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Do you like brazilian bois?
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She is an asian tranny

Amanda Utsumi
Looks like she has Japanese in her
Which is hot
I think I would hmm tough choice
Is she just blue balling or are there some good videos of her getting boned?

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What do the French at /int/ think of the symbol of the 2024 Paris Olympics being the French character Shermie from The King of Fighters?
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>Redheaded women are more sexually active than other women, but it is probably due to their suitors

>Women with red hair color, i.e., 1–9% of female Europeans, tend to be the subject of various stereotypes about their sexually liberated behavior. The aim of the present case–control study was to explore whether a connection between red hair color and sexual behavior really exists using data from 110 women (34% redheaded) and 93 men (22% redheaded). Redheadedness in women, correlated with various traits related to sexual life, namely with higher sexual desire as measured by Revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory, with higher sexual activity and more sexual partners of the preferred gender over the past year, earlier initiation of sexual life, and higher sexual submissiveness. Structural equation modelling, however, showed that sexual desire of redheaded women mediated neither their higher sexual activity nor their higher number of sexual partners. These results indirectly indicate that the apparently more liberated sexual behavior in redheaded women could be the consequence of potential mates’ frequent attempts to have sex with them. Our results contradicted the three other tested models, specifically the models based on the assumption of different physiology, faster life history strategy, and altered self-perception of redheaded women induced by stereotypes about them. Naturally, the present study cannot say anything about the validity of other potential models that were not subjects of testing

>Human redheadedness is determined by the quantity, ratio, and distribution of the two main types of the pigment melanin: eumelanin and pheomelanin. In European populations, its expression is controlled mainly by the MC1R gene (Valverde et al., 1995; Lin and Fisher, 2007; Han et al., 2008)
>About 1–9% of Europeans have red hair, with the highest prevalence in Great Britain (Katsara and Nothnagel, 2019). Similar to other minorities, redheaded people are subjected to various stereotypes (Heckert and Best, 1997). Redheaded women are thought of as being more temperamental than other women (Weir and Fine-Davis, 1989; Heckert and Best, 1997; Swami and Barrett, 2011; Harvey, 2015; Ayres and Maier, 2021) and, unlike redheaded men, they are often stereotyped as sexy, passionate, sexually liberated, or promiscuous (Heckert and Best, 1997; O'Regan, 2014; Anderson, 2015; Harvey, 2015; Thornburg, 2020; Ayres and Maier, 2021). The existence of these stereotypes has been in the scientific literature documented only via indirect evidence, such as depictions of redheaded women in literature or the visual arts (Harvey, 2015; Ayres and Maier, 2021), eventually from interviews with individual respondents (Heckert and Best, 1997). In scientific literature, data regarding associations between red hair and traits related to sexual life are also nearly absent. There are only studies showing higher self-reported lifelong number of sexual partners in redheaded women (Frost et al., 2017), association between genetically predicted later age at first sexual intercourse and redheadedness in both sexes (Day et al., 2016), and no connection between self-reported sexual desire and redheadedness in either gender (Flegr and Sýkorová, 2019). All these papers, however, primarily focused on different topics. The nature and cause of a possible relation between red hair and sexual behavior in women therefore deserves a closer look

>Based on available scientific literature, we propose five principally distinct possible explanations of the potentially liberated sexual behavior in redheaded women
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>The hypothetical higher sexual activity of redheaded women could be either the result of their higher sexual desire or of a higher demand on the part of potential mates who prefer redheaded women or believe that redheaded women are more sexually permissive. If higher sexual desire of redheaded women were indeed responsible for their liberated sexual behavior, manifesting for instance in higher sexual activity or early initiation of sexual life, one would expect redheaded women to exhibit one of the following: (1) a difference in physiology, e.g., higher estrogen concentrations; (2) a faster life history strategy, possibly induced by worse health that would shorten life expectancy and likely reproductive period; (3) their altered self-perception with internalized belief in stereotypes about redheads. If the higher sexual activity of redheaded women were the result of higher demand for women with red hair, it could be either (4) a direct passive response of redheaded women to current courtship of potential mates, or (5) indirect, partly or fully active, response of redheaded women to past courtship of potential mates

