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Big fall foxes, (You)r Amagi has returned!
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behold, sexy offnya!
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M.A.O girls
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floofy fox love
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>this is how kaga will look after skk revives her
Hindenburg has a good default outfit
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no this is a sexy offnya
which card is that
pretty sure that is the new crossover outfit for Dolphin game made by the Senran guys
oh right i forgot
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As long as Hindy is put in her place, all’s well that ends well
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The time has come.
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place bets for the upcoming tempesta/halloween event
>which age of sail botes will get added
>what the theme will be
>which non event botes will get new skins
>that VV
And so have I
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that's a big fox
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Opinions on Alsace?
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at the rate these threads go now we'll probably have another ready just in time for halloween proper
Not an expert, but I don't think Blackbeard's ship since they are probably keeping her for later. Maybe we will get our hands on the mystery boat from last year
I pray VV, Belo, AvP. Wanted FdG but the chances are slim since we just got one
Halloween variety as usual
don't really like her base design that much, it looks silly
how long does it take to take a DR bote to dev30? I feel like once the catch up ends it will slow to a crawl
Literally just have a problem with her boob ribbon
See >>1582852
I prefer default outfits to try and maintain some pretension, the skins are where pretenses are dropped
For Azuma, FDG and Drake you can directly buy prints for coins, the first few each day are discounted and at a better price compared to simply researching.
oh thank God I thought it only applied to non-dr ships
PR and DR prints also have different costs and print counts, so you can work on one PR and one DR at the same time.
PR coining goes up to Season 4 while DR to Season 3.
By the next February, the system should be updated to include PRs from Season 5 and the DRs from Season 4.
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thanks for the info
So how do you folks 3-star Chapter 14? Specifically 14-3?
In my attempts so far, my clearing fleet keeps getting shredded either by my entire side getting flashed or the battleships and subs decimating my back line.
You keep on beating the map until its safe enough for you to kill everyone on the map.
I needed Threat Level 6 = 4 clears in clearing mode done for 14-3 specifically, and 8 clears for 14-4.
I'd say focusing on any PR before 4 is waste of time and resources, unless you like really want that Azuma or something, i recommend switching to 4 and above and just use coin on the rest. Even that PR4 could be probably debated at this point.

Manual, keep the flares and subs for when you run out of ammo. Don't forget that if rng during battle fucks you over and your ship gets rekt, you can just pause - retreat. That will put you back at the sortie screen, the ship hp will be reverted to what it was before you started the battle and you can retry the node. And it will only cost you like 10 oil or so. Since the evasion mechanics in w14 can fuck you over hard, this is extremely useful. You can also deploy emergency manjuu on even sank ship iirc to get her back to full health once per day by clicking on the portrait on the map. (Or multiple times with some gems.)
Or just get it to safe as the other anon said, but not really needed unless your fleet is barely getting by even with ammo.
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>waste of time and resources
idrc about meta since I treat AL as a VN + boobs simulator, I just want a cool full IJN fleet. currently grinding xp for shimanto as well
We better get A Bump in the Rainy Night II, i was honing my Enamor skills the whole year.
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You stop that right now.
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>Amagi makes (You) a bday cake
>turn around for 10 seconds
>this happens
wat do
eat her instead
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it's doable
as I recall, I used Patricia/Klaudia/Unicorn, Kala/Wakatsuki/Ryza and Sextown/PoW/E, Drake/Kazagumo/Northamptsu
14-3 is the nastiest stage of W14, yes, but nowadays it's not so hard, I cleared and 3 star W14 it with a full pasta fleet prior to Naples with some manual work
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how do we fix her
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She's not broken. She has memories from another branch and the impression (You) left on her soul is just that powerful. She was Rodney META before Rodney META. She is a tad heavy/obsessive.
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I like her a lot, specially her voice.
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happy laucnh day to E
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Happy launch day Enterprise.
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>Hey artists, draw this character for me for free... please!
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if i had an idea for her, maybe
PoV from behind while watching her play vidya, t-shirt and panties.
if you can find a pic showing the back of her head, i'll do it
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that'll work. raffey looks kinda good too...
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>click click
>clack clack
>pshh pshh pshh
>*paper folding*
>clack clack
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>munch munch
>... (≧◡≦)
>munch munch
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i love seeing botes working hard
gives the commander more time to do... other things
Fat Fuck.
everytime i see amagi feasting i think of this scene
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She is cool
continuing with this line of thought...has there ever been an azurene artist-designer that begs for fanart of their botes? "p-plz draw my girl... ;_;"
>has there ever been an azurene artist-designer that begs for fanart of their botes?
I can't remember exactly what it was but one of them drew art and offered other things if people voted for their bote in the popularity poll. Someone else may remember.
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She's kicking ass in 15-2 in my mob fleet. Worried about 15-3 though
I agree with others that her default is too skimpy and out of place
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>That pic
Now you made me want her to get a 3d dorm.
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Alsace would be fun, she would have to have a tub in the room for her to cool down in if need be.
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Magnificent fox
Hanazuki's artist, I think.
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Never been a fan of overly gimmicky characters, they feel too one dimensional for me to develop any real attachment to them, but I understand why some people might like her.
What a slut.
A lot of them actually did that back then, with most saying they'd do porn of them if the ship gets a high rank
Someone made a compilation of that but I lost it
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I love it.
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What wouldn't I give to wake up to this every single day
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gear guide doko
am dumb
Ah yes, very splendorous.
Who are the strongest Series 7's? I'm finally getting enough blueprints to start considering which one to dump for, but none of their designs appeal to me so I'm probably going purely off of min-maxing.
