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Thread for the discussion of the Japanese server of Blue Archive

Kisaki is finally playable after all this time, are you rolling?
>Kisaki is finally playable after all this time, are you rolling?
Absolutely. Glad to have my savings over so many months of nothing finally pay off.
I was going to no matter what her kit was but they pretty much forced her to be must roll by making her buff a new multiplier.
I might finally have to break out the momos and start doing every single message for emergency gems
Fuck yes, time to become Mr. Ryuuge.
I hope you like Kisaki enough to dump eligma on her because she'll most likely get a buff duration increase on her UE40 skill
>powercreep Himari
Are we supposed to be okay with this?
You'll still need Himari against red damage bosses since they'll kill C.Hare
So what aretrhe odds dot will be important in the near future since both Q.Marina and Reijo have that in their kits? Not to mention S.Iori is getting a buff and she also synergizes with Reijo.
Don't forget S.Saori who might be necessary to clear out adds in the raid
My Himari is still 3*, my Kisaki will be too. Gold looks better anyway.
Himari still has some characters who Kisaki won't work on. She's also probably not that far off from an alt. So yeah it's fine.
Basically any student that can do big DPS against Set won't receive Kisaki's buff
People don't really use Himari there either though
That's not the point. Basically if you want to use one of those students for damage anywhere, Kisaki won't be able to buff her main source of damage. A good example is Shiroko Terror who is a top DPS in blue outdoors raids and doesn't deal any significant damage that is directly attributed to her EX. Another is M.Momoi.
so...whats her personality's like?
warawa/noja loli
Normal skill DPS when?
That's Izuna, Umika, technically Shiroko Terror can be played as a normal skill dps since everytime you cast her ex it force casts her ns. Band Yoshimi also does a huge amount of damage with her ns.
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Of course I will pull her, spark her even. I've been waiting for her for a long time now
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new stat types EX damage buff/debuff, attack and armor color-dependant healing done/received
Some new mechanic that's to do with DoT removal conditions.
Doesn't look like there's much breaking news in the client today.
>Kisaki boosts EX damage by 80% for 15 seconds (3 cost)
apk update?
You real?
I still think Himari surpasses Kisaki in some places, If only Kisaki's buff also applied to the target's NS it might be good
we are up
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Is Reijo worth the spark? I got Kisaki at 180 so still don't know if I should use my spark on Kisaki for the extra shards or just get Reijo
Get Reijo. Always get a new character in these situations
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upcoming banner info?
None in the client
off i'm gonna seethe if next banner is pajama noa
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pretty good, no other new 3* spook though
Probably lucked out in PVP but I've noticed that Kisaki's EX boost let sHanako twoshot Yuuka nearly each battle on attack.
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yep it's true love
Kindly explode, I had to spark her
How's the event?
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Her chibi even has a mole on her thigh
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Kisaki loves me and I love her too
Show me Kisaki's
Got 正月 kayoko and kisaki in 50 rolls let's go
oh right, a repost for this thread since I posted this on page 10 before
If you've been looking for a circle:
13107 アオダマ (Aodama)
has 2 open spaces
I'm honestly surprised it doesn't. As it is, she's definitely obviously a "raid must", but she can't help much outside of that. And, obviously, can't help with Set which is a curious choice.
Do we know how many total squares there are in the 宝探し that have items under them? Trying to calculate how much AP I'll have to spend on it to get everything to see if I'll even have enough with normal regen without spending gems.
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dropping this here again since this works exactly as balancing books with aoi
owner has plans to update it for the current event since it seems that there's an issue with the 3rd round onwards?
regardless, should still be useful
報酬リスト has the info for how many squares each お宝 occupies. then just do basic math
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報酬リスト has the sizes but not how many of them there are in each thing which is what's got me stuck. Unless there's always the same number of total squares for each one?
>And, obviously, can't help with Set which is a curious choice
I wonder if the devs are just trying to forget about Set at this point
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My bad I guess they don't make that data available so we just gotta wait. Didn't read the banner at the top of that site at first.
>how many of them there are in each thing
yeah i dunno about that one. could be preset, could be random. the datamines or the wiki could probably shed light on that
here's mine in round 1 for reference
Here's 3/4
>no tits
>no ass
What's her appeal?
