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i fucking hate namek vegeta so fucking much.
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Chibi no ouji…
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Reminder EZAreas are shit
I wish they released the new LR as a standalone piccolo
>changed Nail's DR condition from piccolo to namekian
>add new piccolo that isn't on namekians
thank you anon
DaSkinnyfat(past form)
best link level stage?
35-6 with boost has the same LL rate as roshi
can somebody explain to me why this fat dumb retard is this fucking stupid? Do you all see what he just fucking did? Am i imagining this? Jesus christ.
Every unit is a slot 1 with dodge my boy haha
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at the last minute
>put off bio broly until videl goes away
>waste stamina on nail's subeza too because I forgot to use keys
>still manage to farm all the medals and SA copies without meat
I'm gonna miss level ups
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Kino soon.
This will be the most we get for Saiyan Saga ever again.
if you dont have the brolies he is basically useless
ihope they eza both int vegeta / goku and krillin + gohan so namek saga can at least have a runnable team
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Finally beat it bros. It took weeks but I brought this one home. Used 1 Icarus on the last stage, the Broly Domain and other Broly Active nuked that piece of shit so I didn't need a second.
good job cutie
He has Final Garlic Ho so I am required to like him.
I only did 2 loads a day and still got 30. Pettan requires little focus on split series.
>put King Vegeta in slot 1
>he gets killed off the first hit
>put Vegito in slot 1
>Super Vegeta gets smoked by the 4 million super that was happening to slot 2

He quite literally could not have made a better play. His only hope was Super Vegeta getting a lucky dodge or two before supering. He would have been able to tank the normals after Supering, and Vegito would have been fine against the Gogeta Super.

This is why dipshits like you that are obsessed with him just constantly make me laugh. You act like you know better than him or are better at the game than him but every single fucking time you do something like this to showcase how stupid he is, it really just showcasese how little you know about the game and how little content you've actually cleared.
Is farming the 777 for bio broly even worth it?
Nigger are you fucking retarded? Vegito slot 1 + Vegeta active slot 2 would've probably killed before the super, and if it didn't, Vegeta had the same chance to dodge in slot 2, and only had to do it once.
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10th anni creep won't be that bad.
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Is this guy still good or too old?
bad, but you can use him for legendary goku missions, support memory boost, etc. his missions give stones too i think?
he's been powercrept and his eza had a wonky setup. might as well eza him because it's almost confirmed he'll get a super eza in the next year or 2
His leader skill is quite good for f2p stuff. I’ve also used him in a burst mode or two
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Not the truthschizo but wtf is the point of a list like this when teqhan mogs them, and brats, and seza frieza, etc? A tur list is already pointless since there's literally no important distinction from LRs, but to separate them from ezas is pure content farming faggotry.
i was wondering the same thing. i can maybe get splitting them up from lrs since the majority of the time lrs are just better, but splitting ezas from regular turs is retarded
This nigga used to be the king.
1. Buu
2. Hirudigarn
3. SS3
4. Teq Vegeta
5. Scouter Vegeta
>check dafat's piccolo & gohan video
>he immediately goes for the 18 ki
How retarded is this blob of fat, 100 percent when LR INT SSJ goku's EZA drops hes gonna do 18 ki attacks then get angry when he doesn't have enough defense.
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One of the most depressing videos I've ever been recommended
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I was looking at the wiki and what does this mean? I should level up one other one to 10 and then use it to feed to another copy? Why not just feed all the copies directly am I missing something?
He doesn't get SA20 until his LR form. You would have to grind 777 medals 10 times to feed individual copies, instead of getting 1 ssr to SA10 and awakening it.
Why so many seza medals from missions?
You have to farm 2 of them at SA level 10 and one at SA level 5.
Yes, he’s better than most turs (barring ezas)
The stage itself doesn't give medals
oh damn I'm retarded. also holy shit that grind I don't think I can get another 777 with the stamina I have right now
Might have to use kais. PBs usually vanish for months after release, even from the portal. But it's no rush for him if you don't have a full uncontrollable power team.
You already answered your question, it's content farming. He wants to make a separate list featuring the EZAs and SEZAs, which is retarded IMO. We're at the point wherein SEZA TURs are performing better than legit half of the TURs on that list.
you have truth's tiny pecker so far down your mouth it's coming out your ass

imagine meat riding truth of all people
>wtf is the point of a list like this when [eza/sezas] mog them
It's for summoning on future banners/using coins
A banner with SS3 Goku/Buu is more valuable than a banner with Rose/1st form Frieza. Coining SS3 Goku/Buu will be more valuable than coining Phy Rose or 1st form Frieza.
So with the revamp, do you still need to farm all those characters for LR Goku's regular EZA?
So what's the build verdict? Heavy on additionals? Mostly dodge and some additional?
dodge then add yeah
if you like big damage then add then dodge
No, you can do it with any F2P unit team now
Nta but thank fucking God. Nothing was more fucking frustrating than going back and trying to do the f2p units for some stones or a decent unit and then finally grinding to the end to see that I couldn't even do the event because I was missing 5 other fully grinded f2p units and some of those units also have requirements to do theirs, and so on. Fucking thank christ
Bit why coin any of them over superior red coin ezas/sezas or LRs. They should be on the same list.
Is this bait? How fucking MENTALLY RETARDED do you have to be to even think for one second Vegito's counters and active skill vegeta would not kill Gogeta there???
How fucking stupid can a person be?? Truth's fans really are on the same wavelength as him

Even if vegeta got TWO fucking lucky dodges, a literal 1 in a fucking BILLION chance, vegito would still die to the super at slot 2 and not get any counters so he wouldnt be able to kill LMAO holy shit you are retarded
>high chance of performing a critical hit;plus an additional chance of performing a critical hit +20% within the same turn with each attack performed; plus an additional ATK +30% within the same turn after receiving an attack;
>3 attacks in slot 1 before attacking, each of which can trigger vegitos hipo additional, and 2 attacks after
>vegeta had his active
>both vegito and vegeta would be doing guaranteed crits and that gogeta only has 50 million hp
Nah but lets put vegito in slot 2 and hope everyone else hipo dodges several attacks... retard
what's a f2p team I can make now to tackle f2p units only challenges?
there's the ginyu force f2p team, the team bardock f2p team and the metal cooler f2p team
and I believe next update will give us a f2p z warriors team from saiyan saga
Team bardock. Z Fighters soon. >>1590815 A lot of f2p stuff requires specific units.
what a fucking SMUG piece of butter lard FAT holy fucking shit dude
Genuinely shocked that SEZA Super Saiyan Goku's hitting 20 million with mostly lvl 1 links.
I hadn't even seen videos. He looks fun to use.
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ready for another straight ass halloween dokkanfest
>conveniently excludes gogeta
piccolo/gohan wasnt bad either
30 minutes until we all soommon, yes?
I want a version of androids saga Trunks where his super/active is the scene where Frieza's vision is slipping in half
Man, that Trunks was so badly designed.
He could be decent after EZA if they soup up his Super Saiyan form and give it additionals. There's reason to use debuffing cards now, but he's bad as is.
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*skull emoji*
he was hit or miss when he came out and then got powercrept 3 months later
>have all those turs rainbowed
skippy for me
Yeah, I'll just pull him when he shows up on a future Carnival Banner.
Ribrianne has never been on a carnival.
Namek saga so I will somoooon
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>best banner for me to summon on to finally reach 500 coins and never touch Legendary banners again
>first Ulthan + first FP Jiren + first Ginyu in 450 stones
fucking worth
full add and the rest dodge
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I love him!!
you can really just summon on anything this year huh
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These assholes really aren't giving us ToP part 2 until december. Nice sync you fat cunt.
in ginyu being special pose only unit is so retarded.
this banner is terrible. where the fuck is int vegeta / goku or krillin and gohan, surely at least one of those will eza, right?
I can casually 2 turn these Support Memory Boost stages with double slot 2 SEZA Goku.
I don't think they were balanced around him getting 10-15+ million atk stats.
The LR's are atleast modern but no cell max in shop.
Literally all featured LRs on that banner absolutely MOG the everloving FUCK out of SHART FARTS
Summonbros??? We're summoning on THIS???
>3 multis
>AGLhan dupe
>Super 17 dupe
>TEQ Gohan/Piccolo
Yeah I'm thinking based.
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I was going back through the story mode to clear missions I missed and looking at drops and I noticed this drop isn't guaranteed on Super but it is on the lower difficulties. Is this just a weird error or something?
I keep getting this nigger super 17 no matter where I roll on get this guy away from me
I would say there’s a chance he becomes very good on EZA but then I remembered that he’s an extreme class teq GT android with off-leaderskill restrictions that needs to get hit a dozen times for a CHANCE to get ki so you know he’s gonna be absolute dogshit
I fucking hate using Gogeta why can't he just start transformed. I don't want to see Vegeta's slow as molasses, weird as fuck looking donkey kick over and over and over and over
Agreed it is a bit goofy, hardly befitting of a master of the royal fighting style of Vegetasei. Perhaps Vegeta picked up the Donkey Kick on Earth? Or his time in hell? A mixture of thuggery and wits.
Saiyan saga is currently in a worse state than namek saga.
Nuke of truth
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>phone batery is fucked
>take it to store for replacement
>they have to order a new battery
>wait 2 weeks, they never call me
>go there in person
>negro goes check and the battery already had arrived
>go to leave phone at the store in the morning so they can make the replacement
>before handing him the phone, remember to ask negro about what would happen if they fucked up the proceedure
>he answers they have a 3 month policy
>I ask again
>he repeats the answer
>I remember his kind can't understand conditional hipotheticals
>decide to roll the dice anyway and leave phone
>return in the afternoon
>negro gives back phone but screen doesn't work
>gives the money back and runs off the store
Thankfully his boss is still White and he agreed that the phone couldn't leave the store more broken than it arrived so they said they'll repair it but I'm spending another day without my phone and while likely miss login.
I've genuinely contemplated smashing his car if they can't fix my phone
its not their fault. just let go instead of causing more pain and discomfort that will not fix anything
You're doing it wrong anon.
>screen is fucked
>insane price to replace
>can get a free phone as a new customer but I'm already with the provider
>go to one of those pajeet kiosks and switch to some shitty $20 plan
>switch right back to old provider and get free phone
Only works if you backed up your shit of course
>Just now noticed that the Daima cards have (DAIMA) in their names
So if the Broly problem was so bad that they had to design Carnival Broly the way they did, then why isn't DBS Broly called Broly (SUPER)?
I cant wait for Broly Blue and Kaioken Broly
What team can you even run with this Gohan/Piccolo?
scouter vegeta
ui goku
teq gogeta if you're willing to run double 180% i guess