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S7 is arguably a bit of a downer compared to S6 after both Kearsarge and Hindenburg:
Nakhimov is arguably the best, but does little that wasn't already done before and is worth rushing. Doesn't help that Amagi just boosted IJN CV fleets again for the foreseeable time.
Napoli was done dirty by getting shit offense and a tankiness that is of little worth in a LaffeyII / Eldridge retro world.
Bayard is genuinely fine and a high-dps mobbing CL with great survivability, but overshadowed by the myriad of options that do the same and/or better and have stronger synergies.
Halford is a unique idea on paper, half-assed by Manjuu not going all the way with her gimmicks. Does a little bit of everything, excelling at nothing that would earn her a place in any interesting content.
Daisen honestly does little worth mentioning over a lot of event SSR battleships. Her damage isn't awful and the frontline heal sort of unique, but again there's a myriad of better options for both of the things she does.
>Nakhimov is arguably the best, but does little that wasn't already done before and is worth rushing
Kot really has to be ran with Soyuz to get the most out of her, but then you are gimping Soyuz for it. Nagato + 2x INJ carriers is still better.

Slavs have synergy with their ice slow. Soyuz, Chkalov after FS, Tashkent (after her new aug she can slow enemies almost for the full duration of fight), Pamiat. Therefore - you can choose who to pick. Soyuz will buff CV and other NP ships anyway + slow enemies - so she'll be a great 1st pick.

Napoli NEEDS someone who will use smoke screens too and have/gives buffs for them. Pasta have smoke screen ships (Maestrale and Alfredo Oriani) But they're Elite. I'm sure smoke screen IS a pasta gimmick - we need to wait for new ships. Especially Vanguard ships.
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she's pretty submissive in this skin, i was surprised
Honestly; Bayard is really good when you have no idea what to slap on a fleet and if you don't want to optimize, i just started using her like that for mobbing and pvp and i can say she pulls herself very well.
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I just finished newfriend series 1 training and it reset for some reason, is it normally bugged or did I get fucked over?
Haven't seen anything about it being bugged, so you could put in a ticket and see what happens.
If it gives you the rewards again I don't see it being that bad of a bug for a newfag.
I’m just annoyed since I blasted through levels to get to series 2 so I could use those exp data pack things on grosse so I could acquire her since I only have 2 main flat IB botes and the exp is taking ages to go up
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>Doesn't help that Amagi just boosted IJN CV fleets again for the foreseeable time.
just... use both. lol
she usually does 270-309k at dev29, but 75 eva/50 luk vs 0 luk and no fleet tech for LB2 sucks
manual btw
it's not a bug, it's intentional
the series 1 give rewards twice it's not a bug
had the same happen to me couple days ago lol
The "no generals on /vmg/" rule is gone from the sticky and the rule page. I don't think it changes anything for this thread but I just wanted to let you guys know.
Makes sense since that dramaschizo thread is in all essence a general.
Wuwa has one too because the schizo fighting over the general name decided to come here.
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lmao someone's mad
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if everyone is saying it's not a bug i guess it's not, but i would have assumed it had something to do with the recent bug where the actual newfriend missions disappeared, letting newfriends get access to those series missions before they were supposed to.
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>Napoli was done dirty by getting shit offense and a tankiness that is of little worth in a LaffeyII / Eldridge retro world.
I think it's about time they rework CAs as a whole, cause in general, they
>barring Napoli and Anchorage, can't compete with CBs as tanks (and those are outdone by two or even three DDs (Mogador is surprisingly bulky) of all things)
>with the exception of Unzen, will never deal as much damage as some CLs and DDs
>often lack the (de)buffs and synergy that CBs, CLs and DDs provide
shit sucks
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Maybe I'll start including the previous thread and a cute message again with a reminder when it's up. But yeah I stopped doing that because I got bonked a while back over it. Wonder why they changed it now?
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it was pretty much a rule that was barely enforced to begin with along with being hard to enforce to begin with so they probably just gave up and just allowed what was already happening to be official
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Figures I'd get the fag with a stick up xis ass about it. Oh well. Spilled milk and all that.
Ehh I 'member when people were complaining about Naples's issues and others telling them to wait because no one knew
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People don't want to believe that Napoli (First Pasta UR) is just a gloryfied Anchorage.

Even Kron (First Slav UR) was and still is not just a tank but a biggest damage dealer among all of CB too.
I mean Kron happened, what, 2-3 years ago?
In 2022 yes,
Yup, I was thinking the same. Think of Brest too, these first minor faction URs were always mixed, not bad but mixed
Still, makes me pretty sad how she turned out, Naples was one of my favourite boats in WoWs
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> biggest damage dealer among all of CB too
What dimension did you live? Lmao, kron is only good for newfag who didn't have Azuma until Agir came along.
>do a reverse image search for this art
>sauceNAO gives me the butterfly effect movie

What the fuck?
and for her cross-fleet buff/barrage
insane how she got powercrept so soon after release
>What dimension did you live?
In reality - https://youtu.be/ToExv6XCTW0?si=hmFiUM80misp-SUq
not watching your shit vid
buy an ad
Don't need to be this mad because you have a hate boner for kron
Try google lens, it's better when the image is rather recent so not yet listed into sauceNAO's database
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Lol you're the same kind of faggot who put enterprise to T0 because muh double damage and Ark Royal to T1
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I just want a cute CL nat UR...
New Year UR
What options do pastas, krauts, bongs have?
Burgers can just bust out Worcester
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>she's even started eating the chair
somebody stop her
Bongs have Tiger, the two main doubt points are her being post war, and we never had anything entirely post war, and the fact that she wasn't really that good. But hey she is real, and they made a mess like Mog into a UR so she seems the most likely.
Pastas planned a successor to the Abruzzi class called Costanza Ciano, don't know much about it but she was supposed to operate in the Indian Ocean.
