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Happy Octopath Day!

We’re starting to get certain Travelers earlier than expected. Starting with Nivelle, or lovable Sacred Blaze Traveler.

At the same time we got EX Sofia and EX Fiore our featured Summer EX’s.

We get nobody next week (8/14) but on the week after (8/21) we get Union of Memories: Bargello/Sonia.

So when we get our next update (8/28), who will be our featured Travelers?

Will it be one of the Caits? Isla? Kilns? Rique? Could it be Shana, the girl from the COTC manga?

Or maybe we’re gonna end up with the 2nd Bravely Default Crossover. Only time will tell.

In the meantime, Sacred Blaze…IGNITE!
>"Man, I really shouldn't pull on this banner, I don't have enough rubies to guarantee anything."
>Fuck it, we ball.
>Fuck it, we ball.
>Fiore sword, dupe.
>Fuck it, we ball.
>Olberic dupe.
>Fuck it, we ball.
>Fiore fan.
Went better than expected. Thinking that A2 is probably better than U10 on Fiore, but not sure if I should go A3 or U10 on Olberic.
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Managed to get EX Fiore(A3) off the free pulls. A good start.
Go for Nivelle’s banner and EX Sofia’s.
Get Olberic, Joshua, Therese and Leon (all Recycled). Then finally I get EX Sofia (A4).
Work on EX Fiore’s banner, have to go to the end of the round to get her (A4).
Halfway through the second round I FINALLY get Nivelle.
Considering just sparking the bastard.

If they give me one of the Caits this month, I’m using Memory Fragments to spark him. If it’s Bravely Default, I buy the Awakening Stones and get Adelle A4 and 2000 Awakening Fragments.

Not happy that they have us two featured banners in one week. But fuck it, I’m now finished with the Swimsuit girls.
I was thinking, is there a must have keeper from the paid ticket? currently or coming up in the future?
Is her A4 even worth it? Or is it sexy = must A4? which I respect
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Finally beat Oskha ex3. His stupid stillness gimmick was rage inducing when I tried it a few months ago.
>His stupid stillness
I never tried it for this alone. How did you deal with it?
Nice work btw
Constant row swapping until the first break and then haha Odio O go brrr.
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Airy and Chomper. They have both a free (Awakening Stone Fragments) and a paid (Cait Promissory Note) version.

They’re probably coming out the next time the Bravely Default collab rereleases.
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EX Sofia: Mermaid Wrap - Wind Damage up 15%. Patk, Pdef, Eatk & Edef up 5% for 3 turns. Good to boost Sofia to Marine Wisdom at the beginning of the battle.

EX Fiore: Sunny Sandals - Survive one Lethal attack. Lower Damage by 25% at full health. Good for surviving THAT ONE ATTACK.
[b]https://octopathcotc.notion.site/2dd50eb0e188493fbecee1f55b8691c2?v=b41cb236e9bc4a7686380dd295153e9f[/b] - character database.
Caits were on the roadmap, so it's safe to assume we'll get them before Solistia. The main question is will they be buffed like Nivelle? Rique needs this desperately. Either way, I plan on skipping everything (except Kilns maybe, depending on the banner) until Ochette comes out.
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Damn, I wanted to make the database thick, but I screwed up.
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Australian Bros, should we be worried about this?
Are you 12-14?
No, but I’m morbidly curious. How tightly does Australia rack down on these things? Would they even know if a 12-year old was playing it?
This cait is the only one who sucked pussy even with the 6 stars shit, the other two are alright and amazing with the upgrades
don't care, not putting those annoying fucking cats on my team
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I played Octopath 1 and 2
I wasn't exactly blown away.

So is the real appeal here just a sort of rosterfagging? Complete a bunch of short stories and be happy that there is a slight intersection between one or two. Whooo~

Well so long as people are having fun that's what's important.
I did not play OT2 yet
What I loved about CotC is they provided some interesting events to OT1 - cotc's events took place shortly before OT1- that I feel they should've done so way back. Spoiler for OT1 late game ahead: The bullshit they asked you to do in OT1 to reach to "Gate of Finis" and fight the 13th fallen God. All the plot connections were just "Cuz Lybric did it loool.... also she got horny over this seemingly nobody kid until you learn who he was". OT1 made a big fuss over this Graham Crossford but nothing much came out of it until the very end. It all felt undercooked, yeah? Cotc expanded on that lore pretty good in my opinion
Now I understand that most OT fans won't get close to this game because it is a single player gacha with rosterfagging shit. Kinda wish that someone made a Youtube videos showcasing the stories because the Cotc story and soundtracks are pretty god damn good. However apparently SE is going crazy DMCA people over this shit.
Bros.. I returned recently and had zero gems, I managed to get Signa but I didn't get Sazantos. I also got spooked by Leon? Is he good? He seems sort of cool.

Currently I am working on Bestower of Fame, and I am about to fight Ceraphina, and I am almost at the same point in Bestower of Power, completed greed already. How much story is there beyond this point? And is there any easy sources of gems besides early Arena stages added recently? Also Is Nivelle good? Looks strong for some Thunder team shenanigans
you've got at least 10~15 hours of story left imo
the easiest source are the lv 100 npc battles, they're 200 rubies each. else chip away at your traveler story backlog
>the easiest source are the lv 100 npc battles
Jesus christ... Not sure if Easy is the word I'll use to describe them. Managed to Beat the Old story-teller but it was pretty close
Leon is one of the top 3 spear users, congratulations.
Having Signa will help you alot
Don’t pull for Nivelle, save your rubies for the possibility of the second BD collab to release in the next 3 months.
>Ringabell: insane DPS who doesn’t die
>Gloria: me stepping in, no one will die
>Mongolia: top tear spear dps
Yes they are lacking without the 6 stars and TP upgrades, but having them earlier is not a bad choice
I see. The Traveler I want the most would be Nephti by far! That's sort of why I was rolling on the banner to begin with and just to see if I got a lucky off-banner. I did get the last awakening for I was missing on Primrose though! So Now I have H'annit Sofia and Primrose maxed out. I have a few units at level 100 but most are between 70-80 right now so I struggle trying to nuke down the level 100 Npc's

Should I be farming Inferno gear? And what about the Fortune weapon? Are they worth getting? Not sure how the Soul system for equipment works
She is sex especially her A4 accessory, which kinda funny because back in JP she sucked... but SE decided to give her a massive buff that actually matched with the over powered travelers in OT2 area.
>Inferno gear
NO NONOOO, these shits are extremely useless for the new / returning players. just play normally and craft whatever you can.
There is a moment which I consider it my favorite where you will learn all your armors and armors are absolute garbage and you barley manage to survive it. That is where the "Soul Weapons" will start to power creep the Inferno/Berserker/Ogrin weapons and other shit, this is where you will notice you start kicking most of the arena champions right on the balls effortlessly - especially Tikilen-. However, you don't need to go full crazy farming them because you will find multiple types on the way, the "good" ones are from the Divine area which still far away from you.
>Fortune weapon
these will stay relevant for quite a while. basically you power up a specific stat while cutting off another. Most famous examples:
>Tikilen: you craft a sword for her ass boosting her Magic stat and cutting off her Physical, HP or Defense
>Yan Long: same as above but boost his Physical attacks
>Leon: craft spear with high Physical attack
>Fior EX: craft her a fan with massive SP
take them slowly and you will get a hang on it. Do not be a Japanese autistic trying to maximize RNG to fuck, I was content with 70% - 80% of what I am targeting and did just fine
Thanks bro! I guess I'll just Clear the story and then keep going until I unlock the good gear! For Arena I have unlocked most of the boss fights. But I have Only cleared Tikilen, I'll look over the bosses soon and see if there is anyone in particular I should clear. What about XP? Any good sources of Nuts? I keep wanting to level so many characters since they have the potential to shine on singular fights/Bosses and so on
I was like you worrying about the EXP and nuts and shit. Trust me by the time you get to the area when you start collecting Soul Weapons shit you will vomit EXP nuts. Complete the nameless town farm quest with that woman to start gathering the best nuts, in addition you will meet special caits which will reward you like 500K EXP each and higher when you get to the later areas. Make a team that has priority moves to hunt them as Molu and Tressa.
I may be retarded as hell, But I like this autist so fucking much that i picked her using the Anniversary selector. I have Heathcote too, and he's supposedly super good for cait farming right? Anywho! Glad to hear that there is more nuts in later content, it's another good reason to get Cera and tatloch, Just about to fight Ceraphine now
Heathcote? No. He WAS good for Cait farming back in the day, but Canary’s clearly a better choice. She has a Priority 7-Hit attack which will definitely keep Caits from running away. Heathcote has a 1-Hit priority.
> Priority 7-Hit attack
Sadly I don't have her. Is she an event character? Or standard? That does sound crazy as hell
Fuuuuck, I don't wanna fight the bird but I gotta, those limited time 100 rubies I can't pass up.
She’s Sacred Blaze. And all her moves have Shield Crack in them so you’re guaranteed to break the enemy.

You can pull her (or spark her) on Nivelle’s banner.
Don't think I can get enough pulls to spark her int time sadly. But she does sound extremely strong desu.

Besides that. I only need to defeat Tathloc now, and then I'll have done all of the Chapter 3 stories. Any tips for her fight? Ice is probably my strongest Element, I have a fully awakened Sophia, But besides looking up her weaknesses I don't really know what happens in that fight. Any standout Travelers I should bring If possible? I think I stopped around the time of the first Bravely Collab, and then I cam back for a little while to spend all my rubies on the Nier Collab(Got all of them luckily) But only one A2 dupe.
What the fuck bros.. I just completed the last mission I had for the level 60-Fortune board for the 3-Seals. And then I proceed to pull 3 fucking 5-stars in a row single pulling. It was nice knowing you guys! But I think it's over for me.
Spear, Ice and Thunder teams are highly recommended. Against Tatloch. Cyrus in particular was very useful for me.

During the first battle, Tatloch will be covered by Ma’faa so you’ll have quite a time dealing with him first. Also make sure you defeat the Elite Ships before you face Tatloch (they’re a pain in the ass since they respawn like Elite Enemies) or you’ll be dealing with extra enemies after you kill Ma’faa.

In her God Form she dishes out a field which drains both HP and SP. She also uses Charm. The best thing to do is to keep your characters switched out so they don’t attack each other.
Thanks bro!
>hey’re a pain in the ass since they respawn like Elite Enemies

Does that mean I'll have to clear them again between every attempt? Or is clearing them once enough?
>Dragon Board 10
>I don't have an accessory that cuts the Phy attack of all such as Harley's A4
>The Shiba who has this shit is level 8
>Got Signia, but I kinda need more because the fuckers keep killing my teammates
>the EXP fruits for the keepers are complete do shit
Will they release the equivalent of "Supreme Fruits" at some point? leveling up the keepers is such bullshit
You have to clear them like…every 20 hours. And they don’t go away until you defeat Tatloch.