getting the namekians requirement is another issue. orange piccolo is not the monster he once was and nail needs another namekian which gohan/piccolo doesn't cover. unit really needs a new top tier namekian unit or some more big namek buffs
omatsu give me a hallow DFE transforming old slug that doesn't suck, leads namekians, terrifying conquerors, and seekers of the dragon balls and give the PHY one a good EZA and I will offer you my life
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I forgot how good scouter is. It's like 5 free turns where I don't have to use win buttons.
ummmmmmmmmm a f2p saiyan saga team is dropping on monday and your'e complaining?
DB saga will be meta soon
Ultra Kaioken God Instinct Goku will save the game on anniversary
They felt like being uncreative fucks and wanted a half-ass excuse to justify doing the same character twice in a row.
They also never ever want to establish a dialogue with the userbase or admit they made a bad decision.
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>Grind the hell out of sparking zero because dokkan has been shafting me + it has entered it's driest period of the year
>Finally done
What now?
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play The Breakers
Meh, I think I'll try finish up xenoverse 2 or kakarot instead
FINALLY rainbowed them. Got two copies on single summons and used my red coins for the last copy.
>8 crit
>9 dodge
How should I have built him then?
all add, 6 dodge
Gogeta has guaranteed crits.
Max additional and a little hint of crit sprinkled on top so they can occasionally deal damage prior to fusing.
Doesn't really matter so long as additional is maxed, your choice between the goku vegeta side occasionally being able to do real damage or once in a blue moon dodging a normal that wasn't going to deal damage to you.
This is, without a doubt, one of the most useless HiPo builds I have ever seen posted on here.
It's not 2020 anymore where you want to split HiPo.

You either go all in on additional or all in on dodge. You basically don't ever need to bother with crit anymore because practically every heavy damage dealer in the game has crit baked into their passive, and the very few premium units released in the last like...2 or so years that don't have crit rolled in are basically all support characters with low damage anyway.
Are they announing an LR EZA or not? I'm still missing Gohan&Krillin, and might as well get them now that they're available with red coins if they do EZA
Literally the only fucking instance he ever skippes through in this entire video by the way oh my fucking god was that on purpose? What a disgusting human
Truth: we gotta take care of phy goten first those bombs are killing me bros!
>leaves teqly untransformed
>takes FIVE (5) turns to kill goten
not watching your streams nigger
probably not, no real precedent for a significant part 2 EZA in this timeslot
does the green gem shop reset ever? I kind of want to grab all of the keys to eza my stuff right now so I can farm more stuff but I think I'll hold back if it never resets
I think Rockstar should cancel GTA 6.

Not only is it NOT needed in this climate, but because Rockstar clearly has nothing to say or add to the core gameplay loop, from what I can see. The trailer is quite indicative of that. Not to mention there's seemingly no real interest in it. All the hype has deflated. Rockstar waited too late and expectations are too high. Some veteran devs, producers and engineers who made the old GTA games are no longer at Rockstar. The quality just won't be the same.

Every time I discuss GTA 6, no one has anything to say. I think that's telling. Rockstar should just continue to milk GTA 5 for the next decade
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2nding with the LR version which is even smugger.
very rarely and usually in accordance with big story updates. i don't think it really refreshes but they do add to it
I hope a new Gohan comes out with an even more smug look except also doing the Vegeta thumb
this never happened
this happened and he also got absorbed 5 minutes later
it happened and he got it from goku telling freezer he was retarded on namek after killing him with masenko
Trying to watch truth's new long seza PB Goku showcase and this retarded fucking obese fat lard is so fucking hard headed hes literally willing to die on every retarded fucking dumbass hill he's on. His phy trio got smoked by a turn 1 max damage gogeta super in 1 fucking video and ever since hes always like YEP they cant do shit THEY SUCK!! HORRIBLE!!! I CANT RUN THIS TEAM and he fucking ran DOUBLE STR ROSHI 6 TIMES, WITH BUNNY BULMA AND LR BULMA ON THIS NEW SHOWCASE VIDEO OVER PHY TRIO. Even ran double int trio over phy trio. How fucking RETARDED is this person? How the fuck can you defend this fucking mental vegetable? He kept watching his weak ass units he has to run on his meme teams and even str roshi himself getting supered time and time again for millions and still didnt even THINK about giving phy trio a chance. Jesus christ dude he drives me insane
Watch SHIThan also get murdered turn 1 just as easily as the phy trio but truth overlook that and not ever comment on it ever lol
>phy trio only takes 150k from a turn 1 super from gogeta
>"phew they were just juiced bro"
Kek, jesus, we have to hold back and not do SHIThans standby because phy trio is just so WORTHLESS defensively in base!! SAVE ME SHITHAN DADDY!!!!(he said this verbatum)
(PHY trio takes HARD double digits from this super btw and shithan is type advantaged and guarding here LMAO)
And why does he say "you silly goose"? Who the fuck says that shit?
The only person Ive ever heard use this FAGGOT ass phrase is big gay al from south park
shut the fuck up about your ecebel already, nobody cares
next you are going to accuse me of being a fan of him
>fills team with non-movie hero or struggle allies
Real head scratcher
I mean, I only really play for collecting my favorites and I don't really know how to play the game.
This guy will claim to be an elite veteran of the game but doesn't even remember how units work and will start being biased against them and shitting on them the literal moment they fuck up, even if it's his fault. And he is completely oblivious and unaware of this whole mental process he goes through every time too he legitimately thinks he's judging units objectively and truthfully. It is insane how opinionated this dumb fucking MORON is. So fucking annoying.
Nobody cares about your opinion either you fucking retarded dafatfuck asslicker. Go build teqly full dodge like your obese idol dumbass
EZA fights are too hard. Can I just level up anyone that matches their restrictions
Usually. Which one are you trying to do
fucking called it
so fucking predictable, YOU are the one asslicking him and he is YOUR idol you fucking retard
The STR Kefla and Teq Gohan with the sword.
Lots of f2p ToP units you can grind for kefla, idk if you have green keys though. Not a lot of f2p WW chaos units. But yeah for tur ezas you just need the category, for LR ezas you also need LRs.
actually for kefla, you can probably use the LR eza strat of 1 shotting her with friend agl UI. Just run any leader that leads him and restart until he spawns turn 1.
based datruth hater

datruth deserves this hate, he makes piss poor plays gets mad at the game and triples down on his retarded opinion about dodge.
Dude replied to himself
no I did not
You did fag /dokkan/ is anti-dafat
We HATE truth here
I am too which is why I'm tired of you posting about him all the time
Nice coverup truth

I post in clusters so you can easily scroll down and ignore my posts if you REALLY dont care, and my posts usually have dokkan discussion in them AS I ACTUALLY KNOW HOW TO PLAY THE GAME unlike truth so by correcting his mistakes and posting them here I am raising the average poster's game awareness and contributing to the thread with dokkan related content

What actually IS useless is this little discussion about your complaints which I will cease to participate in as it is just genuinely wasting everybody's time with 0 benefit. So suck my dick you fat obese lard
not reading whatever schizo babble you just posted, I hate truth and I hate that you keep talking about him
you're a retarded idiot and a datruth ass licker

if you really hated him these posts would make you kek, they certainly do for me
I just don't care about him, is it that hard to understand
Worse than /dbs/ at this point, if you aren't the same person could you both just stop posting?
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Thanks for the tip. Got hard stuck here purely because my team can't live long enough to cycle through back to the support so I'll have to come back after I get some tournament characters leveled
UI can't solo her here?