I'm sure Krauts can pull whatever wunderfwaffe they want out of their hats.
Do you consider Agir and Tallin prinz eugen ripoffs? Visually at least
>a mess like mog
well the frogs tried and the numbers did look impressive in theory loved that ship in wows
If theory and numbers made a good ship the Soviets would have been the mightiest navy in the world and mog might have been a decent ship, but it does not work like that
I know, I think france would have been in a better position to work out their ships' issues than the soviets ever would have been, if only they didn't get folded on land
but france did get folded on land so it is what it is
Not at all. Then again i joined 2 years back and i don't really care about Eugen, so my opinion might be bit skewed.
Tallinn no because they are sisters.
Agir, not really I can see the call backs buy gote is distinct enough.
>on the queue line behind other never evers like Alaska and Lex II
I guess they could add her to shop like with rafi/mog, but damn it
Does meta even matter for UR's? Like, is there content that only the strongest UR's are able to do? I've only been here a year but so far every UR I've gotten all at the least pulled their weight.
>Does meta even matter for UR's?
Not really. Some are undoubtedly better than others, but they are all perfectly fine to use. A lot of SSRs are too, but when compared to URs the only justification to use them is if you like them more or just want to mix it up.
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It matters if you want to one shot META fights. But generally, unless you really like a ship and want to absolutely us her, why settle for second best if you can use the best?
I love shimapan so much
These piglets...
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>Eternal Amagi
Amagi and VV's love child...
I don't think the world can handle the weight of such a love child, it would probably finally outweigh formi
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>prinz eugen ripoff
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If you're talking about a red strap - She's her sister

Blücher and hipper Hipper doesn't have it but looks the same to each other

also - lmao at 2 skin before it got edited
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plus the hair and hair color is literally different
I'm gonna kiss Eugen, Tallinn and Agir, on the lips
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kissing botes (every single one [on the lips])
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and specifically kissing vv, on the lips, while holding hands, fingers intertwined, and maintaining eye contact
which lips
you sick bastard
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It's just candy, it'll be fine.
>which lips
bro, you're going to get this whole thread deleted...
But what if I want to kiss them on the boobs
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Smoochin Alsace in a rainy night cuddling together on the bed.
that's not allowed.
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i like shark eugen a lot
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all this talk about shipgirl smooching, i can only hope i have another dream about kissing a bote
wait a second...
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you probably just need to post or make some smooching art in the future to increase the chances of a bote kissing dream, also cute E
Why not
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she's so precious and CUTE
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>Ting An
>shrewd business woman to skks personal exhibitionist
The personality shift in that skin is wild, I love the cute noises she makes
Audacious the precious?
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i'm happy to report operation dream bote was a resounding success. though instead of kissing me, akagi and amagi ended up licking a different part of my body...

that's a good idea, but i need to figure out which botes (and finish the sirius, enty, akagi, and musashi draws first)
it would be great if the 3rd dorm stopped crashing my emulator every first time I open it
What emu
It keeps crashing on first launch for me too, i'm on bluestack 5.
same on MuMu, occasionally it won't crash on first start up.
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my lovely clumsy maid
bluestacks 5, like the other anon
LD player and also does the same thing
not sure what are you faggots talking about
mumu 12 here, still working flawless
All this talking about crashing, and the dorm just crashed on my phone (first time in a while)
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Is there a way for the random secretary to randomly cycle through random skins as well? or should I just raise a dupe?
>upcoming maint
>but just triple cores
>no Roma rerun or anything
I would think we are packed pretty tight until christmas to just do double dead week, but what do i know. Perhaps they are going to move Musashi rerun to next year.
I'm honestly surprised there is no roma rerun this upcoming maint, especially since we still have a while to go until the tempesta event
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>mumu 12 here, still working flawless
I'm still on 6. I'll probably update to 12 next global update, in case they add Azur Lane specific fixes or optimizations since they've added so many new things recently. That and I read they mostly fixed the color grading issue not long ago. Or the game did by upgrading to a newer version of Unreal or something. Just been putting off. I hate upgrading. But it might be worth it now.
Who's cards are you using?
Is there a height chart for all of the girls in azur lane?
only for a select few based off the animes and some of the pvs which are the closest we have to canon height charts
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I personally just keep dupes, you don't have to raise them. They'll probably implement the function if people complain about it enough.
Time to get a 2nd Shinano I suppose.
>you don't have to raise them
IIRC some lines are locked until you max limit break the bote.
speak of the devil, JP patch notes confirm her reun is on the 17th
I think that only applies to PR ships. Regular ships only have affection lines and EX lines locked, the former don't play in the port and the latter don't play with a skin on, so for port secretary purposes they don't really need to be raised.
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I have unlocked the kot
only the Love affection line (if it has one; many old skins don't), everything else is available
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So i guess that will go directly into Tempesta.
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we're getting also Kiev free skin rerun, Washington and Bulldog augs and Whydah character story
thanks, luv me kot
now to explode Nagato every single time even when I miss a bunch of Unzen's torps
Why Amagi? Does Chkalov not fit well into that slot?
I just wanted to boost the other two nip torpautists and I still need to 125 Chkalov, but I'm sure she works alright
I also like Amagi, and using her reminds me of my newfag days when I used the BC version and thought her barrage was hot shit
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not my art, it's from here
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love distension
distension is hot
You live in Florida? Sucks it is one after another, we got lucky with just Francine this year and it hit us and didn't even do the damage it did to NC.
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>49/50 for like five days now
Not like this...
Anons luck is in the shitter and he can't get the last print for whatever UR gear he is working on.
ah right, shit sucks
I got 2 blueprints today so good luck to you, 8 to go
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i love bunnies
Seems like Washington's augment gives her a firepower buff and a second barrage every 10 seconds.