>The first model supposes that redheaded women have on average higher sexual desire and sexual activity than non-redheaded women due to some molecular mechanism that affects both the expression of red hair in women and their sexual behavior. The most probable candidate is prenatal estrogen. It has been shown that women with a high 2D:4D digit ratio, which indicates exposure to a higher level of prenatal estrogen (Manning et al., 1998), report higher sex drive, higher sociosexual desire, and easier attainment of sexual excitement (Manning and Fink, 2008; Varella et al., 2014)
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>Because red hair color generally seems to occur more frequently in women than in men (Shekar et al., 2008; Frost et al., 2017; Flegr and Sýkorová, 2019), Frost et al. (2017) suggested that prenatal estrogen, which is specific to female development, contributes to the expression of red hair during prenatal development and might be responsible for the sex difference in the frequency of redheadedness. Conversely, a study by Voracek et al. (2007) found that prenatal estrogen, as indirectly indicated by 2D:4D digit ratio, was not associated with lighter hair colors. Still, that study did not examine an association between estimated prenatal estrogen and red hair color specifically, because red hair color was treated merely as one of the dark colors of hair. The sex difference in expression of red hair phenotype is, however, supported by a twin study which showed that in four of five twin pairs discordant in red hair color, the females were redheaded and males non-redheaded (Box et al., 1997)

>The second model suggests that higher sexual desire of redheaded women could be due to their switch from a slow to a faster life strategy, which could occur in response to poorer health. Redheaded people, especially women, tend to have worse health (Frost et al., 2017; Flegr and Sýkorová, 2019) and are more likely to suffer from certain diseases including cancer, endometriosis, and Parkinson’s disease (Bliss et al., 1995; Woodworth et al., 1995; Missmer et al., 2006; Gao et al., 2009; Scherer and Kumar, 2010; Tell-Marti et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2017). It has been described how in reaction to impaired health, which reduces adult life expectancy and therefore also the length of the reproductive period, individuals tend to shift to a faster life history strategy, which manifests itself as earlier reproduction or having a higher number of children (Waynforth, 2012; Chua et al., 2017)
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>A recent study has moreover shown that poor health is associated not only with an earlier start of reproduction but also with an earlier initiation of sexual life in women and higher sexual desire in both women and men (Sýkorová and Flegr, 2021). At the same time, redheaded people have more children (Frost et al., 2017), which would suggest an explanation based on a faster life strategy. It is possible that the faster life strategy of redheaded people could be partly indicated even at a prenatal stage by some physiological parameters which signalize a higher likelihood of future worse health. It has been shown, after all, that the link between red hair and worse health has a genetic component (Han et al., 2006). Rh-negativity, another genetic factor predisposing to worse health, has also been suggested as a factor that can lead to adoption of a faster life strategy (Sýkorová and Flegr, 2021)

>The third model proposes that redheaded women have higher sexual desire and are sexually more permissive because the stereotypes about their sexual behavior have altered their self-perception. In this process, an initially incorrect attribution assigned by others can be internalized by the target person who then changes their self-perception to conform to the initially erroneous belief (Snyder and Swann, 1978; Darley and Fazio, 1980; McNulty and Swann, 1994; Scherr et al., 2011). Based on such process of change in self-perception, redheaded women themselves could be internally convinced of the validity of the stereotypical social labelling, which would then lead to their actual higher sexual desire

>The fourth model puts potential mates, usually men, in the active role in explaining the association between women’s redheadedness and their higher sexual activity