We need some peak OSTS to cleanse this thread
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Still my favorite in the game.
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I honestly don't know because I tried him again and she just disappeared this time. Last time I stopped he barely did any damage even with max ki, maybe I just didn't pay attention and accidentally used the wrong team
used to agree, but I heard it too many times. This however, I can somehow sleep to.
You might be able to do the same thing against gohan with friend piccolo jr or LR rose. They're not as cracked as UI though.
i think you picked a non-eza'd friend. i've seen these retards infesting the friend system.
I don't remember the last time I played with sound on
dokkan has some really good osts but even so i barely play with it on. usually im either grinding the game or playing runs while watching something/doing something else. also unless you play with animations on, usually the ost doesnt even last that long
i'm not ready for the wt bros
this dude really is the jester of dokkan
This better?
Aw don't tell me that's tonight.
fuck me i knew i was forgetting something. 23 mil chads wya
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wt is extended on global cause there will be a maintenance during it
more world tournament?!? yippeeee!!! also, when exactly is the maitenence?
Wonder if I should summon on the general ssr banner since I don't have str buu
I have become fascinated with messing with the vampire on miku.gg
I still don't have my phone back so this is fine for me
I only go to 23mil anyway
1 hour in and I'm reminded again why I hate WT
Yes, they should consistently triple super now.
haven't played in a while. Is this still the team?
It’s in Majunior active skill oneshotting everything

Yup, truthGOD with another truthNVKE. Who else is a year old and runnable? Fucking nobody bros. MAYBE lr bulma or eza godku or something... Heh. DaTRVKE.
>World Tournament
>mfw every fucking time

Is it worth the worth the point hit to shoehorn int piccolo in rather than go full LR with Ginyu lead?
Int piccolo lead with 5 lrs is best because it just saves you so much fucking time when you kill with his active and you don't lose that many points anyway. 5% points lost but 50% of time saved
meanwhile JP still barely gets 2 days like always.
Even Pettan no longer feels like a waste of time but they insist on this garbage heap of a mode.
but bro your pointless dog shit EZAs???? can't miss out on elite units like eza hacchan
FUCK that one really hurts. Hacchan had such a perfect kit for an EZA and they ruined to the point he's barely runnable on a team that only handles mid-level content.
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am I dumb ass nigger retarded to run this rng manipulation lol spic team some underage french kid came up?
illiterate nigger
/dokkan/ btfo
Nigger it's not some secret high IQ davinci code matrix shit, it's just higher base HP. Sort by HP and use the highest ones mixed with however many aoes you want to make this shit faster
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Yeah sure. You don't need ginyu though, you can use PB kid gohan's massive hp. It's hp before leader skill, the bar you see in the menu between stages.
nigga you are fuckin me I'm new to this brooo
so basically I just farm the same AI units MANUALLY over and over?
You think they'll just GIVE you 50 stones for free? Haha my boy!
unless youre chasing number one in local, just do the beerus difficulty and win 30 rounds to finish all the missions and stop
My ex is getting revenge on me
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Passives only work if the unit is on field, except if it says something like
>lasts for 2 turns
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Every time I get into an argument with a retard on here, I put on the LR full power agl frieza ost and get to roasting
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may whoever designed wt rot in hell
they should've made it like granblue guild wars and give us guilds
>higher base HP
not cost?
No, that was a baseless myth. The friend system matches based on HP and so does WT. The HP bar on the bottom between stages was a clue. The twitter niglets with their magic futurehan team don't even realize this, they just noticed higher points. Matchmaking still involves RNG though, so if you get good opponents keep using that team.
My ex is revenge porning me
more HP on your team means more points because the people you fight have more HP?
I thought it'd be a bitch to rebuild my team, but I just have to replace Ginyu Force with Future Gohan. Double Majunior means low HP, but what can you do.
Yes, or rather you're more likely to get matched with higher HP teams.
daima chads win again with another fun, well animated episode. true dragon ball fans can't stop winning
I can't believe Mr. Popo is a miniature Janemba
i wasn't expecting him to have little horns
Weird that Gomah is a majin but Bibidi created Buu. I guess Buu is an artificial majin.
Daima fans are just pedos out in the open
Goresh is less worse than truth but I still dislike him. He just seems very snotty and conceited
Reminder that if truth didnt have fucking TEN FUCKING 10 DODGE ON BEAST it would be possible he could've double supered here and maybe could've even survived due to the def stack.

Also the play was run AGL Vegito blue slot 1 but I'm not gonna go there even
>triple supering in slot 3
>fails the hipo additional again
>literally loses this run because he dodged last appearance
>anti-datruthschizo babble
Guys why is truth talking about himself like that
Hes underestimating slot 1ning the blues so much in this video. Its hard to watch. Full dodge build slot 1 blue boys are NOT going to disappoint that much
Im going to strangle this fat turd
i could do this shit first try if i really wanted to with double blue boys
>le the friend build is going to be built like a drunk idiot
This fat fucking lard ass piece of shit is obsessed with dodge
I've barely played this game in weeks. The global marathon is so fucking exhausting and I'm glad that it's getting split up finally.
Nothing to do until Tuesday when they drop either the ToP or peppy gals shit.
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>all done with tournament grinding except tomorrow's dailies
>have to do it again on Global tomorrow
Why are you hate watching him, there are a lot of other dokkan youtubers
they're all shit except DW
Toonrami's ok.
He is
He’s pretty bad. Honestly Dokkan is a pretty awful game to watch others play as there is virtually zero room for experimentation. As much as I don’t like his fake argument nonsense I can appreciate datruth has made a thing that people can watch and engage with in Dokkan. For Dokkan world I can’t sit through an entire video, I usually just skip to first turns and vs end phases
Our girl, Rei, has completed every mission in the Challenge tab.
Odd to see a vtuber do something I haven't done
>girl playing dokkan
Roshi is next so we are getting the peppy gals redzone before goku and frieza
Who in the FUCK watches this type of shit
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came to the conclusion that wt units are useless and I rather summon for dog shit general SSRs towards where I risnbkw them and get some coins
thoughts on this investment t
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and there it is
based I'm gonna do this from now on as well
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So Piccolo Jr set-up with Future Gohan still the to go for WT?
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>daima's ending inspired by gt's opening
Confirmed. Toriyama loved GT.
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lol nigga died before toei put his name on it
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LR Popo (Mini) soon
>For Dokkan world I can’t sit through an entire video, I usually just skip to first turns and vs end phases
Good, that's all you need to judge a unit. You don't need to "engage" with time wasting wasting nonsense even you think is stupid.
Wait for a good featured pool like last time that had the 23rd tournament units.
what the fawk does this mean
>good festured pool
Jp fanta fuck off with your f2p garbage
Are you suggesting this wasn't the best tournament GSSR banner to date?
bonjour pédé
This is why these threads are dead.
They're all worthless except buu and teenhan. Not even battlefield filler.
We should move to /vg/
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Her body, her choice.
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>/kekkan/ can't go a day without mentioning truth
I have him rainbowed. Is he even any good?
He shall break the game again once he EZAs. I trust omatsu...
Jesus christ and he put janemba over them
Teq gogeta was taking 700k without their support and 70k with their support. Only ONE phy trio supporting them btw..you can have TWO. Jesus christ. Truth is retarded
>random person says the most retarded shit you have ever heard in your entire life
yup yup yup, right on... im sorry guys im sorry guys but this just sounds like a JP player to me!

Also lol @ dashit doing a complete 180 and starting to say all the stuff I've been saying about int broly since day 1
When do the daily challenges reset? I found out they rotate daily but I cant find when they actually do rotate
At 3 am in the GMT +3 timezone
Okay thanks
Could go for some content right about now.
INT cui is better than namekjita
>finally beat the Namek mission thanks to the new Ginyu Force and a First Form Freeza friend
How the fuck would you even do it with none of this year's new releases? There's less than a week left before the mission disappears and Vegeta/Goku still hasn't gotten his EZA announced.
Should I just use 200 coins to get the recoom guido since it's the last one I'm missing. I can't get these niggers for the life of me
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They're not ezaing.
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Damn, how?
Bejita turn 1, Nail turn 2. Phase 1 and 2 in 1 turn, 3 and 4 in 2 turns, Bejita crits turn 7.
>4 peppy gals for every stage
This shit will be a fucking nightmare.
We're actually going to have an entire campaign without an eza aren't we? Devs really are slowing down the stones.

