Lakes are practically unplayable and Luigi Circuit doesn’t fit the theme and is probably one of the worst tracks and remakes in the game
did you get your christmas present?
>>1638643 (me)
1st place, hold Tier 99.
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2nd place
I missed the daily track, the last one from last tour
Finally, a big boy score
https://youtu.be/V4SVfop8z20 [Embed]
3DS Rainbow Road, the best track in the game, is finally back in some form!
If you count only R/T being in this tour as it returning, it’ll be in the game for a whole month before disappearing until this same time next year, so enjoy it and set high scores on it while you can
I do not care for this course or this tour.
What is your favorite track, then, if you somehow don’t like 3DS RR? (It’s my favorite)
Hint: Each of the 6 ranked tracks in this tour appear twice. Improving your ranked score is easier if you minimize the difference between the ranked and unranked versions of each track.
Bonus: Use a banana driver to gather tokens while grinding the unranked tracks.
If I switch from android to iphone will I keep everything as long as I use the same nintendo account?
I don’t see why you’re recommending people to grind the unranked versions of the ranked tracks, the score won’t carry over and you could waste a perfect run on a track if it happens on the unranked version
fellas what do you recommend for week 2
lv8 4c gold petey
lv8 4c gold mario
lv7 3c winter larry
I only have the tickets for one.
which are the best mii suits to buy right now, I can afford 2
Birdo, Nabbit, Wario and Dolphin are only discounted in this tour; Daisy and Light-green are near the top of the list of miis with most ranked appearances but both are discounted again n the future
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Tossup between Petey and Larry, leaning toward Larry. I have both already Lv8/4c, and both are useful. Gold Mario not so much. YMMV. Check your coverage for next tour, especially SNES Ghost Valley 2.
Ranked usefulness in upcoming tours.
Gold Petey: Space Tour - Ghost Valley 2 (Lv8 unlock), Winter Tour - NONE, Exploration Tour - Riverside Park T, Doctor Tour - NONE, Mario Tour - NONE
Winter Larry: Space Tour - Wii Rainbow Road, Winter Tour - Tokyo 4T, Exploration Tour - Riverside Park T, Doctor Tour - Coconut Mall, Mario Tour - DS Mario Circuit R/T
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W1 status: 2nd place. Getting beat by all Miis and Lv8/4c DKG. Spent a bunch of cap tickets for ? block Mii and Red Offroader, but it's still not enough. Beat my all time high score with my run on Koopa Cape R/T.
I need to pivot toward strong Miis ASAP to remain competitive. For Week 2, I (>>1643721) might level up Wiggler Mii to replace Thai Daisy (Lv6/2c) on Cheep Cheep Island R/T. Next tour (Space), I have Knight Luigi (Lv6/2c) on Boo Lake T, and might level up King Boo Mii instead. For Winter Tour, my Mario Samurai (Lv6/2c) could be replaced by Koopa Clown Mii.
Long term, I also need to cover GBA Peach Circuit R/T for Vacation Tour next August with something other than Red Birdo. There are 5 crap Miis covering that track (Lemmy, Ludwig, Pink, Purple, and Light Green).
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FYI: Mario Samurai is on Tokyo Blur 3T for ranked in Week 1 of the Winter Tour.
Ranked Driver Coverage chart (1/2)
Ranked Driver Coverage chart (2/2)
credit to creators Rakker85/Larry98
I already posted these as the first post of the thread, not sure why you’re posting this again
oops. sorry
Well, they’re helpful to have anyway, and the one I posted before I cropped out the legend for mii boost/level unlock
I think I might just save the tickets for King Boo Mii, I have nothing for Boo Lake T.
did you get the black suit?
>>1643732 (me)
2nd place, hold Tier 99. No change from yesterday.
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W2 status: 2nd place.
Waiting to make my move on Wiggler Mii for Cheep Cheep R/T. Trying reach my all-time high score from July 2024 with Lv6 Thai Daisy before spending any tickets on Wiggler Mii.
It's tempting to stick with Thai Daisy because I can maybe use her for Bangkok 3 in W2 of Winter Tour. But I already have Gold Egg Yoshi and Goomba Mii at Lv7 (>>1636272).
Forgot to mention I'm saving glider cap tickets to quad cap 8-bit Fire Flower next tour, where it's used twice in ranked (RMX Rainbow Road 2R/T wk1 and Twilight House wk2).
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Update: Still 2nd place. Wiggler Mii (Lv6/2c) only gave me small 1k improvement so far. Will continue to grind. Considering taking Cream Toe Beans to 4c, since I can also use it for Doctor Tour in February (Shroom Ridge; ranked wk1).
