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Thread for the discussion of the Japanese server of Blue Archive

Kisaki is finally playable after all this time, are you rolling?
>Kisaki is finally playable after all this time, are you rolling?
Absolutely. Glad to have my savings over so many months of nothing finally pay off.
I was going to no matter what her kit was but they pretty much forced her to be must roll by making her buff a new multiplier.
I might finally have to break out the momos and start doing every single message for emergency gems
Fuck yes, time to become Mr. Ryuuge.
I hope you like Kisaki enough to dump eligma on her because she'll most likely get a buff duration increase on her UE40 skill
>powercreep Himari
Are we supposed to be okay with this?
You'll still need Himari against red damage bosses since they'll kill C.Hare
So what aretrhe odds dot will be important in the near future since both Q.Marina and Reijo have that in their kits? Not to mention S.Iori is getting a buff and she also synergizes with Reijo.
Don't forget S.Saori who might be necessary to clear out adds in the raid
My Himari is still 3*, my Kisaki will be too. Gold looks better anyway.
Himari still has some characters who Kisaki won't work on. She's also probably not that far off from an alt. So yeah it's fine.
Basically any student that can do big DPS against Set won't receive Kisaki's buff
People don't really use Himari there either though
That's not the point. Basically if you want to use one of those students for damage anywhere, Kisaki won't be able to buff her main source of damage. A good example is Shiroko Terror who is a top DPS in blue outdoors raids and doesn't deal any significant damage that is directly attributed to her EX. Another is M.Momoi.
so...whats her personality's like?
warawa/noja loli
Normal skill DPS when?
That's Izuna, Umika, technically Shiroko Terror can be played as a normal skill dps since everytime you cast her ex it force casts her ns. Band Yoshimi also does a huge amount of damage with her ns.
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Of course I will pull her, spark her even. I've been waiting for her for a long time now
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new stat types EX damage buff/debuff, attack and armor color-dependant healing done/received
Some new mechanic that's to do with DoT removal conditions.
Doesn't look like there's much breaking news in the client today.
>Kisaki boosts EX damage by 80% for 15 seconds (3 cost)
apk update?
You real?
I still think Himari surpasses Kisaki in some places, If only Kisaki's buff also applied to the target's NS it might be good
we are up
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Is Reijo worth the spark? I got Kisaki at 180 so still don't know if I should use my spark on Kisaki for the extra shards or just get Reijo
Get Reijo. Always get a new character in these situations
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upcoming banner info?
None in the client
off i'm gonna seethe if next banner is pajama noa
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pretty good, no other new 3* spook though
Probably lucked out in PVP but I've noticed that Kisaki's EX boost let sHanako twoshot Yuuka nearly each battle on attack.
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yep it's true love
Kindly explode, I had to spark her
How's the event?
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Her chibi even has a mole on her thigh
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Kisaki loves me and I love her too
Show me Kisaki's
Got 正月 kayoko and kisaki in 50 rolls let's go
oh right, a repost for this thread since I posted this on page 10 before
If you've been looking for a circle:
13107 アオダマ (Aodama)
has 2 open spaces
I'm honestly surprised it doesn't. As it is, she's definitely obviously a "raid must", but she can't help much outside of that. And, obviously, can't help with Set which is a curious choice.
Do we know how many total squares there are in the 宝探し that have items under them? Trying to calculate how much AP I'll have to spend on it to get everything to see if I'll even have enough with normal regen without spending gems.
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dropping this here again since this works exactly as balancing books with aoi
owner has plans to update it for the current event since it seems that there's an issue with the 3rd round onwards?
regardless, should still be useful
報酬リスト has the info for how many squares each お宝 occupies. then just do basic math
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報酬リスト has the sizes but not how many of them there are in each thing which is what's got me stuck. Unless there's always the same number of total squares for each one?
>And, obviously, can't help with Set which is a curious choice
I wonder if the devs are just trying to forget about Set at this point
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My bad I guess they don't make that data available so we just gotta wait. Didn't read the banner at the top of that site at first.
>how many of them there are in each thing
yeah i dunno about that one. could be preset, could be random. the datamines or the wiki could probably shed light on that
here's mine in round 1 for reference
Here's 3/4
>no tits
>no ass
What's her appeal?
Made for straight men. Homosexuals like you wouldn't understand.
how do you beat Kai in ex challenge? She didn't take any shit
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oh, Mari might actually be kind of useful now with a passive def down every 25 sec for 15 sec
there's like a brief window wherein she's vulnerable
alternatively, use sFubuki
Set isn't going to be the only fight in that mode, and they're not all going to have the same rulesets.
It's just going to take a while for a new fight since based on our sample size of one it seems like they want to tie the fights into the main story.
>200 rolls
>no kisaki or reijo
it's over, guess I'm not getting reijo
Are you literally me? I also have to spark kisaki, no reijo. Got 2 shit dupes, and 1 new character. I've never had luck this bad.
Kuroko definitely feels like "forget about Set" lol

Since it's been 6 months and I've actually been leveling the bonuses, that reminds me that I have finally run out of gray OOParts. I hope they introduce some way to easily get a bunch of them, because the cost of going from 0 to 25 on any bonus stat is 225 gray artifacts (and 70 blues) which is completely absurd (70 blue isn't bad actually, but 225 gray absolutely is)
How's Reijo? Good already, useless but core for a boss which takes boosted dot damage, useless because existing dot attackers suck but will be core when blufes Kai drops, etc?
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>You need to do 2x1 for firecracker currency or wahtever it is after 7th round,
Aoi's minigame gimmick event is shit, but they don't really have to that
Damn they really went all out with the new reward for Set. 10 whole gems. Crazy
I think her shield blocks anything below a set amount of damage. So you want to use someone who can do high single hits (Aru pretty much) and just buff the shit out of her.
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Good taste, one of the best students in the game whether it's through personality, design, or gameplay.
i'm still mad she wasn't 2.5 blufes
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>game refuses to launch today
guess no dailies today, thanks shitstacks
Obviously 7th onwards is very bad, but do I even go for 6th box
since there aren't any shards to farm, i just prioritize buying up all the gifts first
She's on Himari's level
That makes her better than 99% of the cast