Same situation as with Pardis and his three warriors.
Oh well! Tathloc Turned out to be way easier than I had anticipated. She didn't even have time to start charming my guys during her second Phase. Although I did have a very good line-up just for her. A4 Sophia A1 Cyrus A2 Cardona and Leon on top of Alfyn and Eleonora. Needless to say I had Spear/Ice covered

Now I just started Bestower of All. What am I in for?
Just got to add this. But fighting the Suffering/Seething souls has been the most miserable experience in this game so far. What the fuck where they thinking? This is taking forever fuck me
Soul Weapons. That’s gonna be the main gimmick of Bestower of All. Since you’re basically traversing through the land of the dead, you’ll be able to augment your weapons with souls.

However, this basically translates to randomized substats which are a pain in the ass. Some of which are character exclusive.

Hellfiends are pretty beefy as you learned from the Prologue but they take more damage from Hellweapons. So when you get to Bestower of All chapter 1, make sure you have a full set of equipment ready before you take on the boss of that chapter.
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FINALLY! After waiting almost a year, she finally makes her arrival! I hope they release her earlier though. She was WAAAAY overdue.

For reference sake:
Chapter 1: Grieg (Warrior/Fire)& Morffins (Apothecary/Ice)
Chapter 2: Neha (Dancer/Ice/Dark)
Chapter 3: Relisha (Cleric/Thunder/Inject Staff)
Chapter 4: Hujheb (Hunter)
Chapter 5: Jane (Apothecary)
Chapter 6: Alrond (?????)
>Spend all this time trying to get Sazantos and U10 Signa
>Don't want to touch the game any more because playing it is such a giant pain
It's over...
Is there any tricks to farming Materials for Soul-Weapons? Or do I just farm the mobs outside of town. I did pay for the 2x Material pass. Are they an immediate upgrade or let's say upgraded Atlas gear as an example?
>goes to see what reruns are in JP twitter account
>suddenly, That Person's Name Is starts blasting my ears

I miss Bravely Default. I really need to play Bravely Default II, but I don't think it'll make me as happy as Default did on the 3DS since it was such a new game having the best combat system in an jRPG with a beautiful pixel art...
Let me guess. It's this theme right?

Just picked up Nivelle in 60-pulls. Some anon mentioned earlier that I should save my gems for later, but I am sort of glad that I didn't. Fire is my Weakest element, but I manged to go Dorothea and Leon + the last awakening for Primrose in those pulls. So I guess I got pretty lucky. But Now I think it's time for saving for real! I have only defeated 3 of the level 100 Npc's and I have all the last Arena fights left besides Tiki. So I should have some gems in the Backlog I can work towards. I also haven't even done 10 Traveler quest yet. So I have all of those for an emergency I guess
Farm the regular enemies for bronze and silver souls. Farm the Elite enemies for gold and rainbow souls.

You can also get the gold and rainbow souls through the exchange. Certain townsfolk can give you souls via path actions. The Fame and Power are best for the ones that regenerate. Wealth is too expensive to repeat.

And you’re gonna wanna forge Soul Weapons for each character you’re using. Souls of War and Souls of Mastery are randomly dropped so the Exchange is your friend.
Thanks bro! I have almost crafted Three of Each weapon type so far. And upgraded a few of them to Blue quality. Luckily I have A4 Sophia and she can pretty much oneshot every pack I run into with her Aoe, so farming haven't been to bad. The new Caits are a godsend too!

Have they changed the Daily cait fights from watching Adds? Or is it still RNG bullshit where you have to reset a million times?
We’re expecting the Caits to come out in two weeks (at least one of them). We have:

Isla - Scholar (Fire/Thunder)
Kilns - Hunter (Thunder)
Rique - Merchant (wind)

They’re Travelers of Meowmory so those Memory Fragments you’ve been saving up can be used to grab one.

Having the swimsuit girls AND Nivelle screwed up my pulls. So I’m probably gonna have to dip into those Memory Fragments to get Isla if he comes out.

Someone suggested it might be the return of Bravely Default instead. If that’s the case I can simply buy the Awakening Stones, Get Adelle to A4 and recycle the other two.
Oh neat! But! I don't think I have any memory Fragments? Last time I actually played the game was during the first Anniversary. And for a few months during the Launch.
The Caits haven’t changed. If you have someone at level 70+ the rates are thus:

50% Coy Crafty Cait (50K)
45% Chubby Cait (100K)
5% Coy Chubby Cait (300k)

And you don’t need to bother resetting the ads. Three 30-second ads are bad enough.
Thing is Guidance Fragments are given to you each time you pull on a banner. But those fragments tend to be temporary; use them or lose them.

Memory Fragments are permanent…but you need 200 of them in order to spark any Traveler of Memory. And you have to pull on the paid banner. Union of Memories also counts.

Step 1 - 5 frags
Step 2 - 10 frags
Step 3 - 15 Frags
Step 4 - 20 Frags
Step 5 - Guaranteed 5-Star

That means you gotta pull on a paid banner at least 4 times in order to spark a character. But you should get plenty of other travelers by then.
Thanks bro! Looks like Nepthi is available from those Fragments. So I will certainly be throwing everything I have towards that banner!
Good luck. If you’re in the mood to spend, there’s a Union of Memories banner coming next week, featuring Bargello and Sonia.

As for the week after, wait and see for Tavern Talk to arrive.
BD2 is great, would highly recommend.
>upcoming talk will be about BoA Postscript part 1 and nothing about Side Solistia
Seems unlikely they would change the schedule so they can release both parts before September. If the eos was a fake alert, wake me up in two months.
There was never an EOS alert. It was just us panicking from lousy roadmap.
>Not even JP split the epilogue across two months when Side Solistia wasn't a thing
You what?
After months of killing this dumb dragon every single day, I finally got one!
I sort of wish it had some sort of scaling. It's so easy to make most content redundant by out-leveling it
Are hell weapons effective against holy enemies? Or I need to farm mats for the holy weapons?
>Are hell weapons effective against holy enemies?
Yep. Maxed out hell weapons deal +30% more damage in Hell AND Heaven. Maxed heaven weapons deal +40% more damage in Heaven, no damage bonus in Hell.
You'll wanna farm brilliant weapons eventually though, as they're the best in the game if you can hit high enough to surpass damage caps.
3 teams used, fuck this bird and I'm done with Elite Training forever!
How good are the cosmic weapons? I see that they give Hp regen so i'm thinking of giving some to my tanks and support.
That's just the sword, they all do something different.
The dagger is fantastic for Canary, I think the fan's really good too.
Very good. Easy stacking of hp for supports with special effects and damage cap up for attackers. I'm making two of each.
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It’s almost the deadline and I didn’t kill the bird yet
It won’t be a problem if that feathered fuck didn’t have that constant 50% damage reduction shit
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Largo defeated accessory acquired. This little shit is as annoying as he was the first time.
What do they all do?
Alright i guess i'll get them.
>sword: 300 hp recovery
>polearm: 10% damage taken recovery
>dagger: full hp debuff extension
>axe: 10 sp recovery
>bow: 50 sp recovery when breaking
>staff: 15% front row recovery when switching to back
>tome: 5% sp cost reduction
>fan: full hp buff extension
The clear I posted used the team from this vid as a reference. I messed up and didn't skip the last weakness set, which is why my victory was much messier than this guy's vid.
Remember, for the limited time 100 rubies mission, you only need to kill the bird, you don't need to just use 3 teams like me (I did that 'cause I never wanted to come back to this fight). Use 99 teams if you have to, you got this! And remember, you can use the weekly 1 time full restore to use your best team more than once per week. You'll also get one more reset before the 21st and another free weekly restore.
Good luck!
These sound really good, the Fan one seem like it would be really good fit for signa.
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Thank you bro for the encouragement and for the video, I replicated the video as much I could- Two accessories from the EX champions? Fuck that-. Now I will wait for the free healing tomorrow and get this motherfucker roasted
Yes fellow gamer, 6 months of no content is absolutely not a death knell for an already niche gacha game run by a company notorious for bad decision making and pulling the plug on mobile games.
>cosmic weapons
What is that even? I only just started farming a shitload of Soul-Weapons/armor a few days ago

Also can anyone tell me what is should be using Silver-shards on? I got everyone to awakening-3 and I have 264k
>Two accessories from the EX champions? Fuck that-.
Yeah, I had the same reaction and I'm not going for those accessories for the time being, so I just went for my highest phys atk up accessories 'cause that's all they do for him in that vid. Well, that and lower Odio's speed but I skipped his speed nodes so he was already slow enough.
Great job on getting the bird down to the red, good luck with that final push! It's a real bitch, best to skip the final set of weaknesses if you can 'cause he loses sword weakness (thank God for EOS piercing light and dark).
You exaggerate. Last month we had our epilogue and before that was a crossover event.

Don’t throw around term so frivolously. We’ve been getting story content, Emberflame and crossover stuff every month. The only month with no content is the one in September, which is next month.
Cosmic Weapons are from the Live a Live Hunt. You farm the materials via the hunts and then make the weapons. The first three stages of a Cosmic Weapon are forged in normal shops. But a stage IV Cosmic weapon is a Soul Weapon must be forged in a Hell Shop or in Agapea.
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You should save your Silver Shards for Sacred Seals. Around January, we’re expecting Overclass to be a thing. Unfortunately that means you’ll need three of each Sacred Seal to Overclass any given traveler to 6-Star. To put things in perspective, it’s been 10 months since Japan introduced Overclass and there’s still 27 Travelers that don’t have Overclass yet.
Thanks bros! Should I look into farming Cosmic weapon too?

Oh shit. Had no Idea. How much of an power-spike is that?
July - Bestower of All Postscript (I)
June - Live a Live Crossover
May - Emberflame 3
April - Bestower of All 8
March - Emberflame 2
February - Bestower of All 7

There’s your last 6 months of content. Now go take your meds. Your ADHD is showing.
Overclass allows travelers to go beyond their appointed class. Once this becomes a thing a number of things will unlock.
1. All 3-Stars and 4-Stars will be able to Overclass to 5-Stars off the bat.
2. Gradually everyone will be able to Overclass into 6-Stars
3. 6-Stars cap at level 100 and max out at 120.
4. 6-Stars get around 400 or 500 Influence per character (I forget which)
5. 6-Stars get damage limit up. Around 20,000 or 30,000.
6. 6-Stars can equip three accessories instead of just 2.
7. 6-Stars get an EX Skill. These are special skills which unlock from a special condition (7 turns must pass, broken enemy must be present etc.) and have limited uses. Unlike Ultimates, EX Skills can be boosted.
8. The Incense Burner is introduced, which allows you to idly farm class-up seals and Wisdom Orbs.

Another fun thing to keep in mind. You’ll need 3 golden sacred seals and 500 blue sacred seals to Overclass a 5-Star to a 6-Star. There are also three types of blue seals, one for 3-Stars, one for 4-Stars, and of course one for 5-Stars.
It’s worth looking for into. Cosmic weapons have bonus damage for enemies in the living world. You thought many would still recommend Fortune Weapons.