Can't they do something to make this actually fun?
They need to make it auto battle able. Having to tap through 1000 load screens doing the same shit over and over again for 3 hours is fuckin stupid.
>Chain Battle: removed
>Pettan: gives actual rewards now
soon or I might start skipping tournaments
what does it mean when you get the preliminary map with all the food items
lol datruth thoughts on dbdaima video NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR FUCKING OPINION DAFATTY!!!
>datruth dokkan video: 25k views
>datruth daima video (daima is trending btw): 4k views
Why does he even have a following? I opened a video once and he was screeching at top of his lungs in the first few seconds and I closed the tab. Never went back.
>don't even have just Ginyu so can't even bother trying the shitty mission
You can do it with str nameku lead. Especially if you have seza frieza.
>daima is trending btw)
That's exactly why his video failed. It got lost in sea of Daima videos.
You're not wrong about people not wanting to listen to him outside of Dokkan help though
same goes for goresh. goresh also makes videos covering daima and like, who tf cares and who tf watches that shit.
Hello Nicholas
>nobody is even talking about King Piccolo's EZA
Is he really that bad?
they did not change his transformation condition at all which was the one thing he needed the most
Are they merging Roshi and the peppy gals banners? All in!
All his defense before transformation is in slot 1 as if he'd be too broken otherwise.
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>EZA for the Namek LRs after all
>and they're really good
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>238% support + broly domain + support memory
Remove the triclops jobber
does anyone ever use the units anyway?
I always saw it as more of a box completion thing
wtf i dont even have shithan and shitlin awakened
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looks like vegetas revive got boosted to 50% and starting from turn 5 he just had it like int broly
agl jobbers seem pretty fucking bad
This is really fucking good for eza brats. Now there's a viable keklin to give them unit super at all times.
doesn't work unfortunately, unit super needs "Krillin" not "ally whose name includes Krillin"
They can stack about 80-100% def per turn and have up to 70% dodge. Their stats would have to be absolutely disgusting to not be good.
>changes into battle suit upon entering next attacking turn after performing 4 or more super attacks in battle
their outfit change is an auto transformation so quad supering turn 1 will be bad if you want to get them full stacks
Where do I see this info?
So Bejita's revive is either be below 50% when the turn starts or 5th turn from their start of turn?
its start of battle
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And just like that Namek saga is a real category.
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>No guard nor dr on krillin and gohan
>No guard and only 30% dr on vegeta
Dead on arrival kek. They'll do nice apt noombers but neither will take hits to save their lives.
Watch these ezas come out AFTER inevitable showdown ends.
So is it worth coining Gohan&Krillin with red coins or no?
unless you're sitting on 3000 coins and have every worthwhile unit, no
If you like Namek Saga
Yeah, i have 2900 or so coins, and the only dokkanfests i'm missing are the monthly ones starting with Toppo and above (Int broly being the only anni/wwc red coin unit im missing).
Gohan&Krillin are the very first time i don't have a unit when the EZA comes out, so i might just grab them instead of using yellow coins
then yes probably, just for completion's sake
yeah they're incredibly mid
last day to re-do the hidden potential for any units for 1 stone
imagine if tenth anni part 1 is namek
is the eza f2p bardock team or the eza f2p ginyu team better?
oh shit thanks for the reminder
we need a DFE guldo with a ghost usher timestop active skill
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I'm noticing something....
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Namek Arc category ki +4, stats +150% or int type ki +4, stats +100%

ki +3, atk/def +180%
when HP is 30% or above, ki +4 and reduces damage received by 30%
when HP is 50% or above, ki +4 and launches an additional attack that has a high chance of becoming a super attack
when HP is 70% or above when attacking, ki +4 and great chance of launching an additional super attack
atk/def +150% when attacking
when HP is 50% or less at the start of turn or after 5 turns from the start of battle, if self or an ally attacking in the same turn is K.O.ed, revives with 70% HP and exchanges with Goku

for 1 turn, greatly raises atk and raises def
raises atk and def for 3 turns


ki +10, atk/def +200%
atk/def +159% when performing a super attack
reduces damage receive by 30%
high chance of performing a critical hit
when there is an extreme class enemy, ki +5, atk +59%
when there is an enemy or ally (self excluded) in the Namek Arc category, reduces damage received by 30% and performs a critical hit

for 1 turn, greatly raises atk and raises def
raises atk and def for 3 turns

Assuming the lowest possible def buffs with 3 supers, Vegeta's at 830k on turn 1 with PfB and 930k on turn 3.
Goku's at 691k on his first turn and 806k on his second without built-in additionals.
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Krillin & Gohan (Kid)

Rapid Growth Category ki + 4, stats +150% or agl type ki +4, stats +100%

atk/def +170% and medium chance to evade attacks (including super attacks)
ki +1 each time ki is raised by ki spheres
atk/def +50% and evasion chance +20% when performing a super attack
atk +50% and launches an additional attack that has a high chance of becoming a super attack when ki meter is at 18 or more
when ki meter is at 24, launches an additional super attack and evasion chance +20%
exchanges when conditions are met

raises atk and def
greatly raises atk and def

Battle Armor

atk/def +200% and high chance of evading enemy attacks (including super attacks)
ki +2 each time ki is raised by ki spheres and a further ki +1 if it is a rainbow ki sphere
atk/def +58% and evasion chance +20% when performing a super attack
when ki meter is at 18 or more, atk +77% and launches an additional attack that has a great chance of becoming a super attack
when ki meter is at 24, launches an additional super attack and critical chance +30%

for 1 turn, greatly raises atk and raises def
for 1 turn, massively raises atk and greatly raises def

turn 1 with 3 supers is 570k, turn 2 with another 3 supers is 835k, post exchange would be 1.29 million
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Because they are watching Geekcuck instead.
gt and movies are being saved
nice, just good enough to get smoked by supers in 6 month old content! Omatsu cooked again!
>Exchange Goku will have 800k defense with 60% damage reduction
They aren't getting cooked anywhere
INTA but atleast keklin and kekhan and atleast dodge and it looks line they'll do a shitton of damage with their multiple aas and crits. At worst theyre filler to activate the phy brats super unit attack. Crygeta on the other hand is unforgiveable. Dr locked behind namek saga? The unit had saiyan pride why not pure saiyans or atleast entrusted will??? And no one wants to summon for agl shitgeta
I'm expecting some small Majin Buu Saga celebration before the end of the year
starting WT now
You can use an ally now and it's not like certain units where it has to be the whole rotation, so I think it's pretty good.
Just give us auto battle for the love of God
Just wish the 3 stages after preliminary were just the fight and didn't have the board
Can't believe I might go full dodge on vegeta
Why does it say WT resets in 9 hours if it's supposed to be in 28 hours
man all these planet namek saga ezas have been straight ass
these PNS ezas have been straight penis
the namek ezas have been gay ass
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SHARTlin is okay filler I guess.
Vegeta will age like milk. Goku should've been better if he's restricted to namek saga, at least built in additionals.
Definitely made to age so you summon on LR FFF and transforming nameku when they come out.
STRONGESThumanLin is pretty good
Bejita is decent filler until the new buffs and the only revive namek will have is goku
We getting Roshi tonight?
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If we do get a big ass Namek themed celebration after this, better fucking have a new Kaioken x20 Goku
need this
Build for crygeta? Vegeta wants crit but goku wants additionals so which would be better to lean towards? Im also just assuming AA for keklin
we will but he'll transform into super saiyan. maybe with a spirit bomb standby. for a ddf or dfxc with final form frieza, they're gonna go all out.
we get maintenance instead
probably the next night
he's right, the blue shitters want dodge
Sorry; it's actually 4 AM at GMT + 3
Either 4, 4:10 or 4:15. One of the three.
That would be 21:00 - 21:15 in eastern time or EDT
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>Dokkanfest kaioken never-ever
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>Dokkan Fest Namek Saga Final Form Frieza never ever
I was farming challenge...my stamina...
Wait, was there really a maint?
I was a single round away from hitting 23mil
those fuckers
>dokkeks in charge of reading
You do NOT put a fucking maint it at any of the 3 goddamn days the WT comes up
Just delay the goddamn thing to the next day
It's extended til next reset btw.
Like we would ever believe you go on lots of those, dashit
he means compensated dating
He means a findom cashmeet btw
>watching dafat video
>tfw you can hear him pop open a soda
fat fuck opens like 8 of them per hour
>Fat hogs fav pizza is literally called "garbage plate"
the jokes write themselves
Where DDL
Does he not realize using that crying goku makes it look like he's the one crying?
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>>"garbage plate"
>Mac and Cheese
>Ground Beef
>uncooked chunks of onions