Idk why be mad about that
Kisaki being 2.5 blufes would have been weird since that was over a year ago when she had barely any screentime.
i brainfarted and moved to the next box and just wasted so many fucking mats from partially revealing things but not finishing them
Reboot you PC, I guess. This sometimes happens if your bluestacks shits the bed launching and then you have some leftover shit hanging in the background.
Or just, you know, shut down the process in task manager.
If you figure it's easier to explain to him how to track the leftover process be my guest. No, it won't be named anything beginning with "Blue".
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This shit's godsent! Should I keep going for that last one or is it not worth it? I probably won't have enough points (AP) to reach round 7...
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>S.Miyu's urban affinity goes from C to A at UE50
Damn, I didn't notice until I set her up for the 1st event challenge. That's nice.
Don't forget to buy stuff from the shop before the monthly reset
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I dont like kisaki noja soeech
Well screw you
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But it's so peak
is wiki utterly fucked?
Clicked two pages and works for me
No table errors or anything
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mine looks like this
That's not fucked, that's mobile mode.
Scroll to the bottom and click "Desktop"
oh I see, no idea why that happened to me. I never clicked that button
I got it earlier on PC
It's cute and it makes the switch to kiki speech really funny. That said I do have a bit of a hard time fully understanding what's being said sometimes cause of the way she speaks.
you can skip a total of three 2x1 on board 1 and 4 and still buy everything (except credits)
I was in a similar position to you and I skipped
They should make a student with kansai ben to filter eops like you
Is it worth getting into BA nowadays?
Pretty much all girls have doujinshi released now, so yes.
I meant the game, sorry. Going by saved media my fave girls are uhhh Saori Rio and Kirara.
Yes, game is healthy despite what the occasional doomposter says. Would you be playing on JP or Global? This is the JP thread.
If JP, you'll be waiting nearly a year for "swimsuit" Saori's rerun, but you'll also be able to get Rio six months before Global, whenever she ends up releasing.
If Global, Kirara releases pretty soon so you could reroll when she drops to guarantee you get her, and you'd easily be able to get S.Saori in like four months as well.
But if you understand Japanese I'd really recommend playing on JP even if it means you have to wait for those reruns, because a year from now the advantage of Global will be gone, and you'd just permanently be half a year late to getting anyone you want. You'd also eat spoilers nonstop if you wanted to read /bag/.
>if you wanted to read /bag/.
who the FUCK wants this
I'm sure straight men don't find girls built like boys appealing
what the fuck is this post
What are you supposed to do for the challenge levels for this event? My chars just keep shooting the 玄龍門 char right out of the gate and then they all just start attacking my chars and killing them instantly.
There's a big button with TIPS written on it when selecting each stage
I searched the archive for those three students and he posted in /bag/ five days ago
What's wrong with it? I legitimately don't know if he's here for JP or not and I am trying to help him figure out the best way to start and get the students he said he likes.
Seemed oddly targeted with Saori, Rio and Kirara
Also most people are here because we don't want to deal with /bag/ but it is true that this is the JP thread. Someone made a global vmg thread I think if someone really hates /bag/ but still wants to discuss the global version too and there's always the /v/ threads too for global discussions.
>Seemed oddly targeted with Saori, Rio and Kirara
>my fave girls are uhhh Saori Rio and Kirara.
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Remind me to do Kaiten when it comes up
it's up...
What's a good defense? I'm getting attacked like 5 times a day.
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been playing for 1½ year and haven't missed any raid/GA and I'm still getting these every now and then
I just saw the GA announcement and realized that it's going to be 11 months between the first and second time we fight Kurokage. That's ridiculous.
yea, it should have been longer. fuck kurokage.
what about ibuki
Especially Ibuki.
I can feel players count dropping out a ton
Finally, I'll get back into the comfy plat
guess kisaki is core for torment
nobody could have seen this coming
Finally found a comp that lets me clear Extreme for once. Although it was after I already gave up and used all 3 tickets on Hardcore so I gotta wait until tomorrow to do it for real. Might actually be able to get something higher than bronze for once.
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Personally I like Amecha and Rev3's books the most when it comes to Ibuki.
>another silver
Gratz. My Tsubaki keeps getting melted, so it's still impossible for me.
>shina damage is reduced per target hit
>push the kaitengers with marina so that shina will hit multiple targets
>but not the red kaitengers because she has higher defense than the rest
>overall damage from hitting 2 targets without red kaitenger is higher than hitting 3 targets with red kaitenger at the front
what the fuck
I'll try torment tomorrow. Can't be assed right now.
tfw no marina
Use Eimi. If you don't have her, go to the shop and buy her every month.
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copied this comp, fairly easy to replicate compared to srkr pixel perfect repositioning
Oh yes dHina with worst mood is still the best option for the raid
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>377k raid players
that's a sharp drop
hopefully you aren't comparing to day7 of last raid, last raid was 391k on the 3rd day
nah, the guy who does this every raid would never do something like that
did shun and kisaki ever interact before this event?
Most I remember was in the first Shunny event she tells Kokona that those grow exercises won't make you a taller ''as Kisaki already tried them all the time'' or something along those lines. Kisaki does have a small scene in Volume F but it's just leading people.
Why cant they just fucking give dhina crit guarantee
Because Ako not being an excellent support for Hina would be retarded.
classic Hanako, 36 mil damage against p1
1 pan dHina is still better option
Read the title you baboon
Tried to buy some gems to roll Kisaki, got JP google account, bought Japanese google gift card, logged in VPN set up in Japan but when I try to use the pre-paid google card they want me to send the photo of the physical copy of the gift card with some other information… Don't remember this happening previously (though it has been some time). Bought the card from SEAGM.