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It was nice but it reinforced my view that the French language kind of sucks for singing (except the opera lady which was great)
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ai eu se te pegu
we have top class elevator music
and some other stuff that probably was popular here but not outside, admittedly I don't listen to new stuff, and I'm a weeb that mostly listens to Japanese stuff.
I don't know anything French other than voyage voyage and françoise hardy(barely). Unlike Italian songs, French never made much success here.
It was boring, though the parkour guy was cool. They should have decorated the boats with themes of every country to make it more interesting. Like the chinese boat could have been a dragon or the american boat could have been a bald eagle.
joao gilberto is NOT elevator music
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تحيا الجزائر
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There was a time when every teenager in my neighbourhood was obsessed with qlf
wlidat lmission core
Also I don't think French compliments rap music that well
Nafrispeak works thoughever
rapping in tachelhit (in 1959) >>>>
it does it's just that french rappers are trash and rap is trash in general as a genre
>93 empire




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>foreigners think they're genius for calling Americans "Unitedstatians" because America is a continent, not a country
>there are multiple countries with "United States" in the name
>there is only one country with America in the name
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Except for Canadians, the rest part or "Americas" were failed states which underwent thorugh several coupd'taits and became whores of dual currency. America belongs to the Us of America. Any other wrong brand would be whimsical. Period.
I never knew Usonian was a legit term used by some famous americans. Thought it was an int meme
i thought brics were saying it because they didn't like the US, i didn't realise it was some boring pedanticism
Except for Brazilians gringo refers to any foreigner, it's just you Latinos who are so buckbroken that a word that originally referred to people who don't speak Spanish has come to refer exclusively to American white people.
Who the fuck cares about what Brazilians think, if they think at all
And the second part is simply not true
Anyway, later gringo

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That opening ceremony gave me Paris Syndrome from 3700 miles away. What are some other ways France has let the world down?

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se puso guaymode el hilo
Si hicieran una película basada en la vida de 0n ese sería el personaje malo
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los protagonistas

se lo imaginan a svart haciendo esto?

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ITT we post italian women (sardinian edition)
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that's it I NEED Italibooba. I'm repatriating my DNA
Hopefully not, otherwise I would do nothing more but fap
How do you say massive tits in Italian?
tette enormi

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Unless it's a surname, Jin is usually a dude's name, you'll want to go with Jing or Jiyi etc.

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>dåligt bild
Tror jag lägger mellan 1 500 och 2 000
jag 20 sek efter nöten och man kollar igenom länkarna innan man tar bort historiken

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Here's your Mediterranean gf, bro
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He doesn't want you brah.
finally some good taste on this dog shit board
Even tranny/femboy freaks are Chad only
Attractive people only date other attractive people so it's already over for about sixty percent of 4chan.
I don't require consent.

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>boss notices the anime girl wallpaper on my computer
>asks me what that's about
>instinctively reply "it's my wife"
>she looks at me with confusion and disgust like I'm irredeemable garbage
It's over
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similar things are happening all over the world every day.
your case was still better, you can get over it, OP!
Real men wouldn't be embarasssed and just continue what he was doing.
Your anime waifu will never betray you like an actual femoid.
owari desu ne...

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No other company gave me interviews :(
Last time I had 3 interviews as well.

thanks anonski
But aren't you aiming too high?
You're welcome, anonsen.
Weed keeps me awake
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Vril energy keeps me awake

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In America it's considered pedophilia when a 20 year old talks to a 17 year old
In 2014 at my high school a bunch of senior boys hooked up with freshman girls.

People had only two reactions. "Wow the freshman boys must be total pussies, letting their girls get stolen like that," and "damn those senior girls are ugly as sin, no wonder"
>damn those senior girls are ugly as sin, no wonder"
Well they're mostly hag tier at that point so I could see people saying that

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I’m just gonna.. i’m just gonna go for a little swim
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There's a theory that they lived like crocodiles, ambush predators
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vgh... retvrn to the sea... vndo the the sins of yovr forefathers...
whales are most closely related to hippos
it's not hard to imagine how they went from hippo-like ancestors to whales

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