Pic related

It's been 5 years Truth, you have plenty of income and free time.
How long until they give us news on the SDBH banner? The last time I played Dokkan when a Heroes banner dropped was when Golden Cooler released on Global. I want to go hard on the upcoming one since I missed so many of those units over the years
its usually in November
>500 calories deficit for 6 days of the week
>5000 calorie cheat meal every sunday (more like 3 days a week but whataver)
>wtf why am i not losing weight
>still no DDL
I'd try it but I too am a fat fuck
>Buy slop and throw it on a frozen cheese pizza
It's the exact same, it doesn't even look good.
>maintenance extended
Dokkan is surprisingly fun for a bubble popper. I think the big damage numbers give me big dopamine
It's not a bubble popper it takes real skill and thought and strategy and knowledge buddy
>extended again you faggots
what did omatsu mean by this?
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• Own energy +2, ATK and DEF 159%UP
• Further ATK and DEF 59% UP when special move is activated
• Guards all attacks when in first position
• Reduces damage received by 30% for 3 turns after appearance.
• When you receive an attack, an additional special move will always be activated for that turn.
• ATK and DEF increase by 10% each time you receive an attack (up to 30%)
• 15% increase in chance of critical hit for each super ally on the team (up to 59%)
• Ki +3, ATK and DEF 40% UP for all allies
• When attacking an enemy of extreme class, or when attacking first, further increases own Ki +3 and ATK and DEF by 59%.
Gohan (Kid) and Piccolo

Super - Raises ATK & DEF and causes supreme damage, seals enemy Super Attack

Passive - Ki +2; ATK & DEF +30% per "Saiyan Saga" or "Earth-Bred Fighter" category ally on the team; plus an additional ATK & DEF +150% when performing a Super Attack; medium chance for attacks to become critical hits; plus an additional ATK & DEF +50% and launches an additional attack that has a high chance to become a Super Attack when all allies om the team are Super Class; reduces damage received by 20% when an ally whose name includes "Goku" is on the team


Super - Greatly raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and causes supreme damage, high chance to stun

Passive - ATK & DEF +140%; plus an additional ATK & DEF +140% when performing a Super Attack; high chance to evade enemy attacks (including Super Attacks) as the 3rd attacker in a turn; randomly changes a type of Ki Sphere on the field (excluding PHY) into PHY; when another "Bond of Friendship" category ally is attacking on rotation, All Allies' ATK & DEF +40% and randomly changes a type of Ki Sphere on the field to RBW
seems alright, I just wish the DR lasted longer
Oh wow... they're SHIT. Ezas when?

Super - Greatly raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and causes supreme damage, lowers ATK & DEF

Passive - Ki +1 and ATK & DEF +180%; plus an additional ATK & DEF +180% when performing a Super Attack; launches an additional attack that has a great chance to become a Super Attack; launches an additional Super Attack as the 2nd or 3rd attacker in a turn; if HP is below 50% at the start of turn, stuns self and reduces damage received by 70% until the end of battle?

Super - Greatly raises DEF, greatly raises ATK for 1 turn and causes supreme damage

Passive - ATK & DEF +150%; plus an additional ATK +200% & DEF +100% when performing a Super Attack; plus an additional ATK & DEF +100% and performs a critical hit when another "Bond of Friendship" category ally is attacking in the same turn; plus an additional ATK +30% and reduces damage received by 7% per RBW Ki Sphere obtained


Super - Greatly raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and causes supreme damage, lowers ATK & DEF, high chance to stun

Passive - ATK & DEF +150%; high chance to evade enemy attacks (including Super Attacks); plus an additional ATK & DEF +150% when performing a Super Attack; "Saiyan Saga" Category allies' Ki +1 and ATK & DEF +30%; plus an additional Ki +2, ATK & DEF +50% and chance to evade enemy attacks (including Super Attacks) +20% if the targeted enemy has "ATK Down" or "DEF Down" status; All Allies' Ki +1 and ATK & DEF +30% and chance to perform a critical hit +10% if an ally whose name includes "Gohan (Kid)" is on the team
Goten (Kid) and Icarus Jr

Super - Greatly raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and causes supreme damage, greatly lowers DEF

Passive - Ki +1 and ATK & DEF +200% with a great chance for an additional Ki +1 and ATK +200%; plus an additional ATK & DEF +150% when performing a Super Attack; launches an additional attack that has a high chance to become a Super Attack; Ki +2, reduces damage received by 35% and All Allies' DEF +35% for 2 turns when another "Bond of Friendship" category ally is attacking in the same turn; recovers 7% HP at the start of turn, with a high chance to recover an additional 7% HP; recovers HP with candy
>recovers HP with candy
so its this year's halloween f2p unit
Vegeta (Mini) DAIMA

Super - Raises DEF for 1 turn and causes supreme damage

Passive - ATK & DEF +120%; All Allies' Ki +1 and DEF +30%, if there is another "Dragon Ball Seekers" category ally attacking on rotation, All Allies get a further Ki +1 and chance for attacks to become critical hits +10%; high chance to guard enemy attacks; medium chance to evade enemy attacks (including Super Attacks); plus an additional ATK & DEF +20% (up to +80%) and chance for attacks to become critical hits +10% (up to +40%) for every attack received or evaded

Goku (Mini) DAIMA

Super - Raises ATK for 1 turn and causes supreme damage

Passive - ATK & DEF +120%; All Allies' Ki +1 and ATK +30%, if there is another "Dragon Ball Seekers" category ally attacking on rotation, All Allies get a further Ki +1 and chance for attacks to become critical hits +10%; launches an additional attack that has a high chance to become a Super Attack; plus an additional ATK & DEF +20% (up to +80%) and chance for attacks to become critical hits +10% (up to +40%) for every attack performed
They buffed the goku. He now greatly raises for 3 turns on ultra
How tf am i going to do the panel missions? I thought they'd be auto completed..how am i gonna play the tutorial again?
We're all starting new accounts, didn't you know?
tutorial related ones auto complete
Nothing auto completed for me
you have to reach them first
Im surely missing something
Strange. I had all advanced and expert missions auto completed as well.
Sigh whatever FUCK shartku FUCK the shart fighters and fuck your 50 stones i dont even care omatsu
it seems like other people are having your issue so I guess you will have to wait a fix
>all those reused animations for the f2p cards
>got this bug too
Gotta fucking love Dokkan
Best stage for blue gems with multiple fights for link leveling?
So all the f2ps are shit except for Goku.
I think its fine, the way they did it for the Gohan and Piccolo is pretty clever
with Piccolo's part being from phy Goku and Piccolo and Gohan's part being from post revive str Gohan and Piccolo
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>shattering the limit
whoever worked and approved this needs to be put in cage and never let out im not kidding
>0 stones at end of WWC
>850 stones now
Jeez they’re fugging giving this things out for nothing. October was like an anniversary month
When are they going to implement AI voices for every character
God I can't bring myself to get to 20 wins holy shit
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the 10th will kill it
So 2nd turn with double super he caps out at 1.3m def, before links.
So Grillin and Kohan permanently raise stats before they put the battle armor on?
My job is kinda boring so i can afford to do other shit in between calls, so i was thinking of picking up dokkan again, with the 10th anni approaching and stuff. Last time i played actively was when FSGG bejita and trunks came out. How fun is the game these days? Is it really damage reduction + guard or bust? All i really care about is ssj goku, so I'm not chasing characters or anything.
correct, best case scenario for them is getting 3 super attacks on their first turn so that you may get some extra stacks in before they put the armor on
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How are we enjoying the new Z-Fighters?
guard and DR are pretty common on modern units
>Is it really damage reduction + guard or bust?
yes for anything modern
I regret rolling for Trio over Broly
I got all of them
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>dragon ball movie stages are coming back
>tournament of power stages are coming back
remember to farm those kais with the keys anon
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>omatsu saving everyone with the ex planet saga mission with the vegeta/goku eza
Omatsu-sama, I KNEEL!!!
>Saiyan Saga team lets new players immediately tackle some Red Zone content off the bat
>Trunks and Broly, SEZA SSJ Goku, and Version Z Goku are strong enough that you can get away with running them on meta teams
>The new Prime Battle format is actually tolerable
>More and more F2P cards like PHY Hit, Paragus and Kid Trunks are becoming usable pre EZA
Outside of World Tournament cards being stinkers for the most part, it's crazy how much respect the F2P side of Dokkan has gotten lately.
10th anni powercreep is gonna be so fucking horrible
>was so brain dead I brought the wrong team to tournament and died to a super
>have to do another 20 fights to get the wins in a row
Yeah fuck that
looked it up, you only get this on a reset login
>skipped wwc
>got +800 stones for october
>sitting at 3k
ready for the 10th anni powercreep and 3 part banners
Just got to 30m points. I’m so fucking strong and dedicated
so who will be the first ultra eza
34-4. 5 fights and blue gems. Who cares how slow it is.
I dont even want to imagine the powercreep past seza
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kid icarus awakening art
10th anniversary has to be introducing a new rarity
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also has goten's categories even though they're a joined forces unit
They really didn't think through the equip skill orb menu, like many other things. I've been scrolling for minutes trying to figure out all the unique orbs for the new saiyan saga units to equip them. Like at least make the unique ones be on top or something
>Gogeta/Janemba open up with a 4 million super
>still takes 800k+ damage and
You realize truth is mentally retarded right
I only know that name because of the guy shilling his videos in this thread
I keep posting in their surveys about this. It's a clusterfuck
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i miss the old icons
why is 5 extra attacks okay but someone having AoE bad
dokkan lost some soul today. Just like when they removed links flashing on the screen when a character attacked
double digit iq truthtard
I only watch content creators with downs like Villuhfy
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100% evade was a mistake
This is the only DaTruth I will ever watch
Jphanta was clearing broly in 2023 with friend WTku. The reality is a newfag is gonna start, roll a few gacha units and clear all that old shit easily before they even need to touch f2ps.
This black guy is trying his hardest to be like truth its sad
>bejita doing 20m+14m additionals
yeah fuck this dodge dump shit, he's getting crits so he can do damage before gokek
hes unironically full dodge
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He's actually white or something it's really weird some of his videos has facecam
keep eating dafat's shit retard, he's full damage
>no crit
>0 damage
Yep, he needs crit.
oh shit i thought we were talking about namek bejita im sorry lmao
The proper term for this unit would be cryjita or jobjita or shita or exchangejita actually
Full dodge it is.