If this barrage hits a battleship or an(?) enemy sinks shortly after firing it, the next 20s barrage has +30% activation chance.
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Typical cat girl behavior
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>just let me rape you already, skk
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Faces of every faction

How did they pick these girls?
Probably they're picked the most popular boats from this nations
nagatobros....we lost
My lovely Huan Chang.
>3k affinity to hit level 9
Shit's getting crazy.
At least it just seems to be a 500 affinity increase and not a exponential increase.
Wonder if they will release Noshiro before people can max out Sirius' intimacy since you will probably have to choose between the two once she is out.
>some time later
>juggling 10 flowers and 6 plushies between 20+ botes
being SKK ain't easy
>have to go further into debt with the green kot to afford throwing gifts at all your botes
its evil.
>At least it just seems to be a 500 affinity increase and not a exponential increase.
7 to 8 was 2000 points, 8 to 9 is a 1000 point jump.
If 9 to 10 is another 1000 jump then it's going to drag on for a while.
What level is the last scene? iirc it was 15, so it might take a while but it doesn't seem too bad especially if by the time people are hitting 15(without buying gem gifts) they release another bote it should keep it fresh.
Last scene is at 13, with 15 being for the 2nd chat frame.
I'm expecting Noshiro to release around December(?) which should be enough to at least reach level 13 with Sirius, maybe.
I could believe it, AL centers more of the releases around the UR events more often than not. If Noshiro doesn't come out then it will probably be Oceana's TB Maker and Noshiro will come out around February.
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Kersaint in trouble
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>keep forgetting to visit my maid everyday
this is... a serious problem
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Why aren't you spending private time with your maid?
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severe skill issue
I expected a lot less so this was pretty impressive. Can't wait to see Noshiro's panties and whatever dorky stuff she does.
in that case wouldn't they have included Bel, Eugen, and Chen Hai
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I saw the uss new jersey IRL and it was cool.
Might get back into AL
>I saw the uss new jersey IRL and it was cool
I still need to go see her....I went to Yorktown and Laffey earlier this year.
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Can anyone say where this from?
I have not done the 1GB download for the dorm and I won't until they add Laffey
>SKK-sama it's night time! :)
>SKK-sama it's night time! >:D
some music video done by azur lane global, last year anniversary i thiink
just lurk their channel
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um, bros...
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>not a single oil comm
what the FUCK is this shit
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The event "Aquilifer's Ballade Rerun" will be available after the next maintenance on 10/17. Conquer with Roma and bask in glory, Commander!
Sirius isn't real...
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sorry signora, but my cubes are for musashi and blucher if she's ever coming back
Sexo zorra purple
Roma will conquer me and I'll be even closer to 100%, 98.2% right now
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Wrangle the wrangler
I hope one day they rework commissions, especially so higher level players can get better commissions
Would be nice if Manjuu give us 2 additional commision slot. 4 is not enough 'specially when you get so many urgent commisions.
I honestly think after a certain point the urgent commission slots should be seperate from the regular slot, especailly since in certain timezones said daily urgent commissions will be useless to you
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oh boy, i wonder who it's going to be!
a blue cutie
Pinks or blues? Which bote do you side with?
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muh purpli fux wifff
Archive - https://www.bilibili.com/opus/987689579396988953

With Pasta rerun too
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looking at my favorites list
>29 silvers/whites/ashen (double counting Yorktown)
>23 blondes (double counting Le Tem)
>11 blacks
>9 blues
>7 pinks
>4 brunettes
>4 greens
>3 purples
>1 gray
>...and Brünhilde
so while I prefer blue cuties to pink cuties, they pale before white/blonde lane
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Going by my marriage rates ( 3 vs 1) blues win solidly
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>tfw i only checked that section when you mentioned it first
i just noticed
>I heard that the official Azur Lane website has been updated, so I went to check it out, but it looks like an erotic game gallery page.
finally >we have some hq images posted, pic related is an example(gonna download them all in case such high resolution wasnt intended)
main site overall feels more complete and nice to browse
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giant musashi...
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uh... what do i do with two kaga's
fluff them
>pink + blue
Thats cheating
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A compass? The one you gave to me and then I gave to you?"
"Born from fantasy, something that lurks in the abyss"
"It's okay! I have the Goddess's blessing!"
A "Tempesta" camp event will be held later this month!
I need to see this dork dressed in an oath skin
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how big do we reckon skk's bed is?
I'm thinking it's at least 10 ft across, supported by a steel/titanium frame for the mandatory cuddle piles every night
I use to have a king sized bed, so I would say that. Unless you want to do custom sizes. King is enough for me to lay either way and not hang off so it would probably fit two or three botes on either side too.
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The event "Splendorous Invitation Rerun" will be available after the next maintenance on 10/17. Complete all event missions to obtain the limited gear, "World Expo Invitation".
Big enough for me and me alone.
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im still not super well versed in this game, especially with team building, i just got New Jersey who ive wanted since the start of playing, so i want her in my new team. who should she replace, amagi?
If you replace her - add another BB and replace Taihou too
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>add another BB
so i should have a triple BB team, and another be a triple CV team? okay, are any of these BBs good enough to use with NJ and soyuz? (scharn and gneisenau are just there to slowly grind for fried
Retrofit Nelson
Soyuz for her buff needs either 2CV or additional 2 BB.

NJ/Soyuz/Retrofit Nelson
thanks, once i get fried, should she replace nelson? after spending so much to get her i want to use her.
