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תחת כפול שתיים
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מה חשבת רפואה בישראל זה בחינם? רק לקחת 5% מהמשכורת הם יודעים
כבר עשיתי 5 מאמרים לבד אני אעשה גם את השאר לבד
איך עושים בדיקות הורמונליות?
בזמנו אני פשוט ביקשתי ספירת טסט ונתנו לי
הייתי משלם לה אם זה היה גורם לה להסכים אבל רק אחרי הבנתי שיש קונספירציה שלמה של רופאים לסרב לגברים צעירים לעשות בדיקה של רמת הטסטוסטרון שלהם.

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Why haven't you found love yet in your country?
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There are no women where I live. The most contact I have left to the outside world is my 4GB mobile connection I only use for 4chan
Because I never leave my room. I doubt the government even know I exist.
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Even if they say yes, they can always reject you after the first or second date
And none of that is relevant since every single male under 35 has completely fried his dopamine receptors starting from the age of 6-12 years old with internet porn.
she looks like she shot videos for assholefever

*DING DING DONG* edition

old >>196476719
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It's funny to me that Sashko reveals himself to be, beyond a doubt, a paranoid schizophrenic by posting "evidence" that he thinks will exonerate himself
ahoi, kapitane ^_^
Press F20.0 to pay Respects
>demek sum nepismen
e пa дa. цeл гpaд знae и ти ce cмee

Read the report it says that the f20 diagnosis is wrong

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edizione salariata
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sesso non consensuale con filina2
*stuprare violentemente sodomizzare l'ano della filina 2
giù le mani
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If you have the money leave it behind
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I make factual statements about facts.
you can be king in different places for lesse money thats exactly what he is doing.
Instead of retiring in usa with 1 million you can retire in europe for the same money and live more comfy, or retire for 500k in 3rd world
There's a reason none of his talking points are about how he has so many friends and people that enjoy his company. What an insufferable faggot.
Why not improve your own cunt? Fucking leeches.
sir he is white he is exempt from that treatment

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Hamburek izdanje
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Učinio sam dobro djelo, našo sam ajfon na ljuljački u jankiću i vratio ga vlasniku. U današnje vrijeme je horor izgubit telefon
Ma ти aјфoни штa нaм paдeee
ubit ce nas tehnologija.
Mикpoплacтикa yмecтo кpвних cyдoвa
Ajde pravite novi, na 308 smo

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>Pajeet in Sweden experience
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The only IMWF couple I've ever seen irl is an Indian man and a Finnish woman couple with a daughter living in my neighborhood. The guy is a tall, like really tall bearded man with a beard and his hair tied back in a bun. My mom once did a bit of snooping around and found out she's a vegetarian from Finland. I still wonder why they decided to live in India instead of a snowy paradise like Finland. The whole her being a vegetarian thing and him having a manbun makes me wonder if they're nu hippies or something.
The person to the right is a man btw
wish i was a little shota who would get raped by swedish onee-san ;_;
peak brownoid male experience

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This Thread is for discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc.of Japan
Let's talk at least in Japanese and English. Take it easy

Previous Thread:>>196450896
Learn Japanese Thread:>>>/int/djt

Please declare before making a new thread. and put the next link.
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spelling mistake

>日曜ドラマ / The Sunday Doramas
日曜ドラマ / The Sunday Dramas
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Okay, I'll try it on other day if I have a time.
Good night.
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good night!

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edycja bogu wiadoma
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ciekawe czy inteligentna waga ma większe iq niż ten co płacze o iq i oskarków co studiują na uw bo są z dobrego domu
tak zwany skam waga nie ma jak zmierzyć tych parametrów
prondem mierzy
fajna małpa
powiem wprost: jak chce jeść to jem a jak chcę schudnąć to nie jem a jak oba naraz to po prostu robię wyliczankę i albo nie jem albo jem

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i'm basing this 100% on (bela)russian propaganda and pictures on the internet, but belarus seems like a comfy place
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spasibo :-D
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Do you have HOMO squads in your cunt?
that's pure genes/sports m8

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kurva anyátok
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zőccségek alá kell, komposztálom
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Hello magyars

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ikke fri i morgen udgaven
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gehennas verkar ha flest spelare
Blev filtreret af et gammelt lortespil
flyttet for der for at være sammen med venner.

forstår ikke hvorfor de har valgt at dræbe de fleste servere, mograine havde en fin population (flere icc 10og25 pugs hver dag). Nu kommer alle servere at være mega ultra kæmpe servere med 25 layers og ulæselig chat
>træt af livet
>træt af spil
>Måske jeg skulle solo lvle på classic og blive den buttede pigedværgpriest jeg altid ville være
quitter efter 5 lvls fordi det lort
jag trodde inte de använde layers?

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Herkkureseptejä nyymeille -painos
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no heittele sitten jauhojas roskiin tai syö ötökkäs jos et jaksa siivota ei oo multa poies
>Valtioneuvosto lakkauttaa rauhanjärjestöjen avustukset

HATO boteille ei rauha kelpaa
postasit tän jo
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miten te jaksatte päivästä toiseen noit samoja jankkauksia

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Brown countries should be bombed nonstop with neutron bombs until they run out after which cobalt bombs should be used
Are you jewish? I saw you defending Israel in another thread.

Antisemitism is normal and healthy btw. They were expelled 356 different times from hundreds of empires.
woah that would be terrible
We never expelled them, maybe the.problem is you and not jews?
Well, your flag makes sense.
I like how you snowniggers always want to resort to violence.
Brown like Mexico or Brown like Italy??

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All of them
We also?
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yвидeл aльтyшкy c oгpoмнoй шляпoй пoкa пиздoшил нa paбoтy
brigada was re-running here on tv in the summer few years ago. kinda dumb but still somehow comfy.
Зeлёный Cлoник, Бecпpeдeл, Бpaт вecьмa пoпyляpны нa нaших имиджбopдaх

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