First super doing way more damage is a good tip off that it's an LR
links flashing on the screen is messy and looks like shit and you know it
Pablo are you mentally retarded? The earliest you could possibly have exchange goku out is turn 4
Uh it's actually turn 2 of you're under 50%
Untermensch tier, almost crossdressing tranny happacel tier
Uh actually best case scenario would be doing just an 18 ki super for 3 turns and then quad supering
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>sot with 2 stacks under trio lead + defense after attacking
hes good on their team but after the wwc it really feels like they've been holding back on units that fall under their lead
I just remembered looking at this, I've never used support memories before. Are there any specific ones that are really good in general usage before I just try to farm all of them?
All the ones that aren't from story events or DB story
Bulla Went Shopping
pretty much all the good ones are from finishing challenge events like esbr or red zones
oh brother. not looking forward to memorizing these new ones. already had one of them pop up and wasn't sure what it activated.
I'm not gonna get all this done before 1am...
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/dokkan/ MEET UP
Imagine the smell
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>LR Bulma on the 30 stone banner
no pity for Roshi
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This means no pity for Jiren either.
did first 3 multies, got bunny bulma as my GFSSR, no Roshi but good enough for me
i would summon, but then i just think to myself, would i even use roshi if i actually got him on the guaranteed featured?
which eza of the three did yall do first
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Got Roshi on the guaranteed. Also a Godku dupe along the way.
Pretty nice.
Really want roshi but the banner isn't good enough.
Whos gonna go there to provide us with pics?
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Nope, not leveling Videl to SA15 until her fodder is back in the portal. No stamina or kais will be spent.
2 friezas and 1 kid goku in the gfssr summon
not bad at all
>super attack symbol changed
fuck you change it back
>BEAST takes 5 digits from level 10 cucklin eza
Yup yup, still don't need to teambuild for LR ezas anymore. BEAST crew clears.
I've gotten 10 fucking Kyaweis holy shit I just want one Mai and Cocotte please game
>summoned on that banner
Anon... Even I summon on 90% of discount banners but that's terrible.
is bulma still worth 500 red coins?
I gotta roll on peppy gals even if I know it's bad
one of the board missions is to use keys though
no she's not as good as she used to be and there's much better stuff you can use the red coins on
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Always feels good to see a world of one color
sup, what's the best stage for blue gems? 31-8 looks cool but idk if there's any better stage
I use 34-4. for links and blue orbs. It has 5 fights.
I got 2 from the only 30 multi I did and I already had her rainbowed.
And of course my GSSR from the Roshi banner was Videl who was already at 90%.
At least I got 1 month and all the new events to farm stones for HEROES.
that look good for link leveling but not that good for blue gems. 31-8 gives 10 but with a chance of 33 gems.
Dokkan just dropped 150 stones + in 2 days. Madness
>TUR Ginyu in the Cryjeta banner
That’s strange isn’t it
only because he's from the same saga, its way too early for a agl ginyu eza
Global is still missing more than that btw
and I threw away 100+ on roshi, am dumb
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>want bulma sex
>don't want cringeshi(giwhwm)
>new one piece thing was incredible
>meanwhile we’re stuck with fucking daima
What went wrong
>new shitpiss was hideous globohomo cringe as usual
>meanwhile we're blessed with KINOball daiCINEma
What went right
Used all my stones, go jack shit
want to uninstall
>using all your stones on an already outdated DFE banner with no good featured units
>using all your stones on pure sex
The moment they powercreep SH is the moment you can uninstall the app
>two bulma sex from my three multis
i win...
>all I got is KEKcha who is powercreeped by his new f2p version
Why is the Battle of Wits stage so hard?
modern units are really strong so stages need to be harder to compensate
I pulled Roshi and ngl I really don't want to use him. I get the whole haha funny 1980s humor but the blatant pedophelia is just eyerolling at this point.
no cap
You said it sis
It's hard to tell if these are from reddit or twitter. not sure why they would spend for him if they don't like him though
Why the FUCK does Roshi need turtle school allies to get buffs. Just make him a full peppy gal or something its not like that team is strong
I didn't have Kid Goku or AGL Frieza so this was a higher value banner for me with GFSSR.
>he WANTS to run teams without Goku
>Two Bulmas
>2 UI Gokus
What do you mean this isn't peak peppy gal?
Shut up you giant fucking faggot nigger. Kill yourself.
>summoning on any recent banner between now and Anniversary barring heroes.

These are the people telling you to skip heroes. Lmao, retard.
Stop fantasizing about old men having sex with children.
If you're gonna flush stones down the heroes toilet you might as well roll on random filler.

Lmao, braindead redditor go back and kill yourself. Every response will be a affirmation of this fact.
No because Heroes are far more useful for Battlefield, are way harder to get and you could probably get all of them in the same stones you'd spend on some filler unit.

And judging from 90 percent of people who bitch about battlefield most don't summon on Heroes.
I live in a first world country, Pablo.
So you live in the US which is basically a nigger worshipping third world country? Most European countries are 16 you dumb fuck, kill yourself retarded nigger redditor.
I understand now why you support the rape of children.
I support every descendant of your family being raped to death to extradite you from the gene pool you double digit mongrelized fucking retard.
Take your meds. I sleep soundly as night knowing your bloodline dies with you.
If it has a vagina, I summon.
skipping super taco 4 speed limit fentnoyl breaker
Take a bullet in your throat you stupid cunt.
whats the power difference between a level 1 and level 10 super attack?
using info from a wiki
immense at level 1 is a 280% multiplier and immense at level 10 is a 505% multiplier
Finally found the chart too. It's a lot more than I though it would be so I guess I should use some of my Kais instead of hoarding them
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I didn't get Roshi on discount summons, but I pulled both of them in a single multi. It seems I was Roshi all along.
>kyawei as my guarantee for all 3 multis
I skip pedroes and shit on battlefield. Gfssr is a scam when you have to rainbow a whole team of shitters attached at the hip.
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I love Kefla so much bros
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I win bros.
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what a SLUT
>put new Roshi as friend support
>10 friend requests out of nowhere
Lots of peppy players
>first kiss
... after she rimmed bejita
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Goku wants his turn too!
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>me on my way to rim Bejita myself
f2pchuds won
hmm another unit relying on trio to be good
I still havent unlocked Bardock f2p team should I just do it anyways just to have them
if you have nothing else to do
why are they giving like 100 pb seza medas when you just need 30
what if you forget to lock and sell
But trio is number 8 am i right truthsisters?
Might as well. I recently did the Ginyu Force and it was rather fast since they updated those stages. Especially getting their potential orbs.
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>Use a Special Sticker
I have never used these and don't want to. Who gets it?
Your favorite units
No. That's the point.
Giving it to Raditz.
Imo they look best on units that are doing an energy attack in their art. I particularly like the effect they use on agl super 17, teq perfect cell and str ss3 vegeta
I put stickers on any summonable characters that I rainbow. DFEs or general pools with EZAs.
Most people say the worst sticker effect in the game is TEQ Majin Vegeta, if that's what you're going for.
The worst sticker effect has to be teq ss3 teen gotenks from the heroes banners. It's practically unnoticeable.
Oof I should have realised. That’s a big oopsie from me
I almost potential'd them but I held off before I unlocked the new boards. I'm glad I did otherwise I'd have to farm a bitg
is the hike in respec cost an oopsie or was it only 1 dragon stone temporarily
How the fuck do I send a friend request. My friend list isn’t full and any stage I complete I don’t get the “send request” option anymore
it was temporary, at least its not 10 stones like it used to be years ago
I had the same issue, I just googled for a friend code and requested the first one I found
they would have just been already completed when you started the new board like with the ones for the goku
>couple new ezas and a shiny new friend lr and this mission is a joke
base goku double supered and helped one turn the final stage
I just did an eza stage and chose a different friend unit instead of whatever auto one it chose and friended the first person I could

