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Is Poland the Germany of Eastern Europe?
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They're Denmark
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>german thread about
[ ]France
[ ]America
kc tire
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youre kc tier

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In 1961, the Central Intelligence Agency tried to use Castro's love of ice cream against him. Every day at the time, Castro ordered a chocolate milkshake from the Havana Libre Hotel lunch counter. Richard Bissell Jr., the CIA deputy director for plans, offered Sam Giancana and Santo Trafficante, Jr., the heads of the Chicago and Tampa crime families, $150,000 in order to assassinate Castro. They gave a pill of botulinum toxin to a waiter with the goal of putting it in Castro's chocolate milkshake, but the pill froze to the side of the hotel's freezer and broke.[1] This was one of over 600 failed assassination attempts on Castro by the CIA.
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Next step: smaller cubans to economize resources
good luck trying to keep a goat at your home
They're still better suited for a small homestead than cows
source: I've read Hunger Games
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I'll never understand why the CIA during that time didn't just get a random patsy to shoot Castro in the head or something normal. It was always some Wile E. Coyote shit.
>inb4 they tried that
They did some soap opera bullshit trying to get one of Castro's lovers to kill him, oblivious to the fact that perhaps someone with a romantic history with him might have some sudden reservations when push comes to shove.
"""Intelligence""" agencies in the past were a lot less sophisticated than Hollywood would have you believe, not because they were dumb but that the reality of gaining intelligence and enacting something like this was so much harder, the technology level was also so much lower then and you had less of a chance of convincing some schizo to throw his life away for a CIA plot.

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>The peso has soared 25% against the dollar over the past three months in the market, known as the blue-chip swap, that is used by many investors and companies. That’s more than the gains posted by any of the 148 currencies that Bloomberg tracks against the dollar.
>Those gains are beneficial for a country until they get to the point where they discourage companies from exporting products and keep foreign tourists away. There are already rumblings this is beginning to happen in some sectors.
>The peso is holding up so well now that the central bank has been able to step into the market on a daily basis to buy dollars and replenish critically low hard-currency reserves. This is a telltale sign of just how out of step Argentina is with global markets; central bankers across much of the world now are doing, or considering doing, the exact opposite in an effort to shore up their currencies against the dollar.
>That he’s now overseeing a torrid peso rally is an ironic twist for a man who had deemed the currency so worthless on the campaign trail that he likened it to “excrement” and said it should be scrapped entirely.
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So... good thing or bad thing?
Soros at it again. Buckle up, amigos.
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Commie bros....not like this
> its thanks to Milei

Milei or not, capitalism has always found ways around crisis. Either by destroying productive forces, expanding/consolidating markets or lowering the labour power and a mixture of all the these.

These growth-stagnation-crisis-growth...cycles are endemic in capitalist mode of production.

In the case of Argentina, this matter is only peculiar in that the government in charge of carrying foward the necessary (for capital) anti working countenterreforms is led by a insane adept of the austrian school

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Instead of relying on memes, watch this video by Economics Explained on India and educate yourselves.

I wish them all the best
hope climate change won't effect them, I think more than anything else that will be the biggest obstacle for Indian sirs
oh wow i feel educated.
I don't need to watch this I can see the behaviour of indians if I look outside my window. They just aren't superpower material

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Shouldnt Pablos call us unitedstatesmen instead of unitedstatians?

If a person of a state is called a statemen, then united statesmen would follow, yes? because you wouldnt say "fellow statian" but "fellow statesmen" for a member of a state.
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Yes, but if they insist, shouldnt they try to make it sound like an actual english series of words?
>call us unitedstatesmen instead of unitedstatians
Spanish speakers don't speak using English words
I know, but when they try to transliterate it into english. Not asking why they say unidos-whatever in their salsa language.
Unitedstatiansisters just rolls off the tongue
I would imagine that they're just taking the piss at retards like you

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Me when an Israeli speaks.
Directive 4: [Classified]
Me when a kazakh woman speaks
yeah I like their accent too
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This man and his people quite literally rule most of the western world.
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imagine getting your dick sucked by those lips. mmm
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I used to think of Jews as this harmless nerdy group of people. But now I only see evil sinister sociopaths when I look at them.
That's great but I'mmmmmm gay

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What would you if your face looked like dat.
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Why are you making fun of their appearance? What is wrong with you
South Korean sissies built for big white cock
Yooooooo got em
put that thing back in it isn't finished cooking
Go to poor countries like the Philippines and use my first world privilege

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So, in order to move to another country, you have to find a job there first and confirm it to the officials, and the employer there has to apply for some immigration stuff on your behalf.

So how the fuck do people find jobs in other countries then? First of all, it would be costly to go to the country on some tourist visa just to go through an in-person interview and all that. Second of all, why would an employer hire an immigrant if they have to go through the nonsense of doing their immigration stuff, and it's likely that the immigrant has inferior knowledge/usage of the local language?

How am I seeing flips working at Tim Hortons every day? I don't fucking get it. I just don't fucking get it.
do some sleuthing around first if you know what i mean
If you want to immigrate all you have to do is wave your brown pass/kike pass/wad of cash around and you can get in anywhere, not sure what the problem is
idk i usually go to other countries to rizz up their cuties. sometimes they cook for me
Do a immigration i think first is go to study .study any program you want whatever it’s master diploma or anything else.and use your student visa and your major knowledge to find a job you want in this market .or unless you’re so good genius yes you can go any country you want to

canadian chudjak future prime minister and his Latina wife and castiza brood
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Only if you're pro-Khalistan I think.
You will live in a walkable city where gas prices doesn't matter, and you will like it.
Castizos aren't a thing, stop adopting chicANO cope
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The genetic differences between individuals of the same ethnic group are bigger than individuals of different ethnic groups.

In this sense, talking of so called "mestizos" is more socio political than actually biological, as the offspring of two invidivuals of the homo sapiens species is a homo sapiens individual.

To cut through the bullcrap, theyre humans first and canadian citizens and should always be classified as so.

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This Thread is for discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc.of Japan
Let's talk at least in Japanese and English. Take it easy

Previous Thread:>>196450896
Learn Japanese Thread:>>>/int/djt

Please declare before making a new thread. and put the next link.
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So it makes no sense to call chinese things and inventions with japanese prononciation if you are not japanese. Some translators get this, most do not
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Våronnas utgave
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tråden er treig
Spill heller dette. Kommer ut om 9 timer.

spille på slurva
natta gever

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>*Duchy of Poland (960-1025)
>*Kingdom of Poland (1025-1569)
>*Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1569-1795) [the First Republic]
>*Second Polish Republic (1918-1939)
>*Third Polish Republic (1989-)
Poland is ONE.
The Polish NATION-state EXISTS and THRIVES.

One what?
One Nation, under God.
Indivisible with liberty and justice for all?
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remember when they moved your country lol

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Roastie crack pipe ASMR
I would watch that
Where did all this rain come from
it's me, god
took a piss
It's sunny now, cheers.

like why would wanna live in a country were we have shitty standards of living, expensive and shitty healthcare, god awful services.
>also none of our tax dollars go to help us
sounds like a skill issue, 3 of my friends work in america at netflix and other faang companies and make yearly what I'll make in 10 years (if im lucky)
sadly those jobs are only for nepo babies and if your not a not a nepo baby its impossible. You can have the best education and be the most skilled but you won't get the job
americans only started caring about the cost of living when it affected their precious goyslop

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