Anyone knows how to bypass this shit? Should I buy the card from somewhere else or something?
Just use your own credit or debit card on your JP google account?
Thanks for the tip, anon, but I got desperate and just decided to wing it with 16k gems I had and pulled Kisaki on second 10 pull. Then switched to Reijo and got her on third 10 pull, so went for Shun (youjo) which I've been missing and got her on second 10 pull. So it took me only 8400 gems to get them all…

Also got second Kisaki in one of those Shun pulls. How is this luck even real?
You can get youjo Shun from hard missions little bro
Congrats on the god luck you absolute madman. Hopefully this doesn't lead to having to do multiple sparks in a row next time...
Not that guy but I play on my iphone with a JP apple account and I'll just buy gift cards on Amazon and enter the codes into my account and that works perfectly fine. Can't enter your American CC into a JP apple account unless you have it registered with a JP address somehow. I've only bought the monthly package though cause that's the most value.
>No ligmas to push Kisaki to 5*
is there a main classic story that all the stories about chinks seeking immortal elixir but it being bad come from?
Qin Shi Huang?
cultivation for immortality trope goes way back though
Didn't have enough time to read the event this weekend. Another skip it is.
The story is not worth to read anyway, the quality drops a lot
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one more day
Nope, it's 2 more days
>somehow get to rank 4
>damn if only three people can attack me at any given time maybe i won't fall that far
>12 hours later i'm 2-7 on defense and down to 57
rank 4 is usually a hot spot to be in since it's part of the steps that require the lowest rank to get rank 1 (14 -> 11 -> 7 -> 4 -> 1)
anyone in between those ranks could attack you. you got really unlucky i guess
>event ends thursday and not wednesday
huh. weird
that happens sometimes
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So does the raid. They are lining the schedule up for something.
Wasn't these next two weeks datamined to be just old Summer banner reruns? Seems weird to start it now and not when the last one of those drops
I'm so lonely without my BA stream
>Wasn't these next two weeks datamined to be just old Summer banner reruns?
datamine info whar
mashiro hina and iori are the only limiteds i'm missing
i could guarantee them all but triple sparking ahead of trinity festival does not sound fun. we're also not that far off of anni which could require up to 700 pulls
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I wasn't paying attention when borrowing so my C.Hare looks kind of weird.
I cant even bother to clear the challenges
thx for reminding me i still need to clear the only one i might be able to...
They were fine except for the third where I literally could not damage Kai through her instantly refilling shield.
s.mash in 30
Next round of banners is Yukari, Renge, Kikyou
New PVP season (visible ingame already), bracket settings look the same
There's a suprising amount of corrections to JP script.
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surely V5C2 soon...
Minna no Supastar really slaps this JFE
>rolling for azusa
>get a midori
>20 pulls later, get another midori
>then get a reijo
>20 pulls later, get another reijo
I think my gacha is broken
Got Azusa in 70 pulls which was nice. She's the reason I started playing the game and I've been waiting a while to get her swimsuit skin. Took her to 5* but probably just gonna be patient and get the 10 神名文字 from the shop each month.
Surprised we're not getting a TTT rerun first, but I guess the Hyakki trio are better for Kurokage
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Tiny shupogaki
or is that just kaiju Kokona?
Feels nice to be making more stamina with the first cafe upgrade in a while
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>I've been missing out on extra AP because no one told me there was a cafe upgrade
I only noticed it because I noticed the yellow dot wasn't going away after I patted all my students
So hardmode shinmeimoji drops are apparently supposed to be 40% but throughout this event I've been keeping track and I've gotten ~25% drop rate overall with a pretty significant sample count. Only once did I get a full 3/3 run, and the most I got for 3* chars were 2/3 (only twice). I'm wondering if they intentionally cut the droprate during x2 campaigns.
I don't think 360ish samples is a "significant" count.
idk I just did the math and I got a 95% confidence interval of 0.240-0.333, 99% interval goes up to 0.224-0.348
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is it finally happening?
Yes, it's finally time for Trinitywank.
Thats more guests than usual or is it just me
It's the same as always
They should reveal limiteds and probably other stuff on that stream
I can't see the pajamas being limiteds so I have to assume it's Sakurako. Mari already having a limited makes things awkward though since I don't know who the other one will be. Ayane seems unlikely because I'd expect her to release with Serika and we're not getting a fourth Serika already. Kirino and Fubuki both just got alts too.
Watch it be Seia and Akira as the limiteds
I can't see the pajamas happening now when kourin taisai perma is very soon
Must roll for any? Kikyou?
>Play hc
>close the game
yep, comfy as fuck
you baited me into opening the game when it's not even 総力戦 so there's still six days before it starts for real
only kikyou is must roll
>no atsuko
what do
Use Koharu and pray
As someone who just spent several hours trying to work it out with koharu only to see in the end how it's super easy with shigure, just fucking use shigure
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Sexy stoat wins again
Did they make Kurokage more difficult or what...