look at a friend list and copy one of the numbers. you can remember 10 digits cant you?
I wonder why the SSR for the f2p Piccolo and Krillin is mentioned but not the TUR
is that one not going to work for Nail because it has Krillin in it
when you're selecting a friend in the list you can toggle to show their id
good to know, I will do that next time I guess
I don't get it. Do they mean they don't activate the "piccolo" part of his passive? Of course they wouldn't be in the list of applicable characters for "namekian category ally on the team."
the namekian category part
They used to activate his damage reduction pre-EZA because that required the exact name "Piccolo", but now they don't because it needs Namekians post-EZA and they don't have the category despite being just "Piccolo" still.
oh yeah it was "Piccolo" and not "whose name includes Piccolo" so that's why its only the SSR for Piccolo and Krillin and not the TUR
I did some pulls for the DB Saga banner and got LR STR Bulma + a copy. How should I build her?
full dodge, the best kind of build
full crit MY BOY
I really should respec some characters to all dodge but its not like its really going to matter
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i bought out this nigger garbage for those dog shit irelevant units out of boredom, you know what that means? battlefield overhaul and i made a mistake, screencap this
Thank you for your sacrifice, I've been waiting for them to fix it before I buy anything
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My Earthlings pool is pretty shoddy. Don't know why they made these categories they'd support once every two years.
Bros..when will the shaft end. I think I've gone 1600 stones without a new unit...
I still can't do this stupid namek saga mission
God this team is so bad...
they're finally waking up to joined forces/exchange issues they created
I can't believe exchange goku doesnt have any built in additionals what the fuck were they thinking
Still won't work for joined forces, only exchange.
Ginyu lead
EZA Vegeta Goku next to friend DFE Vegeta
SEZA FP Frieza next to INT 3rd Form Frieza
EZA Krillin Gohan floating with STR LR FP Frieza

I either get unlucky with the hidden potential system or Ginyu get's touched at the end
Is the PB krillin not a 170 lead for earthlings
Try it with gohan/piccolo friend, and try to stack your rotation for the last phase. Replace str fpf with nameku, angryku or nail.
>gohan/piccolo friend
Yeah I actually haven't tried them and just forgot they existed. Might work.
I stopped doing prime battles when Trunks came out. Trunks is fucking gay.
cleared it first try in 5 turns lol
I hope uub never gets a good unit because he's a pajeet
if you bought all of those medals, ezad the unit and then sold the unit for baba points, could you theoretically lock yourself out of having that unit forever?
I wonder how big the active playerbase is. Only 70k went to 23 mil points on global.
i wouldnt use wt as a measurement towards overall active players but its probably a good tell on the amount of players who takes the game super seriously and grinds every stone they can
I didnt even hit 10m
I only get 20 mil for the new LR
I'm brainlet.
Where Am I supposed to get the new units from the tutorial? The new chiaotzu and others
in the main menu there should be an icon with kid Gohan's face on it that says "panel missions"
doing the beginner missions gives you all the copies you need to rainbow all of them including the Goku, it also gives the eza medals needed to eza him
I have never touched WT since 21 droped, and I have majuniot and his meme wt rainbowed.
Not worth my time
There's nothing left to add from Saiyan Saga. It's tapped out. Except angel goku but there's nothing there.
Yajirobe LR
easy solution, take from sparking zero
replacing team bardock with saiyan saga in battlefield is sick actually. now i can use yamcha's active against the dodgenigger first boss.
Farmer (Shotgun)
Damn I didn't know red zones gave tickets to roll with. I was ignoring them for the moment because I thought it was just stones
>was accidentally using Ginyu Goku instead of the f2p furious Goku
no wonder he just died every time he got hit
Zeno on third multi cool
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can I get a yellow bebber
are giant forms just unkillable or something my entire team just turned into giant apes because of Turles and then I took like a trillion damage a turn but didn't lose until I stopped being black
Yes, read.
Their only gimmick for shit damage
Yes. And if the boss used up their supers on the giant form, they can't super again when it ends since it's still the same turn. So it's effectively a free turn. You can also use it for orb shenanigans by collecting before and after giant, and to counter rotation lock by rearranging the giants.
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Uh oh
>LR Krillin and Gohan don't fufill Trunks and Gotens unit Super Attack Condition
Into the trash(Namek Saga Team) they go
They should remove categories and make every ability generic
why does teq super gogeta have bond of parent and child?
Vegeta and Goku are on it so he keeps them
why is this fag on planet namek saga
because its not a standalone Gogeta unit its Goku and Vegeta
They both have children at this point?
Pretty sure he awakens from a namek Frieza.
>7th anni
>30m APT average
>9.5 anni
>units are eclipsing 200m
Is there any unit that can try to solo the 10th stage of the TEQ LR Broly EZA fight or am I forced to wait until I roll more stuff that can survive the fight?
agl UI?
It got it to half when I found one that wasn't weak but I just cant get around to him again. I'm just gonna wait until I dont have to spend keys for now I guess. AGL UI is kind of insane though what the fuck
Just do "What Ifs"
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Btw best HiPo for them?
add/crit for goku and piccolo, add/dodge for tien, dodge/add for the rest
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2000 days on the gook version and I didn't learn a word japanese because the rice balls gate keep with their fuckin moon runes , feels bad man wasted Potential
You're like a baby. I'm 3000 days in at another kusoge and the only kanji I can recognize are the numbers 1234
the new F2P team is surprisingly decent. I wonder what they're up to
They're up to making it easier for newfags to get into 10th anni
>Its actually just STR Gohan
Still, granted. Huge powercreep. Its why I stopped spending - WWC was a very good stopping point. All characters are basically the same, and if they don't have built in additionals, crit, guard, DR, or dodge (4/5 needed) they won't make it in content. Only significant thing Dokkan can do is add a lot of variety in game modes, and for low/mid/high tier players.
That's not his average though, just his active turn. We had 150m turns in 8th anni with 5th year ezas.
Also, bosses have 70% DR. So when you're basedjaking at attack stats remember that the damage "creep" is maybe 1/3rd of that.
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Rate my mewling gains
I'm aware, but its still inflation for the sake of it. They'll keep throwing DR at bosses, keep inflating our numbers, but no fundamental game changes and no new game modes.
I'd rather they stopped doing units (for 2 weeks at most) and throw us a lot of SBR/ESBRS/Dragon Histories/Fighting Legends/Add rotating daily missions to those etc.

I mean that's just for building upon what they have, let alone adding something new. But you just know rather than having SBR/ESBR will have powercrept enemies, rather than shit old 200% leads can do
I miss chainbsttle
For potentials are the Type boosts the ones to get or the generic other choice?
super attack and healing
Is take it over WT
Super attack boost most of the time and defense boost.
Why would you get defense boost that only works against phases where you have type advantage anyway? Doubly for attack boost. Worthless.
When do they reveal the new skiproes
Is this guy even any good? He won't leave me alone.
Of course! Just dodge every attack!
Because in modern dokkan units with type advantage can still take massive damage and units have so much defense that extra recovery boost really isn't needed. Type attack boost is fine on infinite attack stackers. An extra 5 levels in SA boost increases your SA multiplier by 25% but attack stacking also adds on to your SA multiplier, so going for the extra type advantage damage can be good if they stack a ton anyways.
You're only getting both against phases where you have advantage anyway. The others help in every situation. Insane to pick type advantage shit.
Bets on Halloween DFE? I'm guessing Garlic Jr cause of the goku piccolo eza + movie boss buffs
No it isn't insane when one can cut off a decent amount of damage received even if only against 1 type while the recovery boost is practically doing nothing anymore. Like wow whoopee I healed a little more hp per same type orb when units now are easily full healing even at 55%... and the defense numbers just keep going up while hp barely increases. This will only continue.
Maybe if you get a bunch of same type with a high SoT unit, but that's often not the case. They even specifically designed things like trio's on-hit defense to curb healing, or adding a bunch of dr and guard instead of raw stats. Type shit is too situational.
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A unit with this defense would heal 112,500 per orb at recovery boost level 10 and 131,250 per orb at level 15. So 18,750 more per orb. With 6 orbs the level 15 would heal 112,500 more than the level 10 but the level 10 is healing 675,000, pretty much already a full heal. Also they only heal that much IF thats their start of turn defense, you don't have to worry about this for type defense boost. And thats just one possible unit on rotation not to mention how often units passively heal now.
That's proving my point that you need a ton of SoT/orbs for one unit to fully heal. Most of the time you're relying on everyone to heal, and the small upgrade on each adds up. That small amount can be the difference in hitting an HP condition.
Slug would be cool too
>Most of the time you're relying on everyone to heal
Yep every unit on the team is a high dr unit with guard and only 200k defense! There is no defense bloat! And no one passively heals!! Look. I get it. You're a stubborn oldfag that is mindbroken by fatty whale and refuses to comprehend that the game has changed. Your are stuck in 2018 and mindlessly put the same builds on every unit. You can't boost your units type multipliers other than the hipo system. But any unit can heal with orbs or through their passive and actives. I dont go 15 recovery boost on ANY units anymore. The only difference between my box and yours is your units age out before mine. Because we have the same hp levels while my units are better defensively. You mentioned the trio and my 55% trio puts me to full health nearly every turn because they turn half the field into phy orbs. But you know damn well even they will be taking damage at type advantage going forward. But uhhh yeah dude the 4kish extra hp per orb is totally worth it over up to hundreds of thousands of damage mitigation...
>buffza does an 800k aoe (before burst buffs)
>both categories let you use crygeta to revive it
Pretty sovlful burst mode
>up to hundreds of thousands of damage mitigation
one* hundred* thousand*, if you're taking a 4 mil super with 2.5 mil raw def with type advantage and no other mitigation. So realistically, it's not doing jack shit... 100% of the time.
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Oh, you're just a retard. Got it. Dumb fuck.
I'm sure your powercrept shitters will be totally usable in one phase and somehow survive the others, and the numbers and rng will align perfectly for that type def to save your run. Just like dodge, right?
Why do you assume every single fight that any unit will be used in ever will be multiple phases? And also assume you will never have type advantage or be able to pick up type orbs? 90% of units are usable in the content they released with and then get thrown to battlefield for the next 2-3 years. The hardest stages in the game currently are even 1 phase. You're a mindbroken dumb fuck retard. Enjoy your 4k extra hp per orb dumb fuck retard.
>taking a 4 mil super with 2.5 mil raw def with type advantage
is this supposed to be an unrealistic scenario?
Oh I see. Your units will "age better" for piss easy battlefield mode, where you'll surely take 4 mil supers, and absolutely must bring monotype teams. I'm sure that type def is letting shitters take on janemba if they couldn't already.