Bro, your Alsace? Also shit, that Soyuz should have been 125 and benched for bosses only like half year ago.
i stopped playing shortly after getting soyuz who was my first UR, i only recently started playing again
Pretty sure that it's Soyuz+2 CV or Soyuz+1 BB+x
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>Roma event is the last rerun I'm missing
>will get to 99% collection as a result
feels good, it's like it was yesterday that I installed this game and picked Nimi
kind of unrelated, but holy shit all these pokemon lore leaks are making me think that we're actually kind of tame
This game has always been pretty wholesome but on the sexual side.
Whelp building back up from the bottom right now. Forgot how much extra oil you get in the beginning.
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it's time for sex
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Bite Nimi
>Veneto for Sardegna
Surely 3d model, more skins and a chan on the way
Would it be crazy to assume that the girls with swimsuit skins would be given priority to be implemented into the 3D dorms earlier than the rest because you can have them show up at the beach without needing to give a swimsuit skin to them first?
Well Noshiro already exists in the files, but there isn't anything else to determine the skin they will use for her nor if they are adding an extra area yet. That doesn't mean they can't use her pj skin.
Laffey and Tashkent seem to be next after Noshiro if those CN 3D models are the same kind they use in the dorm. After that it is anyones guess, but I suppose it would be safe to assume they would be more inclined to use characters with skins for already released areas.
No, in fact there's a Noshiro model in the files and something related to Anchorage.
Noshiro has a swimsuit too
Yeah, that's my point.
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Give us more new boytes (girl) manjuu
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perhaps I'm overdosed on hopium, but this selection window is much too big for just two settings. I'm expecting them to manage other skin themes, like pajamas, casual/shopping, gym, party, gamer, etc., and perhaps add other selection pages for wilder stuff (halloween, cowboys) if they ever feel like adding botes with these skins too
and it would make sense; once the base models are implemented, adding multiple settings for the same implemented botes with eligible skins shouldn't be too hard and should pay well
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I wanna kiss that bote even if I only use US ships. Forbidden fruit and all
I like this Sex
boytes are erotic
cut sex
my understanding is that i can only use these cube replacement tickets during the event?
guess i wasted a cube doing a light craft
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Fancy some sex?
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>already starting with reveals
I pray this means we get a big skin batch this time around
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>bottom right
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Henry Every 46 gun frigate.
Can't find any ship of this name tho.
Well, yeah. But we had Sao as non pirate ship, so why go with random name and pirate theme for Victory?
Portsmouth Adventure
>concept of tempesta
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>these proportions
>constantly drooling
has to be a glutton
Who own this ship?
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Henry Every according to our /vg/ counterpart
Henry Avery? The one who goes to Madagascar? Nice
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>She has a human appearance and can manipulate words, but inside she is a "nanika that is difficult to describe" that is different from humans.
>She recognizes the commander as a "■■ object", and if he is not careful, he may be "devoured" ...?
I'm in danger.
>reruns still require multiple clears to 100%
Aw shit, should have know they won't change it for reruns. Oh well, it's my last one anyway.
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>thought the same thing
>also my last rerun
we share the same braincell and fate
I liked it better when comically large and dangerous animals were being smuggled in instead of eldritch horrors from the deep.
Hm, 100 cubes for everyone, not too bad i suppose. Seeing the Tempesta botes, i guess event right next week.
bros... what the fuck is going on with her mouth
I wouldn't worry about it.
she makes me happy
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>first d3 run
good shit
I’m not sure how i feel about her proportions here
They're definitely testing the waters here.
Those hips can handle sextuplets. Maybe more.
>7th expression
She's gonna suck my dick like a vacuum with that black hole of a mouth.
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good luck cleaning that up
I just got fried and hit 400, should I exchange for ulrich or shimakaze
Get NJ or Shinano. If you have those, it really doesn't matter. Shima can be decent in pvp still if you struggle there, Ulrich is just eh. So just follow your dick or whatever.
Yeah I have both shinano and NJ
stop shopping at hobby lobby
Then as i said. Maybe if you can't put together full UR cv or bb fleet, and Ulrich would help you with BB's, get her, but she's still probably the worst UR backline ship. Mommy at least doesn't eat UR bulins.
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I desperately want to scream at Manjuu and chinks to not forget about medium and smaller botes, i want more pic related sized botes to go alongside the balloon tit botes
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I'm going to have a fucking adventure in those thighs, godDAMN
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this will be my second submarine after the free starter, glad she's sexo
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Amity, Thomas Tew's ship
>To put it in a positive way, she is good at socializing, but to put it in a negative way, she is a pirate girl who is skilled at winning people's hearts.
So she's a thot.
very nice
Always have been
We East Indies now. Time to redeem.
So there was ship of this name. Some 6 gun barque, but she was present during the raid on Ganj.
kinda neat but I also think its a bit to clustered design wise
I'd say shes pretty clean, it's just her being upside down fucking with you.
Good morning saars
>in order to hide from Akashi debt collectors, SKK ran to Tempesta-verse and is now orchestrating raids on innocent Mughal shipgirls as last resort to get money
Damn, this game went dark real quick.
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Dolphin. We are missing Susannah and Pearl from the ships supposedly present during the raid, but i suppose this is the last one.
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With this and Sao Martinho I guess non pirate sailboats would come with a halo/angel motif to contract with the deep sea/eldritch abomination theme.
do the character artist design/made the background props too?
>little Sextown
It depends on the artists. some aren't good at drawing rigging/background stuff so they would have someone else fill in.
what kind of lewds/porn should she have?
Good thing i have three rings saved.
Do we know what type of Sailing Frigate she is?
Fancy and Portsmouth are Vanguard, while Amity and Dolphin are Submarine so I'd guess Main for balance.
Fancy is vanguard? I was hoping to get full tempesta fleet finally.
Yeah, the first jp tweet had her as a Main but they corrected it later.