One thing that Cosmic Weapons have over Fortune Weapons is that they have a Moon Soul slot. Fortune doesn’t, which means you’re more likely to ram the damage cap.
Just pulled Ogen. How is he? He seems pretty unique compared to most travelers. Tbh he seems like someone that is either completely insane or useless
Oh I also wanted to ask what's the best accessory I could get from the Sacred Blaze Signet? I have Nivelle/Leon
Did they start Solistia? Will start playing again once they do.
He's extremely good. He pretty much can't die so long as you remember to not use another regen healer, and his +1 BP regen for the front row is great. Combined with Alaune EX's BP chant, Sazantos can comfortably get 5 BP per turn the enemy's broken for spamming his OP skills.
If you don't have those other characters, that just makes Ogen even more valuable 'cause then he'll be your main source of BP regen, heals and he's a great ice damage dealer too.
Nope, and it's not even on the roadmap so come back in November.
Outside of ice dps his value swings heavily depending on if you have primrose/rinyuu or alaune/signa.
>they showed the latest EN statistics: only ~9% finished Tikilin cup
>same percentage who killed the first black dragon
They should’ve pushed more contents for the players who finished BoA8 but at the same time no wonder they slowed down a little because the players progression is extremely low… like what the fuck are the 90% doing?
>like what the fuck are the 90% doing?
I wouldn't be surprised if most of those are abandoned accounts, another reason why it's dumb for them to build EN's schedule this way.
That's bullshit because the producer also said that 6* and TP was intentionally done to help people clear BOA8. People just refuse to see that no fucking game would ever strand Global at it's anniversary unless they already wrote it off.
*it's not it's
the game is just far beyond casuals
it's honestly much more difficult than anything in the mainlines, and particularly for a phone game most people aren't looking for such challenges all the time
when it's heavily story driven and you encounter fights that are rough for average players, it adds up and they eventually stop trying. happened to my sister when hell released, no surprise because mahrez came out swinging
wouldn't doubt that JP is more dedicated on average either, and if you look at the EN community most of those who do all the content just copy guides anyways
Does this game have energy?
Even meta only gets you so far here because you have to get more weapons and it's just fucking suffering on phone.
Reading the thread a guy said he used up his parry on a fight. Is there any things that stop you from playing the game?
Nothing at all. There is no barriers. You can farm and progress at your leisure with no concerns at all
Actually, some things have weekly attempt limit but that's about it.
Was Aelfric's VA already revealed? I could swear it's the same as Sazantos.
I've never looked it up, but I've always thought it was Toriumi Kousuke.
I remember someone here said that Sazantos's = Motherfucking Theo's
That actually blew my mind
>That actually blew my mind
Sazantos being motherfuckin' Kazuma from KonoSuba always blows mine. Jun Fukushima has range.

Speaking of VAs, Atsuka Tanaka died today. She's the voice of Herminia in Octopath, also Kaine in the next NieR collab, and many, MANY other roles (the Major from GiTS, Bayonetta, Ultimecia to name a few famous ones).
Big fucking F, it's raining today.
Sorry, I can't type today.
So what is the difference between the different types of Soul-weapons? Anything major? Or is it just what stats gets added as you upgrade them? I already farmed 5 of Each weapon and 16 sets of the balanced armor set from the first zone where these things get's introduced
Stats are actually the same. The difference is in A) The Slots and B) The Soul Bonuses.

Lucky - Bronze Human
Wonders - Bronze Human, Bronze Human
Refined- Bronze Human, Bronze Human, Bronze Human
Divine - Silver Human, Bronze Human, Bronze Human
Prophetic - Silver Human, Silver Human, Silver Human
Fortune - Raibbow Dice, Gold Dice, Gold Dice, Rainbow Star
Cosmic - Rainbow Human, Gold Human, Rainbow Star, Gold Moon
Holllow Hell - Gold Sun, Gold Human, Rainbow Star, Gold Moon
Ruinous Hell - Gold Human, Gold Human, Rainbow Star, Gold Sun
Thorned Hell - Gold Sun, Gold Sun, Rainbow Star, Gold Moon
Dire Hell - Rainbow Human, Silver Sun, Silver Sun, Gold Moon
Abyssal Hell - Rainbow Sun, Gold Sun, Silver Sun, Rainbow Star
Arcane Hallow - Rainbow Human, Rainbow Star, Rainbow Star, Rainbow Human
Brilliant Hallow - Gold Moon, Rainbow Star, Rainbow Star, Gold Moon

Something to keep in mind:
Fortune and Cosmic deal 10% Damage to Living enemies
Hellweapons deal 30% Damage to Hellfiends and Hallowfoes
Hallowweapons deal 40% Damage to Hallowfoes.
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>if you look at the EN community most of those who do all the content just copy guides anyways
I usually try out shit for myself, I only follow a guide for the following
>beat this challenge within this time frame and only 3 - 4 stars to get free Rubies. Two years in and I absolutely did not bother remembering any of the 3 or 4 stars
>the fucking towers in general especially the Elite shit, the fact they completely disabled keepers there is complete bullshit. Also, I am so sick or re-equipping weapons and accessories again because we are in a different universe or something
>Speaking of VAs, Atsuka Tanaka died today. She's the voice of Herminia in Octopath, also Kaine in the next NieR collab, and many, MANY other roles (the Major from GiTS, Bayonetta, Ultimecia to name a few famous ones).
Fucking hell man, this year is quite nasty
>check the news
>New Content and Guiding Lights
>the Guiding Lights are Bargello+Sonia rerun
>the "New Content" is Nephti and Solon's awakening stones being added to the exchange - that is literally the "New Content" in its entirety
Fucking hell, at least more time for my rubies to recover. NieR stockpile is almost at the 25% mark.
The update is next week. We’re getting Bestower of All Postscript (II) which will FINALLY put an end to the Orsterra Saga and give us a glimpse of the Solistia Saga.

Probably getting a new character to boot.
>Give us a glimpse of the Solistia Saga.
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>>the "New Content" is Nephti and Solon's awakening stones being added to the exchange
Nephti A4 accessory
is Solon's worth it in any way? I honestly never looked past his U10
Agreed, no casual player will want to try any EX3 fight ever. The hard fights in this game are too unfun for your average player.
They're too unfun even for most hardcore players.
As someone who who completed most content on day 1 until fairly recently, EX3 fights are just the most tedious shit. If you could skip all the previous fights and just do EX3 to get the rewards for all previous tiers, it would be more tolerable but the HP bloat is bad enough with EX1 and EX2 already. I did a handful of those and it completely killed my interest in doing any more. The elite tower sucks ass too, party management is so fucking clunky in this game that you spend more time in menus setting up your parties than you do actually playing the game.
>If you could skip all the previous fights and just do EX3 to get the rewards for all previous tiers, it would be more tolerable but the HP bloat is bad enough with EX1 and EX2 already.
Fucking this. It sucks that you have to do pretty much the same EX fight 3 times for the tiniest of rewards. I've done like six of them, I still haven't found the motivation to go back to the codex. They're also pretty prohibitive in that if you don't have whale A4 accessories to passively debuff the enemy on turn zero, you're getting one-shot before you can even act. Most of my EX3 wins involve resetting multiple times until the boss targets Canary on turn 1 so she can eat the oneshot hits and then my debuffers actually get a turn to bring the incoming damage down to survivable levels.
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Information regarding Overclass. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, gather up your Golden Sacred Seals!
Thanks for the pic!
Your debuffers are too slow if the boss is getting the jump on them. Also serenoa's a4 can get the taunt up on the first turn so you don't even need to make your tank super fast if you don't want to. Whale a4s aren't needed to tackle the ex3 fights.
>isla on the 28th
oh fug
What else did today's stream show, I completely missed it.
>"No, they will never ever release the caits"
Denialfags, where are you at?
Where's your roadmap?
Who did you think it would be?
>The Scholar & Trade caits with some changes in the kits
>Solm & Nephti re-run
>new keepers on 11th September
>Two Birds
Very subtle, SE
Quick recap:
8/28 - Bestower of All Postscript (II)
Isla (Traveler of Memories)
Shop packs open. Isla Awakening Stone and Veteran Stone available.
Captain Na'gu + Fallen Mendoza Adversaries.

9/04 - Union of Memories: Nephti/Solon

9/11 - Rique (Traveler of Memories)
Two new birds

9/19 - Mystery Banner (probably Union of the Chosen)

9/25 - 2.14.1 Update (Probably Kilns)
>The Scholar & Trade caits with some changes in the kits
Rique the merchant cait is one of the worst, most dogshit six stars ever released, so I'm hoping those changes are a massive overhaul and buffs that are at least as good as TS or Nephti's.
At this rate we may get the second BD collab in October
Isla would probably feel stronger if it were easier to get to 50% passive attack up.
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Tomorrow I finally get to score some pussy.

And we get to finish off the Orsterra Saga for good.

Are you ready?
>Are you ready?
I've been really busy for over a month, I still have to do part 1 of the epilogue. Might just wait until later this week to do the whole thing back to back.
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Did someone say “pussy”?
Can I only obtain Fragments of Memories from paid banners?
The ones that stay with you? Yes, only paid
Ah shit.. Well is the new bannerPoorfag-Version worth rolling? Any chance the Nepthi will re-run soon?
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Hilariously they mistranslated the skill. I tested it in battle and it does indeed effect the entire party not just the front row.
>Another EX job
Reusing VAs huh, makes me wonder.
I love all of the apothecary artwork. I want to build a full team of axe-wielding herbalists, even if it's not meta.
Did one pull on the cat for shits and giggles and actually got Isla. Now I sleep until Solistia or eos.
Should You pull for Isla? how strong is she/he?
He’s strong at buffing magic. And he can increase the Magic Cap to 50% rather than the usual 30%.
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The Orsterra Saga has ended.

But no word on the Solistia Saga.

Not good.
When are you all going to understand that the roadmap was not a joke and it's the end?
Axes actually get quite meta in Solistia because of Castti, one of the most powerful and braindead easy-to-use characters. Nephti is dramatically better on global and if this new Rinyuu EX is good, axes have a pretty sweet future in this game.

Speaking of meta, assuming global gets to Solistia, it might be a good idea to think about which weapon type you guys wanna run. We're currently still in the sword/EOS meta but surprisingly, Warriors of the Continent doesn't stay the norm and is actually one of the weaker weapons with only Ringabel and Odio-O having six stars afaik (Hikari's not really a sword character) and Odio's was kinda mediocre compared to how much of a splash he made at 5 star.
I'd say the best comps will be dagger, spear, bow and axe.
If you wanna go dagger, save for Kaine (NieR collab #2) and Tiziano.
If you wanna go spear, save for Magnolia (BD collab #2) and Partitio. Hopefully you already have Roland.
If you wanna go bows, save for Kilns, Ochette and Hujheb (Sacred Blaze).
If you wanna go axes, save for Castti and Shana.