The ACR Top 1000 cutoff is super high this tour.
Usually just under 2.0 M; now over 2.1 M.
Vacation time + high scoring tracks?
r/t tracks tend to have higher scoring potential, plus, after another loop, the top 10, 100 and 1000 players now have most items at very high level, if not already maxed, increasing the cut off even more. the current prediction is sitting at around 2.33M
>Need the gold T99 badge from 30 1st place T99 wins to even fight for 1000th place
>My current ACR score is 1.8 million
It’s over for me, I started the game too late to fight for an ACR badge
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Update: 1st place. Wiggler Mii to Lv7/2c and Cream Toe Beans to Lv8/4c.
That took way too much tickets and effort. Still have enough tix to take King Boo Mii to Lv7/2c next tour.
>2.33 M
Hope my ranked standing holds so I can work on ACR.
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>Realizing that Wiggler Mii is used 3x in ranked with Lv8 unlock in the Exploration Tour in February.
Piranha Plant Cove 1N and 2N (Lv8), and Riverside Park T.
Get ready for next tour with all Rainbow Roads, but still don’t understand why ranked has 3 ghost tracks instead of all 6 ranked tracks being Rainbow Roads
And it’s a huge shame, but most Rainbow Roads are exclusive to the next tour only so take note if you need their exp (and enjoy 3DS while you can)
Did you get blockhead?
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Yes, but already Lv8, so 6000 coins received.
>>1647226 (me)
1st place; no change. Hit my ACR target.
just so you know, rainbow road R on the lemmy cup is perfect for farming tokens, the tour just started and I already have enough to clear the shop, simply using the autoclicker.
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Very helpful, thank you.
25 tokens on my first autoclick run with Gold Mario.
I think I lost all interest in the game, shame, I kinda like the gameplay but I don't feel like checking the game constantly to see if there is any interesting item in the shop, caring about rankings and all that stuff. Just gonna stick with regular mario kart on the 3ds.

Not sure if I should delete everyone from my friend list so they don't waste time sending coins to someone who is not going to open the game.
I would advice picking your largest kart instead, it increases gold mario's hitbox and he will reach more coins, especially while gliding
it'd help to do that if you have the time, yeah
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Got 1st but almost got sniped (they were at 137k when I last checked)
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W1 status: 1st place. 3 other Tier 99 opponents, all weaker than me (lower high score, no Top 1000 ACR badges). Strongest of the 3 is in 2nd place.
I might back off on my plan (>>1647226) to level up King Boo Mii on Boo Lake T since I have weak driver coverage for the next tour (Winter).
After improving existing scores, possible moves are to level up the Black Sneeker and quad cap the 8bit Fire Flower if I can get 2 more cap tickets.
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Thanks autoclicker and Gold Mario for helping me finish this challenge.
I didn't know that combos could hold long enough with autoclicker.
ohh so I bust my ass grinding and spending tickets just to have some mofo beat me by 40k points?
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Status update: Still 1st place. My 3 Tier 99 opponents are now 2nd - 4th. I had to work a little on Boo Lake T to stay ahead of #2, but still no tickets spent.
Even though gacha is long gone, I love how it’s still spiritually present with how whenever you use a halfpipe on Wii Rainbow Road you have to pray to RNG that your driver actually performs the boost instead of just randomly failing to get the boost for no reason
Did you get her?
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Result: 1st place. Stayed ahead of 2nd place player's last day chase. No tickets spent.
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you think tour and switch 2 mario kart will coexist?
it really depends on what mechanics the new switch 2 game will have, I really want unlockable costumes for the drivers like the tour ones and it would be cool if the scoring system was implemented as another game mode, but if that were the case, I would be worried nintendo then considers tour as unnecessary competition and just kills it.
At the very least, Tour’s ideas clearly continue on because the new track appears to have Tour’s solid arrow fences which might mean it’s a Tour-style multi route track instead of an MK8-style all versions in one track
Switch 2 trailer ICYMI:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itpcsQQvgAQ [Embed]
I think Tour will go offline shortly after Switch 2 (+ MK9) goes on sale, with a possible "MKT Complete" version of the mobile game coming online at the same time .
Pipeline is in the new Mario Kart haha…
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W2 update: 1st place by 24k. Again 3 Lv99 opponents, but all weaker than me. This time one of them (#17) has 4 Top 1000 ACR badges.
Not much to do since I'm all Lv8 D/K/G. Keeping an eye on #17 since he has a Lv8 Gold Petey and a Lv7 Yellow Mii for the last two tracks.