That was extremely annoying, and I feel like it was even more annoying than back when we were level 87.
--oh and, obviously: this is a 2nd team.
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I beat him on ext and it was just as easy as back then.
>atsuko only have trouble keeping up the heals in torment
guess i will stick to insane purple
>one day i forget to grab pvp rewards at reset
>fall to 155 after five straight losses
Did anyone bother trying sSaori here
She's not a good generic AOE DPS, she's made for a DOT raid that isn't out yet.
doubt anyone here has a ue50 sSaori. none in my friendslist has one up for support either, even the whales
Anyone to lend a Hina?
I hate the hours for these streams, think i'll miss it and catch the news when I wake up. 6am on a sunday is rough.
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>dude just critfish into p2 for all 3 damage types
Just do torment once and slack the other two
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1 tor 1 ins is already starting to fall out of plat
>but rewards
I have been skipping several raids might as well try hard this one time and it seems the game doesnt want me back
It'd be 1 tor 2 ins, ex hasn't been relevant in years.
in 3hours
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i have a feeling we will get part 2
likely either idol cops or trinity stageplay
>idol cops
i can skip that
>trinity stageplay
eh, i think we will get abydos instead
aodama have open slot soon, around 20
I doubt it'll be more idols, I think it will be other Trinity stuff
Also, +20 friend slots, nice
You can now see who's getting the buffs, as well as what buffs everyone has when paused
Thank you jesus
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>no QoLs for daily routines
>more QoLs to help you critfish easier
thank you nexon
looks like I'm skipping kikyou again
So i guess this makes sleepover event the christmas/new years one? Now im curious how itll play out
Mari clearly says in the PV that the idol event is part of the carnival, in case you want to speculate what comes next or if the rest of the carnival like the venice shot will be ignored.
Weird that they did not announce a second stream
carnival is likely 5th anniv event at this point
I don't like Akira+Seia blufes because it feels bad for Nagisa being only a regular limited
Maybe Akira blufes with some unrelated girl like Suou or Malkuth as the other blufes, and limited Seia + limited Mika alt during free pulls.
who do i raise for choke me
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wait 3 weeks and copy someone else
but normal 2x ends in two days
just keep the equipment without using it?
Gee Mari, how come you get TWO limited alts?
Both idols look like a must-roll
I agree, because they're cute.
trying to do this
should it be possible with a 3 star onsen shigure?
i have new year akari too but i need to borrow new year kayoko
Club expansion should've been to 60 so clubs can just merge, instead we have a weird situation where you're incentivized to abandon your current club for a 49 person club and the people who are slowest to do so are left homeless.
What did they expand to
you forgot that people are resistant to change, unless their club is already dying beforehand or they are raid tryhards
I really hate that JP is stuck with the shitty yostar account system. Why couldn't they give us the Nexon account system? That thing is an actual account with a website to log in and everything.
Yostar has migrated to a unified account too, though
>Give email
>Type code in email
>Logged in
The problem is?
oShigure instead of hanako? probably not
Anyone have a comfy torment kurokage kill without daru that wont make me kill myself?
the comp with kikyou + chare isnt cutting out for you?
Im fucking done with this 会心ガチャ garbage
Eat more chinese cock nexon
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take the comfy gold pill
Do you guys think we'll actually get swimsuit Himari with the story update?
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Natsu God
Wow, finally a good character gets added to the shop
Can't be assed to mald on insane/torment anymore, so I just did extreme. Still guaranteed gold lol
it's daikessen
there's no reason to ever consider malding for this shit, the rewards are the same
I prefer to get more coins but it's true that it's not worth trying hard to the point of malding for this shit raid
Cockmah only adds damage type on 75 eh? Either 74 is going to be extremely comfy or much harder than the higher floors because no damage reduction from armor type.
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Yup, it's time to do the raid
Funnily enough, if the JP client were to have Nexon's account system, that will require the devs and publisher to object to a plan devised by NAT Games's CEO during the development phase which ultimately become the reason behind Yostar operating the server in the first place. Mind you, Yostar back then used to venture into publishing Korean gacha games first under a co-publishing agreement with Smilegate and Kong for E7 and Guardian Tales. Now the strategy has been paid off which allowed them to replicate the same trick to market a Cookie Run game for the JP market.

A hypothetical co-publishing requirement with Nexon would have the JP division operate the server while Yostar will still do the talking in terms of le marketing similar to what we have OTL. The clear idea to have it marketed under a different publisher is what allowed DFO / Arad Senki to become successful in the CN market.

An odd coincidence why the client runs like other Yostar games where they use the current account system for the collab merch.
Its about the journey
Whats the point of playing if theres no meaningful progress anymore
Might as well read story on youtube
while true making a raid that takes almost 3 times the effort and gives way less reward for that effort and committing on it as hard as they have is probably the worst mistake they have made with BA since at least year 1 drama.
File deleted.
That was close
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why did you censor your name on the left but not on the right
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God damn it, well whatever at least I got it
>Censored all three scores but not the name
smartest mikafag
Should have just done a 2t torment then not worry about score. 3 ins is too risky in this day and age when everyone's doing torment.
It's the curse of grand assault, I got too lazy to the point I was doing it on last day. I couldn't find a good torment solution with Kikyou borrow or without Kikyou so I resorted to ins strat
if there are spoilery datamines please give a warning so i can fuck off until the 6th
dont think so
There will be another maintenance so there shouldn't be anything related to decagrammaton. Hopefully.
I seriously hope the idol event hits it out of the park like -ive alive did
I like assclub alts a lot more in terms of design. Airi was pure sex and flat cat had a lot of memes too.
>students being for (you)
mari ntr porn exploded
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Haven't seen any of it from the artists I follow + not what I was talking about
~362k GA Kurokage raiders, a ~5k increase from the previous GA
I guess that's decent considering how much harder Kurokage is
I'm excited for Mine. I'm looking forward to seeing what sort of autistic idol shenanigans she gets up to.
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explan for retard
idk, a new mechanic called cheat codes
>small chance for part 2
sigh, do i roll or not
>kokona clone
>ako for special units
how good would it be to have another kokona?
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>two Kokonas
Why stop there? Why not have 10 Kokonas?
I'll take 11
>multiple off rate student
>sakurako on 200th pull
>14k crystal left
i'm legit not ready for part 2
Do we know what's part 2 yet
not yet, just me assuming we will get part 2 just like kourintaisai
i am expecting halloween alts for part2. with natsu getting shafted again
>halloween for november
Cmon now
Would iWappi even work for greg
17s is tough
Any leaks?
Want to see something funny? I'm working through the API to make something, and i find these two files lmao:


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Mari is dored by old men

Sprites are coming shortly
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Sakurako is a good girl that would pray for you
I am an old man, so they're both for me
>2 new 3*s and 3 dupes, all off banner
sometimes I forget how fucking bad it feels rolling in this kusoge, 0.7% is a joke, I have to spark every single time, double banners are guaranteed instant regret
>getting new spooks
>still mad
>spooks I neither care about nor have any use for
fuck that, sparking every time feels awful no matter what shitty consolation prize you get
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Mine has monstrous skill descriptions

Furniture set is also up https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Category:Hyakkiyako_Furniture
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Well, fuck
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You saw nothing!
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I'm archiving it.
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event was fine but definitely not get set go. if we compare it to the millennium only prep event then it's good enough i guess, but i doubt the venice event will be get set go level either.
10 loli shun dupe
60 mine dupe
90 swimsuit eimi
110 bunny akane, idol mari
140 reijo
150 idol sakurako, kazusa dupe, rumi
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oh well, pretty low amount of 3*
>haruna dupe
>nykayoko dupe
>yukari (new)
I understand this is nothing compared to coomer games, but Yosh feels pretty risqué compared to normal BA roster.
Here are all the new NPC sprites.
Game also moved to spine 4.2 which is going to complicate some things, seeing how there isn't a cracked version floating around.