I think f2p will probably only be able to go for one of these comps 'cause it takes months to save up for one 4500 or 6000 ruby pity. I'm stuck going for daggers because I'm crazy about NieR, so I'll probably have to skip everything until that collab 'cause 10,500 rubies is a lot.
And what will you say when the next roadmap arrives?
Let them cope anon, if some Japanese guy with a gun to his head reading a soulless corporate statement blaming the playerbase is enough to convince them, they're not going to listen to reason.
The chances of a new road map that doesn't just say "thanks for playing" are very low.
Just realized. That’s an EX traveler, the background should be blue.
Because there's not going to be a roadmap.
A1 or U10??????
The change kinda messed up the priority
I wonder if he does use a voice changer, maybe I’m a schizo but the laugh gave it away
She is a Memory Traveler, hence overwrite the EX status
Beat me I don’t get it either
EOS is all but officially confirmed. Story is done. I'm calling it quits and just uninstalled, not even going to leave it on there in the chance that it's not. Peace out.
Alaune EX is blue.
>FFBE is kill

It's over.
>Reddit coping that it's not EOS
Can you doomniggers just shut the fuck up already? I don't give a shit about the roadmap or your eos speculation. I'm enjoying the game and will continue to do so until it's no longer available, regardless of whether that's next week or next year.
Nope, because you retards deserve what you got.
Then enjoy the game and stop whining because others are setting realistic expectations for the game's future. People are allowed to be bothered by Square fucking up yet another game they enjoy.
I would be less peeved if retards didn't persuade newbies to spend on the paid banners and they just didn't bother even informing them about the roadmap.
I was amazed with just how many retards were shitting themselves over the paid stepup mishap and encouraging others to spend money because it was 'good' value just weeks after the absolute turd of a roadmap they dropped on us.
I think they did the Bargello one on purpose too to trick people into thinking they listened and they already planned to kill the server after BOA was done. Either way you at least enjoyed the content until the end but being so delusional after seeing a fucking no content roadmap being dropped in the game's most profitable times makes you at least somewhat guilty if you got someone to spend.
I hope WotV is next.
WOTV might be dead whenever they finish the next part of the storyline, just because Gumi crashed that hard.
Whats happening at Gumi? I'm glad they're finally going under for what they did to Chain Chronicles.
Aster Tartariqus crashed so badly that Gumi lost over 40 million and had to lay off a lot of staff.
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Oy vey! I hope all you goys saved some rubies for me!
No.. I spend the 1500 I had on current Kot and got nothing...
Thank God, about time.
I was actually legit impressed at the buffs they gave him. They managed to make the worst six star in the game by far actually usable and useful. No content to really use him on though, we're about to enter the long drought of absolutely nothing in September and October. At least I saved myself around 16 traveler stories to tide me over with.
Credit where credit’s due. They made him the physical equivalent of Isla.

I wonder how they’re gonna handle Kilns next month.
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Shut the fuck up, Nyaike
I am saving up for my Goddes
It sucks they still have no plans to unban emulators. And a PC version is unlikely at this point.
Calling it here. End of September we get Kilns.
Two or three weeks after, we’re getting Shana along with Emberflame 4.
>looked up Shana
>her picture is with Barrgello and the gang
The fuck? I do not remember her
Also is she good?
She was from the prequel manga.
There's a COTC manga?
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It’s the whole reason Shana’s available.
>came out last April
>can't find scans online
So what's the trick to the final TS gameboard? I went north and got reward spots 3&4, then went south and got reward spots 1&2. Is there just going to magically be a third option now that I've done the other two or am I missing something?
It was gay ass shit:
>you must unlock all the endings including the bad ones in all boards
>afterwards you go north then East - the point when they say there might be a secret route the
>Ending A is on the second board
>Endings B and C are on the third board
>Endings D and E are on the fourth (and last) board
>Ending B is easy to miss: the one where you run from Krauser at flag 4
You must get these THEN the true final board will be unlock
Is it true that eos is imminent?

I wanted to start playing but everyone is telling eos is imminent, is that true?? And why? Is the game not popular or profitable enough?
There was a live stream hyping up the anniversary where they unveiled a roadmap consisting of a whole lot of nothing and stretching out tiny scraps of content over the course of months when the playerbase was fully expecting them to be saving a substantial long-waited update providing new content and a many qol fixes and features. To add insult to injury, another server that launched after the GL server had already received said update and surpassed GL in the patch cycle. That absolute turd of a live stream is the last thing you'd expect from an anniversary which is why everyone who isn't coping out of their minds expects an eos announcement sooner rather than later. The developer response did little to assuage those worries because it was just a brief video of the producer reading out a corporate statement that basically amounted to shifting all the blame on the player base for not doing enough content.
Will GL close or JP too?
I see that you tried posting this at Reddit.
It's true, and let me break down why:
>Companies have to make their financial reports and decisions to kill servers well in advance, the game is 100% dead because a living game would have had SS on its roadmap after the epilogue. The DFFOO CMs mentioned that they knew the game was dead months before EOS was even announced
>6* and TP was introduced to help players beat BOA8 and SS itself is a soft reboot of sorts, so the producer is clearly lying when he said it wasn't released due to the lack of players
>Staff costs can get very expensive in spite of stagnant revenue. You don't just have translation costs, there's also QC, customer service, technical staff...the most important part though is that companies tend to budget until the end of a product cycle and that would mean until the end of SS if they continued on in Global in spite of Global making 200k even in August
>SS's teaser was completely scrubbed

It's unknown how long JP will go on but their producer said it'll continue past Sail, Global is just being trashed because it brings no money worth the effort for SQEX.
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EOS is inevitable. But it’s not happening anytime soon. Octopath is making the same amount of money as it was last year.

They made some VERY stupid decisions about slowing down the content based on our last roadmap. Including a dead month in September which has a Tavern Talk so there might be SOMETHING for us after all.

JP has also gone back in swing. Making its main story appear every other month instead of every three months and putting in a new traveler every two weeks instead of every month.

People doom post about EOS every now and then but with the latest roadmap out, the doom posting has grown stronger. We’re gonna have to wait until October for a new roadmap to be released and get Side Solistia.
You do realize that JP living has nothing to do with Global living and it's retarded to say this when FFBE Global just died recently, right?
>We’re gonna have to wait until October for a new roadmap to be released and get Side Solistia.
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius died
Oh no!

Anyways, we’re in a rough patch. Sad but true. But once we get out of it, we’re getting Side Solistia in full swing.

Plus there’s still new characters they can release before we hit the next roadmap.

I’m not worried. You needn’t be worried either.
How much money did you spend on the anniversary to be huffing this much copium?
>G-guys, they didn't announce Side Solistia when newbies would have wanted to join the game! There's nothing to be concerned about!
What happened:
>the latest roadmap had fuck all, some predicted that they will release the new non-Solisita banners (which the JP had them recently) which it did happen. But that was it
>best case scenario: the new contents - which is basically the OT2 stuff - to be released in December or January
>this will harm the game
>some went "IT IS JOVER" mode because they will shut it down
>SE showed up the next stream acknowledging the concern "We will talk with the team about it"
>the reasoning for the slowdown was 90% of the EN player are still jerking off in the first bloody chapter
>released statistic pages of the players progress, which was embarrassingly low - easy shit only 10% completed it-
>on the other hand, they should push content for those active players. Not to mention Taiwan is now way ahead of us
This is where knowing how gachas work comes in handy, a game doesn't usually EOS out of nowhere because that would be an immediate loss but that also means there's no such thing as 'talking to the team about it' because this roadmap was planned out well in advance. How many times does it need to be repeated that Netease obviously bought the rights to publish everything including Side Solistia and Global is EOSing because it has no worth for SQEX when they can just coast on Netease money and fully focus on JP?
>SS's teaser was completely scrubbed
I haven't played the final part of the BOA epilogue that came out this week yet, but is there supposed to be a part at the end that teases Solistia? No spoilers please, just yes or no.
Holy fuck. Yeah, that being removed from global confirms it. Damn.
This drama is sickening as fuck. They should just tell us they are planning to unplug the servers in the upcoming instead keeping a veil of mystery around it. Everyone already assumed the worst because they never were subtle about that, so why even bother at this point?
Because pulling the plug honestly would have meant less sales for the remaining characters and people are deluded enough to believe that any gacha would release such a roadmap before the anniversary only to release Side Solistia all of a sudden.
This is standard procedure for SE and many other gachas too. They're going to stay silent as long as they can to squeeze out the last drops of cash. For example, they managed to salvage their anniversary profits with that mistake they made on the paid banner, creating the best deal to spend on in the history of the game as compensation which got quite a few people spending. If there was an explicit EoS notice looming overhead, they wouldn't have made nearly as much off of that little snafu.
It certainly doesn't help that with the big content drought we're now in, there's nothing for the playerbase to really discuss other than this will they/won't they EoS drama. You'd have to look to other servers to find new ingame things to talk about, and that inevitably brings the discussion back to global's shitty state.
I'm willing to bet neither that nor the Bargello banner was a mistake, and it was a calculated move on their part to get Global players to think it was a bargain when they never had the intention of releasing Side Solistia.
You could argue for the 2nd Anniversary. But the Bargello banner was definitely unintentional.

People literally flipped their shit because the banners were separate when they were expecting a combined banner (50% Sonia/50% Bargello). Which is odd because most of the time people HATE combined banners. Especially if there’s three of characters in them like A2, 2B and 9S.

But when they did it again with Nephti and Solon or Elrica and EX Alaune, there were crickets. In fact for these Memory Banners the 50% Chance of getting the chosen character is the new normal. Only with Bargello/Sonia was it good for them to have a combined banner.
I thought so at first, but the speed at which the devs switched the banners and even reworked the mechanic is incredibly suspicious once you consider that the EOS decision comes months before the actual announcement. I didn't become suspicious about it until I saw the roadmap, this just clicked to me much later but 'devs being suspiciously generous' is one of the common EOS signs; it's either that or they were trying to gauge how Global would react to Side Solistia's worse paid banners and the results were dismal either way.
Thinking back on BoA's plot, I have a question. Spoilers for BoA, obviously.
What was the reason for everything Sazantos did before the end of Ch6 and ascending with Orsa's power to Heaven? In other words, why did he wait all the way 'til Ch6 to make his move and not simply go to Hell, wake up Mommy's corpse and become God in Ch1 after icing Finis? Did his Hell army killing people in Orsterra feed him energy to wake her up or something? I don't understand/remember his motives for doing generic bad guy stuff like sending armies of the damned and resurrected heroes and villains up to the mortal realm to wage war, 'cause chaos, and have a laff when the only thing he wanted to do was become the new supreme God and create a new world, which didn't seem to require Orsterra for anything at all.
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All his detour would make sense if he was looking to harvest Londo's blue flame since the beginning, so he probably played the role of le evil lord waiting for him in his throne while sending undead enemies to empower Londo's resolve of stopping him, along his blue flames. And that's debatable as well.
The way Signa is drawn in that image. You think these two ever? You know....
Oh right, he needed the other flame, durr. That explanation makes sense then.
She was down horrendous but Sazantos definitely no way fag'd her. Could really use an edit of that meme with them but I have no photoshop skills.
Out of his strike zone. He wants a woman he can call mommy. See Faramea and Orusa.
That motherfucker was inside both.
>Largo Cup Race
I think this is gonna be the first time I don't go for Tier EX rewards and settle for Tier 3. My Largo grinding team can one break kill, but I highly doubt I could still do that carrying four 4*s and if he comes out of break, all this thresholds trigger and it's GG.
If you get him into the deep red, you have one turn to finish him off after break before he summons all his sentinels on you.

You need to go ALL IN at that time.
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I'm fucking around to see how little is needed to get the kill. Got him into the red, but this is a toughie. Not sure I can do it with just these three, probably need an attack buffer.
>3 characters
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Success. Gen pool 3v3 vs Largo completed.
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Four more weeks…
>Paid banner after paid banner after paid banner.