Made for straight men. Homosexuals like you wouldn't understand.
how do you beat Kai in ex challenge? She didn't take any shit
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oh, Mari might actually be kind of useful now with a passive def down every 25 sec for 15 sec
there's like a brief window wherein she's vulnerable
alternatively, use sFubuki
Set isn't going to be the only fight in that mode, and they're not all going to have the same rulesets.
It's just going to take a while for a new fight since based on our sample size of one it seems like they want to tie the fights into the main story.
>200 rolls
>no kisaki or reijo
it's over, guess I'm not getting reijo
Are you literally me? I also have to spark kisaki, no reijo. Got 2 shit dupes, and 1 new character. I've never had luck this bad.
Kuroko definitely feels like "forget about Set" lol

Since it's been 6 months and I've actually been leveling the bonuses, that reminds me that I have finally run out of gray OOParts. I hope they introduce some way to easily get a bunch of them, because the cost of going from 0 to 25 on any bonus stat is 225 gray artifacts (and 70 blues) which is completely absurd (70 blue isn't bad actually, but 225 gray absolutely is)
How's Reijo? Good already, useless but core for a boss which takes boosted dot damage, useless because existing dot attackers suck but will be core when blufes Kai drops, etc?
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>You need to do 2x1 for firecracker currency or wahtever it is after 7th round,
Aoi's minigame gimmick event is shit, but they don't really have to that
Damn they really went all out with the new reward for Set. 10 whole gems. Crazy
I think her shield blocks anything below a set amount of damage. So you want to use someone who can do high single hits (Aru pretty much) and just buff the shit out of her.
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Good taste, one of the best students in the game whether it's through personality, design, or gameplay.
i'm still mad she wasn't 2.5 blufes
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>game refuses to launch today
guess no dailies today, thanks shitstacks
Obviously 7th onwards is very bad, but do I even go for 6th box
since there aren't any shards to farm, i just prioritize buying up all the gifts first
She's on Himari's level
That makes her better than 99% of the cast

Idk why be mad about that
Kisaki being 2.5 blufes would have been weird since that was over a year ago when she had barely any screentime.
i brainfarted and moved to the next box and just wasted so many fucking mats from partially revealing things but not finishing them
Reboot you PC, I guess. This sometimes happens if your bluestacks shits the bed launching and then you have some leftover shit hanging in the background.
Or just, you know, shut down the process in task manager.
If you figure it's easier to explain to him how to track the leftover process be my guest. No, it won't be named anything beginning with "Blue".
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This shit's godsent! Should I keep going for that last one or is it not worth it? I probably won't have enough points (AP) to reach round 7...
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>S.Miyu's urban affinity goes from C to A at UE50
Damn, I didn't notice until I set her up for the 1st event challenge. That's nice.
Don't forget to buy stuff from the shop before the monthly reset
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I dont like kisaki noja soeech
Well screw you
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But it's so peak
is wiki utterly fucked?
Clicked two pages and works for me
No table errors or anything
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mine looks like this
That's not fucked, that's mobile mode.
Scroll to the bottom and click "Desktop"
oh I see, no idea why that happened to me. I never clicked that button
I got it earlier on PC
It's cute and it makes the switch to kiki speech really funny. That said I do have a bit of a hard time fully understanding what's being said sometimes cause of the way she speaks.
you can skip a total of three 2x1 on board 1 and 4 and still buy everything (except credits)
I was in a similar position to you and I skipped
They should make a student with kansai ben to filter eops like you
Is it worth getting into BA nowadays?
Pretty much all girls have doujinshi released now, so yes.
I meant the game, sorry. Going by saved media my fave girls are uhhh Saori Rio and Kirara.
Yes, game is healthy despite what the occasional doomposter says. Would you be playing on JP or Global? This is the JP thread.
If JP, you'll be waiting nearly a year for "swimsuit" Saori's rerun, but you'll also be able to get Rio six months before Global, whenever she ends up releasing.
If Global, Kirara releases pretty soon so you could reroll when she drops to guarantee you get her, and you'd easily be able to get S.Saori in like four months as well.
But if you understand Japanese I'd really recommend playing on JP even if it means you have to wait for those reruns, because a year from now the advantage of Global will be gone, and you'd just permanently be half a year late to getting anyone you want. You'd also eat spoilers nonstop if you wanted to read /bag/.