With no other factors involved, that's a niche scenario, and still isn't close to a life or death difference.
The same janemba that can fuck up one of the best defensive units in the game? Better go full recovery boost so he heals literally only 1k extra hp per orb! He only needs 30 orbs to recover an extra 30k hp! You are actually the dumbest retard in this thread ever. Even more than the bardock tranny spic.
>literally only 1k extra hp per orb
On which turn?
Better go type def to have zero impact on the outcome of this fight or any other.
im literally running full lr teams only
Dabura would be cool. Would be nice if they gave him updated categories like legendary existence, accelerated battle, battle of wits and uncontrollable power and maybe a new demon realm category that covers majins and namekians
>zero impact
Yep. No impact. Beast is str and janemba is phy but there is NO impact. We will just pretend that type advantage boosts don't exist and that beast doesn't take massive damage from him... damage certainly won't go up in the future either!
Well newer player I hope you took my advice over this absolute brain dead retard of a mutt. He didn't post a single bit of evidence and just wants your box built like shit like his. I hate to see these bitter oldheads misinform newer players.
Janemba is a gimmick fight that you cheese with intros and win buttons, not by coping with type def. On units that activate janemba's gimmick no less and die anyway. It makes no difference for rainbow beast's survival, as in the ones who would have that node. Healing is relevant in every fight, not your niche made up scenarios.
You mean calcs with 27 type def, using type def orbs like a retarded schizo? Or suggesting fucking type atk over SA boost? Retard.
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>f2p saiyan saga easily clears everything and it's not even funny
>better than all their dokkanfest equivalents
wtf whalebros
but ive already cleared everything man
this burst mode is aids
for what purpose
Sub SEZAs for the guys who were required for the old EZArea
in case you fuck up and somehow sell the Goku after super eza'ing him I guess
or if you want extra copies of him super eza'd for some reason
Have you guys changed daipers yet?
To give players a way to grind it out if they can't complete the category specific missions.

it can't clear that top tier red zone+ content.
I wish this game had unlimited stamina
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Your redzone limit removed, your battlefield, your ezas, your meat, your keys, your... bro?
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>Here's 1 scenario.
>"So realistically, it's not doing jack shit... 100% of the time."
I thought he was handing me an updated autopsy report
>made up hyper specific scenario that makes no difference to your survival anyway
Acquire reading comprehension
doesn't matter if your "counter" is just as bad without even diving into what scenarios are common and what aren't. And when there's plenty of sound points aside from that you didn't address, you just make yourself look foolish.
It's about as sound as dafat's dodge niggery. "It'll totally activate exactly when you need in a way that saves your run. Ignore the other build that's always relevant." No unit out ages their meta with type def. Whole thing reads like he was buck broken by battlefield of all things.
>any unit can heal with orbs or through their passive and actives.
>4kish extra hp per orb
The fact is there's multiple barriers to that extra type orb boost being meaningful. You need high SoT defense, lots of same type orbs, and lowered health. Type defense on the other hand has just 1 barrier.
The barrier to that type orb boost is if you would take enormous damage from a phase where you have advantage anyway, and somehow survive the rest of the fight.
type def boost*
There's lots of ways to regain that lost health including the still good level 10 type orb boost, so yeah.
And I'm ensuring that whoever picks up same type orbs is healing as much as possible, at any stage of any fight.
You don't have control over orb spawning without a type orb changer and the ones collected at full health serve no purpose. You're not going to get whittled down most of the time.
And when I do take damage I wanna heal as much as possible, regardless of who the orb rng favors. Type def means that unit in that phase has to take meaningful damage.
Again, there's multiple ways to heal and level 10 will still get the job done pretty well.
>Type def means that unit in that phase has to take meaningful damage.
You have a lot more control over that through slot placement, super detection/canceling, cooldown counting, and simply reading the stage info to know what phase is which type and team build accordingly.
So happy that shit mode is gone and I don't have to horde rainbow turs and ssrs for lrs when I can now coin them instead
You have zero control over super rng besides scouters. You have way more control over orb movement and creation. And you're not playing or moving a unit differently just because of 5 type def. Too much needs to align for it to do anything at all.
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>he doesn't know about cooldown and canceling
They don't mean shit for a 15% proc. Especially cancelling, which also has jack shit to do with type def.
They allow you to be absolutely sure of which slots are safe so you can put your type advantage units where they're most likely to get nailed.
Only if it's a slot 3 super, with a cooldown, with certain attack placement next turn, and you're still slotting units based on kit, not type.
Most cooldowns are the same number of actions that the enemy can do each turn, so it helps unless there's a frame 1 super.
>you're still slotting units based on kit and type.
Most cooldown supers have a low proc regardless, so it doesn't tell you shit. You're not changing your unit's placement based on the type def node.
That doesn't matter. The best bet is to assume that any action with the potential to be a super is one. A lot of the time, that narrows things down to slot 2 or 3.
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I thought 24 ki etc. were talking about how many balls you pick up
Where the type def node won't fucking matter if you guessed right anyway, because you already have advantage or you're relying on kit rather than type. Or you guessed wrong as usual.
Since Cell Max powercreep, neither kits nor typing have been enough to shut out every super. Very often now, your options are limited between having to protect slot 1 before attacking with a dedicated tank and putting someone out where a super probably is waiting. For these units who have other roles like damage and support, you have to bank on type advantage, and that 100k type defense reduces for you often means the difference between life and death.
Yeah, but usually you're still slotting them based on kit, links, synergy etc. Even in that cope calc where the difference really was 100k, it wasn't life and death.
I'm not trying to downplay the other factors, just stress that type is important as well.
>it wasn't life and death.
It's not going to be every time, just like the extra 30k or however much health you'd probably get from level 15 type type orb boost won't always come in clutch. It ultimately comes down to the fact that you have more ability to interact with the game through unit placement than orb collection.
No, but orb healing will always come into play when you take damage. It comes down to there being way more factors in slotting than trying to take a type advantage super, where the node practically never matters anyway.
You don't know that the board will be kind to you when you've taken damage, not even with an orb changer since they work with what the board already looks like and mostly change at random. If there was even a mild level of predictability like with cooldowns, it'd be a different story, but the best orbs have is app resets which are rarely able to help.
You pick up same type orbs practically every turn. Again, you have way more control over moving orbs than predicting supers and putting type advantage there without fucking up your rotations, in which case the node barely matters anyway. The odds of getting the right situation and the node mattering are extremely unlikely compared to orb healing any time you take damage.
Let's even take the meme janemba fight. Let's say you have a mid box and can't do rainbow itemless, so you cheese rainbow with items. And then you don't even bring a str team for itemless because they trigger janemba's gimmick and eat shit. For gogeta you cheese him with friend intly. As soon as this shit got into delusions about increasing a unit's lifespan, you've entered truth dodgetism territory.
Does krillin really belong in battle of wits
He finds witty ways to get the z fighters to fuck his wife, so I'd say yes.
he curved his laser that one time
>videl taking the tranny shit out
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Our summon animation should have been Krillin being blown up by Frieza and Goku's reaction being the tell for if we get a LR or something

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