How is this game alive lmao.
Because SQEX hasn't announced the EOS.
Today is my birthday, say something nice to me or else i'll fuck your Cotc waifu.
Go ahead and fuck Elrica, I guess.
To be fair, you were warned that this would happen as soon as Bestower of All came.
Um sorry sweetie, this game is not for F2P. Now give Square Enix 100+ bucks every 2 weeks for a 50% chance of a Memory traveler at the last step of the banner~!
Happy Birthday, rude anon.
Honestly, being able to pity a MT every two months was pretty okay but the grind sucks even more.
>That nigga Timaeuss moved Auguste's prediction so it's after Acambe
Bro, this isn't the soc thread.
I have them tabbed side by side too.
Kek, you too huh?
This game will be dead in two months lol.
Yeah, it's not surprising because the game's struggling even in JP and the producer had to get rid of the biggest deadweight.
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Meowzel Tov!
Technically that's gay, also it's not my birthday anymore.
Alrond's becoming playable on the jp server
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Three more weeks…
Are you supposed to be ded, Finisu?
Is this game open ended?
>TW already at SS
>60 fps
>BD collab 2

Just shot down global at this point.
Next livestream is almost certainly the last.
You’re gonna sound so stupid after they announce the next Tavern Talk two weeks later, along with the roadmap that’ll follow.
How fucking delusional can someone get?
Even SEA has 60 fps. It's also in English, so there's really no reason to play Global. Just abandon the server, even SQEX did.
Sucks to know the SEA version will get Solistia before global at this point. Shame we can't switch savedatas between versions.
Care to share some of that copium? I'm out of it.
That’s nice Chang. Still playing Global.
First off. I don’t give a flying FUCK what Chinese, Taiwan and South East Asia have. 60 FPS and Original game camera angles are nice. But not even Japan has that. Whether or not we get it is just a matter of time.

They’re still giving us contests. They’re still doing Tavern Talk. And they even offered a free trial for the passes to get more people on board for that.

Furthermore TW and CH have actually LOST money this month despite getting closer to JP than we are. I mean. Sure the Asian servers are moving at a faster rate and will eventually catch up to JP. But when you get used to all that content at once, what happens when you catch up to the main server and you have to experience JP’s slow down? Our server has at least been consistent for the most part with JP’s rate of a new major update a month.

Also when you get a chance, check the roadmap. Emberflame 4 is coming out in October. But it’s early October, meaning they’ll be discussing it over this month’s Tavern Talk. Meaning that Emberflame 4 is actually the “September” update. What is the October update then? We’ll find out soon.

Plus, given that they can only release new characters with Orsterran Influences, they don’t have a lot of options left to stall this thing.

>Memory Travelers: Kilns, Shana, Tiziano, EX Rinyuu
>Bravely Default (II): Ringabel, Gloria, Magnolia
>Nier: Replicant: Nier, Kaine, Emil
>Final Fantasy IV: Cecil, EX Ophilia, EX Sazantos, EX Agnea

That’s 4 memory travelers (one coming out soon and one JUST released in JP 2 weeks ago) and three sets of crossovers. They’re not gonna be able to stall Side Solistia for more than a month.

We’re getting close. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Two more weeks and they’ll give us Kilns and Emberflame 4 and then announce their next Tavern Talk.
>Champion of Memories: Oskha
>Summer EX (II): EX Bargello, EX Tatloch
This guy is really going to need the suicide hotline when the truth hits...
>light at the end of the tunnel
Go for it, Sabin!
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This is some weapons grade copium, I would respect it if it wasn't so sad. The only way they can top this year's anniversary is by announcing eos for our next anniversary (assuming the game isn't dead already by then).
Yeah, it's easier to let go if you just accept it.
Pretty much stopped playing until they announce a new roadmap. I already got burned by FFOO, not gonna let it happen again.
You don’t have too much longer to wait then. Expect a roadmap at the end of the next month.
>He's still going on about a roadmap when the CMs are literally ignoring every comment about SS and the SS teaser was removed
You'll see, the last roadmap was just a funny prank they played on us silly gaijin. Absolutely curb stomping the playerbase's enthusiasm right before the anniversary is actually a brilliant business tactic.
Us stupid gaijin could never understand the brilliance of glorious Nippon 4D chess.
Since the little message at the anniversary was specifically to ease fears of EOS, if they do announce it right after they should get sued for all revenue made since the anniversary for not operating under good faith.
Can people charge back then? I remember Aniplex being so classy with Magia Record's EOS that they didn't even discontinue paid gems right away.
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This week we got Leon and Canary. If you haven’t gotten them yet, I highly recommend you do so. They’re both GOOD.
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Two more weeks…
Is there any good guide for purifying everyone in hell?

Jesus, TW mogs the shit out of global.
Finally got back to over 3k rubies since pitying Sazantos. Halfway to having my NieR fund, assuming global gets that far.
Yes, it's called the Holy Bible, you should try reading it sometime.
Thanks, they've all moved on now.
What a shit reward for such an obnoxiously long questline.
>Bothering in purifying more other NPCs besides the ones necessary to play BoA 6
Your fault.
How do I get past the chapter 3 Bestower bosses?
Hit their weaknesses. Set up your buffs and debuffs. Try to get them to like…1-ish Shield Points before break. Then on the turn you break them and the turn afterwards, hit them HARD with your strongest attacks.

You have a better advantage now since you can now equip Keepers and Fortune Weapons. Just make sure your team is fully leveled up.




I AM... a cotc player
If your name were Sazantos, I wouldn't be impressed.
Game is EOS in november, so I would just stop now rather than continuing with the story.
Was there a tavern talk today? Any news?
No TT in future, no roadmap.
EoS soon before NY
EOS was never mentioned, but they did say there would be no Tavern Talk in October, and there was no new content announced for November. So people are assuming EOS.
9/25 - Levina and Tatloch. Separate Banners. Same Spark.
10/02 - Kilns. Also Emberflame 4, featuring rabbits.
10/09 - Bravely Default Crossover (Adelle, Edea, Agnes) with Shop Pack.
10/16 - Union of Memories: Elrica/EX Alaune
10/23 - ??????
10/30 - 2nd Bravely Default Crossover (Ringabel, Gloria, Magnolia)

No Roadmap. Probably gonna get announced at the end of the month.
EOS was confirmed already, so the only new info we gained was that square are literal scam artists trying to snake money from unsuspecting people.
I'd love to see what the copers' next excuse is going to be. It's a shame to see the game go, but it has been getting a little stale for a while now and it still stings less than RK and Mobius. This is the last time I'll get invested in a SE gacha though, they've had some good games but damn do they suck at managing them.
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>Roadmap probably going to get announced
The copers will just spit at you or ban you if they can, someone who spoke against SQEX in the livestream got permanently banned.
>EOS was confirmed already
Where/when was it confirmed? I'm not coping, I'm just under the impression that SE is avoiding all mention of it so that they can (most likely) shut it down abruptly.
You're correct that they're too cowardly to even announce it, but they half-assed an excuse to not have a TT for October where they'd have to have a new roadmap and DFFOO's livestream was 'delayed' because of a similarly half-assed reason, and that reason was to announce EOS through an in-game notice.
Glad I finished the main story at least. Shame this was a Square Enix gacha.
It isn’t. People are just saying it is because there’s no Side Solistia yet.
For real? Shit, I want Gloria and Magnolia, but I only have a quarter of the rubies needed to pity them (3k out of 12k).
You never know. You might get lucky and get them before you need to pull off a Spark.
You’re in luck (sorta). The 2nd Bravely Default Crossover is a Two-Parter just like the Oct-A-Live event. The first part has Ringabel and Gloria. The second part brings in Magnolia.

However this means that the event is gonna be stretched out for a full month. We’re probably gonna have to wait until Thanksgiving before we get Side Solistia.
Man, I dunno. I have to go all the way to pity far, far more often than not.
Yeah, I know how they split 'em up. Risky business but at least it lasts a while like you said.
I missed some of the dialogue while doing a traveler story for one of the exchange 4 stars and wanted to go back and read it. Luckily, this game has a section of the codex dedicated to doing exactly that, so I went over to it to read the part I missed. Guess what? It's completely fucking useless! It only has the original characters that were in at launch, and hasn't been updated to include anyone that came in after. I could get it not having the memory travelers (they have their own section elsewhere) or not having the collab characters since those never stick around, but why the fuck aren't the exchange 4 stars in it? Or what about the new gen pool 5 stars or sacred blaze characters? Why bother even having a section to reread character stories if you're not going to add the character stories to it?
Because that shit gets updated SLOWLY and it’s not a priority.
Yeah, it's horribly managed. Every other game I know that has ever had character stories lets you reread them as much as you want immediately after the first time you read them. Unless it's a memoir, you're shit outta luck. Try youtube and pray it's on there, some are, some aren't. There are also fansubbed stories from JP before global existed on youtube, good luck.
How retarded can you get?
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Not as retarded as you apparently. You have it in your head that the game is ending. And yet….you’re still here.

You’re welcome to jump ship anytime. But you’re gonna miss out on a LOT of daily rubies when Side Solistia DOES finally arrive.
Side solistia is never coming. Not this thanksgiving not next thanksgiving. It's over and they are just trying to scam people on the way out by pretending it's not.
Haven't you migrated to the SEA version yet?
I migrated to Sword of convallaria instead.
Not falling for that line, Chang.
Did Netease put you up to this? Is SEA suffering that badly that you need us to pick up your slack?
The odds of SEA releasing SS are higher than global not getting eos before december.
I don't plan on touching square anything gacha or not from now on. I sure as hell wouldn't just migrate so they can still get money after being such scumbags.
Hopefully, when this game reaches end of service, they rerelease an offline-only version with rebalanced difficulty, so a shitter like me can finally clear the main story.
I only eve beat the two single player OTs through cheesing them with items and broken skill combos, anyway.
Netease actually has a content creator program for CoTC.
But that just means SEA shillers are actually PAID instead of globalniggers who do it for free.
There is basically zero chance of that happening. Even if it did, we'd have to wait for JP to EoS first and I doubt Square would be willing to put in the tiny bit of extra effort that translating all JP content to English would entail.
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I honestly doubted what I was reading
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Whatever happens to COTC, whither EoS or actually getting SS, I will never touch any other gacha game ever again
As I said in the last thread, the only reason why I picked this game up was because I liked OT - OT2 wasn’t announced yet- and I was interested in the story all things considered as well as the kick ass OST.
Top it all that off, my wedding is literally mid November so I didn’t go full spastic mode when that dreaded roadmap released.
If they released SS anyway, this would be wonderful and I can jump in next March or so.
If they pulled the plug, it would be extremely sad yet funny in a poetic way… and sure as hell I wouldn’t be able to touch any other gacha ever again.
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JP got Ori.

The cute Newsie Girl from Partitio’s story.
You do realize that
1) Global and SEA are run by different companies.
2) SEA is using the same English Translation as Global

If Global EOS’s, SEA will follow shortly afterwords due to lack of a good English source.

Also, SEA is at Bestower of All 4. You do the math.
True, SEA is the only region that's lower on the pecking order than Global.
You do realize that if they are planning to fleece us, the best time to do it is on the week of Thanksgiving, which is also the week of Black Friday. They’ll pull out all the stops and the best deals during that time.

