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Which one of y'all niggas is this
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imagine being mogged by an aboriginal dravidian
infact the more you think about it the more pathetic it gets because even the IVC was more advanced than all of entire america
imagine being so mentally retarded and primitive that you can't even compete with dravidians 3000 years ago
similarly even now almost all of India's GMs come from one single dravidian state
once again they mog all of south america
in sheer number of GMs
He's 100% white. You're just poisoning the well like you kikes do.
found the CHI
no Indian would want to look like this inbred block head
>claims that Indians are inferior
>claims to be Aryan
meanwhile worship a brown jew because his masters raped it into him
not very Aryan behaviour
Jesus wept.

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Smug dog eddicion

Previous: >>199272723
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How does i feel 30 i imagine 30 as being the end of life
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>if you only knew how bad things really are

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have you ever been to portugal?
this pic is funny because I personally know several half-black people who look more white than half of portugal population
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no and this dude looks more turkish than me
this is why Portugal needs its own George Carlin

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Christ respector general edition
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I'm not sure but I'm certain the Semites are involved somehow
So I have been reading the old testament and this is definitely the case. They are in every chapter.
What kind of text is that?
>a book of laws for Semites is full of Semites
be still my beating heart

a religious one
who has the highest iq in dixie

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I've decided to become an alcoholic in my country. Is this common in your country? What do alcoholics drink in your country?
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It's pretty popular. Lots of my make friends prefer whiskey to vodka and everybody like bourbon
Male friends*
I personally love drinking whiskey together with beer. Though I get drunk very quick
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alkol is expensive in my country
Just find a booze you like and stick to it. The trick is to drink alone, drink people are the worst

If you're American and not driving Ford Super Duty, YOU'RE DEAD TO ME
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>gmc sierra
redneck SOVL truck. can you pull those sick wheelies in it like those saudi mfs driving around the empty quarter
I've never tried it, but I was with someone that did it years back. You get your car pulled and put in custody for months if you try to pull it off now
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But you ameriniggers are the ones always defending apple with tooth and nail calling anyone who doesn't use their products "poor".
arabia has fallen...
silly anon, you're not poor because you own an android. you're poor because of your flag lol

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>have sex bro

The sex…

Is it liek this in your country too?
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Crazy how everyone on this site is 6'+
I'm not sure why that's crazy. I'm white and literally 6 feet on the dot.
It's not much of a flex where I live, since it's all anglo wypipo.
just go to Thailand and be a king for several weeks, it's much easier and better than being a plapjak
I hear a lot of that too, crazy how everyone is a 6'+ pure anglo white person living among other 6'+ pure anglo white people only
Uh, okay.

Is your workplace international?
don't work

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Why are Amerifats like this ? Pretty sure they are the same guys who are happy with the black samurai in feudal Japan and insult you if you don't like it
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what are these reddit awards
why play that when warframe and destiny are right there?
I thought there actually was a black samurai in irl japan history?
The samurai word did not even exist at this time >>199279164

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new russian recruitment ad dropped
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It is a very strong message if you believe that the war your nation is fighting is a just one.
This is not true, Europe as a whole has warmed up to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in general ten times over compared to before the war.
why do russians love to larp as long-suffering when literally all their problems were self-created
I literally asked this same thing in a thread last years and Rusniggers said they didn't

>turning Iraq into an Iranian client state
>Can't get their government to make US troops leave the country

You WILL marry a German woman and you WILL like it
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is that a woman or a femboy?
I unironically have a chance
I will travel to germany right now
dont come here

Do you remember anything about your country and it's people?
I'm really hungry and that pic isn't helping
I remember some things but very vaguely
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i prefer not they are incredibly low iq people

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How do you respond without sounding mad in your country?
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Reminder that she got tied down for this and screamed the whole time
Pussy punches
It's volcel, sweaty.
Mutter incel under my breath and understand she never deserved to be loved
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Do you watch animes?
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When I was 5.
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wish i had a cocacola SOVL chair to watch anime in

yuki nagato is pretty patrician taste but haruhi is simply unbeatable
>Sorry. I can't wink correctly or I'd lose my mewing streak.
I used to, but after years of neeting I became uninterested in everything.
Might watch the new monogatary season idk.

You wake up in Brazil, Indiana.
What do?
Buy a riffle, a truck, a lather boots and head south to West Virginia
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kill myself

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