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Finally, the crazy one.
seems we have gone from mystery fog to mystery blue cloth
also sexo
hey that's cute, like a Little Yorktown
>Kazeho (Main) Tempesta of Gunsway "Kinori".
>A cheerful and friendly treasure ship of the sea who loves spices and travel.
>Although she has a "storehouse" that contains countless treasures, it is not of much use since she has long since forgotten what is in it.
Also, that's kinda grim reference, kek.
>The victorious pirates then subjected their captives to several days of horror, murdering prisoners at will, and using torture to force them to reveal the location of the ships' treasure
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Sanrui, get the cross. And holy water. And call Richelieu.
So i guess that's everyone? We still didn't get the Tempesta they showed during the last year chink anni.
I don't think the Iris has the capability of dealing with space horrors.
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Can they at least distract the tongues?
Which one?
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The Essex looking one.
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>finally get a bunch of never ever botes/skins
>only for other botes to join the group
Dolphin will save me from the other tempesta tentacles
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and then she'll offer them to la glotona maligna
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dizzy eyes are my favorite
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is she using a pacifier? lol
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damn I'm smooth
Kongou and her sisters are hopefully next in line for retros once the Big 7 are finally done.
Is Amity getting the l2d then?
Sex. Would be nice if she had closed mouth expression too.
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Negative Ghost Rider. Dolphin or a popular non-Tempesta maybe.
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Dolphin L2D please. Manjuu do the needful.
Well, fuck me. I somehow doubt they will give l2d to a purple. Perhaps Royal 'Tune will steal the show. Because if my pirate wife's don't get single l2d, only for the human shitter to steal them together with stream next month, friendship ends with manjuu.
Think i prefer the default here.
Not sure if I should do C1-C3 once daily even though they don't have fuel cap or just stick to D3 since it has a slight chance of giving a bonus 8k event currency.
you can just use the classic one one fleets
I just noticed that the Italians have the most consistent motif in their clothing design across all botes save for Toricelli
I don't think I'd clear if I did that.
But also I autoed D3 while waiting to see what people thought and got a drop so I think D3 is the answer.
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>saving singing mermaids in suspiciously loose chains
Surely naval commander as experienced as SKK is not going to fall for that one, right? Right?
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Uhhh is her droprate like ten times higher than Hiei's?
I thought Musashi is next, but we still have Blucher rerun to go through. I guess Musashi is coming early next year then, unless they just add the stuff from this event into gacha/shops since it's small event.
If you can auto d3, you can almost certainly auto normal with 1-1 fleet. Just use Unicorn or some other healer in the back if you are that worried. And it definitely does pay off to clear all normal and hard maps during reruns for the daily bonus points. That shit adds up quickly.
I hope we are getting another bump in the night, i wanna see more botes inserting their thinly veiled fetishes.
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Oh normal I'm sure I can do but the first three hard missions I think are beyond me with a 1-1 party. Here's what I'm using for D3.
Unicorn+Jab with aug should do it, just use another 1-1 vs c3 boss. C-stages are easy
got my first rainbow plane today ( ̄ω ̄)
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that is one chubby bote
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>still no l2d
huh, is it actually going to be Dolphin?
so far, only Amity's skin is doing it for me and I might just prefer her default instead
congrats bro, for me it's just one more bp for my first La-9
>huh, is it actually going to be Dolphin?
Could just be someone else that isn't from this Tempest event.
Royal Fortune l2d oath skin or we plunder China shores.
ah, I wonder which kraut or frog is gonna get it
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Could also be an older Tempesta like Royal Fortune or Golden Hind.
I prefer the base art's leotard
Yes and it makes some people seethe too lol
It's probably one of the PR7.
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>no l2d
it's over tempestabros
Royal Fortune or Mary Celeste L2D, hopefully
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>two mummy skins now
For what reason?
weird image
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the hair color seems off though
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I don't think her hair color has been consistent ever
It is somehow surprising, but makes perfect sense at the same time.
could also be the lighting
>no l2d for the new girls
>i will still get 4 out of the 5 skins
The jewcat sees right through me.
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L2D For Owari
some guy who follows the AL tiktok account has stated who the likely canidate is for the l2d its owari
Dishwasher again made his OC into official skin?
As always
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Oh, this one. I guess that's fine too, but the tempesta girls should have got one as well. Especially seeing their chances of getting skin outside of halloween is pretty damn low with RF being the sole exception so far.
Finally something worth spending gems on
>A dog became a dog
No Voice? Fuckin' chinks still holding their petty grudge eh?
It'll almost certainly be done by the new actress. Either at release or.. eventually.
not completely related, but why is it that Roma's cruise skin didn't come with new lines?
still a better fate than being Hatakaze but this really sucks, her skin is sexo
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Surely this wont be the last skin right bros...?
This is the last
nah, there should be more from other factions
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on the bright side, my wallet is safe
>claws already dig strongly into her skin by default
>bumps into a table
>they pierce her titskin
ah yes very safe and comfortable piece of clothing
Maybe they haven't got around to record them yet.
But at least the text-only lines should already be in the CN server.
Ruse cruise skin voices often take long, i think Kitakaze was like half year, maybe longer.
I'll keep my gems tight for To Love Ru collab
about fucking time
>seapotism at it again
absolutely grim
>No areola
Why just why they're so afraid of them
Might be too sexual for app stores
Miyuki took like a month so it probably depends on the voice actor's schedule
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Out of sight out of mind
I like Bristol better when she looks more like "shorter cooper" ergo i like this more than her base art
fite me or join me
I eated those food
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Decided to make this since reveals are most likely over. I'll update it if there is a surprise.
Was going to post on /vg/ but I am kind of sick of /alg/ or maybe just /vg/ as a whole.