No way in hell they’re gonna EOS so close to Black Friday.
Are you retarded, they ARE already fleecing the fuck out of anyone still buying paid rubies.
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Are YOU retarded? Or are you just an ESL? They can net the biggest profit off of Black Friday. They’re not gonna shut it down when they’re that close to one of the biggest cash grabs in the entire YEAR.

Do NOT underestimate the power of Black Friday!
They are out of characters even with porting caits over, you fucking retard.
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Wrong again. There’s three Travelers of Memories, and another three crossovers they have at their disposal.

Including the one that’s coming up in the end of next month.

They even have an extra Champion of Memories they can release if they so choose.
"Anon" means "soon".

On an unrelated note, are there any gacha games out there besides this one and Another Eden that are more like console rpgs than mobile games?
By that I mean, instead of simply navigating series of menus (lobby>stage select>battle screen>stage select), it's an actual world with towns and dungeons and overworld places that blend into each other naturally and yet isn't a 3D game like genshin/wuwa/starrail. Also, all the content is permanent instead of limited time events. When global shuts down I'll likely finally try AE (never had the time for it), but I was wondering if there was anything else out there in this same vein.
people have been talking up Sword of Convallaria, that's probably what I'll be checking out next still need to work up the energy to beat final boss Sazantos before EOS, though
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Rique says “Hi!” By the way.
Shoot, I'm already playing that lol. New story just came out, it's good stuff.
They want to scam people, but they don't want big amounts all at once right before EOS because people will charge back and cost them money instead. Black friday existing means literally nothing. You are a disgusting shill trying to trick people go fuck yourself.
>EOS-ing right AFTER they get a shitload of money off of people instead of right BEFORE they get a shitload of money off of people. Classic business move!

Now you’re just grasping at straws here. Admit it. You really just wanna see this game EOS just because. It’s not enough for you to be miserable. You want US to be miserable like you too.

Hate to disappoint you, but I’m riding this game all the way to the end. You wanna play a different game, by all means leave and do so. You wanna quit? Good. Go ahead and quit. But know that you’re doing so by yourself.

But hey. You’re welcome to play again once Side Solistia does finally arrive. Whenever that time will be.
They did a banner type that they never did before that's too generous for words and brought over buffed caits. That is the scam, they can't go on until Black Friday because they literally did not fucking bother translating BD2 content.
Man, so many people are going to neck themselves when EOS is announced and I don't feel sorry for most of them because they're POSes.
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Goddamn, this is getting positively entertaining at this point.

November is gonna be SUCH a fun month.
Isn’t one of the early warnings for an EOS when they STOP giving you stuff?
Yeah, people are going to be eating so much shit because they didn't get the message when they already got treated like shit the last few times.

You mean content? Yeah, and because new expansions have to be approved and implemented ahead of time those of us who aren't fucking retards knew the game was done.
My guy, we are way past early warnings. Content has been coming out at an absolutely glacial pace even before they cucked us out of Solistia entirely. Releasing a couple of units who have likely been finished for months already doesn't equate to content. Just coping and accept that Square blundered yet another gacha.
Honestly, I think they never cared that much about Global because even Mihoyo games perform less in Global when it isn't years behind.
It's obvious GL has always been an afterthought for Square Enix gachas. The way they tried to repeatedly royally fuck over GL Mobius was astounding. The problem with Square is that they're horribly out of touch, too greedy for their own good and utterly incapable of learning from their mistakes.
That might be our perspective, but if SQEX only wanted to cash grab from the start it makes more sense to launch Global and shut it down at the end of its most likely profit.
Nobody loses anything by quitting now. The only people that stand to lose are the ones that get tricked into thinking this sinking ship still has a future. You are the only one that wants people to be miserable here.
The amount of lashing out at people who quit is crazy, we're going to be seeing a meltdown of epic proportions when people who spent on this banner realize they got scammed.
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That’s nice.

Still playing Octopath though.
Where did CotC go so wrong where Another Eden went right?
Memory travelers were a mistake.
Where did Another Eden go right?

Serious question by the way.
I dunno what's going on
We’ve gotten Cabin Fever while we’re waiting for the October Update.

Next week is the final update on the roadmap. Beyond it is unknown territory.

Problem is, Square seems to want to keep it that way.
Anyone who isn't coping beyond belief knows what's beyond that point.
newbie here who just finished the second console game. i want to play this, but i want to know, how hard is the game on the battery? also how much space does it take?
You need about 1GB for the global version (they are 1-2 years behind the jap version and due to...circumstances, I dunno if I should recommend you to play it).
2GB for the japanese version.
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Where are you getting those clearly bullshit numbers from?
Man, I just realized with all these six star/TP characters being released without global having six star/TP, the BD2 collab is kinda fucked if it ends up happening due to the way collabs work. If you make any adjustments to collab characters, like upgrades (in this case, adding their six star/TP stuff), it has to be done during the collab period due to legal reasons typically. So if we get their gimped versions in global, we'll have to wait for a BD2 collab rerun to get their six star stuff instead of them getting it on release. At least global likes bravely reruns a lot more than nier reruns.
Not following you on the legal reasons bit.

But once Side Solistia is released, we get TP off the bat. And the 2.5 anniversary can follow up with Overclass. From that point they can start releasing their TP and 6-Starr shit at a faster rate than even JP.

The only characters that don’t have Overclass in JP are Sazantos and Signa. And that’ll change next month, just in time for their 4th anniversary.

In short, I’m not worried. And I’m expecting the other collabs to come out after Side Solistia is released.
>G-guys, they'll definitely present Side Solistia after even refusing to do another TT!
I'll make sure to prepare flowers and rope for you.
Anti-EOS'ers sound blindly optimistic and deliberately unwise with their money.
Pro-EOS'ers sound like they're frothing at the mouth and holier than thou.
I don't know which sounds less retarded and more believable.
It doesn't matter who sounds better, what matters is that SQEX has always EOSed gachas with this revenue if it doesn't have a special deal that prevents it from being axed.
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>Frothing at the mouth and holier than thou.

An apt description, my friend. I think the answer is self-evident. The pro EOS-ers are only here because misery loves company. Otherwise they wouldn’t be here now.
I haven't finished the game but watching your reaction when you see the truth will be funny.
It's a damn shame this game is in danger of getting EOS'd, considering how it's combat is arguably better than that of OT1 and OT2.
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I think your reaction will be funnier when you see how wrong you were about everything.

Maybe you should put that rope to good use right now.
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The game has frankly amazing combat but that is ironically one of its pitfalls too, as many Octopath players are far too used to the simpler and easier gameplay of the mainline titles. Once you factor in how painful it is to target meta characters that you missed and the ridiculous grind it's easy to see how it had no future in Global at least unlike FFBE that went to shit much later in its lifespan.

Oh don't worry, you're only the third person to say that and spoiler alert: All three of you are wrong.
You do realize that not having a Tavern Talk is not going to stop the game from updating right?
The TT is used to hype upcoming content, if you had any brain cells left you know what that means.
Yeah. They hype it. Not having a Tavern Talk doesn’t stop it from coming. There’s just none of the hype that we usually get.

Games have missed podcasts before and haven’t EOS-ed on the spot. This one is no exception.
>'Guys, they're not going to hype up the literal next expansion of the story after pissing people off and being silent for months!'
Wow, very riveting conclusion there.
No they’re not. They’re gonna keep stalling and release it next month, you simpleton.
So can you please explain to this simpleton why the producer of the game can't confirm this on the roadmap?
It's a brilliant business strategy to alienate your playerbase right before dropping a highly anticipated update. You wouldn't understand gaijin.
The roadmap is pretty much set in stone (despite the message to the contrary).
By the time they have their roadmap released (4 months in this case) they’re already cementing the details for the next roadmap.

Thing is, this roadmap SUCKS. There’s no debate on this one. But now that the developers have realized and addressed these issues, they have to go back to the drawing board and set up a new roadmap with all the bells and whistles, (get new events lined up, changing the banners, etc.) And this shit takes time. Especially when you only have one person doing all the translating.

Them not announcing a new roadmap or a Tavern Talk means they’re not ready. When it comes to game development, mistakes are costly.

Just because imagine what would happen if they DIDN’T address the issues and maintained the slow pace. (Shudder)…
Where did they address any issue? All they offered was a lame apology and a bazillion paid banners, if they wanted to do SS they had to have finalized it before this.

>Just because imagine what would happen if they DIDN’T address the issues and maintained the slow pace. (Shudder)…
That's the reality though, they decided that Global would be ending and literally everyone with a functioning brain knows that.
> The roadmap is pretty much set in stone

Their lame apology was them addressing the issue. Fixing it is a different story. The fixes will come at the end of October, after the last of the roadmap has been released.

> If they wanted to do SS they had to have finalized it before this.
Again. Mistakes are costly. Having to redo an entire roadmap means redoing 4 months of content. Which will probably take more time. It’s one thing to make a game, it’s another through all the shit you’ve already made to unfuck what you’ve done without making it a whole lot worse.

In short, you won’t actually SEE any improvements until you suffer through the clusterfuck that is this current roadmap.
I can’t tell you how much they’ve actually done, and their radio silence on all matters Solistia isn’t helping their case either.
I can tell you how much they did, and the answer is 'Absolutely nothing' because Global's pathetic revenue isn't worth all that headache.
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Enjoy the next update. This game’s continuing with or without you.
You're right, JP is getting a new story chapter with or without Global living.
If OT3 references story content from CotC that never makes it out of Japan, I'll be LIVID.
The good news is that OT3 probably won't do that, the bad news is that there's probably not going to be an OT3.
Unfortunately this. The next Bravely Default was supposed to be announced this year and that clearly hasn't happened yet. It seems like every good series they maintain is abandoned.
SQEX needs a serious change of heart or direction, it's understandable that investors want more returns but their way of doing it is just wrong and all of the development bloat has been nothing but disastrous.
>Games have missed podcasts before and haven’t EOS-ed on the spot.
They also have, as recent as around this exact time last year when the only SE gacha above this one on the chopping block, OO, didn't have their monthly stream and then got the EOS announcement the next month. So it's still 50/50 I'd say, though taking the extra effort to remove the SS teaser from the game feels like the most damning evidence that EOS is either on the horizon, or SS is even farther away than we thought.
That's not the only one they removed, one of the early signs was that they couldn't be bothered to translate the EX3 titles and gave rubies.
That’s a feature, not a bug. The titles are useless. Rubies are much better and much more useful.

And they can still give us damage cap up even without titles. Hopefully they can do better than 10 HP per “title.”
Oho, but that's what they want you to think! In reality it showed that EOS or not that was a pain to do contrary to everyone insisting that proper localization is easy.
Just saw they finally added my nigga Oersted to the game. Is he still available or did I miss him?
You missed him sadly, he was only available in a free 10 pull when the LAL collab was around.
You missed him. Oersted’s part of the Live a Live collab which is Uber-limited. There was a banner which allowed you to get him as a freebie, but that’s long gone now.

You’ll have to wait for the Live a Live Collab to return to get him again. And who knows when that’ll be.
Either november as they cycle through old banners after the EOS announcement or never one or the other.
Good news for COTC Global, RSRS Global ended up EOSing before it.
More good news.

Octopath COTC is adding a French Server.