I am so done with wii rainbow road rt, one of the worst tracks to grind
it's impossible to win, or my yellow suit won't get frenzies and then don't even ask me to take the half-pipes
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I can’t seem to get anywhere close to what my opponent has on Twilight House even though we essentially have the same loadout and levels, rip
it's literally just grinding until you get a triple lucky seven frenzy, as long as at least one other opponent is left, you'll get a lot of combo from the bloopers.
Did you get the lunar cruiser?
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Result: 1st place; hold Tier 99. Last day sniper was not a problem. No tickets spent.
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2nd place despite hitting 99% of my target score for the cup, oh well
double 2nd place this tour, sadly
Goodbye 3DS Rainbow Road and see you next year, you will be missed…
Should I level Poochy or Roaring Racer mii for Singapore 3R/T?
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They're both pretty good drivers, but I'll vote for Roaring Racer Mii. It has a decent string of ranked uses in the next 3 months, mostly on tracks with gaps where Dash Ring skill helps hold combo.
Poochy is a Top 10 ranked driver (>>1634613) in number of ranked tracks, so if you're a newer player you may be better off with him as a year-round option.
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Lucky day!
45 rubies in Multiplayer pipe.
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W1 status: 1st place. 4 Tier 99 opponents. Tough but winnable. May need to spend a lot of driver tickets, but I am prepared.
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I've been stuck bouncing between tier 69 and 71 for about 5 tours. I keep getting knocked down the ranks by players who have a bunch of drivers, karts, and gliders maxed out that I'm not sure why anyone would max (pic related). It keeps happening every tour until I get ranked down enough that I can get top 3 again and get back to 70 then run into more of this max level pink mii player stuff. Am I in whale territory now, or..?
It happened to me too around Tier 70 (see >>1635883). 3 months of hell at a plateau before driving to Tier 80.
Good luck!
did you get birdo orange?
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Result: 1st place. No tickets spent. Easy week.
Lap 1 giant banana frenzy on Bangkok 2R helped improve my score.
easy week for me, too, I grinded extra points for no reason in the end
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W2 status: 1st place. 4 weaker Tier 99 opponents. Should be another easy week.
Watching for #7 to make a move as the strongest contender (5 Top 1000s; 76k high score). He lacks a strong driver for Singapore 3R/T, but could make a move. #20 lacks driver coverage and may be sitting out on ranked. #2 and #3 could improve with some level ups and grind time.
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Update: Making investments for fun/ACR and to improve for future ranked lineups. Upgrading normals/supers to high end items.
1. Luigi Vacation: (Lv5/1c -> Lv6/1c) Mostly just because he's an old favorite, and this is his featured tour. Not a generally useful driver.
2. DK Jr. SNES: (Lv5/1c -> Lv6/1c) Another old favorite driver. Fills ACR gaps for Tokyo 1T and Tokyo 3R. He has a lot of older ACR tracks in upcoming tours.
3. Gold Cupid's Arrow: (Lv1/0c -> Lv6/1c) Fills ACR gap for this tour on Singapore T. Will upgrade/unlock to Lv8 over Dragonfly (because I hate it) for Wii Daisy Circuit R/T in the Princess Tour (May-June). Also usable for Rome Avanti 1N in the Night Tour (June-July).
4. Gold Warrior Wagon: (Lv2/0c -> Lv6/1c) Fills ACR gap on Tokyo 2T. Will upgrade to Lv7 over Dragonfly for Wii Daisy Circuit 1N in Princess Tour, and substitute for super Blue Seven kart on N64 Mario Raceway 1N in the Mario vs. Luigi Tour (June).
5. Wonderful Diamond: (Lv1/0c -> Lv6/1c) ACR option for Singapore 3T, and helped me clear my token pipe with lightning skill. Very useful glider. Fills a gap on Lakeside Park T in the Sunshine Tour (July - August), where I was using the super Oilpaper Umbrella.
Only 1 glider gap remains for ranked on my account: Piranha Plant Cove 3R/T in the Mii Tour (May), where I'm using the normal Piranha Plant Parafoil. Leaning toward Wario Mustache (for lightning skill), but still haven't decided.
Status: Still 1st place. #2 improved by 3k, so I improved by 3k on Singapore 3R/T. #20 woke up, and has leveled up Peach Happi (Lv8) [Tokyo 4T(Lv3 lock)/Singapore 3R/T] and Thai Daisy (Lv8) [Bangkok 3N] as drivers. He is now in 18th but dangerous with 2 tracks yet to run.
