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Convince me to not filter finland
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Kat getting cops called on her by her parents was probably the peek of Finnish schizo posts.
I prefer the simplicity of regular 4chan, thank you very much
if you must, try filtering finn OPs only, like /^Finland$/;op:only
just bee yourself
he's probably russian

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I wish I lived in America. I don't mean immigrate to it right now but to be born there or immigrate there at a young age. American life feels so idyllic, so beautiful, I feel nostalgia for a place I've never been and an experience I've never felt. I wanna have an American childhood, an American high school experience, an American adult life but I know I'll never experience it.
Hold out
Until you get your own ground

Yeahy eah yeah
What comes around goes around
Don't mess with my set motherfucker

Whilst French, Brits, Dutch, Scandis, Portuguese, Spanish etc were conquering the planet, balkanoids were ruled over by and enslaved by 5'5 turks, yet funnily enough, they seem to be the single most prideful people in europe, what explains this phenomenon?
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Slavic era began in 1721. Before that they were slaves. No king rules for ever. The era of humans is over, the time of the Slav has come.
We‘re not balkanic but we did have our children kidnapped by the ottomans to become elite janissaries. Wouldn‘t call that slavery as much as abduction and forced conversion of youth.
because they managed to persevere through repressions and eventually regained their independence. not a hard concept to understand
gib reparations
the vikangz later sweden empire

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Wouldnt be surprised if these women were secretly selling pussy on the side which is disgusting

Remember that monkey experiment where the female monkeys traded pussy for money?

Man its a fucked up world!

The world feels like weimar germany!
who is this female
Hot girl with divorced parents
she makes sextapes with average looking guys on onlyfans for money while being a computer programmer at the same time. Took the spot that a hardworking guy could have gotten
Nah im a dude
Im planning to ensure i only have sons
For some reason some of the american flags are women
We go.
>spaniard looking
>computer programmer
This isn't hot.

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radical angry mexican edition
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>Taylor Swift
look at this little fag here
تعرف تقعد دقيقة واحدة من غير ما تفكر في الزب الإسود من غير سبب
doesn't follow
yes since nobody only fucks the first few inches you go deep as fuck in your pocket pussy and bust deep, a mug is not deep enough , so you have a short skinny indian penis sub 4 inches erect probably i can just imagine it

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Wow, India is an absolute unironic shithole.
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>here comes inbred mirpuri poopdoool
He was a brahimn.
Yeah I kinda agree with the part about "not all of India" being a cope. Whenever people talk about the good parts of India, they always seem to refer to to their parents' gated community in South Bombay where 99% of people can't even afford to live.
He's not wrong but what I find strange is that if you watch some of his old videos he was simping or India kind of. I specifically remember a video where he was adressing all the trash and said something like "it's the government's fault they are corrupt and don't give trashcans to people. Indians are actually not filthy once you get to know them!". He said something along those lines and I thought fuck off and left a dislike.
So either this guy had a huge change of mind or he's a very deceitful person at his core. I think the later.
This man should be in Indian prison for all eternity

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>mexican cartels start killing each other and terrorizing citizens
>Mexican government blames America for this
>because we captured one of their drug lords while he was in America
Why the fuck are they like this? It’s all so tiresome. Does your country have neighbors who are nothing but worthless problems like we do?
They're snakes.
just ignore them, it's thirdies being thirdies
They blame American drug addiction on the reason why the Cartels operate the way they do, and then they blame our military for training the Cartels and arming them. Like, what the fuck? Thanks, Obama.
Hard to ignore them when they share a border with you that they’re always illegally crossing

I don’t know why border guards aren’t just given live rounds and permission to fire

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troelex udgaven

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nytter ikke at gå i regntøj, faktist selvmordstøj hvis man går i fjældene.
ja alle snakker dansk undtagen de nye indlfyttere
>de nye indlfyttere
Færøerne er faldet...
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i went to denmark last year and it was awesome, everything was perfect.
the national museum and the zoo were so great, i collected a lot of good memories. thank you.
i wish to every danish anon a good day, you guys are wonderful
du har en uge tilbage nu

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>We would've been better off if we had been colonized by another nation.
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French Guyana is one of the highest income regions in South America.
>Britain developed her colonies to be a "continuation" of their society
Is this why Guyana is filled with blacks and hindus
>Britain developed her colonies to be a "continuation" of their society.
this only happened in certain colonies like north america because the brits, due to lots of reasons, couldn't exploit it as the spanish and portuguese did to their territories down south
they wanted to but realized they needed a different model to make it work
>we've surpassed portugal
peak thirdie post
every single poster from there is mentally ill

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There’s nothing I’d love more than to travel to India and meet all of the Israel loving saars and saarettes.
Do you in your country?
I dont dislike indians, yes they have nasty ass hygiene but they work hard and dont commit crime. really they would be the ideal immigrants if it werent for their tribalism
No but really why can’t they just use like a stick, it’s literally free. If you can afford a pot you can afford a spoon. Jeets have no excuse they just like being nasty. They probably believe some stupid shit like the sweat gives them good health and wards off evil spirits.
>they work hard and dont commit crime. really they would be the ideal immigrants if it werent for their tribalism


From the other side
When did I realize
I am calling
I am Calling

From the other side
the spices cook the germs.

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>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read the wiki:

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read this https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/why-shouldnt-i-just-keep-using-an-app-instead
My German is getting better by the day, soon I will attain the D1 level (able to understand Drachenlord)
I agree that duolingo is not the best way to learn a language, but it is the most fun one. you can have learning streaks with your friends and cheer each other on on milestones. dont think I would have sticked with learning spanish so long if it werent for that
I genuinely enjoy Assimil more
"Learning a language with the Assimil method is a two-stage process, namely the impregnation phase (lessons 1 to 49) and the activation phase (lesson 50 onwards)."
Is this the entire method that they use? also is the book that you buy physical or an e-book?

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trodde att ni gycklade när ni sa att blöjfinnen var frågekorgen men det var alltså bevisligen sant... asg
Gå med i någon förening
t. gick med i en rollspelsgrupp och har två polare jag umgås med utanför gruppen nu
nej ska ta mitt liv så fort jag har sparat ihop tillräckligt med pengar att ge familjen

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>hey bro, listen for a moment. i placed some bon-, sorry i mean i found some bones here. we might be descendants of monkeys, what do you think?
aryan gemerald from hyperborea
Wtf fossil record is a demonic ploy

Domani mio nonno verrà a casa mia. È un veterano della guerra d'Etiopia di 110 anni. Gli chiederò la camicia nera e il pugnale.
based my grandpa is 101 and today he just cut down a tree with a handsaw. he was too young to fight in ethiopia thoughever

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>tfw not religious
>yet feel a burning desire to help Orthodox Greeks retake Constantinople and all rightfully Greek lands around it from the Turks
>Cyprus, Ionia and Trebizond included
does this happen in your cunt?
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Istanbul should be a free city, Singapore-style. I think it's a global imperative to neuter national identities in global port strait cities. I personally think Istanbul and Turkey would both prosper more from such an arrangement.
Istanbul i can see but turkey? How? The tax loss would be massive
But they could have coordinated with the British to attack from both sides
we do to them what they did to the greeks of constantinople in the 50s this part really ain't that complicated
No, we don't

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