>Game Language only available in English or Japanese
Or...not. False alarm.
>also in English
How very kind of them to give global players a place to migrate to.
You do realize that when JP first released Adversary battles there was no reward for beating EX 3, right? The titles thing got added in later.

Maybe we'll get titles later on as well.
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>end service in Belgium and the Nethelands.
>Presumably this is due to local laws which are against use of certain mechanics which is why games like Pokémon Masters EX and Pokémon UNITE are not available in these regions.
Maybe this is a farfetched conclusion: is it possible the reason why they are rambling around the EN so far because there are cucked countries that raised complaints against SE through these laws??
No. They'd just stop uploading there instead. They are simply killing global because it's not a giga money maker for them and they laid off most of their global staff.
how can they change their heart if they're bombarded by our damning toxic policies. >>1580055
I assume they're saving it for Switch 2. what's even more bizarre is the gacha games introduced new characters from Brilliant Lights and we'll never see them outside of EoS.
Huge surprise, I'm glad I didn't bet money on this.
What the fuck?
Nah, like the other guy said, it's pretty common for games to have mini targeted EoS' in Belgium and it's never affected the other countries that make up global servers.
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you think there'll be an offline version of CotC?
I'm starting to get the impression the only thing that's going to be offline is it's future.
It's all part of their strategy, Solistia will bring back huge revenue.
There is no strategy. There is only EOS.
The strategy was to drop a dead weight server where even the whales had the fucking audacity of thinking of asking SQEX to make better paid banners in favor of getting Netease money, and that's one of the few smart things they did this year.
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Have you kittens gotten Kilns yet? I have.
Why would I waste my rubies on a shitty warrior cats oc?
Because bow becomes more powerful in the future. And Kilns is even stronger as a bow support, and as a tank.
There is no future because the game is over. If you don't like Kilns then it's doubly pointless.
>In the future
Lol, lmao even.
did 30 pulls, 1 copy
Even gilderoy is a better tank and bows will never be meta.
Hey Paisanos! Long time no see!
>We're back! And-a we're bigger than a breadbasket!
We've finally gotten through the final update of this monstrosity of a roadmap! And we're here to tell you what's gonna be coming up in this update!
>Ho boy! I can't wait! Are we getting Bravely Default part 2?
Hold-a your horses, Luigi! Before we get into the new banners for this update, let's go over some of the old ones first.
>Well, we should recap what we've got before we get the new stuff I guess. Let's give them a quick reminder, then!
Okay! First off, for our October 2nd banner we have Kilns the Hunter Cait.
>Mario, we know that already. They're pulling on it right-a now!
Next up on October 9th is the return of Octopath's favorite crossover, Bravely Default!
>That has Adelle, Edea and Agnes for those who haven't been playing for two years.
October 16th marks the next Union of Memories, Elrica and EX Alaune.
>Gotta have one of those every month you know...
Which means the next set of banners are gonna be completely new!
>Leaping Linguini! I can't wait to see what the mystery banner is before we get the next update on October 30th!
Unfortunately I don't know any of the dates. So I'll be rattling these off in no particular order!
>Bravely Default 2! Bravely Default 2! Bravely-Wait...there's more than one?
So let's see...first off we've got-a Ogen and EX Primrose.
>Oh...that's nice. They're both pretty useful. I wouldn't mind pulling on them again!
Next up. A classic reunion. Cyrus and EX H'aanit.
>Okay, so that's two mystery banners. That means we're getting our next update on November 6th! Welp! That was-a fun! I hope to see you all next month when we finally get some new cont-
THEN we're gonna get Nina-Lanna and EX Tressa.
>Wait...what?! There's-a MORE?!
Oh and we're also gonna get a Golden Guidance!
>Mama Mia! But that banner is worse than soggy lasagna!
Oh and who can forget! Our last Union of Memories: Sazantos and Signa!
>Hold me, Mario! I'm-a scared!
Whassa matter, Luigi?
>That's waaaay too many banners! We can't possibly be getting 5 mystery banners, right Mario?
Technically, it's-a 6!
I forgot to mention the Three free 10-Pulls we'll be getting to celebrate Japan's 4-Year Anniversary.
>Who gives a cannoli about Japan! What about us?! We're lookinig at a possible End of Service! No...it's more than just possible! It's the end! I'm certain of it! EOS! EOS! EOS!
Now now, Luigi. Calm down...that's not necessarily true.
>It's...it's not?
Sometimes you gotta take a step back and look at the bigger picture.
>What bigger picture?! The only thing I see is two months of content drought!
Yes...but that's five weeks of mystery banners. What about the sixth week?
Okay. Let's-a take the Mystery weeks and line-a them up.
10/23 - Ogen/EX Primrose
10/30 - Cyrus/EX H'aanit
11/06 - Nina-Lanna/EX Tressa
11/13 - Golden Guidance
11/20 - Sazantos/Signa

Now I ask you, Luigi. What's-a the 6th week? What's coming up on 11/27th?
>Why, that's-a the week of Thanksgiving! One of the best-a holidays of the year! That's when we can eat those stuffed mushrooms! And mashed potatoes! And Pasta fazoile!
And what, my dear brother, comes after Thanksgiving?
>.........Black Friday.
YES! Now go ahead and tell me that they're gonna announce an End of Service on Black Friday.
>B-B-But...Mario...we literally have nothing for the next two months!
I know. I'm sad too. And I know things are less-than-perfect.
>It sucks Koopa Poopa!
Yeah...I know. But hey...on the bight side. We were given exactly five mystery banners that ended right before Black Friday. Which means the light at the end of the tunnel that we've been waiting for is just on the horizon.
>But what if we get there, and it's just more repeat banners?
Then...I guess it's been a good run, my brother. I won't deny it's a possibility. But...
I don't see it that way. Games have their ups and downs. And sometimes you have to endure a long storm before you get to the end f the rainbow. And I'll tell you this. If Side Solistia DOES come and you haven't been saving up your rubies? Then you have nobody but yourself to blame for that.
>Ha ha! True story.
Well...it's been real folks. I know this isn't the news you wanted to hear but this is the news that I got. What you do next is up to you. We'll be-a seeing you, Paisanos!
>And remember to eat your pasta!
Thanks for your posts. Reminds me of some of the old Nintendo Power articles from the 90s
Thanks as always, with the global servers of these games going EoS its hard to be optimistic.
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||I'm sorry. I went through at least 3 EoSs, 2 of which I wasn't really attached to but still.||
Didn't they announce the second bravely collab though? I get eos is likely, but saying there's nothing new in the code to prove it doesn't actually seem like great proof.
I'm pretty sure most people want SS more than another collab since that would mean the game thriving longer since they'd have to meet the quota of releasing the 8 main characters from OT2.
Projecting psychic intention from all the collective gossip and unconscious memetic energy towards changing the meaning of EoS to Entrance of Solista.
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So you want me to spell out end of service every time instead of using an abbreviation? Ok whatever floats your boat.
Oh boy more paid ruby banner reruns!! SO HYPED!!
They did not, who the fuck said that?
Nope. No announcement on Bravely Default 2 collab. It was speculation at best.

The real stuff is from the datamine. The 2.15 update (Emberflame 4) covers ALL of October and MOST of November with a whopping FIVE MYSTERY BANNERS!

If there's one thing good about this it's that the game WON'T EOS in October.
That's not good for all the coping idiots, but they deserve it.
>If there's one thing good about this it's that the game WON'T EOS in October.
Is that even a good thing? I'd rather they just call it quits now than drag this shit out even further while the copers break their backs performing olympic levels of mental gymnastics to explain how actually hemorrhaging money is a good thing.
They're still trying to come up with cope against fucking SQEX saying they haven't been profiting with the mobile games since forever, it's the most pathetic sight ever.
Was thinking of pulling for Kilns since he's buffed and bows become extremely good in the future, but then I realized he at minimum needs Hujheb plus if you really wanna rock out with the bow team you'll want Ochette too (who even got buffed in TW despite not needing it, so she'll be buffed in EN if we get her). That's 15k rubies I don't have and it'll be months before they all get here (if they even do), so I'mma skip on bows and wait for the dagger team, which is just Kaine and Tiziano double teaming everything in the game. 10.5k rubes is more doable, I just hit 4k. God, I've known this from launch but the ruby gain really is glacial.
Yeah. It's tough for free-to-players. Expect like...what? 1000 rubies a month? That's three 10-pulls right there. Not even guaranteed.
You know what’s even tougher? Having too many Free to Players. If nobody’s spending, the game makes no money and the game goes tits up.
Just make a $60 offline version on steam and keep the ability to buy rubies. They could milk this shit easy if they cared to try. Hell, not only would I buy it, but I'd probably buy a shit load of rubies too knowing it can't just be taken away randomly one day.
I doubt an offline version of this game would work. You'll have to redo a lot of things concerning the playable characters, their skill and upgrading, enemies stats, etc. A ton of work to something that already works online.
None of that would need to be changed in order to take this game off of a server. Making an offline version doesn't mean rebalancing everything to better fit in with other games that were never online to begin with.
The problem is that they literally can't charge Global players less unless they want JP to meltdown and if JP melts down they're done anyway. Let's face it, Global spends less whether it's on a Mihoyo game that has less foresight or not. sQEX was stupid to count on Sony exclusivity but they're not actually stupid when it comes to knowing that they have no real hope in the Global gacha scene so they cash out early.
>Somehow got Kilns in ten singles
Nice, I'm sure he'll be a real asset to you for Solistia content!
all this planning and shit when the game's gonna eos in two months, lmao
Fuck off, doomposter. Your shit is getting old and tiresome.
That's not doom posting that's reality posting. There is no point planning for the future because everything is getting taken offline in december.
Seeing people being such POSes to reality posting makes me spitefully happy that they had no ground to stand on. I'm only sympathetic to any newbies who fell for their delusions and those who accepted the reality.
You were wrong about it ending in October and you’re wrong about it ending on November. And on Black Friday no less.

Get over yourself.
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Yeesss....Very good my little servant. Don't stop there. Tell the stupid American cattle to switch over to our great and honorable Chinese server to play their stupid game, once you've successfully convinced them to jump ship from their own server! We'll make sure you're handsomely rewarded for your services if you can get enough people to leave before the 2.5th Anniversary!
Reality posting my ass!

You just said earlier that the game wasn't gonna make it past October. And you argued that there's NO FUCKING WAY the game would even make it to Black Friday. And now that the leaks have proven you wrong, you moved the goalposts to December. Nobody has a reason to listen to you at this point.
Sure, when you get over the money you got scammed of.
Nothing was said about those banners being paid so it can end before Black Friday. You'd have a better time charging back whatever that you can salvage, not that I expect everyone who was fooled by those good deals to have accepted it.
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And this time I MEAN IT!

>The update started on October 2nd.
>There are Three banners revealed by Tavern Talk plus five more that were datamined.
>The Update is 8 weeks long.
>Meaning that there's another update on November 27th.

So...no. No it can't end before Black Friday. It doesn't matter if the banners are paid or not.
Yes, and? You're still never getting SS and you got ripped off.
Never say never. It's coming whether you like it or not. I just hope you're ready when it does.
I'm ready for it to be announced in CN, and maybe SEA for the greatest kek of all time.
Spare some copium for me
EOS announcement is end of october actual EOS is december. Black friday is a non factor.
Copium is like Herminia's powder bro...the people who are most pissed are the ones who persisted in their idiocy even after seeing the roadmap.
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Hammy Race is here.