Playing Bangkok Rush this tour really makes you realize that the Mario Kart 8 version of it absolutely sucks
Wasn't this game EoSin months ago?
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I got ninety nine goombas but bonus challenges ain't fun, hit me
All my high level drivers need like 10 tickets to get to the next level. I would have to spend $100+ in the shop. Yeah, it feels like lately my opponents have been buying tickets to max out whatever drivers, karts, and gliders gives them coverage, even if the item does't have good coverage in general.
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Did you get blue birdo?
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I got sniped out of 1st sometime in the last 12 or so hours, which sucks since I actually managed to place relatively high amongst my FL this week…
I got it I wouldn't have really cared much but since I was 3rd I decided I might as well go for the gold.
Upgrade Astro Toad or Explorer Shy Guy for PPC R/T?
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1st place.
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I'll vote Astro Toad, but they're both pretty good drivers.
Astro Toad is also useful as top shelf driver on Battle Course 1.
pump that explorer boy full of tickets
Shy Guy will get his chance another day
will they port more stuff from this to 9
this IS 9!
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W1 status: 1st place. 4 Tier 99 opponents again, all weaker.
I have the Gold 99 badge and 19 Top 1000 badges. Opponents have none. Easy week.
It's amazing how much variety still exists in D/K/G selection among top tier players at this late stage of the game. It keeps it interesting when players don't just gravitate to a small number of items. Good on Nintendo devs, I guess.
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Update: The player who was in 10th passed me, so I quad capped Gold Wiggler and the Wicked Topaz glider. Back into 1st, with room to still improve on PPC 1.
did you get the explorer?
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Sniped in the last 12 hours again and couldn’t get the perfect PPC1 run I needed to win, damn it
>>1679140 (me)
no change
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Also, this week was the highest I’ve placed on my FL yet and it still wasn’t enough for 1st, sigh
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W2 status: 1st place by 54k. Main opponents are 2 Tier 99s and 1 Tier 98 going for 99.
#3 is hiding a Lv8 Wiggler for PPC R/T (Lv8 track unlock). He will be a threat with a better kart and glider.
Congrats on beating me! I feel guilty winning ranked with a lower score.
that top 100 badge with penguin luigi, how old is that if it's not from one of the tours in the loop?
Penguin Luigi ACR badge comes from the looped Sundae Tour (September)
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Rosalina Lv8 project: I decided to take all of my remaining Lv7 Rosalinas (>>1636236) to Lv8 so they can see their Lv8 unlock tracks before EOS (TBD). Rosalina Aurora (Vanilla Lake 2R) got her turn today. The rest will get Lv8 when their tracks appear.
1. Aurora (Vanilla Lake 2R) -> Exploration (Feb.)
2. Volendam (Yoshi Valley R) -> Yoshi (Apr.)
3. Chef (Berlin Byways T) -> Spring (Apr.)
4. Swimsuit (Koopa Troopa Beach 2T) -> Sunshine (July)
5. Tanooki (Cheep Cheep Island 1N) -> Sunshine (July)
6. Cat (RMX Rainbow Road 1R) -> Space (Jan.)
7. Halloween (RMX Rainbow Road 2T) -> Space (Jan.) [already Lv8]
8. Fire (RMX Rainbow Road 2T) -> Space (Jan.) [already Lv8]
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Status update: 1st place. Challenger #3 finally revealed all Lv8 D/K/G for PPC R/T, but I am still winning by 7k.
If I get passed, the next logical move would be to quad cap Blue Crawly Kart, then maybe one of the gliders.
Holding my non-coinbox Miis at Lv7 helps keep top players out of my ranked opponents (like >>1626293 (You)). But I know that I will eventually need to start taking them to Lv8.
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I challenged myself to try and match you this week as well but I’m just barely short, still a fun grind tho
last chance to get him
Got him! Now Lv5.
Result: 1st place by 2k. No tickets spent.
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W1 status: 1st place by 25k. 2 Tier 99 opponents (#2 and #3) and one tough Tier 95 with a Top 10 badge (#4).
#2 and #4 have lots of ACR badges, but none from recent tours (Exploration Tour badge shown). I am the only Gold 99 badge holder and hold the highest score, so I am cautiously optimistic.
did you get the parachute?
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1st place was too high to bother trying to beat this time
>>1692070 (me)
yes; 1st place
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>>1696291 (me)
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Finally Kart Pro!
It took an unusually long time this tour.