>if you wanted to read /bag/.
who the FUCK wants this
I'm sure straight men don't find girls built like boys appealing
what the fuck is this post
What are you supposed to do for the challenge levels for this event? My chars just keep shooting the 玄龍門 char right out of the gate and then they all just start attacking my chars and killing them instantly.
There's a big button with TIPS written on it when selecting each stage
I searched the archive for those three students and he posted in /bag/ five days ago
What's wrong with it? I legitimately don't know if he's here for JP or not and I am trying to help him figure out the best way to start and get the students he said he likes.
Seemed oddly targeted with Saori, Rio and Kirara
Also most people are here because we don't want to deal with /bag/ but it is true that this is the JP thread. Someone made a global vmg thread I think if someone really hates /bag/ but still wants to discuss the global version too and there's always the /v/ threads too for global discussions.
>Seemed oddly targeted with Saori, Rio and Kirara
>my fave girls are uhhh Saori Rio and Kirara.
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Remind me to do Kaiten when it comes up
it's up...
What's a good defense? I'm getting attacked like 5 times a day.
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been playing for 1½ year and haven't missed any raid/GA and I'm still getting these every now and then
I just saw the GA announcement and realized that it's going to be 11 months between the first and second time we fight Kurokage. That's ridiculous.
yea, it should have been longer. fuck kurokage.
what about ibuki
Especially Ibuki.
I can feel players count dropping out a ton
Finally, I'll get back into the comfy plat
guess kisaki is core for torment
nobody could have seen this coming
Finally found a comp that lets me clear Extreme for once. Although it was after I already gave up and used all 3 tickets on Hardcore so I gotta wait until tomorrow to do it for real. Might actually be able to get something higher than bronze for once.
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Personally I like Amecha and Rev3's books the most when it comes to Ibuki.
>another silver
Gratz. My Tsubaki keeps getting melted, so it's still impossible for me.
>shina damage is reduced per target hit
>push the kaitengers with marina so that shina will hit multiple targets
>but not the red kaitengers because she has higher defense than the rest
>overall damage from hitting 2 targets without red kaitenger is higher than hitting 3 targets with red kaitenger at the front
what the fuck
I'll try torment tomorrow. Can't be assed right now.
tfw no marina
Use Eimi. If you don't have her, go to the shop and buy her every month.
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copied this comp, fairly easy to replicate compared to srkr pixel perfect repositioning
Oh yes dHina with worst mood is still the best option for the raid
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>377k raid players
that's a sharp drop
hopefully you aren't comparing to day7 of last raid, last raid was 391k on the 3rd day
nah, the guy who does this every raid would never do something like that
did shun and kisaki ever interact before this event?
Most I remember was in the first Shunny event she tells Kokona that those grow exercises won't make you a taller ''as Kisaki already tried them all the time'' or something along those lines. Kisaki does have a small scene in Volume F but it's just leading people.
Why cant they just fucking give dhina crit guarantee
Because Ako not being an excellent support for Hina would be retarded.
classic Hanako, 36 mil damage against p1
1 pan dHina is still better option
Read the title you baboon
Tried to buy some gems to roll Kisaki, got JP google account, bought Japanese google gift card, logged in VPN set up in Japan but when I try to use the pre-paid google card they want me to send the photo of the physical copy of the gift card with some other information… Don't remember this happening previously (though it has been some time). Bought the card from SEAGM.

Anyone knows how to bypass this shit? Should I buy the card from somewhere else or something?
Just use your own credit or debit card on your JP google account?
Thanks for the tip, anon, but I got desperate and just decided to wing it with 16k gems I had and pulled Kisaki on second 10 pull. Then switched to Reijo and got her on third 10 pull, so went for Shun (youjo) which I've been missing and got her on second 10 pull. So it took me only 8400 gems to get them all…

Also got second Kisaki in one of those Shun pulls. How is this luck even real?
You can get youjo Shun from hard missions little bro
Congrats on the god luck you absolute madman. Hopefully this doesn't lead to having to do multiple sparks in a row next time...
Not that guy but I play on my iphone with a JP apple account and I'll just buy gift cards on Amazon and enter the codes into my account and that works perfectly fine. Can't enter your American CC into a JP apple account unless you have it registered with a JP address somehow. I've only bought the monthly package though cause that's the most value.