Even in these hard times we are still given things to do. Best of luck getting your clears in so you can get your free rubies next month.
My anger comes from the producer lying at the anniversary with the explicit goal of scamming people. I sincerely wish for SE bankruptcy because of it.
Master Wi Dong fed me that line. How am I doin’ guys? Is it working?
I wish SQEX would go bankrupt and that everyone who kept being retarded and saying the game wouldn't EOS when he didn't promise anything while viciously attacking skeptics and those who decided to jump will seethe forever, misery deserves company after all.
>EOS in October
Yo! We're gonna EOS in October, but hey, at least you get your 300 rubies in November from that Tier 3 Clear!

>Black Friday
>Biggest Sales in the entire year.
>Discounted 500 and 1000 rubies.
Makes Perfect Sense, bruh!
Sir, are you aware that FFBE EOSed and you can still use free lapis to roll?
Are you aware that they close the shop once the game takes an End of Service? You can’t spend any more but you can still use whatever gems you’ve got. Nobody’s stopping you from doing that.

Would be kinda dumb if they did.
What I'm saying is that the Hammy Race has nothing to do with your cope.
Oh wow, they're letting us replay a year old fight? I can't believe how much content we're getting, this is getting me so hyped for Solistia! :)
This, but unironically.
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Seven more weeks…
In TW?
Pardis and Ceraphina for JP pre-anni.
I should add this.

Pardis and Ceraphina have basic passives.

Pardis’s tome attacks turn to sword. As in his basic attack is a sword type. Not tome that exploits sword, straight up sword.

Ceraphina’s basic attack deals dark damage instead of axe. A genuine first.
I get cera since nobody uses an element as a main, but why not just make pardis a warrior at that point?
Yeah, it's absolutely bonkers. This is PRE-anniversary, meaning JP's anniversary is gonna be downright earthshaking.
Pardis completely dumpstered Kaine btw. Kaine+Tiziano could already dab on pretty much all content, and Pardis+Tatloch EX is going to be more than twice as strong as that combo. JP shattered the game just warming up for their latest anniversary. I really gotta learn Japanese, EN is so depressing.
I love that they're "fixing" characters like this. Wish Krauser could be a warrior with spear attacks.
Because he has the scholar ring and ringbearers always have the class of their ring.
They stick to the rule of them taking the class of the rings they own.

Herminia - Huntress
Tytos - Warrior
Auguste - Thief
Pardis - Scholar
Oskha - Merchant
Tatloch - Dancer
Ceraphina - Apothecary
And you with the Cleric Ring

Problem is Pardis uses a sword for his executions so he’d look goofy smacking people around with a tome. And changing him into a warrior would go against him wielding the Scholarking ring, since Tytos already takes the warrior’s ring (and its job).

So adding basic passives to him (and Ceraphina) is some outside the box thinking. You still have to give him tomes, but now they do sword damage instead of tome damage.

Oh and unlike normal passive skills, you can’t turn it off. Meet the first scholar without the power of Bonk.
Everyone who is a ringbearer is a villain, right? Including us?
Everyone who is a ringbearer is a villain EXCEPT us.
So, how about the last O? Would be interesting see "them" as a playable unity.
Pardis might be more like a Warrior but he's also smart and cunning.
people say this about me all the time desu
do I save for bd2 or dump it all on bd1?
Gap between Chapter 6 and 7 of SS was pretty short. Surely they are planning finishing it before 2025, but I wonder if that have something to do with the global version's actual state.
Sinoalice JP eos'd like three months after Global did, just saying.
BD2 probably won’t be for another 5 months. If you want Agnes, Adelle and Edea, you might as well get them now.
No, the producer said there's going to be a new story after Side Solistia and it has nothing to do with Global closing.
My guy, there is no saving for bd2. We're not making it that far.
It's not going to happen, if it was we'd have gotten this collab before along with Airy.
3 out of the 4 last days, I've gotten the grand prize 30 rubies (0.2% chance) on the daily ads. My luck is so much better on the ad gacha than the real one.
>new story
That's a given. There are game files hinting to that. The folder name, B09, is what confuses me, because its like its classified as a sequel of BoA.
If you are curiouse about the only enemy listed so far inside the folder: https://litter.catbox.moe/gefm4x.png
Yeah, what I'm saying is that JP getting a new story has nothing to do with Global either way and the producer probably had to confirm they had something early because Nips were legit worried that COTC was going to EOS even when the Team Asano gacha survey from a few months back showed up.
Is that a regular enemy? Looks like a boss for me. Also it had the same cursed energy effect of Lyblac's battle sprite, so can I assume is somehow related to either Galdera or Hell?
Now they got me curious. What were they planning to do with Bestower of All 9?

I’m sure they’ll find some way to bring him back. Would be a waste of resources if they didn’t.
Also, the emberflame arc hasn't finished yet. We have 2 remaining divine beasts to catch and deal with the black rainbow/beast who betrayed the gods and joined Gal. If they want to finish it this year, that's another subject.
Sorry for the late answer. And no. Spritesheet is in the boss section indeed. The folders containing the random enemies is yet to be added. Would be cool if they are planning to expand the Hell world, because it was quite...underused in the last arc.
>Bring him back
You mean Galdera? Don't think so, since Lyblac only managed to release him in the OG. But I won't blame you: any excuse is good to see him here as well. In my case, I just want they release the design of the remaining seven gods (of course the divine ring forms doesn't count in the slightest).
I was actually talking about the Reaper monster. I doubt they’re gonna let that particular sprite sit on the cutting room floor.

They’ll probably put him somewhere in Side Solistia or in a future Emberflame Story.
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>They’ll probably put him somewhere in Side Solistia or in a future Emberflame Story.
I wonder. For Side Solistia, most (yes, most, not all of them) NPC and enemies have their own classification. In this case, "QPS".

Same for the emberflame enemies. They are usually labeled as "NPC Seed" or "GodBeast" (later being exclusive for the divine beast bosses).

For Orsterra's NPCs and important enemies, the label is "B0?" (replace the ? for the number of the arc, 1 for MoW, the first arc; 8 for BoA, last one). The spritesheet of the reaper enemy is in the sole B09 folder appearing since the 3.10 version. And that would make sense if they are planning another Orsterra chapter following BoA. If they change the label (unlikely), it will be known.

...if you've got that kind of info, think you could do us a favor?

See if you could take a look inside and try to find the latest info on the following stuff:
Shop Packs
Special Tasks
Hunts (Either Cait Hunts or Hunt Promotions)
Photo Events

Let us know if you find anything of interest. We'd really appreciate it!
It say's 404 not found.
JP version? So far I noticed, they added nothing to the files besides the latest two champions spritesheets, artworks and banner files. It was a minor update before anniversary, after all.
Reposted the sole frame again. Link expires after 3 days.
No. Not JP. The Global version.
Thanks and wow, This guy looks pretty cool.
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This week we got Elrica and EX Alaune.

Next week, we got Ogen and EX Primrose along with Cait Hunts.
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Six more weeks…
lol, lmao even
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All 61 Adversaries completed. I wonder if they’ll give us any more during this update.
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>61 Adversaries.
>51 Adversary Shards
>And you need 72 total

Any recommendations as to what I should get with these? I know I’m gonna get the Beast and Dragon scarves and the Elemental Runes. Anything else come to mind?
It may be a naive approach, but I got all the element runes and then anything that boosts speed
It's weird. Even though Romancing SaGa global's the one in actual, officially announced EoS mode, it feels like this game's the one in EoS as RSRS is still getting new characters, events and other content while CotC global's never been more stagnant. I've almost finished maxing the ultimates on all my characters, just 2 more three stars to go, and I'm on my last batch of 5 stars to uncap with hunts.
It's perfectly logical. CoTC is just run by bigger liars with less respect for its players.
I wouldn't be surprised if COTC was being this dishonest because it had lost a lot of money and everyone saying 200k is a lot was just being a fucking moron who doesn't know Global servers still demand a number of staff to keep things running.
I got everything done. Travelers at max level. Pets at max level. All the veterans defeated. All EX3 Adversaries beaten.

All I have left to do is wait and see what happens and keep up with the Daily Dose while I do so.

Word of advice, once you’ve got all your 5-Star Travelers at max level, put your 4-Stars on hunts. The silver Guidestones can be recycled into silver shards and then exchanged for Golden Seals. You’ll need three of each to Overclass a 5-Star into a 6-Star.
You won't need shit, because 6 stars will never be a thing in global.
>dumped all my rubies on the bd collab
>2 agnes dupes
Well at least when eos hits I won't wonder what I missed out on...
>Word of advice, once you’ve got all your 5-Star Travelers at max level, put your 4-Stars on hunts. The silver Guidestones can be recycled into silver shards and then exchanged for Golden Seals.
Cool, I was assuming going hunting with 5 stars were better 'cause gold stones/gold shards were more valuable.

On an unrelated note, I hit 5k rubies since pitying Sazantos, so I'm 1k shy of my NieR fund.
In a way they’re quite valuable. Since you’re never gonna run out of 5-Stars to level cap up.

4-Stars are finite. 43 and you’re done. But those silver Guidestone fragments are just as important to get as Gold Guidestones are. You’ll want plenty of both.

Thing is, you can only get one golden seal of each type a month.
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Five More Weeks…
What Agnea has to do with end of service coming in 5 weeks is a mystery.
>Elrica and Ditraina EX as 4th anni characters and Halloween to boot
Pardis and Ceraphina feel more 4th anni-worthy lmao, even if I like these two.
They should release the last letter already.
>One week to go
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New Roadmap for JP
October - Cross Story 2 Part 1
November - Cross Story 2 Part 2
This cross story features Elrica, Ditraina, Crick and Morena.
December - Kagemune Arena
Kagemune’s a Thief
January - Ringbearer Chosen 8, featuring Cassti
>Little Witch ToT EX
>EN possibly cease to exist before then
Ah yes, cait hunts are back! Perfect for those new players who just picked up global, haha...
Possibly...but not certainly.
Yes, certainly. If I said that flying into the sun would kill you would you argue that you can't know for sure because you haven't tried it?
Then launch yourself into the sun and show us, smart guy.
What do we think of the top 8 most popular characters?
Pretty damn good.

It feels good seeing two of my starters (Viola and Temenos) up there.
So you would argue it. Dumber than a 5 year old. Nice.
Queen Elrica does it again. They should put her in Octopath 3.
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You argue with 5-year olds? Not nice. You should find a more productive use for your time.
I know that you're too retarded to understand thoughts, logic, english or anything really, but that says a 5 year old wouldn't argue something so obvious.
Cyrus and Temenos being there are cool, also love seeing Elrica and Bargello being included!
is the global version getting jewed?
It's probably been jewed since Bargello.
Are there any catchup mechanics for me after my year-long hiatus?
What are you looking to catch up on?
The main story. I haven't reached BoA yet.
Get yourself some fortune weapons from the game board and some keepers at Nameless Town. That’ll make your battles a great deal easier.
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It’s rare to see a gacha game where the majority of popular characters are men.
Not that surprising because this series isn't for waifufags.
I kinda like this. A good balance of good characters makes for a game you can take seriously.

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