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מהדורת סטריאולאב
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לפעמים זה עושה את זה יותר גרוע, אתה מתרסק ב6 בערב וקם באחת בלילה
it takes self control to do right i did it yester day and fell asleep at ten and woke up perfectly at five, well time coffee makes kt much easier
Stay away from my communities.
Stay away from 4chan.
מה אתה ער

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Do you drink mate?
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I agree wholeheartedly but you do know the owner is a Nazi, right?
Not really, no.
I don't restrict myself but I pretty much never have any desire to partake.
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>but you do know the owner is a Nazi, right?
You have given me yet another reason to enjoy this yerba
around friends or family mostly, i don't have a cuia at home, plus it's not the same if you don't share
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I prefer it in tea form
and ice cold
with lemon

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Doomentio salvará la industria 2D edición
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Nada más beta que preocuparse por quién se coge a una morra, hay 65 millones aquí solo un completo verga seca que no la puede poner ni con una de esas se anda preocupando si una la agarra un extranjero
>me hacian bully en la escuela y sigo siendo virgen porque los extranjeros se cojen a nuestras mujeres
clasico timmy
how does summer affect your brain?
taquitos dorados de papa y chorizo con salsa verde, queso jarocho, y media crema
Córdoba bro eres tu

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What's his problem?
He's closing his left eye to aim, not a problem for target practice but it'd be best if he trained not to do that.
I just close both eyes
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He's got a weight problem, smokes and drinks too much. I don't think he will make it to 50, then we get the world's first female dictator.
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Worlds first modern female dictator.
There have been plenty historical ones.

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I failed at frying an egg
I am no longer fit for survival and may as well end it all
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anon you just whisk the egg, put oil on your pan, and then wait for the egg to turn solid
shamiko my beloved
>mastering cooking
>cooking a fucking egg
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>try to fry an egg
>fuck up
>make delicious scrambled eggs
Everything is how you frame it anon
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>flip egg over
>yolk doesn't splatter and run

No better feeling
Just make it into scrambled eggs you drama queen
you guys flirt oddly

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Well, /int/?
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If those pancakes are sweet then mutts lose automatically.
>eating sweet and salty
If the rest has gram of sugar and its like not salty scrambled eggs then just go to hell.
english if they actually fry the eggs properly
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English if I'm trying to be healthier, American for taste
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>that'll be $40 plus tip

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*boing* edycja *boing* porannego *boing* rozruchu *boing*
I think /polska/ has consistently the best op images
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socio-economic factors
Where mogus?
you just know buzzati was fapping to this
you guys said it was rape but I still don't get it

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My calendar edition

>Which meme language are you wasting your time on now?
>Share your time wasting experience!
>Ask questions about your target meme languages!
>Help people who want to waste time learning a new meme language!
>Participate in translation challenges (404) or make your own!
>Make friends!

Useful links:
>Free language-learning book archive:
>Books on linguistics and language courses:
>Assorted language resources and some nice visual guides:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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french, german, japanese, mandarin

which should I learn?
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I think she'd like me I'm pretty racist and pardo
I can't help but think of the word akhi which means bro in Arabic whenever I hear aki being said in Spanish

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This Thread is for discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc.of Japan
Let's talk at least in Japanese and English. Take it easy

Previous Thread:>>199238187 #(Cross-thread)
Learn Japanese Thread:>>>/int/djt

Please declare before making a new thread. and put the next link.
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Buy British
I slumber now
You WILL wish me a good night sleep
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just called a friend over and told him to bring some wotsits bro, go get some shut-eye now.
>british industry
our only industries are warhammers and marmite
Good night massah!
chlorinated chicken
Sucking a ghost ship. no need to thank me

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Do you regret missing out on young love in your cunt?
imagine messing around with your bro as a joke only to be contextualized as a faggot by pedos on the internet

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Myheritage is releasing a new update with huge changes
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I'll still be 100% american
And how a 100% American looks like?
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with BWC
WTF I am germanic?

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edizione rétro
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Mi sento come qualcosa stia per accadermi. Mi sento come se qualcosa mi sia accaduto. Non mi ha ancora raggiunto, ma sta arrivando.
Ho paura
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Troverai la fidanzata
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Do people suffer in your country?
No, people who suffered left to suffer in other countries
I hate life. I'm so frustrated I could strangle an infant and feel nothing
late at night i usually think about how i'll go to a forest in light clothes and an hero from hypothermia come winter
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Germany was created by Franciscan monks sometime during the late 15th century as the ultimate, albeit indirect proof of God by building something so monstrous that any sane person looking at it would take the eternal suffering of its people as a proof of Satan and thereby proving the existence of a creator God

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