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W2 status: 1st place. 2 Tier 99 opponents. Player #2 and me have a very close skill level matchup, and we have been going back and forth like twin brothers. Already I took the Gold Cupid's Arrow kart from Lv6/1c to Lv8/3c and the Para Panini glider from Lv8/3c to 4c. If I am passed, it is really tempting to take the DK Mii (Coconut Mall R/T) to Lv8 next since I'm relatively low on Cap Tickets vs. Level Tickets.
Last chance to get the parachute
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My first HE glider to be fully maxed out in time for its (original) debut tour, at least they knew to make a fully paywalled item extremely OP
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got it
>>1698590 (me)
1st place; no change.
I'll FINALLY use Wiggler in ranked
2 week old newfag retard with only 200 gems saved up
If I get 1 thing in this event what is it
I'm gonna vote for King Mario
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Agreed; can't go wrong with a coinboxer. Just be aware that King Mario is not in ranked top shelf very much for a while (see >>1643738). His prime time is in the late summer / early fall.
Other choices: Rainbow Pipe Buggy is on the 50 top karts list (see >>1634613). 8-bit Block Glider is also a top 50 glider on the same list, along with the 8-bit Super Gilder which is a little lower.
Collecting the discounted 70 ruby Miis is also a good idea, but as a beginner it is recommended to achieve overall top shelf D/K/G coverage first. Use regular high end top skill drivers (coinbox / boomerang / lucky 7 / banana) to stack the top shelf and use Miis just to fill driver coverage gaps.
It takes about 15-20 each of D/K/G to get full ranked loop coverage.
Helpful coverage optimizer tool:
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W1 update: 1st place. 2 tough Tier 99 opponents, both with Gold 99 badges and lots of ACR badges.
#2 has over 100 Top 1000 ACR badges, but no Top 100 or Top 10.
#18 (TL: "Real Wario)" is hiding a Lv8/4c Gold Mii (for DS Mario Circuit) and Gold Mario (for the last 2 tracks), so he's a sniper threat if he has kart + glider coverage.
DS Mario Circuit is fucking awful, they should never have remade it for this game or put it in Mario Kart 8 over the better DS tracks we already had
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Happy Mario Day! (Japan time)
Mar. 10 = Mario
This tour is pretty lousy overall.
>Old tired Mario Circuit tracks (DS, 3DS, SNES, RMX).
>Grinding in boring dead zones feels like a gatekept algorithm waiting for critically timed mushrooms to take shortcuts to hold combo.
>Worst battle track (Battle Course 1) is in ranked without a Mii boost. No coinboxing = hard mode.
>Luigi Raceway carryover from last tour.
>Top shelf D/K/G filled with normals, supers, and weak high ends that you only use once a year.
>Even the relatively fun tracks (Donut Plains, Royal Raceway) lack Mii boosts, which makes it hard to break personal records set elsewhere in the loop.
I hate Mario Circuits (and boring circuits overall) with a passion, seeing the first track revealed for the next MK be not only a circuit, but one that leads out onto a giant straightaway (that highway) makes me worry for track design in the next game, giant straightaways like the highway in the trailer are somewhat enjoyable only in Tour, with a coinboxer
I was racing in that Mario Day Challenge in MK8 and in my first race I actually put my switch down after lap 2 lmao, all the MKT muscle memory got to me
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A little late to be asking, but is there any strategy to MC 1 R/T? You can either use the ramp at the beginning and catch a lot of glide time from the pipes, or go under it and pick up the coins. Is one higher point potential, or are you supposed to take the ramp 1st lap but not 2nd, etc?
It depends on the driver.
If you're coinboxing with King Mario or Gold Koopa, it's usually better to stay on the ground to pick up the coins. Same idea with Gold Mario. But you can still do good with a mixed air/ground strategy if you can get down fast enough and knock out some pipes and cones.
But if you're dropping bananas with White Tanooki Mario, it's almost always better to stay in the air to avoid leftover banana crashes.
Thanks. Been grinding it with gold mario and having trouble improving my score. Hard to get multiple frenzies on that one.
did you get the pipe buggy?
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Yes, but tough week
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1st place, but a tough match. The sleeper passed me on Sunday, and it took me 3 days to pass him, then he almost sniped me at the end.
Week 2: 3 Tier 99 opponents, including legendary MKT youtuber Carlos85. Amazing final boss level Top 10 player. It should be interesting.
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Update: Enjoying 1st place while it lasts.
I might have a chance to win if I level up my Daisy Mii (Lv7/2c) for Donut Plains 3R/T and Mario Circuit R/T, and fully max out K/G on the latter. But I do not have a high level Mii on Luigi Raceway R/T.
surprised carlos maxed out a giga bomb mii for luigi raceway r/t instead of one of its top 4 item drivers

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