I can already smell the new Kazusa doujin
holy fuck Ayane is hot and Tsurugi is so beautiful
>aniv is abidos idol alts
i'm so fucking tired of abidos
lol if you think they will be the 4th anni alts
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Sasuga Mari
The actual event story without all the CGs was kinda whatever
Nah it was really fun
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RIP in peace Kokona. I will always love you the most even if you've finally been replaced in the meta.
What else is she good for? I have Kokona already
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Diff armors and moods
Dunno why everyone's saying Kokona got powercrept when realistically Mari is just a 2nd Kokona instead that you take to places where Kokona's armor is a liability
since when we care about kokona armor
Only people that wouldn't care are maybe top 0.1% speedrunners that would run Kokona even if she dies 9 out of 10 runs just because she gives better scores
I hope Reijo is actually relevant so I can feel good about being spooked by her today
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Kokona is sexier anyway.
Odds on there being a continuation event ala Halo Festival?
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They're both among the sexiest students
we're probably getting a masquerade event but it might be anni instead of the next event
Nexon can chokmah balls if they think I'm gonna roll units for this game mode
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In that case I'll be hoping that means we'll get Akira for the anniversary.
they already created a ton of character assets, so i don't see why not
are any of the sprites not np?
>ANOTHER free ticket
pathfinding is retarded in the EX stage
for EX challenge stage, it's better to use dhina and try to burst down akemi asap, then clean up the mobs afterward
have everyone but ako but my stars are too low. at least this gives me hope there'll be a clear i can copy by the time the dust settles
>Ibuki getting used as an AOE buffer
Where the FUCK are the UE50 S.Saori borrows?
>missing 4 units
it's over
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just use the fes comp for floor 24
Chomkin skills and stuff. Report any errors.
read the event and now I need fanart of Mari doing the Akira bike slide
So it looks like 9ml is the new art director based on the credits of the idol event
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Is there a case NP character become a CH ??
Yeah someone reported them, but they were the list of banned words from chat and the client itself
It's possible they just shit out a bunch of potential alts and will decide which to release based on reception
Looking at early floor 100 clears it seems Shiroko Terror and Hinata are being used pretty interchangeably. I wonder which one will come out on top on higher floors.
Also Koharu is on the right armor so there some 100 clears without Idol Mari too.
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i think this is every character i have who i've seen used in chokmah. can't remember if i've actually seen ny.kayoko or not so i included her anyway
thoughts? prayers?
Chokmah balls
does nexon honestly think they can keep up with the rate of releasing characters as well as the new ones coming out at the pace that it's going? seems like for every 4 new characters there's at least twice as many new ones they keep revealing, which is why i have a hard time believing all of them will get released eventually.
>i have a hard time believing all of them will get released eventually
Why would you even believe such a weird thing to begin with?
rerolling for a support saori is miserable
Zero. We literally just had a double event and this one is huge on the 後日談
Would it be possible to have pages like https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Items/Intact_Phaistos_Disc show which students use them?
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Pretty underwhelming considering how much its highlighted in PV5
Oh well
they should just flood the game with new and alt npcs so players can finally realize that not all chars will be playable.
But there's still that Venice-looking still with Reisa in it, and Hanae/Serina haven't appeared, I think there's a chance
I'll look into it over the weekend.
Good thing I asked because riding Shiroko needs the mats I was about to use. Guess I'll wait and see.
Anyone has maxed sSaori?
oops i'm retarded and forgot to buy drinks
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Reroll club 2627 (ガチリセマラ部) is open for new members. If you are applying from here say something so I don't have to wonder who you are.
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of course he's at 50
at least that's 74 done
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74, anything after that seems to be a pain
are the idol mine 1x450 eligmas even worth it
do you need anything else? since welfare shards are hard to farm even after they are added in the store
mastery certificate store*
I decided to get just 20 of those for an easy UE2 on rerun.
Reminder that you have to skip through Deca chapter 1 since it was moved to main story. You can't skip battles so it takes a while.
Looking forward to the new Deca
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Still not sure if I want to raise any of Mari/Ibuki/Reijo/Kirino to try to get higher than 74. Don't have Hinata Akari Ako and I'm not UE50ing my Saori.
Which one is it then?
If you had a gun to your head and had to guess correctly to survive, what would your guess be?
I understand now that the screenshot is 109 and it's not yours.
You know I would forget
so is getting idol mari worth it?
Probably, she's a Kokona subspecies who works against enemies that will murder Kokona. Would suck to have to borrow her instead of borrowing a UE50 attacker.
>have to in and out the lobby to hear halloween lines
Oh for fucks sake, its 4 fucking years
Who can I bring if I don't have Camp Hare and need to borrow Mine?
how usable would 3 star be?
Use the special DPS comp instead
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This worked
>Every greg torment run uses a character I don't have
Bros i'm gonna bweh
>have all the requirement character
>too lazy to play insane
silver look better aruji dono, nin nin
Is Mine 3* enough for insane?
I don't understand why it's green for Kiriha but when I copy his moves its yellow for me. Neither of the characters I replaced have debuffs.
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3* mine should be enough i guess
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Forgot pic
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shop reset soon
Please let insane be enough. I literally can't do torment without Mine, SSaki, and SMiyako.
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Okay that's better
Weird ass fight
Is there a decent sub for Mine in these comps?
Not for striker dps comp. She's literally perfect for this raid.
I don't know how it's supposed to work in 3 dHina skills either, it always has 10m+ HP left
to be clear she only has the highest debuff count on a single unit, but using her sucks and her kit works really bad for greg.
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>All miyakos were replaced by Choshis overnight
Hoshino has truly stopped holding back
The Miyako in my bed hasn't been replaced, in fact she's there more often than ever now that she's free from her raid duties
Can't wait to hit level 90 so I can buy the Miayko shinmeimoji from the shop. I'm two levels away but that's still going to take another month or so I think.
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thanks, managed to clear insane with this
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There's cheaper ones like
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my dHina isn't UE50 and I don't have Mine
Well that's a rip. Mine can be borrowed but no UE50 is bad.
Life would be so much easier if I was willing to UE50 my fes students but they're guaranteed to stack up dupes over time so I'm greedy and stick to UE40.
If UE60 gets announced then I'll be able to UE50 but then all the timelines will use UE60 so I'll still be in the same mess.
I got Hanako to UE50 early so I could beat Kurokage and of course she ended up being the fes student that spooked me the most
I got Shiroko to UE40 day1
That was a fucking mistake. I've used her like once and should have used those ligmas on Kisaki instead.
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good enough, hopefully jp are busy with mhw and didn't bother to mald this week
Your pic is missing one evasion debuff, red organ removed one and you didn't reapply it.
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Hey lads, just a reminder that our 4cc team is about to start our autumn cup run this Saturday and as chosen by the board, this Pink creature will be there. If you don't know what this is all about, all information is in here: >>1600377 and pastebin.com/nr9ujDMN
Hope to see you there.
Literally me, but I finally caved and got dHina to UE50 yesterday. Dunno how much I'm shooting myself in the foot considering I still have Ako, Himari and Kisaki all at 3*
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Honestly, screw the score this time. The Mine strat is too annoying and it feels more comfy and satisfying to kill Greg with specials.
Are there any Minori clears without Saki and without idol Sakurako?
if my nagi was ue40 instead of ue30 i could do this
guess my first torment will be next year at the latest. well unless they never run greg again
You can use Mina instead of Saki
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trying to 1T it is such a pain in the ass
>UE40 nagisa + UE50 minori
back to not being able to figure out why my insane isn't working
If you have the wrong number of debuffs then you're destroying the organ at the wrong time.
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Plat secured maybe baby. I was a bit afraid with 2T but Hina got nice crits today
>got pushed out of plat by camping Hare havers
She's never getting rerun again, is she
Just do torment.
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Any clear vids that refuse to use dHina like me