>No ligmas to push Kisaki to 5*
is there a main classic story that all the stories about chinks seeking immortal elixir but it being bad come from?
Qin Shi Huang?
cultivation for immortality trope goes way back though
Didn't have enough time to read the event this weekend. Another skip it is.
The story is not worth to read anyway, the quality drops a lot
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one more day
Nope, it's 2 more days
>somehow get to rank 4
>damn if only three people can attack me at any given time maybe i won't fall that far
>12 hours later i'm 2-7 on defense and down to 57
rank 4 is usually a hot spot to be in since it's part of the steps that require the lowest rank to get rank 1 (14 -> 11 -> 7 -> 4 -> 1)
anyone in between those ranks could attack you. you got really unlucky i guess
>event ends thursday and not wednesday
huh. weird
that happens sometimes
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So does the raid. They are lining the schedule up for something.
Wasn't these next two weeks datamined to be just old Summer banner reruns? Seems weird to start it now and not when the last one of those drops
I'm so lonely without my BA stream
>Wasn't these next two weeks datamined to be just old Summer banner reruns?
datamine info whar
mashiro hina and iori are the only limiteds i'm missing
i could guarantee them all but triple sparking ahead of trinity festival does not sound fun. we're also not that far off of anni which could require up to 700 pulls
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I wasn't paying attention when borrowing so my C.Hare looks kind of weird.
I cant even bother to clear the challenges
thx for reminding me i still need to clear the only one i might be able to...
They were fine except for the third where I literally could not damage Kai through her instantly refilling shield.
s.mash in 30
Next round of banners is Yukari, Renge, Kikyou
New PVP season (visible ingame already), bracket settings look the same
There's a suprising amount of corrections to JP script.
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surely V5C2 soon...
Minna no Supastar really slaps this JFE
>rolling for azusa
>get a midori
>20 pulls later, get another midori
>then get a reijo
>20 pulls later, get another reijo
I think my gacha is broken
Got Azusa in 70 pulls which was nice. She's the reason I started playing the game and I've been waiting a while to get her swimsuit skin. Took her to 5* but probably just gonna be patient and get the 10 神名文字 from the shop each month.
Surprised we're not getting a TTT rerun first, but I guess the Hyakki trio are better for Kurokage
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Tiny shupogaki
or is that just kaiju Kokona?
Feels nice to be making more stamina with the first cafe upgrade in a while
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>I've been missing out on extra AP because no one told me there was a cafe upgrade
I only noticed it because I noticed the yellow dot wasn't going away after I patted all my students
So hardmode shinmeimoji drops are apparently supposed to be 40% but throughout this event I've been keeping track and I've gotten ~25% drop rate overall with a pretty significant sample count. Only once did I get a full 3/3 run, and the most I got for 3* chars were 2/3 (only twice). I'm wondering if they intentionally cut the droprate during x2 campaigns.
I don't think 360ish samples is a "significant" count.
idk I just did the math and I got a 95% confidence interval of 0.240-0.333, 99% interval goes up to 0.224-0.348
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is it finally happening?
Yes, it's finally time for Trinitywank.
Thats more guests than usual or is it just me
It's the same as always
They should reveal limiteds and probably other stuff on that stream
I can't see the pajamas being limiteds so I have to assume it's Sakurako. Mari already having a limited makes things awkward though since I don't know who the other one will be. Ayane seems unlikely because I'd expect her to release with Serika and we're not getting a fourth Serika already. Kirino and Fubuki both just got alts too.
Watch it be Seia and Akira as the limiteds
I can't see the pajamas happening now when kourin taisai perma is very soon
Must roll for any? Kikyou?
>Play hc
>close the game
yep, comfy as fuck
you baited me into opening the game when it's not even 総力戦 so there's still six days before it starts for real
only kikyou is must roll
>no atsuko
what do
Use Koharu and pray
As someone who just spent several hours trying to work it out with koharu only to see in the end how it's super easy with shigure, just fucking use shigure
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Sexy stoat wins again
Did they make Kurokage more difficult or what...

That was extremely annoying, and I feel like it was even more annoying than back when we were level 87.
--oh and, obviously: this is a 2nd team.
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