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>boss notices the anime girl wallpaper on my computer
>asks me what that's about
>instinctively reply "it's my wife"
>she looks at me with confusion and disgust like I'm irredeemable garbage
It's over
Post her so we can judge your horrid taste
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My wife Chino is so cute
your wife chino is so cute.
Its beyond over
Things that never happened:
should have said that in a borat voice
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similar things are happening all over the world every day.
your case was still better, you can get over it, OP!
Real men wouldn't be embarasssed and just continue what he was doing.
Your anime waifu will never betray you like an actual femoid.
owari desu ne...
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She is indeed very cute. Fuck that stupid 3DPD, you and your wife look good together
*our wife chino
I didn't knew weebs were able to hold jobs
Nonce alert! You're probably getting fired soon once they find an excuse to use.
As is right
Thank God I am my own manager so no one can judge me for my anime habits
She's indeed very cute, but she's also my wife.
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So chino chan is a whore with multiple husbands?
*my wife chino is so cute
But also it's over for you
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Forgot pic
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>multiple husbands
No, Chino only has a wife. We're not invited.
are you brown, black, asian or european brazillian?
hope you get fire you worthless bitch weeaboo
it relates to how people internationally react to other peoples culture. especially dating culture within other countries. also isnt there suppose to be a war in your country since one of your top cartel guys turned himself in
>it’s my wife
>picture of a 5 year old
I would be changing my address and laying low for a bit anon your definitely on a list now.
Fuck that roastoid, your wife is cute af anon
weebs = pedophiles
chika however thoughbeit
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I think this image is fake but I can't fathom how much worse it will be if it was a loli image.

though in china they are more accepting of it
i love you, chino chan
based woman i hope you get fired for misogyny
maybe if your "wife" looked at least like a teen the reaction would have been different
Did you do the Borat voice?
You dumb fuck nonce. At least I hope you played it off as a joke
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move to indonesia brasil brother
this. OP, you did anything bad.
remember if someone doesnt respect your rights, you also dont have to respect her rights.
she has vandalised your heart, raped your soul and spitted at you.
take a weapon. make her pay for what she has ever done to you.
*you did not do anything bad
what are some countries that you can child wife

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