They all check here too, idk why are we still pretending otherwise.
Because it shouldn't have to be this way
I'd rather talk about the game in peace without two or so retards off their meds trying to shitpost the general to death for kicks. At the very least I can get that here. Either way I meant more so /vg/ as a whole since /alg/ isn't the only one with a similar problem.
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you ated all their nipples?!?
Have you noticed any more new dialogues popping up past level 8? I try spamming them sometimes but just start looping eventually.
Don't read this.

I think the quality and art direction of skins have gone to shit for more than a year at this point, particularly of the sexy-type skins.
I don't want to use this word, but "slop", "coomslop" is about the closest one-word approximation I can give to what has been happening with the designs, anatomy and rendering style. Yes, effectively a single style - because the majority of skins is now done entirely or edited by the "Manjuu art team" or whatever they call it.
Anatomy/proportions (and badly done foreshortening) is what irks me the most, though, art quality-wise.
I think it depends.
On one hand there is Sirius, which is great. Then on the other we have something like Musashi or Strasbourg where the “jiggle” and what not just seems so unnatural and weird it’s more off putting.
I appreciate and got used to the consistency
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I agree that Sirius's rabbit skin is one of the good recent lewd ones, but it was done by Kincora, which is only reinforces what I said.
off the top of my head, Kearsarge, Devonshire, Albion, Tosa, Jade, Renown, Sirius and U-410 all received new skins less than a year old and they're all pure sex without the weird anatomy/proportions you're talking about, and I'm not sure why they don't simply stick to them
personally, I'm more concerned with the default skins, and sure hope botes like Portsmouth won't become the norm, cause she looks like the average coombait of some cheap hentai game
also keep in mind that they're generally bad at delivering good halloween skins for whatever reason(s)
>it was done by Kincora, which is only reinforces what I said
idgi, I don't see just one style everywhere
at least not beyond the general style thanks to which you can definitely tell it's an AL character, but that's been around since, well, day 1
I honestly wish we got more uniform like defaults again, I don't want to complain since the newer ones are sexo but I really do prefer the older style uniforms
I agree
I also feel that the "coomslop" is getting too strong, but unlike some people who complain about it, I think something SHOULD be done to try and push back harder against it, all the way to trying to convince chinks themselves to give other styles a chance
i don't want to hear shit from anyone saying "that's just what the customers want" because customers tastes are NOT immutable
suzutsuki is peak dd design
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>>1596906 (me)
I went as far as to try and email yostar pic related and tell them to broken-telephone this shit over to manjuu because I don't want to just sit idly and watch
also pic related is my opinions but opinions are nothing if they're just sitting around
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i really miss old chikuma's style, and i wish i can find a way to make manjuu realize that we still need more botes who capture that mood
Last i checked genshin, arknights and such have plenty of dazzling dudes, perhaps that would be more your style?
I just want pasta to get skins more often then once every 11 months
I guess in like 6 months Napoli will get one.
>I guess in like 6 months Napoli will get one.
In 2. NY event. Skins for every PR 7 bote
Apparently the last year Tempesta ships are also getting rerun or something. Not sure if there will be two pools similar to the past collab reruns or if they will just get added into gacha or what.
It’ll probably be a separate banner, like they did for the collab reruns.
what the hell are you talking about
I wouldn't mind if there was a fair mix between botes in uniform with some fanservice and botes begging for sex, but yeah the former is much rarer nowadays
don't bite it
At this point I won't be surprised if Centaur's sister is going to be a dark elf.
What, i'm just trying to direct the faggots above me to games they would clearly enjoy more.
Please, my favorite bote designs include allen, drake, wichita, pittsburgh, dunkerque, and fleuret
You gonna be the judge of that?
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If you also start throwing around slop shit like cpopypasted post from /vg/? Yeah.
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New Banner
old ones - without rate up in the same banner.
If you think i posted that pic of text in /vg/, you are dead wrong because i actually emailed it to yostar themselves, and i did clarify that the skins can be as coomershit as they please
>Whydah on rate up instead of Amity, according to pic
lol, I bet the intern is behind this
but that's a bad format, gl to newfags I guess unless there's a second banner with the others on rate up
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There will be a banner for old ones if you want them too. But they'll be in new banner too, just without rate up
ah, it's the same as collab reruns then
well uhh I just hope I won't get spooked too much then
>>Whydah on rate up instead of Amity, according to pic
actually nvm, I guess Amity is the drop bote (though Whydah shouldn't be rate up anyhow)
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The problem with this is that a lot of what you don't want is what CN and others do want.
Just look at how the general fanbase around these types of games act. They'll either cry censorship or whatever else(like calling you gay as we saw ITT). My only real gripe with all this is that I feel "cool"/ "cute" skins with become less in number because the more extremely sexual skins sell more, so obviously Manjuu will respond by making more of that.
desu the reason im not a fan of for example alsace boob ribbon is it feels too weird for me to imagine that i could hang out with her casually in a public spot (and that’s not even considering her emotion module), i can say the same about the getups of implacable, alvitr’s leotard… actually there’s only very few recent botes whose default skins truly trigger me about it the more i think about it i wonder if they don’t like amagi carrier’s military uniform lol
I would still gladly sacrifice a loli for a merely petite bote
I don't find it that difficult. The port has been shown to be its on self-sufficient thing. So that kind of thing is "normal" for it.
Either way I find this whole thing to more be a problem with how gacha games(particularly CN) have changed over the past 4 or so years compared to how things were.
Story and battle are split like Amagi's event
You'll be able to obtain last years tempesta stuff, like Mary Celeste, Adventure Galley, the exclusive meowficcers from shop, points and minigames
Also they're adding the shipchat/juutalks and a new furniture for Sirius' dorm, but I don't understand if it's after this maint or the next one At the end of the event.