I hope Greg doesn't return for at least a year.
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I'm free, brothers.
this doable with mine instead of hoshi?
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Hilarious how healerless is the easiest and strongest comp
Hilarious how I fill the groggy bar one Hina shot too late and everyone dies...
You can't be slow, you NEED to hit the groggy at the required time to cancel the yellow attack.
Set up keybinds or something if it helps you be faster and the rest is just praying for crits.
>rank 17000
oh boy
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Is my groggy not being nearly as filled as in the vid just bad luck? What could I be doing wrong?
>What could I be doing wrong?
Crit harder.

Try this video. Eventually, it should work.
Just trust the process and clear yourself of doubts because if you stop to aim, doubt or hesitate then you'll either fail the groggy or get a shittier score than you could have gotten if you didn't.
You didn't down as many choir members as the vid did.
Does it require the Set unlocks or UE40 specials because I have yet to see the top leftmost choir die in the first Hina EX skill
UE1 Fuuka should be enough
Idk if UE2 Kisaki is required but you definitely want her at UE1 at least

Books on Hina definitely help and +25 should be nice but mine was at +20 when I did it
>you definitely want her at UE1 at least
it makes that much of a difference?
I don't think so but Kisaki will be on nearly every raid from now on so UE2 should be a good future investment that will hold up very well.
goldchads win again
>tease new member for Himari's group
>no new banner announcement yet
Stop playing with me like this, Nexon
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Nice game Nexon
huh, what did i miss??
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I can't believe Saori is transferring to Millennium.
She got a live-in job as SPTF club janitor
>week long filler banner so people can read the story
>week long spoiler millennium banner with swimsuit himari
if i can't see her rib bones i'm gonna riot
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That 1 pan torment team without healer is cancerous and it needs high lvl bond Hina, sHina, dHina
If I do PvP after reset I get my hits back for the new season right?
Nuh uh my 2.5周年 sensei that I watch on youtube for content showed his clear without having swimsuit Hina
But how high is his Hina and dHina bonds and his video clear?
>>week long spoiler millennium banner with swimsuit himari
what did i fucking miss??? why people keep mentioning himari friend and s.himari?
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S.Himari is just speculation because we got S.Eimi in a cold area so surely Himari will wear a swimsuit to a volcano
Friend is a spoiler from the preview tweet I guess, I'm annoyed that I forgot to stop coming here once they tweeted it.
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I wish these were more connected instead of being isolated stories
Feel like cut content for part2 strapped together after staffs fallout desu
Yeah, compared to the sports festival it's a very basic event. It's why I'm hopeful this was just the equivalent of the c.Hibiki event, and the masquerade is where the real good interactions are. In theory we should have Game club, Tsumugi/Wild Hunt, Reisa, Shizuko, and hopefully Akira as the boss.
Wrong. This way you can focus on many characters instead of 1 central character/group
How new?
How new to VNs? Been reading them for 15 years. Anthology is a basic form of storytelling for a large number of characters.
No, how new to BA, because you clearly weren't here last September if you think it's impossible to give the spotlight to multiple characters/groups in a connected story.
Btw I assume that was intended as a flex but you're a newfag to VNs too.
They are separate parts of the school festival rather than a single grand sport event, grandpa. But sure, let's have Mari in every scene just to have them "connected"
i can't login lol
>sports festival
It's time to stop pretending Halo Fest was all that special, anon. Most of its interactions weren't even in the fucking game itself
What they did this event was great because it's just adding extra character events with no plot baggage and without having to log into twitter or something
I didn't even read the external stuff, only what's in game, and even with just that it's way better than this event because different schools interacted. In this event it's literally only Mari who interacts with someone not from her school (and them interacting with Mari of course).
I'm sorry but you're just straight up objectively wrong on this and it's honestly hard to believe humans have the capacity to be as fucking stupid as you.
You mean how when trinity students were smitten by Utaha or intimidated and then pleasantly surprised by Haruna, it was not an inter-school interaction?
>In this event it's literally only Mari who interacts with someone not from her school
You literally have people from different schools showing up to the carnival and interacting with Trinity students in the afterwords.
Also, I'm sorry, but different schools interacting doesn't mean anything if the writing isn't fun enough. At the same time, interactions aren't automatically worse or less interesting just because it features people from the same school, this IS the Trinity Festival after all. While Halo fest had its moments and some of the interactions were cool it was not the holy grail you claim to be.
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UE30 + 102 elephs
pretty good, I only did 3x refresh and full pvp refresh
will be able to comfortable get UE50 on the rerun
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that was fucking close, i thought i was safe when i started around 17000 during the start of the last day but was at 19500 2 hours before reset
I worked hard to clear Extreme this time and was able to do it with a cracked hina from a friend but it still only put me at like 130k yesterday so not even gold. I cleared with 1m20s remaining too so it wasn't even close.
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went and grab all the gifts before going all in farming for shards, should be able to UE50 her when this event rerun
I only prefer halo festival over trinitywank because hina got a cameo
>still being a Hinafan after that embarrassingly bad event centered around her
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Hey now, the parts with minimal Hina were good.
Upcoming banners
LimitedGacha 667 [10022] Hina (Swimsuit) : 2024-11-13 11:00:00 ~ 2024-11-20 10:59:59 future rerun
LimitedGacha 668 [10023] Iori (Swimsuit) : 2024-11-13 11:00:00 ~ 2024-11-20 10:59:59 future rerun
PickupGacha 669 [10024] Shiroko (Riding) : 2024-11-13 11:00:00 ~ 2024-11-20 10:59:59 future rerun
Managed to get #1 without a single attack loss even though I started 15 minutes late
beat the same guy 3 times from 11 to 1
I stomped same guy for 7 and 4 without even noticing. If you are somehow around, sorry.
Made it to 13 which was more than worth the 60 gems per refresh cause I've never gotten above like 300, so it more than paid for itself
>have to clear deca in the main story again
Fucking why?
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I was at #2 and a idol mari player attacked me 3 times losing every time so I removed my sShiroko but they still lost...
I removed 3 more units but they didn't attack again and instead I lost to someone else
You were warned. >>1600108
I did it last night.
>my raid rank went up by 2 after the maint
that's a nice surprise for the previous ranks 20001 and 20002
Wild things are happening.
Four sprites (Serina, oNodoka, Misaki, and Sof) got updated. Mostly they got better packed sprite atlases for a bit more useful pixels, but also some got touched up
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Last word
Did you like the Deca update?
Toki and Eimi are hilarious in it
t was fine but Rio adds nothing to the group. Having her there didn't make Toki or Himari any funnier than they already are.
>Rio adds nothing to the group
Let them cook
Rio has always been a super boring character that people only like for her tits. Like I swear the only reason anyone ever remembers her is because the secondaries latched onto her and pretend she's some sort of super popular card nexon is holding for an emergency.
so whats the meta for pvp now
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still kind of weird that they're going with the usual decagrammaton writing format despite being moved to the main story.
we'll see. this is still only part1
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Just give me the decalolis. I need more Ohr in my life.
It's actually kind of surreal how lewd they are, probably the only designs in the game where I can say with 100% certainty that the artist was completely thinking with his dick
They tried to KILL ME
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How do we PVP now?
Every time I do an escort JFD I can physically feel the contempt and disrespect that Nexon has for the people who play their game
Tell me when they make a version without the bug voice
That's the version in the video
Oh. My bad, I didn't click and assumed it had chink voices.
pvp brackets seems small this time as well? only see 100% players from rank150 and below
My decision to be lazy and not refresh PVP for this new season actually paid off
It's entirely possible people are just checking out of competition and slowly climbing with their daily tickets. We'll see in about a week, when everyone filters up naturally.
The internal data that we have could be a psyop, but seems to slow brackets being same size as last season.
Daily tickets already bring you to top 100
Well, I lost my last hit so I didn't get in, but everything up until then was bots.
It's just casuals who don't do everything every day left.
We're on a third day of the bracket. Depending on whether a person saved their PVP entries until after patch, and whether they have already done today's runs, they are on 5 to 15 matches total.

