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>boss notices the anime girl wallpaper on my computer
>asks me what that's about
>instinctively reply "it's my wife"
>she looks at me with confusion and disgust like I'm irredeemable garbage
It's over
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As is right
Thank God I am my own manager so no one can judge me for my anime habits
She's indeed very cute, but she's also my wife.
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So chino chan is a whore with multiple husbands?
*my wife chino is so cute
But also it's over for you

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Here's your American gf, bro
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i fucking wish they were that skinny
So close to being perfect man, such a waste of genes.
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Pear shaped women must be protected at all cost
You have way too many chromosones

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how did they know from an entire century ago?
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The current state of the West after the culmination of 100 years passing
Because it was already happening. It wasn't as bad now but Europe in the early 1900's was degenerate as shit until the bad mustache man came

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>one of the most degenerate countries in the world
>despite that, be extremely chauvinistic about their language
I dont get it
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Anticipating objections to Houellebecq
He's deflecting from his previous poser post
They just have a massive inferiority complex to anglos.
You'd coom daily at America's existence if they spoke french.
>You'd coom daily at America's existence if they spoke french
I would

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What are your thoughts on /int/ernational relationships?
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I am currently in an interracial relationship
International in what sense? I dated a woman from the UK who had BPD and a woman from Norway with schizophrenia. I also dated a woman whose family was from Brazil. Horrible experiences. I'm just going to stick to normal American women who like Taylor Swift and Starbucks.
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In the sense that one person is a WHITE MAN and the other person is a BLACK WOMAN
need international bf now

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Are the roads in your country wide enough for this truck?
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No, people only really drive old Fiats here.
that's a pick up truck
depends on the road
I saw a road narrow enough to carry a rocketship yet wide enough to have no list. It was in Sofia before the wall came down and they wrapped their arms around you. The forth road has gates to the abyss. They told no one besides the brown cows. The last lock would open at the farmers touch to let the cattle out. Many cities were built in the field, can you still find the bones of grass and grazers beneath? I loved Daft Punk ever since they
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No road is wide enough for a RAM

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Rwanda thread.
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france soccer team call japanese player as jap
japanese is very angered by this
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that's a good band
>Nigeria vs germany
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stupid kim
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*drops a sun on you*

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Edición: época de los 90s
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>Si hago una caja para six pack
todo pendejo
I saw those cartel videos where they peel people's faces off. Interesting stuff. I bet the victim would cry in pain if they had a tongue
Pues nomas para guardar/cargar tus cervezas, es mas resistente que el cartón y le puedo poner un destapador a un lado
It's fake, Hollywood make those videos to scare people
Hollywood can't do shit and even if they could, why do this? Seems racist

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>new intern claims to only code in Linux
>won't use anything else
>demands we set him up a Linux workstation
>someone beat him up in the bathroom
>his left eye was swollen omg
>refuses to identify who the attacker was
>goes home early
>never comes back
Fuck wrong board. I meant to post on /g/.

Fine Jannies.
Is bullying in the workplace necessary IN YOUR COUNTRY?
This totally happened
>didn't use a remote SSH session

story is sussy

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why does this happen
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Lack of access to culture from your own country (or lack of culture in your country in the first place(central america and Bolivia))

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>chuds seriously think America is controlled by a tiny shithole in perpetual poverty in the middle of nowhere where most people live in poverty
Washington D.C.?
>perpetual poverty
Israel has world class public transportation and free healthcare.
not by itself, but by jewish billionaires and elites who support its existence
DC is extremely wealthy though
You’d have to be a total moron or be willfully ignorant and put your head in the sand to deny the disproportionate Jewish nepotistic control in this country. Yes, they don’t control it all, but they have tons of power. And by they, I’m referring to Secular, wealthy Ashkenazi oligarchs in Large US cities. Obviously the average brownoid Israeli IDF cannon fodder wage slave is powerless, but what matters is what >>200228944 is this. Also, Protestants (specifically Evangelicals) are Christian Zionist cucks and they play a role as well as the defense contractors who also profit from it. It’s a huge web of corruption that’s not in our interests, not as simple as chuds make it out to be “le jooz control everything”, but they make a valid point.

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Why the hate for India and Indian people growing everywhere? In the US, Canada, Germany, Australia, Japan...
People used to not care about us but now they hate us. I can't even say I'm from India anymore when asked but I say I'm from Iran!
My coworkers don't know I'm Indian and they make jokes about Indians developers (my job) and I have to pretend I'm laughing when I'm actually crying inside
Everywhere. Even mf reddit is getting openly racist to Indians
Even women can be openly racist to Indian men and say things they'd never say to another minority
I mean fuck we're one of the greatest civilization in the world on every level, we invented everything even fucking numbers and people look down on us instead of praising and thanking us
Why the growing hate? I'm tired of it
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Mine is 20cm. I'm white btw.
Americhad actually.
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Yea even the Mexicans don’t like jeets
kys sexpat
>I mean fuck we're one of the greatest civilization in the world on every level
I'd rather admit Brits have better food than even jokingly comment that Indians are anything but the natural born clowns of the human race

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India is not for beginners
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>And wouldn't be whining about ''hard beds" (lol my poor princess)
it's a basic problem that's endemic across the country

it's actually a great example of the basic steps that india hasn't even started to take to improve the lives of the indian people
>That fucking webm
>my sides are gone
>railways are great
Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about
Is that just for Delhi? If I ever went to India (big if), I'd probably go to a remote region like Kashmir. Would that be clean?

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Anglo/irish women are actually so perfect and I’m tired of the disrespect. Ethnically I’m not one of them but I spent a lot of time there due to my parents work. These women are objectively the most charismatic and friendly on the planet. They love having a good time and are genuinely so kind. I want to cry thinking about how nice these women were tow despite my shit coloréd skin. It’s such a myth that they’re ugly. They’re not. They’re truly some of the best women on the earth. I love all women and it makes so sad that they have a bad reputation. These women are unmatched when it comes to the ability to just enjoy life and I think that’s special. Tbh it just makes me sad when people shit on any women: they’re trying their best :(
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What are you
It really doesn’t matter. All of us are the same to whites
My guesstimates for Anglos are 20% Chud, 50% Normal, and 30% Pozzed.
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>despite my shit coloured skin
Are women in your ethnic group mean or what? How mindbroken do you have to be to see your own skin as shit
Non white opinions are worthless

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