>Also they're adding the shipchat/juutalks
A lot sooner than I thought
>new furniture
>no Noshiro
Also there's 2 new cats, "Every" SSR and "Roberts" SR
>juutalks already
insanely based
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>botes chat app
Nice, but are they really gonna implement 650+ of 'em at the same update?
>Still no RF aug
Fuck you Manjuu.
The only limitations they mention are you having to actually have the character and affinity milestones. So I guess we will see once it drops.
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nta, but mine is lv9 too and I think this is new
Not him but that's available even at lower levels
I'm surprised it took me this long, then
Amity looks like the cutie sort, I'm ready to oath her if they deliver
>enough Roma's for full LB just with the free tickets
Veni, vidi, vici.
>youtube add as minigame
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cheers, it's this maint
Roma conquered you
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>5. Added story mode to stages;
do they mean all past events or what?
>Still no Alfredo Oriani
Well fuck you too you little shit. at least this time I checked if I have a chat border unlike during first pasta event rern
Eh? JuuChat sounded way better.
manjuu erasion
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>still no da vinci
well there go all my damn cubes
>got roma
>didn't get leonardo
fuck leonardo is cuter
Complaining worked once again
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Ive been playing this game for about a year now and I've not interacted with the community much outside my guild. I mostly have been collecting Eagle Union girls just because and wanted to make some fan art. Any requests for specific borger girls? General pose ideas would be nice too. Pic related is a sketch I did a while ago
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(Not evil)
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Sextown and Hammann enjoying some ice cream
Helena singing.
its the same thing they did for Amagi's event
but it's under System Optimization as if it's a general thing, and the Amagi update did not mention it anyhow (https://azurlane.yo-star.com/news/2024/09/10/maintenance-notice-9-12-12-a-m-utc-7/) unless I'm blind, though we did know about it beforehand from jp notes I think
maybe it's just as you said. I just find it confusing how it doesn't specify it's for this event alone
South Dak using her shield to protect Wash during a fight
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>Ive been playing this game for about a year now and I've not interacted with the community much outside my guild.
That's the correct approach. Keep doing that.
yeah, the EN patch notes do weird things like that sometimes
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Thanks for not picking a crazily complicated design like Kearsarge, even though I love her. Not to say I wont draw her but got damn the design is kinda extra
I was gonna say that these augs look ass, but Dolphin's is actually good
>free +8% damage amp on sub slot
if only we could bring subs to META fights though
cute hornet
Don't have any poses but I like Cleveland and Saratoga so them
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>manjuu actually made one of those fake ads into actual game
they do love their memes
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I hope Janny will do his job at least here
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>700mb of booty
big pirates
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Gyaru lane
>no Nachi
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>5 gold spooks
>enough Fancys to MLB
>still need Sawai
>still need Sawai
I just had to drop like 500 for her
250 here for Sawai. Fancy and Adventure in first 10 pull. Fucking hell. Oh well, still 2400 cubes left and i care little about the collab do i can recover till UR.
At least her skin story delivered and i am currently being held captive by evil mermaid and very likely being raped too. All against my will, of course.
I had to spend 500 cubes for Fancy, coincidence? i think not
I'm down to 539 cubes and next to no coins left, pretty pissed desu
>that biography
Kuroningen, tasukete
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>merely feed her some botes or limit break
I am in danger
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>lol she ate shower gel silly bo-
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I AM in danger
Well, on the upside we know she's not X. So it's all good i guess?
>the add minigame has Akashi adds for the arcade in it
Pure sovl.
>Will never be skins
i hate it i hate it
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Uh, is there no way to get gold demi-canon besides also grinding t5 on top of t6? It at least has oil cap as well, but damn.
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>11th run
I'm not so pissed now, though I'm still shit outta coins
I guess it's 3 daily and hope for the best for me
New gold cat seems pretty good.
>be Sirius
>always ready for SKK to fuck you
>he finally lays a hand on you
>cute girly squeal
So uh, is Fancy the closest to playable Siren we have gotten so far?
>can remove Owari skirt and then have her spread her legs
Oh HOLY shit I thought this was another loli from the banner image I got fucking jump scared by these thighs.
Shes closer to X than siren.
I wasn't feeling Amity skin at first, but that tentacle rubbing over her butt is not bad at all.
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had a very shitty day, and this entire chat still made me smile
I love botes so much
You'll like the Tempesta chat.
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you're absolutely right
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You got the other one outcome
so it differs that much? damn
Yeah, kind wish there was a replay or redo option so every can see both and leave the one they like more.
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>Exclusive RF interaction
That's neat
>we have RF augment at home
Are there no other Old Demi-cannons available aside from the map drops from T5?
Looks like it, kinda dick move from manjuu. I will hold with grinding t5 until i finish the minigame in case it would be as reward there, because iirc it also was minigame reward last year, but i'm not holding my breath.
Last year it was from the event shop.
At least I was there for the event last year so I only need one more Demi cannon for Ganj-ie, Martinho is already set and I have plenty of Heavy cannons for theirs secondaries.
Vanguard and Sub tempesta prefer the Core Data cannon after all.
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What did she mean by this?
>legs spread wide open in her L2D
Really not leaving much to imagination with his one are they?
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>accidentally selected the 1.2k oil comm like a dumbass
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mildly successful bote dream last night. i saw prinz eugen stretching through my window blinds, so i waved to her and she smiled and waved back. that's all that happened though
she wants SKK's carrot
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it's over for me
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I find Fancy way funnier than it should maybe be.
more like... s-scary...
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>Round Shot and Grapeshot are mutually exclusive
fucking gay

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