In my bracket, entire top 100 is strictly level 90 accounts with comptent-looking teams at the moment
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is this real
i haven't been raising sena...
>eternal shunlet
>hosh is still 4*
Another season struggling to get into top 100.
>nymutsuki in cafe
>only need 5 frags to 5* her and she might be good for pvp this season
i should have done it fuck, if i do it now it'll feel like a waste
I deleted my account.
Who was your studentwife
I don't blame you
I, however, do. ᓀ‸ᓂ
any pvp comps recommendation, seems like kuroko is being used
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There are several contenders for basically every spot beyond Kuroko, Shun and sShiroko. In the end, whoever triggers Kuroko invulnerability second is likely to win because all tanks are papier mache now and will die to 2-3 Cost EXs. I'm having decent success with this cookie cutter team, of defense its Yuuka instead of Hosh.
Chokmah ends pretty early this month
I still haven't gone past 74 since I have no clue who to use/raise.
What to use for 74?
S.Saori is the best borrow, if you don't have access to one S.Azusa can work ok for lower floors. B.Hoshino, Kisaki are very good, almost mandatory. S.Kirino is good as a second cover if you need one, there are some strats that only use one cover by waiting until boss does the double fireball move (85% hp) before using the ballista. For a dps you can use Hinata or Shiroko Terror, if you use Shiroko Terror you may want to bring an option to help her survive like R.Shiroko for her attack down or Mina to help Shiroko Terror evade missiles. Buffers like Ibuki, Kotama, NY.Akari, Ako are all good. Use Kisaki buff on Saori/Azusa and Ako on your Hinata/Shiroko Terror. You should also bring a healer, there's not that much damage coming out besides missiles so I.Mari, Koharu, O.Shigure, even Kokona all work.
How often does the bug of Shun skipping her normal happen?
No idea, honestly. Watching fights is a bad idea if you're doing your pvp right as coins reset, because often by the time you load out of the combat you will have already been hit&downranked, so I just skip majority of matches.
I'm staying in top 10 pretty well, but claiming top 1 rewards isn't reliable.
100% if you're doing Shun+swimsuit Shiroko and Shun EX is in the first slot. it's the combination of Shiroko's cost sub + NS cost reduction
also i don't think it would be considered a bug. Shun always delivered her cost payout after her NS animation. the cost regen + Shun EX getting first slot is essentially doing an animation cancel
Why didn't they rerun S.Eimi
Saori is such a random banner to be including at this time
Didn't they also run Saori with Hiyori this time last year? I think it was right before S.Eimi. And no, I don't get it either.
maybe saving her to run along with a new char/alt
Guess I'll be caught up on non-Miku limiteds tomorrow.
Should probably wait a week to see what's next but I have over 100k pyro so unless it's a new collab I should be fine.
1 kokona dupe
31 s.hina
113 q.marina
131 hibiki dupe
147 mimori dupe
153 s.kanna
157 b.akane dupe
158 s.kanna dupe
181 c.hanae dupe
196 mina
198 s.kanna dupe
spark s.iori
>31 s.hina
>almost double the expected 3*s
explode then die in a fire
yeah but they were almost all tit monsters so it's not like i can be happy about it
the first 31 pulls were full of sex though yes
Gratz! Seems like you'll be ready for the next Chokmah, whatever color it it.
I got 2 3*s in 200 pulls and then got hina with my points, then got iori in my first 10 pull. Terrible rates but at least I got them both in 210 which is technically better than average
>log in
>see Chesed grand assault
>log out
Death penalty
>dress hina event rerun already
This game has the weirdest schedule
i am not complaining about a more powerful ibuki
also makes the decision of whether to level her or reijo easier
>Summer Hina this week
>Dress Hina probably next week
No sukumizu for me, I guess.
sick of Hoshina shoved into my face every month
Dress Hina won't be a banner, newfriend. It's an anniversary student, so her banner will happen in summer next year.
I guess Makoto rerun and who else?
dAko and ibuki
Imagine double Satsuki/Chiaki btfoing the NPC Archive posters.
I dont like new units during rerun anymore because most of the momos are boring
i really regret rolling idols now, fuck you nexon
if i spark now can i get 24k crystal before anniv without monthly and half monthly? currently have 24k crystal
since i've maxed some students by now i'm finally free to spend stamina on bunny chaser and wakamo events to finally catch up on everything from before i started at 2nd anni
surprised to see bunny chaser is only six parts
bunny chaser was pretty disappointing given the premise but for being an early ba event i guess it's fine. not actively bad or anything.
wakamo event is uh. let's just say i'm glad our anni events have evolved since then.
anyway sex with chiaki
huh, so camp rerun would have both chihiro and maki
How to keep Kuroko in the back in pvp?
God damn
I think Chesed is my least favorite raid.
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Anyone have a maid momoi or maid midori I can borrow?
Not sure, I think you get around 10k gems per month? So maybe but it would be tight. There's also the possibility they throw another double fes.
guess i'll have to skip satsuki
Would be very surprised if we ever get a single character fes again.
Why would that be surprising instead of just considering 3.5 a likely one off?
I wasted a UE40 Maid Momoi I rerolled borrows for by bringing Kisaki instead of Himari.
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I don't like their voices.
since it's not back to back chokmah i have decided to settle for 74 and let blufes powercreep the fuck out of it
Shit taste desu
Chiaki sounds lovely
she's too loud
She's XD genki. I would be disappointed if she wasn't loud.
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>more convoluted buff stacking students
please stop...
I think you're reading the skill wrong.
>only 341k participants for GA Chesed
Are people finally getting tired of these? Funnily enough, it had more torment clears than Kurokage which had more overall participants
I can't believe the game is going to EoS before Rio and Seia release...
Sorry, I didn't mean to concernpost
But it is weird how low it is, given how TA numbers have been pretty stable
to be fair, torment chesed is a fucking joke now with more AOE options for phase1 and easily being able to defeat phase2 in one opening
I'm more puzzled at the decrease, I think Nexon needs to do something about GAs to make them less of a chore
GA is less of a chore since it's three runs total while TA is 7+. I imagine people just put it off (since they can) and never get around to it on the last day while TA has more urgency.
you really can't make GA any less of a chore than it already is right now. even a single color participation would net you some placement in ranking, when back then you had to do all 3 colors
literally even a single HC auto would do it. people just didn't bother this season
datamine sers?
We're up
I heard they change something so dataminer cant mine new stuff now
So rerun archives all the way till xmas huh?
2022 had 2 new events in december. You never know.
Trinity carnival 2 for christmas bro surely!
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So 3388% attack for 6 cost? Damn
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Are there dailies to do with hina event?
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Not much changed, except for oopart lineups.

Daily quests and missable Lost Items start on day 4 of the event, so just make sure you have Field Mission (RPG mode) prologue cleared before then. There's nothing you need to rush today.
>50 pull
>No satsuki
see you next year
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Good to know
What makes you think we won't have a story update?
>not D hina attacker
>can't crit
>used in chesed
>used in limit break battle
Guess I get Dress Ako?
i cannot remember how you were supposed to farm ibuki parts
if you bother with Set, then yeah
get event points and then spend them once the extra stages unlock
Probably Deca part 2 leading into Deca anni
Will they release new Deca episodes without Himari's event, though? There's no room for any event before Xmas, which could be either an Xmas event or a Deca event leading into a Deca anni. Maybe unrelated, but Chokma will spend xmas with us.
But since Himari's event is basically Aoi's event, that could be an awkward situation similar to last year's Aoi spam
>Aoi > Biribiri > Aoi (+V5) > Aoi > Deca > Veritas NY > Aoi > Anni
I don't know what schedule you're looking at.
All I've seen is T.Yuuka/T.Mari and they don't bring an event with them. I'd assume C.Utaha comes the week before them, and also doesn't bring an event with her. So with the information I have available to me I'd assume those two weeks are perfect for the second half of Deca.
On your mark, get set, go! are getting archived during Aoi's event https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Events#Mini-Event
Oh, yeah, no reason for it to be Aoi instead of Himari then.
You hardly get any event points from clearing quest stages in this event. Is there some way you're supposed to get them outside of that that I haven't found yet? I don't see anything else about getting points in the play guide. You basically have to spend all of your AP for the entire event duration to get to 15k it looks like.
Nope, that's it. You do get a few extra elephs from doing the missions and daily quests too.
It only costs 150 event points for 1.2 elephs though (1 guaranteed + 20% chance for an extra) so it's not that bad
if you are farming for points, go with the stage with the ooparts you want, you gonna empty the exchange store either way
Yeah makes sense cause all the stages give the same points
At 100% bonus, it's about 12500 AP to get the 15k event points, which's around 11.5 days of AP with no refresh. I think it was like that during the original run (back then it was faster because I PVP refreshed due to the 3x campaigns).
Ibuki shards are 125 points each, which's 104 AP per shard at 100% bonus. Sounds quite expensive but this event drops quite a few shards through the minigame, so IDK. Idol Mine's shards were 112.5 AP at 100% bonus.
Iirc I ended the event with about 230 or 240 shards from the 15k points, that makes it about 52 to 54 ap per shard which's a good rate.
all i know is i ended with a 4* 64 shard ibuki and have a ue30 52 shard mine
maybe i skipped the second half of the event for 3* or something
>so it's not that bad
It's very bad, but at least you also get her shards through the hinagame.
>get ayane and serina to 5*
>don't have ayane's desk and serina doesn't have furniture

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